Source code for synapse.lib.jupyter

import os
import copy
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import contextlib

import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.cortex as s_cortex

import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.cmdr as s_cmdr
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack

import as s_t_storm

loggers_to_supress = (

[docs]def getDocPath(fn, root=None): ''' Helper for getting a documentation data file paths. Args: fn (str): Name of the file to retrieve the full path for. root (str): Optional root path to look for a docdata in. Notes: Defaults to looking for the ``docdata`` directory in the current working directory. This behavior works fine for notebooks nested in the docs directory of synapse; but this root directory that is looked for may be overridden by providing an alternative root. Returns: str: A file path. Raises: ValueError if the file does not exist or directory traversal attempted.. ''' cwd = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()) if root: cwd = pathlib.Path(root) # Walk up a directory until you find '...d./data' while True: dpath = cwd.joinpath('docdata') if dpath.is_dir(): break parent = cwd.parent if parent == cwd: raise ValueError(f'Unable to find data directory from {os.getcwd()}.') cwd = parent # Protect against traversal fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dpath.as_posix(), fn)) if not fpath.startswith(dpath.as_posix()): raise ValueError(f'Path escaping detected: {fn}') # Existence if not os.path.isfile(fpath): raise ValueError(f'File does not exist: {fn}') return fpath
[docs]def getDocData(fp, root=None): ''' Args: fp (str): Name of the file to retrieve the data of. root (str): Optional root path to look for a docdata directory in. Notes: Will detect json/jsonl/yaml/mpk extensions and automatically decode that data if found; otherwise it returns bytes. Defaults to looking for the ``docdata`` directory in the current working directory. This behavior works fine for notebooks nested in the docs directory of synapse; but this root directory that is looked for may be overridden by providing an alternative root. Returns: data: May be deserialized data or bytes. Raises: ValueError if the file does not exist or directory traversal attempted.. ''' fpath = getDocPath(fp, root) if fpath.endswith('.yaml'): return s_common.yamlload(fpath) if fpath.endswith('.json'): return s_common.jsload(fpath) with s_common.genfile(fpath) as fd: if fpath.endswith('.mpk'): return s_msgpack.un( if fpath.endswith('.jsonl'): recs = [] for line in fd.readlines(): recs.append(json.loads(line.decode())) return recs return
[docs]@contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def genTempCoreProxy(mods=None): '''Get a temporary cortex proxy.''' with s_common.getTempDir() as dirn: async with await s_cortex.Cortex.anit(dirn) as core: if mods: for mod in mods: await core.loadCoreModule(mod) async with core.getLocalProxy() as prox: # Use object.__setattr__ to hulk smash and avoid proxy getattr magick object.__setattr__(prox, '_core', core) yield prox
[docs]@contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def genTempStormsvcProxy(cmdrcore, svcname, svcctor, conf=None): if conf is None: conf = {} conf = copy.deepcopy(conf) with s_common.getTempDir() as dirn: async with await svcctor(dirn, conf=conf) as svc: root = await svc.auth.getUserByName('root') await root.setPasswd('secret') info = await svc.dmon.listen('tcp://') svc.dmon.test_addr = info host, port = info surl = f'tcp://root:[email protected]:{port}/' await cmdrcore.storm(f'service.add {svcname} {surl}') await cmdrcore.storm(f'$lib.service.wait({svcname})') async with svc.getLocalProxy() as prox: # Use object.__setattr__ to hulk smash and avoid proxy getattr magick object.__setattr__(prox, '_svc', svc) yield prox
[docs]async def getItemStorm(prox, outp=None): '''Get a Storm CLI instance with prepopulated locs''' storm = await s_t_storm.StormCli.anit(prox, outp=outp) storm.echoline = True return storm
[docs]async def getItemCmdr(prox, outp=None, locs=None): '''Get a Cmdr instance with prepopulated locs''' cmdr = await s_cmdr.getItemCmdr(prox, outp=outp) cmdr.echoline = True if locs: cmdr.locs.update(locs) return cmdr
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_logging(suppress): ''' Context manager to suppress specific loggers. ''' logs = {} if not suppress: yield None else: try: for logname in loggers_to_supress: logger = logging.getLogger(logname) if logger is not None: logs[logname] = (logger, logger.level) logger.setLevel(logger.level + 100) yield None finally: for (logger, level) in logs.values(): logger.setLevel(level)
[docs]class StormCore(s_base.Base): ''' A helper for jupyter/storm CLI interaction ''' async def __anit__(self, core, outp=None): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.core = core self.stormcli = await getItemStorm(self.core, outp=outp) self.onfini(self._onCmdrCoreFini) self.acm = None # A placeholder for the context manager async def _onCmdrCoreFini(self): await self.stormcli.fini() # await self.core.fini() # If self.acm is set, acm.__aexit should handle the self.core fini. if self.acm: await self.acm.__aexit__(None, None, None)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_logging(self, suppress): ''' Context manager to suppress specific loggers. ''' with suppress_logging(suppress): yield None
[docs] async def runCmdLine(self, text, opts=None): ''' Run a line of text directly via storm cli. ''' await self.stormcli.runCmdLine(text, opts=opts)
async def _runStorm(self, text, opts=None, cli=False, suppress_logging=False): mesgs = [] with self.suppress_logging(suppress_logging): if cli: def onEvent(event): mesg = event[1].get('mesg') mesgs.append(mesg) with self.stormcli.onWith('storm:mesg', onEvent): await self.runCmdLine(text, opts=opts) else: async for mesg in self.core.storm(text, opts=opts): mesgs.append(mesg) return mesgs
[docs] async def storm(self, text, opts=None, num=None, cli=False, suppress_logging=False): ''' A helper for executing a storm command and getting a list of storm messages. Args: text (str): Storm command to execute. opts (dict): Opt to pass to the cortex during execution. num (int): Number of nodes to expect in the output query. Checks that with an assert statement. cli (bool): If True, executes the line via the Storm CLI and will send output to outp. suppress_logging (bool): If True, suppresses some logging related to Storm runtime exceptions. Notes: The opts dictionary will not be used if cmdr=True. Returns: list: A list of storm messages. ''' mesgs = await self._runStorm(text, opts, cli, suppress_logging) if num is not None: nodes = [m for m in mesgs if m[0] == 'node'] if len(nodes) != num: raise AssertionError(f'Expected {num} nodes, got {len(nodes)}') return mesgs
[docs]class CmdrCore(s_base.Base): ''' A helper for jupyter/cmdr CLI interaction ''' async def __anit__(self, core, outp=None): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.prefix = 'storm' # Eventually we may remove or change this self.core = core locs = {'storm:hide-unknown': True} self.cmdr = await getItemCmdr(self.core, outp=outp, locs=locs) self.onfini(self._onCmdrCoreFini) self.acm = None # A placeholder for the context manager
[docs] async def addFeedData(self, name, items, *, viewiden=None): ''' Add feed data to the cortex. ''' return await self.core.addFeedData(name, items, viewiden=viewiden)
[docs] async def runCmdLine(self, text): ''' Run a line of text directly via cmdr. ''' await self.cmdr.runCmdLine(text)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def suppress_logging(self, suppress): ''' Context manager to suppress specific loggers. ''' with suppress_logging(suppress): yield None
async def _runStorm(self, text, opts=None, cmdr=False, suppress_logging=False): mesgs = [] with self.suppress_logging(suppress_logging): if cmdr: if self.prefix: text = ' '.join((self.prefix, text)) def onEvent(event): mesg = event[1].get('mesg') mesgs.append(mesg) with self.cmdr.onWith('storm:mesg', onEvent): await self.runCmdLine(text) else: async for mesg in self.core.storm(text, opts=opts): mesgs.append(mesg) return mesgs
[docs] async def storm(self, text, opts=None, num=None, cmdr=False, suppress_logging=False): ''' A helper for executing a storm command and getting a list of storm messages. Args: text (str): Storm command to execute. opts (dict): Opt to pass to the cortex during execution. num (int): Number of nodes to expect in the output query. Checks that with an assert statement. cmdr (bool): If True, executes the line via the Cmdr CLI and will send output to outp. suppress_logging (bool): If True, suppresses some logging related to Storm runtime exceptions. Notes: The opts dictionary will not be used if cmdr=True. Returns: list: A list of storm messages. ''' mesgs = await self._runStorm(text, opts, cmdr, suppress_logging) if num is not None: nodes = [m for m in mesgs if m[0] == 'node'] if len(nodes) != num: raise AssertionError(f'Expected {num} nodes, got {len(nodes)}') return mesgs
[docs] async def eval(self, text, opts=None, num=None, cmdr=False): ''' A helper for executing a storm command and getting a list of packed nodes. Args: text (str): Storm command to execute. opts (dict): Opt to pass to the cortex during execution. num (int): Number of nodes to expect in the output query. Checks that with an assert statement. cmdr (bool): If True, executes the line via the Cmdr CLI and will send output to outp. Notes: The opts dictionary will not be used if cmdr=True. Returns: list: A list of packed nodes. ''' mesgs = await self._runStorm(text, opts, cmdr) for mesg in mesgs: if mesg[0] == 'err': # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError(f'Query { {text} } got err: {mesg!r}') nodes = [m[1] for m in mesgs if m[0] == 'node'] if num is not None: if len(nodes) != num: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError(f'Query { {text} } expected {num} nodes, got {len(nodes)}') return nodes
async def _onCmdrCoreFini(self): await self.cmdr.fini() # await self.core.fini() # If self.acm is set, acm.__aexit should handle the self.core fini. if self.acm: await self.acm.__aexit__(None, None, None)
[docs]async def getTempCoreProx(mods=None): ''' Get a Telepath Proxt to a Cortex instance which is backed by a temporary Cortex. Args: mods (list): A list of additional CoreModules to load in the Cortex. Notes: The Proxy returned by this should be fini()'d to tear down the temporary Cortex. Returns: s_telepath.Proxy ''' acm = genTempCoreProxy(mods) prox = await acm.__aenter__() # Use object.__setattr__ to hulk smash and avoid proxy getattr magick object.__setattr__(prox, '_acm', acm) async def onfini(): await prox._acm.__aexit__(None, None, None) prox.onfini(onfini) return prox
[docs]async def getTempCoreStorm(mods=None, outp=None): ''' Get a StormCore instance which is backed by a temporary Cortex. Args: mods (list): A list of additional CoreModules to load in the Cortex. outp: A output helper. Will be used for the Cmdr instance. Notes: The StormCore returned by this should be fini()'d to tear down the temporary Cortex. Returns: StormCore: A StormCore instance. ''' acm = genTempCoreProxy(mods) prox = await acm.__aenter__() stormcore = await StormCore.anit(prox, outp=outp) stormcore.acm = acm return stormcore
[docs]async def getTempCoreCmdr(mods=None, outp=None): ''' Get a CmdrCore instance which is backed by a temporary Cortex. Args: mods (list): A list of additional CoreModules to load in the Cortex. outp: A output helper. Will be used for the Cmdr instance. Notes: The CmdrCore returned by this should be fini()'d to tear down the temporary Cortex. Returns: CmdrCore: A CmdrCore instance. ''' acm = genTempCoreProxy(mods) prox = await acm.__aenter__() cmdrcore = await CmdrCore.anit(prox, outp=outp) cmdrcore.acm = acm return cmdrcore
[docs]async def getTempCoreCmdrStormsvc(svcname, svcctor, svcconf=None, outp=None): ''' Get a proxy to a Storm service and a CmdrCore instance backed by a temporary Cortex with the service added. Args: svcname (str): Storm service name svcctor: Storm service constructor (e.g. Example.anit) svcconf: Optional conf for the Storm service outp: A output helper for the Cmdr instance Notes: Both the CmdrCore and Storm service proxy should be fini()'d for proper teardown Returns: (CmdrCore, Proxy): A CmdrCore instance and proxy to the Storm service ''' cmdrcore = await getTempCoreCmdr(outp=outp) acm = genTempStormsvcProxy(cmdrcore, svcname, svcctor, svcconf) svcprox = await acm.__aenter__() # Use object.__setattr__ to hulk smash and avoid proxy getattr magick object.__setattr__(svcprox, '_acm', acm) async def onfini(): await svcprox._acm.__aexit__(None, None, None) svcprox.onfini(onfini) return cmdrcore, svcprox
[docs]async def getTempCoreStormStormsvc(svcname, svcctor, svcconf=None, outp=None): ''' Get a proxy to a Storm service and a StormCore instance backed by a temporary Cortex with the service added. Args: svcname (str): Storm service name svcctor: Storm service constructor (e.g. Example.anit) svcconf: Optional conf for the Storm service outp: A output helper for the Cmdr instance Notes: Both the StormCore and Storm service proxy should be fini()'d for proper teardown Returns: (StormCore, Proxy): A StormCore instance and proxy to the Storm service ''' stormcore = await getTempCoreStorm(outp=outp) acm = genTempStormsvcProxy(stormcore, svcname, svcctor, svcconf) svcprox = await acm.__aenter__() # Use object.__setattr__ to hulk smash and avoid proxy getattr magick object.__setattr__(svcprox, '_acm', acm) async def onfini(): await svcprox._acm.__aexit__(None, None, None) svcprox.onfini(onfini) return stormcore, svcprox