Admin Guide



Package (synapse-metrics) defines the following permissions:
power-ups.metrics.user           : Allows a user to issue queries to the Synapse Metrics service. ( default: false )
power-ups.metrics.stats.cortex   : Allows a user to view statistics aggregated for all layers in the Cortex. ( default: false )

You may add rules to users/roles directly from storm:

> auth.user.addrule visi power-ups.metrics.user
Added rule power-ups.metrics.user to user visi.


> auth.role.addrule ninjas power-ups.metrics.user
Added rule power-ups.metrics.user to role ninjas.

To allow a non-admin user to view statistics aggregated across all layers in the Cortex the following rule can be added. Users can always view statistics for their current view and write layer.

> auth.role.addrule ninjas power-ups.metrics.stats.cortex
Added rule power-ups.metrics.stats.cortex to role ninjas.

Exported Storm APIs

Synapse Metrics exports the metrics module as a Storm API.

getTimeIval(time, back, noneok=$lib.true)

    Retrieve the current indexing status.

        dict: Status dictionary with a bool "success" key and offset information.

waitIndxOffs(offs, timeout=$lib.null)

    Wait for the service to index edits at the given Nexus offset.

        offs (int): The Nexus offset to wait for.
        timeout (int or None): Optional timeout in seconds.

        bool: Whether the service reached the index or timed out.


    Waits for the service to index edits at the current Nexus offset.

        timeout (int or None): Optional timeout in seconds.

        bool: Whether the service reached the index or timed out.

aggStatsByTime(ival, scope="view", window=(60))

    Retrieve statistics aggregated across the specified layers within the provided window.

        ival (tuple): The timestamp interval to retrieve results for.
        scope (str): One of "cortex" (all layers), "view" (current view), "layer" (current write layer).
        window (int): The aggregation window time in seconds.

        tuple: Of (time, counts) where counts is a dictionary of count dictionaries.

Node Actions

Synapse Metrics does not currently provide an node actions in Optic.

Onload Events

Synapse Metrics does not use any onload events.