Admin Guide


Setting a proxy for global use

To set-up a global HTTP(S) or SOCKS5 proxy, use the following Storm command:

> playwright.setup.proxy myproxy:8080 --username $lib.globals.get(proxy:user) --password $lib.globals.get(proxy:pass)
Setting Playwright proxy for all users


Synapse-Playwright requires the following Power-Ups to be installed:

Name   : synapse-fileparser
Version: >=4.2.1,<5.0.0
Desc   : Synapse-FileParser is required in order to use the HTMLtoJSON API.


Package (synapse-playwright) defines the following permissions:
power-ups.playwright.user        : Allows a user to instantiate a Playwright browser and page. ( default: false )
power-ups.playwright.proxy       : Allows a user to override the global proxy configuration. ( default: false )

You may add rules to users/roles directly from storm:

> auth.user.addrule fred power-ups.playwright.user
Added rule power-ups.playwright.user to user fred.


> auth.role.addrule ninjas power-ups.playwright.proxy
Added rule power-ups.playwright.proxy to role ninjas.

Exported Storm APIs

Synapse Playwright exports the playwright.api module as a Storm API.

page(loadurl=$lib.null, conf=$lib.null)

    Create a new Page share.

        loadurl (str or None): Optional URL to load on Page creation
        conf (dict or None): Optional configuration to provide to the browser and page

        (bool, str or Page, dict): Tuple of (ok, Page or err mesg, excinfo)

htmlToJson(page, template)

    Extract JSON from the Page HTML using FileParser.

        page (Page): The Page share
        template (dict): The FileParser htmlToJson template

        (bool, any, dict): Tuple of (ok, template data or err string, excinfo)

extractTables(page, table_selector=$lib.null)

    Extract table data from the HTML tables in the Page.

        page (Page): The Page share
        table_selector (string or None): Optional CSS selector to select the tables to extract. (Defaults to 'table')

        (bool, any, dict): Tuple of (ok, list of tables data or err string, excinfo)


    Spawn a new Page that shares a context with the existing Page.

        page (Page): The Page to spawn from

        (bool, str or Page, dict): Tuple of (ok, Page or err string, excinfo)


    Get meta information about the Playwright browser configuration.

        dict: Dictionary with a meta keyvals under a "browser" key.

wget2pdf(url, conf=$lib.null, err_for_status=$lib.false, norm=$lib.false)

    Load a page from a URL and save the generated PDF file to the Axon and the Cortex.

    Response details can be accessed via the "resp" key in the info dict.

        url (str): The URL to load.
        conf (dict or None): Optional configuration to provide to the browser and page.
        err_for_status (bool): Return an error if response code != 200 (default: false).
        norm (bool): Normalize the page to optimize the PDF representation.

        (bool, str or storm:node, dict): Tuple of (ok, inet:urlfile or err, response info).

Node Actions

Synapse-Playwright provides the following node actions in Optic:

Name : wget2pdf
Desc : Save a generated PDF as an inet:urlfile
Forms: inet:url

Onload Events

Synapse Playwright does not use any onload events.