Telepath API


Bases: CellApi, StormSvc

A Telepath API for the Search service.

async addFileWork(iden: str) None

Add a new file to be indexed across all layers.


iden (str) – The iden of the file:bytes node

async addIndex(ftyp: str, fnam: str, enc: str, priority=50) None

Add a new index to the service.

  • ftyp (str) – The field type to index (e.g. form, formprop)

  • fnam (str) – The field name to index (e.g. “inet:asnet4”, “media:news,title”)

  • enc (str) – The encoder name to use for indexing

  • priority (int) – Priority for the new index (higher is more important)

async addToknRoot(tokn: str, root: str) str | None
async delIndex(ftyp: str, fnam: str) None

Delete an index on all layers.

  • ftyp (str or None) – The field type to index (e.g. form, formprop)

  • fnam (str or None) – The field name to index (e.g. “inet:asnet4”, “media:news,title”)

async delToknRoot(tokn: str) bool
async getDefaultPropInfo() Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
async getIndxOffs() int

Get the current offset the service has indexed to.


The index offset

Return type:


async getLayersInfo() Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]

Get information about the indexed layers.


Map of Layer iden to an info dict.

Return type:


async getNode(layrs: Sequence[str] | None, iden: str, ftyp: str | None, fnam: str | None) Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] | None
async getSearchDataModel() Dict

Get the datamodel currently loaded in the Search service.


The datamodel dictionary.

Return type:


async getStatus(all_fields: bool = False) List[Dict[str, Any]]

Get the current status of field indexing.


all_fields (bool) – If False, only return fields being actively indexed.


List of field status dictionaries

Return type:


async getToknRoot(tokn: str) str | None
async getToknRoots(size: int | None = None) AsyncIterator[Tuple[str, str]]
async isIndexed(ftyp: str, fnam: str) bool

Determine if a field is indexed.

  • ftyp (str or None) – The field type to index (e.g. form, formprop)

  • fnam (str or None) – The field name to index (e.g. “inet:asnet4”, “media:news,title”)

async iterNodes(layrs: Sequence[str] | None, ftyp: str | None, fnam: str | None, size: int | None = 100) AsyncIterator[Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]]
async query(layrs: Sequence[str], ftyp: str | Sequence[str] | None, fnam: str | Sequence[str] | None, valu: str, reqfield: bool = True, limit: int | None = None) AsyncIterator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]]

Query the index service.

  • layrs (list) – List of layer idens to query

  • ftyp (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) – The field type to query (e.g. form, formprop)

  • fnam (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) – The field name to query (e.g. “inet:asnet4”, “media:news,title”)

  • valu – The valu to query service for

  • reqfield (bool) – If False, do not raise an exception for a field that is not indexed.

  • limit (int or None) – If specified, yield up to limit items


tuple – Matching node iden and query info

async reindex(fullreset=False) None

Execute a reindex operation for the entire service.


fullreset (bool) – Do not re-populate index from existing fields (i.e. service is returned to fresh state)