Telepath API

class synmods.swarm.service.SwarmApi

Bases: StormSvc, CellApi

A Telepath API for the Swarm service.

async addJob(jdef, conf)

Add a new job definition and type specific config info. Note: It is a best practice for conf to be a dictionary.

async addWork(jobid, data)

Add a work unit to the given jobid with the given data. Note: It is a best practice for data to be a dictionary.

async cullJobs(state='complete', jobtype=None)

Cull jobs by state and jobtype.

async cullRetnChan(chan, offs=None)

Empty but do not remove a return channel. If offs is specififed, cull up to (and including) the offset.

async delJob(jobid)

Delete and cleanup the given jobid.

async finiJobQueue(name)

Remove and clean up a jobtype work queue.

async finiRetnChan(chan)

Remove a previously configured return channel.

async getJob(jobid)

Return job definition and status info for the given jobid.

async getJobConf(jobid)

Retrieve the type specific config info for the job.

async getJobDef(jobid)

Return the job def for the given job id.

async getNextWork(jobtype, timeout=60)

Retrieve the next work unit by type or None on timeout.

async getWorkDef(workid)

Return the work def for the given workid.

async initJobQueue(name, desc=None)

Initialize a jobtype and queue metadata.

async initRetnChan(chan, desc=None)

Initialize a return channel by name.

Return channels are used to send the results of more than one job to a single consumer.

async iterJobRetn(jobid, offs=0)

Yield (offs, workid, retn) tuples as work units complete.

async iterJobs(state='running')

Yield job def dicts by state.


state (str or None) – Filter jobs by state, or yield all jobs if state=None.

async iterJobsByTag(name, ival=None)

Yield job def dicts by tags.

async iterRetnChan(chan, offs=0)

Yield (offs, workid, retn) tuples as work units complete.

async setJobCancelled(jobid)

Set a running job to a cancelled state.

async setJobFull(jobid)

A job is “full” once all of it’s work is loaded. Setting this allows a job to “complete” once all work is done.

async setWorkDone(workid, retn)

Complete the given work unit setting retn. The retn tuple is (ok, valu).

async statChanQueue(chan)

Return the status info for a given output channel.

async statChanQueues()

Return a list of status info dicts for each channel.

async statJobQueue(jobtype)

Return the status info for the jobtype work queue.

async statJobQueues()

Return a list of status info dicts for each jobtype work queue.

async statJobRetnQueues()

Return a summary of the total size and number of jobs in the job retn queue.