import inspect
import logging
import synapse.lib.version as s_version
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
clsskip = set([object])
unwraps = {'adminapi',
def getClsNames(item):
Return a list of "fully qualified" class names for an instance.
for name in getClsNames(foo):
mro = inspect.getmro(item.__class__)
mro = [c for c in mro if c not in clsskip]
return ['%s.%s' % (c.__module__, c.__name__) for c in mro]
def getMethName(meth):
Return a fully qualified string for the <mod>.<class>.<func> name
of a given method.
item = meth.__self__
mname = item.__module__
cname = item.__class__.__name__
fname = meth.__func__.__name__
return '.'.join((mname, cname, fname))
def getItemLocals(item):
Iterate the locals of an item and yield (name,valu) pairs.
for name,valu in getItemLocals(item):
for name in dir(item):
valu = getattr(item, name, None)
yield name, valu
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
pass # various legit reasons...
def getShareInfo(item):
Get a dictionary of special annotations for a Telepath Proxy.
item: Item to inspect.
This will set the ``_syn_telemeth`` attribute on the item
and the items class, so this data is only computed once.
dict: A dictionary of methods requiring special handling by the proxy.
key = f'_syn_sharinfo_{item.__class__.__module__}_{item.__class__.__qualname__}'
info = getattr(item, key, None)
if info is not None:
return info
meths = {}
info = {'meths': meths,
'syn:commit': s_version.commit,
'syn:version': s_version.version,
'classes': getClsNames(item),
for name in dir(item):
if name.startswith('_'):
attr = getattr(item, name, None)
if not callable(attr):
meths[name] = meth = {}
# We know we can cleanly unwrap these functions
# for asyncgenerator inspection.
wrapped = getattr(attr, '__syn_wrapped__', None)
if wrapped in unwraps:
attr = inspect.unwrap(attr)
if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(attr):
meth['genr'] = True
setattr(item, key, info)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
logger.exception(f'Failed to set magic on {item}')
setattr(item.__class__, key, info)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
logger.exception(f'Failed to set magic on {item.__class__}')
return info