Source code for synapse.lib.snap

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import types
import asyncio
import logging
import weakref
import contextlib
import collections

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common

import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
import synapse.lib.node as s_node
import synapse.lib.time as s_time
import synapse.lib.cache as s_cache
import synapse.lib.layer as s_layer
import synapse.lib.storm as s_storm
import synapse.lib.types as s_types
import synapse.lib.spooled as s_spooled

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Scrubber: def __init__(self, rules): self.rules = rules # TODO support props # TODO support tagprops # TODO support exclude rules incs = rules.get('include', {}) self.hasinctags = incs.get('tags') is not None self.inctags = set(incs.get('tags', ())) self.inctagprefs = [f'{tag}.' for tag in incs.get('tags', ())]
[docs] def scrub(self, pode): if self.hasinctags and pode[1].get('tags'): pode[1]['tags'] = {k: v for (k, v) in pode[1]['tags'].items() if self._isTagInc(k)} if pode[1].get('tagprops'): pode[1]['tagprops'] = {k: v for (k, v) in pode[1]['tagprops'].items() if self._isTagInc(k)} return pode
@s_cache.memoizemethod() def _isTagInc(self, tag): if tag in self.inctags: return True if any(tag.startswith(pref) for pref in self.inctagprefs): return True return False
[docs] class ProtoNode: ''' A prototype node used for staging node adds using a SnapEditor. TODO: This could eventually fully mirror the synapse.lib.node.Node API and be used to slipstream into sections of the pipeline to facilitate a bulk edit / transaction ''' def __init__(self, ctx, buid, form, valu, node): self.ctx = ctx self.form = form self.valu = valu self.buid = buid self.node = node self.tags = {} self.props = {} self.edges = set() self.tagprops = {} self.nodedata = {} self.edgedels = set()
[docs] def iden(self): return s_common.ehex(self.buid)
[docs] def getNodeEdit(self): edits = [] if not self.node: edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_NODE_ADD, (self.valu, self.form.type.stortype), ())) for name, valu in self.props.items(): prop = self.form.props.get(name) edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_PROP_SET, (name, valu, None, prop.type.stortype), ())) for name, valu in self.tags.items(): edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_TAG_SET, (name, valu, None), ())) for verb, n2iden in self.edges: edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_EDGE_ADD, (verb, n2iden), ())) for verb, n2iden in self.edgedels: edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_EDGE_DEL, (verb, n2iden), ())) for (tag, name), valu in self.tagprops.items(): prop = self.ctx.snap.core.model.getTagProp(name) edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_TAGPROP_SET, (tag, name, valu, None, prop.type.stortype), ())) for name, valu in self.nodedata.items(): edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_NODEDATA_SET, (name, valu, None), ())) if not edits: return None return (self.buid,, edits)
[docs] async def addEdge(self, verb, n2iden): if not isinstance(verb, str): mesg = f'addEdge() got an invalid type for verb: {verb}' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.BadArg, mesg) return False if not isinstance(n2iden, str): mesg = f'addEdge() got an invalid type for n2iden: {n2iden}' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.BadArg, mesg) return False if not s_common.isbuidhex(n2iden): mesg = f'addEdge() got an invalid node iden: {n2iden}' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.BadArg, mesg) return False tupl = (verb, n2iden) if tupl in self.edges: return False if tupl in self.edgedels: self.edgedels.remove(tupl) return True if not await self.ctx.snap.hasNodeEdge(self.buid, verb, s_common.uhex(n2iden)): self.edges.add(tupl) return True return False
[docs] async def delEdge(self, verb, n2iden): if not isinstance(verb, str): mesg = f'delEdge() got an invalid type for verb: {verb}' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.BadArg, mesg) return False if not isinstance(n2iden, str): mesg = f'delEdge() got an invalid type for n2iden: {n2iden}' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.BadArg, mesg) return False if not s_common.isbuidhex(n2iden): mesg = f'delEdge() got an invalid node iden: {n2iden}' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.BadArg, mesg) return False tupl = (verb, n2iden) if tupl in self.edgedels: return False if tupl in self.edges: self.edges.remove(tupl) return True if await self.ctx.snap.layers[-1].hasNodeEdge(self.buid, verb, s_common.uhex(n2iden)): self.edgedels.add(tupl) return True return False
[docs] async def getData(self, name): curv = self.nodedata.get(name, s_common.novalu) if curv is not s_common.novalu: return curv if self.node is not None: return await self.node.getData(name, defv=s_common.novalu) return s_common.novalu
[docs] async def hasData(self, name): if name in self.nodedata: return True if self.node is not None: return await self.node.hasData(name) return False
[docs] async def setData(self, name, valu): if await self.getData(name) == valu: return try: s_common.reqjsonsafe(valu) except s_exc.MustBeJsonSafe as e: if self.ctx.snap.strict: raise e return await self.ctx.snap.warn(str(e)) self.nodedata[name] = valu
async def _getRealTag(self, tag): normtupl = await self.ctx.snap.getTagNorm(tag) if normtupl is None: return None norm, info = normtupl tagnode = await self.ctx.snap.getTagNode(norm) if tagnode is not s_common.novalu: return self.ctx.loadNode(tagnode) # check for an :isnow tag redirection in our hierarchy... toks = info.get('toks') for i in range(len(toks)): toktag = '.'.join(toks[:i + 1]) toknode = await self.ctx.snap.getTagNode(toktag) if toknode is s_common.novalu: continue tokvalu = toknode.ndef[1] if tokvalu == toktag: continue realnow = tokvalu + norm[len(toktag):] tagnode = await self.ctx.snap.getTagNode(realnow) if tagnode is not s_common.novalu: return self.ctx.loadNode(tagnode) norm, info = await self.ctx.snap.getTagNorm(realnow) break return await self.ctx.addNode('syn:tag', norm, norminfo=info)
[docs] def getTag(self, tag): curv = self.tags.get(tag) if curv is not None: return curv if self.node is not None: return self.node.getTag(tag)
[docs] async def addTag(self, tag, valu=(None, None), tagnode=None): if tagnode is None: tagnode = await self._getRealTag(tag) if tagnode is None: return if isinstance(valu, list): valu = tuple(valu) if valu != (None, None): try: valu, _ = self.ctx.snap.core.model.type('ival').norm(valu) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: if self.ctx.snap.strict: e.set('tag', tagnode.valu) raise e return await self.ctx.snap.warn(f'Invalid Tag Value: {tagnode.valu}={valu}.') tagup = tagnode.get('up') if tagup: await self.addTag(tagup) curv = self.getTag(tagnode.valu) if curv == valu: return tagnode if curv is None: self.tags[tagnode.valu] = valu return tagnode valu = s_time.ival(*valu, *curv) self.tags[tagnode.valu] = valu return tagnode
[docs] def getTagProp(self, tag, name): curv = self.tagprops.get((tag, name)) if curv is not None: return curv if self.node is not None: return self.node.getTagProp(tag, name)
[docs] def hasTagProp(self, tag, name): if (tag, name) in self.tagprops: return True if self.node is not None: return self.node.hasTagProp(tag, name) return False
[docs] async def setTagProp(self, tag, name, valu): tagnode = await self.addTag(tag) if tagnode is None: return prop = self.ctx.snap.core.model.getTagProp(name) if prop is None: mesg = f'Tagprop {name} does not exist in this Cortex.' return await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.NoSuchTagProp, mesg) if prop.locked: mesg = f'Tagprop {name} is locked.' return await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.IsDeprLocked, mesg, prop=name) try: norm, info = prop.type.norm(valu) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: if self.ctx.snap.strict: raise e await self.ctx.snap.warn(f'Bad property value: #{tagnode.valu}:{}={valu!r}') return curv = self.getTagProp(tagnode.valu, name) if curv == norm: return self.tagprops[(tagnode.valu, name)] = norm
[docs] def get(self, name): # get the current value including the pending prop sets curv = self.props.get(name) if curv is not None: return curv if self.node is not None: return self.node.get(name)
async def _set(self, prop, valu, norminfo=None, ignore_ro=False): if prop.locked: mesg = f'Prop {prop.full} is locked due to deprecation.' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.IsDeprLocked, mesg, prop=prop.full) return False if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array): arrayform = self.ctx.snap.core.model.form( if arrayform is not None and arrayform.locked: mesg = f'Prop {prop.full} is locked due to deprecation.' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.IsDeprLocked, mesg, prop=prop.full) return False if norminfo is None: try: valu, norminfo = prop.type.norm(valu) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: oldm = e.get('mesg') e.update({'prop':, 'form':, 'mesg': f'Bad prop value {prop.full}={valu!r} : {oldm}'}) if self.ctx.snap.strict: raise e await self.ctx.snap.warn(e) return False if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef): ndefform = self.ctx.snap.core.model.form(valu[0]) if ndefform.locked: mesg = f'Prop {prop.full} is locked due to deprecation.' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.IsDeprLocked, mesg, prop=prop.full) return False curv = self.get( if curv == valu: return False if not ignore_ro and'ro') and curv is not None: mesg = f'Property is read only: {prop.full}.' await self.ctx.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.ReadOnlyProp, mesg) return False if self.node is not None: await self.ctx.snap.core._callPropSetHook(self.node, prop, valu) self.props[] = valu return valu, norminfo
[docs] async def set(self, name, valu, norminfo=None, ignore_ro=False): prop = self.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: return False retn = await self._set(prop, valu, norminfo=norminfo, ignore_ro=ignore_ro) if retn is False: return False (valu, norminfo) = retn propform = self.ctx.snap.core.model.form( if propform is not None: await self.ctx.addNode(, valu, norminfo=norminfo) # TODO can we mandate any subs are returned pre-normalized? propsubs = norminfo.get('subs') if propsubs is not None: for subname, subvalu in propsubs.items(): full = f'{}:{subname}' subprop = self.form.props.get(full) if subprop is not None and not subprop.locked: await self.set(full, subvalu) propadds = norminfo.get('adds') if propadds is not None: for addname, addvalu, addinfo in propadds: await self.ctx.addNode(addname, addvalu, norminfo=addinfo) return True
[docs] async def getSetOps(self, name, valu, norminfo=None): prop = self.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: return () retn = await self._set(prop, valu, norminfo=norminfo) if retn is False: return () (valu, norminfo) = retn ops = [] propform = self.ctx.snap.core.model.form( if propform is not None: ops.append(self.ctx.getAddNodeOps(, valu, norminfo=norminfo)) # TODO can we mandate any subs are returned pre-normalized? propsubs = norminfo.get('subs') if propsubs is not None: for subname, subvalu in propsubs.items(): full = f'{}:{subname}' subprop = self.form.props.get(full) if subprop is not None and not subprop.locked: ops.append(self.getSetOps(full, subvalu)) propadds = norminfo.get('adds') if propadds is not None: for addname, addvalu, addinfo in propadds: ops.append(self.ctx.getAddNodeOps(addname, addvalu, norminfo=addinfo)) return ops
[docs] class SnapEditor: ''' A SnapEditor allows tracking node edits with subs/deps as a transaction. ''' def __init__(self, snap): self.snap = snap self.protonodes = {} self.maxnodes = snap.core.maxnodes
[docs] async def getNodeByBuid(self, buid): node = await self.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if node: return self.loadNode(node)
[docs] def getNodeEdits(self): nodeedits = [] for protonode in self.protonodes.values(): nodeedit = protonode.getNodeEdit() if nodeedit is not None: nodeedits.append(nodeedit) return nodeedits
async def _addNode(self, form, valu, props=None, norminfo=None): self.snap.core._checkMaxNodes() if form.isrunt: mesg = f'Cannot make runt nodes: {}.' return await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.IsRuntForm, mesg) if form.locked: mesg = f'Form {form.full} is locked due to deprecation for valu={valu}.' return await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.IsDeprLocked, mesg, prop=form.full) if norminfo is None: try: valu, norminfo = form.type.norm(valu) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: e.set('form', if self.snap.strict: raise e await self.snap.warn(f'addNode() BadTypeValu {}={valu} {e}') return None return valu, norminfo
[docs] async def addNode(self, formname, valu, props=None, norminfo=None): form = self.snap.core.model.form(formname) if form is None: mesg = f'No form named {formname} for valu={valu}.' return await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.NoSuchForm, mesg) retn = await self._addNode(form, valu, props=props, norminfo=norminfo) if retn is None: return None valu, norminfo = retn protonode = await self._initProtoNode(form, valu, norminfo) if props is not None: [await protonode.set(p, v) for (p, v) in props.items()] return protonode
[docs] async def getAddNodeOps(self, formname, valu, props=None, norminfo=None): form = self.snap.core.model.form(formname) if form is None: mesg = f'No form named {formname} for valu={valu}.' await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.NoSuchForm, mesg) return() retn = await self._addNode(form, valu, props=props, norminfo=norminfo) if retn is None: return () norm, norminfo = retn ndef = (, norm) protonode = self.protonodes.get(ndef) if protonode is not None: return () buid = s_common.buid(ndef) node = await self.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if node is not None: return () protonode = ProtoNode(self, buid, form, norm, node) self.protonodes[ndef] = protonode ops = [] subs = norminfo.get('subs') if subs is not None: for prop, valu in subs.items(): ops.append(protonode.getSetOps(prop, valu)) adds = norminfo.get('adds') if adds is not None: for addname, addvalu, addinfo in adds: ops.append(self.getAddNodeOps(addname, addvalu, norminfo=addinfo)) return ops
[docs] def loadNode(self, node): protonode = self.protonodes.get(node.ndef) if protonode is None: protonode = ProtoNode(self, node.buid, node.form, node.ndef[1], node) self.protonodes[node.ndef] = protonode return protonode
async def _initProtoNode(self, form, norm, norminfo): ndef = (, norm) protonode = self.protonodes.get(ndef) if protonode is not None: return protonode buid = s_common.buid(ndef) node = await self.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) protonode = ProtoNode(self, buid, form, norm, node) self.protonodes[ndef] = protonode ops = collections.deque() subs = norminfo.get('subs') if subs is not None: for prop, valu in subs.items(): ops.append(protonode.getSetOps(prop, valu)) while ops: oset = ops.popleft() ops.extend(await oset) adds = norminfo.get('adds') if adds is not None: for addname, addvalu, addinfo in adds: ops.append(self.getAddNodeOps(addname, addvalu, norminfo=addinfo)) while ops: oset = ops.popleft() ops.extend(await oset) return protonode
[docs] class Snap(s_base.Base): ''' A "snapshot" is a transaction across multiple Cortex layers. The Snap object contains the bulk of the Cortex API to facilitate performance through careful use of transaction boundaries. Transactions produce the following EventBus events: ('print', {}), ''' tagcachesize = 1000 buidcachesize = 100000 async def __anit__(self, view, user): ''' Args: core (cortex): the cortex layers (List[Layer]): the list of layers to access, write layer last ''' await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) assert user is not None self.strict = True self.elevated = False self.canceled = False self.core = view.core self.view = view self.user = user self.layers = list(reversed(view.layers)) self.wlyr = self.layers[-1] self.readonly = self.wlyr.readonly # variables used by the storm runtime self.vars = {} self.runt = {} self.debug = False # Set to true to enable debug output. self.write = False # True when the snap has a write lock on a layer. self.cachebuids = True self.tagnorms = s_cache.FixedCache(self._getTagNorm, size=self.tagcachesize) self.tagcache = s_cache.FixedCache(self._getTagNode, size=self.tagcachesize) # Keeps alive the most recently accessed node objects self.buidcache = collections.deque(maxlen=self.buidcachesize) self.livenodes = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # buid -> Node self._warnonce_keys = set() self.changelog = [] self.tagtype = self.core.model.type('ival')
[docs] async def getSnapMeta(self): ''' Retrieve snap metadata to store along side nodeEdits. ''' meta = { 'time':, 'user': self.user.iden } return meta
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def getStormRuntime(self, query, opts=None, user=None): if user is None: user = self.user if opts is not None: varz = opts.get('vars') if varz is not None: for valu in varz.keys(): if not isinstance(valu, str): mesg = f"Storm var names must be strings (got {valu} of type {type(valu)})" raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=mesg) async with await s_storm.Runtime.anit(query, self, opts=opts, user=user) as runt: yield runt
[docs] async def addStormRuntime(self, query, opts=None, user=None): # use this snap *as* a context manager and build a runtime that will live as long # as the snap does... if user is None: user = self.user runt = await s_storm.Runtime.anit(query, self, opts=opts, user=user) self.onfini(runt) return runt
async def _joinEmbedStor(self, storage, embeds): for nodePath, relProps in embeds.items(): await asyncio.sleep(0) iden = relProps.get('*') if not iden: continue stor = await self.view.getStorNodes(s_common.uhex(iden)) for relProp in relProps.keys(): await asyncio.sleep(0) if relProp == '*': continue for idx, layrstor in enumerate(stor): await asyncio.sleep(0) props = layrstor.get('props') if not props: continue if relProp not in props: continue if 'embeds' not in storage[idx]: storage[idx]['embeds'] = {} storage[idx]['embeds'][f'{nodePath}::{relProp}'] = props[relProp]
[docs] async def iterStormPodes(self, text, opts, user=None): ''' Yield packed node tuples for the given storm query text. ''' if user is None: user = self.user dorepr = False dopath = False dolink = False show_storage = False info = opts.get('_loginfo', {}) info.update({'mode': opts.get('mode', 'storm'), 'view': self.view.iden}) self.core._logStormQuery(text, user, info=info) # { form: ( embedprop, ... ) } embeds = opts.get('embeds') scrubber = None # NOTE: This option is still experimental and subject to change. if opts.get('scrub') is not None: scrubber = Scrubber(opts.get('scrub')) if opts is not None: dorepr = opts.get('repr', False) dopath = opts.get('path', False) dolink = opts.get('links', False) show_storage = opts.get('show:storage', False) async for node, path in self.storm(text, opts=opts, user=user): pode = node.pack(dorepr=dorepr) pode[1]['path'] = await path.pack(path=dopath) if dolink: pode[1]['links'] = path.links if show_storage: pode[1]['storage'] = await node.getStorNodes() if scrubber is not None: pode = scrubber.scrub(pode) if embeds is not None: embdef = embeds.get( if embdef is not None: pode[1]['embeds'] = await node.getEmbeds(embdef) if show_storage: await self._joinEmbedStor(pode[1]['storage'], pode[1]['embeds']) yield pode
[docs] async def storm(self, text, opts=None, user=None): ''' Execute a storm query and yield (Node(), Path()) tuples. ''' if user is None: user = self.user if opts is None: opts = {} mode = opts.get('mode', 'storm') query = await self.core.getStormQuery(text, mode=mode) async with self.getStormRuntime(query, opts=opts, user=user) as runt: async for x in runt.execute(): yield x
[docs] async def eval(self, text, opts=None, user=None): ''' Run a storm query and yield Node() objects. ''' if user is None: user = self.user if opts is None: opts = {} mode = opts.get('mode', 'storm') # maintained for backward compatibility query = await self.core.getStormQuery(text, mode=mode) async with self.getStormRuntime(query, opts=opts, user=user) as runt: async for node, path in runt.execute(): yield node
[docs] async def nodes(self, text, opts=None, user=None): return [node async for (node, path) in self.storm(text, opts=opts, user=user)]
[docs] async def clearCache(self): self.tagcache.clear() self.tagnorms.clear() self.buidcache.clear() self.livenodes.clear()
[docs] def clearCachedNode(self, buid): self.livenodes.pop(buid, None)
[docs] async def keepalive(self, period): while not await self.waitfini(period): await'ping')
[docs] async def printf(self, mesg): await'print', mesg=mesg)
[docs] async def warn(self, mesg, log=True, **info): if log: logger.warning(mesg) await'warn', mesg=mesg, **info)
[docs] async def warnonce(self, mesg, log=True, **info): if mesg in self._warnonce_keys: return self._warnonce_keys.add(mesg) await self.warn(mesg, log, **info)
[docs] async def getNodeByBuid(self, buid): ''' Retrieve a node tuple by binary id. Args: buid (bytes): The binary ID for the node. Returns: Optional[s_node.Node]: The node object or None. ''' return await self._joinStorNode(buid, {})
[docs] async def getNodeByNdef(self, ndef): ''' Return a single Node by (form,valu) tuple. Args: ndef ((str,obj)): A (form,valu) ndef tuple. valu must be normalized. Returns: (synapse.lib.node.Node): The Node or None. ''' buid = s_common.buid(ndef) return await self.getNodeByBuid(buid)
[docs] async def nodesByTagProp(self, form, tag, name, reverse=False): prop = self.core.model.getTagProp(name) if prop is None: mesg = f'No tag property named {name}' raise s_exc.NoSuchTagProp(name=name, mesg=mesg) async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByTagProp(form, tag, name, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
[docs] async def nodesByTagPropValu(self, form, tag, name, cmpr, valu, reverse=False): prop = self.core.model.getTagProp(name) if prop is None: mesg = f'No tag property named {name}' raise s_exc.NoSuchTagProp(name=name, mesg=mesg) cmprvals = prop.type.getStorCmprs(cmpr, valu) # an empty return probably means ?= with invalid value if not cmprvals: return async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByTagPropValu(form, tag, name, cmprvals, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
async def _joinStorNode(self, buid, cache): node = self.livenodes.get(buid) if node is not None: await asyncio.sleep(0) return node layrs = [layr for layr in self.layers if layr.iden not in cache] if layrs: indx = 0 newsodes = await self.core._getStorNodes(buid, layrs) sodes = [] for layr in self.layers: sode = cache.get(layr.iden) if sode is None: sode = newsodes[indx] indx += 1 sodes.append((layr.iden, sode)) return await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) async def _joinSodes(self, buid, sodes): node = self.livenodes.get(buid) if node is not None: await asyncio.sleep(0) return node ndef = None tags = {} props = {} nodedata = {} tagprops = {} bylayer = { 'ndef': None, 'tags': {}, 'props': {}, 'tagprops': {}, } for (layr, sode) in sodes: form = sode.get('form') valt = sode.get('valu') if valt is not None: ndef = (form, valt[0]) bylayer['ndef'] = layr storprops = sode.get('props') if storprops is not None: for prop, (valu, stype) in storprops.items(): props[prop] = valu bylayer['props'][prop] = layr stortags = sode.get('tags') if stortags is not None: tags.update(stortags) bylayer['tags'].update({p: layr for p in stortags.keys()}) stortagprops = sode.get('tagprops') if stortagprops is not None: for tag, propdict in stortagprops.items(): for tagprop, (valu, stype) in propdict.items(): if tag not in tagprops: tagprops[tag] = {} bylayer['tagprops'][tag] = {} tagprops[tag][tagprop] = valu bylayer['tagprops'][tag][tagprop] = layr stordata = sode.get('nodedata') if stordata is not None: nodedata.update(stordata) if ndef is None: await asyncio.sleep(0) return None pode = (buid, { 'ndef': ndef, 'tags': tags, 'props': props, 'nodedata': nodedata, 'tagprops': tagprops, }) node = s_node.Node(self, pode, bylayer=bylayer) if self.cachebuids: self.livenodes[buid] = node self.buidcache.append(node) await asyncio.sleep(0) return node
[docs] async def nodesByDataName(self, name): async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByDataName(name, self.layers): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
[docs] async def nodesByProp(self, full, reverse=False): prop = self.core.model.prop(full) if prop is None: mesg = f'No property named "{full}".' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg) if prop.isrunt: async for node in self.getRuntNodes(prop.full): yield node return if prop.isform: async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByProp(, None, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node return if prop.isuniv: async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByProp(None,, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node return formname = None if not prop.isuniv: formname = # Prop is secondary prop async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByProp(formname,, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
[docs] async def nodesByPropValu(self, full, cmpr, valu, reverse=False, norm=True): if cmpr == 'type=': if reverse: async for node in self.nodesByPropTypeValu(full, valu, reverse=reverse): yield node async for node in self.nodesByPropValu(full, '=', valu, reverse=reverse): yield node else: async for node in self.nodesByPropValu(full, '=', valu, reverse=reverse): yield node async for node in self.nodesByPropTypeValu(full, valu, reverse=reverse): yield node return prop = self.core.model.prop(full) if prop is None: mesg = f'No property named "{full}".' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg) if norm: cmprvals = prop.type.getStorCmprs(cmpr, valu) # an empty return probably means ?= with invalid value if not cmprvals: return else: cmprvals = ((cmpr, valu, prop.type.stortype),) if prop.isrunt: for storcmpr, storvalu, _ in cmprvals: async for node in self.getRuntNodes(prop.full, valu=storvalu, cmpr=storcmpr): yield node return if prop.isform: async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByFormValu(, cmprvals, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node return if prop.isuniv: async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByPropValu(None,, cmprvals, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node return async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByPropValu(,, cmprvals, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
[docs] async def nodesByTag(self, tag, form=None, reverse=False): async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByTag(tag, form, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
[docs] async def nodesByTagValu(self, tag, cmpr, valu, form=None, reverse=False): norm, info = self.core.model.type('ival').norm(valu) async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByTagValu(tag, cmpr, norm, form, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
[docs] async def nodesByPropTypeValu(self, name, valu, reverse=False): _type = self.core.model.types.get(name) if _type is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchType(name=name) for prop in self.core.model.getPropsByType(name): async for node in self.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', valu, reverse=reverse): yield node for prop in self.core.model.getArrayPropsByType(name): async for node in self.nodesByPropArray(prop.full, '=', valu, reverse=reverse): yield node
[docs] async def nodesByPropArray(self, full, cmpr, valu, reverse=False, norm=True): prop = self.core.model.prop(full) if prop is None: mesg = f'No property named "{full}".' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg) if not isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array): mesg = f'Array syntax is invalid on non array type: {}.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg) if norm: cmprvals = prop.type.arraytype.getStorCmprs(cmpr, valu) else: cmprvals = ((cmpr, valu, prop.type.arraytype.stortype),) if prop.isform: async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByPropArray(, None, cmprvals, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node return formname = None if prop.form is not None: formname = async for (buid, sodes) in self.core._liftByPropArray(formname,, cmprvals, self.layers, reverse=reverse): node = await self._joinSodes(buid, sodes) if node is not None: yield node
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def getNodeEditor(self, node): if node.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Cannot edit runt nodes: {}.' raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg) editor = SnapEditor(self) protonode = editor.loadNode(node) yield protonode nodeedits = editor.getNodeEdits() if nodeedits: nodecache = {proto.buid: proto.node for proto in editor.protonodes.values()} await self.applyNodeEdits(nodeedits, nodecache=nodecache)
[docs] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def getEditor(self): editor = SnapEditor(self) yield editor nodeedits = editor.getNodeEdits() if nodeedits: nodecache = {proto.buid: proto.node for proto in editor.protonodes.values()} await self.applyNodeEdits(nodeedits, nodecache=nodecache)
[docs] async def applyNodeEdit(self, edit, nodecache=None): nodes = await self.applyNodeEdits((edit,), nodecache=nodecache) if nodes: return nodes[0]
[docs] async def applyNodeEdits(self, edits, nodecache=None): ''' Sends edits to the write layer and evaluates the consequences (triggers, node object updates) ''' meta = await self.getSnapMeta() saveoff, changes, nodes = await self._applyNodeEdits(edits, meta, nodecache=nodecache) return nodes
[docs] async def saveNodeEdits(self, edits, meta): if meta is None: meta = await self.getSnapMeta() saveoff = -1 changes = [] for edit in edits: await self.getNodeByBuid(edit[0]) saveoff, changes_, _ = await self._applyNodeEdits((edit,), meta) changes.extend(changes_) return saveoff, changes
async def _applyNodeEdits(self, edits, meta, nodecache=None): if self.readonly: mesg = 'The snapshot is in read-only mode.' raise s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg) wlyr = self.wlyr nodes = [] callbacks = [] actualedits = [] # List[Tuple[buid, form, changes]] saveoff, changes, results = await wlyr._realSaveNodeEdits(edits, meta) # make a pass through the returned edits, apply the changes to our Nodes() # and collect up all the callbacks to fire at once at the end. It is # critical to fire all callbacks after applying all Node() changes. for buid, sode, postedits in results: cache = {wlyr.iden: sode} node = None if nodecache is not None: node = nodecache.get(buid) if node is None: node = await self._joinStorNode(buid, cache) if node is None: # We got part of a node but no ndef continue else: await asyncio.sleep(0) nodes.append(node) if postedits: actualedits.append((buid,, postedits)) for edit in postedits: etyp, parms, _ = edit if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_NODE_ADD: node.bylayer['ndef'] = wlyr.iden callbacks.append((node.form.wasAdded, (node,), {})) callbacks.append((self.view.runNodeAdd, (node,), {})) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_NODE_DEL: callbacks.append((node.form.wasDeleted, (node,), {})) callbacks.append((self.view.runNodeDel, (node,), {})) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_PROP_SET: (name, valu, oldv, stype) = parms prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(f'applyNodeEdits got EDIT_PROP_SET for bad prop {name} on form {node.form}') continue node.props[name] = valu node.bylayer['props'][name] = wlyr.iden callbacks.append((prop.wasSet, (node, oldv), {})) callbacks.append((self.view.runPropSet, (node, prop, oldv), {})) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_PROP_DEL: (name, oldv, stype) = parms prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(f'applyNodeEdits got EDIT_PROP_DEL for bad prop {name} on form {node.form}') continue node.props.pop(name, None) node.bylayer['props'].pop(name, None) callbacks.append((prop.wasDel, (node, oldv), {})) callbacks.append((self.view.runPropSet, (node, prop, oldv), {})) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_TAG_SET: (tag, valu, oldv) = parms node.tags[tag] = valu node.bylayer['tags'][tag] = wlyr.iden callbacks.append((self.view.runTagAdd, (node, tag, valu), {})) callbacks.append((, ('tag:add', ), {'tag': tag, 'node': node.iden()})) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_TAG_DEL: (tag, oldv) = parms node.tags.pop(tag, None) node.bylayer['tags'].pop(tag, None) callbacks.append((self.view.runTagDel, (node, tag, oldv), {})) callbacks.append((, ('tag:del', ), {'tag': tag, 'node': node.iden()})) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_TAGPROP_SET: (tag, prop, valu, oldv, stype) = parms if tag not in node.tagprops: node.tagprops[tag] = {} node.bylayer['tagprops'][tag] = {} node.tagprops[tag][prop] = valu node.bylayer['tagprops'][tag][prop] = wlyr.iden continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_TAGPROP_DEL: (tag, prop, oldv, stype) = parms if tag in node.tagprops: node.tagprops[tag].pop(prop, None) node.bylayer['tagprops'][tag].pop(prop, None) if not node.tagprops[tag]: node.tagprops.pop(tag, None) node.bylayer['tagprops'].pop(tag, None) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_NODEDATA_SET: name, data, oldv = parms node.nodedata[name] = data continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_NODEDATA_DEL: name, oldv = parms node.nodedata.pop(name, None) continue if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_EDGE_ADD: verb, n2iden = parms n2 = await self.getNodeByBuid(s_common.uhex(n2iden)) callbacks.append((self.view.runEdgeAdd, (node, verb, n2), {})) if etyp == s_layer.EDIT_EDGE_DEL: verb, n2iden = parms n2 = await self.getNodeByBuid(s_common.uhex(n2iden)) callbacks.append((self.view.runEdgeDel, (node, verb, n2), {})) [await func(*args, **kwargs) for (func, args, kwargs) in callbacks] if actualedits: await'node:edits', edits=actualedits) return saveoff, changes, nodes
[docs] async def addNode(self, name, valu, props=None, norminfo=None): ''' Add a node by form name and value with optional props. Args: name (str): The form of node to add. valu (obj): The value for the node. props (dict): Optional secondary properties for the node. Notes: If a props dictionary is provided, it may be mutated during node construction. Returns: s_node.Node: A Node object. It may return None if the snap is unable to add or lift the node. ''' if self.readonly: mesg = 'The snapshot is in read-only mode.' raise s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg) if isinstance(valu, dict): form = self.core.model.reqForm(name) if isinstance(form.type, s_types.Guid): return await self._addGuidNodeByDict(form, valu, props=props) async with self.getEditor() as editor: protonode = await editor.addNode(name, valu, props=props, norminfo=norminfo) if protonode is None: return None # the newly constructed node is cached return await self.getNodeByBuid(protonode.buid)
async def _addGuidNodeByDict(self, form, vals, props=None): norms = {} counts = [] proplist = [] if props is None: props = {} trycast = vals.pop('$try', False) addprops = vals.pop('$props', None) if not vals: mesg = f'No values provided for form {form.full}' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg) for name, valu in list(props.items()): try: props[name] = form.reqProp(name).type.norm(valu) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: mesg = e.get('mesg') e.update({ 'prop': name, 'form':, 'mesg': f'Bad value for prop {}:{name}: {mesg}', }) raise e if addprops is not None: for name, valu in addprops.items(): try: props[name] = form.reqProp(name).type.norm(valu) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: mesg = e.get("mesg") if not trycast: e.update({ 'prop': name, 'form':, 'mesg': f'Bad value for prop {}:{name}: {mesg}' }) raise e await self.warn(f'Skipping bad value for prop {}:{name}: {mesg}') for name, valu in vals.items(): try: prop = form.reqProp(name) norm, norminfo = prop.type.norm(valu) norms[name] = (prop, norm, norminfo) proplist.append((name, norm)) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: mesg = e.get('mesg') e.update({ 'prop': name, 'form':, 'mesg': f'Bad value for prop {}:{name}: {mesg}', }) raise e proplist.sort() # check first for an exact match via our same deconf strategy iden = s_common.guid(proplist) node = await self.getNodeByNdef((form.full, iden)) if node is not None: # ensure we still match the property deconf criteria for name, (prop, norm, info) in norms.items(): if not self._filtByPropAlts(node, prop, norm): break else: # ensure the non-deconf props are set async with self.getEditor() as editor: proto = editor.loadNode(node) for name, (valu, info) in props.items(): await proto.set(name, valu, norminfo=info) return node # TODO there is an opportunity here to populate # a look-aside for the alternative iden to speed # up future deconfliction and potentially pop them # if we lookup a node and it no longer passes the # filter... # no exact match. lets do some counting. for name, (prop, norm, info) in norms.items(): count = await self._getPropAltCount(prop, norm) counts.append((count, prop, norm)) counts.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # lift starting with the lowest count count, prop, norm = counts[0] async for node in self._nodesByPropAlts(prop, norm): await asyncio.sleep(0) # filter on the remaining props/alts for count, prop, norm in counts[1:]: if not self._filtByPropAlts(node, prop, norm): break else: # ensure the non-deconf props are set async with self.getEditor() as editor: proto = editor.loadNode(node) for name, (valu, info) in props.items(): await proto.set(name, valu, norminfo=info) return node async with self.getEditor() as editor: proto = await editor.addNode(, iden) for name, (prop, valu, info) in norms.items(): await proto.set(name, valu, norminfo=info) for name, (valu, info) in props.items(): await proto.set(name, valu, norminfo=info) return await self.getNodeByBuid(proto.buid) async def _getPropAltCount(self, prop, valu): count = 0 proptype = prop.type for prop in prop.getAlts(): if prop.type.isarray and prop.type.arraytype == proptype: count += await self.view.getPropArrayCount(prop.full, valu=valu) else: count += await self.view.getPropCount(prop.full, valu=valu) return count def _filtByPropAlts(self, node, prop, valu): # valu must be normalized in advance proptype = prop.type for prop in prop.getAlts(): if prop.type.isarray and prop.type.arraytype == proptype: if valu in node.get( return True else: if node.get( == valu: return True return False async def _nodesByPropAlts(self, prop, valu): # valu must be normalized in advance proptype = prop.type for prop in prop.getAlts(): if prop.type.isarray and prop.type.arraytype == proptype: async for node in self.nodesByPropArray(prop.full, '=', valu, norm=False): yield node else: async for node in self.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', valu, norm=False): yield node
[docs] async def addFeedNodes(self, name, items): ''' Call a feed function and return what it returns (typically yields Node()s). Args: name (str): The name of the feed record type. items (list): A list of records of the given feed type. Returns: (object): The return value from the feed function. Typically Node() generator. ''' func = self.core.getFeedFunc(name) if func is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchName(name=name)'User ({}) adding feed data ({name}): {len(items)}') genr = func(self, items) if not isinstance(genr, types.AsyncGeneratorType): if isinstance(genr, types.CoroutineType): genr.close() mesg = f'feed func returned a {type(genr)}, not an async generator.' raise s_exc.BadCtorType(mesg=mesg, name=name) async for node in genr: yield node
[docs] async def addFeedData(self, name, items): func = self.core.getFeedFunc(name) if func is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchName(name=name)'User ({}) adding feed data ({name}): {len(items)}') await func(self, items)
[docs] async def getTagNorm(self, tagname): return await self.tagnorms.aget(tagname)
async def _getTagNorm(self, tagname): try: return self.core.model.type('syn:tag').norm(tagname) except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: if self.strict: raise e await self.warn(f'Invalid tag name {tagname}: {e}')
[docs] async def getTagNode(self, name): ''' Retrieve a cached tag node. Requires name is normed. Does not add. ''' return await self.tagcache.aget(name)
async def _getTagNode(self, tagnorm): tagnode = await self.getNodeByBuid(s_common.buid(('syn:tag', tagnorm))) if tagnode is not None: isnow = tagnode.get('isnow') while isnow is not None: tagnode = await self.getNodeByBuid(s_common.buid(('syn:tag', isnow))) isnow = tagnode.get('isnow') if tagnode is None: return s_common.novalu return tagnode async def _raiseOnStrict(self, ctor, mesg, **info): if __debug__: if issubclass(ctor, s_exc.IsDeprLocked): sys.audit('synapse.exc.IsDeprLocked', (mesg, info)) if self.strict: raise ctor(mesg=mesg, **info) await self.warn(mesg) return None
[docs] async def addNodes(self, nodedefs): ''' Add/merge nodes in bulk. The addNodes API is designed for bulk adds which will also set properties, add tags, add edges, and set nodedata to existing nodes. Nodes are specified as a list of the following tuples: ( (form, valu), {'props':{}, 'tags':{}}) Args: nodedefs (list): A list of nodedef tuples. Returns: (list): A list of xact messages. ''' if self.readonly: mesg = 'The snapshot is in read-only mode.' raise s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg) oldstrict = self.strict self.strict = False try: for nodedefn in nodedefs: try: node = await self._addNodeDef(nodedefn) if node is not None: yield node await asyncio.sleep(0) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: if oldstrict: raise await self.warn(f'addNodes failed on {nodedefn}: {e}') await asyncio.sleep(0) finally: self.strict = oldstrict
async def _addNodeDef(self, nodedefn): n2buids = set() (formname, formvalu), forminfo = nodedefn props = forminfo.get('props') # remove any universal created props... if props is not None: props.pop('.created', None) async with self.getEditor() as editor: protonode = await editor.addNode(formname, formvalu, props=props) if protonode is None: return tags = forminfo.get('tags') if tags is not None: for tagname, tagvalu in tags.items(): await protonode.addTag(tagname, tagvalu) nodedata = forminfo.get('nodedata') if isinstance(nodedata, dict): for dataname, datavalu in nodedata.items(): if not isinstance(dataname, str): continue await protonode.setData(dataname, datavalu) tagprops = forminfo.get('tagprops') if tagprops is not None: for tag, props in tagprops.items(): for name, valu in props.items(): await protonode.setTagProp(tag, name, valu) for verb, n2iden in forminfo.get('edges', ()): if isinstance(n2iden, (tuple, list)): n2proto = await editor.addNode(*n2iden) if n2proto is None: continue n2iden = n2proto.iden() await protonode.addEdge(verb, n2iden) return await self.getNodeByBuid(protonode.buid)
[docs] async def getRuntNodes(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None): todo = s_common.todo('runRuntLift', full, valu, cmpr, self.view.iden) async for sode in self.core.dyniter('cortex', todo): await asyncio.sleep(0) node = s_node.Node(self, sode) node.isrunt = True yield node
[docs] async def iterNodeEdgesN1(self, buid, verb=None): last = None gens = [layr.iterNodeEdgesN1(buid, verb=verb) for layr in self.layers] async for edge in s_common.merggenr2(gens): if edge == last: # pragma: no cover await asyncio.sleep(0) continue last = edge yield edge
[docs] async def iterNodeEdgesN2(self, buid, verb=None): last = None gens = [layr.iterNodeEdgesN2(buid, verb=verb) for layr in self.layers] async for edge in s_common.merggenr2(gens): if edge == last: # pragma: no cover await asyncio.sleep(0) continue last = edge yield edge
[docs] async def hasNodeEdge(self, buid1, verb, buid2): for layr in self.layers: if await layr.hasNodeEdge(buid1, verb, buid2): return True return False
[docs] async def iterEdgeVerbs(self, n1buid, n2buid): last = None gens = [layr.iterEdgeVerbs(n1buid, n2buid) for layr in self.layers] async for verb in s_common.merggenr2(gens): if verb == last: # pragma: no cover await asyncio.sleep(0) continue last = verb yield verb
async def _getLayrNdefProp(self, layr, buid): async for refsbuid, refsabrv in layr.getNdefRefs(buid): yield refsbuid, layr.getAbrvProp(refsabrv)
[docs] async def getNdefRefs(self, buid, props=False): last = None if props: gens = [self._getLayrNdefProp(layr, buid) for layr in self.layers] else: gens = [layr.getNdefRefs(buid) for layr in self.layers] async for refsbuid, xtra in s_common.merggenr2(gens): if refsbuid == last: continue await asyncio.sleep(0) last = refsbuid if props: yield refsbuid, xtra[1] else: yield refsbuid
[docs] async def hasNodeData(self, buid, name): ''' Return True if the buid has nodedata set on it under the given name False otherwise ''' for layr in reversed(self.layers): if await layr.hasNodeData(buid, name): return True return False
[docs] async def getNodeData(self, buid, name, defv=None): ''' Get nodedata from closest to write layer, no merging involved ''' for layr in reversed(self.layers): ok, valu = await layr.getNodeData(buid, name) if ok: return valu return defv
[docs] async def iterNodeData(self, buid): ''' Returns: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] ''' async with self.core.getSpooledSet() as sset: for layr in reversed(self.layers): async for name, valu in layr.iterNodeData(buid): if name in sset: continue await sset.add(name) yield name, valu
[docs] async def iterNodeDataKeys(self, buid): ''' Yield each data key from the given node by buid. ''' async with self.core.getSpooledSet() as sset: for layr in reversed(self.layers): async for name in layr.iterNodeDataKeys(buid): if name in sset: continue await sset.add(name) yield name