Source code for synapse.daemon

import types
import asyncio
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.telepath as s_telepath

import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
import as s_link
import synapse.lib.scope as s_scope
import synapse.lib.share as s_share
import synapse.lib.certdir as s_certdir
import synapse.lib.reflect as s_reflect

[docs] class Sess(s_base.Base): async def __anit__(self): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.items = {} self.iden = s_common.guid() self.user = None self.conninfo = {}
[docs] def getSessItem(self, name): return self.items.get(name)
[docs] def setSessItem(self, name, item): self.items[name] = item
[docs] def popSessItem(self, name): return self.items.pop(name, None)
[docs] def pack(self): ret = {'items': {name: f'{item.__module__}.{item.__class__.__name__}' for name, item in self.items.items()}, 'conninfo': self.conninfo, } if self.user: ret['user'] = {'iden': self.user.iden, 'name':, } return ret
[docs] class Genr(s_share.Share): typename = 'genr' async def _runShareLoop(self): try: for item in self.item: if self.isfini: break retn = (True, item) mesg = ('share:data', {'share': self.iden, 'data': retn}) await # purposely yield for fair scheduling await asyncio.sleep(0) except Exception as e: retn = s_common.retnexc(e) mesg = ('share:data', {'share': self.iden, 'data': retn}) await finally: mesg = ('share:data', {'share': self.iden, 'data': None}) await await self.fini()
[docs] class AsyncGenr(s_share.Share): typename = 'genr' async def _runShareLoop(self): try: async for item in self.item: if self.isfini: break retn = (True, item) mesg = ('share:data', {'share': self.iden, 'data': retn}) await # purposely yield for fair scheduling await asyncio.sleep(0) except Exception as e: retn = s_common.retnexc(e) mesg = ('share:data', {'share': self.iden, 'data': retn}) await finally: mesg = ('share:data', {'share': self.iden, 'data': None}) await await self.fini()
dmonwrap = ( (s_coro.GenrHelp, AsyncGenr), (types.AsyncGeneratorType, AsyncGenr), (types.GeneratorType, Genr), )
[docs] async def t2call(link, meth, args, kwargs): ''' Call the given ``meth(*args, **kwargs)`` and handle the response to provide telepath task v2 events to the given link. ''' try: valu = meth(*args, **kwargs) if s_coro.iscoro(valu): valu = await valu try: first = True if isinstance(valu, types.AsyncGeneratorType): async for item in valu: if first: await link.tx(('t2:genr', {})) first = False await link.tx(('t2:yield', {'retn': (True, item)})) if first: await link.tx(('t2:genr', {})) await link.tx(('t2:yield', {'retn': None})) return elif isinstance(valu, types.GeneratorType): for item in valu: if first: await link.tx(('t2:genr', {})) first = False await link.tx(('t2:yield', {'retn': (True, item)})) if first: await link.tx(('t2:genr', {})) await link.tx(('t2:yield', {'retn': None})) return except s_exc.DmonSpawn as e: context = e.__context__ if context: if not isinstance(context, asyncio.CancelledError): logger.error('Error during DmonSpawn call: %r', context) await link.fini() return except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception) as e: if isinstance(e, asyncio.CancelledError):'t2call task %s cancelled', meth.__name__) else: logger.exception(f'error during task {meth.__name__} {e}') if isinstance(valu, types.AsyncGeneratorType): await valu.aclose() elif isinstance(valu, types.GeneratorType): valu.close() if not link.isfini: if first: await link.tx(('t2:genr', {})) retn = s_common.retnexc(e) await link.tx(('t2:yield', {'retn': retn})) return if isinstance(valu, s_share.Share): info = s_reflect.getShareInfo(valu) await link.tx(('t2:share', {'iden': valu.iden, 'sharinfo': info})) return valu await link.tx(('t2:fini', {'retn': (True, valu)})) except s_exc.DmonSpawn as e: context = e.__context__ if context: logger.error('Error during DmonSpawn call: %r', context) await link.fini() return except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception) as e: logger.exception(f'error during task: {meth.__name__} {e}') if not link.isfini: retn = s_common.retnexc(e) await link.tx(('t2:fini', {'retn': retn}))
[docs] class Daemon(s_base.Base): async def __anit__(self, certdir=None, ahainfo=None): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self._shareLoopTasks = set() if certdir is None: certdir = s_certdir.getCertDir() self.ahainfo = ahainfo self.certdir = certdir self.televers = s_telepath.televers self.addr = None # our main listen address self.cells = {} # all cells are shared. not all shared are cells. self.shared = {} # objects provided by daemon self.listenservers = [] # the sockets we're listening on self.links = set() self.sessions = {} self.mesgfuncs = { 'tele:syn': self._onTeleSyn, 'task:init': self._onTaskInit, 'share:fini': self._onShareFini, # task version 2 API 't2:init': self._onTaskV2Init, } self.onfini(self._onDmonFini) # by default we are ready... ( backward compat ) self.dmonready = True
[docs] async def setReady(self, ready): self.dmonready = ready if not self.dmonready: for link in list(self.links): await link.fini()
[docs] async def listen(self, url, **opts): ''' Bind and listen on the given host/port with possible SSL. Args: host (str): A hostname or IP address. port (int): The TCP port to bind. ''' info = s_telepath.chopurl(url, **opts) info.update(opts) scheme = info.get('scheme') if scheme == 'unix': path = info.get('path') try: server = await s_link.unixlisten(path, self._onLinkInit) except Exception as e: if 'path too long' in str(e): logger.error('unix:// exceeds OS supported UNIX socket path length: %s', path) raise else: host = info.get('host') port = info.get('port') if port is None: port = 27492 sslctx = None if scheme == 'ssl': caname = info.get('ca') hostname = info.get('hostname', host) sslctx = self.certdir.getServerSSLContext(hostname=hostname, caname=caname) server = await s_link.listen(host, port, self._onLinkInit, ssl=sslctx) self.listenservers.append(server) ret = server.sockets[0].getsockname() if self.addr is None: self.addr = ret return ret
[docs] def share(self, name, item): ''' Share an object via the telepath protocol. Args: name (str): Name of the shared object item (object): The object to share over telepath. ''' try: if isinstance(item, s_telepath.Aware): item.onTeleShare(self, name) self.shared[name] = item except Exception: logger.exception('onTeleShare() error for: %s)', name)
[docs] async def getSessInfo(self): return [sess.pack() for sess in self.sessions.values()]
async def _onDmonFini(self): for s in self.listenservers: try: s.close() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover logger.warning('Error during socket server close()', exc_info=e) finis = [sess.fini() for sess in list(self.sessions.values())] if finis: await asyncio.gather(*finis, return_exceptions=True) finis = [link.fini() for link in self.links] if finis: await asyncio.gather(*finis, return_exceptions=True) for _, share in self.shared.items(): if isinstance(share, s_base.Base): await share.fini() async def _onLinkInit(self, link): if not self.dmonready: logger.warning(f'onLinkInit is not ready: {repr(link)}') return await link.fini() self.links.add(link) async def fini(): self.links.discard(link) link.onfini(fini) async def rxloop(): task = None while not link.isfini: mesg = await link.rx() if mesg is None: await link.fini() return if task is not None: await task coro = self._onLinkMesg(link, mesg) task = link.schedCoro(coro) link.schedCoro(rxloop()) async def _onLinkMesg(self, link: s_link.Link, mesg): try: func = self.mesgfuncs.get(mesg[0]) if func is None: logger.error(f'Dmon.onLinkMesg Invalid mesg: mesg={s_common.trimText(repr(mesg), n=80)} ' f'link={link.getAddrInfo()}') return await func(link, mesg) except ConnectionResetError: logger.debug(f'Dmon.onLinkMesg Handler: connection reset link={link.getAddrInfo()}') except Exception: logger.exception(f'Dmon.onLinkMesg Handler: mesg={s_common.trimText(repr(mesg), n=80)} ' f'link={link.getAddrInfo()}') async def _onShareFini(self, link, mesg): sess = link.get('sess') if sess is None: return name = mesg[1].get('share') item = sess.popSessItem(name) if item is None: return await item.fini() async def _getSharedItem(self, name): return self.shared.get(name) async def _onTeleSyn(self, link: s_link.Link, mesg): reply = ('tele:syn', { 'vers': self.televers, 'retn': (True, None), }) if self.ahainfo is not None: reply[1]['ahainfo'] = self.ahainfo try: vers = mesg[1].get('vers') if vers[0] != s_telepath.televers[0]: raise s_exc.BadMesgVers(vers=vers, myvers=s_telepath.televers) path = () name = mesg[1].get('name') if not name: name = '*' if '/' in name: name, rest = name.split('/', 1) if rest: path = rest.split('/') item = await self._getSharedItem(name) if item is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchName(name=name) sess = await Sess.anit() async def sessfini(): self.sessions.pop(sess.iden, None) sess.onfini(sessfini) link.onfini(sess.fini) self.sessions[sess.iden] = sess sess.conninfo = link.getAddrInfo() link.set('sess', sess) if isinstance(item, s_telepath.Aware): reply[1]['features'] = await item.getTeleFeats() item = await s_coro.ornot(item.getTeleApi, link, mesg, path) if isinstance(item, s_base.Base): link.onfini(item) reply[1]['sharinfo'] = s_reflect.getShareInfo(item) sess.setSessItem(None, item) reply[1]['sess'] = sess.iden except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'tele:syn error: {e} link={link.getAddrInfo()}') reply[1]['retn'] = s_common.retnexc(e) await link.tx(reply) async def _runTodoMeth(self, link, meth, args, kwargs): valu = meth(*args, **kwargs) for wraptype, wrapctor in dmonwrap: if isinstance(valu, wraptype): return await wrapctor.anit(link, valu) if s_coro.iscoro(valu): valu = await valu return valu def _getTaskFiniMesg(self, task, valu): if not isinstance(valu, s_share.Share): retn = (True, valu) return ('task:fini', {'task': task, 'retn': retn}) retn = (True, valu.iden) typename = valu.typename return ('task:fini', {'task': task, 'retn': retn, 'type': typename}) async def _onTaskV2Init(self, link: s_link.Link, mesg): # t2:init is used by the pool sockets on the client name = mesg[1].get('name') sidn = mesg[1].get('sess') todo = mesg[1].get('todo') try: if sidn is None or todo is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchObj(name=name) sess = self.sessions.get(sidn) if sess is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchObj(name=name) item = sess.getSessItem(name) if item is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchObj(name=name) s_scope.set('sess', sess) s_scope.set('link', link) methname, args, kwargs = todo if methname[0] == '_': raise s_exc.NoSuchMeth(name=methname) meth = getattr(item, methname, None) if meth is None: logger.warning('%r has no method: %r', item, methname) raise s_exc.NoSuchMeth(name=methname) sessitem = await t2call(link, meth, args, kwargs) if sessitem is not None: sess.onfini(sessitem) except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception) as e: logger.exception(f'Error on t2:init: {s_common.trimText(repr(mesg), n=80)} link={link.getAddrInfo()}') if not link.isfini: retn = s_common.retnexc(e) await link.tx(('t2:fini', {'retn': retn})) async def _onTaskInit(self, link, mesg): task = mesg[1].get('task') name = mesg[1].get('name') sess = link.get('sess') if sess is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchObj(name=name) item = sess.getSessItem(name) if item is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchObj(name=name) try: methname, args, kwargs = mesg[1].get('todo') if methname[0] == '_': raise s_exc.NoSuchMeth(name=methname) meth = getattr(item, methname, None) if meth is None: logger.warning('%r has no method: %s', item, methname) raise s_exc.NoSuchMeth(name=methname) valu = await self._runTodoMeth(link, meth, args, kwargs) mesg = self._getTaskFiniMesg(task, valu) await link.tx(mesg) # if it's a Share(), spin off the share loop if isinstance(valu, s_share.Share): if isinstance(item, s_base.Base): item.onfini(valu) async def spinshareloop(): try: await valu._runShareLoop() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception: logger.exception('Error running %r', valu) finally: await valu.fini() self.schedCoro(spinshareloop()) except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception) as e: logger.exception('on task:init: %r', mesg) retn = s_common.retnexc(e) await link.tx( ('task:fini', {'task': task, 'retn': retn}) )