Source code for

import os
import sys
import copy
import asyncio
import logging
import argparse

import regex
import prompt_toolkit

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.telepath as s_telepath

import synapse.lib.cli as s_cli
import synapse.lib.cmd as s_cmd
import synapse.lib.node as s_node
import synapse.lib.output as s_output
import synapse.lib.parser as s_parser
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ERROR_COLOR = '#ff0066'
WARNING_COLOR = '#f4e842'
NODEEDIT_COLOR = "lightblue"

welcome = '''
Welcome to the Storm interpreter!

Local interpreter (non-storm) commands may be executed with a ! prefix:
    Use !quit to exit.
    Use !help to see local interpreter commands.

Use the <Tab> key for suggestion/completion of forms, commands, and tags.
[docs] class QuitCmd(s_cli.CmdQuit): ''' Quit the current command line interpreter. Example: !quit ''' _cmd_name = '!quit'
[docs] class HelpCmd(s_cli.CmdHelp): ''' List interpreter extended commands and display help output. Example: !help foocmd ''' _cmd_name = '!help'
[docs] class StormCliCmd(s_cli.Cmd): # cut the Cmd instance over to using argparser and cmdrargv split
[docs] def getArgParser(self): desc = self.getCmdDoc() pars = s_cmd.Parser(prog=self._cmd_name, description=desc, outp=self._cmd_cli.outp) return pars
[docs] def getCmdOpts(self, text): pars = self.getArgParser() argv = s_parser.Parser(text).cmdrargs() return pars.parse_args(argv[1:])
[docs] class RunFileCmd(StormCliCmd): ''' Run a local storm file. Example: !runfile /path/to/file.storm ''' _cmd_name = '!runfile'
[docs] def getArgParser(self): pars = StormCliCmd.getArgParser(self) pars.add_argument('stormfile', help='A local file containing a storm query.') return pars
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): if not os.path.isfile(opts.stormfile): self.printf(f'no such file: {opts.stormfile}') return False with open(opts.stormfile, 'rb') as fd: text = self.printf(f'running storm file: {opts.stormfile}') return await self._cmd_cli.storm(text)
[docs] class PushFileCmd(StormCliCmd): ''' Upload a file and create a file:bytes node. Example: !pushfile /path/to/file ''' _cmd_name = '!pushfile'
[docs] def getArgParser(self): pars = StormCliCmd.getArgParser(self) pars.add_argument('filepath', help='A local file to push to the Cortex.') return pars
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): if not os.path.isfile(opts.filepath): self.printf(f'no such file: {opts.filepath}') return False self.printf(f'uploading file: {opts.filepath}') async with await self._cmd_cli.item.getAxonUpload() as upload: with open(opts.filepath, 'rb') as fd: byts = while byts: await upload.write(byts) byts = size, sha256 = await opts = {'vars': { 'sha256': s_common.ehex(sha256), 'name': os.path.basename(opts.filepath), }} return await self._cmd_cli.storm('[ file:bytes=$sha256 ] { -:name [:name=$name] }', opts=opts)
[docs] class PullFileCmd(StormCliCmd): ''' Download a file by sha256 and store it locally. Example: !pullfile c00adfcc316f8b00772cdbce2505b9ea539d74f42861801eceb1017a44344ed3 /path/to/savefile ''' _cmd_name = '!pullfile'
[docs] def getArgParser(self): pars = StormCliCmd.getArgParser(self) pars.add_argument('sha256', help='The SHA256 of the file to download.') pars.add_argument('filepath', help='The file path to save the downloaded file to.') return pars
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): self.printf(f'downloading sha256: {opts.sha256}') try: with s_common.genfile(opts.filepath) as fd: async for byts in self._cmd_cli.item.getAxonBytes(opts.sha256): byts = fd.write(byts) self.printf(f'saved to: {opts.filepath}') except asyncio.CancelledError as e: raise except s_exc.SynErr as e: self.printf(e.errinfo.get('mesg', str(e))) return False
[docs] class ExportCmd(StormCliCmd): ''' Export the results of a storm query into a nodes file. Example: // Export nodes to a file !export dnsa.nodes { inet:fqdn#mynodes -> inet:dns:a } // Export nodes to a file and only include specific tags !export fqdn.nodes { inet:fqdn#mynodes } --include-tags footag ''' _cmd_name = '!export'
[docs] def getArgParser(self): pars = StormCliCmd.getArgParser(self) pars.add_argument('filepath', help='The file path to save the export to.') pars.add_argument('query', help='The Storm query to export nodes from.') pars.add_argument('--include-tags', nargs='*', help='Only include the specified tags in output.') pars.add_argument('--no-tags', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not include any tags on exported nodes.') return pars
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): self.printf(f'exporting nodes') queryopts = copy.deepcopy(self._cmd_cli.stormopts) if opts.include_tags: queryopts['scrub'] = {'include': {'tags': opts.include_tags}} if opts.no_tags: queryopts['scrub'] = {'include': {'tags': []}} try: with s_common.genfile(opts.filepath) as fd: cnt = 0 async for pode in self._cmd_cli.item.exportStorm(opts.query, opts=queryopts): byts = fd.write(s_msgpack.en(pode)) cnt += 1 self.printf(f'saved {cnt} nodes to: {opts.filepath}') except asyncio.CancelledError as e: raise except s_exc.SynErr as e: self.printf(e.errinfo.get('mesg', str(e))) return False
[docs] def cmplgenr(*genrs, prefix=''): ''' Iterate over all the generators/iterators passed in as args and return Completions from them. If prefix is specified, make sure the current item in the generator starts with the prefix value. ''' for genr in genrs: for (valu, display) in genr: if prefix and not valu.startswith(prefix): continue completion = prompt_toolkit.completion.Completion( valu[len(prefix):], display=display ) yield completion
tagre = regex.compile(r'#(\w+[\w\.]*)$') libre = regex.compile(r'\$([a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\.]*)$') cmdpropre = regex.compile(r'([a-z_][a-z0-9_]+[a-z0-9_:\.]+)$')
[docs] class StormCompleter(prompt_toolkit.completion.Completer): def __init__(self, cli): self._cli = cli self.initialized = False # These are all the possible completions. Their format should be as follows: # (<name>, <display>) # ('misp.event.add', '[cmd] misp.event.add - Add Synapse nodes to a MISP server.') self._cmds = [] # ('lib.cast', '[lib] $lib.cast(name: str, valu: any) - Normalize a value as a Synapse Data Model Type.') # ('lib.debug', '[lib] $lib.debug - True if the current runtime has debugging enabled.') self._libs = [] # ('inet:fqdn', '[form] inet:fqdn - A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).') # ('inet:fqdn:domain', '[prop] inet:fqdn:domain - The parent domain for the FQDN.') self._forms = [] self._props = []
[docs] async def load(self): info = await self._cli.item.getCoreInfoV2() types = info['modeldict']['types'] # Process forms/props for form in info['modeldict']['forms'].values(): formname = form['name'] formdoc = '' formtype = types.get(formname) if formtype: forminfo = formtype.get('info') if forminfo: formdoc = forminfo.get('doc') if formdoc: formdoc = f' - {formdoc}' self._forms.append((formname, f'[form] {formname}{formdoc}')) for prop in form['props'].values(): propname = prop['name'] if not propname.startswith('.'): propname = f':{propname}' propdoc = prop.get('doc', '') if propdoc: propdoc = f' - {propdoc}' self._props.append((f'{formname}{propname}', f'[prop] {formname}{propname}{propdoc}')) # Process cmds commands = info['stormdocs'].get('commands', ()) for command in commands: name = command['name'] doc = command['doc'] if doc: doc = f' - {doc}' self._cmds.append((name, f'[cmd] {name}{doc}')) # Process libs libraries = info['stormdocs']['libraries'] for library in libraries: basename = '.'.join(library['path']) for local in library['locals']: libname = '.'.join((basename, local['name'])) name = libname desc = local['desc'].strip().split('\n')[0] libtype = local['type'] if isinstance(libtype, dict) and local['type']['type'] == 'function': args = local['type'].get('args') if args: params = [] for arg in args: argname = arg['name'] argtype = arg['type'] params.append(f'{argname}: {argtype}') params = ', '.join(params) name = f'{name}({params})' else: name = f'{name}()' self._libs.append((libname, f'[lib] ${name} - {desc}')) self._forms.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) self._props.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) self._cmds.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) self._libs.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) self.initialized = True
async def _get_tag_completions(self, prefix='', limit=100): if not prefix: depth = 1 else: depth = prefix.count('.') + 1 q = ''' $rslt = () if ($prefix != '') { syn:tag=$lib.regex.replace("\\.$", '', $prefix) } syn:tag^=$prefix +:depth<=$depth | uniq | limit $limit | $doc = '' if $node.props.doc { $doc = ` - {$node.props.doc}` } $rslt.append(($node.value(), `[tag] {$node.value()}{$doc}`)) | spin | return($rslt) ''' opts = {'vars': {'prefix': prefix, 'limit': limit, 'depth': depth}} view = self._cli.stormopts.get('view') if view: opts['view'] = view return await self._cli.item.callStorm(q, opts=opts)
[docs] def get_completions(self, document, complete_event): # pragma: no cover # This is the sync version of this method (vs get_completions_async() # below). We don't need the sync version but the base class has this # decorated as an abstract method so it needs to be configured. Do nothing. pass
async def _get_completions_async(self, document, complete_event): # Note: Be careful when changing the order of matching in this function. text = document.text.strip() # If the last character is a hash, suggest tags if text[-1] == '#': return cmplgenr(await self._get_tag_completions()) # Try to match partial tags match = if match: tag = return cmplgenr(await self._get_tag_completions(tag), prefix=tag) # Try to match partial libs match = if match: name = if name.startswith('lib'): return cmplgenr(self._libs, prefix=name) else: # Nothing else below starts with $ so return return # Match on potential commands and props match = if match: valu = if ':' in valu: return cmplgenr(self._forms, self._props, prefix=valu) return cmplgenr(self._cmds, self._forms, self._props, prefix=valu)
[docs] async def get_completions_async(self, document, complete_event): # Only complete on TAB and if there is input if not complete_event.completion_requested or not document.text or not document.text.strip(): return # Initialize completions if not self.initialized: await self.load() self.initialized = True completions = await self._get_completions_async(document, complete_event) if not completions: return for item in completions: yield item
[docs] class StormCli(s_cli.Cli): histfile = 'storm_history' async def __anit__(self, item, outp=s_output.stdout, opts=None): await s_cli.Cli.__anit__(self, item, outp=outp) self.indented = False self.cmdprompt = 'storm> ' self.stormopts = {'repr': True} if opts is not None: if opts.optsfile is not None: stormopts = s_common.yamlload(opts.optsfile) if stormopts is None: mesg = f'The --optsfile {opts.optsfile} does not exist.' raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg=mesg) self.stormopts.update(stormopts) if opts.view: self.stormopts['view'] = opts.view self.hidetags = False self.hideprops = False self._print_skips = []
[docs] def initCmdClasses(self): self.addCmdClass(QuitCmd) self.addCmdClass(HelpCmd) self.addCmdClass(ExportCmd) self.addCmdClass(RunFileCmd) self.addCmdClass(PullFileCmd) self.addCmdClass(PushFileCmd)
[docs] def printf(self, mesg, addnl=True, color=None): if self.indented: s_cli.Cli.printf(self, '') self.indented = False return s_cli.Cli.printf(self, mesg, addnl=addnl, color=color)
[docs] async def runCmdLine(self, line, opts=None): if self.echoline: self.outp.printf(f'{self.cmdprompt}{line}') if line[0] == '!': return await s_cli.Cli.runCmdLine(self, line) return await self.storm(line, opts=opts)
[docs] async def handleErr(self, mesg): err = mesg[1] if err[0] == 'BadSyntax': pos = err[1].get('at', None) text = err[1].get('text', None) tlen = len(text) mesg = err[1].get('mesg', None) if pos is not None and text is not None and mesg is not None: text = text.replace('\n', ' ') # Handle too-long text if tlen > 60: text = text[max(0, pos - 30):pos + 30] if pos < tlen - 30: text += '...' if pos > 30: text = '...' + text pos = 33 self.printf(text) self.printf(f'{" " * pos}^') self.printf(f'Syntax Error: {mesg}', color=ERROR_COLOR) return text = err[1].get('mesg', err[0]) self.printf(f'ERROR: {text}', color=ERROR_COLOR)
def _printNodeProp(self, name, valu): self.printf(f' {name} = {valu}')
[docs] async def storm(self, text, opts=None): ret = True realopts = copy.deepcopy(self.stormopts) if opts is not None: realopts.update(opts) async for mesg in self.item.storm(text, opts=realopts): await'storm:mesg', mesg=mesg) mtyp = mesg[0] if mtyp in self._print_skips: continue if mtyp == 'node': node = mesg[1] formname, formvalu = s_node.reprNdef(node) self.printf(f'{formname}={formvalu}') if not self.hideprops: props = [] extns = [] univs = [] for name in s_node.props(node).keys(): if name.startswith('.'): univs.append(name) continue if name.startswith('_'): extns.append(name) continue props.append(name) props.sort() extns.sort() univs.sort() for name in props: valu = s_node.reprProp(node, name) name = ':' + name self._printNodeProp(name, valu) for name in extns: valu = s_node.reprProp(node, name) name = ':' + name self._printNodeProp(name, valu) for name in univs: valu = s_node.reprProp(node, name) self._printNodeProp(name, valu) if not self.hidetags: for tag in sorted(s_node.tagsnice(node)): valu = s_node.reprTag(node, tag) tprops = s_node.reprTagProps(node, tag) printed = False if valu: self.printf(f' #{tag} = {valu}') printed = True if tprops: for prop, pval in tprops: self.printf(f' #{tag}:{prop} = {pval}') printed = True if not printed: self.printf(f' #{tag}') elif mtyp == 'node:edits': edit = mesg[1] count = sum(len(e[2]) for e in edit.get('edits', ())) s_cli.Cli.printf(self, '.' * count, addnl=False, color=NODEEDIT_COLOR) self.indented = True elif mtyp == 'fini': took = mesg[1].get('took') took = max(took, 1) count = mesg[1].get('count') pers = float(count) / float(took / 1000) self.printf('complete. %d nodes in %d ms (%d/sec).' % (count, took, pers)) elif mtyp == 'print': self.printf(mesg[1].get('mesg')) elif mtyp == 'warn': info = mesg[1] warn = info.pop('mesg', '') xtra = ', '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in info.items()]) if xtra: warn = ' '.join([warn, xtra]) self.printf(f'WARNING: {warn}', color=WARNING_COLOR) elif mtyp == 'err': await self.handleErr(mesg) ret = False return ret
[docs] def getArgParser(): pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='') pars.add_argument('cortex', help='A telepath URL for the Cortex.') pars.add_argument('onecmd', nargs='?', help='A single storm command to run and exit.') pars.add_argument('--view', default=None, help='The view iden to work in.') pars.add_argument('--optsfile', default=None, help='A JSON/YAML file which contains storm runtime options.') return pars
[docs] async def main(argv, outp=s_output.stdout): pars = getArgParser() opts = pars.parse_args(argv) async with s_telepath.withTeleEnv(): async with await s_telepath.openurl(opts.cortex) as proxy: async with await StormCli.anit(proxy, outp=outp, opts=opts) as cli: if opts.onecmd: if await cli.runCmdLine(opts.onecmd) is False: return 1 return 0 else: # pragma: no cover completer = StormCompleter(cli) cli.completer = completer await completer.load() cli.colorsenabled = True cli.printf(welcome) await cli.addSignalHandlers() await cli.runCmdLoop()
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover sys.exit([1:])))