v2.110.0 - 2025-03-03
Features and Enhancements
Added details to error message displayed when Ingest tool JSON/JSONL parsing fails.
Added type opts to prop type tooltip in Data Model Explorer.
Improved type opts display for forms and types in Data Model Explorer.
Fixed Cron edit storm query to make only necessary changes.
Fixed erroneous error messages appearing when importing nodes files.
Fixed issue with icon and button hover/focus styles.
Fixed Story element dragging setup bug.
Fixed Story table columns to not be resizable unless editing.
v2.109.1 - 2024-02-18
Added missing tooltips on disabled toggles in the Users tab of the Admin tool.
Disabled admin toggle in the Users tab of the Admin tool when Azure SSO is configured.
Fixed resetting Data Model Explorer state when its search input is cleared.
Fixed Spotlight tool layout issue.
v2.109.0 - 2024-02-14
Features and Enhancements
Added ability to create multiple nodes from comma or space-delimited values in Spotlight.
Added menu options to clear the Storm Editor’s output.
Fixed an issue where uploading multiple files to Synapse-Fileparser would lead to incorrect state being displayed to the user.
Fixed automatically scrolling the NodesManager table to show a node after clicking its match in the Spotlight document.
Fixed bug causing large integers to lose precision.
Fixed Cron edit modal handling of deleted users.
Fixed Data Model Explorer handling of interface
references.Fixed format of context menu header in text prop spotlight editor when selected content contains newline characters.
Fixed layout bug on New Spotlight Document modal’s options tab.
Fixed node creation in Spotlight when the selection contains leading or trailing whitespace.
Fixed NodeEditor ival field handling of the ongoing ival value.
Fixed Spotlight throwing an error when attempting to add a refs edge to a node that already has it.
Improved creating multiple nodes in Spotlight to ignore empty values.
Improved reliability of selecting content in Spotlight via triple-click.
Improved documentation
Improved documentation for Workflow autocomplete input field
v2.108.0 - 2024-01-24
Features and Enhancements
Added ability to add refs edges to existing nodes in text prop Spotlight modal.
Added ability to change user passwords in the Admin tool.
Added ability to copy a query to the clipboard in Research and Console query history.
Added ability to delete a query in Research and Console query history.
Added ability to edit raw markdown for markdown typed props.
Added ability to prevent automatically adding refs edges and manually manage them in the Spotlight tool.
Added a modal for creating and editing custom graph projection rules.
Added a “restore defaults” link under Spotlight New Document modal options.
Added links to a Power-Up’s changelog from the Power-Ups Tool.
Added message to view deletion confirmation modal when the view has triggers that will be deleted.
Added Stats display mode global
time bar chart.Added Stats time bar chart seconds and minutes time bucket options.
Added Storm APIs to manipulate aspects of a user’s UI session.
Added strike-through styling to names of locked or archived users on Admin Trigger and Cron tabs.
Added subroutes for the Admin tool tabs.
Added Tabular display mode menu option to clear column filters for all forms in the Workspace.
Added tooltips to storm table container header title and row count.
Added Workflows stormform autocomplete field
opt to runonenter
actions when the user selects an item.Clarified “Refresh Node(s)” and “Rerun Query” (formerly “Refresh Query”) in Story Element edit drop-down menu.
use from the Ingest tool.Removed all usage of soon to be deprecated
Fixed horizontal scrolling for various tables including Workflow datatables, triggers, and crons.
Fixed text prop Spotlight handling of matches for text containing surrogate pairs (emojis, etc.).
Fixed text spotlight bug that could crash the editor when editing.
Fixed Workflows stormform autocomplete field
opt behavior.Fixed Workspaces Views last edited time handling.
Improved error message returned when Spotlight was unable to edit existing Nodes.
Prevent dropdown menus from closing when a disabled option is clicked.
Prevent multiple dropdown menus from being open simultaneously.
v2.107.0 - 2024-12-03
Features and Enhancements
Added a context menu option to pivot from a
secondary property to the nodes tagged with the value of that property.Added
copy with quotes
context menu options.Added inputs to set or edit the type of a note.
Updated the service to build from Synapse v2.190.0.
Fixed an issue where removing View permissions could result in a user not being able to login anymore.
v2.106.0 - 2024-11-12
Features and Enhancements
Add autocomplete functionality for
properties in NodeEditor components.Improve toast message when adding a Force Graph to a Story.
Notes markdown editor add ability to switch to raw editing mode.
Reduce the number of round trips to the Cortex the Admin Tool requires in order to load data.
Remove node limit on copy to clipboard feature.
StormTable column filtering support and Research Tabular display mode filter persistence and synchronization per Workspace.
Stylize locked users and exclude archived users in Story Permissions modal.
Clear query bar history quicksearch input before showing the history modal.
Disable stylesheet precaching to avoid stale styles when new versions are deployed.
Fix an issue where a secondary prop to secondary prop pivot would not enable the Explore button in Tabular display mode.
Fix Workflow NodeEditor Element’s handling of NDef and Ival fields
options.Fix Workflow NodeEditor Element’s populating of NDef secondary properties.
Truncate extra long descriptions on Power-Up cards and add a tooltip with the full description.
v2.105.0 - 2024-10-18
Features and Enhancements
Add a button to unset a property field in the Node Editor.
Add a message iden column to the output of the
command.Add a WorkflowElement type to render an image from a SHA256 that exists in the configured Axon or from a URL.
Add Storm
macro name autocompletion.Add Workflow actions to read from and write to the clipboard.
Allow Storm queries to be used to populate properties in the Add Node Modal.
In Admin tool, add ability for admins to see, filter by, and modify Users’ archived status.
Move to a rich markdown editor in Messages, Stories, note editing, and markdown prop editing.
Stories add new
Single Column
layout suitable for eventual export to other formats.Story layout can now be changed for existing Stories. Elements will be moved to the clipboard.
Stylize locked or archived users in Admin tool, Metrics tool, Stories tool, and Node edit history.
Tabular display mode ability to render markdown for support props (meta:note:text) with a toggle in the columns editor.
The Tag Explorer now properly handles toggling review mode on and off.
Update the title/doc/isnow columns in the Tag Explorer to properly reflect review mode highlighting.
Workflows add
storm module for changing vars while running astorm
action and aonstormvars
action opt to execute actions when vars are updated.
Allow the Node Editor to set the milliseconds field of time values.
Fix Admin tool simultaneous tab buttons bug.
Fix an issue in Tabular display mode where rows were not properly sorting by column values.
Fix an issue in the Metrics tool where the Sunburst chart wouldn’t reset when changing the breakdown type.
Fix an issue where table icon sizes were too small to be properly usable.
Fix an issue where table sorting in the some of the Admin tools would cause updates to display outdated or incorrect information.
Fix an issue with tag property enum repr.
Improve permission error messages on Stories.
Properly update the Tag Explorer on receiving node edits.
v2.104.0 - 2024-09-25
Features and Enhancements
Add ability to change Trigger and Cron ownership.
Display a bubble over the Messages tool icon with the number of unread messages.
Display a toast when a user receives a new message.
Disable pdf.js eval support.
v2.103.0 - 2024-09-20
Features and Enhancements
Add API key support to the
HTTP endpoint.Azure AD auth add configuration to map groups to Synapse roles to be granted/revoked for users at login.
Change the shortcut for the Messages tool to
and the shortcut for the Modules tool toalt+shift+o
.Highlight new Tags’ names in Tag Explorer when in Review mode.
Automatically resize link info columns as nodes stream in.
v2.102.1 - 2024-09-10
Fix editor default key map sometimes not being loaded.
v2.102.0 - 2024-09-04
Features and Enhancements
Add a toggle in the Admin tool’s Cron UI to enable/disable Storm Pool functionality.
Allow editing ndef properties from the UI.
Break out taxonomy typed secondary properties into Sunburst charts in Stats display mode.
Handle extended model edge realtime updates.
Light edge add modal available via the nodes context menu.
Reduce noisy success toast messages where they are not necessary.
Show link information in Tabular display mode.
Fix dropdown nested submenus being positioned incorrectly.
Improve performance of storm table group range selection.
Devops Notes
Docker image entrypoint script set TMPDIR to
.Your Cortex must be at least v2.180.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.101.0 - 2024-08-06
Features and Enhancements
permission to true and show messages notification bell on login if there are unread messages.Workflows support chained var derefs e.g.
Fix Research query bar node count and Tabular display mode form node count on query cancel.
Fix Story table element loading bug.
output to include message subject and fix overflow issues in the New Message Dialog.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.177.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.100.0 - 2024-07-26
Features and Enhancements
Add ability to kill running cron job.
Add telepath and storm APIs to send, read, and delete messages.
Add tool to send/receive messages to/from other Cortex users and roles.
Power-Ups tool search to also search Power-Up descriptions.
Display layer/view last edit times.
Help tool add Key bindings tab and key binding to open a modal to display them <alt+k>.
Messages storm API to send, read, and delete messages.
Messages tool and realtime message updates.
Power-Ups tool change search to include package description.
Stormtable row hover highlight effect.
Tabular display mode form table header indicate selected node count.
Tabular display mode node selection keys: - Move selection - Up/Down - Expand selection - Shift + Up/Down - Move breadcrumbs - Shift + Left/Right - Explore selection - Enter
Tabular display mode persist column sorting across queries and sessions.
Tabular display mode table collapse and expand.
Tidy session timeout errors and avoid beholder reconnect attempts when user has no session after it expired.
operation addinboundnodes
opt to handle Event nodes or nodes from a var.Workflows
Element addsort
opt to specify a column to sort on by default.Workflows add
Action to open a URL in a new browser tab.
Ensure toast close timer always starts.
Fix Storm camel case and underscore variable name highlighting.
Fix search clearing in Power-Ups tool.
Fix searching in the Power-Ups tool Dependencies tab.
Spotlight attempt to capture with Playwright even when unable to MIME the URL.
Use cell API when checking for existing sessions.
action avoid error on a null return value.
Improved Documentation
Add basic page for Spotlight.
Add basic page for Storm Editor.
Add information about sysctl settings in deployment doc.
Update prose and images (mostly Quick Tour, some other sections) to reflect current UI.
v2.99.0 - 2024-07-05
Features and Enhancements
Add arrow history to storm exec and pivot modals.
Copy query link to allow including the View.
Select nodes from string
to include props and tags.Improve context menu copy helpers naming consistency.
Metrics Node Edits tool add 180 day and 365 day intervals and fallback to largest interval for large time ranges.
Node Data editor add a copy submenu to allow copying keys and values.
Power-Ups and Workspaces tools avoid unnecessary refresh and render on realtime updates.
Power-Ups tool Power-Up and Workflow installation issues / missing deps improvements.
Prefer given filename when downloading files.
Spotlight search index and fileparser parse toggles now default to off.
Tree Graph add
Select nodes from string
action ability to set toastlevel
independent of title.- Toast notification improvements
Hovering a toast notification will make all toasts stay visible.
Improve styling of toast notifications and add copy and close buttons.
Multiple toast notifications can now be displayed simultaneously.
Research query load increment toast message ‘Don’t show again’ option.
Don’t show a warning on incorrect macro save.
Fix ival column ordering not persisting when moved to the first position.
Fix Story table global column sorting.
Prevent tool navbar from shrinking when expanded.
Improved Documentation
Add quorum user guide docs.
Update fork & merge docs.
Various doc formatting fixes.
v2.98.0 - 2024-06-14
Features and Enhancements
Allow merge requests on Views with forks.
Disable Sysctl checks and tweak some tooltips.
Stories can now be protected to prevent updates.
Fix Quorum merge request Metrics tab charts overflowing scroll container.
Prevent dropdown from overflowing viewport.
Run .nodes export as the websocket user.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.170.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.97.0 - 2024-05-31
Features and Enhancements
command to yield all the nodes in a Story.Add
command to yield nodes in a Story element.Add text property Spotlight capabilities.
Allow non-forked Views to toggle
to prevent deletion.Geospatial display mode add select nodes from string capability.
Improve editor cursor visibility when cursor is on a matching bracket.
Image viewer improvements.
Panel add pathvar dropdown menu.
Spotlight new document modal layout improvements.
Spotlight new document modal persist last fileparser parse and search index toggle options.
Spotlight Playwright capture improvements.
Fix Ingest tool run button icon bug.
Workflows various bug fixes.
element handle callstorm Action that returns null.
v2.96.0 - 2024-05-10
Features and Enhancements
Ingest tool capture sha256 and provide to query as
.Set tagprops from Add Tag dialog.
Spotlight warn when accessing document by URL and media:news node doesn’t exist in the active View.
Storm Editor Macros realtime updates.
Tabular display mode breadcrumb tooltip display form docs.
Workspace import and export from JSON file.
Workspaces tool ability to export tag colors.
Fix Autocomplete input manually typed match bug.
Only display user/role in Admin Views detail if it has the
v2.95.0 - 2024-04-19
Features and Enhancements
Details Panel display configured embed props.
Improve top toolbar responsiveness for smaller screens.
Power-Ups tool handle Power-Ups that are incompatible with the Cortex version.
Quorum merge request modal automatically close on create and delete.
Quorum warn when disabling quorum on View with open merge requests.
Silence a unnecessary gateIden error when checking View permissions.
Spotlight display useful error message when attempting to add a document that already exists and the user does not have permissions for.
Storm Editor ability to edit macro names.
Storm Editor macro permissions management.
Storm Editor tool reads and updates URL for the selected query/macro.
Tabular display mode use default columns from data model when present.
View UX use new
option instead ofnomerge
File download allow archive without password.
Fix Spotlight document loading race condition.
Fix Workspaces tool View details not updating layers table when layer names were changed.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.167.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.94.0 - 2024-03-15
Features and Enhancements
Add form icons for
, andrisk:tool:software
.Data Model Explorer display all types and types that extend from them.
Data Model Explorer display edge verbs and the forms they are used with.
Data Model Explorer search always display items with a matching name above a form’s prop name matches.
Multi-file download and password support.
Quorum configuration tab added to Workspaces tool Views.
Quorum merge request UX to create, manage, and vote on merge requests when the parent View has quorum configured.
Selector layout display selected item at top of list when it’s not visible from search and/or filters.
Fix Array Editor pending item deletion bug.
Fix Cron deletion bug.
Fix Details Panel handling of nodes with props not defined in the model.
Fix Spotlight perms table not clearing pending row state across renders.
v2.93.0 - 2024-03-08
Features and Enhancements
configuration.Make editor matching bracket highlighting more visible.
Prevent Spotlight users without the
perm from attempting to create a new Spotlight doc from a node.Replace
.Tree Graph improve node edits rendering performance.
Fix array editor dialog dimensions to be more proportional to screen size.
Fix Azure auth token validation.
Fix Dropdown submenus overflowing the viewport by allowing submenu scrolling.
Fix issue with tag columns not being removable.
Fix Spotlight not refreshing changes to document media:news nodes.
Fix Spotlight storm API not cleaning up browsers after using them.
Fix table tagglob column added tags not being highlighted in Review mode.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.163.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.92.0 - 2024-02-16
Features and Enhancements
Add support for Optic to log users into the system using information provided by an AWS Application Load Balancer configured to provide authentication information for users.”
cell conf to allow explicitly preventing normal user logins.Update deprecated
usage to JSON style syntax.
Fix Trigger deletion bug.
v2.91.0 - 2024-02-06
Features and Enhancements
Add ability to set the description for custom node actions.
Add a feed API like the one on the Cortex.
Add created timestamps to Admin tool.
Add Workspaces storm API.
Console improve Node repr with highlighting and right click node context menu.
Console tool add a button to run the
query.Console tool Clear console menu item add tooltip displaying the keyboard shortcut.
Datamodel Explorer ‘Lift in Research Tool’ button for interfaces.
Details panel add an Anatomy tab that displays the data in each Layer of the active View for a selected Node when Review mode is enabled.
Force graph improve edge label label drawing styling.
Node edits are now applied across tools when possible, e.g. making edits to a Node in a Workflow will be reflected on a Node rendered in Research.
Research Force graph add ability to use saved graph projections.
Research tool add a button to run the
query in your active Display mode.Review mode toggle in a new topbar menu to enable highlighting changes in the top layer of the active View in the Research, Spotlight, Storm Editor, Workflows, and Console tools, along with enabling the Anatomy tab in the Details panel.
Stories listing improve card layout to handle long usernames and Story titles.
Storm autocompletion for interfaces.
Workflow elements that do not support rendering
action results will now still execute the action.
Fix Workflows
fields sometimes not rendering their placeholder.Fix StormTable header menu being hidden by subsequent table headers.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.161.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.90.0 - 2024-01-12
Features and Enhancements
Add API Key support for passthrough handlers.
Add Spotlight table extraction error reporting.
Add type, example, and enum values to Details Panel prop name tooltips.
Tool navbar is now expandable.
Fix Bulkingest making
nodes in the wrong view.Fix Double tag columns showing up on refresh.
Fix Force Graph state issues.
Fix Spotlight bug in adding a document via storm.
Fix Table tagglob column tags not being sorted.
Fix Workspace column preference loading when a form is no longer present in the datamodel.
Fix Workflows element loading bug when running on a stale UI build.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.157.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.89.0 - 2023-12-08
Features and Enhancements
action block to execute actions after allonload
actions and after the Workflow is interactive.Better handling of stale nodes that no longer match the datamodel.
Improve column resizing so that all other columns retain their current widths.
Improve draggable list edit and delete icon spacing.
Improve SAML session length logging and fallback to default if session length of less than 5 minutes is detected.
Spotlight extractor editor allow setting description that will be used in tooltips.
Spotlight settings draggable lists add an empty message hint.
StormTable sticky headers and separators in Research, Spotlight, Stories and Workflows.
Element addorientation
opt to layout buttons vertically.
Details panel will now correctly indicate multi-form selections.
Fix Extractors not using their description for the tooltip.
Fix jump to Power-Ups documentation not clearing search input.
Fix OpticForm horizontal orientation not handling the buttons as expected.
Fix Table columns editor columns list overflowing the dialog.
Fix Table columns issue with comp / ival types.
Fix Workspaces tool node actions table overflow the viewport.
Ingest tool improve error UX when failing to retrieve file from URL.
Meta notes viewer will now escape HTML in
.Nexusify the magiclink APIs to make them work correctly with mirrors.
OpticForm add
opt to control buttons alignment in horizontal orientation.Packages being added or removed will now refresh storm command autocompletion.
Prevent Trigger add / edit from closing the dialog when the query is invalid.
Repr int enum values when they don’t have a text value for non strict enums.
Timeline and Tree Graph will now populate the All Tags tab.
v2.88.0 - 2023-11-29
Features and Enhancements
Add version info to logging handler.
Handle Views being detached from their parents.
Fix form component broken horizontal layout bug.
Fix nodeeditor primary value name bug.
Fix Workspaces tool readonly Workspace tag colors list scrolling.
Handle Workflow node actions referencing a Workflow that does not exist.
Improve Timeline card props spacing.
v2.87.0 - 2023-11-18
Features and Enhancements
Add Cortex Ext HTTP API support.
Always clear the session cookie to avoid a well behaved client from holding onto the cookie.
Consolidate column definitions and visible elements into a single manager.
Improve formatting of Spotlight extractor error toast messages.
Invalidate user session on realtime events.
Log when a user logs out interactively.
Metrics tool and ival editor datepicker inputs handle relative times.
Node edits summary is now clickable to view query node edits.
Research tool Tabular and Force Graph display modes add a
submenu.SAML auth add option to specify a role that controls admin privilege.
Search bar for view selector.
Spotlight add ability to refresh any potentially missing refs edges on demand.
Spotlight extractor extractor yields opt and UX.
StormRaise errors will now display their errname as their code instead of StormRaise.
Triggers add UX for configuring the edge:add/edge:del conditions.
View diff table display light edge adds.
Fix Context menu query helper for
type lifts. (#1895) [James Gross]Fix Research tool Statistics query rerun race condition.
Ingest tool prevent bad inputs for start / count inputs.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.155.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.86.0 - 2023-11-01
Features and Enhancements
Node editor add enum prop autocompletion.
element addarrayeditor
field.Workspaces add an HTTP API to share and unshare Workspaces.
Workspaces new Workspace modal offer shared Workspaces to copy from.
Update Force Graph physics button on hover/stop.
v2.85.0 - 2023-10-20
Features and Enhancements
Add Autocompletion for str/taxonomy typed form props.
Data Model Explorer add toggles to filter forms, types, and interfaces.
Node editor inline array editor use default item autocompletion when possible.
Spotlight document perms configurable when creating a new document.
Spotlight storm API and commands.
Tree Graph add pivot indicator like Timeline.
Fix Force Graph load increment bug.
Fix missing form refs for array props.
Fix repr of taxonomy type props that aren’t forms.
Fix setting taxonomy prop to ‘’ to delete bug.
Fix tag autocomplete input <Tab> to expand tag bug.
Fix StormTable handling duplicate node rows bugs.
Fix Story table column header dropdown menu position bug.
Fix Tag autocomplete
opt not allowing**
tagglob.Fix Workspaces tool View tab search query bar not being cleared on beholder messages.
Improved Documentation
Add “Grant Permissions” section to generically address Optic perms UI.
Add “Workspaces Tool” section.
General content revisions to account for new/updated Optic features.
v2.84.0 - 2023-10-06
Features and Enhancements
Add array prop editor UX.
Log username on failed login attempts.
Meta notes UX set and display the
prop.Replace Workspaces and Admin tools fields autosave with <Enter> or blur to save and <Esc> to cancel.
Spotlight add copy submenu and header copy button / menu for multi match selections.
Tree Graph add explore options to the menu.
Tree Graph allow toggling tag rows.
Tree Graph improve organization of menu options.
Tree Graph link options modal add a button to toggle all on/off.
Fix Spotlight search bar not being cleared when attempting to select a newly created Document.
Fix Stories layout issues that could cause a Story to become unloadable.
Fix Tabular display mode column resize scroll jump bug.
v2.83.1 - 2023-09-26
Fix Workflows action filtering equality so
null == undefined
.Fix Workflows targeted action filtering to be checked only on the target Element.
v2.83.0 - 2023-09-22
Features and Enhancements
Add a
perm that can be denied to prevent users from uploading files.Add Node modal and
Workflow element use a dropdown instead of a toggle for boolean props to properly represent ‘unset’.Data Model Explorer add deprecated model element display toggle.
Data Model Explorer display interfaces.
Force graph display prop/edge link labels on hover.
Improve query string escaping.
Tag Explorer search with storm and add :isnow column.
element adddatepicker
, andtagautocomplete
field types.Workflows Action filter support comparing to
and deep equality.
Fix Spotlight not linking existing nodes scraped exclusively from tables.
Fix Stats display mode time bar chart handling of large time ranges.
Fix Stories panel table column picker name overflow.
Fix Stories Force graph element missing create tag legend menu option.
Fix Story style secondary color changing button colors.
Ingest tool make CSV from URL handling consistent with file upload.
Storm error highlighting avoid attempting to highlight errors outside of the executed query.
Views always show the ‘prevent merge’ toggle.
Improved Documentation
Fork and Merge docs
Views and Layers docs
v2.82.0 - 2023-08-29
Features and Enhancements
Update Force Graph mode to take advantage of the new graph projection indexes.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.146.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.81.0 - 2023-08-29
Features and Enhancements
Add meta:notes viewer and editor accessible from the nodes context menu.
Console tool add Ctrl+l keybinding to clear Console output.
Spotlight document media:news and file:bytes node context sub menus.
Stories storm API and commands.
Storm Editor search query text in addition to name.
Timeline swimlanes touchups.
Timeline improve sizing and layout stability.
Fix Spotlight document loading race condition bug.
Fix Storm error highlighting inside json expressions.
Fix Workflows
field dropdown staying open after selection.Fix Workflows
live bind fielddisabled
vars so arefresh
is not necessary.Replace remote_ip with remoteip to be inline with http request handlers.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.145.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.80.0 - 2023-08-18
Features and Enhancements
Timeline display mode improvements.
Treegraph display mode improvements.
Action now logs message to Console tool by default with an opt to disable.
Fix Tabular display mode Scroll to Form dropdown bug.
Fix Node Add modal bug in displaying primary prop value errors.
Fix datepicker handling of ‘now’ and ‘?’ values.
Fix Tabular display mode ival[max] value updates always adding 1ms.
Improved Documentation
Add Display Modes content for Force Graph mode.
Add Display Modes content for Tabular mode.
Added tip on Shift+Enter Run keybinding for some multi line editors.
Update Customize Your Environment to include info and examples for path var columns.
v2.79.0 - 2023-08-04
Features and Enhancements
Add optic.login permission (default true) that can denied to prevent users from logging in to UI/API.
Stories modifications push and react to realtime updates.
Force Graph fix issues with undo / redo.
v2.78.1 - 2023-07-31
Ensure Story elements can always be removed even when in an inconsistent state.
v2.78.0 - 2023-07-28
Features and Enhancements
Add optional cell configuration for EULA that requires users to accept it before using Optic.
Add syn:tag node context menu to tag rows in the Details Panel.
Console tool avoid scrolling to bottom automatically when navigating back.
Research Tabular display mode explore breadcrumbs persistence and navigation.
Storm Console add scroll to bottom UX when scrolling back.
Tag Explorer search currently loaded tags with substring or tag glob.
Tag Explorer awareness of whether a tag has child tags before attempting to expand.
Tag Explorer auto refresh when changing views.
View multiple images from context menu.
Workflows add
on Element to define actions to be executed when the user changes their active Cortex View.Workflows
Action supportinboundnodes
opt like thestorm
Actions addall
opt to hide/select all nodes in an Element.Workflows
var is now automatically initialized with{}
Fix Admin tool cron name horizontal overflow.
Fix a feature detection race condition.
Fix query and copy helpers for syn:user nodes.
Fix Stories Element menu placement when Story is zoomed in or out.
Fix Stories table column sort state icon not being rendered.
Fix Storm tag highlighting regex to include
.Fix Tree Graph refs in removal and spacing.
Fix Workflows
Element not displaying export to CSV menu option.Trim leading and trailing whitespace in all search bars.
v2.77.0 - 2023-07-12
Features and Enhancements
Default Spotlight feature flag to enabled.
Display cron iden in the Admin tool.
Research tool add user preference to autorun the current query when switching Display modes.
Timeline add ability to edit swimlanes.
Timeline add export SVG/PNG support.
Timeline add resizable split.
Timeline add selected card popouts.
Treegraph improve node card width calculations.
Element add columnonchange
opt to set a custom storm query for the node prop update.Workflows
Element add tabtooltip
Fix optic package perms gate to be
instead ofoptic
.Fix quoting issues in StormTable CSV export.
Fix toggle clickable area expand to fill the whole toggle.
Fix various bugs in metrics / search service feature detection.
Fix Workflows
Element not initializing autocomplete fields from vars.
Improved Documentation
Add Quick Tour navigation guide.
Add devops docs for proxy ip parsing.
v2.76.1 - 2023-06-20
Timeline fix various issues with resizing and reloading.
v2.76.0 - 2023-06-16
Features and Enhancements
Add Metrics tool for visualizing node edits statistics from the Synapse-Metrics Power-Up.
Query / Tag arrow history restore previous pending input after bottoming out.
Timeline display mode add node deaggregation when zooming in.
Element persist textarea heights.Workflows
column opt.
Fix Console tool storm mode awareness bug causing autocompletion to stop working.
Fix Stories tables column width dragging not being persisted.
Fix Workflows beholder message handling closing modal Workflows bug.
Fix Workflows
Element textarea default height.Fix Workflows
enum value 0 not being populated.Fix Workflows
incorrectly escaping newlines when repring for a textarea field.
v2.75.0 - 2023-06-09
Features and Enhancements
Change autocompletion to not automatically select the first match. When no match is selected Tab accepts the first match. Arrow keys can select matches, use Enter or Tab will accept a selected match.
Change bool repr to lowercase for consistency.
Change taxonomy repr to remove the trailing
.Console keep scrollback up to 50k lines.
Editing a prop value to an empty string will now delete the prop.
Prop and tag date picker now saves when the date picker is closed.
Timeline display mode is now available behind the feature flag
. Timeline is considered beta.Tree Graph display mode refs in nodes always show.
Element input fieldpassword
opt to hide input text.
Make markdown bold text a brighter color.
Spotlight allow refreshing capture of Document created from an existing media:news:file.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.137.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.74.0 - 2023-05-23
Features and Enhancements
Add the View name to the hover tooltip in the View selector dropdown menu.
Add Tree Graph display mode secondary prop tooltips.
Data Model Explorer search include matches on form descriptions.
Improve UX of the Power Ups tool Dependencies tab.
Lift syn:tag nodes from tags via Details Panel tag context menu.
Render nodes from node actions to the Console in line with the warnings.
Tree Graph display mode allow setting the widths of cards.
v2.73.0 - 2023-05-09
Features and Enhancements
Storm autocompletions can now be accepted with <Enter> or <Tab> in single line editors.
Storm error highlighting use new Storm AST highlighting information.
Update the service to build from Synapse v2.133.0.
View selector disable the fork button if user is not allowed
Fix Workflows jsonschema missing some default values.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.133.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.72.0 - 2023-05-08
Features and Enhancements
Tree Graph display mode add ‘Export as SVG’ option.
Tree Graph display mode line and spacing improvements.
Fix stats bar chart labels rotation bug.
v2.71.0 - 2023-05-03
Features and Enhancements
Disable file downloading via UX when
perm is denied (default allowed).Improve datepicker button sizing and spacing.
Spotlight add ability to extract HTML table data when using playwright to PDFify a web page and ingest the data with storm.
Tree Graph display mode allow selection of refs-in pivots to display.
Use a dialog for editing ival values min/max values separately.
Workflows add
Action to allow uploading files to the Axon.Workflows nodeeditor now reprs enum prop values.
Spotlight fix issue with forgetting matches removing the wrong match.
Spotlight improve UX when forgetting a match is unable to remove a refs edge from a lower layer.
Tag prop value repr use enum type info in Details panel and Console.
Workflow elements cancel active iterator if attempting to execute the same action.
v2.70.0 - 2023-04-21
Features and Enhancements
Improve the Tree Graph display mode icon.
NodeEditor use a toggle for boolean typed props.
NodeEditor support
Action to clear the editor of any state from nodes.Only offer to add images to a Story if the file:bytes node has an image mime type.
Respond to Cron start/stop events in real time.
Tree Graph display mode use Tabular display mode’s columns configuration for which props are visible.
Workspaces tool allow setting Workspace perms in the add Workspace modal.
v2.69.1 - 2023-03-29
Devops Notes
Correct a CI issue that prevented the v2.69.0 package from being published. There are no other changes from v2.69.0.
v2.69.0 - 2023-03-29
Features and Enhancements
Add Selection submenu with generic node selection functions for all display modes.
type props use tag autocomplete.Research support path var columns with type configuration and display all path vars in Details Panel.
Storm autocompletion substring match node forms once when completing with at least four characters.
Tree Graph display mode add refs-in pivots ability.
Workflows add
Action supported bydatatable
Elements for updating table rows in place.Workflows add
input fieldmaxlength
Actions addfmtstr
operation to format strings from $vars and $nodes.Workspaces tool only show Views a user has perms for.
Fix ‘Could not find item for iden’ error when deleting a View.
Fix Research and Console query bar arrow history move cursor to end of query.
Fix Tree Graph node pivot button not updating when removing selected nodes.
Fix Tree Graph situations where pivoting from a node caused pivots on the other instances of the node in tree.
Fix tooltips not being destroyed in Node editor / Workspace selector.
Fix Workflows issue with
Action subs requiring events conf.Fix Workflows
field updating the$fields
with manual input.Fix Workflows
field input losing focus after clicking an autocompletion option.
v2.68.0 - 2023-03-10
Features and Enhancements
Add Tags dialog now allows setting the tag(s) ival values with datepicker enabled inputs.
Storm API to retrieve the currently configurednetloc
for the Optic cell.Admin tool Roles tab remove unused
toggle and replace with a sortableuser count
column.Avoid displaying
milliseconds on timestamps.Enhance CSP used by
to be a nonce based strict CSP.Node add modal
fields add datepicker support.Node prop
and tagival
fields add datepicker support.Power-Ups tool add a dependencies tab to display unresolved issues.
Power-Ups tool add more details to the Power-Up install modal.
Remember initial inbound URL path when user is not authenticated and navigate to it after login.
Research and Console tool query bar now support storm highlighting, autocompletion and keybindings, controlled by several new user preferences.
Shared Workspaces with user and role permission configuration UX.
Spotlight add global document permissions
to allow users/roles a level of access to all documents regardless of document specific permissions.Spotlight improve error message when attempting to create a Spotlight document that already exists.
Storm autocompletion avoid offering completions for consecutive storm commands until after a
.Storm autocompletion suggestions can now be accepted with
.Tree Graph display mode is now available behind the feature flag
. Tree Graph is considered beta.Update HTTP API handlers to accommodate the detailed user logging added in Synapse
fields add datepicker support.Workflows tool storm query error toast remove element title to be more readable.
fields add anonopen
opt to fetch new values each time the field is opened.Workspace selector now allows favoriting Workspaces.
Workspaces tool Default Preferences tab for control over initial Research/Console query modes and Research display modes when a Workspace is initialized by a user for the first time.
Fix Data Model Explorer browser history navigation back/forward issue.
Fix Stats bar charts abruptly cutting off x axis labels and add tooltips on hovering labels.
Spotlight handle creating documents from URL when a media:news node with that URL already exists with a file that might not be a PDF.
Storm Editor improved error handling when failing to create a new macro.
Improved Documentation
Minor updates to the Deployment guide.
Add section on Optic specific permissions to the Devops guide.
v2.67.0 - 2023-02-02
Features and Enhancements
Add cell conf
for overriding the default session length.Allow selecting and uploading multiple files at once.
Spotlight currently open document will always be visible without scrolling when expanding the document list.
Update the service to build from Synapse v2.122.0.
Fix Markdown code span style.
Handle columns for props that have been removed from the model.
v2.66.0 - 2023-01-24
Features and Enhancements
Add Admin tool Cron tab UX multi occurrence support.
Add Admin tool Triggers tab realtime updates.
Add Spotlight document media:news guid as
to Spotlight extractor queries.Add Workspaces tool realtime updates for Views and Triggers.
NodeEditor array prop editor norm each item on add.
Spotlight keep new extractor modal open when extractor query encounters an error.
Fix StormTable sorting of node tag ival timestamps.
Improved Documentation
Add Docs for Exporting data from Synapse.
v2.65.0 - 2023-01-06
Features and Enhancements
Add Cortex OAuth2 provider authorization code flow support.
Add Workflows
Action to explicitly initiate OAuth2 provider authorization code flow.Spotlight new document modal add fileparser parse toggle.
Spotlight playwright pdfify document scrolling more resilient and improve UX feedback.
Stats time bar chart add value prop selector to chart the value of a prop instead of the node count.
Update Power-Ups tool to handle new package metadata.
View creation UX add ‘Prevent Merge’ toggle.
View selector dropdown add tooltips to display View descriptions.
Workflows automatically close
WorkflowActionStop or an uncaught storm error are encountered.Workflows
Element allow setting field errors by firingoptic:nodeeditor:fielderrs
Element automatically handle escapedBadTypeValu
exceptions to generate field errors.Workflows
Element inbound nodes fromonnodes
Event into storm Actions to allow for pivoting on initial load.
Fix bug in common prop checking for arrays.
Fix bug with EditablePropField usage inside a modal.
Fix Spotlight MIME http request storm error handling.
Improved Documentation
Add “Add Data to Synapse” section.
Add “Export to PDF” to Stories Tool docs.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.117.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.64.0 - 2022-12-14
Features and Enhancements
NodeEditor and Add Node modal add array prop editing UX.
Spotlight document user file uploads now set file:bytes:mime to application/pdf.
Action addopendelay
opt to delay and potentially not display the intermittent loading modal.
Fix Stories layout when exporting Stories to PDF.
Improved Documentation
Add documentation for configuring CSP header and overriding/extending the default.
Improved SAML documentation and a Keycloak example configuration walkthrough.
v2.63.1 - 2022-12-05
Fix a packaging issue.
v2.63.0 - 2022-12-05
Features and Enhancements
Workflow event subscriptions now run concurrently, instead of sequentially.
Add boot hooks to the container entrypoint. Move the entrypoint script to
v2.62.0 - 2022-11-30
Features and Enhancements
Add View selector favorite toggle icon and sorting favorite views to the top of the list.
Nodes context menu add
submenu to download a prop that is a file:bytes node.Nodes context menu add raw value copy to the
submenu.Nodes context menu for StormTables handle embedded prop cells.
Spotlight handle opening media:news Nodes when :file::mime is not ‘application/pdf’.
Stories improve Story settings details type and status input UX.
Update Workflows, Power-Ups and Help tools as necessary after beholder pkg:add / pkg:del.
Workflows buttons support for
that can be a boolean or live bound var.Workflows menu items add
to dynamically set the menu itemtext
from a var.Workflows nodeeditor Element support embed prop fields.
Workflows nodeeditor Element update and rerender loaded node from node edits.
Workflows stormtable Element merge column and queryopts defined embeds when executing a storm Action.
Fix Node editor buttons vertical alignment.
Fix Sunburst chart tooltips when zooming.
Spotlight remove url input hint when url input is hidden by an inbound file:bytes.
View selector delete button disabled when a non forked view has forked views.
v2.61.0 - 2022-11-14
Features and Enhancements
Add Tag info editor dialog to update title and doc properties for tags in Panel.
Improve Stats display mode color scheme by brightening all colors.
Improve visibility of tool notification badges by making them blink.
Stats charts add Export to CSV menu option to export the underlying chart data as a CSV.
Workflows allow buttons to be used as spinners for
Fix Workflows
forced reflow performance issue.Fix Workspace Research query preferences to only accept numbers and ignore maximum for display modes that do not support it.
v2.60.0 - 2022-11-02
Features and Enhancements
Add realtime updates for user, role, service, view, layer and Optic feature flag updates.
Add telem and it:exec icons for applicable forms.
Allow text selection for several tables that had it disabled.
Nodes Context Menu add query menu option to lift the node when secondary prop is a form.
Research tool, Console tool, and Workflows query bars now use monospace font.
Spotlight add extractors capability to allow creating nodes/matches from storm using highlighted text as $text.
Spotlight add it:prod:softname to default quick forms.
Spotlight add text find UX to allow searching through the document.
Spotlight add nodes tables existence filtering.
Spotlight detect matched Nodes that don’t have the media:news refs edge and automatically correct them.
Spotlight improve node details panel empty messages when selected new matches.
Spotlight loading of Power-Up provided Spotlight extractors.
Spotlight multiple match creation dialog allow removal of individual matches.
Storm Editor add Storm Opts editing UX for user queries.
Warn in the console when a Power-Up’s Optic functionality is not loaded because the min version is not met.
Element improvements.
Fix display of status for cron jobs that are currently running.
Fix handling of ival edits for tags and ival props.
Fix initial render race condition with Workflow
Actions.Fix Stories markdown element fullscreen and splitscreen bug.
Fix Stories tables not correctly freezing global columns at capture time.
Fix Workspaces new Workspace dialog submit on <Enter> in the name input.
Improve upload file
running progress bar user feedback.Respect the active storm mode when Exporting to a Nodes file.
Update story table tag colors from current Workspace on query and node refresh.
Improved Documentation
Ingest tool User Guide documentation.
Stories tool User Guide documentation.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.111.0 to be used with this Optic release.
Added cell conf
to add Content-Security-Policy header.
v2.59.0 - 2022-10-08
Features and Enhancements
Add repr for
typed props.Add
SameSite = strict
to session cookies.Hide locked users from user select dropdowns.
Log user logins and optionally record the last login timestamp in the Cortex. See the Devops task for storing user login timestamps for instructions on enabled this feature..
Power-Ups tool add search bar for finding Power-Ups by name.
Remove standard login DOM altogether when SSO is enabled.
Spotlight add document zoom dropdown and stepping buttons.
Spotlight document creation dialog toggle to add file to Synapse-Search indexing if available.
Spotlight document storage reorganization and document level permissions.
Spotlight now avoids some bad font behaviors in Synapse-Playwright captured PDFs.
Spotlight nodes tables always in alphabetical order and avoid unnecessary scroll jumping.
Fix Spotlight capture of manual match offsets when highlighting in an external link
Fix Spotlight issues with submatch highlighting.
Scale down images in image view to prevent overflow.
nodes set:mime
.Stories markdown element styles isolated to avoid leaking out.
Workflows layout styles updates to avoid poor performance responsive height layout.
Improved Documentation
Add Netloc and HTTPS Certificate subsection to deployment guide.
Update HTTP API documentation and add examples.
Devops Notes
Spotlight documents will undergo a migration on the first start up with this release.
Your Cortex must be at least v2.110.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.58.0 - 2022-09-15
Features and Enhancements
Add a vertical resizable split to the Ingest tool.
Add more Node form icons.
Data Model Explorer now displays information on a form’s defined light edges.
Global default Workspace is now editable by any admin user.
Improve performance of resizing columns of storm tables with a large number of rows.
Improve scrollbar visibility everywhere.
Nodes context menu query and copy submenus will additionally break out array props into individual lifts.
Spotlight scraping and subsequent processing no longer blocks the UX and instead displays progress in the top bar.
Avoid generating an empty session cookie altogether when auth is not successful.
Correct logging endpoint response when handling error / warning types.
Element tag and ival embed typed columns now apply width to both columns.
v2.57.0 - 2022-08-24
Features and Enhancements
Improve View delete UX with spinner and background capabilities.
Workflows Element
Actions automatically debounced.Workflows
columns adddisableresize
Element addlinenumbers
Element addyara
syntax highlighting.
Fix Spotlight comp type submatch tooltip rendering.
Power-Ups tool display Installed Rapid Power-Ups that are no longer available from the package repo.
Stats always display form breakdown chart even when form has no secondary props.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.106.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.56.0 - 2022-08-16
Features and Enhancements
Add a
submenu to the Nodes context menu that mirrors thequery
submenu to allow copying values to the clipboard.Add user guide link to Help > Documentation.
Admin tool Views Merge / Delete buttons are now disabled if the view has been forked.
Improve Stats chart tooltips UX and consistency.
Node actions that produce warnings will be indicated in the node action completion toast.
Spotlight add copy submenu to document menus.
Spotlight document creation from an uploaded file will now use the file’s name if the user has not provided one.
Spotlight documents captured with synapse-playwright can be refreshed with control over some advanced capture settings.
Workflows add standalone
Element to provide user feedback on runningstorm
Allow discarding non-forked views from the View selector.
Fix Research tool Tabular mode primary property column position not being persisted correctly.
Storm Table
columns are now sorted correctly.View selector button tooltips are now displayed even when buttons are disabled.
Improved Documentation
Add Optic “Getting Help” documentation.
v2.55.0 - 2022-08-02
Features and Enhancements
Improve Stats pattern of life chart handling of array props and comp types.
Spotlight document details use media:news:publisher:name instead of deprecated media:news:org.
Tag add dialog now maintain history of recently added tags per Workspace accessible by up/down arrows.
Workflows add
Element to render markdown content.Workflows
Action support instormform
Elements for focusing specific buttons by index.
Add 404 and Axon Has API Handlers.
Cron table display <user deleted> in creator cell when user no longer exists.
Stories AuthDeny errors are now logged to the Console tool.
v2.54.1 - 2022-07-21
Improve the tag autocomplete trigger focus check.
v2.54.0 - 2022-07-21
Features and Enhancements
Nodes context menu move
helpers into aquery
submenu and use natural language where possible.Spotlight document capture from URL UX improvements.
Spotlight document capture with Playwright now attempts to hide cookie consent banners to prevent obscuring the document.
Tag autocompletion now available when completing tag names in Workspaces tag color configuration, Table tag/tagglob columns, and Trigger creation tag:add/tag:del.
Admin Views fix missing Delete button for Views that are not forked.
Handle feature flags properly when Azure auth is enabled.
OpticTable update cell tooltips when an editable cell is modified.
Power-Ups Tool fix incorrect version comparison when checking for updates.
Query bookmarks fix issue with multiline queries.
Improved Documentation
The User Guide section has been completely rebuilt with detailed sections on Getting Started and Customizing Your Environment.
v2.53.0 - 2022-07-18
Features and Enhancements
Geospatial display mode allow toggling tag color gradients over time for nodes with a time prop.
Node actions added ability to render nodes yielded from the query in the Research tool.
Stats display mode prop count bar charts allow selecting primary prop and persists the selected prop to the Workspace.
Tag add dialog now colors new tags according to Workspace tag color rules when autocompleting.
Workflows add optional
opt to Elements andstorm
Action for controlling query running spinners.
Fix Console query bar not utilizing text search mode.
Fix Panel selection issues in prop menu in All Props tab.
Fix View selector merge dialog duplicate event handler issue.
Fix Workflow state not being cleared completely between uses.
Fix Workflow modals not stopping active iterators when being closed.
v2.52.0 - 2022-06-30
Features and Enhancements
Nodes context menu add [query] helper to lift by tag when selecting syn:tag nodes.
Spotlight add ‘Edit document name’ to document selector row menu.
Spotlight now uses tag colors for highlighting in the document if configured.
Fix Spotlight Panel All Tags including forgotten match node tags.
Fix Spotlight Panel vertical overflow and select nodes message unnecessary overflow.
Fix Spotlight nodes tables sometimes becoming unresponsive.
Fix Spotlight update tag colors when Workspace tag colors are changed.
Fix styles that were collapsing repeated whitespace in node property values.
v2.51.0 - 2022-06-29
Features and Enhancements
Improve context menu UX by making a larger hover area around submenus.
Workflows add
opt on all Elements to add buttons that will be displayed in the Element’s titlebar.Workflows and Stories
now displaysit:exec:url:page:image
as an image prop.
Close drops and hide tooltips when using navigating to a tool using keybindings.
Workflow permissions and Optic minimum version honored in the nodes context menu workflows submenu.
v2.50.2 - 2022-06-28
Hide email related UX when email is not configured.
v2.50.1 - 2022-06-27
Fix Admin Roles management regression in latest Chrome.
v2.50.0 - 2022-06-24
Features and Enhancements
Nodes context menu ability to view a file:bytes node as image when an image mime is detected.
Spotlight document creation Playwright integration best effort scroll document to force lazy image loading.
Spotlight improved manual match / node creation to capture denormalized matches and maintain association to the normalized Node.
Workflows add
Element for simply displaying text.Workflow enabled node actions are now split into their own sub menu called
placed just belowactions
.Workflow enabled node actions
to controltitle
for parity with theopenmodal
Fix Console node repr skip unknown extended props and still render Node.
Fix Tag autocomplete tooltips sticking around longer than they should.
Fix Workflows markdown doc modal content overflow.
Prevent odd behavior when Workflows
v2.49.0 - 2022-06-09
Features and Enhancements
field with support for both static and callstorm provided completion items.Workflows
Action addtitlevar
opt to set the modal title from a var.Workflows and Stories
now displays inet:web:acct:avatar as an image prop.
Element hide query status icon until query is executed.
v2.48.0 - 2022-06-01
Features and Enhancements
Change StormTable column headers menu to open on click anywhere on the header instead of just the text.
Display a helpful message when a Node isn’t selected in the Node Props / All Props Panel tabs.
Improve documentation and streamline layout and organization.
Increase brightness of expand / collapse button on selector layout list.
Move Storm table header menu to the left for visual stability.
available on all Elements to add menu items to the titlebar hamburger menu.Workflows
support and allow bothhidden
to deref vars, and nodes instormtable
Element columns can now specify thelinewrap
menu itemsonly.singleselect
to support hiding items when not single selecting.Workflows support
not $foo
as a negation operator when dereferencing vars or nodes values.
Fix StormTable columns issue with handling a
with spaces.Fix StormTable form valu ellipsis text overflow.
Fix Workflows execution of
Actions when usingselectdata
v2.47.0 - 2022-05-24
Features and Enhancements
‘Text Search’ query mode is now separate from ‘Lookup’ and hints that it’s only available when the Synapse-Search Power-Up is installed.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.95.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.46.0 - 2022-05-23
Features and Enhancements
Add Workflows
opt to allow inline definition of the Workflow to open.Add Workflows
opt to allow inbounding nodes to a storm query outside of anonnodes
Fix Workflows json schema too strict for
Action optqueryopts
.Fix Workspaces tool View deletion to only delete the write layer when the view is forked.
v2.45.0 - 2022-05-19
Features and Enhancements
Add Research table column
behaviour and a toggle in the Table columns editor.Add Tag autocompletion tooltips to display each tag’s documentation on highlight or hover.
Add Workflows alternate Workflow layout type
to support enhanced responsive layout.
Delete the write layer when deleting a view from the Workspaces tool.
Fix issue in Workflow
Elements where vars failed to update properly.
in favor of the new centralizedWorkflow.layout.elements.<element-iden>
pattern. See JSON schema documentation for more details.Improved session cookie management and lifecycle.
Update magiclink APIs to be disabled if Email isn’t available. Magic links now have configurable expiration dates via the
cell conf. Additionally, generating a new magic link will automatically invalidate a previous one.
v2.44.1 - 2022-05-09
Fix Stories Markdown Element bug that caused Elements to not display their rendered Markdown.
v2.44.0 - 2022-05-05
Features and Enhancements
Add Tags dialog can autocomplete existing tags and indicate when creating a new tag.
Lookup mode miss creation dialog displays suggested nodes in a table.
Navbar Vertex Logo tooltip displays Websocket ping latency information.
Spotlight UX awareness of
Action optqueryopts
to allow providing additional opts for query execution.
Explicitly hide all NodeEditor field tooltips when the Add Node modal is closed.
Static file handlers no longer clobber
header when configured in thehttps:headers
cell conf.Workflows
Element now filters out nodes that do not matchform
The Optic Docker image now runs on Python 3.8.
v2.43.0 - 2022-04-20
Features and Enhancements
Add Spotlight
[query] file:bytes
andDownload file:bytes
to Document menu.
Fix Spotlight load from URL providing view incorrectly.
v2.42.0 - 2022-04-19
Features and Enhancements
opt to thestorm
Action. Can be set tofalse
to cause an Element to execute the storm query without rendering the results.Add UX for the view
option.Improve Tag Explorer columns configuration.
Spotlight Add All nodes display a progress bar.
Spotlight nodes tables sort by valu instead of existence first.
Spotlight one click Node creation by clicking the visibility dot.
Fix Stats display mode sunburst chart for tag and :loc hierarchies.
Fix Stories title element auto height management.
Fix Tag Explorer initial lift lift performance issue.
Fix Workflows
Element menu$nodes
var and selection issues.
Devops Notes
Remove exim4 from docker image and update conf and docs. The entrypoint script has been renamed and it is now required to provide your own email server conf to support sending emails to users.
v2.41.0 - 2022-04-11
Features and Enhancements
Add Workflows
action to jump user to the Research tool and execute a storm query.Add Workflows
Element that allows defining tabs and the Elements displayed in each tab. Add Workflowsupdatevars
operation for toggling booleans values.Improve Node Add modal UX by adding type / example / base type information to field tooltip when available.
Improve comp type repr using sepr if available.
Improve Spotlight text selection by always trimming leading and trailing whitespace.
Improve Workflows buttons in
Elements by addingdisabled
$var binding support.
Fix Datamodel prop escaping to be safer when escaping for queries.
Fix Help tool search input autofocus for applicable tabs.
Fix NodeEditor display prop fields in their natural order.
Fix OpticForm toggle field not capturing into
.Fix Spotlight mishandling of full-span middle match dom manipulation.
Fix Workflows
fini active iterator if necessary when executing astorm
Action.Fix log spam when attempting to render Research Stats display mode bar charts in the background.
v2.40.0 - 2022-03-30
Features and Enhancements
Add OpticTable csv export functionality and expose as an opt for Workflows
Elements.Add OpticTable drag to resize column functionality. This applies to Workflows
Elements and several other tables throughout the UI.Add OpticTable handling of column header text overflow using ellipsis.
Add OpticTable copyable tooltip to allow consistently copying abritrary length values from cells.
Add Stories Insert Page option to the page break menu.
Add Workflows
sendfocus Action support.Improve Spotlight handling of media:news:published document details setting and improve UX.
Fix Cron last result not being cleared between invocations.
Fix Spotlight document removal issues.
Fix Spotlight document deconfliction and UX when loading an existing document.
Fix Spotlight override and disable global column defs in nodes tables.
Fix Workspaces vertical layout.
v2.39.0 - 2022-03-22
Features and Enhancements
Add ‘Remove document’ option to allow removing a Spotlight document.
Add Spotlight multiline selection multi node creation UX.
Add progress spinner and background button to View merge dialog UX.
Spotlight now refreshes available Documents when the View is changed (except when Forking).
Fix Data Model Explorer jump to docs when a form is already selected.
Fix Workflows
Action handling interactions.Fix displaying triggers that might not have tdef.view set.
Devops Notes
Added cell conf
to allow overriding SAML response session expiration.The Stories feature flag
is now enabled by by default.This release uses the new Vertex base docker image.
v2.38.0 - 2022-03-10
Features and Enhancements
Add HTTP api to CRUD global and user Workspaces.
Add Spotlight New Document UX ability to use synapse-playwright to pdfify web pages.
Add Spotlight ability to forget and restore user and auto matches.
Add Spotlight submatches to highlight match tooltips.
Add Workflows
opt to keep a field in the same row/column as the previous field.Add toggle to Upload File dialog to allow parsing with fileparser.
Add Workflows
element with an API similar toqueryeditor
.Add Workflows
Action that can be used to stop executing an Action chain.Add menu separator between user node actions and pkg node actions
Add :org field to Spotlight document details.
Allow type repr for
to handle values outside of Synapse values. Intended for use by Workflowdatatable
Element column type definitions.Change Add Node dialog to use the transactional
API.Change Tag hierarchy sunburst count to counting nodes instead of the tags.
Change Workflow datatable to preserve existing table and update opts when handling an init message.
Improve performance of Tabular display mode ‘Select all’.
Improve Storm Editor layout.
Research lookup mode will now prompt to create detected nodes that do not yet exist.
Spotlight context menu add it:cmd to suggested forms for a user selection.
Spotlight match context menu document details submenu for :url and :org.
Spotlight node add modal always pushed over to the right
Support new Metrics v2 API for node history.
Add Trigger dialog tag input handle tags without # for consistency.
Add Trigger dialog form input value is cleared between invocations.
Datamodel quoting rules improvement.
Fix Research Panel tab prop and tag visibility toggle syncronization between tabs.
Fix Story editor description horizontal overflow issue.
Fix Force graph display mode handling of edges when nodes have been removed.
Handle edge:has and ndef reprs correctly.
Prevent the Story settings Add Permission button from being incorrectly hidden.
Fix Spotlight triple click line selection capture.
Stop the Action chain during a
Action in querybar/queryeditor soonstop
Actions run uncontended.Workflows datatable column header always visible.
Add optional auth:saml:entityid conf and handle session expiration properly.
Add storm package/service for Optic and use for Spotlight
Prevent Notification panel from overflowing the viewport.
Devops Notes
Optic now implements a storm package to allow Optic APIs to be called directly from Storm. This requires configuring Optic as a Storm Service within your Cortex. See the post deployment configuration documetnation for instructions.
Your Cortex must be at least v2.85.0 to be used with this Optic release.
The Spotlight tool is now available behind the feature flag
. Requires the Optic Storm Service to be added to your Cortex. Spotlight is considered beta.
v2.37.0 - 2022-02-09
Features and Enhancements
Workflows global console logging and
cypher syntax.
Fix issue with loading configuration Workflows in the Power-Ups Updates tab.
Rename Workflows
element toqueryeditor
.Upgrade dependencies.
v2.36.0 - 2022-02-01
Features and Enhancements
Add Console query bar functionality equivalent to the Research query bar.
Add the OpticDropdownMultiSelect component and OpticForm / Workflow stormform Element support.
Fix overflow issue in node data editor and query bookmarks manager.
Force graph failing to make links between nodes.
v2.35.0 - 2022-01-28
Features and Enhancements
OpticTable applies tooltips for cells when content overflows width and/or height.
Power-Ups tool support for using a provided
Workflow for a Power-Up.Power-Ups tool URL routing for tabs.
Selector layout list now floats over the details when it is collapsable.
Element multiselection support.Workflows
Element to enable use of various query languages and provide a query spinner.Workflows
Element input fieldonenter
Actions support.Workflows
Elements opts to justify buttons.Workflows
Action optionalfeed
opt to support feeding messages to supported elements (datatable
Action optionaltitle
Action andstormform
Element support.Workflows
Action to delete all or a set of an Element’s vars.Workflow Element
configuration.Workflow Element card hide header if
is not defined.Workflows ability to specify permissions required to use Workflow and what to do when not allowed.
Workflows ability to specify
to require a minimum Optic version to be accessible.Workflows support for a
key for anchors keeping YAML anchors to facilitate reuse.
Tabbing to a button now correctly applies hover styles.
Devops Notes
The Workflows feature flag
is now enabled by default. Workflows is considered beta, but every effort will be made to maintain backwards compatibility going forward.The Docker image default entrypoint has been changed from
to be consistent with other Synapse Docker images.
v2.34.0 - 2022-01-20
Features and Enhancements
Admin Layers table sortable by size.
Updated documentation.
Workflows avoid displaying package that has workflows but no displays.
Node data editor forked view awareness.
v2.33.0 - 2022-01-14
Features and Enhancements
Add Workflows datatable element init message to configure opts.
v2.32.0 - 2022-01-12
Features and Enhancements
Add a 404 page to RTD docs.
Add ability to use $ingest.filename in a bulk ingest script.
Add Workspaces user guide documentation.
Hide Research query bar overflow but add a tooltip if necessary.
Make Admin Cron UI layout consistent with other tabs.
Power-Ups can define optic.provides to specify Workflows provided and use available ‘configuration’ Workflows in the Power-Ups tool.
Add WorkflowElement doc prop to support tooltip and/or markdown documentation for an Element.
Add WorkflowElement level disabled and hidden props and behavior.
Add Workflows stormconsole Element.
Add Workflows stormform Element buttons configuration.
Add Workflows stormform Element $fieldvalues + $fielderrs behavior.
Add Workflows stormform Element field width configuration.
Add Workflows stormform Element field level disabled and hidden behavior.
Add Workflows neq filter
Add Workflows selectdata action and datatable support.
Add Workflows event filtering support.
Fix Data Model Explorer Referenced by deprecation hinting.
Fix Workflows datatable element menu click select behavior.
Fix Stats FormPropCountCollector getNodes() method compare against other reprs.
v2.31.0 - 2021-12-09
Features and Enhancements
Add a Node data editor accessible via the Nodes context menu.
Keep URL in sync with Help tabs and Data Model / Power-Ups selected item to allow deep-linking.
Fix various Ingest tool issues.
v2.30.1 - 2021-12-02
Fix missing ndef type repr.
v2.30.0 - 2021-12-02
Features and Enhancements
Add Node dialog input field documentation tooltips.
Add Trigger management UX for async triggers.
Improved Bookmarks favorite star icon.
The Global Default Workspace can now be used as a read only Workspace by all users.
Fix the Cron hourly input arrows.
Stay in fork on view merge failure.
Enable Datadog RUM useSecureSessionCookie.
v2.29.0 - 2021-11-22
Features and Enhancements
Add Changelog tab to Help tool.
Add ‘Lift in Research Tool’ button to Data Model explorer.
Add Research tool Query bookmarks functionality.
Add Story Settings Style tab to allow modifying font and color styles.
Improved Stats display mode bar chart handling of array and comp types.
Retain context menu exec and pivot queries across uses.
Separate extended props from built-in props and order accordingly.
Fix Force graph Select nodes by string dialog button.
v2.28.0 - 2021-11-02
Features and Enhancements
Add View selection UX for Cron management.
Add Admin View merge triggers functionality.
Allow copying tag and tagglob columns to clipboard.
Improve Story Element refresh capabilities and UX.
Repr node path meta in Console and Storm Editor tools.
Stories Markdown element ability to populate markdown from a query.
Fix Advanced Power-Ups description not being rendered.
Fix handling of middleware storm execution errors.
Fix jump to docs not selecting the correct tab.
v2.27.0 - 2021-10-20
Features and Enhancements
List Ingest tool specs sorted by name.
Workflows tool / API improvements.
Fix various Stories issues.
v2.26.0 - 2021-10-12
Features and Enhancements
Add Stories templating functionality including copying stories, editing global vars and editing Element queries.
Add more specific labels for column sorting in the Research tool.
Allow Node Story element to be refreshed from a query.
Improve Story element refresh query error UX.
Improve Tabular Scroll to form UX.
Fix static asset responses not applying custom headers.
Always use active view when refreshing Story elements.
v2.25.0 - 2021-09-30
Features and Enhancements
Add Datadog RUM support and documentation on how to configure it.
Add Global default workspace to provide preferences to initial and copied Workspaces.
Add OpticDropdown submenu support.
Add Workflows tool (ALPHA).
Add ability to background a long running View merge.
Improved Admin user toggles UX.
Improved global tooltips UX.
Maintain Research query bar input when changing storm query modes.
Panel and StormTable multiselection copy space/newline separated values.
Remove StormTable and Panel cell horizontal scrolling in favor of tooltips and only show tooltips when necessary.
Fix add node to story bug.
Fix multiline text and array prop field repr issues.
Truncate large prop values where possible to maintain performance.
Eliminated Workspace active view tracking. The active view is now tracked globally and not affected by the active Workspace.
v2.24.0 - 2021-09-02
Features and Enhancements
Improved several icons.
Power-Ups tool can view docs for available/update Power-Ups.
v2.23.0 - 2021-08-25
Enable Power-Ups feature by default.
v2.22.1 - 2021-08-20
Fix UX for installed Power-Ups that Cortex is no longer authorized for.
v2.22.0 - 2021-08-20
Features and Enhancements
Add Ingest tool column index to file preview header cells.
Add Ingest tool upload file type selector.
Add Model Explorer Extended Properties section.
Add prop field repr and autocompletion for for syn:user props.
Add Embed columns to Research tool Tabular display mode.
Add UX for add/remove users in Admin Role details.
Improve error message when failed to parse ingest file upload.
Improve Nodes context menu actions submenu.
Improve Power-Ups tool UX.
Fix Add Node dialog not being cleaned up.
Fix duration type repr.
Fix Research Tabular display mode overall column ordering.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.53.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.21.0 - 2021-08-02
Features and Enhancements
Add Azure role based auth to support client credential flow app scenarios.
Add list of Users that have the role to Admin Role details.
Add search to Layer Diff modal and improve filter and edit summary UX.
Improve View selector and Merge UX.
Make Admin > User roles re-orderable.
Fix StormConsole sometimes leave pending items.
Fix Admin New Role modal save button bug.
v2.20.0 - 2021-07-30
Features and Enhancements
Add a toggle to View Merge modal to move triggers into parent on merge.
Add Tag Explorer in Help to navigate the tag tree and edit tag title and doc.
Display Power-Up author info in Power-Ups tool.
Improve Export Nodes UX.
Improve overall UX when Tables / Selector lists are empty.
Improve Table/Panel prop field enum UX with an autocomplete/dropdown input.
Fix Table and Panel comp type property handling.
Fix Table and Panel array property handling.
Fix viewport constrained Nodes context menu submenu positioning.
v2.19.0 - 2021-07-16
Features and Enhancements
Research panel allow copying tags to clipboard.
Fix issue with Story tables and global columns.
Fix issue with Storm Editor list running spinner.
v2.18.0 - 2021-07-14
Features and Enhancements
Add header to Research tool table CSV export.
Admin layout and UX improvements.
Allow moving a trigger to a different view from Admin Triggers tab.
Data model explorer and Panel tooltips display enum values for enum typed props.
Diff table nodes multi-select and nodes context menu.
Display a dialog on load to warn when using an unsupported browser.
Enable basic sorting of Admin Users Roles Views Layers tables.
Enable uploading files over 1GB to Axon.
Performance improvements for Panel rendering of node selection.
Move Admin Role/Rule and View auth gate tables add button into heading.
OpticHyperTable for virtualized scrolling of large tables.
Power-Ups install/upgrade checks its synapse minimum version against Cortex version.
Power-Ups Upgrade All button when more than one upgrade is available.
Research Tabular, Force and Geospatial Select all option in display mode menu.
Storm input vim mode will now yank to clipboard.
Tabular display mode column editing, tag glob columns and global columns.
Warn and prompt for completion when a Research query is producing node edits.
Fix ingest spec editing name issue.
Fix issue where exact matched syn:form autocomplete focus would trigger selection.
Fix Multiple reload buttons being displayed after multiple restarts.
Fix Tabular display mode Scroll to Form unintended body scroll.
Handle inlining exotic Power-Up svgs by suffixing referenced ids
New Trigger modal validate cond -> props and maintain modal to allow correction.
Improved Documentation
Docs: Power-Ups feature is now beta.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.47.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.17.1 - 2021-06-21
Upgrade to build from Synapse >=v2.43.0.
v2.17.0 - 2021-06-21
Features and Enhancements
Added search bar to Workspaces and Ingest tools.
Admin tool user and role names inline editable.
Improved overall UX and styling.
Power-Ups documentation always open links in a new tab.
Research panel hint deprecated props on Node and All Props tabs.
Streamline the notification panel.
Workspaces tool view selector dropdown filtered to relevant views.
Fix Bug where stories permission checks caused user to be sent to /login.
Fix Quoting and escaping for [query] helpers.
Handle Azure user mapping cleanup when user has been deleted.
Only Admins can resend magic link emails to users.
Upgrade dependencies
v2.16.0 - 2021-06-11
Features and Enhancements
Added tooltips to TriggersTable name and doc cells.
Improved Power-Ups tool UX and workflow.
Power-Up provided node actions will always be made available regardless of the modules feature flag.
Power-Up documentation available in Help tool.
The Add Node dialog now lifts the created node into the active display mode for continued editing.
Various design and styling improvements.
Fix Notification panel toggling open/closed.
Fix running newly created macros before saving.
Fix Ingest state tracking.
Fix tag colors without # worked incorrectly.
Fix Cortex View operations made Admin and Workspaces tool data inconsistent.
Fix styling for text selection so selection is visible.
v2.15.0 - 2021-06-04
Features and Enhancements
Add Nodes context menu storm submenu with exec and pivot items.
Add Workspaces View perms tab to manage user and role access to the view.
Admin Views view details display Layers table.
Data Model explorer Referenced By table with links to the forms that reference the displayed type.
Data Model explorer Display the type of the form/type in details for clarity.
Add Diff table filter on action and improved performance.
Improve Nodes history table columns and repr.
Improve Notifications panel styling.
Improve OpticTable DOM manipulation performance.
Improve Tabular display mode tag cell styling for consistency with prop cells.
Tabular display mode activation marking state dirty issue.
Various connectivity/reconnection error handling fixes.
Upgrade to build from Synapse >=v2.42.0.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.42.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.14.0 - 2021-05-25
Features and Enhancements
Admin Triggers display view name in table and view selector on add.
Fork View modal allow setting user/role perms.
Forked View diff modal to show changes in forked view accesible via the top bar.
Improve Layer Diff table rendering and loading.
Perf: Improve Ingest tool performance.
Perf: OpticStormConsole performance improvements
Perf: Reduce OpticTable click listeners.
Power-Ups styling and copy updates.
Run Storm modal accessible via the nodes context menu to run storm on selection.
View and Layer description visible and updatable.
Allow non-admin users visibility of Power-Ups.
Allow optic-toggle to overflow the table row height.
Handle and repr the ‘data’ syn:type props correctly.
Prevent view refresh attempt when websocket is disconnected.
Reduce WebSocket with no session log noise.
Update View/Layer objects instead of recreating.
Add RTD config.
Upgrade dependencies.
Upgrade to build from Synapse >=v2.38.0.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.38.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.13.0 - 2021-05-12
Features and Enhancements
Display Cortex synapse commit sha in Help > Version tab.
Initial magic login link API.
Metrics ‘show history’ display layer name in a column.
Refresh Cortex Views and Layers periodically.
Secondary prop completion continuation.
Storm Input storm cmd completion, docs for form/props and improved prop completion.
Workspace preferences UX improvements.
Autofocus the username field on the Login screen
Axon upload dialog locked after failure bug.
Cron deletion bug.
Geospatial All Tags and render timing.
Missing cross platform ctrl click detection.
Only schedule OpticWebSock.base.fini if we’ve got the base attribute.
OpticTable loading container obscuring rows.
Prevent Storm Editor list ingprogress spinner from causing overflow.
Running of linked queries and cleanup types.
Save Story layout after in-page layout change.
Add docs on https:headers and examples enabling HSTS
Neccesary bits for getCellInfo() to return correct information.
Power-Ups updates and improvements.
Upgrade dependencies.
Upgrade Synapse 2.37.0 and minimum Cortex to 2.35.0
Use new Synapse horizontal logo on auth screens.
Devops Notes
Your Cortex must be at least v2.35.0 to be used with this Optic release.
v2.12.0 - 2021-04-02
Features and Enhancements
Admin Layers display layer size.
Focus query bar when naving to Research tool.
Global Notification panel and initial notifications.
Improve Research Panel responsive layout.
Open inet:url option in Context, Tabular and Panel menus.
Research Panel on-hover tooltips for form/prop docs and prop values.
Stories clipboard allow element deletion directly from the clipboard.
Storm Editor export HTML for query. StormTable on-hover tooltips for prop cell values.
Selected text styling in Story preview mode markdown.
Nodes context menu jump to docs initial loading.
Returning to research causing state to be marked dirty.
Stories between-grid race condition bugs.
StormTable cell text-overflow ellipsis.
WebSocket call APIs blocking eachother.
Embed commit in middleware to detect rolling updates.
Various metrics service integration improvements.
v2.11.0 - 2021-03-19
Features and Enhancements
Download file:bytes in the node context menu.
Enhance query/copy helpers with [multi-query] helpers and availability in all projections.
Global tool nav keybindings visible in nav bar hover tooltips.
Improved magic login link UX and feedback.
Improved nodes context menu header and form filtered node action handling.
Improve Workspaces UX and make node actions a sortable table.
Main view selector only show views you can read and improved sorting.
Metrics service detection and nodes context ‘show history’ functionality.
OpticTable component loading and empty API and UX.
Research tool preserve query bar running state between display modes.
Research tool Tabular display mode tracking selection and scroll through explore and reload.
Storm Editor macro save/rollback workflow to make updates to shared automation atomic.
- (beta) Stories
Stories grid per page and other improvements.
Adapt Storm query input completion to the improved storm lib documentation format.
Dynamically set the query bar tooltip based on the current query mode.
Fix incorrect exception logging calls.
Geospatial additive selection behavior bug.
Handle extraneous whitespace between tags in Add Tags dialog.
OpticSelectorLayout list scroll overflow bug.
Panel enable common tag removal across multiple forms.
Improved error handling and logging.
Upgrade all dependencies.
v2.10.0 - 2021-03-01
Features and Enhancements
SAML 2.0 Authentication. See the Documentation here.
Storm Editor follow storm convention of four spaces and no tabs.
v2.9.0 - 2021-02-25
Features and Enhancements
WebSocket ping/pong to improve broken connectivity detection.
Stories Clipboard improvements.
Fix Export Nodes always exporting the first query.
Improve Admin view merge UX
Improve Admin Trigger permission error UX.
Storm Editor set new macro initial user iden.
Storm Editor query/macro name case sensitivity and improved sorting.
Check Cortex version against requirement on startup.
v2.8.0 - 2021-02-19
Features and Enhancements
- (beta) Stories
Story element default element dimensions and add to clipboard UX improvements.
Story elements locked when dragging an element around or in.
Azure AD Authentication token refresh fix and email claim docs.
Improve Add Tag dialog UX validation and error handling.
Improve Admin error dialog reply and toast UX.
v2.7.0 - 2021-02-17
Features and Enhancements
Added view selector and fork/merge/discard buttons to top bar.
Azure AD Auth and user management. See the Documentation here.
Force graph display node labels on hover.
Plumb storm HTTP APIs into optic middleware. See the Documentation here.
Toast when a new version of Optic has been deployed.
- (beta) Stories
Add to Story always adds to open story if there is one.
Allow Stories Markdown widget to internally scroll.
Hide Story palette and widget tabs for viewers.
Improve Story page break menu UX.
Palette widgets can be dragged directly into the grid.
Palette clipboard area to improve UX while arranging a Story.
Story Force graph and Map not editable unless being configured.
Story page break lines stay visible in preview mode.
Story widget glow when active.
Add Node dialog fixes.
Story Markdown element preview <pre> text style.
Add ondemand docker branch builds.
v2.6.1 - 2021-02-05
Import Nodes file import into the current Workspace cortex view.
v2.6.0 - 2021-01-28
Features and Enhancements
Expose OpticDropdown as a ModuleAPI component.
Import/Export .nodes files via Research query bar menu.
StormQueryInput editor auto close brackets, braces and parentheses.
Upload to Axon can now take a URL to allow the Axon to do the download.
Clear the service worker cache when a new version is detected.
Correct management of max node count in the Research Force graph.
Hide markdown source when markdown is being previewed/rendered.
Prevent OpticSelectorLayout firing onSelect when row is already selected.
Remove duplicate .seen property item in Story table widget config.
Resolve Force graph node removal cache consistency issue.
Upgrade synapse to >=2.23.0.
v2.5.0 - 2021-01-14
Devops Notes
Added cell configuration to allow for opting into alpha and beta features like Stories and Modules. See the Deployment documentation for details on configuring feature flags.
Features and Enhancements
- General
Display git commit SHA in Help > Version.
Display and style StormConsole storm:fire event messages.
Context menu separators to designate groups of options.
Improve confirm delete modal with red text to designate destructive operation.
Move Storm/Markdown editor key map configuration to account settings.
Periodic tracking and saving of Workspace research display mode states.
Storm Editor and Ingest tool items ungrouped for convenience.
Storm Editor and Ingest tool storm inputs now rerun on Shift+Enter.
Storm Table column sorting persistence.
- Research tool
Force graph menu options to allow locking node label to remain visible.
Force graph omit node form icon when form does not have one available.
Improve Research storm query bar and add node count display.
Track workspace display mode query completion across sessions.
- Admin tool
Ability to delete a cron job from the Admin tool.
Cron configuration storm query input.
Trigger configuration storm query input.
- Geospatial display mode:
Ability to export as PNG.
Improve storage format and incremental render behavior.
Improve loading by setting initial bounds when on deserialization.
Set a reasonable max zoom limit.
- DataModel Explorer:
Add strike-through styling for deprecated forms, types and secondary props.
Allow searching by secondary prop names.
Display and link property array types.
- Storm query input:
Autocompletion of $lib on Ctrl+Space.
Secondary prop autocompletion on Ctrl+Space.
- Storm Editor tool
Allow running multiple queries concurrently in a session.
- (beta) Stories tool for collecting, organizing analytical findings.
Table widget refresh from nodes.
Node widget refresh from nodes.
Chart widget refresh from nodes or query.
Map widget refresh from nodes or query.
Force graph widget refresh from query.
Story refresh all widgets from nodes or query.
Tables allow reordering/toggling columns like node widgets.
Zoom controls to scale tables.
Add all Research tables to a story.
Add to open story if a Story is currently open.
Basic Tag color legend widget.
Image widget to display an image from the Axon or a URL.
Node widget to display a node’s primary, secondary, tags and tagprops.
Markdown widget to edit and render prose.
Grid page break line page operations menu.
Grid maintain an extra page to make layout operations smoother.
Node widget and configuration to include primary prop, tags, tagprops.
Display mode toggle updates the URL to share links to collaborators in preview or edit mode.
Export to PDF using native ‘print to PDF’ and Story orientation setting.
Allow users with viewer permissions to comment on widgets.
Allow locking the position of a widget.
Comments panel tab with a comment/reply workflow facilitating story reviews.
Preview/Edit toggle button.
Story level zoom controls.
Stories listing with filterable type/status fields, editable in story settings.
Improve Story titlebar and capture queries to allow copying to clipboard.
Widget capture and persistence of tag colors.
Capture Story creator and modified time and display in UI.
- (alpha) Modules tool and integration allowing storm packages to extend the Optic UI using a storm API and a set of core components provided by Optic.
Allow module to specify query and callback node actions.
Allow module node actions to specify a console option to run in the console.
Update router URL when activating each module.
Add node dialog query handling of namespaced secondary props.
Allow text selection in Workspaces tool.
Allow for layers without a specified model:version.
Always reload active Admin tab data to reflect changes.
Disable Admin user table toggle controls when user is not admin.
Fix issue with Cron weekday selector.
Fix issue with getLeafTags that would cause exclusion tags with matching prefixes.
Fix and cleanup workspace stats storage leak.
Fix brace wrapping behavior for Cron UI.
Fix handling of ChunkLoadError and prevent service worker caching index.html.
Fix handling of the change password query parameter.
Fix Stats bar chart prop switcher behavior.
Fix issues with trigger edit modal clobbering subsequent trigger edits.
Fix missing file:bytes hash props in the Add Node modal.
Prevent Multiline editable prop cancel still attempting to save.
Remove onclick when dropdown option is disabled.
Upgrade dependencies.
Build: Use python 3.7 images.
v2.4.2 - 2020-10-05
Fix node edits summary handling separation of Research and Console queries.
v2.4.1 - 2020-09-22
Fix tag color in research mode updating when Workspace colors are changed.
Fix repr and editing of tagprop values in the Panel.
v2.4.0 - 2020-09-18
Features and Enhancements
Added Storm Editor tool for creating and editing queries and macros.
Added Data Model Explorer in Help section.
Added Storm query deep linking and copy query link query bar menu item.
Added Cron management in Admin section.
Added Storm query input to Bulk Ingest tool.
Added tooltips on stats bar chart x axis label hover.
Added context menu to stats time bar chart bars.
Added node context menu to Geospatial view.
Added Panel tag info tooltips that show the tag title and doc when present.
Added GridTable sortable columns.
Added node count, duration and nodes per second message on completion of Console queries.
Added notification badge to Console tool icon on warning and error messages.
Added repr for geo:altitude.
Improved stats view styling and layout.
Improved GridTable DOM construction performance.
Improved add node modal to output the created node in the console.
Improved Workspaces Storm/Triggers table styling.
Various Admin table improvements.
Various Tabular mode improvements.
Storm Editor confusion when there were not any queries.
Pattern of life stats chart node selection specificity.
TagInfo not respecting the current workspace’s view.
Add Node modal handling of deconflictable arrays for guid nodes.
Triggers table scroll behavior in Workspaces and Admin.
Prevent creating a new query while one is already running.
Admin cron scrolling via GridTable internal scroll / sticky header.
Added error UX on uploading a file to axon when there isn’t one configured.
Escape and display newlines in prop values and detect them for multiline editing.
Tabular view column visibility fixes and ival repr for CSV export.
Fix rerendering of Grid Table sorted column header.
Fix rendering sunburst chart zoom while a query is running and zoom workspace state.
Admin new layer creation form.
Fix repr of array props.
Fix escaping and quoting of prop and form values when building queries
Fix ival repr handle ongoing ival value.
Fix bad check for correct column when column resizing.
Fix handling geospatial range ring geojson features when rendering after node:edits.
Fix Workspace restoration of query bar.
Fix Admin new layer creation form.
Correctly repr array props.
Correctly repr ongoing ival value as ‘?’.
Correctly escape and quote prop/form values when building queries.
Configure service worker to more aggressively cleanup old caches.
v2.3.0 - 2020-08-05
Features and Enhancements
Added Tabular view row context menu query helper for primary properties.
Added Geospatial view node accuracy rings that can be toggled via the view tools menu.
Added Geospatial view ability to multiselect with ctrl+click. Added Geospatial view ability to select by prop value via the Panel.
Added Geospatial view style, zoom and rotate controls.
Added Node Panel primary property dropdown options.
Improved Node Panel header comp type value rendering.
Improved Geospatial view performance and memory usage.
v2.2.0 - 2020-07-31
Features and Enhancements
Workspace research state is now persistent across workspace changes and browser sessions.
Axon file download/upload integrated with the Add Node dialog and Node Panel.
Node Panel tags now display their ival and tagprops when they are set.
Correctly repr the it:semver type as a version string.
Improve consistency of Panel when changing between research views.
Devops Notes
New configuration option axon. It should be set to the telepath URL of Axon used by the Cortex, and is required for Axon functionality to work in the UI.
v2.1.1 - 2020-07-14
Features and Enhancements
Integrate storm autoadd mode.
Improve force graph ‘select nodes from string’ to allow syn:forms.
Add menu option to remove full tag from node.
Prevent dropdown menu from going off the bottom of the screen.
Dont show deletion menu item form readonly props.
All Tags Panel consistency.
v2.1.0 - 2020-07-14
Features and Enhancements
Bulk Ingest storm output console.
Bulk Ingest storm query consistency.
Skip rendering of broken auth rules.
v2.0.2 - 2020-07-07
Features and Enhancements
Add storm display max settings to workspace preferences.
Add link to docs item context menu available via the node panel and tabular context menu.
Improved statistics time resampling and chart.
Fix various bug fixes, fine tuning and UX improvements.
Fix Force graph multi-node exploration performance issue.
v2.0.1 - 2020-07-03
Fix workspace and View name input that was being overwritten while editing.
Fix an issue with the panel multi-form multi-node selection.
Fix console input text overrunning the storm input icon.
Fix several issues with tag color regex creation.
v2.0.0 - 2020-07-01
Initial release of Optic.