import enum
import time
import heapq
import asyncio
import logging
import calendar
import datetime
import functools
import itertools
import collections
from datetime import timezone as tz
from import Iterable, Mapping
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
# Agenda: manages running one-shot and periodic tasks in the future ("appointments")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _dayofmonth(hardday, month, year):
Returns a valid day of the month given the desired value.
Negative values are interpreted as offset backwards from the last day of the month, with -1 representing the
last day of the month. Out-of-range values are clamped to the first or last day of the month.
newday = hardday
daysinmonth = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
if newday < 0:
newday = daysinmonth + hardday + 1
newday = max(1, min(newday, daysinmonth))
return newday
class TimeUnit(enum.IntEnum):
Unit of time that recurring and required parts of appointments are made of
DAYOFMONTH = # e.g. every 3rd of the month
DAYOFWEEK = # e.g. every Tuesday (Mon=0, Sun=6)
DAY = # every day
def fromString(cls, s):
return cls.__members__[s.upper()]
# Next largest unit for each unit
_NextUnitMap = {
TimeUnit.YEAR: None,
TimeUnit.MONTH: TimeUnit.YEAR,
TimeUnit.HOUR: TimeUnit.DAY,
TimeUnit.MINUTE: TimeUnit.HOUR,
# Unit equivalence to datetime arguments
_TimeunitToDatetime = {
TimeUnit.YEAR: 'year',
TimeUnit.MONTH: 'month',
TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH: 'day',
TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK: 'day',
TimeUnit.DAY: 'day',
TimeUnit.HOUR: 'hour',
TimeUnit.MINUTE: 'minute',
# The valid ranges for required and recurring
_UnitBounds = {
TimeUnit.YEAR: ((2000, 2999), (1, 5)),
TimeUnit.MONTH: ((1, 12), (1, 60)),
TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH: ((-31, 31), (-31, 31)),
TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK: ((0, 6), (0, 6)),
TimeUnit.DAY: ((0, 0), (1, 365 * 5)),
TimeUnit.HOUR: ((0, 23), (1, 1000)),
TimeUnit.MINUTE: ((0, 59), (1, 60 * 60 * 24 * 30))
class ApptRec:
Represents a single element of a single combination of an appointment
def __init__(self, reqdict, incunit=None, incval=1):
if incunit is not None:
incunit = TimeUnit(incunit)
self.incunit = incunit
self.incval = incval if incunit is not None else None
if not reqdict and incunit is None:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='reqdict must be nonempty or incunit must be non-None')
if TimeUnit.DAY in reqdict:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Must not specify day as requirement')
if TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH in reqdict and TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK in reqdict:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Both day of month and day of week must not both be requirements')
if TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK in reqdict and incunit is not None:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Day of week requirement not supported with a recurrence')
if incunit == TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Day of month not a valid incunit')
if incunit is not None:
boundmin, boundmax = _UnitBounds[incunit][1]
if not boundmin <= incval <= boundmax:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Out of bounds incval')
reqdict = {TimeUnit(k): v for k, v in reqdict.items()}
self.reqdict = reqdict
for reqkey, reqval in reqdict.items():
boundmin, boundmax = _UnitBounds[reqkey][0]
if not boundmin <= reqval <= boundmax:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Out of bounds reqdict value')
if incunit is not None and reqkey <= incunit:
# We could, actually support this, but most of these combinations are nonsensical (e.g. run every 5
# minutes in 2018 only?)
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Must not have fixed unit equal to or greater than recurrence unit')
self.reqdict = {}
# Put keys in size order, with dayof... added last, as nexttime processes in that order
for key in _NextUnitMap:
if key in reqdict:
self.reqdict[key] = reqdict[key]
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.pack())
def pack(self):
Make ApptRec json/msgpack-friendly
reqdictf = { v for (k, v) in self.reqdict.items()}
incunitf = None if self.incunit is None else
return (reqdictf, incunitf, self.incval)
def unpack(cls, val):
Convert from json/msgpack-friendly
reqdictf, incunitf, incval = val
reqdict = {TimeUnit[k.upper()]: v for (k, v) in reqdictf.items()}
incunit = None if incunitf is None else TimeUnit[incunitf.upper()]
return cls(reqdict, incunit, incval)
def nexttime(self, lastts):
Returns next timestamp that meets requirements, incrementing by (self.incunit * incval) if not increasing, or
0.0 if there are no future matches
lastdt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(lastts, tz.utc)
newvals = {} # all the new fields that will be changed in datetime of lastts
# Truncate the seconds part
newdt = lastdt.replace(second=0)
# Note: self.reqdict is sorted from largest unit to smallest
for unit, newval in self.reqdict.items():
dtkey = _TimeunitToDatetime[unit]
if unit is TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK:
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
newvals = {}
newval = + (6 + newval - newdt.weekday()) % 7 + 1
if newval > calendar.monthrange(newdt.year, newdt.month)[1]:
newval -= 7
elif unit is TimeUnit.YEAR:
# As we change the year, clamp the day of the month to a valid value (only matters on leap day)
dayval = _dayofmonth(, newdt.month, newval)
newvals['day'] = dayval
elif unit is TimeUnit.MONTH:
# As we change the month, clamp the day of the month to a valid value
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
newvals = {}
dayval = _dayofmonth(, newval, newdt.year)
newvals['day'] = dayval
elif unit is TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH:
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
newvals = {}
newval = _dayofmonth(newval, newdt.month, newdt.year)
newvals[dtkey] = newval
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
# Then move forward if we have to
if newdt <= lastdt or \
self.incunit == TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK and newdt.weekday() != self.incval:
if self.incunit is None:
largest_req = min(self.reqdict.keys())
tmpunit = _NextUnitMap[largest_req]
if tmpunit is None: # required a year and we're already there
return 0.0
# Unless we're going to the next day of week, increment by 1 unit of the next larger unit
tmpincval = self.reqdict.get(TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK, 1)
tmpunit = self.incunit
tmpincval = self.incval
newdt = self._inc(tmpunit, tmpincval, self.reqdict, lastdt, newdt)
assert newdt > lastdt
return newdt.timestamp()
def _inc(self, incunit, incval, reqdict, origdt, dt):
Return a datetime incremented by incunit * incval
if incunit == TimeUnit.YEAR:
return dt.replace(year=dt.year + incval)
if incunit == TimeUnit.MONTH:
newyear = dt.year
absmonth = dt.month + incval - 1
newmonth = absmonth % 12 + 1
newyear += absmonth // 12
daysinmonth = calendar.monthrange(newyear, newmonth)[1]
dayofmonthreq = reqdict.get(TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH)
if dayofmonthreq is not None:
newday = _dayofmonth(dayofmonthreq, newmonth, newyear)
newday = min(daysinmonth,
return dt.replace(day=newday, month=newmonth, year=newyear)
if incunit == TimeUnit.DAY:
return dt + datetime.timedelta(days=incval)
if incunit == TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK:
# incval in this case means next day of week whose weekday matches incval (0-6)
days = (6 + incval - dt.weekday()) % 7 + 1
newdt = dt + datetime.timedelta(days=days)
assert newdt.weekday() == incval
return newdt
if incunit == TimeUnit.HOUR:
return dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=incval)
if incunit == TimeUnit.MINUTE:
return dt + datetime.timedelta(minutes=incval)
assert 0, 'Invalid incunit' # pragma: no cover
class _Appt:
A single entry in the Agenda: a storm query to run in the future, potentially more than once
Each such entry has a list of ApptRecs. Each time the appointment is scheduled, the nexttime of the appointment is
the lowest nexttime of all its ApptRecs.
_synced_attrs = {
def __init__(self, stor, iden, recur, indx, query, creator, recs, nexttime=None, view=None, created=None, pool=False):
self.doc = '' = ''
self.task = None
self.stor = stor
self.pool = pool
self.iden = iden
self.recur = recur # does this appointment repeat
self.indx = indx # incremented for each appt added ever. Used for nexttime tiebreaking for stable ordering
self.query = query # query to run
self.creator = creator # user iden to run query as
self.recs = recs # List[ApptRec] list of the individual entries to calculate next time from
self._recidxnexttime = None # index of rec who is up next
self.view = view
self.created = created
if self.recur and not self.recs:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='A recurrent appointment with no records')
if nexttime is None and self.recs:
self.nexttime = self.stor._getNowTick()
if self.nexttime is None:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Appointment is in the past')
self.nexttime = nexttime
self.isrunning = False # whether it is currently running
self.startcount = 0 # how many times query has started
self.errcount = 0 # how many times this appt failed
self.lasterrs = []
self.laststarttime = None
self.lastfinishtime = None
self.lastresult = None
self.enabled = True
def getStorNode(self, form):
ndef = (, form.type.norm(self.iden)[0])
buid = s_common.buid(ndef)
props = {
'doc': self.doc,
'storm': self.query,
'.created': self.created,
pnorms = {}
for prop, valu in props.items():
formprop = form.props.get(prop)
if formprop is not None and valu is not None:
pnorms[prop] = formprop.type.norm(valu)[0]
return (buid, {
'ndef': ndef,
'props': pnorms
def __eq__(self, other):
''' For heap logic to sort upcoming events lower '''
return (self.nexttime, self.indx) == (other.nexttime, other.indx)
def __lt__(self, other):
''' For heap logic '''
return (self.nexttime, self.indx) < (other.nexttime, other.indx)
def pack(self):
return {
'ver': 1,
'doc': self.doc,
'pool': self.pool,
'enabled': self.enabled,
'recur': self.recur,
'iden': self.iden,
'view': self.view,
'indx': self.indx,
'query': self.query,
'creator': self.creator,
'created': self.created,
'recs': [d.pack() for d in self.recs],
'nexttime': self.nexttime,
'startcount': self.startcount,
'errcount': self.errcount,
'isrunning': self.isrunning,
'laststarttime': self.laststarttime,
'lastfinishtime': self.lastfinishtime,
'lastresult': self.lastresult,
'lasterrs': list(self.lasterrs[:5])
def unpack(cls, stor, val):
if val['ver'] != 1:
raise s_exc.BadStorageVersion(mesg=f"Found version {val['ver']}") # pragma: no cover
recs = [ApptRec.unpack(tupl) for tupl in val['recs']]
appt = cls(stor, val['iden'], val['recur'], val['indx'], val['query'], val['creator'], recs, nexttime=val['nexttime'], view=val.get('view'))
appt.doc = val.get('doc', '') = val.get('name', '')
appt.pool = val.get('pool', False)
appt.created = val.get('created', None)
appt.laststarttime = val['laststarttime']
appt.lastfinishtime = val['lastfinishtime']
appt.lastresult = val['lastresult']
appt.enabled = val['enabled']
return appt
def updateNexttime(self, now):
Find the next time this appointment should be scheduled.
Delete any nonrecurring record that just happened.
if self._recidxnexttime is not None and not self.recur:
del self.recs[self._recidxnexttime]
while self.recs and self.nexttime <= now:
lowtime = 999999999999.9
# Find the lowest next time of all of our recs (backwards, so we can delete)
for i in range(len(self.recs) - 1, -1, -1):
rec = self.recs[i]
nexttime = rec.nexttime(self.nexttime)
if nexttime == 0.0:
# We blew by and missed a fixed-year appointment, either due to clock shenanigans, this query going
# really long, or the initial requirement being in the past
logger.warning(f'Missed an appointment: {rec}')
del self.recs[i]
if nexttime < lowtime:
lowtime = nexttime
lowidx = i
if not self.recs:
self._recidxnexttime = lowidx
self.nexttime = lowtime
if not self.recs:
self._recidxnexttime = None
self.nexttime = None
return self.nexttime
async def edits(self, edits):
for name, valu in edits.items():
if name not in self.__class__._synced_attrs:
extra = await self.stor.core.getLogExtra(name=name, valu=valu)
logger.warning('_Appt.edits() Invalid attribute received: %s = %r', name, valu, extra=extra)
setattr(self, name, valu)
async def save(self):
stordict = self.pack()
self.stor.apptdefs.set(self.iden, stordict)
class Agenda(s_base.Base):
Organize and execute all the scheduled storm queries in a cortex.
async def __anit__(self, core):
await s_base.Base.__anit__(self)
self.core = core
self.apptheap = [] # Stores the appointments in a heap such that the first element is the next appt to run
self.appts = {} # Dict[bytes: Appt]
self._next_indx = 0 # index a new appt gets assigned
self.tickoff = 0 # Used for test overrides
self._wake_event = s_coro.Event() # Causes the scheduler loop to wake up
self.apptdefs = self.core.cortexdata.getSubKeyVal('agenda:appt:')
await self._load_all()
async def _load_all(self):
Load all the appointments from persistent storage
# Clear existing appointments before loading
self.apptheap = []
self.appts = {}
to_delete = []
for iden, info in self.apptdefs.items():
appt = _Appt.unpack(self, info)
if appt.iden != iden:
raise s_exc.InconsistentStorage(mesg='iden inconsistency')
self._addappt(iden, appt)
self._next_indx = max(self._next_indx, appt.indx + 1)
except (s_exc.InconsistentStorage, s_exc.BadStorageVersion, s_exc.BadTime, TypeError, KeyError,
UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
logger.warning('Invalid appointment %r found in storage: %r. Removing.', iden, e)
for iden in to_delete:
# Make sure we don't assign the same index to 2 appointments
if self.appts:
maxindx = max(appt.indx for appt in self.appts.values())
self._next_indx = maxindx + 1
def _addappt(self, iden, appt):
Updates the data structures to add an appointment
if appt.nexttime:
heapq.heappush(self.apptheap, appt)
self.appts[iden] = appt
if self.apptheap and self.apptheap[0] is appt:
def _dictproduct(rdict):
Yields a series of dicts that cover the combination of all multiple-value (e.g. lists or tuples) values, with
non-multiple-value values remaining the same.
multkeys = [k for k, v in rdict.items() if isinstance(v, Iterable)]
if not multkeys:
yield rdict
multvals = [rdict[k] for k in multkeys]
for combo in itertools.product(*multvals):
newdict = rdict.copy()
for i, k in enumerate(multkeys):
newdict[k] = combo[i]
yield newdict
def list(self):
return list(self.appts.items())
async def add(self, cdef):
Persistently adds an appointment
cdef (dict): Dictionary containing the Cron definition.
The cron definition may contain the following keys:
creator (str)
Iden of the creating user.
iden (str)
Iden of the appointment.
storm (str)
The Storm query to run.
reqs (Union[None, Dict[TimeUnit, Union[int, Tuple[int]], List[...])
One or more dicts of the fixed aspects of the appointment. dict value may be a single or multiple.
May be an empty dict or None.
incunit (Union[None, TimeUnit])
The unit that changes for recurring, or None for non-recurring. It is an error for this value to
match a key in reqdict.
incvals (Union[None, int, Iterable[int])
Count of units of incunit or explicit day of week or day of month.
Not allowed for incunit == None, required for others (1 would be a typical value)
If the values for req and incvals are both lists, all combinations of all values (the product) are used.
Packed appointment definition
iden = cdef['iden']
incunit = cdef.get('incunit')
incvals = cdef.get('incvals')
reqs = cdef.get('reqs', {})
query = cdef.get('storm')
creator = cdef.get('creator')
view = cdef.get('view')
created = cdef.get('created')
pool = cdef.get('pool', False)
recur = incunit is not None
indx = self._next_indx
self._next_indx += 1
if iden in self.appts:
mesg = f'Cron job already exists with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.DupIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
if not query:
raise ValueError('"query" key of cdef parameter is not present or empty')
await self.core.getStormQuery(query)
if not creator:
raise ValueError('"creator" key is cdef parameter is not present or empty')
if not reqs and incunit is None:
raise ValueError('at least one of reqs and incunit must be non-empty')
if incunit is not None and incvals is None:
raise ValueError('incvals must be non-None if incunit is non-None')
if isinstance(reqs, Mapping):
reqs = [reqs]
# Find all combinations of values in reqdict values and incvals values
nexttime = None
recs = [] # type: ignore
for req in reqs:
if TimeUnit.NOW in req:
if incunit is not None:
mesg = "Recurring jobs may not be scheduled to run 'now'"
raise ValueError(mesg)
nexttime = self._getNowTick()
reqdicts = self._dictproduct(req)
if not isinstance(incvals, Iterable):
incvals = (incvals, )
recs.extend(ApptRec(rd, incunit, v) for (rd, v) in itertools.product(reqdicts, incvals))
appt = _Appt(self, iden, recur, indx, query, creator, recs, nexttime=nexttime, view=view, created=created, pool=pool)
self._addappt(iden, appt)
appt.doc = cdef.get('doc', '')
return appt.pack()
async def get(self, iden):
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is not None:
return appt
mesg = f'No cron job with iden {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
async def enable(self, iden):
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
await self.mod(iden, appt.query)
async def disable(self, iden):
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
appt.enabled = False
async def mod(self, iden, query):
Change the query of an appointment
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
if not query:
raise ValueError('empty query')
await self.core.getStormQuery(query)
appt.query = query
appt.enabled = True # in case it was disabled for a bad query
async def move(self, croniden, viewiden):
Move a cronjob from one view to another
appt = self.appts.get(croniden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {croniden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=croniden, mesg=mesg)
appt.view = viewiden
async def delete(self, iden):
Delete an appointment
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
heappos = self.apptheap.index(appt)
except ValueError:
pass # this is OK, just a non-recurring appt that has no more records
# If we're already the last item, just delete it
if heappos == len(self.apptheap) - 1:
del self.apptheap[heappos]
# put the last item at the current position and reheap
self.apptheap[heappos] = self.apptheap.pop()
del self.appts[iden]
def _getNowTick(self):
return time.time() + self.tickoff
def _addTickOff(self, offs):
self.tickoff += offs
async def clearRunningStatus(self):
'''Used for clearing the running state at startup or change of leadership.'''
for appt in list(self.appts.values()):
if appt.isrunning:
logger.debug(f'Clearing the isrunning flag for {appt.iden}')
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, {'isrunning': False})
async def runloop(self):
Task loop to issue query tasks at the right times.
while not self.isfini:
timeout = None
if self.apptheap:
timeout = self.apptheap[0].nexttime - self._getNowTick()
if timeout is None or timeout > 0:
await self._wake_event.timewait(timeout=timeout)
if self.isfini:
now = self._getNowTick()
while self.apptheap and self.apptheap[0].nexttime <= now:
appt = heapq.heappop(self.apptheap)
nexttime = appt.updateNexttime(now)
edits = {
'nexttime': nexttime,
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
if appt.nexttime:
heapq.heappush(self.apptheap, appt)
if not appt.enabled:
if appt.isrunning: # pragma: no cover
mesg = f'Appointment {appt.iden} {} is still running from previous time when scheduled' \
f' to run. Skipping.'
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':}})
await self._execute(appt)
except Exception as e:
extra = {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator, 'view': appt.view}
user = self.core.auth.user(appt.creator)
if user is not None:
extra['username'] =
if isinstance(e, s_exc.SynErr):
mesg = e.get('mesg', str(e))
else: # pragma: no cover
mesg = str(e)
logger.exception(f'Agenda error running appointment {appt.iden} {}: {mesg}',
extra={'synapse': extra})
await self._markfailed(appt, f'error: {e}')
async def _execute(self, appt):
Fire off the task to make the storm query
user = self.core.auth.user(appt.creator)
if user is None:
logger.warning(f'Unknown user {appt.creator} in stored appointment {appt.iden} {}',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator}})
await self._markfailed(appt, 'unknown user')
locked ='locked')
if locked:
logger.warning(f'Cron {appt.iden} {} failed because creator {} is locked',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator,
await self._markfailed(appt, 'locked user')
view = self.core.getView(iden=appt.view, user=user)
if view is None:
logger.warning(f'Unknown view {appt.view} in stored appointment {appt.iden} {}',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator,
'username':, 'view': appt.view}})
await self._markfailed(appt, 'unknown view')
info = {'iden': appt.iden, 'query': appt.query, 'view': view.iden}
coro = self._runJob(user, appt)
task = self.core.runActiveTask(coro)
appt.task = await self.core.boss.promotetask(task, f'Cron {appt.iden}', user, info=info)
async def fini():
appt.task = None
async def _markfailed(self, appt, reason):
now = self._getNowTick()
edits = {
'laststarttime': now,
'lastfinishtime': now,
'startcount': appt.startcount + 1,
'isrunning': False,
'lastresult': f'Failed due to {reason}',
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
async def _runJob(self, user, appt):
Actually run the storm query, updating the appropriate statistics and results
count = 0
edits = {
'isrunning': True,
'laststarttime': self._getNowTick(),
'startcount': appt.startcount + 1,
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)'Agenda executing for iden={appt.iden}, name={} user={}, view={appt.view}, query={appt.query}',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': user.iden, 'text': appt.query,
'username':, 'view': appt.view}})
starttime = self._getNowTick()
success = False
opts = {
'user': user.iden,
'view': appt.view,
'mirror': appt.pool,
'vars': {'auto': {'iden': appt.iden, 'type': 'cron'}},
'_loginfo': {
'cron': appt.iden
opts = self.core._initStormOpts(opts)
await self.core.feedBeholder('cron:start', {'iden': appt.iden})
async for mesg in self.core.storm(appt.query, opts=opts):
if mesg[0] == 'node':
count += 1
elif mesg[0] == 'err':
excname, errinfo = mesg[1]
errinfo.pop('eline', None)
errinfo.pop('efile', None)
excctor = getattr(s_exc, excname, s_exc.SynErr)
raise excctor(**errinfo)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
result = 'cancelled'
except Exception as e:
result = f'raised exception {e}'
logger.exception(f'Agenda job {appt.iden} {} raised exception',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':}}
success = True
result = f'finished successfully with {count} nodes'
finishtime = self._getNowTick()
if not success:
edits = {
'errcount': appt.errcount + 1,
# we only care about the last five errors
'lasterrs': list(appt.lasterrs[-5:]),
if self.core.isactive:
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
took = finishtime - starttime
mesg = f'Agenda completed query for iden={appt.iden} name={} with result "{result}" ' \
f'took {took:.3f}s'
if not self.core.isactive:
mesg = mesg + ' Agenda status will not be saved since the Cortex is no longer the leader.', extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': user.iden,
'result': result, 'username':, 'took': took}})
edits = {
'lastfinishtime': finishtime,
'isrunning': False,
'lastresult': result,
if self.core.isactive:
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
if not self.isfini:
# fire beholder event before invoking nexus change (in case readonly)
await self.core.feedBeholder('cron:stop', {'iden': appt.iden})