import enum
import time
import heapq
import asyncio
import logging
import calendar
import datetime
import itertools
from datetime import timezone as tz
from import Iterable, Mapping
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
# Agenda: manages running one-shot and periodic tasks in the future ("appointments")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _dayofmonth(hardday, month, year):
Returns a valid day of the month given the desired value.
Negative values are interpreted as offset backwards from the last day of the month, with -1 representing the
last day of the month. Out-of-range values are clamped to the first or last day of the month.
newday = hardday
daysinmonth = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
if newday < 0:
newday = daysinmonth + hardday + 1
newday = max(1, min(newday, daysinmonth))
return newday
class TimeUnit(enum.IntEnum):
Unit of time that recurring and required parts of appointments are made of
DAYOFMONTH = # e.g. every 3rd of the month
DAYOFWEEK = # e.g. every Tuesday (Mon=0, Sun=6)
DAY = # every day
def fromString(cls, s):
return cls.__members__[s.upper()]
# Next largest unit for each unit
_NextUnitMap = {
TimeUnit.YEAR: None,
TimeUnit.MONTH: TimeUnit.YEAR,
TimeUnit.HOUR: TimeUnit.DAY,
TimeUnit.MINUTE: TimeUnit.HOUR,
# Unit equivalence to datetime arguments
_TimeunitToDatetime = {
TimeUnit.YEAR: 'year',
TimeUnit.MONTH: 'month',
TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH: 'day',
TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK: 'day',
TimeUnit.DAY: 'day',
TimeUnit.HOUR: 'hour',
TimeUnit.MINUTE: 'minute',
# The valid ranges for required and recurring
_UnitBounds = {
TimeUnit.YEAR: ((2000, 2999), (1, 5)),
TimeUnit.MONTH: ((1, 12), (1, 60)),
TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH: ((-31, 31), (-31, 31)),
TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK: ((0, 6), (0, 6)),
TimeUnit.DAY: ((0, 0), (1, 365 * 5)),
TimeUnit.HOUR: ((0, 23), (1, 1000)),
TimeUnit.MINUTE: ((0, 59), (1, 60 * 60 * 24 * 30))
class ApptRec:
Represents a single element of a single combination of an appointment
def __init__(self, reqdict, incunit=None, incval=1):
if incunit is not None:
incunit = TimeUnit(incunit)
self.incunit = incunit
self.incval = incval if incunit is not None else None
if not reqdict and incunit is None:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='reqdict must be nonempty or incunit must be non-None')
if TimeUnit.DAY in reqdict:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Must not specify day as requirement')
if TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH in reqdict and TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK in reqdict:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Both day of month and day of week must not both be requirements')
if TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK in reqdict and incunit is not None:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Day of week requirement not supported with a recurrence')
if incunit == TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Day of month not a valid incunit')
if incunit is not None:
boundmin, boundmax = _UnitBounds[incunit][1]
if not boundmin <= incval <= boundmax:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Out of bounds incval')
reqdict = {TimeUnit(k): v for k, v in reqdict.items()}
self.reqdict = reqdict
for reqkey, reqval in reqdict.items():
boundmin, boundmax = _UnitBounds[reqkey][0]
if not boundmin <= reqval <= boundmax:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Out of bounds reqdict value')
if incunit is not None and reqkey <= incunit:
# We could, actually support this, but most of these combinations are nonsensical (e.g. run every 5
# minutes in 2018 only?)
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Must not have fixed unit equal to or greater than recurrence unit')
self.reqdict = {}
# Put keys in size order, with dayof... added last, as nexttime processes in that order
for key in _NextUnitMap:
if key in reqdict:
self.reqdict[key] = reqdict[key]
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.pack())
def pack(self):
Make ApptRec json/msgpack-friendly
reqdictf = { v for (k, v) in self.reqdict.items()}
incunitf = None if self.incunit is None else
return (reqdictf, incunitf, self.incval)
def unpack(cls, val):
Convert from json/msgpack-friendly
reqdictf, incunitf, incval = val
reqdict = {TimeUnit[k.upper()]: v for (k, v) in reqdictf.items()}
incunit = None if incunitf is None else TimeUnit[incunitf.upper()]
return cls(reqdict, incunit, incval)
def nexttime(self, lastts):
Returns next timestamp that meets requirements, incrementing by (self.incunit * incval) if not increasing, or
0.0 if there are no future matches
lastdt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(lastts, tz.utc)
newvals = {} # all the new fields that will be changed in datetime of lastts
# Truncate the seconds part
newdt = lastdt.replace(second=0)
# Note: self.reqdict is sorted from largest unit to smallest
for unit, newval in self.reqdict.items():
dtkey = _TimeunitToDatetime[unit]
if unit is TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK:
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
newvals = {}
newval = + (6 + newval - newdt.weekday()) % 7 + 1
if newval > calendar.monthrange(newdt.year, newdt.month)[1]:
newval -= 7
elif unit is TimeUnit.YEAR:
# As we change the year, clamp the day of the month to a valid value (only matters on leap day)
dayval = _dayofmonth(, newdt.month, newval)
newvals['day'] = dayval
elif unit is TimeUnit.MONTH:
# As we change the month, clamp the day of the month to a valid value
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
newvals = {}
dayval = _dayofmonth(, newval, newdt.year)
newvals['day'] = dayval
elif unit is TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH:
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
newvals = {}
newval = _dayofmonth(newval, newdt.month, newdt.year)
newvals[dtkey] = newval
newdt = newdt.replace(**newvals)
# Then move forward if we have to
if newdt <= lastdt or \
self.incunit == TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK and newdt.weekday() != self.incval:
if self.incunit is None:
largest_req = min(self.reqdict.keys())
tmpunit = _NextUnitMap[largest_req]
if tmpunit is None: # required a year and we're already there
return 0.0
# Unless we're going to the next day of week, increment by 1 unit of the next larger unit
tmpincval = self.reqdict.get(TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK, 1)
tmpunit = self.incunit
tmpincval = self.incval
newdt = self._inc(tmpunit, tmpincval, self.reqdict, lastdt, newdt)
assert newdt > lastdt
return newdt.timestamp()
def _inc(self, incunit, incval, reqdict, origdt, dt):
Return a datetime incremented by incunit * incval
if incunit == TimeUnit.YEAR:
return dt.replace(year=dt.year + incval)
if incunit == TimeUnit.MONTH:
newyear = dt.year
absmonth = dt.month + incval - 1
newmonth = absmonth % 12 + 1
newyear += absmonth // 12
daysinmonth = calendar.monthrange(newyear, newmonth)[1]
dayofmonthreq = reqdict.get(TimeUnit.DAYOFMONTH)
if dayofmonthreq is not None:
newday = _dayofmonth(dayofmonthreq, newmonth, newyear)
newday = min(daysinmonth,
return dt.replace(day=newday, month=newmonth, year=newyear)
if incunit == TimeUnit.DAY:
return dt + datetime.timedelta(days=incval)
if incunit == TimeUnit.DAYOFWEEK:
# incval in this case means next day of week whose weekday matches incval (0-6)
days = (6 + incval - dt.weekday()) % 7 + 1
newdt = dt + datetime.timedelta(days=days)
assert newdt.weekday() == incval
return newdt
if incunit == TimeUnit.HOUR:
return dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=incval)
if incunit == TimeUnit.MINUTE:
return dt + datetime.timedelta(minutes=incval)
assert 0, 'Invalid incunit' # pragma: no cover
class _Appt:
A single entry in the Agenda: a storm query to run in the future, potentially more than once
Each such entry has a list of ApptRecs. Each time the appointment is scheduled, the nexttime of the appointment is
the lowest nexttime of all its ApptRecs.
_synced_attrs = {
def __init__(self, stor, iden, recur, indx, query, creator, recs, nexttime=None, view=None, created=None, pool=False, loglevel=None):
self.doc = '' = ''
self.task = None
self.stor = stor
self.pool = pool
self.iden = iden
self.recur = recur # does this appointment repeat
self.indx = indx # incremented for each appt added ever. Used for nexttime tiebreaking for stable ordering
self.query = query # query to run
self.creator = creator # user iden to run query as
self.recs = recs # List[ApptRec] list of the individual entries to calculate next time from
self._recidxnexttime = None # index of rec who is up next
self.view = view
self.created = created
self.loglevel = loglevel
if self.recur and not self.recs:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='A recurrent appointment with no records')
if nexttime is None and self.recs:
self.nexttime = self.stor._getNowTick()
if self.nexttime is None:
raise s_exc.BadTime(mesg='Appointment is in the past')
self.nexttime = nexttime
self.isrunning = False # whether it is currently running
self.startcount = 0 # how many times query has started
self.errcount = 0 # how many times this appt failed
self.lasterrs = []
self.laststarttime = None
self.lastfinishtime = None
self.lastresult = None
self.enabled = True
def getStorNode(self, form):
ndef = (, form.type.norm(self.iden)[0])
buid = s_common.buid(ndef)
props = {
'doc': self.doc,
'storm': self.query,
'.created': self.created,
pnorms = {}
for prop, valu in props.items():
formprop = form.props.get(prop)
if formprop is not None and valu is not None:
pnorms[prop] = formprop.type.norm(valu)[0]
return (buid, {
'ndef': ndef,
'props': pnorms
def __eq__(self, other):
''' For heap logic to sort upcoming events lower '''
return (self.nexttime, self.indx) == (other.nexttime, other.indx)
def __lt__(self, other):
''' For heap logic '''
return (self.nexttime, self.indx) < (other.nexttime, other.indx)
def pack(self):
return {
'ver': 1,
'doc': self.doc,
'pool': self.pool,
'enabled': self.enabled,
'recur': self.recur,
'iden': self.iden,
'view': self.view,
'indx': self.indx,
'query': self.query,
'creator': self.creator,
'created': self.created,
'recs': [d.pack() for d in self.recs],
'nexttime': self.nexttime,
'startcount': self.startcount,
'errcount': self.errcount,
'isrunning': self.isrunning,
'laststarttime': self.laststarttime,
'lastfinishtime': self.lastfinishtime,
'lastresult': self.lastresult,
'lasterrs': list(self.lasterrs[:5])
def unpack(cls, stor, val):
if val['ver'] != 1:
raise s_exc.BadStorageVersion(mesg=f"Found version {val['ver']}") # pragma: no cover
recs = [ApptRec.unpack(tupl) for tupl in val['recs']]
loglevel = val.get('loglevel', 'WARNING')
appt = cls(stor, val['iden'], val['recur'], val['indx'], val['query'], val['creator'], recs,
nexttime=val['nexttime'], view=val.get('view'), loglevel=loglevel)
appt.doc = val.get('doc', '') = val.get('name', '')
appt.pool = val.get('pool', False)
appt.created = val.get('created', None)
appt.laststarttime = val['laststarttime']
appt.lastfinishtime = val['lastfinishtime']
appt.lastresult = val['lastresult']
appt.enabled = val['enabled']
appt.lasterrs = list(val.get('lasterrs', []))
return appt
def updateNexttime(self, now):
Find the next time this appointment should be scheduled.
Delete any nonrecurring record that just happened.
if self._recidxnexttime is not None and not self.recur:
del self.recs[self._recidxnexttime]
while self.recs and self.nexttime <= now:
lowtime = 999999999999.9
# Find the lowest next time of all of our recs (backwards, so we can delete)
for i in range(len(self.recs) - 1, -1, -1):
rec = self.recs[i]
nexttime = rec.nexttime(self.nexttime)
if nexttime == 0.0:
# We blew by and missed a fixed-year appointment, either due to clock shenanigans, this query going
# really long, or the initial requirement being in the past
logger.warning(f'Missed an appointment: {rec}')
del self.recs[i]
if nexttime < lowtime:
lowtime = nexttime
lowidx = i
if not self.recs:
self._recidxnexttime = lowidx
self.nexttime = lowtime
if not self.recs:
self._recidxnexttime = None
self.nexttime = None
return self.nexttime
async def edits(self, edits):
for name, valu in edits.items():
if name not in self.__class__._synced_attrs:
extra = await self.stor.core.getLogExtra(name=name, valu=valu)
logger.warning('_Appt.edits() Invalid attribute received: %s = %r', name, valu, extra=extra)
if name == 'lasterrs' and not isinstance(valu, list):
valu = list(valu)
setattr(self, name, valu)
async def save(self):
stordict = self.pack()
self.stor.apptdefs.set(self.iden, stordict)
class Agenda(s_base.Base):
Organize and execute all the scheduled storm queries in a cortex.
async def __anit__(self, core):
await s_base.Base.__anit__(self)
self.core = core
self.apptheap = [] # Stores the appointments in a heap such that the first element is the next appt to run
self.appts = {} # Dict[bytes: Appt]
self._next_indx = 0 # index a new appt gets assigned
self.tickoff = 0 # Used for test overrides
self._wake_event = s_coro.Event() # Causes the scheduler loop to wake up
self.apptdefs = self.core.cortexdata.getSubKeyVal('agenda:appt:')
await self._load_all()
async def _load_all(self):
Load all the appointments from persistent storage
# Clear existing appointments before loading
self.apptheap = []
self.appts = {}
to_delete = []
for iden, info in self.apptdefs.items():
appt = _Appt.unpack(self, info)
if appt.iden != iden:
raise s_exc.InconsistentStorage(mesg='iden inconsistency')
self._addappt(iden, appt)
self._next_indx = max(self._next_indx, appt.indx + 1)
except (s_exc.InconsistentStorage, s_exc.BadStorageVersion, s_exc.BadTime, TypeError, KeyError,
UnicodeDecodeError) as e:
logger.warning('Invalid appointment %r found in storage: %r. Removing.', iden, e)
for iden in to_delete:
# Make sure we don't assign the same index to 2 appointments
if self.appts:
maxindx = max(appt.indx for appt in self.appts.values())
self._next_indx = maxindx + 1
def _addappt(self, iden, appt):
Updates the data structures to add an appointment
if appt.nexttime:
heapq.heappush(self.apptheap, appt)
self.appts[iden] = appt
if self.apptheap and self.apptheap[0] is appt:
def _dictproduct(rdict):
Yields a series of dicts that cover the combination of all multiple-value (e.g. lists or tuples) values, with
non-multiple-value values remaining the same.
multkeys = [k for k, v in rdict.items() if isinstance(v, Iterable)]
if not multkeys:
yield rdict
multvals = [rdict[k] for k in multkeys]
for combo in itertools.product(*multvals):
newdict = rdict.copy()
for i, k in enumerate(multkeys):
newdict[k] = combo[i]
yield newdict
def list(self):
return list(self.appts.items())
async def add(self, cdef):
Persistently adds an appointment
cdef (dict): Dictionary containing the Cron definition.
The cron definition may contain the following keys:
creator (str)
Iden of the creating user.
iden (str)
Iden of the appointment.
storm (str)
The Storm query to run.
reqs (Union[None, Dict[TimeUnit, Union[int, Tuple[int]], List[...])
One or more dicts of the fixed aspects of the appointment. dict value may be a single or multiple.
May be an empty dict or None.
incunit (Union[None, TimeUnit])
The unit that changes for recurring, or None for non-recurring. It is an error for this value to
match a key in reqdict.
incvals (Union[None, int, Iterable[int])
Count of units of incunit or explicit day of week or day of month.
Not allowed for incunit == None, required for others (1 would be a typical value)
If the values for req and incvals are both lists, all combinations of all values (the product) are used.
Packed appointment definition
iden = cdef['iden']
incunit = cdef.get('incunit')
incvals = cdef.get('incvals')
reqs = cdef.get('reqs', {})
query = cdef.get('storm')
creator = cdef.get('creator')
view = cdef.get('view')
created = cdef.get('created')
loglevel = cdef.get('loglevel', 'WARNING')
pool = cdef.get('pool', False)
recur = incunit is not None
indx = self._next_indx
self._next_indx += 1
if iden in self.appts:
mesg = f'Cron job already exists with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.DupIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
if not query:
raise ValueError('"query" key of cdef parameter is not present or empty')
await self.core.getStormQuery(query)
if not creator:
raise ValueError('"creator" key is cdef parameter is not present or empty')
if not reqs and incunit is None:
raise ValueError('at least one of reqs and incunit must be non-empty')
if incunit is not None and incvals is None:
raise ValueError('incvals must be non-None if incunit is non-None')
if isinstance(reqs, Mapping):
reqs = [reqs]
# Find all combinations of values in reqdict values and incvals values
nexttime = None
recs = [] # type: ignore
for req in reqs:
if TimeUnit.NOW in req:
if incunit is not None:
mesg = "Recurring jobs may not be scheduled to run 'now'"
raise ValueError(mesg)
nexttime = self._getNowTick()
reqdicts = self._dictproduct(req)
if not isinstance(incvals, Iterable):
incvals = (incvals, )
recs.extend(ApptRec(rd, incunit, v) for (rd, v) in itertools.product(reqdicts, incvals))
# TODO: this is insane. Make _Appt take the cdef directly...
appt = _Appt(self, iden, recur, indx, query, creator, recs, nexttime=nexttime, view=view,
created=created, pool=pool, loglevel=loglevel)
self._addappt(iden, appt)
appt.doc = cdef.get('doc', '')
return appt.pack()
async def get(self, iden):
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is not None:
return appt
mesg = f'No cron job with iden {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
async def enable(self, iden):
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
await self.mod(iden, appt.query)
async def disable(self, iden):
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
appt.enabled = False
async def mod(self, iden, query):
Change the query of an appointment
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
if not query:
raise ValueError('empty query')
await self.core.getStormQuery(query)
appt.query = query
appt.enabled = True # in case it was disabled for a bad query
async def move(self, croniden, viewiden):
Move a cronjob from one view to another
appt = self.appts.get(croniden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {croniden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=croniden, mesg=mesg)
appt.view = viewiden
async def delete(self, iden):
Delete an appointment
appt = self.appts.get(iden)
if appt is None:
mesg = f'No cron job with iden: {iden}'
raise s_exc.NoSuchIden(iden=iden, mesg=mesg)
del self.appts[iden]
def _delete_appt_from_heap(self, appt):
heappos = self.apptheap.index(appt)
except ValueError:
pass # this is OK, just a non-recurring appt that has no more records
# If we're already the last item, just delete it
if heappos == len(self.apptheap) - 1:
del self.apptheap[heappos]
# put the last item at the current position and reheap
self.apptheap[heappos] = self.apptheap.pop()
def _getNowTick(self):
return time.time() + self.tickoff
def _addTickOff(self, offs):
self.tickoff += offs
async def clearRunningStatus(self):
'''Used for clearing the running state at startup or change of leadership.'''
for appt in list(self.appts.values()):
if appt.isrunning:
logger.debug(f'Clearing the isrunning flag for {appt.iden}')
edits = {
'isrunning': False,
'lastfinishtime': self._getNowTick(),
'lasterrs': ['aborted'] + appt.lasterrs[-4:]
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
await self.core.feedBeholder('cron:stop', {'iden': appt.iden})
if appt.nexttime is None:
async def runloop(self):
Task loop to issue query tasks at the right times.
await self.clearRunningStatus()
while not self.isfini:
timeout = None
if self.apptheap:
timeout = self.apptheap[0].nexttime - self._getNowTick()
if timeout is None or timeout > 0:
await self._wake_event.timewait(timeout=timeout)
if self.isfini:
now = self._getNowTick()
while self.apptheap and self.apptheap[0].nexttime <= now:
appt = heapq.heappop(self.apptheap)
nexttime = appt.updateNexttime(now)
edits = {
'nexttime': nexttime,
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
if appt.nexttime:
heapq.heappush(self.apptheap, appt)
if not appt.enabled:
if appt.isrunning: # pragma: no cover
mesg = f'Appointment {appt.iden} {} is still running from previous time when scheduled' \
f' to run. Skipping.'
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':}})
await self._execute(appt)
except Exception as e:
extra = {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator, 'view': appt.view}
user = self.core.auth.user(appt.creator)
if user is not None:
extra['username'] =
if isinstance(e, s_exc.SynErr):
mesg = e.get('mesg', str(e))
else: # pragma: no cover
mesg = str(e)
logger.exception(f'Agenda error running appointment {appt.iden} {}: {mesg}',
extra={'synapse': extra})
await self._markfailed(appt, f'error: {e}')
async def _execute(self, appt):
Fire off the task to make the storm query
user = self.core.auth.user(appt.creator)
if user is None:
logger.warning(f'Unknown user {appt.creator} in stored appointment {appt.iden} {}',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator}})
await self._markfailed(appt, 'unknown user')
locked ='locked')
if locked:
logger.warning(f'Cron {appt.iden} {} failed because creator {} is locked',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator,
await self._markfailed(appt, 'locked user')
view = self.core.getView(iden=appt.view, user=user)
if view is None:
logger.warning(f'Unknown view {appt.view} in stored appointment {appt.iden} {}',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': appt.creator,
'username':, 'view': appt.view}})
await self._markfailed(appt, 'unknown view')
info = {'iden': appt.iden, 'query': appt.query, 'view': view.iden}
coro = self._runJob(user, appt)
task = self.core.runActiveTask(coro)
appt.task = await self.core.boss.promotetask(task, f'Cron {appt.iden}', user, info=info)
async def fini():
appt.task = None
async def _markfailed(self, appt, reason):
now = self._getNowTick()
edits = {
'laststarttime': now,
'lastfinishtime': now,
'startcount': appt.startcount + 1,
'isrunning': False,
'lastresult': f'Failed due to {reason}',
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
async def _runJob(self, user, appt):
Actually run the storm query, updating the appropriate statistics and results
count = 0
edits = {
'isrunning': True,
'laststarttime': self._getNowTick(),
'startcount': appt.startcount + 1,
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)'Agenda executing for iden={appt.iden}, name={} user={}, view={appt.view}, query={appt.query}',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': user.iden, 'text': appt.query,
'username':, 'view': appt.view}})
starttime = self._getNowTick()
success = False
loglevel = s_common.normLogLevel(appt.loglevel)
opts = {
'user': user.iden,
'view': appt.view,
'mirror': appt.pool,
'vars': {'auto': {'iden': appt.iden, 'type': 'cron'}},
'_loginfo': {
'cron': appt.iden
opts = self.core._initStormOpts(opts)
await self.core.feedBeholder('cron:start', {'iden': appt.iden})
async for mesg in self.core.storm(appt.query, opts=opts):
if mesg[0] == 'node':
count += 1
elif mesg[0] == 'warn' and loglevel <= logging.WARNING:
text = mesg[1].get('mesg', '<missing message>')
extra = await self.core.getLogExtra(cron=appt.iden, **mesg[1])
logger.warning(f'Cron job {appt.iden} issued warning: {text}', extra=extra)
elif mesg[0] == 'err':
excname, errinfo = mesg[1]
errinfo.pop('eline', None)
errinfo.pop('efile', None)
excctor = getattr(s_exc, excname, s_exc.SynErr)
raise excctor(**errinfo)
except asyncio.CancelledError:
result = 'cancelled'
except Exception as e:
result = f'raised exception {e}'
logger.exception(f'Agenda job {appt.iden} {} raised exception',
extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':}}
success = True
result = f'finished successfully with {count} nodes'
finishtime = self._getNowTick()
if not success:
edits = {
'errcount': appt.errcount + 1,
# we only care about the last five errors
'lasterrs': list(appt.lasterrs[-5:]),
if self.core.isactive:
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
took = finishtime - starttime
mesg = f'Agenda completed query for iden={appt.iden} name={} with result "{result}" ' \
f'took {took:.3f}s'
if not self.core.isactive:
mesg = mesg + ' Agenda status will not be saved since the Cortex is no longer the leader.', extra={'synapse': {'iden': appt.iden, 'name':, 'user': user.iden,
'result': result, 'username':, 'took': took}})
edits = {
'lastfinishtime': finishtime,
'isrunning': False,
'lastresult': result,
if self.core.isactive:
await self.core.addCronEdits(appt.iden, edits)
if not self.isfini:
# fire beholder event before invoking nexus change (in case readonly)
await self.core.feedBeholder('cron:stop', {'iden': appt.iden})