Synapse Changelog

v2.184.0 - 2024-10-18

Model Changes

  • Added ou:requirement:type taxonomy property to track requirement types. (#3954)

  • Added it:app:snort:hit:dropped property to track when hits result in the traffic being dropped. (#3954)

  • Added ou:vitals:budget property to track budget allocations. (#3954)

  • Added risk:mitigation:type as a taxonomy to track mitigation types. (#3957)

  • Added ou:asset form and associated properties to model organizational asset tracking. (#3957)

  • See v2.184.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $lib.graph.revoke() API for revoking user/role permissions on a graph projection. (#3950)

  • Mark all functions in a deprecated Storm library as deprecated. (#3952)


  • Fix a Storm bug where a runtsafe list unpacking operation which was executed per-node would be executed one additional time after all nodes had finished moving through the pipeline. (#3949)

  • Fix an issue where the default permission level specified when adding a graph projection was overwritten. (#3950)

  • Fixed an issue where extended model forms which implemented interfaces could not be removed due to inherited props. (#3958)


  • Deprecate $lib.inet.whois.guid. (#3951)

v2.183.0 - 2024-10-09

Model Changes

  • Fix an issue where the :path:base, :path:dir, and :path:ext secondary properties were marked readonly on the it:fs:file, it:exec:file:add, it:exec:file:del, it:exec:file:read, and it:exec:file:write forms. (#3942)

  • See v2.183.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Expose Stormlib deprecation status from the Python API. (#3929)

  • Add $lib.random.generator() to get a random number generator in Storm. (#3945)


  • Tag add operations with the try syntax ( +?# ) now catch BadTag exceptions raised by tags which are not valid for a defined tag model. (#3941)

  • Added task.get and task.del permissions declarations so they get included in the output of the auth.perms.list command. (#3944)

Improved documentation

  • Clarify parts of the Storm automation guide. (#3938)

  • Clarify Storm type specific documentation for guid types. (#3939)

v2.182.0 - 2024-09-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the allowed version of the packaging and xxhash libraries. (#3931)

  • Allow a user to specify a role iden when creating a role with the $lib.auth.role.add() Storm API. (#3932)


  • Fix an issue in the merge command where errors in establishing the node in the parent view could result in an exception. These errors are now surfaced as warnings in the runtime, and the node will be skipped. (#3925)

  • Fix an issue where the Cell would log that the free space write hold was removed irrespective of the write hold reason. (#3934)

v2.181.0 - 2024-09-25

Automatic Migrations

  • Update inet:ipv4 and inet:ipv6 sub properties for values affected by IANA Special Purpose Registry updates. (#3902)

  • A small migration to populate ou:industry:type:taxonomy nodes from existing ou:industry:type values. (#3912)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

  • The inet:rfc2822:addr type now rejects malformed inputs which could cause incorrect email addresses to be recorded. (#3902)

  • The inet:ipv4:type and inet:ipv6:type secondary properties now reflect updated behaviors from the IANA Special Purposes registries. (#3902)

  • Added math:algorithm form to model algorithms and link to generated output. (#3906)

  • Added :mitigated=<bool> and :mitigations=[<risk:mitigation>] properties to the risk:vulnerable form to track mitigations used to address vulnerable nodes. (#3910) (#3911)

  • Added ou:org:motto and ou:campaign:slogan properties and the lang:phrase form. (#3915)

  • See v2.181.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Storm lists now have a remove method that can be used to remove a single item from the list without having to iterate through the list. (#3815)

  • Added opts field to model:type Storm type. This field contains the property type options as defined in the data model. (#3815)

  • Updated Storm coverage tracker to support pragma: no cover for ignoring single lines of code and pragma: no cover start/pragma: no cover stop for ignoring multi-line blocks of Storm code. (#3815)

  • Make the Slab.putmulti() API an async function. (#3896)

  • Expose the response URL on the Storm http:resp object. (#3898)

  • Expose the HTTP request headers on the Storm http:resp object. (#3899)

  • Add request history on the Storm inet:http:resp object. (#3900)

  • Add a getPropValues() API to Storm View and Layer objects for yielding distinct values of a property. (#3903)

  • Update Storm language to add support for matching multiple switch case values to a single Storm query. (#3904)

  • Provide additional handling for Storm pool members who are online but unresponsive to new Telepath calls. (#3914)

  • Add the ability to provide an iden when creating a new HTTP Extended API. (#3920)

  • Added initial dictionary validator and deconfliction for guid based node constructor logic to Storm. (#3917)


  • Fix an issue where user defined Storm functions could be greedy with the IO loop. (#3894)

  • Fixed bug where nodedata may not be properly removed when it’s in a view/layer above the actual node. (#3923)

Improved documentation

  • Added documentation about tls:ca:dir configuration option for specifying custom TLS CA certificates. (#3895)

  • Added an example of using scrape on the primary property to the command usage statement. (#3907)


  • Remove deprecated synapse.lib.jupyter module. (#3897)

v2.180.1 - 2024-09-04

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the cryptography library to require its latest version. (#3890)

Improved documentation

  • Fixed a typo in the trigger.enable docs which mistakenly referred to the trigger-enable command. (#3889)

v2.180.0 - 2024-08-30

Automatic Migrations

  • A small migration to normalize it:dev:repo:commit:id to remove leading and trailing whitespace. (#3884)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

  • Added pol:candidate:id to track election authority issued candidate IDs. (#3878)

  • Updated it:dev:repo elements to inherit inet:service:object. (#3879)

  • Add inet:service:account properties to forms with inet:web:acct properties. (#3880)

  • See v2.180.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Include detailed link traversal information from the Storm runtime when the link option is set. (#3862)

  • Add support for disabling readahead on layer slabs by setting the SYNDEV_CORTEX_LAYER_READAHEAD environment variable. (#3877)

Improved documentation

  • Add Devops task for using onboot:optimize to optimize LMDB databases in services. (#3876)

  • Clarify documentation on taxonomy types. (#3883)

v2.179.0 - 2024-08-23

Model Changes

  • Update pe:langid to include all language IDs and tags from MS-LCID. (#3851)

  • Add additional fields to it:sec:stix:indicator. (#3858)

  • Add geo:telem:node property to more directly track where a node has been. (#3864)

  • Add DNS reply code enumeration values to inet:dns:request:reply:code. (#3868)

  • See v2.179.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for a ca_cert key to $ssl_opts on Storm APIs. This can be used to provide a CA chain for a specific HTTP API call. (#3849)

  • Optimize pivot behavior in Storm to avoid unnecessarily re-normalizing values. (#3853)

  • Added force option to extended property delete APIs to automatically remove data. (#3863)


  • Fix a bug where trigger name and doc updates set via syn:trigger nodes did not persist. (#3848)

  • Fix an issue that prevented removing permissions from vaults. (#3865)

  • Fix an issue that prevented the old name reference from being removed when a vault is renamed. (#3865)

  • When generating the AHA provisioning URL, the AHA service now binds to instead of the dns:name configuration value. (#3866)

  • Catch additional Python exceptions which could be raised by malformed input to $lib.stix.import.ingest() and raise BadArg instead. (#3867)

  • Catch Python TypeError exceptions in $lib.math.number() and raise BadCast exceptions. (#3871)


  • Deprecate the $tag variable in triggers in favor of $auto.opts.tag (#3854)

v2.178.0 - 2024-08-09

Features and Enhancements

  • Setting the aha:network value on the AHA service, as demonstrated in the deployment guide, is now mandatory. (#3783)

  • Added command to make it easy to bootstrap AHA mirrors. (#3783)

  • Added support for dynamically registered AHA mirrors. (#3783)

  • Updated service base class to retrieve updated AHA servers on startup. (#3783)

  • Update $lib.inet.imap and $lib.inet.smtp APIs to use certificates present in the Cortex tls:ca:dir directory. Add ssl_verify options to the $lib.inet.imap.connect() and inet:smtp:message.send() APIs to disable TLS verification. (#3842)

  • Update the aioimaplib library constraints to >=1.1.0,<1.2.0. (#3842)

  • Log the path of the LMDB file that was backed up in (#3843)


  • Remove a potential race condition in onfini handler registration. (#3840)

  • Cause service startup to fail with a clear error message when attempting to bootstrap a service with a mirror configuration and the aha:provision configuration option is missing, or the service storage has been manipulated into a invalid state. (#3844)

Improved documentation

  • Update deployment guide to include optional steps to deploy AHA mirrors. (#3783)

  • Update deployment guide to clarify aha:network selection vs dns:name selection. (#3783)

  • Move data model update information for the v2.133.0 release and above from the changelog and into their own section of the User Guide. (#3839)

  • Update Synapse tool examples to use aha:// URLs. (#3839)


  • Deprecate the Cell.conf.reqConfValu() API. This has been replaced with Cell.conf.req(). (#3783)

v2.177.0 - 2024-08-01

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate Axon metrics from hive to hotcounts. Migrate Cryotank names storage from hive to SafeKeyVal storage. Migrate Cortex configuration data from hive to SafeKeyVal storage. Migrate Cell info and auth configuration from hive to SafeKeyVal storage. (#3698) (#3825)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

  • Add model elements to represent the DriveSerialNumber and MachineID properties of an LNK file. (#3817)

  • Add biz:deal:id property to track deal identifiers. (#3832)

  • Add inet:service:message:type property to capture message types. (#3832)

  • Added meta:rule:type taxonomy. (#3834)

  • See v2.177.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a new Cell configuration option, auth:password:policy. This can be used to configure password policy options for authentication. (#3698)

  • Add $lib.gen.cryptoX509CertBySha256() helper function to create crypto:x509:cert nodes from a SHA256. (#3801)

  • Add $lib.gen.fileBytesBySha256() helper function to create file:bytes nodes from a SHA256. (#3801)

  • Add $lib.model.migration.s.inetSslCertToTlsServercert() migration helper to migrate inet:ssl:cert nodes to inet:tls:servercert nodes. (#3801)

  • Add $lib.gen.inetTlsServerCertByServerAndSha256() helper function to create inet:tls:servercert nodes from a server (or URI) and SHA256. (#3801)

  • Added Storm library for creating printable tables: $lib.tabular. (#3818)

  • Add $lib.model.ext.addEdge() and $lib.model.ext.delEdge() APIs for managing extended model edge definitions. (#3824)

  • Added --wipe option to the merge command which replaces the top layer of the view once the merge is complete. Using --wipe makes incremental merges more performant. (#3828)

  • Updated view.merge command to use $view.swapLayer() for improved performance. (#3828)

  • Added $view.swapLayer() API to allow users to start fresh with an existing view. (#3828)

  • Update the aiohttp library constraints to >=3.10.0,<4.0. Update the aiohttp-socks library constraints to >=0.10.0,<0.11.0. (#3830)

  • Tightened up aha.svc.list Storm command output when using --nexus. (#3835)


  • Prevent the root user for a Synapse service from being locked, archived, or having its admin status removed. (#3698)

  • Catch Python TypeError exceptions that could be raised by $lib.base64.decode() and now raise StormRuntimeError detailing the problem. (#3827)

  • Fix Bad file descriptor errors that could happen during link teardown. (#3831)

v2.176.0 - 2024-07-18

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add storm.exec command for executing arbitrary text as Storm. (#3807) (#3812)

  • Ensure the synapse.storm structured log messages contain the view iden. (#3812)

  • Added $ to programmatically invoke Storm. (#3813)

  • Remove the per-node pivot errors from the Cortex log output. (#3819)

v2.175.0 - 2024-07-15

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate existing ndef secondary properties to use the new ndef property indexing. (#3794) (#3809)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Update Cell with _getCellHttpOpts() method to allow for overriding default HTTP options. (#3770)

  • Add additional indexing for ndef based secondary properties. (#3794) (#3809)

  • Implement --prs-from-git in (#3800)

  • Update the getCellInfo() API to include HTTPS listener addresses and ports. (#3802)

  • Improve permissions checking performance in the Storm merge command. (#3804)

  • Support multiple tags in the diff command, which also allows for more efficient deduplication (e.g. diff --tag foo bar versus diff --tag foo | diff --tag bar | uniq). (#3806)

  • Add information about the remote link when logging common server side Telepath errors. (#3808)


  • Fix an AttributeError in (#3798)

  • Fix for large array props causing system lag. (#3799)

Improved documentation

  • Remaining docs have been converted from Jupyter notebook format to RST. (#3803)


  • Deprecate the use of the synapse.lib.jupyter library. This will be removed on 2024-08-26. (#3803)

v2.174.0 - 2024-07-09

Automatic Migrations

  • Renormalize ou:position:title, ou:conference:name, and ou:conference:names secondary properties. (#3701)

  • Populate new econ:currency nodes from existing secondary properties. (#3790)

  • Add a Cortex storage migration to set the correct View iden value on all Trigger definitions. (#3760)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

  • Add a new model, entity, for modeling elements related to entity resolution. (#3781)

  • Updates to the crypto, econ, files, ou, and pol models. (#3790) (#3781)

  • See v2.174.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add additional context to structured log information when a long LMDB commit is detected. (#3747)

  • Add support to synapse.lib.msgpack functions for handling integers requiring more than 64 bits to store them. (#3767) (#3780)

  • Add support for Storm variables in array filters. (#3775)

  • Add a kill() API to the Storm cron objects. (#3787) (#3796)

  • Add log messages when a cron job is enabled or disabled. (#3793)


  • Trigger definitions now always have the View iden that they belong to set upon View creation. The Storm $lib.trigger.set() API now uses the trigger view instead of the current view when checking permissions. (#3760)

  • Add missing item information when an error occurs while replaying a nexus change entry upon startup (#3778)

  • Fix the startup order for the Cortex embedded JSONStor to avoid an issue with the nexus replay on startup. (#3779)

  • Wrap the Nexus mirror loop setup code in a try/except block to handle unexpected errors. (#3781)

  • Only fire the beholder pkg:add events when the contents of a Storm package change. (#3785)

v2.173.1 - 2024-06-25

This release also includes the changes from v2.173.0, which was not released due to an issue with CI pipelines.

Model Changes


  • Fix a bug in the view.merge optimizations from v2.172.0 where deny rules were not properly accounted for when checking for fast paths on the node permission hierarchy. (#3771)

v2.173.0 - 2024-06-25

This release was replaced with v2.173.1.

v2.172.0 - 2024-06-24

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the permission checking for View merging ( view.merge ) to optimize the permission checking based on user permissions and layer index data. (#3736) (#3750) (#3758)

  • Add a hotfix that can be used to migrate risk:hasvuln nodes to risk:vulnerable nodes. (#3745)

  • Add a Storm API, $lib.env.get(), to get environment variables from the Cortex process which start with the prefix SYN_STORM_ENV_. (#3761)

  • Add a edited() API to the layer object in Storm. This API can be used to get the last time a given layer was edited. Add a reverse argument to the layer.edits() API to return the node edits in reverse order. (#3763)

  • Add a setArchived() API to the auth:user object in Storm. (#3759)

  • The synapse.tool.storm tool now returns a non-zero status code when it is invoked to execute a single command and the command encounters an error. (#3765)

  • Add a nodup option to the slab.scanKeys() API. Use this to increase the efficiency of the the Storm model.edge.list command. (#3762)

  • Add a synapse.common.trimText() API for trimming strings in a consistent fashion. Use that API to trim long text strings that may be included in exception messages. (#3753)

  • When a Storm subquery assignment yields more than a single node, add the trimmed subquery text to the BadTypeValu exception that is raised. (#3753)


  • Fix a typo in the Storm command help output. (#3766)

  • Fix a typo in the Rapid Power-Up development documentation. (#3766)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for $lib.auth.easyperm.level constants and the $lib.dict.has() function. (#3706)

v2.171.0 - 2024-06-07

Features and Enhancements

  • Update synapse.test.utils.SynTest helpers to disable sysctl checks for test services by default. (#3741)


  • Fix a key positioning error in the LMDBSlab when scanning backwards by prefix. (#3739)

  • Fix a bug in the str type normalization routine for handling floating point values. The floating point values are now also run through the string norming logic. (#3742)

  • Add missing beholder messages for view layer modifications. (#3743)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Devops documentation to add additional information about low downtime service updates, Rapid Power-Up updates, and release cadence information. Update references from docker-compose to use docker compose. (#3722)

v2.170.0 - 2024-06-04

Automatic Migrations

  • Populate an additional index of buids by form in Layers. (#3729)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Added $lib.model.migration.s.riskHasVulnToVulnerable migration helper to create risk:vulnerable nodes from risk:hasvuln nodes. (#3734)

  • Added $lib.model.migration.s.itSecCpe_2_170_0() migration helper to update it:sec:cpe nodes created before this release. Details about the migration helper can be found in the help (help -v $lib.model.migration.s.itSecCpe_2_170_0) (#3515)

  • Update Storm lift optimization for tag filters to also allow hinting based on runtsafe variable values. (#3733)

  • Log an info message with the current Cell and Synapse version on startup. (#3723)

  • Add per-Cell version checks to prevent accidental downgrades of services. (#3728)

  • Add a check to Cells that will warn when performance related sysctl values are not configured correctly on the host. This warning can be disabled with the health:sysctl:checks configuration option. (#3712)

  • Add forms and interfaces type options to the ndef type, which require the value to be one of the specified forms, or inherit one of the specified interfaces. (#3724)

  • Add support for pivoting from an ndef secondary prop to specific form. (#3715)

  • Add support for pivoting to or from ndef array properties. (#3720)

  • Add an index of buids by form to Layers. A getStorNodesByForm() API has been added to Storm Layer objects to retrieve storage nodes using this index. (#3729)

  • Storm Dmon APIs called on a Cortex mirror now call up to the leader to retrieve their result. (#3735)

  • Add a insertParentFork() API on Storm View objects to insert a new View between an existing fork and its parent View. (#3731)

  • Quorum merge requests are now allowed on Views which have forks. (#3738)


  • Fix a formatting issue in an error message that could be raised during JSON decoding in a Storm http:api:request object. (#3730)

  • Fix an issue where inet:url norming did not handle IPv6 addresses in the host portion of the URL correctly. (#3727)

  • Fix an issue where executing the view.exec command from within a privileged Storm runtime still checked user permissions for the specified view. (#3726)

  • Update logic for parsing CPE 2.2 and CPE 2.3 strings to be more compliant with the specification. This resulted in better conversions from CPE 2.2 to CPE 2.3 and CPE 2.3 to CPE 2.2. (#3515)

v2.169.0 - 2024-05-10

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a data migration helper library, $lib.model.migration. This contains functions to help with migrating data via Storm. (#3714)

  • Add Extended HTTP API iden values to structured Storm query logs. (#3710)

  • Add and to the list of declared Cortex permissions. (#3716)


  • Restore cron iden values in structured Storm query logs. (#3710)

  • The Storm APIs $lib.min() and $lib.max() now handle a single input. The Storm APIs $lib.min() and $lib.max() now raise a StormRuntimeError when there is no input provided to them. Previously these conditions caused a Python exception in the Storm runtime. (#3711)

  • The onboot:optimize configuration now skips optimizing any LMDB files found in the Cell local backup storage. (#3713)


  • Removed the Telepath APIs CoreApi.enableMigrationMode and CoreApi.disableMigrationMode. Remove support for the Cell hiveboot.yaml file. These had a removal date of 2025-05-05. (#3717)

v2.168.0 - 2024-05-03

Model Changes

  • Add a new model, plan, for modeling elements of plannings systems. (#3697)

  • See v2.168.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Cortex data model migrations will now be checked and executed when the service is promoted to being a leader. This allows for Cortex updates which use mirrors to have minimal downtime. Cortex model migrations which are executed using Storm will always run directly on the Cortex leader. (#3694) (#3695)

  • The Storm aha:pool.del() method now returns the full name of the service that was removed. (#3704)


  • The Storm command aha.pool.svc.del now prints out the name of the service that was removed from the pool or notes that there were no services removed. (#3704)

  • When setting a service “down” with AHA, conditionally clear the ready flag as well. Previously this flag was not cleared, and offline services could still report as ready. (#3705)

  • Add missing sleep statements to callers of Layer.syncNodeEdits2(). (#3700)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Storm command reference documentation to add additional examples for the uniq command. Update Storm command reference documentation to add and commands. (#3699)

  • Update type specific documentation. Add additional information about loc and syn:tag behavior with prefixes and wlidcards. Add a section on the duration and taxonomy types. (#3703)

  • Add documentation for $lib.auth.easyperm.level constants and the $lib.dict.has() function. (#3706)

v2.167.0 - 2024-04-19

Automatic Migrations

  • Set the protected flag on all Views in the Cortex, using the existing value of the nomerge flag. (#3681)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add aha.svc.list and aha.svc.stat commands to enumerate the AHA services. Add $lib.aha Storm APIs to delete, get, and list the AHA services. (#3685) (#3692) (#3693)

  • Add a protected option that can be set on Views to prevent merging and deletion. This replaces the nomerge option. (#3679)

  • Add Beholder events for creating, deleting, and updating Macros. (#3681)

  • Update the StormPkgTest.getTestCore() API to add a prepkghook callback option. This can be used to execute code prior to loading Storm packages. The getTestCore() API now waits for onload handlers to complete for each package it loads. (#3687)

  • Ensure that the Cell.ahaclient is fully owned and managed by the Cell. It will no longer use a global client that may exist. (#3677)

  • Update the stix2-validator library constraints to >=3.2.0,<4.0.0. Update the allowed range of the idna library to >=3.6,<3.8. (#3672) (#3684)


  • Asyncio Tasks created by signal handlers on the Base object are now held onto, to ensure that they cannot be garbage collected before or during their task execution. (#3686)

  • Update the Axon.postfiles and Axon.wput APIs to check for the existence of files before attempting to send them over an HTTP connection. (#3682)

  • Fix an issue where pruning a non-existent tag mistakenly pruned related tags. (#3673)

  • Ensure that macro names are at least 1 character in length. (#3679)

  • Fix a bug where $ could leak Python exceptions into the Storm runtime. (#3685)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for $lib.aha, $lib.aha.pool, and the aha:pool type. (#3685)


  • Deprecate the use of hiveboot.yaml to configure a Cell hive. This will be removed on 2024-05-05. (#3678)

  • The nomerge option on views has been deprecated. It is automatically redirected to the protected option. This redirection will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3681)

  • The Telepath APIs for interacting with a Cell Hive, listHiveKey, getHiveKeys, getHiveKey, setHiveKey, popHiveKey, and saveHiveTree have been deprecated. The tools and have been deprecated. These will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3683)

  • The Telepath.Pipeline class has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3691)

v2.166.0 - 2024-04-05

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • When setting a tag on a node, the tag value is now redirected based on parent tags having :isnow properties set. (#3650)

  • Add a $lib.spooled.set() Storm API. This can be used to get a spooled:set object. This set will offload the storage of its members to a temporary location on disk when it grows above a certain size. (#3632)

  • Add a $lib.cache.fixed() Storm API. This can be used to get a cache:fixed object. This cache will execute user provided callbacks written in Storm upon a cache miss. (#3661)

  • Add a pool option to Cron jobs. This can be set to True to enable a Cron job storm query to be executed on a Storm pool member. (#3652)

  • Add a pool option to Extended HTTP API handlers. This can be set to True to enable an HTTP request handler to be executed on a Storm pool member. (#3663) (#3667)

  • Add a new Storm API, $lib.cortex.httpapi.getByPath(), that can be used to get an http:api object by its path. The path value is evaluated in the same order that the HTTP endpoint resolves the handlers. (#3663)

  • Add --list and --gate options to and (#3632)

  • Add a view.getMergingViews() Storm API. This returns a list of view idens that have open merge requests on a view. (#3666)

  • The Storm API show:storage option now includes storage information for any embedded properties. (#3656)

  • Update the LinkShutDown exception that a Telepath client may raise to indicate that the connection has been disconnected. (#3640)

  • Add repr functions for printing the aha:pool and http:api objects in Storm. (#3663) (#3665)

  • The Telepath Pool object has been replaced with a new object, ClientV2. This is now the only object returned by the API. This is an AHA pool aware Client which can be used to connect to an AHA pool. (#3662)

  • Remove the unused Provenance subsystem from the Cortex. (#3655)

  • Constrain the stix2-validator library to 3.0.0,<3.2.0 due to an API change. This constraint is expected be changed in the next release. (#3669)


  • Fix a bug where a Cortex promote() call could hang when tearing down any running Cron jobs. Cron jobs cancelled during a promotion event will be logged but their cancelled status will not be recorded in the Nexus. (#3658)

  • Fix a bug where the Storm pool configuration could cause a Cortex to fail to start up. The Storm pool is now configured upon startup but its use is blocked until the Storm pool is ready to service requests. (#3662)

  • Ensure that the URL argument provided to cortex.storm.pool.set can be parsed as a Telepath URL. Previously any string input was accepted. (#3665)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the list of Cortex permissions in the Admin Guide to include service.add, service.del, service.get, and service.list. (#3647)

  • Update the docstring for the Storm cortex.storm.pool.del command to note the effects of removing a pool and the interruption of running queries. (#3665)

  • Update the documentation for the Storm http:api object to include the methods attribute. (#3663)


  • The Telepath task:init message format has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. This should not affect any users using Synapse v2.x.x in their client code. (#3640)

  • The authgate with the name cortex is not used for permission checking and will be removed in v3.0.0. At startup, the Cortex will now check for any use of this authgate and log warning messages. Attempts to set permissions with this gateiden via Storm will produce warn messages. (#3648)

v2.165.0 - 2024-03-25

Automatic Migrations

  • Re-normalize risk:mitigation:name, it:mitre:attack:technique:name, and it:mitre:attack:mitigation:name secondary properties. (#3585)

  • Re-normalize velocity properties which are float values. (#3616)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Change the compression mode used when streaming Cell backups to speed up the backup process. (#3608)

  • When a Cell is mirroring, gracefully go into read-only mode if the leader is a greater version than the mirror. (#3581) (#3631)

  • Add null as a constant that can be used in Storm expression syntax. (#3600)

  • Add cortex.storm.pool.get, cortex.storm.pool.set, and cortex.storm.pool.del commands to manage the Storm query pool which may be used by the Cortex. This replaces the experimental support added in v2.160.0 for Storm query pool configuration. The experimental Cortex configurations options storm:pool, storm:pool:timeout:sync, and storm:pool:timeout:connection have been removed. (#3602)

  • Add $lib.regex.escape() API for escaping strings which may be used as regular expression patterns. (#3605)

  • Add View.setMergeComment() and View.setMergeVoteComment() Storm APIs for setting comments on merge requests and merge votes. (#3597)

  • Add handlers to the float, int, and str types to handle norming Storm Number objects. (#3601)

  • Add a new Storm command,, to generate a geo:place node by name. (#3620)

  • Add an optional reporter name argument to the Storm command gen.risk.vuln. (#3628)

  • Add a norm option to the $node.difftags() command. (#3612)

  • Add logging around the leader promotion and handoff actions. (#3615)

  • Add Telepath APIs to AHA for clearing unused provisioning information. (#3607)


  • Fix a bug where Cortex Cron jobs could start prior to data migrations having completed running. (#3610)

  • Fix an issue where node.prop.set and node.prop.del permissions were not being properly checked. (#3627)

  • Fix a bug in the Storm merge command where the destination layer was not being properly checked for property set and deletion permissions. (#3627)

  • Fix a bug in the Storm copyto command where the destination layer was not being properly checked for property set permissions. (#3641)

  • Fix an error when granting a role admin permissions on a vault. (#3603)

  • Prevent the tool from making certificates with names greater than 64 characters in length. Prevent AHA provisioning from creating provisioning requests which would exceed that length. (#3609)

  • Fix an issue with the velocity base type returning a float instead of an integer when handling a string value without a unit. (#3616)

  • Fix an issue that could occur when pivoting from a secondary property to a form when using variables for the source and target values. (#3618)

  • Fix a syntax parsing issue when using the try-set-plus or try-set-minus operator to update an array property on a node using a variable for the property name. (#3630)

  • Fix an issue with AHA service pools where their Telepath Clients were not configured for use as aha:// clients. (#3643)

  • Fix an issue with AHA service pools where a fini’d Proxy was not properly cleaned up. (#3645)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Storm pivot documentation to add additional examples. (#3599)

  • Update the Cortex deployment guide to include a step to configure a Storm query pool. (#3602)


  • The tool has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3587)

  • The tool has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3589)

  • The Storm $lib.model.edge APIs have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3623)

  • The CoreAPI.enableMigrationMode() and CoreAPI.disableMigrationMode() Telepath methods have been marked as deprecated and will be removed after 2024-05-05. (#3610)

  • The Cortex configuration options cron:enable and trigger:enable have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. These configuration options no longer control cron or trigger behavior. (#3610)

  • The Storm Package synapse_minversion key has been deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. Package authors should use the synapse_version key to specify a version range for Synapse they support. An example is the string >=2.165.0,<3.0.0. (#3593)

v2.164.0 - 2024-03-01

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the Beholder messages view:merge:init, view:merge:prog, and view:merge:fini to add merge and vote information. (#3580)

  • When optimizing Storm lift operations, skip lifts that would be fully filtered out. (#3582)

  • Add tmpdir information to the getSystemInfo() APIs. This is the directory that the service would use for creating any temporary files. (#3583)

  • Update the tool to add a --del option to delete a role. (#3586)

  • Add the reporter ou:org to ou:campaign nodes generated with gen.ou.campaign (#3594)

  • The synapse.lib.certdir.CertDir class has been updated to use the cryptography APIs instead of the PyOpenSSL APIs where possible. The CertDir APIs no longer return PyOpenSSL objects, and now return cryptography related objects. (#3568)

  • Update the cryptography and PyOpenSSL libraries to require their latest versions. (#3568)


  • Model interfaces now populate properties for the sub-interfaces. (#3582)

  • Use tostr on property and form names when computing lifts and pivots to avoid a Python AttributeError exception. Invalid types will now raise a StormRuntimeException. (#3584)


  • The tool has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3587)

  • The tool has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in v3.0.0. (#3589)

v2.163.0 - 2024-02-21

Features and Enhancements

  • Add Storm API methods to $lib.axon which share the functionality of $lib.bytes APIs. These include $lib.axon.has, $lib.axon.hashset, $lib.axon.put, $lib.axon.size, and $lib.axon.upload. (#3570) (#3576)

  • Add support for user provided certificates for doing mTLS in Storm HTTP requests. (#3566)

  • Enable constructing a guid in Storm from a single value with $lib.guid(valu=$item). (#3575)

v2.162.0 - 2024-02-15

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add Storm API methods for inspecting and manipulating dictionary objects in Storm. These are $lib.dict.has(), $lib.dict.keys(), $lib.dict.pop(), $lib.dict.update(), and $lib.dict.values(). (#3548)

  • Add a json() method to the str type in Storm to deserialize a string as JSON data. (#3555)

  • Add an _ahainfo attribute to the Telepath.Proxy, containing AHA service name information if that is provided to the Dmon. (#3552)

  • Add permissions checks to $lib.bytes APIs using axon.has for APIs that check for information about the Axon or metrics; and axon.upload for APIs which put bytes in the Axon. These are checked with default=True for backward compatibility. (#3563)

  • The rstorm storm-svc and storm-pkg directives now wait for any onload handlers to complete. (#3567)

  • Update the Synapse Python package trove classifiers to list the platforms we support using Synapse with. (#3557)


  • Fix a bug in the Cell.updateHttpSessInfo() API when the Cell does not have the session in memory. (#3556)

  • Fix a bug where a user was allowed to vote for their own View merge request. (#3565)

  • Include Storm variables from the current and parent scopes when resolving STIX properties and relationships. (#3571)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm automation documentation. Added additional information about permissions used to manage automations. Added examples for edge:add and edge:del triggers. Added examples for managing Macro permissions. (#3547)

  • Update the Storm filtering and lifting documentation to add information about using interfaces and wildcard values with those operations. (#3560)

  • Update the Synapse introduction to note that Synapse is not intended to replace big-data or data-lake solutions. (#3553)


  • The Storm function $lib.dict() has been deprecated, in favor of using the ({"key": "value"}) style syntax for directly declaring a dictionary in Storm. (#3548)

  • Writeback layer mirrors and upstream layer mirrors have been marked as deprecated configuration options. (#3562)

v2.161.0 - 2024-02-06

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a Storm command to help generate it:av:scan:result nodes. (#3516)

  • Add item specific error message when users do not have sufficient permissions on an object which is using easyperms. (#3532)

  • Ensure that Nexus events which are written to the log are always applied and cannot be cancelled while the Nexus handler is running. (#3518)

  • Add getMergeRequest() and getMergeRequestSummary() Storm APIs to the View object, in order to get information about View merges via Storm. (#3541)

  • Add AHA information to the output of the Cell.getCellInfo() API. This includes the service name, leader, and network. (#3519)

  • Logs related to AHA service registration and setting services as offline are now logged at the INFO level. (#3534)

  • When creating Cron jobs and Triggers, record their creation time. (#3521) (#3538)

  • Add a Cell.updateHttpSessInfo() API to set multiple keys at once on a HTTP session. (#3544)

  • Update the allowed versions of the cbor2 and `` pycryptodome`` libraries. (#3540)


  • The Storm API for creating websockets, $lib.inet.http.connect(), did not properly handle the ssl_verify argument, causing SSL verification of Websocket requests to default to being disabled. This argument is now handled correctly, with SSL verification being enabled by default. (#3527)

  • Fix a bug in embedded Storm queries where they failed to grab their variables properly. (#3531)

  • Fix a bad variable reference in the Storm graph implementation. (#3531)

  • Fix a bug where modifying nodes in a Storm Dmon did not properly update the in-flight node. (#3520)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Cortex admin guide with additional information about removing extended forms and properties. (#3510)

  • Update the Data Model documentation to include additional information about extended forms and properties. (#3523)

  • Update the Data Model documentation to include information about property interfaces. (#3523)

v2.160.0 - 2024-01-24

Automatic Migrations

  • Update inet:ipv6 nodes to set their :type and :scope properties. (#3498)

  • Update existing layer push and layer pull configurations to set the default chunk size and queue size values on them. (#3480)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add tab completion of commands, forms, properties, tags, and $lib. functions the Storm CLI tool. (#3493) (#3507)

  • Add node.set.<form>.<prop> and node.del.<form>.<prop> permissions conventions to the Cortex for property sets and deletes. (#3505)

  • Add experimental support for Storm query offloading to the Cortex. This can be used to offload Storm queries to an AHA service pool. This can be configured with the storm:pool option on the Cortex. (#3452) (#3513)

  • Add a --deledges option to the delnode command. This deletes the N2 edges for a node before deleting the node. (#3503)

  • When creating layer push or pull configurations, the chunk size and queue size can now be set. (#3480)

  • Add a cell.hasHttpSess() API to check if a given Cell has a known HTTP session. (#3485)

  • Fire a core:pkg:onload:complete event when a Storm package onload handler is completed. This can be used when writing unit tests for Rapid Power-ups. (#3497)


  • Remove dataname index entries when removing all nodedata from a node. (#3499)

  • Fix an issue with tagprops not being correctly returned in $node.getByLayer(). (#3500)

  • Fix an issue with the edges.del command when using the --n2 option. This now behaves correctly when the N1 node does not exist. (#3506)

  • Fix an issue with duplicate properties being tracked in the property type map of the data model. This could have resulted in multiple nodes being lifted with interface properties. (#3512)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Storm filter documentation. Additional information about tag globbing and interval filtering has been included. (#3489)

v2.159.0 - 2024-01-16

Automatic Migrations

  • Update any extended model elements which used the taxonomy interface to now use the meta:taxonomy interface. (#3334)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for lifting, pivoting, and filtering using wildcards, lists, variables, and interfaces as form and property names. (#3334)

  • Migrate the name of the taxonomy interface to meta:taxonomy. (#3334)

  • Update the pinned version of the lark library to 1.1.9 for compatibility with Python 3.11.7. (#3488)


  • Prevent re-adding extended model elements in Nexus handlers. (#3486)

  • Add missing permissions checks on the $lib.axon.urlfile() API. This now requires the node.add.file:bytes and node.add.inet:urlfile permissions. (#3490)

  • Fix the permission checking for Vaults to check the Storm runtime asroot status. (#3492)

  • Fix an issue with $lib.stix.import.ingest() not converting bundle to a dictionary. (#3495)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for the reverse keyword. (#3487)

  • Clarify the use of the “try” operator ( +? ) in edit operations. (#3482) (#3487)

  • Update Storm lift documentation to add additional examples and clarify existing documentation. (#3487)

  • Update Storm data modification documentation to add additional examples and clarify existing documentation. (#3482)

v2.158.0 - 2024-01-03

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the allowed versions of the``fastjsonschema``, idna, pygments, and aiosmtplib libraries. (#3478)


  • Fix a bug where the role:add and user:add Nexus handlers could raise an exception when being called by a service mirror. (#3483)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm command reference guide. (#3481)

  • Update the Synapse glossary. (#3481)

v2.157.0 - 2023-12-21

Features and Enhancements

  • Added vaults feature for storing and sharing secret values (such as API keys) and associated configuration settings. Vaults can be shared with and used by another user without them being able to see the enclosed secret values. (#3319) (#3461)

  • Added Storm commands to interact with vaults: vaults.*. (#3319)

  • Added Storm library to interact with vaults: $lib.vaults.*. (#3319)

  • Add merge request voting and history tracking for full View merges. (#3466) (#3473) (#3475)

  • Add service pooling support to AHA. This allows for dynamic service topologies and distributed Telepath API calls. (#3353) (#3477)

  • Add user managed API keys that can be used to access HTTP API endpoints. (#3470)

  • Added an --optsfile option to the Storm CLI tool. This can be used to specify opts to the CLI tool via YAML. See Storm Opts for details about available options. (#3468)

  • Cron status changes are now persisted through the Nexus. (#3460)

  • Add a show:storage option to the Storm runtime opts to include the storage node data in the node message. (#3471)


  • Log a warning message when calling the Python User.pack(packroles=True) method when a user role is missing from the Auth subsystem. A missing role previously caused an AttributeError exception. (#3469)

  • Ensure the Nexus view:detach event is idempotent. (#3474)

  • Fix an issue where Storm subqueries containing non-runtsafe values could potentially not execute. (#3443)

v2.156.0 - 2023-12-08

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add an empty keyword to Storm to conditionally execute queries when there are no nodes in the pipeline. (#3434)

  • Add Storm APIs for getting property counts for a given layer or view.. These APIs are getPropCount(), getPropArrayCount(), getTagPropCount(). (#3435)

  • Add a new permission, view.fork, which can be used to control access for forking a view. This permission defaults to being allowed. (#3437)

  • Add Storm operators to allow pivoting and joining across light edges. The following examples show pivoting across refs edges and joining the destination nodes with the inbound nodes: -(refs)+> and <+(refs)-. (#3441)

  • Add Storm operators to do pivot out and join ( --+> ) and pivot in and join ( <+--) operations across light edges. (#3441) (#3442)

  • Storm subqueries used to assign a value now always run. (#3445)

  • Non-runtsafe try...catch blocks in Storm now run when there are no inbound nodes. (#3445)

  • The Storm API $lib.storm.eval() now logs its text argument to the synapse.storm logger. (#3448)

  • Add a --by-name argument to the Storm stats.countby command. This can be used to sort the results by name instead of count. (#3450)

  • Add a new Storm API $lib.gis.bbox() to allow computing geospatial bounding boxes. (#3455)


  • Prevent recursion errors in inet:fqdn onset handlers. (#3433)

  • When dereferencing a list or dictionary object off of a Node in Storm, the returned value is now a copy of the value. This avoids the situation where modifying the deferenced value appeared to alter the node but did not actually result in any edits to the underlying data. (#3439)

  • Add a missing sub-query example to Storm for loop documentation. (#3451)

  • Fix an issue where attempting to norm an IPv4 with an invalid netmask would raise a Python error. (#3459)


  • Deprecated Cortex and splice related APIs which were marked for removal after 2023-10-01 have been removed. The list of these APIs can be found at API Deprecation Notice - 2023-10-01. These additional splice related changes have also been made:

    The HTTP API /api/v1/storm now sets the default editformat opt value to nodeedits. Previously this API produced splice changes by default.

    The storm command no longer displays splices.

    The log command no longer records splices.

    The tool no longer records or displays splices.

    The tool no longer supports splices or nodeedits as input and the splice documentation example has been removed.


  • The deprecated function synapse.common.aclosing() has been removed. (#3449)

  • Provisioning a Synapse service with AHA now always updates the local CA certificate and generates new host and user certificates for the service. Previously these would not be regenerated if the CA or service names did not change. (#3457)

v2.155.0 - 2023-11-17

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a detach() method to the Storm view object. This will detach a forked View from its parent. (#3423)

  • Change the method used to generate the took value in the Storm fini message to use a monotonic clock. (#3425)

  • Performing an invalid “pivot in” operation with a form target (<- some:form) now raises a StormRuntimeError instead of silently doing nothing. (#3426)

  • Allow relative properties on the right hand side of a filter operation when using Storm expression syntax. (#3424)

  • Add an /api/v1/logout method on the Cell to allow HTTPS users to logout of their sessions. (#3430)

  • Allow taxonomy prefix lift and filter operations to work with taxon parts. (#3429)

  • Update the allowed versions of the cbor2, pycryptodome, pygments, vcrpy, and xxhash libraries. Update the pinned version of the lark library. (#3418)


  • Fix a performance regression in graph projection for computing large graphs in Storm. (#3375)

  • Fix a conflict between Storm $lib.inet.http functions and vcrpy where json and data args shouldn’t be passed together. (#3428)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix an error in the Cortex mirror deployment guide. The example docker-compose.yaml was missing the environment variables for SYN_CORTEX_AXON and SYN_CORTEX_JSONSTOR. (#3430)

v2.154.1 - 2023-11-15

This release is for updating the version of the cryptography package in Synapse containers to 41.0.5.

v2.154.0 - 2023-11-15

Automatic Migrations

  • Update the inet:ipv4:type value for RFC6598 addresses to shared. (#3410)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add edge:add and edge:del as trigger conditions. These trigger when light edges are added or removed from a node. (#3389)

  • Storm lift and filter operations using regular expressions (~=) are now case insensitive by default. (#3403)

  • Add a unique() method to the Storm list object. This returns a new list with only unique elements in it. (#3415)

  • Add support for to generate documentation for API definitions declared in Storm packages. (#3382)

  • A review of Storm library functions was performed and all readonly safe functions have been marked for execution in a readonly Storm runtime. (#3402)

  • Allow setting the layers on a root View with forks. (#3413)


  • Per-node Storm variables are now passed into subquery assignment expressions. (#3405)

  • Fix an issue with Storm Dmon hive storage being opened too late in the Cortex startup sequence. (#3411)

  • Remove a check when deleting tags from a node which prevented tag deletion from a node when the root tag was deleted in a parent view. (#3408)

v2.153.0 - 2023-10-27

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a new Storm API, $lib.cortex.httpapi, for creating and managing Extended HTTP API endpoints. These Cortex HTTP API endpoints allow a user to create custom responses via Storm. Documentation for this feature can be found at Extended HTTP API. (#3366)

  • Add a new Storm API, $, to iterate over sequences of items together. (#3392) (#3398)

  • Add a Storm command stats.countby to tally occurrences of values and display a barchart representing the values. (#3385)

  • Update the Storm command auth.user.mod to allow setting a user as admin on a specific auth gate. (#3391)

  • The proxy argument to $lib.inet.http.*, $lib.axon.wget(), $lib.axon.urlfile(), and $lib.axon.wput() APIs is now gated behind the permission storm.lib.inet.http.proxy. Previously this required admin permission to utilize. (#3397)

  • Add an errors parameter to $lib.axon.readlines(), $lib.axon.csvrows(), and $lib.axon.jsonlines(). This parameter defaults to ignore to ignore any decoding errors that are encountered when decoding text. (#3395)

  • Lower the maximum allowed version of the pyopenssl library. (#3399)


  • Fix a bug in the Cortex.syncLayersEvents() and Cortex.syncIndexEvents() APIs which caused layers to stop sending their node edits under certain conditions. (#3394)

  • Storm now raises a BadSyntaxError when attempting to filter by wildcard tags or tagprops when a value is specified for the filter. (#3373)

v2.152.0 - 2023-10-17

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the Storm string repr for $lib.null and $lib.undef values to $lib.null and $lib.undef. Previously these printed None and an opaque Python object repr. (#3361)

  • The CLI tool now checks if it is connected to an Aha server prior to enumerating Aha services. (#3371)


  • Update the file:path support for scrape related APIs to address an issue when matching against Linux style paths. (#3378)

  • Update the hex type to zeropad strings prior to checking their validity. (#3387)

  • Update the yaml.CSafeLoader check to not require the class to be available. (#3386)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the documentation for the Storm view.exec command to explain the separation of events and nodes between the parent and sub-runtimes. (#3379)

v2.151.0 - 2023-10-06

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a new Storm library $lib.infosec.mitre.attack.flow. This can be used to normalize and create it:mitre:attack:flow nodes from MITRE ATT&CK Flow Diagrams. (#3361) (#3372)

  • Update the Storm note.add command to set the meta:note:created property on the note. (#3569)

  • Add the Axon HTTP APIs to the Cortex. These API endpoints use the Axon that the Cortex is configured to use. (#3550)

  • Allow user defined functions in Storm to execute in a readonly Storm runtime. (#3552)

  • Clarify the Nexus IsReadOnly exception to include the common cause for the error, which is normally insufficent space on disk. (#3359)

  • Add a SYN_LOG_DATEFORMAT environment variable to allow specifying custom timestamp formats for Synapse services. (#3362)

  • Add a status attribute to structured log events for user and role related log events. This attribute indicates if the event was a CREATE, DELETE, or MODIFY operation. (#3363)

  • Update Cell.getLogExtra() to prefer using the user key from the task scope before using the sess key from the task scope. Cortex APIs which execute Storm queries now set the user scope to the user the query is running as. This increases the accuracy of log events caused by Storm queries when the user is specified in the opts. (#3356)

  • Update Storm setitem AST operator to check the readonly flag on functions when operating in a readonly Storm runtime. (#3364)

  • Update the minimum required version of the fastjsonschema library. (#3358)

  • Update tests and remove the use of deprecated functions for improved Python 3.12 compatibility. (#3355) (#3567)


  • Fixed a bug when parenting a View to another View where the bottom view has more than one layer in it omitted non-write layers. The set of layers is now properly computed. (#3354)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the list of Cortex permissions in the Admin Guide. (#3331)

  • The Form documentation has been updated to project the secondary properties and associated light edges as tables. (#3348)

v2.150.0 - 2023-09-22

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Allow Storm trigger APIs to reference triggers from other views. (#3342)

  • Update the synapse.lib.scrape and associated APIs to capture additional data: (#3223) (#3347)


    CPE 2.3 strings are now identified.


    UNC based paths are now identified.

  • Update the synapse.lib.scrape and associated APIs to use subprocesses when scraping large volumes of text. (#3344)

  • Add additional logging for HTTP API endpoints when a request has invalid login information. (#3345)

  • The CryoTank service has had permissions added to it. (#3328)


  • Stormtypes stor functions were not previously checked during readonly runtime execution. These are now validated and stor functions which would result in changing data in the Cortex will now raise an exception when used with a readonly Storm runtime. (#3349)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the list of Cortex permissions in the Admin Guide. (#3331)

  • The Form documentation has been updated to project the secondary properties and associated light edges as tables. (#3348)

v2.149.0 - 2023-09-14

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add best-effort support to scrape APIs to identify Windows and Linux file paths. (#3343)

  • Update the Storm view.add command to add a --worldreadable flag to create a view which is readable by the all role. The $lib.view.add() Storm API now also accepts an optional worldreadable argument as well. (#3333)

  • Update the Storm note.add command to add a --yield flag which yields the newly created note. (#3337)

  • Add Storm commands and to help generate ou:id:number and ou:id:type nodes. (#3339)

  • Support dynamically setting a Layer to readonly using the Storm $layer.set() API. (#3332)

  • Update the Storm command help to display information about Storm types, Storm Libraries and functions. (#3335)


  • Ensure that the Cell tmp directory is on the same volume as the Cell storage directory prior to attempting to run the onboot optimization process. If the volumes are different this now issues a warning message and skips the optimization process. (#3336)

  • Protect the Cortex Cron scheduling loop from errors that could happen when starting an agenda item. (#3340)

v2.148.0 - 2023-09-05

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a $lib.jsonstor.cachedel() API to allow for the removal of data created by $lib.jsonstor.cacheget(). (#3322)


  • Ensure the base Cell fini()’s the Aha client that it creates. This fixes a unit test performance issue. (#3324)


  • Mark the following Cryotank related API arguments and functions as deprecated. These APIs are related to server-side offset tracking for callers. Code which relies on these should be updated to do local offset tracking. These APIs and arguments will be removed in v2.150.0. (#3326)

    • CryoApi.puts(seqn=...) argument.

    • CryoApi.rows(seqn=...) argument.

    • CryoApi.slice(iden=...) argument.

    • CryoApi.offset() function.

    • CryoTank.getOffset() function.

    • CryoTank.setOffset() function.

    • CryoTank.puts(seqn=...) argument.

    • CryoTank.rows(seqn=...) argument.

    • CryoTank.slice(iden=...) argument.

    • TankAPI.offset() function.

    • TankApi.puts(seqn=...) argument.

    • TankAPI.slice(iden=...) argument.

v2.147.0 - 2023-08-31

Features and Enhancements

  • Add wait and timeout arguments to Cryotank slice() APIs. (#3320)

  • Add a charset parameter to the Storm API. This can be used to specify the CHARSET value when crafting a search query. (#3318)


  • Vendor the asyncio.timeouts.Timeout class from Python 3.11.3 to ensure correct task cancellation behavior is available for synapse.common.wait_for(). (#3321)

v2.146.0 - 2023-08-29

Features and Enhancements

  • Update Storm graph projection to only include edges between nodes in the result set and include a “reverse”: true in the edge info when embedding an edge on its target node once it is yielded. (#3305)

  • Map the Nexus LMDB slab with map_async=True by default. (#3314)

  • Mark the Storm macro.exec as a readonly safe command. Mark the Storm APIs $lib.macro.list() and $lib.macro.get() as readonly safe. Mark the str APIs as readonly safe. (#3316)


  • Fix an issue where Layer data migrations failed when a layer was marked as readonly. (#3313)

  • Fix an issue where utility functions for packed nodes in synapse.lib.node did not handle nodes from HTTP API endpoints. (#3315)

v2.145.0 - 2023-08-25

Automatic Migrations

  • Update indexing for light edges to index the N1 and N2 node identifiers together. (#3302)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a new Storm keyword, reverse( ... ), which can be used to run a lift operation in reverse order. (#3266)

  • Update indexing for light edges to index the N1 and N2 node identifiers together. (#3302)

  • Update the Storm once command behavior and documentation to be more intuitive when setting its timestamp and allowing nodes through it. (#3282)

  • Add a synapse_version key to the Storm Package schema. This can be used to provide a string version indentifier with a minimum and maximum version, such as >=2.145.0,<3.0.0. (#3304)

  • Update the Storm runtime to respect permissions declared with a default value of true. This allows Storm packages to define permissions which are defaulted to true. (#3287)

  • Add a SIGHUP handler to the base Cell which can be used to reload HTTPS certificate files from disk. The tool can also be used to trigger this behavior. (#3293)

  • The optional max:users feature no longer counts locked or archived users when adding users. (#3295)

  • Update the YAML functions to use the yaml.CSafeLoader and yaml.CSafeDumper. (#3289)


  • Replace asyncio.wait_for() use with a copy of the Python 3.12 implementation to avoid a race condition when cancelling tasks. (#3299) (#3307)

  • Fix an issue with the Storm trigger set() method not properly checking the values that it allows to be set. (#3290)

  • Fix an off-by-one bug in the SlabSeqn.aiter() method. (#3300)

  • Fix a performance issue with the IPv6 regular expression used in the scrape APIs. (#3311)

Improved Documentation

  • Revise the Storm User Guide to consolidate the background information and data modeling sections. Add a user focused section on Views and Layers. (#3303)

  • Add int type specific information to the Storm documentation. (#3288)

  • The Storm movetag command now moves the doc:url property from the old syn:tag node to the new syn:tag node. (#3294)

  • Storm Library and Type documentation no longer renders function signatures with Python style defaults. (#3296)


  • Many deprecated Cortex and splice related APIs have been marked for removal after 2023-10-01. The full list of APIs which will be removed can be found at API Deprecation Notice - 2023-10-01. (#3292)

  • The use of synapse.common.aclosing() has been replaced with contextlib.aclosing(). The vendored aclosing() implementation will be removed in v2.250.0. (#3206)

v2.144.0 - 2023-08-09

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • The iden of the Cron job is now added to the Storm query log made with the synapse.storm logger when using structured logging. (#3235)

  • Add a keepalive option to the Storm query opts. This may be used with long-running Storm queries when behind a network proxy or load balancer which may terminate idle connections. (#3272)

  • Update the allowed versions of the cryptography library. (#3281)


  • Fix an issue where Storm Dmons could start prior to data model migrations. (#3279)

  • Adjust the storage convention for once state data to fix an edge case and clarify documentation. (#3282)

  • Fix an issue with missing keys in storage nodes during migrations. (#3284)

v2.143.0 - 2023-07-28

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $lib.model.ext.getExtModel() and $lib.model.ext.addExtModel() Storm APIs to get all the extended model definitions in a Cortex and to add extended model definitions to a Cortex in bulk. (#3252)

  • Add inet:ipv6 to the list of types identified with scrape APIs. The inet:server form identified by scrape APIs now also identifies IPv6 server addresses. (#3259)

  • Add a check to the Cortex startup to identify and log the presence of deprecated model elements and direct users to check and lock them at model.deprecated.check. (#3253) (#3264)

  • Add a new Storm function, $lib.vars.type(), to get the type value of an object. (#3100)

  • Add a Storm library, $lib.pack, for packing and unpacking structured byte values. (#3261)

  • The Storm $lib.gen() functions and associated commands now generate stable guid values based on their inputs when making nodes. (#3268)

  • Add the .bazar TLD to the list of TLDs identified by the Synapse scrape functionality. (#3271)

  • Add the View iden to the task identifier for running Storm tasks. (#3247)

  • Add performance related sysctl values to the output of the Storm Cell.getSystemInfo() and $lib.cell.getSystemInfo() APIs. (#3236)

  • Update the allowed versions of the vcrpy library. Thank you captainGeech42 for the contribution. (#3204)


  • Ensure the input to the CoreAPI.storm() ( and related APIs ) is a string. (#3255) (#3269)

  • Fix a bug in where a user with a telepath.yaml file containing an aha:servers key with a list of lists failed to enroll a local user. (#3260)

  • Fix an issue where Storm functions using emit failed to cleanup their sub-runtimes. (#3250)

  • Add verification that a Storm function call is being made on a callable object and raise a StormRuntimeError if the object cannot be called. Previously invalid calls could raise a TypeError. (#3243)

  • Fix the order of the Beholder cron:stop message firing when a Cron job is stopped. (#3265)

Improved Documentation

  • Add a section to the Storm reference for user defined functions in Storm. That can be found at Storm Reference - Advanced - Functions. (#3245)

  • Update the devops documentation to add a note about the Telepath aha:// protocol using a mirror=true parameter to connect to a service mirror instead of a leader. (#3267)

  • Update the example script to account for Docker changes introduced in v2.133.0.

v2.142.2 - 2023-07-19


  • Fix an issue which caused the Docker image tags for vertexproject/synapse-cryotank:v2.141.1, vertexproject/synapse-jsonstor:v2.141.1, and vertexproject/synapse-stemcell:v2.141.1, to refer to same image. (#3249)

v2.142.1 - 2023-07-19


  • Fix an issue which prevented the publication of the Synapse containers with v2.x.x tags. (#3248)

v2.142.0 - 2023-07-19

Automatic Migrations

  • Renormalize the risk:vuln:cvss:v2 and risk:vuln:cvss:v3 properties. (#3224)

  • Migrate the risk:vuln:name type from a str to a risk:vulnname form. (#3227)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Always convert dictionary keys to their primitive values when working with dictionary objects in Storm. Dictionary objects can no longer have keys set which are mutable objects, such as Nodes. (#3233)

  • Add support for octal constants, such as 0o755, in Storm expressions. (#3231)

  • Add additional events to the Behold API message stream for the addition and removal of extended model elements. (#3228)

  • Update the $lib.dmon.add() variable capture to record variables from embedded query objects. (#3230)

  • Add a .title() method on Storm strings to get title case formatted strings. (#3242)

  • Add a general purpose process pool using forked workers in order to speed up certain processing operations. This includes the Storm operations for JSONSchema parsing, HTML parsing, STIX validation, and XML parsing. (#3033) (#3229)

  • Add a new Cell configuration option, max:users. This can be set to limit the maximum number of non-root users on Cell. (#3244)

  • Add an /api/v1/aha/services HTTP API to the Aha service. This can be used to get a list of the services registered with Aha. (#3238)

  • Add support for Cosign signatures of tagged Synapse containers. See additional information at Verifying container image signatures. (#3196)

  • Adjust internal names for Storm objects. (#3229)


  • Fix a bug in the scrape for inet:ipv4 where IP addresses were found when there was leading or trailing numbers around the IP addresses. (#3234)

  • Fix a bug where $lib.model.ext.delForm() did not check for extended property definitions before deletion. Extended properties on a custom form must be deleted prior to deleting the form. (#3223)

  • Always remove the mirror configuration option from cell.yaml file when provisioning a service via Aha. The previous behavior prevented the correct restoration of a service from a backup which was previously provisioned as a mirror and is being restored as a leader. (#3240)

  • Add additional type checking when adding extended model forms and properties to the Cortex. Previously invalid types could raise an AttributeError. (#3243)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm lift reference to add an example of lifting nodes by the universal .created property. (#3245)

v2.141.0 - 2023-07-07

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Update $lib.infosec.cvss.vectToScore() to include a normalized CVSS vector in the output. (#3211)

  • Optimize the addition and removal of lightweight edges when operating on N1 edges in Storm. (#3214)

  • Added $lib.gen.langByCode. (#3219)


  • Fix bug with regular expression comparisons for some types. (#3213)

  • Fix a TypeError being raised when passing a heavy Number object to $lib.math.number(). (#3215)

  • Fix an issue with the Cell backup space checks. They now properly calculate the amount of free space when the Cell backup directory is configured on a separate volume from the Cell storage directory. (#3216)

  • Prevent the yield operator from directly emitting nodes into the Storm pipeline if those node objects came from a different view. Nodes previously lifted in this manner must be lifted by calling the iden() function on the object to ensure the node being lifted into the pipeline reflects the current view. (#3218)

  • Always remove the mirror configuration option from cell.mods.yaml when provisioning a service via Aha. The previous behavior prevented the correct restoration of a service from a backup which had been changed from being a leader to being a mirror. (#3220)

v2.140.1 - 2023-06-30


  • Fix a typo which prevented the Synapse package for v2.140.0 from being published on PyPI. (#3212)

v2.140.0 - 2023-06-30


Synapse now only supports Python 3.11+.

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Synapse now only supports Python 3.11+. The library will now fail to import on earlier Python interpeters, and the published modules on PyPI will no longer install on Python versions < 3.11. (#3156)

  • Replace with a pyproject.toml file. (#3156) (#3195)

  • Usages of hashlib.md5() and hashlib.sha1() have been updated to add the usedforsecurity=False argument. (#3163)

  • The Storm diff command is now marked as safe for readonly execution. (#3207)

  • Add a svc:set event to the Behold API message stream. This event is fired when a Cortex connects to a Storm Service. (#3205)


  • Catch ZeroDivisionError and decimal.InvalidOperation errors in Storm expressions and raise a StormRuntimeError. (#3203)

  • Fix a bug where synapse.lib.platforms.linux.getTotalMemory() did not return the correct value in a process running in cgroupsv1 without a maximum memory limit set. (#3198)

  • Fix a bug where a Cron job could be created with an invalid Storm query. Cron jobs now have their queries parsed as part of creation to ensure that they are valid Storm. $lib.cron APIs now accept heavy Storm query objects as query inputs. (#3201) (#3207)

  • Field data sent via Storm $lib.inet.http APIs that uses a multipart upload without a valid name field now raises a BadArg error. Previously this would result in a Python TypeError. (#3199) (#3206)


  • Remove the deprecated synapse.common.lockfile() function. (#3191)

v2.139.0 - 2023-06-16


Due to the introduction of several powerful new APIs and performance improvements, Synapse will be updating to only support Python >=3.11. Our current plan is to drop support for Python <=3.10 in ~4 weeks on 2023-06-19. The next release after 2023-06-19 will include changes that are not backward compatible to earlier versions of Python.

If you currently deploy Synapse Open-Source or Synapse Enterprise via the standard docker containers, you will be unaffected. If you install Synapse via PyPI, you will need to ensure that your environment is updated to Python 3.11+.

Model Changes

  • Update it:sec:cpe normalization to extend truncated CPE2.3 strings. (#3186)

Features and Enhancements

  • The str type now accepts float values to normalize. (#3174)


  • Fix an issue where the file:bytes:sha256 property set handler could fail during data merging. (#3180)

  • Fix an issue where iterating light edges on nodes could result in degraded Cortex performance. (#3186)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Cortex admin guide to include additional examples for setting up user and role permissions. (#3187)

v2.138.0 - 2023-06-13

Features and Enhancements

  • Add it:sec:cwe to the list of types identified with scrape APIs. (#3182)

  • Update the calculations done by $lib.infosec.cvss.vectToScore() to more closely emulate the NVD CVSS calculator. (#3181)


  • Fix an issue with where the !export command did not use the view specified when starting the tool. (#3184)

  • The synapse.common.getSslCtx() API now only attempts to load files in the target directory. This avoids confusing errors that may be logged when the target directory contains sub directories. (#3179)

  • Fix an edge case in $lib.infosec.cvss.vectToScore() when calculating CVSS v2 scores. (#3181)


  • Mark the Python function synapse.common.lockfile() as deprecated. It will be removed in v2.140.0. (#3183)

v2.137.0 - 2023-06-09

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate any inet:url nodes with :user and :passwd properties which may have been URL encoded. These values are now decoded. (#3169)

  • Migrate the storage type for the file:bytes:mime:pe:imphash property. (#3173)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Model Changes

  • Updates to the geospace, inet, infotech, ou, risk, and transport models. (#3169)

  • See v2.137.0 Model Updates for more detailed model changes.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a modulo arithmetic operator ( % ) to Storm expression parsing. (#3168)

  • Add $lib.auth.easyperm Storm library for interacting with objects that use a simplified permissions model. (#3167)

  • Add .vars attribute to the Storm auth:user object. This can be used to access user variables. (#3167)

  • Add $lib.infosec.cvss.vectToScore() to calculate CVSS scores. (#3171)

  • The Storm delnode command node now requires the use of --force to delete a node which has lightweight edges pointing to it. (#3176)

  • The STIX export configuration may now include a synapse_extension value set to $lib.false to disable the Synapse STIX extension data from being added to objects in the bundle. (#3177)

  • Remove whitespace stripping from Storm queries prior to parsing them. This allows any error highlighting information to accurately reflect the query submitted to the Cortex. (#3175)


  • Fix an issue where raising an integer value to a fractional power in Storm was not handled correctly. (#3170)

  • Handle a SyntaxError that may occur during Storm parsing due to a change in CPython 3.11.4. (#3170)

  • The inet:url type now URL decodes the user and passwd properties when normalizing them. Thank you captainGeech42 for the bug report. (#2568) (#3169)

  • The URL parser in synapse.lib.urlhelp now URL decodes the user and passwd values when parsing URLs. (#3178)


  • Mark the Storm functions $lib.infosec.cvss.saveVectToNode() and $lib.infosec.cvss.vectToProps() as deprecated. (#3178)

v2.136.0 - 2023-06-02

Model Changes

  • Boolean values in the Synapse model now have lowercase true and false repr values. (#3159)

  • The trailing . on the taxonomy repr has been removed. (#3159)

Features and Enhancements

  • Normalize tag names when performing lift and filter operations. (#3094)

  • Add $lib.compression.bzip2, $lib.compression.gzip, and $lib.compression.zlib Storm libraries to assist with compressing and decompressing bytes. (#3155) (#3162)

  • Add a new Cell configuration option, https:parse:proxy:remoteip. When this is set to true, the Cell HTTPS server will parse X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP headers to determine the remote IP of an request. (#3160)

  • Update the allowed versions of the fastjsonschema and pycryptodome libraries. Update the required version of the vcrpy library to account for changes in urllib3. Remove the pinned requirement for the requests library. (#3164)


  • Prevent zero length tag lift operations. (#3094)

  • Fix an issue where tag properties with the type ival, or time types with ismin or ismax options set, were not properly merged when being set. (#3161)

  • Fix a missing mesg value on NoSuchForm exception raised by the layer liftByTag() API. (#3165)

v2.135.0 - 2023-05-24

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a --index option to the Storm auth.user.grant command. (#3150)

  • Add additional type handling in the Storm view and layer set() APIs. (#3147)

  • Add a new Storm command, auth.perms.list, to list all of the permissions registered with the Cortex. (#3135) (#3154)


  • Fix an issue where attempting a tag lift with a variable containing a zero-length string would raise an MDB error. (#3094)

  • Fix an issue in the Axon csvrows() and readlines() APIs where certain exceptions would not be raised. (#3141)

  • Fix an issue with the Storm runas command which prevented it being used with a privileged Storm runtime. (#3147)

  • Fix support for Storm list objects in $lib.max() and $lib.min(). (#3153)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Cortex admin guide to include the output of the auth.perms.list command. (#3135)

v2.134.0 - 2023-05-17

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a --forms option to the Storm scrape command. This can be used to limit the forms that are made from scraping the input text. The scrape command now uses the View scrape interface to generate its matches, which may include scrape functionality added via power-ups. The scrape command no longer produces warning messages when matched text is not valid for making nodes. (#3127)

  • Add a revs definition to the STIX export configuration, to allow for adding in reverse relationships. (#3137)

  • Add a --delbytes option to the Storm delnode command. This can be used to delete the bytes from an Axon when deleting a file:bytes node. (#3140)

  • Add support for printing nice versions of the Storm model:form, model:property, model:tagprop, and model:type objects. (#3134) (#3139)


  • Fix an exception that was raised when setting the parent of a View. (#3131) (#3132)

  • Fix an issue with the text scrape regular expressions misidentifying the ftp:// scheme. (#3127)

  • Correctly handle readonly properties in the Storm copyto command. (#3142)

  • Fix an issue were partial service backups were not able to be removed. (#3143) (#3145)

v2.133.1 - 2023-05-09


  • Fix an issue where the Storm query hashing added in v2.133.0 did not account for handling erroneous surrogate pairs in query text. (#3130)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm API Guide to include the hash key in the init message. (#3130)

v2.133.0 - 2023-05-08

Model Changes

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the base Synapse images to use Debian bookworm and use Python 3.11 as the Python runtime. For users which build custom images from our published images, see additional information at Working with Synapse Images for changes which may affect you. (#3025)

  • Add a highlight parameter to BadSyntaxError and some exceptions raised during the execution of a Storm block. This contains detailed information about where an error occurred in the Storm code. (#3063)

  • Allow callers to specify an iden value when creating a Storm Dmon or a trigger. (#3121)

  • Add support for STIX export configs to specify pivots to include additional nodes. (#3122)

  • The Storm auth.user.addrule and auth.role.addrule now have an optional --index argument that allows specifying the rule location as a 0-based index value. (#3124)

  • The Storm command now shows the user’s admin status on authgates. (#3124)

  • Add a --only-url flag to the and CLI tools. When set, the tool only prints the URL to stdout. (#3125)

  • Add additional layer validation in the View schema. (#3128)

  • Update the allowed version of the cryptography, coverage, idna, pycryptodome, python-bitcoin, and vcrpy libraries. (#3025)


  • Ensure the CLI tools,, and now return 1 on an execution failure. In some cases they previously returned -1. (#3118)

v2.132.0 - 2023-05-02

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the minimum required version of the fastjsonschema, lark, and pytz libraries. Update the allowed version of the packaging and scalecodec libraries. (#3118)


  • Cap the maximum version of the requests library until downstream use of that library has been updated to account for changes in urllib3. (#3119)

  • Properly add parent scope vars to background command context. (#3120)

v2.131.0 - 2023-05-02

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate the ou:campaign:name property from a str to an ou:campname type and create the ou:campname nodes as needed. (#3082)

  • Migrate the risk:vuln:type property from a str to a risk:vuln:type:taxonomy type and create the risk:vuln:type:taxonomy nodes as needed. (#3082)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the dns, inet, it, ou, ps, and risk models. (#3082) (#3108) (#3113)


    Add a mx:priority property to record the priority of the MX response.


    Add a form to record the registration of a domain with a dynamic DNS provider.


    Add a form to record a network protocol name.


    Add a form to record the instance of a file being sent to a web service by an account.


    Deprecate the client, client:ipv4, and client:ipv6 properties in favor of using inet:web:attachment.


    Remove incorrect readonly markings for properties.


    Add an id property to record the snort rule id. Add an author property to record contact information for the rule author. Add created and updated properties to track when the rule was created and last updated. Add an enabled property to record if the rule should be used for snort evaluation engines. Add a family property to record the software family the rule is designed to detect.


    Add a form to record an identifier issued to a given host by a specific software application.


    Add a form to record the name of campaigns.


    Change the name and names secondary properties from str to ou:campname types.


    Add a place:name to record the name of the place associated with the contact.


    Add an active property to record the interval of time when the threat cluster is assessed to have been active. Add a reporter:published property to record the time that a reporting organization first publicly disclosed the threat cluster.


    Add a used property to record the interval when the tool is assessed to have been deployed. Add a reporter:discovered property to record the time that a reporting organization first discovered the tool. Add a reporter:published property to record the time that a reporting organization first publicly disclosed the tool.


    Add a form to record a contiguous range of software versions which contain a vulnerability.


    Change the type property from a str to a risk:vuln:type:taxonomy.


    Add a form to record a taxonomy of vulnerability types.

  • Add a new Storm command, auth.user.allowed that can be used to check if a user is allowed to use a given permission and why. (#3114)

  • Add a new Storm command, gen.ou.campaign, to assist with generating or creating ou:campaign nodes. (#3082)

  • Add a boolean default key to the permissions schema definition. This allows a Storm package permission to note what its default value is. (#3099)

  • Data model migrations which fail to normalize existing secondary values into their new types now store those values in Node data on the affected nodes and remove those bad properties from the affected nodes. (#3117)


  • Fix an issue with the search functionality in our documentation missing the required jQuery library. (#3111)

  • Unique nodes when performing multi-layer lifts on secondary properties without a value. (#3110)

Improved Documentation

  • Add a section about managing data model deprecations to the Synapse Admin guide. (#3102)


  • Remove the deprecated synapse.lib.httpapi.HandlerBase.user() and synapse.lib.httpapi.HandlerBase.getUserBody() functions. Remove the deprecated synapse.axon.AxonFileHandler.axon() function. (#3115)

v2.130.2 - 2023-04-26


  • Fix an issue where the proxy argument was not being passed to the Axon when attempting to post a file via Storm with the $ API. (#3109)

  • Fix an issue where adding a readonly layer that does not already exist would raise an error. (#3106)

v2.130.1 - 2023-04-25


  • Fix a race condition in a Telepath unit test which was happening during CI testing. (#3104)

v2.130.0 - 2023-04-25

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the infotech model. (#3095)


    Add an ext:id property for recording an external identifier for a host.

  • Add support for deleting node properties by assigning $lib.undef to the property to be removed through $node.props. (#3098)

  • The Cell.ahaclient is longer cached in the synapse.telepath.aha_clients dictionary. This isolates the Cell connection to Aha from other clients. (#3008)

  • When the Cell mirror loop exits, it now reports the current ready status to the Aha service. This allows a service to mark itself as “not ready” when the loop restarts and it is a follower, since it may no longer be in the realtime change window. (#3008)

  • Update the required versions of the nbconvert, sphinx and hide-code libraries used for building documentation. Increased the allowed ranges for the pygments and jupyter-client libraries. (#3103)


  • Fix an issue in backtick format strings where single quotes in certain positions would raise a syntax error. (#3096)

  • Fix an issue where permissions were not correctly checked when assigning a property value through $node.props. (#3098)

  • Fix an issue where the Cell would report a static ready value to the Aha service upon reconnecting, instead of the current ready status. The Cell.ahainfo value was replaced with a Cell.getAhaInfo() API which returns the current information to report to the Aha service. (#3008)

v2.129.0 - 2023-04-17

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the ou and risk models. (#3080)


    Add a names property to record alternative names for the campaign. Add reporter and reporter:name properties to record information about a reporter of the campaign.


    Add reporter and reporter:name properties to record information about a reporter of the attack.


    Add reporter and reporter:name properties to record information about a reporter of the compromise.


    Add reporter and reporter:name properties to record information about a reporter of the vulnerability.

  • Add leader status to the tool output. This will only be available if a leader has been registered for the service. (#3078)

  • Add support for private values in Storm modules, which are specified by beginning the name with a double underscore (__). These values cannot be dereferenced outside of the module they are declared in. (#3079)

  • Update error messages for Axon.wget, Axon.wput, and Axon.postfiles to include more helpful information. (#3077)

  • Update it:semver string normalization to attempt parsing improperly formatted semver values. (#3080)

  • Update Axon to always pass size value when saving bytes. (#3084)


  • Add missing toprim() calls on arguments to some auth:user and auth:role APIs. (#3086)

  • Fix the regular expression used to validate custom STIX types. (#3093)

Improved Documentation

  • Add sections on user and role permissions to the Synapse Admin guide. (#3073)

v2.128.0 - 2023-04-11

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate the file:bytes:mime:pe:imphash property from a guid to a hash:md5 type and create the hash:md5 nodes as needed. (#3056)

  • Migrate the ou:goal:name property from a str to a ou:goalname type and create the ou:goalname nodes as needed. (#3056)

  • Migrate the ou:goal:type property from a str to a ou:goal:type:taxonomy type and create the ou:goal:type:taxonomy nodes as needed. (#3056)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the belief, file, lang, it, meta, ou, pol, and risk models. (#3056)


    Add a desc property to record the description of the tenet.


    Change the type of the mime:pe:imphash from guid to hash:md5.


    Add a raw property which may be used to store additional protocol data about the flow.


    Add a desc property to record a brief description of the snort rule.


    Change the type of name from str to ou:goalname. Change the type of type from str to ou:goal:type:taxonomy. Add a names array to record alternative names for the goal. Deprecate the prev property in favor of types.


    Add a form to record the name of a goal.


    Add a taxonomy of goal types.


    Add a type property to record the industry taxonomy.


    Add a taxonomy to record industry types.


    Add a form to track the immigration status of a contact.


    Add a taxonomy of immigration types.


    Add a detected property to record the first confirmed detection time of the attack. Add a url property to record a URL that documents the attack. Add a ext:id property to record an external identifier for the attack.


    Add a detected property to record the first confirmed detection time of the compromise.

  • Add a Storm command copyto that can be used to create a copy of a node from the current view to a different view. (#3061)

  • Add the current View iden to the structured log output of a Cortex executing a Storm query. (#3068)

  • Update the allowed versions of the lmdb, msgpack, tornado and xxhash libraries. (#3070)

  • Add Python 3.11 tests to the CircleCI configuration. Update some unit tests to account for Python 3.11 related changes. (#3070)

  • Allow dereferencing from Storm expressions. (#3071)

  • Add an ispart parameter to $lib.tags.prefix to skip syn:tag:part normalization of tag names. (#3074)

  • Add getEdges(), getEdgesByN1(), and getEdgesByN2() APIs to the layer object. (#3076)


  • Fix an issue which prevented the auth.user.revoke Storm command from executing. (#3069)

  • Fix an issue where $ only returned the node data from the topmost layer containing node data. It now returns all the node data accessible for the node from the current view. (#3061)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Developer guide to note that the underlying Python runtime in Synapse images may change between releases. (#3070)

v2.127.0 - 2023-04-05

Features and Enhancements

  • Set Link high water mark to one byte in preparation for Python 3.11 support. (#3064)

  • Allow specifying dictionary keys in Storm with expressions and backtick format strings. (#3065)

  • Allow using deref syntax (*$form) when lifting by form with tag (*$form#tag) and form with tagprop (*$form#tag:tagprop). (#3065)

  • Add cron:start and cron:stop messages to the events emitted by the behold() API on the Cortex. These events are only emitted by the leader. (#3062)


  • Fix an issue where an Aha service running on a non-default port would not have that port included in the default Aha URLs. (#3049)

  • Restore the view.addNode() Storm API behavior where making a node on a View object that corresponds to the currently executing view re-used the current Snap object. This allows nodeedits to be emitted from the Storm message stream. (#3066)

v2.126.0 - 2023-03-30

Features and Enhancements

  • Add additional Storm commands to assist with managing Users and Roles in the Cortex. (#2923) (#3054)

    Shows the definition for an AuthGate.


    Used to delete a rule from a Role.


    Used to modify properties of a Role.


    Used to delete a Role.

    Shows the definition for a Role.


    List all Roles.


    Used to delete a rule from a User.


    Used to grant a Role to a User.


    Used to revoke a Role from a User.


    Used to modify properties of a User.

    Shows the definition of a User.


    List all Users.

  • Update some of the auth related objects in Storm: (#2923)


    Add popRule() and getRules() functions. Add a .gates accessor to get all of the AuthGates associated with a role.


    Add popRule() and getRules() functions. Add a .gates accessor to get all of the AuthGates associated with a user.

  • Add $lib.auth.textFromRule(), $lib.auth.getPermDefs() and $lib.auth.getPermDef() Storm library APIs to assist with working with permissions. (#2923)

  • Add a new Storm library function, $lib.iters.enum(), to assist with enumerating an iterable object in Storm. (#2923)

  • Update the NoSuchName exceptions which can be raised by Aha during service provisioning to clarify they are likely caused by re-using the one-time use URL. (#3047)

  • Update command to set ps:contact:org if unset. (#3052)

  • Add an optional flag for Storm package dependencies. (#3058)

  • Add .], [., http[:, https[:, hxxp[: and hxxps[: to the list of known defanging strategies which are identified and replaced during text scraping. (#3057)


  • Fix an issue where passing a non-string value to $lib.time.parse with errok=$lib.true would still raise an exception. (#3046)

  • Fix an issue where context managers could potentially not release resources after exiting. (#3055)

  • Fix an issue where variables with non-string names could be passed into Storm runtimes. (#3059)

  • Fix an issue with the Cardano regex used for scraping addresses. (#3057)

  • Fix an issue where scraping a partial Cardano address could raise an error. (#3057)

  • Fix an issue where the Storm API view.addNode() checked permissions against the incorrect authgate. This API now only returns a node if the View object is the same as the View the Storm query is executing in. (#3060)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix link to Storm tool in Synapse Power-Ups section. (#3053)

  • Add Kubernetes deployment examples, which show deploying Synapse services with Aha based provisioning. Add an example showing one mechanism to set sysctl’s in a managed Kubernetes deployment. (#3047)

v2.125.0 - 2023-03-14

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a size() method on the STIX bundle object. (#3043)

  • Update the minimum version of the aio-socks library to 0.8.0. Update some unittests related to SOCKS proxy support to account for multiple versions of the python-socks library. (#3044)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Synapse documentation to add PDF and HTMLZip formats.

v2.124.0 - 2023-03-09

Features and Enhancements

  • Added --try option to gen.risk.vuln,,, and commands and their associated Storm functions. (#3030)

  • Added $lib.gen.orgHqByName and $lib.gen.langByName. (#3030)

  • Added the configuration option onboot:optimize to all services to allow devops to delay service startup and allow LMDB to optimize storage for both size and performance. May also be set by environment variable SYN_<SERVICE>_ONBOOT_OPTIMIZE=1 (#3001)

  • Ensure that AuthDeny exceptions include the user iden in the user key, and the name in the username field. Previously the AuthDeny exceptions had multiple identifiers for these fields. (#3035)

  • Add an optional --view argument to the CLI tool. This allows a user to specify their working View for the Storm CLI. This was contributed by captainGeech42. (#2937)

  • Updates to synapse.lib.scope and the Scope class. A Scope.copy() method has been added to create a shallow copy of a Scope. A module level clone(task) function has been added which clones the current task scope to the target task. Async Tasks created with Base.schedCoro() calls now get a shallow copy of the parent task scope. (#3021)

  • Add a new Storm command, batch, to assist in processing nodes in batched sets. (#3034)

  • Add global permissions, `storm.macro.admin and storm.macro.edit, to allow users to administer or edit macros. (#3037)

  • Mark the following Storm APIs as safe to execute in read-only queries: $lib.auth.users.get(), $lib.auth.users.list(), $lib.auth.users.byname(), $lib.auth.roles.get(), $lib.auth.roles.list(), $lib.auth.roles.byname(), $lib.auth.gates.get() and $lib.auth.gates.list(). (#3038)

  • Added uplink key to getCellInfo(), which indicates whether the Cell is currently connected to an upstream mirror. (#3041)


  • Fix an issue in the Storm grammar where part of a query could potentially be incorrectly parsed as an unquoted case statement. (#3032)

  • Fix an issue where exceptions could be raised which contained data that was not JSON serializable. $lib.raise arguments must now also be JSON safe. (#3029)

  • Fix an issue where a spawned process returning a non-pickleable exception would not be handled properly. (#3036)

  • Fix an issue where a locked user could login to a Synapse service on a TLS Telepath connection if the connection presented a trusted client certificate for the locked user. (#3035)

  • Fix a bug in Scope.enter() where the added scope frame was not removed when the context manager was exited. (#3021)

  • Restoring a service via the SYN_RESTORE_HTTPS_URL environment variable could timeout when downloading the file. The total timeout for this process has been disabled. (#3042)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Synapse glossary to add terms related to the permissions system. (#3031)

  • Update the model docstrings for the risk model. (#3027)


  • The ctor support in Scope has been removed. The population of the global default scope with environment variables has been removed. (#3021)

v2.123.0 - 2023-02-22

Automatic Migrations

  • If the risk:vuln:cvss:av property equals V it is migrated to P. (#3013)

  • Parse inet:http:cookie nodes to populate the newly added :name and :value properties. (#3015)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Added the belief model which includes the following new forms: (#3015)


    A belief system such as an ideology, philosophy, or religion.


    A concrete tenet potentially shared by multiple belief systems.


    A contact which subscribes to a belief system.


    A hierarchical taxonomy of belief system types.

  • Added declaration for risk:compromise -(uses)> ou:technique light-weight edges. (#3015)

  • Updated inet:http:session and inet:http:request forms to include the following property: (#3015)


    An array of inet:http:cookie values associated with the node.

  • Updated the inet:http:cookie form to include the following properties: (#3015)


    The name of the cookie preceding the equal sign.


    The value of the cookie after the equal sign if present.

  • Added logic to allow constructing multiple inet:http:cookie nodes by automatically splitting on ; such as foo=bar; baz=faz (#3015)

  • Updated it:log:event to add the following properties: (#3015)


    An it:log:event:type:taxonomy type for the log entry.


    An external ID that uniquely identifies this log entry.


    An it:prod:softver of the product which produced the log entry.

  • Updated the risk:compromise form to include the following properties: (#3015)


    An ou:goal node representing the assessed primary goal of the compromise.


    An array of ou:goal nodes representing additional goals of the compromise.

  • Updated risk:attack and risk:compromise forms to deprecate the techniques property in favor of using -(uses)> ou:technique light-weight edges. (#3015)

  • Updates to the inet:dns, and media models. (#3005) (#3017)


    Remove all read-only flags present on the secondary properties for this form.


    Add an updated property to record last time the news item was updated.

  • Updated inet:flow to include the following properties: (#3017)


    The key sent by the client as part of an SSH session setup.


    The key sent by the server as part of an SSH session setup.


    The x509 certificate sent by the client as part of an SSL/TLS negotiation.


    The x509 certificate sent by the server as part of an SSL/TLS negotiation.


    The hostname sent by the client as part of an RDP session setup.


    The keyboard layout sent by the client as part of an RDP session setup.

  • Add synapse.utils.stormcov, a plugin for measuring code coverage of Storm files. (#2961)

  • Clean up several references to the cell.auth object in HTTP API handlers. Move the logic in /api/v1/auth/onepass/issue API handler to the base Cell. (#2998) (#3004)

  • Clarify the error message encountered by a Synapse mirrored service if the mirror gets desynchronized from its upstream service. (#3006)

  • Update how read-only properties are handled during merges. The .created property will always be set when merging a node down. If two nodes have other conflicting read-only property values, those will now emit a warning in the Storm runtime. (#2989)

  • The Axon.wget() API response now includes HTTP request history, which is added when the API request encounters redirects. The $lib.axon.wget() Storm API now includes information about the original request URL. This data is now used to create inet:urlredir nodes, such as when the Storm wget command is used to retrieve a file. (#3011)

  • Ensure that BadTypeValu exceptions raised when normalizing invalid data with the time type includes the value in the exception message. (#3009)

  • Add a callback on Slab size expansion to trigger a free disk space check on the related cell. (#3016)

  • Add support for choices in Storm command arguments. (#3019)

  • Add an optional parameter to the Storm uniq command to allow specifying a relative property or variable to operate on rather than node iden. (#3018)

  • Synapse HTTP API logs now include the user iden and username when that information is available. For deployments with structured logging enabled, the HTTP path, HTTP status code, user iden, and username are added to that log message. (#3007)

  • Add web_useriden and web_username attributes to the Synapse HTTP Handler class. These are used for HTTP request logging to populate the user iden and username data. These are automatically set when a user authenticates using a session token or via basic authentication. The HTTP Session tracking now tracks the username at the time the session was created. The _web_user value, which previously pointed to a heavy HiveUser object, is no longer populated by default. (#3007)

  • Add $lib.inet.http.codereason Storm API for translating HTTP status codes to reason phrases. inet:http:resp objects now also have a reason value populated. (#3023)

  • Update the minimum version of the cryptography library to 39.0.1 and the minimum version of the pyopenssl library to 23.0.0. (#3022)


  • The Storm wget command created inet:urlfile nodes with the url property of the resolved URL from aiohttp. This made it so that a user could not pivot from an inet:url node which had a URL encoded parameter string to the resulting inet:urlfile node. The inet:urlfile nodes are now made with the original request URL to allow that pivoting to occur. (#3011)

  • The Axon.wget() and $lib.axon.wget() APIs returned URLs in the url field of their responses which did not contain fragment identifiers. These API responses now include the fragment identifier if it was present in the resolved URL. (#3011)

  • The Storm tree command did not properly handle Storm query arguments which were declared as storm:query types. (#3012)

  • Remove an unnecessary permission check in the Storm movenodes command which could cause the command to fail. (#3002)

  • When a user email address was provided to the HTTP API /api/v1/auth/adduser, the handler did not properly set the email using change controlled APIs, so that information would not be sent to mirrored cells. The email is now being set properly. (#2998)

  • The risk:vuln:cvss:av enum incorrectly included V instead of P. (#3013)

  • Fix an issue where the ismax specification on time types did not merge time values correctly. (#3017)

  • Fix an issue where using a function call to specify the tag in a tagprop operation would not be correctly parsed. (#3020)

Improved Documentation

  • Update copyright notice to always include the current year. (#3010)


  • The synapse.lib.httpapi.Handler.user() and synapse.lib.httpapi.Handler.getUserBody() methods are marked as deprecated. These methods will be removed in Synapse v2.130.0. (#3007)

v2.122.0 - 2023-01-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the biz, file, lang, meta, pol, and risk models. (#2984)


    Add a launched property to record when the operator first made the service available.


    Add exe:compiler and exe:packer properties to track the software used to compile and encode the file.


    Add a new guid form to represent a written or spoken language.


    Add a new form to record the name of a language.


    Add a type property to record the note type.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of note types.


    Correct the vitals property type from ps:vitals to pol:vitals.


    Add a lang property to record the language specified for the contact.

    Add a langs property to record the alternative languages specified for the contact.


    Add a form to record a specific skill which a person or organization may have.


    Add a form to record a taxonomy of skill types.


    Add a form to record the assessment that a given contact possesses a specific skill.


    Add a priority property that can be used to rank alerts by priority.


    Add a severity property that can be used as a relative severity score for the compromise.


    Add a type property to record the type of the threat cluster.


    Add a form to record a taxonomy of threat types.

  • Add support for Python 3.10 to Synapse. (#2962)

  • Update the Synapse docker containers to be built from a Debian based image, instead of an Ubuntu based image. These images now use Python 3.10 as the Python runtime. (#2962)

  • Add an optional --type argument to the Storm note.add command. (#2984)

  • Add a Storm command, gen.lang.language, to lift or generate a lang:language node by name. (#2984)

  • Update the allowed versions of the cbor2 library; and upgrade the versions of aiostmplib and aiohttp-socks to their latest versions. (#2986)

  • The X-XSS-Protection header was removed from the default HTTP API handlers. This header is non-standard and only supported by Safari browsers. Service deployments which rely on this header should use the https:headers configuration option to inject that header into their HTTP responses. (#2997)


  • Malformed hash values normalized as file:bytes raised exceptions which were not properly caught, causing Storm ?= syntax to fail. Malformed values are now properly handled in file:bytes. (#3000)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm filters user guide to include expression filters (#2997)

  • Update Storm type-specific behavior user guide to clarify guid deconfliction use cases and some associated best practices. (#2997)

  • Update Storm command reference user guide to document gen.* commands. (#2997)


  • The Cortex APIs provStacks() and getProvStack(iden) have been removed. (#2995)

v2.121.1 - 2022-01-23


  • When creating Storm Macros using v2.121.0, the creator of the Macro was incorrectly set to the root user. This is now set to the user that created the macro using the Storm macro.set command or the $lib.macro.set() API. (#2993)

v2.121.0 - 2022-01-20

Automatic Migrations

  • Storm Macros stored in the Cortex are migrated from the Hive to the Cortex LMDB slab. (#2973)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the inet and ou models. (#2982) (#2987)


    The fqdn, ns and email properties had the read-only flag removed from them.


    Add a goals property to record the assessed goals of the organization.

  • Add extended permissions for Storm Macro functionality using a new simplified permissions system. This allows users to opt into assigning users or roles the permission to read, write, administrate, or deny access to their Macros. These permissions can be set by the Storm $lib.macro.grant() API. (#2973)

  • Add extended information about a Storm Macro, including its creation time, update time, and a description. The Macro name, description and Storm can now be set via the Storm $lib.macro.mod() API. (#2973)

  • Allow users and Power-Ups to store graph projection definitions in the Cortex. Graph projections have the same simplified permissions system applied to them as introduced for Storm Macros. Storm users can now also load a stored graph projection into a running Storm query. These new features are exposed via the Storm $lib.graph APIs. (#2914)

  • The disk space required to make the backup of a Synapse service is now checked prior to a live backup being made. If there is insufficient storage to make the backup on the volume storing the backup, a LowSpace exception will be raised. (#2990)


  • When normalizing the inet:email type, an unclear Python ValueError could have been raised to a user. This is now caught and a specific BadTypeValu exception is raised. (#2982)

  • The synapse.exc.StormRaise exception caused an error when recreating the exception on the client side of a Telepath connection. This exception will now raise properly on the caller side. (#2985)

  • When using the Storm diff command to examine a forked View, if a node was deleted out from the base layer and edited in the fork, an exception would be raised. This situation is now properly handled. (#2988)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm User Guide section on variables for clarity. (#2968)

  • Correct Provenance API deprecation notice from v2.221.0 to v2.122.0. (#2981)

v2.120.0 - 2023-01-11

Features and Enhancements

  • Update to the risk models. (#2978)


    Add a merge:time and merged:isnow properties to track when a threat cluster was merged with another threat cluster.


    Add an engine property to track the software engine that generated the alert.

  • Add events for trigger:add, trigger:del, and trigger:set to the Beholder API. (#2975)


  • Fix an infinite loop in when using the tool in an environment without write access to the history file. (#2977)

v2.119.0 - 2023-01-09

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the biz, econ, ou, and risk models. (#2931)


    Add a form to track a specific product or service listed for sale at a given price by a specific seller.


    Add a form to track a service performed by a specific organization.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of business services.


    Add a service property to record the service included in the bundle.

    Deprecate the deal and purchase secondary properties in favor of econ:receipt:item to represent bundles being sold.


    Add a price:currency property to denote the currency of the prices.

    Add a maker property to represent the contact information for the maker of a product.

    Deprecate the madeby:org, madeby:orgname, madeby:orgfqdn properties in favor of using the new maker property.


    Add a form to represent a line item included as part of a purchase.


    Deprecate the form in favor of an acquired light edge.


    Add a budget property to record the budget allocated for the campaign.

    Add a currency property to record the currency of the econ:price secondary properties.

    Add a result:revenue property to record the revenue resulting from the campaign.

    Add a result:pop property to record the count of people affected by the campaign.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of the origin and validity of an alert.


    Add a benign property to record if the alert has been confirmed as benign or malicious.

    Add a verdict property to record the analyst verdict taxonomy about why an alert is marked as benign or malicious.

  • Annotate the following light edges. (#2931)


    When used with an econ:purchase node, the edge indicates the purchase was used to acquire the target node.


    When used with an inet:whois:iprec node and inet:ipv4 or inet:ipv6 nodes, the edge indicates the source IP whois record describes the target IP address.

  • Add a new Cell configuration option, limit:disk:free. This represents the minimum percentage of free disk space on the volume hosting a Synapse service that is required in order to start up. This value is also monitored every minute and will disable the Cell Nexus if the free space drops below the specified value. This value defaults to five percent ( 5 % ) free disk space. (#2920)

Improved Documentation

  • Add a Devops task related to configuration of the free space requirement. (#2920)

v2.118.0 - 2023-01-06

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the inet, pol, and ps models. (#2970) (#2971)


    Add a form to represent the specific sequence of hosts forwarding connections, such as a VPN or proxy.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of network tunnel types.


    Add a government property to represent the organization for the government of the country.


    Add a type property to record the taxonomy of the node. This may be used for entity resolution.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of contact types.

  • Add the following Storm commands to help with analyst generation of several guid node types: (#2970)

    Lift (or create) an it:prod:soft node based on the software name.


    Lift (or create) an ou:industry node based on the industry name.

    Lift (or create) an ou:org node based on the organization name.

    Lift (or create) the primary ps:contact node for the ou:org based on the organization name.

    Lift (or create) a pol:country node based on the 2 letter ISO-3166 country code.

    Lift (or create) the ou:org node representing a country’s government based on the 2 letter ISO-3166 country code.

    Lift (or create) the ps:contact node by deconflicting the email and type.


    Lift (or create) a risk:threat node based on the threat name and reporter name.

    Lift (or create) a risk:tool:software node based on the tool name and reporter name.


    Lift (or create) a risk:vuln node based on the CVE.

  • Add $lib.gen.riskThreat(), $lib.gen.riskToolSoftware(), $lib.gen.psContactByEmail(), and $lib.gen.polCountryByIso2() Storm API functions to assist in generating risk:threat, risk:tool:software, ps:contact and pol:country nodes. (#2970)

  • Update the CRL bundled within Synapse to revoke the The Vertex Project Code Signer 00 key. (#2972)


  • Fix an issue in the Axon csvrows() and readlines() APIs which could cause the Axon service to hang. (#2969)

v2.117.0 - 2023-01-04

Automatic Migrations

  • The risk:tool:software:soft:names and risk:tool:software:techniques properties are migrated to being unique arrays. (#2950)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the risk model. (#2950)


    The soft:names and techniques properties are converted into sorted and uniqued arrays.

  • Add support to the Cortex addStormPkg() and $lib.pkg.add() APIs to load Storm Packages which have been signed to allow cryptographic signature verification. Root CA and intermediate CA certificates have been embedded into Synapse to allow for verification of Rapid Power-Ups signed by The Vertex Project. (#2940) (#2957) (#2963)

  • Update to add optional code signing to Storm packages that it creates. (#2940)

  • Update to require the packages it produces will be JSON compatible when serialized, to avoid possible type coercion issues introduced by the Python json library. (#2958)

  • Update to allow for creating code signing certificates and managing certificate revocation lists (CRLs). (#2940)

  • Add the Nexus index ( nexsindx ) value to the data returned by the getCellInfo() APIs. (#2949)

  • Allow the Storm backtick format strings to work with multiline strings. (#2956)

  • The Storm Bytes.json() method now raises exceptions that are SynErr subclasses when encountering errors. This method has been updated to add optional encoding and errors arguments, to control how data is deserialized. (#2945)

  • Add support for registering an OAuth2 provider in the Cortex and having user tokens automatically refreshed in the background. These APIs are exposed in Storm under the $lib.inet.http.oauth.v2 library. (#2910)

  • STIX validation no longer caches any downloaded files it may use when attempting to validate STIX objects. (#2966)

  • Modified the behavior of Storm emitter functions to remove the read-ahead behavior. (#2953)


  • Fix some error messages in the Snap which did not properly add variables to the message. (#2951)

  • Fix an error in the command example. (#2948)

  • Fix an error with the merge command creating No form named None warnings in the Cortex logs. (#2952)

  • Fix the Storm inet:smtp:message getter and setter for the html property so it will correctly produce HTML formatted messages. (#2955)

  • Several certdir APIs previously allowed through openssl.crypto.X509StoreContextError and openssl.crypto.Error exceptions. These now raise Synapse BadCertVerify and BadCertBytes exceptions. (#2940)

  • Fix an issue where a Storm package’s modconf values were mutable. (#2964)

Improved Documentation

  • Removed outdated Kubernetes related devops documentation as it is in the process of being rewritten. (#2948)


  • The Cortex APIs provStacks() and getProvStack(iden) and the corresponding Cortex configuration option provenance:en have been marked as deprecated and are planned to be removed in v2.122.0. (#2682)

v2.116.0 - 2022-12-14

Automatic Migrations

  • The ou:contract:award:price and ou:contract:budget:price properties are migrated from econ:currency to econ:price types. (#2943)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the ou model. (#2943)


    The award:price and budget:price properties had their types changed from econ:currency to econ:price. Add a currency secondary property to record the currency of the econ:price values.


  • The tool could raise a Python TypeError when the specified package file did not exist. It now raises a NoSuchFile exception. (#2941)

  • When a service is provisioned with an aha:provision URL placed in a cell.yaml file, that could create an issue when a mirror is deployed from that service, preventing it from starting up a second time. Services now remove the aha:provision key from a cell.yaml file when they are booted from a mirror if the URL does not match the boot URL. (#2939)

  • When deleting a node from the Cortex, secondary properties defined as arrays were not checked for their references to other nodes. These references are now properly checked prior to node deletion. (#2942)

Improved Documentation

  • Add a Devops task for stamping custom users into Synapse containers to run services with arbitrary user and group id values. (#2921)

  • Remove an invalid reference to insecure mode in HTTP API documentation. (#2938)

v2.115.1 - 2022-12-02

Features and Enhancements

  • Patch release to include an updated version of the pytest library in containers.

v2.115.0 - 2022-12-01

Automatic Migrations

  • The inet:flow:dst:softnames and inet:flow:dst:softnames properties are migrated from it:dev:str to it:prod:softname types. (#2930)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the inet model. (#2930)


    The dst:softnames and src:softnames properties had their types changed from it:dev:str values to it:prod:softname.

  • Add support for secondary property pivots where the target property is an array type. (#2922)

  • The Storm API $lib.bytes.has() now returns a false value when the input is null. (#2924)

  • When unpacking loop values in Storm, use the primitive value when the item being unpacked is a Storm primitive. (#2928)

  • Add a --del option to the tool to allow removing a user from a service. (#2933)

  • Add entrypoint hooks to the Aha, Axon, Cortex, Cryotank, and JsonStor containers that allow a user to hook the container boot process. (#2919)

  • Temporary files created by the Axon, Cortex and base Cell class are now created in the cell local tmp directory. In many deployments, this would be located in /vertex/storage/tmp. (#2925)

  • Update the allowed versions of the cbor2 and pycryptodome libraries. For users installing synapse[dev], coverage, pytest, pytest-cov and pytest-xdist are also updated to their latest versions. (#2935)


  • When a Storm Dmon definition lacked a view iden, it would previously default to using the Cortex default view. Dmons now prefer to use the user default view before using the Cortex default view. This situation would only happen with Dmons created via the Telepath API where the view iden was not provided in the Dmon definition. (#2929)

  • Non-integer mask values provided to inet:cidr4 types now raise a BadTypeValu exception. (#2932)

  • Fix an incorrect call to os.unlink in (#2926)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the automation section of the Synapse User guide, expanding upon the use of cron jobs and triggers across views and forks. (#2917)

v2.114.0 - 2022-11-15

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the crypto model. (#2909)


    Add iv and mode properties to record initialization vectors and cipher modes used with a key.

  • Allow the creator for Cron jobs and the user for Triggers to be set. This can be used to effectively change the ownership of these automation elements. (#2908)

  • When Storm package onload queries produce print, warning, or error messages, those now have the package name included in the message that is logged. (#2913)

  • Update the Storm package schema to allow declaring configuration variables. (#2880)


  • The delCertPath() APIs in synapse.lib.easycert no longer attempt to create a file path on disk when removing the reference count to a certificate path. (#2907)

  • Fix error handling when Axon is streaming files with the readlines() and csvrows() APIs. (#2911)

  • The Storm trigger.list command failed to print triggers which were created in a Cortex prior to v2.71.0. These triggers no longer generate an exception when listed. (#2915)

  • Fix an error in the HTTP API example documentation for the requests example. (#2918)

Improved Documentation

  • Add a Devops task to enable the Python warnings filter to log the use of deprecated Synapse APIs. Python APIs which have been deprecated have had their docstrings updated to reflect their deprecation status. (#2905)

v2.113.0 - 2022-11-04

Automatic Migrations

  • The risk:tool:software:type property is migrated to the risk:tool:software:taxonomy type. (#2900)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the inet, infotech, media, meta, ou, and risk models. (#2897) (#2900) (#2903)


    Add a text property to record the displayed hypertext link if it was not a raw URL.


    Add a banner property representing the banner image for the account.


    Add a deleted property to mark if a message was deleted.


    Add a form to record a link contained in the post text.


    Add an isnow property to record the potential for MITRE groups to be deprecated and renamed.


    Add an isnow property to record the potential for MITRE software to be deprecated and renamed.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of software.


    Add a type property to record the taxonomy of the software. Deprecated the techniques property in favor of the uses light edge.


    Deprecated the desc, url and references properties in favor of using the risk:vuln:cve:desc, risk:vuln:cve:url, and risk:vuln:cve:references properties.


    Add a topics array property to record a list of relevant topics in the article.


    Add a form for recording different media topics.


    Add a url property to record a URL that documents as rule.

    Add an ext:id property to record an external identifier for the rule.


    Add a form to record sophistication score with named values: very low, low, medium, high, and very high.


    Add a sophistication property to record the assessed sophistication of a campaign.

    Deprecate the techniques property in favor of using the uses light edge.


    Deprecate the ou:hasgoal form in favor of using the ou:org:goals property.


    Deprecate the techniques property in favor of using the uses light edge.


    Add a sophistication property to record the assessed sophistication of a technique.


    Add a url property for a URL that documents the alert.

    Add an ext:id property to record an external ID for the alert.


    Add a sophistication property to record the assessed sophistication of an attack.


    Add a taxonomy for availability status values.


    Add a sophistication property to record the assessed sophistication of a threat cluster.

    Deprecate the techniques property in favor of the uses light edge.


    Add an availability property to record the assessed availability of the tool.

    Add a sophistication property to record the assessed sophistication of the software.

    Migrate the type property to risk:tool:software:taxonomy.

    Deprecate the techniques property in favor of the uses light edge.


    Rename the type risk:tool:taxonomy to risk:tool:software:taxonomy.


    Add a mitigated property to record if a mitigation or fix is available for the vulnerability.

    Add an exploited property to record if the vulnerability has been exploited in the wild.

    Add timeline:discovered, timeline:published, timeline:vendor:notified, timeline:vendor:fixed, and timeline:exploited properties to record the timeline for significant events on a vulnerability.

    Add cve:desc, cve:url, and cve:references secondary properties to record information about the CVE associated with a vulnerability.

    Add `nist:nvd:source to record the name of the organization which reported the vulnerability in the NVD.

    Add nist:nvd:published and nist:nvd:modified to record when the vulnerability was first published, and later modified, in the NVD.

    Add cisa:kev:name, cisa:kev:desc, cisa:kev:action, cisa:kev:vendor, cisa:kev:product, cisa:kev:added, cisa:kev:duedate properties to record information about the CISA KEV database entry for the vulnerability.

  • Annotate the following light edges. (#2900)


    When used with meta:source nodes, the edge indicates the target node was observed by the source node.


    When used with a risk:compromise node, the edge indicates the target node was stolen or copied as a result of the compromise.


    When used with risk:attack, the edge indicates the target node is targeted by the attack.

    When used with risk:attack and ou:industry nodes, the edge indicates the attack targeted the industry

    When used with risk:threat, the edge indicates the target node is targeted by the threat cluster.

    When used with risk:threat and ou:industry nodes, the edge indicates the threat cluster targets the industry.


    When used with ou:campaign and ou:technique nodes, the edge indicates the campaign used a given technique.

    When used with ou:org and ou:technique nodes, the edge indicates the organization used a given technique.

    When used with risk:threat, the edge indicates the target node was used to facilitate the attack.

    When used with risk:attack and ou:technique nodes, the edge indicates the attack used a given technique.

    When used with risk:attack and risk:vuln nodes, the edge indicates the attack used the vulnerability.

    When used with risk:tool:software, the edge indicates the target node is used by the tool.

    When used with risk:tool:software and ou:technique nodes, the edge indicates the tool uses the technique.

    When used with risk:tool:software and risk:vuln nodes, the edge indicates the tool used the vulnerability.

    When used with risk:threat, the edge indicates the target node was used by threat cluster.

    When used with risk:threat and ou:technique nodes, the edge indicates the threat cluster uses the technique.

    When used with risk:threat and risk:vuln nodes, the edge indicates the threat cluster uses the vulnerability.

  • Add $lib.gen.vulnByCve() to help generate risk:vuln nodes for CVEs. (#2903)

  • Add a unary negation operator to Storm expression syntax. (#2886)

  • Add $lib.crypto.hmac.digest() to compute RFC2104 digests in Storm. (#2902)

  • Update the Storm inet:http:resp.json() method to add optional encoding and errors arguments, to control how data is deserialized. (#2898)

  • Update the Storm bytes.decode() method to add an optional errors argument, to control how errors are handled when decoding data. (#2898)

  • Logging of role and user permission changes now includes the authgate iden for the changes. (#2891)


  • Catch RecursionError exceptions that can occur in very deep Storm pipelines. (#2890)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm reference guide to explain backtick format strings. (#2899)

  • Update guid section on Storm type-specific behavior doc with some additional guid generation examples. (#2901)

  • Update Storm control flow documentation to include init, fini, and try / catch examples. (#2901)

  • Add examples for creating extended model forms and properties to the Synapse admin guide. (#2904)

v2.112.0 - 2022-10-18

Features and Enhancements

  • Add --email as an argument to to allow setting a user’s email address. (#2891)

  • Add support for hxxp[s]: prefixes in scrape functions. (#2887)

  • Make the SYNDEV_NEXUS_REPLAY resolution use s_common.envbool() in the SynTest.withNexusReplay() helper. Add withNexusReplay() calls to all test helpers which make Cells which previously did not have it available. (#2889) (#2890)

  • Add implementations of getPermDef() and getPermDefs() to the base Cell class. (#2888)


  • Fix an idempotency issue in the JsonStor multiqueue implementation. (#2890)

Improved Documentation

  • Add Synapse-GCS (Google Cloud Storage) Advanced Power-Up to the Power-Ups list.

v2.111.0 - 2022-10-12

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the Storm grammar to allow specifying a tag property with a variable. (#2881)

  • Add log messages for user and role management activities in the Cell. (#2877)

  • The logging of service provisioning steps on Aha and when services were starting up was previously done at the DEBUG level. These are now done at the INFO level. (#2883)

  • The vertexproject/synapse: docker images now have the environment variable SYN_LOG_LEVEL set to INFO. Previously this was WARNING. (#2883)


  • Move the Nexus runMirrorLoop task to hang off of the Telepath Proxy and not the Telepath client. This results in a faster teardown of the runMirrorLoop task during Nexus shutdown. (#2878)

  • Remove duplicate tokens presented to users in Storm syntax errors. (#2879)

  • When bootstrapping a service mirror with Aha provisioning, the prov.done file that was left in the service storage directory was the value from the upstream service, and not the service that has been provisioned. This resulted in NoSuchName exceptions when restarting mirrors. The bootstrapping process now records the correct value in the prov.done file. (#2882)

v2.110.0 - 2022-10-07

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the geo model. (#2872)


    Add an accuracy property to record the accuracy of the telemetry reading.

  • Add Nexus support to the Axon, to enable mirrored Axon deployments. (#2871)

  • Add Nexus support for HTTP API sessions. (#2869)

  • Add support for runtime string formatting in Storm. This is done with backtick ( `) encapsulated strings. An example of this is $world='world' $lib.print(`hello {$world}`) (#2870) (#2875)

  • Expose user profile storage on the auth:user object, with the profile ctor. (#2876)

  • Storm package command names are now validated against the same regex used by the grammar. The tool now validates the compiled package against the same schema used by the Cortex. (#2864)

  • Add $lib.gen.newsByUrl() and $lib.gen.softByName() to help generate media:news and it:prod:soft nodes, respectively. (#2866)

  • Add a new realtime event stream system to the Cell, accessible remotely via CellApi.behold() and a websocket endpoint, /api/v1/behold. This can be used to get realtime changes about services, such as user creation or modification events; or layer and view change events in the Cortex. (#2851)

  • Update stored user password hashing to use PBKDF2. Passwords are migrated to this format as successful user logins are performed. (#2868)

  • Add the ability to restore a backup tarball from a URL to the Cell startup process. When a Cell starts via initFromArgv(), if the environment variable SYN_RESTORE_HTTPS_URL is present, that value will be used to retrieve a tarball via HTTPS and extract it to the service local storage, removing any existing data in the directory. This is done prior to any Aha based provisioning. (#2859)


  • The embedded Axon inside of a Cortex (used when the axon config option is not set) did not properly have its cell parent set to the Cortex. This has been corrected. (#2857)

  • Fix a typo in the cron.move help. (#2858)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Storm and Storm HTTP API documentation to show the set of opts and different types of message that may be streamed by from Storm APIs. Add example HTTP API client code to the Synapse repository. (#2834)

  • Update the Data Model and Analytical model background documentation. Expand on the discussion of light edges use. Expand discussion of tags versus forms, linking the two via :tag props. (#2848)


  • The Cortex HTTP API endpoint /api/v1/storm/nodes has been marked as deprecated. (#2682)

  • Add deprecation notes to the help for the Storm splice.undo and splice.list commands. (#2861)

  • Provisional Telepath support for Consul based lookups was removed. (#2873)

v2.109.0 - 2022-09-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a format() API to str variables in Storm. (#2849)

  • Update the Telepath user resolution for TLS links to prefer resolving users by the Cell aha:network over the certificate common name. (#2850)

  • Update all Synapse tools which make telepath connections to use the withTeleEnv() helper. (#2844)

  • Update the Telepath and HTTPs TLS listeners to drop RSA based key exchanges and disable client initiated renegotiation. (#2845)

  • Update the minimum allowed versions of the aioimaplib and oauthlib libraries. (#2847) (#2854)


  • Correct default Telepath cell:// paths in Synapse tools. (#2853)

  • Fix typos in the inline documentation for several model elements. (#2852)

  • Adjust expression syntax rules in Storm grammar to remove incorrect whitespace sensitivity in certain expression operators. (#2846)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Storm and Storm HTTP API documentation to show the set of opts and different types of message that may be streamed by from Storm APIs. Add example HTTP API client code to the Synapse repository. (#2834)

  • Update the Data Model and Analytical model background documentation. Expand on the discussion of light edges use. Expand discussion of tags versus forms, linking the two via :tag props. (#2848)

v2.108.0 - 2022-09-12

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the Telepath TLS connections to require a minimum TLS version of 1.2. (#2833)

  • Update the Axon implementation to use the initServiceStorage() and initServiceRuntime() methods, instead of overriding __anit__. (#2837)

  • Update the minimum allowed versions of the aiosmtplib and regex libraries. (#2832) (#2841)


  • Catch LarkError exceptions in all Storm query parsing modes. (#2840)

  • Catch FileNotFound errors in This could be caused by the tool running during container startup, and prior to a service making its Unix listening socket available. (#2836)

  • Fix an issue in Axon.csvrows() where invalid data would cause processing of a file to stop. (#2835)

  • Address a deprecation warning in the Synapse codebase. (#2842)

  • Correct the type of syn:splice:splice to be data. Previously it was str. (#2839)

Improved Documentation

  • Replace livenessProbe references with readinessProbe in the Kubernetes documentation and examples. The startupProbe.failureThreshold value was increased to its maximum value. (#2838)

  • Fix a typo in the Rapid Power-Up documentation. (#2831)

v2.107.0 - 2022-09-01

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate the risk:alert:type property to a taxonomy type and create new nodes as needed. (#2828)

  • Migrate the pol:country:name property to a geo:name type and create new nodes as needed. (#2828)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the geo, inet, media, pol, proj, and risk models. (#2828) (#2829)


    Add a new type to record the size of a geographic area.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of different places.


    Add a type property to record the taxonomy of a place.


    This form has been deprecated.


    Add a guid form that represents a web account’s membership in a channel or group.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of different types or sources of news.


    Add a type property to record the taxonomy of the news. Add an ext:id property to record an external identifier provided by a publisher.


    Add a guid form to record the vitals for a country.


    Add names, place, dissolved and vitals secondary properties. The name is changed from a str to a geo:name type. Deprecate the pop secondary property.


    Add an incumbent property to note if the candidate was an incumbent in a race.


    Add missing docstrings to the proj model forms.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of alert types.


    The type property is changed from a str to the risk:alert:taxonomy type.

  • Add ** as a power operator for Storm expression syntax. (#2827)

  • Add a new test helper, synapse.test.utils.StormPkgTest to assist with testing Rapid Power-Ups. (#2819)

  • Add $lib.axon.metrics() to get the metrics from the Axon that the Cortex is connected to. (#2818)

  • Add pack() methods to the auth:user and auth:role objects. This API returns the definitions of the User and Role objects. (#2823)

  • Change the Storm Package require values to log debug messages instead of raising exceptions if the requirements are not met. Add a $lib.pkg.deps() API that allows inspecting if a package has its dependencies met or has conflicts. (#2820)


  • Prevent None objects from being normalized as tag parts from variables in Storm. (#2822)

  • Avoid intermediate conversion to floats during storage operations related to Synapse Number objects in Storm. (#2825)

Improved Documentation

  • Add Developer documentation for writing Rapid Power-Ups. (#2803)

  • Add the synapse.tests.utils package to the Synapse API autodocs. (#2819)

  • Update Devops documentation to note the storage requirements for taking backups of Synapse services. (#2824)

  • Update the Storm min and max command help to clarify their usage. (#2826)

v2.106.0 - 2022-08-23

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a new tool,, for copying the data from one Axon to another Axon. (#2813) (#2816)


  • Subquery filters did not update runtime variables in the outer scope. This behavior has been updated to make subquery filter behavior consistent with regular subqueries. (#2815)

  • Fix an issue with converting the Number Storm primitive into its Python primitive. (#2811)

v2.105.0 - 2022-08-19

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a Number primitive to Storm to facilitate fixed point math operations. Values in expressions which are parsed as floating point values will now be Numbers by default. Values can also be cast to Numbers with $lib.math.number(). (#2762)

  • Add $lib.basex.encode() and $lib.basex.decode() for encoding and decoding strings using arbitrary charsets. (#2807)

  • The tag removal operator (-#) now accepts lists of tags to remove. (#2808)

  • Add a $node.difftags() API to calculate and optionally apply the difference between a list of tags and those present on a node. (#2808)

  • Scraped Ethereum addresses are now returned in their EIP55 checksummed form. This change also applies to lookup mode. (#2809)

  • Updates to the mat, ps, and risk models. (#2804)


    Add a type for storing mass with grams as a base unit.


    Add a form to record statistics and demographic data about a person or contact.


    Add a vitals secondary property to record the most recent known vitals for the person.


    Add a vitals secondary property to record the most recent known vitals for the contact.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of different tools.


    Add a form to record software tools used in threat activity.


    Add reporter, reporter:name, org:loc, org:names, and goals secondary properties.

  • Annotate the following light edges. (#2804)


    When used with risk:threat nodes, the edge indicates the target node is used by the source node.


  • Fix language used in the model.deprecated.check command. (#2806)

  • Remove the -y switch in the count command. (#2806)

v2.104.0 - 2022-08-09

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate crypto:x509:cert:serial from str to hex type. Existing values which cannot be converted as integers or hex values will be moved into nodedata under the key migration:0_2_10 as {'serial': value} (#2789)

  • Migrate ps:contact:title to the ou:jobtitle type and create ou:jobtitle nodes. (#2789)

  • Correct hugenum property index values for values with more than 28 digits of precision. (#2766)

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the crypto and ps models. (#2789)


    The serial secondary property has been changed from a str to a hex type.


    The type of the title secondary property has been changed from a str to an ou:jobtitle.

  • Add $lib.hex.toint(), $lib.hex.fromint(), $lib.hex.trimext() and $lib.hex.signext() Storm APIs for handling hex encoded integers. (#2789)

  • Add set() and setdefault() APIs on the SynErr exception class. Improve support for unpickling SynErr exceptions. (#2797)

  • Add logging configuration to methods which are called in spawned processes, and log exceptions occurring in the processes before tearing them down. (#2795)


  • BadTypeValu errors raised when normalizing a tag timestamp now include the name of the tag being set. (#2797)

  • Correct a CI issue that prevented the v2.103.0 Docker images from being published. (#2798)

Improved Documentation

  • Update data model documentation. (#2796)

v2.103.0 - 2022-08-05

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the it, ou, and risk models. (#2778)


    Add a techniques secondary property to record techniques employed by the author of the software.


    Add a techniques secondary property to record techniques employed by the campaign.


    Add a techniques secondary property to record techniques employed by the org.


    Add a form to record specific techniques used to achieve a goal.


    Add a form to record an analyst defined taxonomy of different techniques.


    Add a techniques secondary property to record techniques employed during the attack. Deprecate the following secondary properties, in favor of using light edges.

    • target

    • target:host

    • target:org

    • target:person

    • target:place

    • used:email

    • used:file

    • used:host

    • used:server

    • used:software

    • used:url

    • used:vuln

    • via:email

    • via:ipv4

    • via:ipv6

    • via:phone


    Add a techniques secondary property to record techniques employed during the compromise.


    Add a form to record a threat cluster or subgraph of threat activity attributable to one group.

  • Annotate the following light edges. (#2778)


    When used with ou:org, ou:campaign, risk:threat, or risk:attack nodes, the edge indicates the target node was targeted by the source node.


    When used with an ou:campaign or risk:attack node, the edge indicates the target node is used by the source node.

  • Change the behavior of the Storm count command to consume nodes. If the previous behavior is desired, use the --yield option when invoking the count command. (#2779)

  • Add $ API to Storm for generating random integers. (#2783)

  • Add a new tool, for taking a live backup of a service. (#2788)

  • The Storm $lib.jsonstor.cacheset() API now returns a dict containing the path and time. The $lib.jsonstor.cacheget() API now has an argument to retrieve the entire set of enveloped data. (#2790)

  • Add a HTTP 404 handler for the Axon v1/by/sha256/<sha256> endpoint which catches invalid <sha256> values. (#2780)

  • Add helper scripts for doing bulk Synapse Docker image builds and testing. (#2716)

  • Add aha:\\ support to (#2791)


  • Ensure that errors that occur when backing up a service are logged prior to tearing down the subprocess performing the backup. (#2781)

  • Add missing docstring for $lib.stix.import. (#2786)

  • Allow setting tags on a Node from a Storm List object. (#2782)

Improved Documentation

  • Remove synapse-google-ct from the list of Rapid Power-Ups. (#2779)

  • Add developer documentation for building Synapse Docker containers. (#2716)

  • Fix spelling errors in model documentation. (#2782)


  • The vertexproject/synapse:master-py37 and vertexproject/synapse:v2.x.x-py37 Docker containers are no longer being built. (#2716)

v2.102.0 - 2022-07-25

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the crypto, geo, inet, mat, media, ou, pol, and proj models. (#2757) (#2771)


    Add public:md5, public:sha1, and public:sha256 secondary properties to record those hashes for the public key. Add private:md5, private:sha1, and private:sha256 secondary properties to record those hashes for the public key.


    The geo:nloc form has been deprecated.


    Add a new form to record a the location of a given node at a given time. This replaces the use of geo:nloc.


    Add a proxies secondary property to record proxy URLS used to communicate to a C2 server. Add a listens secondary property to record urls the software should bind. Add a dns:resolvers secondary property to record DNS servers the software should use. Add a http:headers secondary property to record HTTP headers the software should use.


    Add a new form to record an instance of a query executed on a host.


    Add a new form to record query strings.


    Add a taxonomy type to record taxonomies of material specifications or items.


    Add a type secondary property to record the item type.


    Add a type secondary property to record the item type.


    Add a publisher secondary property to record the org that published the news. Add a publisher:name secondary property to record the name of the org. Deprecate the org secondary property.


    Add a conflict secondary property to record the primary conflict associated the campaign.


    Add a new form to record a conflict between two or more campaigns which have mutually exclusive goals.


    Add a new form to represent contributing material support to a campaign.


    Add a new form to record an election.


    Add a new form to record indivdual races in an election.


    Add a new form to record an appointed or elected office.


    Add a new form to record the term in office for an individual.


    Add a form to record a candidate for a given race.


    Add a form to record the polling locations for a given election.


    Add a ext:creator secondary form to record contact information from and external system.

  • Annotate the following light edges. (#2757)


    A light edge created by the Storm note.add command, which records the relationship between a meta:note node and the target node.


    When used with a ou:contribution node, the edge indicates the target node was the contribution made.


    When used with a meta:ruleset and meta:rule node, indicates the ruleset contains the rule.


    When used with a meta:rule node, the edge indicates the target node matches the rule.


    A light edge where the source node refers to the target node.


    When used with a geo:telem target node, the edge indicates the source node was seen a given location.


    When used with a ou:org node, the edge indicates the target node is used by the organization.

  • Commonly used light edges are now being annotated in the model, and are available through Cortex APIs which expose the data model. (#2757)

  • Make Storm command argument parsing errors into exceptions. Previously the argument parsing would cause the Storm runtime to be torn down with print messages, which could be missed. This now means that automations which have a invalid Storm command invocation will fail loudly. (#2769)

  • Allow a Storm API caller to set the task identifier by setting the task value in the Storm opts dictionary. (#2768) (#2774)

  • Add support for registering and exporting custom STIX objects with the $lib.stix Storm APIS. (#2773)

  • Add APIS and Storm APIs for enumerating mirrors that have been registered with AHA. (#2760)


  • Ensure that auto-adds are created when merging part of a View when using the Storm merge --apply command. (#2770)

  • Add missing support for handling timezone offsets without colon separators when normalizing time values. time values which contain timezone offsets and not enough data to resolve minute level resolution will now fail to parse. (#2772)

  • Fix an issue when normalizing inet:url values when the host value was the IPv4 address (#2771)

  • Fix an issue with the Storm cron.list command, where the command failed to run when a user had been deleted. (#2776)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm user documentation to include the Embedded Property syntax, which is a shorthand (::) that can be used to reference properties on adjacent nodes. (#2767)

  • Update the Synapse Glossary. (#2767)

  • Update Devops documentation to clarify the Aha URLs which end with``…`` are intentional. (#2775)

v2.101.1 - 2022-07-14


  • Fix an issue where the Storm scrape command could fail to run with inbound nodes. (#2761)

  • Fix broken links in documentation. (#2763)

  • Fix an issue with the Axon AxonHttpBySha256V1 API handler related to detecting Range support in the Axon. (#2764)

v2.101.0 - 2022-07-12

Automatic Migrations

  • Create nodes in the Cortex for the updated properties noted in the data model updates listed below.

  • Axon indices are migrated to account for storing offset information to support the new offset and size API options.

  • See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the crypto, infotech, ps, and transport models. (#2720) (#2738) (#2739) (#2747)


    Add a new form to model smart contract effects which create non-fungible tokens.


    Add a new form to model smart contract effects which destroy non-fungible tokens.


    Add a new form that tracks grants for a non-owner address the ability to manipulate a specific non-fungible token.


    Add a new form that tracks grants for a non-owner address the ability to manipulate all of the non-fungible tokens.


    Add a new form that tracks grants for a non-owner address to manipulate fungible tokens.


    Add a new form to track AV signature names. Migrate it:av:filehit:sig:name and it:av:sig:name to use the new form.


    Add a name secondary property to track the display name of a process. Add a path:base secondary property to track the basename of the executable for the process.


    Add an orgnames secondary property to track an array of orgnames associated with a contact.


    Add make and model secondary properties to track information about the vessel.

  • Add a new Storm command, movenodes, that can be used to move a node entirely from one layer to another. (#2714)

  • Add a new Storm library, $lib.gen, to assist with creating nodes based on secondary property based deconfliction. (#2754)

  • Add a sorted() method to the stat:tally object, to simplify handling of tallied data. (#2748)

  • Add a new Storm function, $lib.mime.html.totext(), to extract inner tag text from HTML strings. (#2744)

  • Add Storm functions $lib.crypto.hashes.md5(), $lib.crypto.hashes.sha1(), $lib.crypto.hashes.sha256() and $lib.crypto.hashes.sha512() to allow hashing bytes directly in Storm. (#2743)

  • Add an Axon.csvrows() API for streaming CSV rows from an Axon, and a corresponding $lib.axon.csvrows() Storm API. (#2719)

  • Expand Synapse requirements to include updated versions of the pycryptome, pygments, and scalecodec modules. (#2752)

  • Add range support to Axon.get() to read bytes from a given offset and size. The /api/v1/axon/files/by/sha256/<SHA-256> HTTP API has been updated to support a Range header that accepts a bytes value to read a subset of bytes that way as well. (#2731) (#2755) (#2758)


  • Fix $lib.time.parse() when %z is used in the format specifier. (#2749)

  • Non-string form-data fields are now serialized as JSON when using the Axon.postfiles() API. (#2751) (#2759)

  • Fix a byte-alignment issue in the Axon.readlines() API. (#2719)

v2.100.0 - 2022-06-30

Features and Enhancements

  • Support parsing CVSS version 3.1 prefix values. (#2732)


  • Normalize tag value lists in snap.addTag() to properly handle JSON inputs from HTTP APIs. (#2734)

  • Fix an issue that allowed multiple concurrent streaming backups to occur. (#2725)

Improved Documentation

  • Add an entry to the devops task documentation for trimming Nexus logs. (#2730)

  • Update the list of available Rapid Power-Ups. (#2735)

v2.99.0 - 2022-06-23

Features and Enhancements

  • Add an extensible STIX 2.1 import library, $lib.stix.import. The function $lib.stix.import.ingest() can be used to STIX bundles into a Cortex via Storm. (#2727)

  • Add a Storm uptime command to display the uptime of a Cortex or a Storm Service configured on the Cortex. (#2728)

  • Add --view and --optsfile arguments to (#2726)


  • Fix an issue getting the maximum available memory for a host running with Linux cgroupsv2 apis. (#2728)

v2.98.0 - 2022-06-17

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the econ model. (#2717)


    Add total:received and total:sent properties to record total currency sent and received by the account.

  • Add additional debug logging for Aha provisioning. (#2722)

  • Adjust whitespace requirements on Storm grammar related to tags. (#2721)

  • Always run the function provided to the Storm divert command per node. (#2718)


  • Fix an issue that prevented function arguments named func in Storm function calls. (#2715)

  • Ensure that active coroutines have been cancelled when changing a Cell from active to passive status; before starting any passive coroutines. (#2713)

  • Fix an issue where Nexus._tellAhaReady was registering with the Aha service when the Cell did not have a proper Aha service name set. (#2723)

v2.97.0 - 2022-06-06

Features and Enhancements

  • Add an /api/v1/aha/provision/service HTTP API to the Aha service. This can be used to generate aha:provision URLs. (#2707)

  • Add proxy options to $lib.inet.http Storm APIs, to allow an admin user to specify an alternative (or to disable) proxy setting. (#2706)

  • Add a --tag and --prop option to the Storm diff command. Update the Storm merge command examples to show more real-world use cases. (#2710)

  • Add the ability to set the layers in a non-forked view with the $view.set(layers, $iden) API on the Storm view object. (#2711)

  • Improve Storm parser logic for handling list and expression syntax. (#2698) (#2708)


  • Improve error handling of double quoted strings in Storm when null characters are present in the raw query string. This situation now raises a BadSyntax error instead of an opaque Python ValueError. (#2709)

  • Fix unquoted JSON keys which were incorrectly allowed in Storm JSON style expression syntax. (#2698)

  • When merging layer data, add missing permission checks for light edge and node data changes. (#2671)

v2.96.0 - 2022-05-31

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the transport model. (#2697)


    Add a new base type to record velocities in millimeters/second.


    Add a new type to indicate a direction of movement with respect to true North.


    Add :course and :heading properties to record the direction of travel. Add :speed, :airspeed and :verticalspeed properties to record the speed of travel.


    Add :course and :heading properties to record the direction of travel. Add a :speed property to record the speed of travel. Add :destination, :destination:name and :destination:eta to record information about the destination.

  • Restore the precedence of environment variables over cell.yaml options during Cell startup. API driven overrides are now stored in the cell.mods.yaml file. (#2699)

  • Add --dmon-port and --https-port options to the tool in order to specify fixed listening ports during provisioning. (#2703)

  • Add the ability of to set user passwords. (#2695)

  • Restore the call to the recover() method on the Nexus during Cell startup. (#2701)

  • Add mesg arguments to NoSuchLayer exceptions. (#2696)

  • Make the LMDB slab startup more resilient to a corrupted cell.opts.yaml file. (#2694)


  • Fix missing variable checks in Storm. (#2702)

Improved Documentation

  • Add a warning to the deployment guide about using Docker on Mac OS. (#2700)

v2.95.1 - 2022-05-24


  • Fix a regression in the Telepath aha:// update from v2.95.0. (#2693)

v2.95.0 - 2022-05-24

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a search mode to Storm. The search mode utilizes the Storm search interface to lift nodes. The lookup mode no longer uses the search interface. (#2689)

  • Add a ?mirror=true flag to aha:// Telepath URLs which will cause the Aha service lookups to prefer using a mirror of the service rather than the leader. (#2681)

  • Add $lib.inet.http.urlencode() and $lib.inet.http.urldecode() Storm APIs for handling URL encoding. (#2688)

  • Add type validation for all Cell configuration options throughout the lifetime of the Cell and all operations which modify its configuration values. This prevents invalid values from being persisted on disk. (#2687) (#2691)


  • Fix an issue where the = sign in the Storm grammar was assigned an anonymous terminal name by the grammar parser. This caused an issue with interpreting various syntax errors. (#2690)

v2.94.0 - 2022-05-18

Automatic Migrations

  • Re-normalize the migrated properties noted in the data model updates listed below. See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the crypto, infotech, ou, and person models. (#2620) (#2684)


    Add a form to represent a named cryptography algorithm.


    Add a form to represent a cryptographic key and algorithm.


    Add a form to represent the effect of transferring ownership of a non-fungible token.


    Add a form to represent the effect of transferring multiple fungible tokens.


    Add a form to represent the increase or decrease in the supply of fungible tokens.


    Add a form to represent a software name.


    Add a :os:name secondary property.


    Migrate the :name and :names properties to it:prod:softname type.


    Migrate the :name and :names properties to it:prod:softname type.


    Deprecate the :software:name property. Migrate the :name and :names properties to it:prod:softname type.


    Add a :family property to represent the software family the rule is designed to detect.


    Add a form to represent C2 configuration data.


    Add a :org:name property to represent the name of the organization responsible the campaign. Add a :org:fqdn property to represent the fqdn of the organization responsible the campaign. Add a :team property to represent the team responsible for the campaign.


    Add a form to represent a team within an organization.


    Migrate the :name property to ou:industryname type. Add a :names property for alternative names.


    Add a form to represent the name of an industry.


    Add a :team property to represent the team associated with a given position.


    Add a :crypto:address property to represent the crypto currency address associated with the contact.

  • Add $lib.copy() to Storm. This allows making copies of objects which are compatible with being serialized with msgpack. (#2678)

  • Remove print events from the Storm limit command. (#2674)


  • Fix an issue where client certificates presented in Telepath ssl connections could fallback to resolving users by a prefix. This was not intended to be allowed when client certificates are used with Telepath. (#2675)

  • Fix an issue where node:del triggers could fail to fire when adding nodeedits directly to a view or snap. (#2654)

  • Fix header escaping when generating autodoc content for Synapse Cells. (#2677)

  • Assorted unit tests fixes to make tests more stable. (#2680)

  • Fix an issue with Storm function argument parsing. (#2685)

Improved Documentation

  • Add an introduction to Storm libraries and types. (#2670) (#2683)

  • Fix small typos and corrections in the devops documentation. (#2673)

v2.93.0 - 2022-05-04

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the inet and infotech models. (#2666)


    Add a sandbox:file property to record an initial sample from a sandbox environment to the following forms:

    it:exec:proc it:exec:thread it:exec:loadlib it:exec:mmap it:exec:mutex it:exec:pipe it:exec:url it:exec:bind it:exec:file:add it:exec:file:del it:exec:file:read it:exec:file:write it:exec:reg:del it:exec:reg:get it:exec:reg:set


    Update the interface to add a sandbox:file property to record an initial sample from a sandbox environment.

  • Changed primary Storm parser to a LALR compatible syntax to gain 80x speed up in parsing Storm queries (#2649)

  • Added service provisioning API to AHA service and associated tool and documentation to make it easy to bootstrap Synapse services using service discovery and SSL client-side certificates to identify service accounts. (#2641)

  • Added user provisioning API to AHA service and associated tools and to make it easy to bootstrap new users with SSL client-side certificates and AHA service discovery configuration. (#2641)

  • Added automatic mirror initialization logic to Synapse services to enable new mirrors to be initilized dynamically via AHA provisioning rather than from a pre-existing backup. (#2641)

  • Added handoff() API to Synapse services to allow mirrors to be gracefully promoted to leader. (#2641)

  • Added to allow easy promotion of mirror to leader using the new handoff() API. (#2641)

  • Added aha:provision configuration to Synapse services to allow them to automatically provision and self-configure using AHA. (#2641)

  • Adjusted Synapse service configuration preference to allow runtime settings to be stored in cell.yaml. (#2641)

  • Added optional certhash parameter to telepath ssl:// URLs to allow cert-pinning behavior and automatic trust of provisioning URLs. (#2641)

  • Added and commands to modernize and ease user/role management from within Synapse service docker containers. (#2641)

  • Add $lib.jsonstor.cacheget() and lib.jsonstor.cacheset() functions in Storm to easily implement data caching in the JSONStor. (#2662)

  • Add a params option to $lib.inet.http.connect() to pass parameters when creating Websocket connections in Storm. (#2664)


  • Added getCellRunId() API to Synapse services to allow them to detect incorrect mirror configurations where they refer to themselves. (#2641)

  • Ensure that CLI history files can be read and written upon starting interactive CLI tools. (#2660)

  • Assorted unit tests fixes to make tests more stable. (#2656) (#2665)

  • Fix several uses of Python features which are formally deprecated and may be removed in future Python versions. (#2668)

Improved Documentation

  • Added new Deployment Guide with step-by-step production ready deployment instructions (#2641)

  • Refactored Devops Guide to give task-oriented instructions on performing common devops tasks. (#2641)

  • Added new minimal Admin Guide as a place for documenting Cortex admin tasks. (#2641)

  • Updated Getting Started to direct users to synapse-quickstart instructions. (#2641)

  • Added easycert tool documentation. (#2641)

  • Removed cmdr tool documentation to emphasize newer tools such as storm. (#2641)

  • Update the list of available Advanced and Rapid Power-Ups. (#2667)

v2.92.0 - 2022-04-28

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the allowed versions of the pyopenssl and pytz libraries. (#2657) (#2658)


  • When setting ival properties, they are now properly merged with existing values. This only affected multi-layer views. (#2655)

v2.91.1 - 2022-04-24


  • Fix a parsing regression in inet:url nodes related to unencoded “@” symbols in URLs. (#2653)

v2.91.0 - 2022-04-21

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the inet and infotech models. (#2634) (#2644) (#2652)


    The inet:url type now recognizes various file:/// values from RFC 8089.


    The it:sec:cve type now replaces various Unicode dashes with hyphen characters when norming. This allows a wider range of inputs to be accepted for the type. Scrape related APIs have also been updated to match on this wider range of inputs.

  • The Cell now uses ./backup as a default path for storing backups in, if the backup:dir path is not set. (#2648)

  • Add POSIX advisory locking around the Cell cell.guid file, to prevent multiple processes from attempting to start a Cell from the same directory. (#2642)

  • Change the default SLAB_COMMIT_WARN time from 5 seconds to 1 second, in order to quickly identify slow storage performance. (#2630)

  • Change the Cell iterBackupArchive and iterNewBackupArchive routines to always log exceptions they encounter, and report the final log message at the appropriate log level for success and failure. (#2629)

  • When normalizing the str types, when onespace is specified, we skip the strip behavior since it is redundant. (#2635)

  • Log exceptions raised by Cell creation in initFromArgv. Catch lmdb.LockError when opening a LMDB database and re-raise an exception with a clear error message. (#2638)

  • Update schema validation for Storm packages to ensure that cmd arguments do not have excess fields in them. (#2650)


  • Adjust comma requirements for the JSON style list and dictionary expressions in Storm. (#2636)

  • Add Storm query logging in a code execution path where it was missing. (#2647)

  • Tuplify the output of to ensure that Python list constructs [...] do not make it into Power-Up documentation. (#2646)

  • Fix an issue with heavy Stormtypes objects where caching was preventing some objects from behaving in a dynamic fashion as they were intended to. (#2640)

  • In norming int values, when something is outside of the minimum or maximum size of the type, we now include the string representation of the valu instead of the raw value. (#2643)

  • Raise a NotReady exception when a client attempts to resolve an aha:// URL and there have not been any aha servers registered. (#2645)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Storm command reference to add additional commands. (#2633)

  • Expand Stormtypes API documentation. (#2637) (#2639)

v2.90.0 - 2022-04-04

Features and Enhancements

  • Updates to the meta and infotech models. (#2624)


    Add a new form for generic rules, which should be linked to the nodes they match with a matches light edge.


    Add :author, :created, and :updated secondary properties.


    Add :created and :updated secondary properties.

  • Add a new Docker image vertexproject/synapse-jsonstor. (#2627)

  • Allow passing a version requirement string to $lib.import(). (#2626)


  • Fix an issue where using a regex lift on an array property could incorrectly yield the same node multiple times. (#2625)

Improved Documentation

  • Update documentation regarding mirroring to be clearer about whether a given cell supports it. (#2619)

v2.89.0 - 2022-03-31

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the meta model. (#2621)


    Add a new form to denote the collection of a set of nodes representing rules, which should be linked together with a has light edge.

  • Add additional filter options for the Storm merge command. (#2615)

  • Update the BadSyntaxError exception thrown when parsing Storm queries to additionally include line and column when available. Fix an issue where a ! character being present in the exception text could truncate the output. (#2618)

v2.88.0 - 2022-03-23

Automatic Migrations

  • Re-normalize the geo:place:name, crypto:currency:block:hash, and crypto:currency:transaction:hash values to account for their modeling changes. Migrate crypto:currency:transaction:input and crypto:currency:transaction:output values to the secondary properties on the respective crypto:payment:input and crypto:payment:output nodes to account for the modeling changes. Make geo:name nodes for geo:place:name secondary properties to account for the modeling changes. See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Several updates for the crypto, geospace, inet, and meta models. (#2594) (#2608) (#2611) (#2616)


    Add a secondary property :transaction to denote the transaction for the payment.


    Add a secondary property :transaction to denote the transaction for the payment.


    Change the type of the :hash property from a 0x prefixed str to a hex type.


    Change the type of the :hash property from a 0x prefixed str to a hex type. Deprecate the :inputs and :outputs secondary properties.


    Change the type of the :name secondary property to geo:name.


    Add a new form to denote a channel within a web service or instance.


    Add a new form to track an instance of a web service, such as a channel based messaging platform.


    Add :channel, :place, and :place:name secondary properties.


    Add :channel and :place:name secondary properties.


    Add a new form to denote an analytically relevant event in a curated timeline.


    Add a new form to represent a taxonomy of meta:event:type values.


    Add a new form to denote a curated timeline of analytically relevant events.


    Add a new form to represent a taxonomy of meta:timeline:type values.

  • Add support for $lib.len() to count the length of emitter or generator functions. (#2603)

  • Add support for scrape APIs to handle text that has been defanged with \\. characters. (#2605)

  • Add a nomerge option to View objects that can be set to prevent merging a long lived fork. (#2614)

  • Add liftByProp() and liftByTag() methods to the Stormtypes layer objects. These allow lifting of nodes based on data stored in a specific layer. (#2613)

  • Expand Synapse requirements to include updated versions of the pygments library. (#2602)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix the example regular expressions used in the $lib.scrape.genMatches() Storm library API examples. (#2606)

v2.87.0 - 2022-03-18

Features and Enhancements

  • Several updates for the inet and meta models. (#2589) (#2592)


    Add a form to record JARM hashes.


    Add a form to record JARM hashes being present on a server.


    Add a form for recording free text notes.

  • Update the Synapse docker containers to be built from a Ubuntu based image, instead of a Debian based image. (#2596)

  • Add a Storm note.add command that creates a meta:note node to record freeform text, and links that node to the input nodes using a about light edge. (#2592)

  • Support non-writeable or non-existing directories within Synapse certdir directories. (#2590)

  • Add an optional tick argument to the synapse.lib.lmdbslab.Hist.add() function. This is exposed internally for Axon implementations to use. (#2593)

  • Expand Synapse requirements to include updated versions of the pycryptome, pygments, scalecodec and xxhash modules. (#2598)


  • Fix an issue where the StormDmon stop/start status was not properly being updated in the runtime object, despite being properly updated in the Hive. (#2598)

  • Calls to addUnivProp() APIs when the universal property name already exists now raise a DupPropName exception. (#2601)

v2.86.0 - 2022-03-09

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate secondary properties in Cortex nodes which use hugenum type to account for updated ranges. See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Extend the number of decimal places the hugenum type can store to 24 places, with a new maximum value of 730750818665451459101842. (#2584) (#2586)

  • Update fastjsonschema to version 2.15.3. (#2581)


  • Add missing read-only flags to secondary properties of Comp type forms which were computed from the primary property of the node. This includes the following: (#2587)

    • crypto:currency:address:coin

    • crypto:currency:address:iden

    • crypto:currency:block:coin

    • crypto:currency:block:offset

    • crypto:currency:client:coinaddr

    • crypto:currency:client:inetaddr

    • crypto:currency:smart:token:contract

    • crypto:currency:smart:token:tokenid

    • crypto:x509:revoked:crl

    • crypto:x509:revoked:cert

    • crypto:x509:signedfile:cert

    • crypto:x509:signedfile:file

    • econ:acquired:item

    • econ:acquired:purchase

    • inet:dns:query:client

    • inet:dns:query:name

    • inet:dns:query:type

    • inet:whois:contact:type

    • inet:wifi:ap:bssid

    • inet:wifi:ap:ssid

    • mat:itemimage:file

    • mat:itemimage:item

    • mat:specimage:file

    • mat:specimage:spec

    • ou:id:number:type

    • ou:id:number:value

    • ou:hasgoal:goal

    • ou:hasgoal:org

    • tel:mob:cell:carrier

    • tel:mob:cell:carrier:mcc

    • tel:mob:cell:carrier:mnc

    • tel:mob:cell:cid

    • tel:mob:cell:lac

  • Fix an issue where Layers configured with writeback mirrors did not properly handle results which did not have any changes. (#2583)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix spelling issues in documentation and API docstrings. (#2582) (#2585)

v2.85.1 - 2022-03-03


  • Fix a permission enforcement issue in autoadd mode that allowed users with view read permissions to add automatically detected and validated nodes but make no further edits. (#2579)

  • Log errors encountered in the Layer mirror loop which don’t have a local caller waiting on the change. (#2580)

v2.85.0 - 2022-03-03

Features and Enhancements

  • Several updates for the crypto, geo, inet, it, ps and risk models. (#2570) (#2573) (#2574)


    Add a new form to record payments made into a transaction.


    Add a new form to record payments receieved from a transaction.


    Add inputs and outputs array secondary properties to record inputs and outputs for a given transaction.


    Add a new form representing an unstructured place name or address.


    Add a names secondary property which is an array of geo:name values.


    Add dst:txcount, src:txcount, tot:txcount and tot:txbytes secondary properties.


    Add an account secondary property as a it:account type. Mark the user secondary property as deprecated.


    Add birth:place, birth:place:loc, birth:place:name, death:place, death:place:loc and death:place:name secondary properties.


    Add a theft:price secondary property to represent value of stolen assets.

  • Embed Cron, StormDmon, and Trigger iden values and automation types into the Storm runtime when those automations are run. This information is populated in a dictionary variable named $auto. (#2565)

  • Add $lib.crypto.coin.ethereum.eip55() to convert an Ethereum address to a checksummed address. (#2577)

  • Add a default argument to the $lib.user.allowed() and allowed() method on user StormType. (#2570)

  • Add a inaugural configuration key to the base Cell class. This can currently be used to bootstrap roles, permissions, and users in a Cell upon the first time it is started. (#2570)

  • De-duplicate nodes when running the Storm lookup mode to lift nodes. (#2567)

  • Add a test helper that can be used to isolate the synapse.lib.certdir.certdir singleton behavior via context manager. (#2564)


  • Calls to addFormProp() APIs when the property name already exists now raise a DupPropName exception. (#2566)

  • Do not allow Storm macro’s to be created that have names greater than 492 characters in length. (#2569)

  • Fix a bug in the scrape logic for Ethereum where the regular expression matched on 0X prefixed strings but the validation logic did not account for that uppercase character. (#2575)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for the $auto variable embedded into the Cron, StormDmon, and Trigger automations. Add documentation for variables representing the form, node value, properties and tags which are responsible for Triggers running. (#2565)

v2.84.0 - 2022-02-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $lib.time.toUTC() to adjust a local epoch milliseconds time to UTC. (#2550)

  • Add a optional timeout argument to $lib.service.wait(). The function now returns $lib.true if the service is available, or $lib.false if the service does not become available during the timeout window. (#2561)

  • Update the Layer.verify() routines to add verification of tagprop and array indexes in layers. These routines are in a beta status and are subject to change. (#2560)

  • Update the Cortex’s connection to a remote Axon to use a Telepath Client. (#2559)

v2.83.0 - 2022-02-17

Features and Enhancements

  • Add :ip:proto and :ip:tcp:flags properties to the inet:flow form. (#2554)

  • Add $lib.log.debug(), $, $lib.log.warning(), and $lib.log.error() Stormtypes APIs. These allow a user to send log messages to the Cortex logging output directly.

  • Update the tool to support using files with the .storm extension. This is enabled by adding the following option to a Storm package definition. (#2555)

      dotstorm: true
  • Add form and prop values to BadTypeValu exceptions when raised during node edit generation. (#2552)


  • Correct a race condition in the CoreApi.syncLayersEvents and CoreApi.syncIndexEvents APIs. (#2553)

Improved Documentation

  • Remove outdated documentation related to making CoreModule classes. (#2556)

v2.82.1 - 2022-02-11


  • Re-order node edit validation to only check read-only status of properties if the value would change. (#2547)

  • Raise the correct exception when parsing invalid time values, like 0000-00-00. (#2548)

  • Disable node caching for StormDmon runtimes to avoid potential cache coherency issues. (#2549)

v2.82.0 - 2022-02-10

Features and Enhancements

  • Add an addNode() API to the Stormtypes view object. This allows the programmatic creation of a node with properties being set in a transactional fashion. (#2540)

  • Add support to Storm for creating JSON style list and dictionary objects. (#2544)

  • The AhaCell now bootstraps TLS CA certificates for the configured aha:network value, a host certificate for the aha:name value, and a user certificate for the aha:admin value. (#2542)

  • Add mesg arguments to all exceptions raised in synapse.lib.certdir. (#2546)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix some missing and incorrect docstrings for Stormtypes. (#2545)


  • Telepath APIs and Storm commands related to splices have been marked as deprecated. (#2541)

v2.81.0 - 2022-01-31

Features and Enhancements

  • The it:sec:cpe now recognizes CPE 2.2 strings during type normalization. CPE 2.2 strings will be upcast to CPE 2.3 and the 2.2 string will be added to the :v2_2 secondary property of it:sec:cpe. The Storm hotfix $lib.cell.hotFixesApply() can be used to populate the :v2_2 property on existing it:sec:cpe nodes where it is not set. (#2537) (#2538) (#2539)

  • Setting properties on nodes may now take a fast path if the normed property has no subs, no autoadds and is not a locked property. (#2539)


  • Fix an issue with Ival norm() routines when norming a tuple or list of values. The max value returned previously could have exceeded the value of the future marker ?, which would have been then caused an a BadTypeValu exception during node edit construction. This is is now caught during the initial norm() call. (#2539)

v2.80.1 - 2022-01-26


  • The embedded JsonStor added to the Cortex in v2.80.0 needed to have a stable iden for the Cell and and auth subsystem. This has been added. (#2536)

v2.80.0 - 2022-01-25

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a triple quoted string ''' syntax to Storm for defining multiline strings. (#2530)

  • Add a JSONStor to the Cortex, and expose that in Storm for storing user related content. (#2530) (#2513)

  • Add durable user notifications to Storm that can be used to send and receive messages between users. (#2513)

  • Add a leaf argument to $node.tags() that causes the function to only return the leaf tags. (#2535)

  • Add an error message in the default help text in pure Storm commands when a user provides additional arguments or switches, in addition to the --help switch. (#2533)

  • Update to automatically bundle Optic workflows from files on disk. (#2531)

  • Expand Synapse requirements to include updated versions of the packaging, pycryptome and scalecodec modules. (#2534)


  • Add a missing tostr() call to the Storm background query argument. (#2532)

v2.79.0 - 2022-01-18

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $lib.scrape.ndefs() and $lib.scrape.context() to scrape text. The ndefs() API yields a unique set of node form and value pairs, while the context() API yields node form, value, and context information for all matches in the text. (#2508)

  • Add :name and :desc properties to the it:prod:softver form. (#2528)

  • Update the Layer.verify() routines to reduce false errors related to array types. The method now takes a dictionary of configuration options. These routines are in a beta status and are subject to change. (#2527)

  • Allow setting a View’s parent if does not have an existing parent View and only has a single layer. (#2515)

  • Add hxxp[:\\] and hxxps[:\\] to the list of known defanging strategies which are identified and replaced during text scraping. (#2526)

  • Expand Synapse requirements to include updated versions of the typing-extensions module. (#2525)


  • Storm module interfaces now populate modconf data when loaded. (#2508)

  • Fix a missing keyword argument from the AxonApi.wput() method. (#2527)


  • The $lib.scrape() function has been deprecated in favor the new $lib.scrape library functions. (#2508)

v2.78.0 - 2022-01-14

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate Cortex nodes which may have been skipped in an earlier migration due to missing tagprop indexes. See Data Migration for more information about automatic migrations.

Features and Enhancements

  • Expand Synapse requirements to include updated versions of the base58, cbor2, lmdb, pycryptodome, PyYAML, xxhash. (#2520)


  • Fix an issue with the Tagprop migration from v2.42.0 where a missing index could have resulted in Layer storage nodes not being updated. (#2522) (#2523)

  • Fix an issue with synapse.lib.platforms.linux.getTotalMemory() when using a process segregated with the Linux cgroups2 API. (#2517)

Improved Documentation

  • Add devops instructions related to automatic data migrations for Synapse components. (#2523)

  • Update the model deprecation documentation for the it:host:model and it:host:make properties. (#2521)

v2.77.0 - 2022-01-07

Features and Enhancements

  • Add Mach-O metadata support the file model. This includes the following new forms: file:mime:macho:loadcmd, file:mime:macho:version, file:mime:macho:uuid, file:mime:macho:segment, and file:mime:macho:section. (#2503)

  • Add it:screenshot, it:prod:hardware, it:prod:component, it:prod:hardwaretype, and risk:mitigation forms to the model. Add :hardware property to risk:hasvuln form. Add :hardware property to it:host form. The :manu and :model secondary properties on it:host have been deprecated. (#2514)

  • The guid type now strips hyphen (-) characters when doing norm. This allows users to provide external UUID / GUID strings for use. (#2514)

  • Add a Axon.postfiles() to allow POSTing files as multi-part form encoded files over HTTP. This is also exposed through the fields argument on the Storm $ and $lib.inet:http:request APIs. (#2516)

  • Add .yu ccTLD to the list of TLDs identified by the Synapse scrape functionality. (#2518)

  • Add mesg arguments to all instances of NoSuchProp exceptions. (#2519)

v2.76.0 - 2022-01-04

Features and Enhancements

  • Add emit and stop keywords to Storm. The emit keyword is used in functions to make them behave as generators, which can yield arbitrary values. The stop keyword can be used to prematurely end a function which is emit’ing values. (#2475)

  • Add Storm Module Interfaces. This allows Storm Package authors to define common module interfaces, so that multiple modules can implement the API convention to provide a consistent set of data across multiple Storm modules. A search convention is added to the Cortex, which will be used in lookup mode when the storm:interface:search configuration option is set. (#2475)

  • Storm queries in lookup mode now fire look:miss events into the Storm message stream when the lookup value contains a valid node value, but the node is not present in the current View. (#2475)

  • Add a :host secondary property to risk:hasvuln form to record it:host instances which have a vulnerability. (#2512)

  • Add synapse.lib.scrape support for identifying it:sec:cve values. (#2509)


  • Fix an IndexError that can occur during Layer.verify() routines. These routines are in a beta status and are subject to change. (#2507)

  • Ensure that parameter and header arguments passed to Storm $lib.inet.http functions are cast into strings values. (#2510)

v2.75.0 - 2021-12-16

This release contains an automatic data migration that may cause additional startup time on the first boot. This is done to unique array properties which previously were not uniqued. Deployments with startup or liveliness probes should have those disabled while this upgrade is performed to prevent accidental termination of the Cortex process. Please ensure you have a tested backup available before applying this update.

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the following array properties to be unique sets, and add a data model migration to update the data at rest: (#2469)

    • biz:rfp:requirements

    • crypto:x509:cert:ext:sans

    • crypto:x509:cert:ext:crls

    • crypto:x509:cert:identities:fqdns

    • crypto:x509:cert:identities:emails

    • crypto:x509:cert:identities:ipv4s

    • crypto:x509:cert:identities:ipv6s

    • crypto:x509:cert:identities:urls

    • crypto:x509:cert:crl:urls

    • inet:whois:iprec:contacts

    • inet:whois:iprec:links

    • inet:whois:ipcontact:roles

    • inet:whois:ipcontact:links

    • inet:whois:ipcontact:contacts

    • it:account:groups

    • it:group:groups

    • it:reveng:function:impcalls

    • it:reveng:filefunc:funccalls

    • it:sec:cve:references

    • risk:vuln:cwes

    • tel:txtmesg:recipients

  • Add Layer index verification routines, to compare the Layer indices against the stored data for Nodes. This is exposed via the .verify() API on the Stormtypes layer object. These routines are in a beta status and are subject to change. (#2488)

  • The .json() API on inet:http:resp now raises a s_exc.BadJsonText exception, which can be caught with the Storm try ... catch syntax. (#2500)

  • Add $lib.inet.ipv6.expand() to expand an IPv6 address to its long form. (#2502)

  • Add hasPathObj(), copyPathObj() and copyPathObjs() APIs to the JsonStor. (#2438)

  • Allow setting a custom title when making documentation for Cell confdefs with the tool. (#2504)

  • Update the minimum version of the aiohttp library to v3.8.1. (#2495)

Improved Documentation

  • Add content previously hosted at to the mainline Synapse documentation. This includes some devops information related to orchestration, information about Advanced and Rapid Power-Ups, information about the Synapse User Interface, as well as some support information. (#2498) (#2499) (#2501)

  • Add Synapse-Malshare and Synapse-TeamCymru Rapid Power-Ups to the list of available Rapid Power-Ups. (#2506)

  • Document the jsonlines option for the api/v1/storm and api/v1/storm/nodes HTTP APIs. (#2505)

v2.74.0 - 2021-12-08

Features and Enhancements

  • Add .onion and .bit to the TLD list used for scraping text. Update the TLD list from the latest IANA TLD list. (#2483) (#2497)

  • Add support for writeback mirroring of layers. (#2463) (#2489)

  • Add $lib.scrape() Stormtypes API. This can be used to do programmatic scraping of text using the same regular expressions used by the Storm scrape command and the synapse.lib.scrape APIs. (#2486)

  • Add a jsonlines output mode to Cortex streaming HTTP endpoints. (#2493)

  • Add a --raw argument to the Storm pkg.load command. This loads the raw JSON response as a Storm package. (#2491)

  • Add a blocked enum to the proj:ticket:status property to represent a blocked ticket. (#2490)


  • Fix a behavior with $path losing variables in pure Storm command execution. (#2492)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the description of the Storm scrape command. (#2494)

v2.73.0 - 2021-12-02

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a Storm runas command. This allows admin users to execute Storm commands as other users. (#2473)

  • Add a Storm intersect command. This command produces the intersection of nodes emitted by running a Storm query over all inbound nodes to the intersect command. (#2480)

  • Add wait and timeout parameters to the Axon.hashes() and $lib.axon.list() APIs. (#2481)

  • Add a readonly flag to and APIs. If set to True this will open files in read only mode. (#2485)

  • Allow Storm Prim objects to be capable of directly yielding nodes when used in yield statements. (#2479)

  • Update the StormDmon subsystem to add debug log information about state changes, as well as additional data for structured logging output. (#2455)


  • Catch a fatal application error that can occur in the Cortex if the forked process pool becomes unusable. Previously this would cause the Cortex to appear unresponsive for executing Storm queries; now this causes the Cortex to shut down gracefully. (#2472)

  • Fix a Storm path variable scoping issue where variables were improperly scoped when nodes were passed into pure Storm commands. (#2459)

v2.72.0 - 2021-11-23

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the cron subsystem logs to include the cron name, as well as adding additional data for structured logging output. (#2477)

  • Add a sort_keys argument to the $ Stormtype API. (#2474)


  • Update the asyncio-socks version to a version which has a pinned version range for the python-socks dependency. (#2478)

v2.71.1 - 2021-11-22


  • Update the PyOpenSSL version to 21.0.0 and pin a range of modern versions of the cryptography which have stronger API compatibility. This resolves an API compatibility issue with the two libraries which affected SSL certificate generation. (#2476)

v2.71.0 - 2021-11-19

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for asynchronous triggers. This mode of trigger operation queues up the trigger event in the View for eventual processing. (#2464)

  • Update the crypto model to add a crypto:smart:token form to represent a token managed by a smart contract. (#2462)

  • Add $lib.axon.readlines() and $lib.axon.jsonlines() to Stormtypes. (#2468)

  • Add the Storm mode to the structured log output of a Cortex executing a Storm query. (#2466)


  • Fix an error when converting Lark exceptions to Synapse BadSyntaxError. (#2471)

Improved Documentation

  • Revise the Synapse documentation layout. (#2460)

  • Update type specific behavior documentation for time types, including the recently added wildcard time syntax. (#2467)

  • Sort the Storm Type documentation by name. (#2465)

  • Add 404 handler pages to our documentation. (#2461) (#2470)


  • Remove $path.trace() objects. (#2445)

v2.70.1 - 2021-11-08


  • Fix an issue where $path.meta data was not being properly serialized when heavy Stormtype objects were set on the $path.meta dictionary. (#2456)

  • Fix an issue with Stormtypes Str.encode() and Bytes.decode() methods when handling potentially malformed Unicode string data. (#2457)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Storm Control Flow documentation with additional examples. (#2443)

v2.70.0 - 2021-11-03

Features and Enhancements

  • Add :dst:handshake and src:handshake properties to inet:flow to record text representations of the handshake strings of a given connection. (#2451)

  • Add a proj:attachment form to the project model to represent attachments to a given proj:ticket. (#2451)

  • Add a implicit wildcard behavior to the time type when lifting or filtering nodes. Dates ending in a * are converted into ranges covering all possible times in them. For example, .created=202101* would lift all nodes created on the first month of 2021. (#2446)

  • Add the following $lib.time functions to chop information from a time value. (#2446)

    • $lib.time.year()

    • $lib.time.month()

    • $

    • $lib.time.hour()

    • $lib.time.minute()

    • $lib.time.second()

    • $lib.time.dayofweek()

    • $lib.time.dayofmonth()

    • $lib.time.monthofyear()

  • Add List.extend(), List.slice(), Str.find(), and Str.size() functions to Stormtypes. (#2450) (#2451)

  • Add $lib.json.schema() and a json:schema object to Stormtypes. These can be used to validate arbitrary data JSON structures in Storm using JSON Schema. (#2448)

  • Update syntax checking rules and address deprecation warnings for strings in the Synapse codebase. (#2426)

v2.69.0 - 2021-11-02

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for building Optic Workflows for Storm Packages in the tool. (#2444)

  • The CLI tool now prints out node properties in precedence order. (#2449)

  • Update the global Stormtypes registry to better track types when they are added or removed. (#2447)

v2.68.0 - 2021-10-29

Features and Enhancements

  • Add crypto:currency:transaction, crypto:currency:block, crypto:smart:contract and econ:acct:balanc forms. (#2423)

  • Add $lib.hex.decode() and $lib.hex.encode() Stormtypes functions to encode and decode hexidecimal data as bytes. Add slice() and unpack() methods to the Storm Bytes object. (#2441)

  • Add $lib.yaml and $lib.xml Stormtypes libraries for interacting with YAML and XML text, respectively. (#2434)

  • Add a Storm version command to show the user the current version of Synapse the Cortex is using. (#2440)


  • Fix overzealous if statement caching in Storm. (#2442)

v2.67.0 - 2021-10-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $node.addEdge() and $node.delEdge() APIs in Storm to allow for programatically setting edges. Add a reverse argument to $node.edges() that allows traversing edges in reverse. (#2351)


  • Fix a pair of regressions related to unicode/IDNA support for scraping and normalizing FQDNs. (#2436)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for the Cortex api/v1/storm/call HTTP API endpoint. (#2435)

v2.66.0 - 2021-10-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Improve unicode/IDNA support for scraping and normalizing FQDNs. (#2408)

  • Add $lib.inet.http.ouath to support OAuth based workflows in Storm, starting with OAuth v1.0 support. (#2413)

  • Replace pysha3 requirement with pycryptodome. (#2422)

  • Add a tls:ca:dir configuration option to the Cortex and Axon. This can be used to provide a directory of CA certificate files which are used in Storm HTTP API and Axon wget/wput APIs. (#2429)


  • Catch and raise bad ctors given in RStorm storm-cortex directives. (#2424)

  • Fix an issue with the command not properly capturing the current view when making the Cron job. (#2425)

  • Disallow the creation of extended properties, universal properties, and tag properties which are not valid properties in the Storm grammar. (#2428)

  • Fix an issue with $lib.guid() missing a toprim() call on its input. (#2421)

Improved Documentation

  • Update our Cell devops documentation to note how to replace the TLS keypair used by the built in webserver with third party certificates. (#2432)

v2.65.0 - 2021-10-16

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for interacting with IMAP email servers though Storm, using the $lib.inet.imap.connect() function. This returns a object that can be used to delete, read, and search emails in a given IMAP mailbox. (#2399)

  • Add a new Storm command, once. This command can be used to ‘gate’ a node in a Storm pipeline such that the node only passes through the command exactly one time for a given named ‘gate’. The gate information is stored in nodedata, so it is inspectable and subject to all other features that apply to nodedata. (#2404)

  • Add a :released property to it:prod:softver to record when a software version was released. (#2419)

  • Add a tryLoadPkgProto convenience function to the for Storm service package generation with inline documentation. (#2414)


  • Add asyncio.sleep(0) calls in the movetag implementation to address some possible hot-loops. (#2411)

  • Clarify and sanitize URLS in a Aha related log message i synapse.telepath. (#2415)

Improved Documentation

  • Update our fork definition documentation. (#2409)

  • Add documentation for using client-side TLS certificates in Telepath. (#2412)

  • Update the Storm CLI tool documentation. (#2406)

  • The Storm types and Storm library documentation now automatically links from return values to return types. (#2410)

v2.64.1 - 2021-10-08


  • Add a retry loop in the base Cell class when attempting to register with an Aha server. (#2405)

  • Change the behavior of synapse.common.yamlload() to not create files when the expected file is not present on disk, and open existing files in read-only mode. (#2396)

v2.64.0 - 2021-10-06

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for scraping the following cryptocurrency addresses to the synapse.lib.scrape APIs and Storm scrape command. (#2387) (#2401)

    • Bitcoin

    • Bitcoin Cash

    • Ethereum

    • Ripple

    • Cardano

    • Polkadot

    The internal cache of regular expressions in the synapse.lib.scrape library is also now a private member; API users should use the synapse.lib.scrape.scrape() function moving forward.

  • Add :names property to the it:mitre:attack:software form. (#2397)

  • Add a :desc property to the inet:whois:iprec form. (#2392)

  • Added several new Rstorm directives. (#2359) (#2400)

    • storm-cli - Runs a Storm query with the Storm CLI tool

    • storm-fail - Toggles whether or not the following Storm command should fail or not.

    • storm-multiline - Allows embedding a multiline Storm query as a JSON encoded string for future execution.

    • storm-vcr-callback - Allows specifying a custom callback which a VCR object is sent too.


  • Fix a missing toprim() call when loading a Storm package directly with Storm. (#2359)

  • Fix a caching issue where tagprops were not always being populated in a Node tagprop dictionary. (#2396)

  • Add a mesg argument to a few NoSuchVar and BadTypeValu exceptions. (#2403)

Improved Documentation

  • Storm reference docs have been converted from Jupyter notebook format to Synapse .rstorm format, and now display examples using the Storm CLI tool, instead of the Cmdr CLI tool. (#2359)

v2.63.0 - 2021-09-29

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a risk:attacktype taxonomy to the risk model. Add :desc and :type properties to the risk:attack form. (#2386)

  • Add :path property to the it:prod:softfile form. (#2388)


  • Fix the repr for the``auth:user`` Stormtype when printing a user object in Storm. (#2383)

v2.62.1 - 2021-09-22


  • Fix an issue in the Nexus log V1 to V2 migration code which resulted in LMDB file copies being made instead of having directories renamed. This can result in a sparse file copy of the Nexus log, resulting in a condition where the volume containing the Cell directory may run out of space. (#2374)

v2.62.0 - 2021-09-21

Features and Enhancements

  • Add APIs to support trimming, rotating and culling Nexus logs from Cells with Nexus logging enabled. These operations are distributed to downstream consumers, of the Nexus log (e.g. mirrors). For the Cortex, this can be invoked in Storm with the $lib.cell.trimNexsLog() Stormtypes API. The Cortex devops documentation contains more information about Nexus log rotation. (#2339) (#2371)

  • Add .size() API to the Stormtypes storm:query object. This will run the query and return the number of nodes it would have yielded. (#2363)

Improved Documentation

  • Document the tag glob meanings on the Stormtypes $node.tags() API. (#2368)

v2.61.0 - 2021-09-17

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a !export command to the Storm CLI to save query results to a .nodes file. (#2356)

  • Add $lib.cell.hotFixesCheck() and $lib.cell.hotFixesApply() Stormtypes functions. These can be used to apply optional hotfixes to a Cortex on demand by an admin. (#2348)

  • Add $lib.infosec.cvss.calculateFromProps() to allow calculating a CVSS score from a dictionary of CVSS properties. (#2353)

  • Add $ API to Stormtypes to allow easy checking if a node has nodedata for a given name. (#2350)


  • Fix for large return values with synapse.lib.coro.spawn(). (#2355)

  • Fix synapse.lib.scrape.scrape() capturing various common characters used to enclose URLs. (#2352)

  • Ensure that generators being yielded from are always being closed. (#2358)

  • Fix docstring for str.upper() in Stormtypes. (#2354)

Improved Documentation

  • Add link to the Power-Ups blog post from the Cortex dev-ops documentation. (#2357)

v2.60.0 - 2021-09-07

Features and Enhancements

  • Add new risk:compromise and risk:compromisetype forms. Add attacker, compromise, and target secondary properties to the risk:attack form. (#2348)


  • Add a missing wait() call when calling the CoreApi.getAxonUpload() and CoreApi.getAxonBytes() Telepath APIs. (#2349)


  • Deprecate the actor:org, actor:person, target:org and target:person properties on risk:attack in favor of new attacker and target secondary properties. Deprecate the type property on ou:campaign in favor of the camptype property. (#2348)

v2.59.0 - 2021-09-02

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a new Storm command,, to enumerate any documentation that has been bundled with a Storm package. (#2341)

  • Add support for manipulating 'proj:comment nodes via Stormtypes. (#2345)

  • Add Axon.wput() and $lib.axon.wput() to allow POSTing a file from an Axon to a given URL. (#2347)

  • Add $lib.export.toaxon() to allow exporting a .nodes file directly to an Axon based on a given storm query and opts. (#2347)

  • The tool now accepts a --view argument to feed data to a specific View. (#2342)

  • The tool now treats .nodes files as msgpack files for feeding data to a Cortex. (#2343)

  • When the Storm help command has an argument without any matching commands, it now prints a helpful message. (#2338)


  • Fix a caching issue between $lib.lift.byNodeData() and altering the existing node data on a given node. (#2344)

  • Fix an issue with backups were known lmdbslabs could be omitted from being treated as lmdb databases, resulting in inefficient file copies being made. (#2346)

v2.58.0 - 2021-08-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Add !pushfile, !pullfile, and !runfile commands to the tool. (#2334)

  • Add multiname SNI support to ssl:// listening configurations for the Daemon. (#2336)

  • Add a new Cortex HTTP API Endpoint, /api/v1/feed. This can be used to add nodes to the Cortex in bulk. (#2337)

  • Refactor the syn.nodes feed API implementation to smooth out the ingest rate. (#2337)

  • Sort the Storm Package commands in documentation created by alphabetically. (#2335)


  • Deprecate the syn.splices and syn.nodedata feed API formats. (#2337)

v2.57.0 - 2021-08-24

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a basic CLI tool. This can be used to connect to a Cortex via Telepath and directly execute Storm commands. (#2332)

  • Add an inet:http:session form to track the concept of a prolonged session a user may have with a webserver across multiple HTTP requests. Add an :success` property to the ``ou:campaign form to track if a campaign was sucessful or not. Add an :goal property to the risk:attack form to track the specific goal of the attack. Add an :desc property to the proj:project form to capture a description of the project. (#2333)


  • Fix an issue with synapse.lib.rstorm where multiline node properties could produce RST which did not render properly. (#2331)

Improved Documentation

  • Clean up the documentation for the Storm wget command. (#2325)

v2.56.0 - 2021-08-19

Features and Enhancements

  • Refactor some internal Axon APIs for downstream use. (#2330)


  • Resolve an ambiguity in the Storm grammar with yield statement and dollar expressions inside filter expression. There is a slight backwards incompatibility with this change, as dollar expressions insider of filter expressions now require a $ prepended where before it was optional. (#2322)

v2.55.0 - 2021-08-18

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $node.props.set() Stormtypes API to allow programmatically setting node properties. (#2324)

  • Deny non-runtsafe invocations of the following Storm commands: (#2326)

    • graph

    • iden

    • movetag

    • parallel

    • tee

    • tree

  • Add a Axon.hashset() API to get the md5, sha1, sha256 and sha512 hashes of file in the Axon. This is exposed in Stormtypes via the $lib.bytes.hashset() API. (#2327)

  • Add the synapse.servers.stemcell server and a new Docker image, vertexproject/synaspe-stemcell. The Stemcell server is similar to the synapse.servers.cell server, except it resolves the Cell ctor from the cell:ctor key from the cell.yaml file, or from the SYN_STEM_CELL_CTOR environment variable. (#2328)

v2.54.0 - 2021-08-05

Features and Enhancements

  • Add storm-envvar directive to RST preprocessor to include environment variables in storm-pre directive execution context. (#2321)

  • Add new diff storm command to allow users to easily lift the set of nodes with changes in the top layer of a forked view. Also adds the --no-tags option to the merge command to allow users to omit tag:add node edits and newly constructed syn:tag nodes when merging selected nodes. (#2320)

  • Adds the following properties to the data model: (#2319)

    • biz:deal:buyer:org

    • biz:deal:buyer:orgname

    • biz:deal:buyer:orgfqdn

    • biz:deal:seller:org

    • biz:deal:seller:orgname

    • biz:deal:seller:orgfqdn

    • biz:prod:madeby:org

    • biz:prod:madeby:orgname

    • biz:prod:madeby:orgfqdn

    • ou:opening:posted

    • ou:opening:removed

    • ou:org:vitals

  • Updates storm-mock-http to support multiple HTTP requests/responses in RST preprocessor. (#2317)

v2.53.0 - 2021-08-05

This release contains an automatic data migration that may cause additional startup time on the first boot. This is done to unique array properties which previously were not uniqued. Deployments with startup or liveliness probes should have those disabled while this upgrade is performed to prevent accidental termination of the Cortex process. Please ensure you have a tested backup available before applying this update.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add an embeds option to Storm to allow extracting additional data when performing queries. (#2314)

  • Enforce node data permissions at the Layer boundary. Remove the and permissions. (#2311)

  • Add,, auth.self.set.passwd permissions on users when changing those values. These permissions default to being allowed, allowing a rule to be created that can deny users from changing these values. (#2311)

  • Add $lib.inet.smtp to allow sending email messages from Storm. (#2315)

  • Warn if a LMDB commit operation takes too long. (#2316)

  • Add new data types, taxon and taxonomy, to describe hierarchical taxonomies. (#2312)

  • Add a new Business Development model. This allows tracking items related to contract, sales, and purchasing lifecycles. This adds the following new forms to the data model: biz:dealtype, biz:prodtype, biz:dealstatus, biz:rfp, biz:deal, biz:bundle, biz:product, and biz:stake. The Org model is also updated to add new forms for supporting parts of the business lifecycle, adding ou:jobtype, ou:jobtitle, ou:employment, ou:opening, ou:vitals, ou:camptype, and ou:orgtype, ou:conttype forms. The Person model got a new form, ps:workhist. (#2312)

  • Add a :deleted property to inet:web:post. (#2312)

  • Update the following array properties to be unique sets, and add a data model migration to update the data at rest: (#2312)

    • edu:course:prereqs

    • edu:class:assistants

    • ou:org:subs

    • ou:org:names

    • ou:org:dns:mx

    • ou:org:locations

    • ou:org:industries

    • ou:industry:sic

    • ou:industry:subs

    • ou:industry:isic

    • ou:industry:naics

    • ou:preso:sponsors

    • ou:preso:presenters

    • ou:conference:sponsors

    • ou:conference:event:sponsors

    • ou:conference:attendee:roles

    • ou:conference:event:attendee:roles

    • ou:contract:types

    • ou:contract:parties

    • ou:contract:requirements

    • ou:position:reports

    • ps:person:names

    • ps:person:nicks

    • ps:persona:names

    • ps:persona:nicks

    • ps:education:classes

    • ps:contactlist:contacts


  • Prevent renaming the all role. (#2313)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation about Linux kernel parameteres which can be tuned to affect Cortex performance. (#2316)

v2.52.1 - 2021-07-30


  • Fix a display regression when enumerating Cron jobs with the Storm cron.list command. (#2309)

v2.52.0 - 2021-07-29

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a new specification for defining input forms that a pure Storm command knows how to natively handle. (#2301)

  • Add Lib.reverse() and Lib.sort() methods to Stormtypes API. (#2306)

  • Add View.parent property in Stormtypes API. (#2306)

  • Support Telepath Share objects in Storm. (#2293)

  • Allow users to specify a view to run a cron job against, move a cron job to a new view, and update permission check for adding/moving cron jobs to views. (#2292)

  • Add CPE and software name infomation to the inet:flow form. Add it:av:prochit, it:exec:thread, it:exec:loadlib, it:exec:mmap, it:app:yara:procmatch forms to the infotech model. Add :names arrays to it:prod:soft and it:prod:softver forms to assist in entity resolution of software. Add a risk:alert form to the risk model to allow for capturing arbitrary alerts. (#2304)

  • Allow Storm packages to specify other packages they require and possible conflicts would prevent them from being installed in a Cortex. (#2307)


  • Specify the View when lifting syn:trigger runt nodes. (#2300)

  • Update the scrape URL regular expression to ignore trailing periods and commas. (#2302)

  • Fix a bug in Path scope for nodes yielding by pure Storm commands. (#2305)

v2.51.0 - 2021-07-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a --size option to the Storm divert command to limit the number of times the generator is iterated. (#2297)

  • Add a perms key to the pure Storm command definition. This allows for adding intuitive permission boundaries for pure Storm commands which are checked prior to command execution. (#2297)

  • Allow full properties with comparators when specifying the destination or source when walking light edges. (#2298)


  • Fix an issue with LMDB slabs not being backed up if their directories did not end in .lmdb. (#2296)

v2.50.0 - 2021-07-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Add .cacheget() and cacheset() APIs to the Storm node:data object for easy caching of structured data on nodes based on time. (#2290)

  • Make the Stormtypes unique properly with a Set type. This does disallow the use of mutable types such as dictionaries inside of a Set. (#2225)

  • Skip executing non-runtsafe commands when there are no inbound nodes. (#2291)

  • Add asroot:perms key to Storm Package modules. This allows package authors to easily declare permissions their packages. Add Storm commands auth.user.add, auth.role.add, auth.user.addrule, auth.role.addrule, and pkg.perms.list to help with some of the permission management. (#2294)

v2.49.0 - 2021-07-19

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a iden parameter when creating Cron jobs to allow the creation of jobs with stable identifiers. (#2264)

  • Add $lib.cell Stormtypes library to allow for introspection of the Cortex from Storm for Admin users. (#2285)

  • Change the Telepath Client connection loop error logging to log at the Error level instead of the Info level. (#2283)

  • Make the tag part normalization more resilient to data containing non-word characters. (#2289)

  • Add $lib.tags.prefix() Stormtypes to assist with normalizing a list of tags with a common prefix. (#2289)

  • Do not allow the Storm divert command to work with non-generator functions. (#2282)


  • Fix an issue with Storm command execution with non-runtsafe options. (#2284)

  • Log when the process pool fails to initialize. This may occur in certain where CPython multiprocessing primitives are not completely supported. (#2288)

  • In the Telepath Client, fix a race condition which could have raised an AttributeError in Aha resolutions. (#2286)

  • Prevent the reuse of a Telepath Client object when it has been fini’d. (#2286)

  • Fix a race condition in the Aha server when handling distributed changes which could have left the service in a desynchronized state. (#2287)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the documentation for the tool. (#2279)

v2.48.0 - 2021-07-13

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a Storm divert command to ease the implementation of --yield constructs in Storm commands. This optionally yields nodes from a generator, or yields inbound nodes, while still ensuring the generator is conusmed. (#2277)

  • Add Storm runtime debug tracking. This is a boolean flag that can be set or unset via $lib.debug. It can be used by Storm packages to determine if they should take extra actions, such as additional print statements, without needing to track additional function arguments in their implementations. (#2278)


  • Fix an ambiguity in the Storm grammar. (#2280)

  • Fix an issue where form autoadds could fail to be created in specific cases of the model. (#2273)

v2.47.0 - 2021-07-07

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $lib.regex.replace() Stormtypes API to perform regex based replacement of string parts. (#2274)

  • Add universal properties to the dictionary returned by Cortex.getModelDict() as a univs key. (#2276)

  • Add additional asyncio.sleep(0) statements to Layer._storNodeEdits to improve Cortex responsiveness when storing large numbers of edits at once. (#2275)

v2.46.0 - 2021-07-02

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the Cortex storm:log:level configuration value to accept string values such as DEBUG, INFO, etc. The default log level for Storm query logs is now INFO level. (#2262)

  • Add $lib.regex.findall() Stormtypes API to find all matching parts of a regular expression in a given string. (#2265)

  • Add $lib.inet.http.head() Stormtypes API to perform easy HEAD requests, and allow_redirects arguments to existing lib.inet.http APIs to allow controlling the redirect behavior. (#2268)

  • Add $lib.storm.eval() API to evaluate Storm values from strings. (#2269)

  • Add getSystemInfo() and getBackupInfo() APIS to the Cell for getting useful system information. (#2267)

  • Allow lists in rstorm bodies. (#2261)

  • Add a :desc secondary property to the proj:sprint form. (#2261)

  • Call _normStormPkg in all loadStormPkg paths, move validation to post normalization and remove mutation in validator (#2260)

  • Add SYN_SLAB_COMMIT_PERIOD environment variable to control the Synapse slab commit period. Add layer:lmdb:max_replay_log Cortex option to control the slab replay log size. (#2266)

  • Update Ahacell log messages. (#2270)


  • Fix an issue where the Trigger.pack() method failed when the user that created the trigger had been deleted. (#2263)

Improved Documentation

  • Update the Cortex devops documentation for the Cortex to document the Storm query logging. Update the Cell devops documentation to explain the Cell logging and how to enable structured (JSON) logging output. (#2262)

  • Update Stormtypes API documentation for bool, proj:epic, proj:epics, proj:ticket, proj:tickets, proj:sprint, proj:sprints, proj:project, stix:bundle types. (#2261)

v2.45.0 - 2021-06-25

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a application level process pool the base Cell implemenation. Move the processing of Storm query text into the process pool. (#2250) (#2259)

  • Minimize the re-validation of Storm code on Cortex boot. (#2257)

  • Add the ou:preso form to record conferences and presentations. Add a status secondary property to the it:mitre:attack:technique form to track if techniques are current, deprecated or withdrawn. (#2254)


  • Remove incorrect use of cmdopts in Storm command definitions unit tests. (#2258

v2.44.0 - 2021-06-23

This release contains an automatic data migration that may cause additional startup time on the first boot. This only applies to a Cortex that is using user defined tag properties or using ps:person:name properties. Deployments with startup or liveliness probes should have those disabled while this upgrade is performed to prevent accidental termination of the Cortex process. Please ensure you have a tested backup available before applying this update.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a .move() method on Stormtypes trigger objects to allow moving a Trigger from one View to another View. (#2252)

  • When the Aha service marks a service as down, log why that service is being marked as such. (#2255)

  • Add :budget:price property to the ou:contract form. Add :settled property to the econ:purchase form. (#2253


  • Make the array property ps:person:names a unique array property. (#2253

  • Add missing tagprop key migration for the bybuidv3 index. (#2256)

v2.43.0 - 2021-06-21

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a .type string to the Stormtypes auth:gate object to allow a user to identify the type of auth gate it is. (#2238)

  • Add $lib.user.iden reference to the Stormtype $lib.user to get the iden of the current user executing Storm code. (#2236)

  • Add a --no-build option to to allow pushing an a complete Storm Package file. (#2231) (#2232) (#2233)

  • The Storm movetag command now checks for cycles when setting the syn:tag:isnow property. (#2229)

  • Deprecate the ou:org:has form, in favor of using light edges for storing those relationships. (#2234)

  • Add a description property to the ou:industry form. (#2239)

  • Add a --name parameter to the Storm trigger.add command to name triggers upon creation. (#2237)

  • Add regx to the BadTypeValu exception of the str type when a regular expression fails to match. (#2240)

  • Consolidate Storm parsers to a single Parser object to improve startup time. (#2247)

  • Improve error logging in the Cortex callStorm() and storm() APIs. (#2243)

  • Add from:contract, to:contract, and memo properties to the econ:acct:payment form. (#2248)

  • Improve the Cell backup streaming APIs link cleanup. (#2249)


  • Fix issue with grabbing the incorrect Telepath link when performing a Cell backup. (#2246)

  • Fix missing toprim calls in $lib.inet.http.connect(). (#2235)

  • Fix missing Storm command form hint schema from the Storm Package schema. (#2242)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for deprecated model forms and properties, along with modeling alternatives. (#2234)

  • Update documentation for the Storm help command to add examples of command substring matching. (#2241)

v2.42.2 - 2021-06-11


  • Protect against a few possible RuntimeErrors due to dictionary sizes changing during iteration. (#2227)

  • Fix StormType Lib lookups with imported modules which were raising a TypeError instead of a NoSuchName error. (#2228)

  • Drop old Storm Packages if they are present when re-adding them. This fixes an issue with runtime updates leaving old commands in the Cortex. (#2230)

v2.42.1 - 2021-06-09

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a --no-docs option to the tool. When used, this not embed inline documentation into the generated Storm packages. (#2226)

v2.42.0 - 2021-06-03

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a --headers and --parameters arguments to the Storm wget command. The default headers now includes a browser like UA string. (#2208)

  • Add the ability to modify the name of a role via Storm. (#2222)


  • Fix an issue in the JsonStor cell where there were missing fini calls. (#2223)

  • Add a missing timeout to an getAhaSvc() call. (#2224)

  • Change how tagprops are serialized to avoid a issue with sending packed nodes over HTTP APIs. This changes the packed node structure of tagprops from a dictionary keyed with (tagname, propertyname) to a dictionary keyed off of the tagname, which now points to a dictionary containing the propertyname which represents the value of the tagprop. (#2221 <>`_)

v2.41.1 - 2021-05-27


  • Add PR #2117 to bugfix list in CHANGLOG.rst for v2.41.0 :D

v2.41.0 - 2021-05-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Add an it:cmd form and update the it:exec:proc:cmd property to use it. This release includes an automatic data migration on startup to update the it:exec:proc:cmd on any existing it:exec:proc nodes. (#2219)


  • Fix an issue where passing a Base object to a sub-runtime in Storm did not correctly increase the reference count. (#2216)

  • Fix an issue where the tee command could potentially run the specified queries twice. (#2218)

  • Fix for rstorm using mock when the HTTP body is bytes. (#2217)

v2.40.0 - 2021-05-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a --parallel switch to the tee Storm command. This allows for all of the Storm queries provided to the tee command to execute in parallel, potentially producing a mixed output stream of nodes. (#2209)

  • Convert the Storm Runtime object in a Base object, allowing for reference counted Storm variables which are made from Base objects and are properly torn down. (#2203)

  • Add $lib.inet.http.connect() method which creates a Websocket object inside of Storm, allowing a user to send and receive messages over a websocket. (#2203)

  • Support pivot join operations on tags. (#2213)

  • Add stormrepr() implementation for synapse.lib.stormtypes.Lib, which allows for $lib.print() to display useful strings for Storm Libraries and imported modules. (#2212)

  • Add a storm API top updated a user name. (#2214)


  • Fix the logger name for synapse.lib.aha. (#2210)

  • Log ImportError exceptions in synapse.lib.dyndeps.getDynMod. This allows easier debugging when using the synapse.servers.cell server when running custom Cell implementations. (#2211)

  • Fix an issue where a Storm command which failed to set command arguments successfully would not teardown the Storm runtime. (#2212)

v2.39.1 - 2021-05-21


  • Fix an issue with referencing the Telepath user session object prior to a valid user being set. (#2207)

v2.39.0 - 2021-05-20

Features and Enhancements

  • Add more useful output to Storm when printing heavy objects with $lib.print(). (#2185)

  • Check rule edits for roles against provided authgates in Storm. (#2199)

  • Add Str.rsplit() and maxsplit arguments to split()/rsplit() APIs in Storm. (#2200)

  • Add default argument values to the output of Storm command help output. (#2198)

  • Add a syn:tag:part Type and allow the syn:tag type to normalize a list of tag parts to create a tag string. This is intended to be used with the $lib.cast() function in Storm. (#2192)

  • Add debug logging to the Axon for reading, writing, or deleting of blobs. (#2202)

  • Add a timeout argument to the $lib.inet.http functions. The functions will all now always return a inet:http:resp object; if the .code is -1, an unrecoverable exception occurred while making the request. (#2205)

  • Add support for embedding a logo and documentation into a Storm Package. (#2204)


  • Fix export filters to correctly filter tagprops. (#2196)

  • Fix an issue with Hotcount which prevented it from storing negative values. (#2197)

  • Fix an issue where hideconf configuration values were being included in autodoc output. (#2199)

v2.38.0 - 2021-05-14

Features and Enhancements

  • Remove trigger inheritance from Views. Views will now only execute triggers which are created inside of them. (#2189)

  • Remove read-only property flags from secondary properties on file:bytes nodes. (#2191)

  • Add a simple it:log:event form to capture log events. (#2195)

  • Add structured logging as an option for Synapse Cells. When enabled, this produces logs as JSONL sent to stderr. This can be set via the SYN_LOG_STRUCT environment variable, or adding the --structured-logging command line switch. (#2179)

  • Add a nodes.import command to import a .nodes file from a URL. (#2186)

  • Allow the desc key to View and Layer objects in Storm. This can be used to set descriptions for these objects. (#2190)

  • Use the gateiden in Storm auth when modifying rules; allowing users to share Views and Layers with other users. (#2194)


  • Fix an issue with Storm Dmon deletion not behaving properly in mirror configurations. (#2188)

  • Explicitly close generators in Telepath where an exception has caused the generator to exit early. (#2183)

  • Fix an issue where a trigger owner not having access to a view would cause the Storm pipeline to stop. (#2189)

v2.37.0 - 2021-05-12

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a file:mime:image interface to the Synapse model for recording MIME specific metadata from image files. (#2187)

  • Add file:mime:jpg, file:mime:tiff, file:mime:gif and file:mime:png specific forms for recording metadata of those file types. (#2187)

  • Add $lib.pkg.has() Stormtype API to check for for the existence of a given Storm package by name. (#2182)

  • All None / $lib.null as input to setting a user password. This clears the password and prevents a user from being able to login. (#2181)

  • Grab any Layer push/pull offset values when calling Layer.pack(). (#2184)

  • Move the retrieval of https:headers from HTTP API handlers into a function so that downstream implementers can redirect where the extra values are retrieved from. (#2187)


  • Fix an issue which allowed for deleted Storm Packages to be retrieved from memory. (#2182)

v2.36.0 - 2021-05-06

Features and Enhancements

  • Add risk:vuln support to the default Stix 2.1 export, and capture vulnerability information used by threat actors and in campaigns. Add the ability to validate Stix 2.1 bundles to ensure that they are Stix 2.1 CS02 compliant. Add the ability to lift Synapse nodes based on bundles which were previously exported from Synapse. The lift feature only works with bundles created with Synapse v2.36.0 or greater. (#2174)

  • Add a Str.upper() function for uppercasing strings in Storm. (#2174)

  • Automatically bump a user’s StormDmon’s when they are locked or unlocked. (#2177)

  • Add Storm Package support to and update the rstorm implementation to capture additional directives. (#2172)

  • Tighten lark-parser version requirements. (#2175)


  • Fix reported layer size to represent actual disk usage. (#2173)

v2.35.0 - 2021-04-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Add :issuer:cert and :selfsigned properties to the crypto:x509:cert form to enable modeling X509 certificate chains. (#2163)

  • Add a https:headers configuration option to the Cell to allow setting arbitrary HTTP headers for the Cell HTTP API server. (#2164)

  • Update the Cell HTTP API server to have a minimum TLS version of v1.2. Add a default /robots.txt route. Add X-XSS=Protection and X-Content-Type-Options headers to the default HTTP API responses. (#2164)

  • Update the minimum version of LMDB to 1.2.1. (#2169)


  • Improve the error message for Storm syntax error handling. (#2162)

  • Update the layer byarray index migration to account for arrays of inet:fqdn values. (#2165) (#2166)

  • Update the vertexproject/synapse-aha, vertexproject/synapse-axon, vertexproject/synapse-cortex, and vertexproject/synapse-cryotank Docker images to use tini as a default entrypoint. This fixes an issue where signals were not properly being propagated to the Cells. (#2168)

  • Fix an issue with enfanged indicators which were not properly being lifted by Storm when operating in lookup mode. (#2170)

v2.34.0 - 2021-04-20

Features and Enhancements

  • Storm function definitions now allow keyword arguments which may have default values. These must be read-only values. (#2155) (#2157)

  • Add a getCellInfo() API to the Cell and CellAPI classes. This returns metadata about the cell, its version, and the currently installed Synapse version. Cell implementers who wish to expose Cell specific version information must adhere to conventiosn documented in the API docstrings of the function. (#2151)

  • Allow external Storm modules to be added in genpkg definitions. (#2159)


  • The $lib.layer.get() Stormtypes returned the top layer of the default view in the Cortex when called with no arguments, instead of the top layer of the current view. This now returns the top layer of the current view. (#2156)

  • Avoid calling applyNodeEdit when editing a tag on a Node and there are no edits to make. (#2161)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix typo in docstrings from $lib.model.tags Stormtypes. (#2160)

v2.33.1 - 2021-04-13


  • Fix a regression when expanding list objects in Storm. (#2154)

v2.33.0 - 2021-04-12

Features and Enhancements

  • Add CWE and CVSS support to the risk:vuln form. (#2143)

  • Add a new Stormtypes library, $lib.infosec.cvss, to assist with parsing CVSS data, computing scores, and updating risk:vuln nodes. (#2143)

  • Add ATT&CK, CWD, and CPE support to the IT model. (#2143)

  • Add it:network, it:domain, it:account, it:group and it:login guid forms to model common IT concepts. (#2096)

  • Add a new model, project, to model projects, tickets, sprints and epics. The preliminary forms for this model include proj:project, proj:sprint, proj:ticket, proj:comment, and projec:project. (#2096)

  • Add a new Stormtypes library, $lib.project, to assist with using the project model. The API is provisional. (#2096)

  • Allow lifting guid types with the prefix (^=) operator. (#2096)

  • Add ou:contest:result:url to record where to find contest results. (#2144)

  • Allow subquery as a value in additional places in Storm. This use must yield exactly one node. Secondary property assignments to array types may yield multiple nodes. (#2137)

  • Tighten up Storm iterator behavior on the backend. This should not have have user-facing changes in Storm behavior. (#2148) (#2096)

  • Update the Cell backup routine so that it blocks the ioloop less. (#2145)

  • Expose the remote name and version of Storm Services in the service.list command. (#2149)

  • Move test deprecated model elements into their own Coremodule. (#2150)

  • Update lark dependency. (#2146)


  • Fix incorrect grammer in model.edge commands. (#2147)

  • Reduce unit test memory usage. (#2152)

  • Pin jupyter-client library. (#2153)

v2.32.1 - 2021-04-01

Features and Enhancements

  • The Storm $lib.exit() function now takes message arguments similar to $lib.warn() and fires that message into the run time as a warn prior to stopping the runtime. (#2138)

  • Update pygments minimum version to v2.7.4. (#2139)


  • Do not allow light edge creation on runt nodes. (#2136)

  • Fix backup test timeout issues. (#2141)

  • Fix the synapse.lib.msgpack.en() function so that now raises the correct exceptions when operating in fallback mode. (#2140)

  • Fix the Snap.addNodes() API handling of deprecated model elements when doing bulk data ingest. (#2142)

v2.32.0 - 2021-03-30

Features and Enhancements

  • Increase the verbosity of logging statements related to Cell backup operations. This allows for better visibility into what is happening while a backup is occurring. (#2124)

  • Add Telepath and Storm APIs for setting all the roles of a User at once. (#2127)

  • Expose the Synapse package commit hash over Telepath and Stormtypes. (#2133)


  • Increase the process spawn timeout for Cell backup operations. Prevent the Cell backup from grabbing lmdb transactions for slabs in the cell local tmp directory. (#2124)

v2.31.1 - 2021-03-25


  • Fix a formatting issue preventing Python packages from being uploaded to PyPI. (#2131)

v2.31.0 - 2021-03-24

Features and Enhancements

  • Add initial capability for exporting STIX 2.1 from the Cortex. (#2120)

  • Refactor how lift APIs are implemented, moving them up to the Cortex itself. This results in multi-layer lifts now yielding nodes in a sorted order. (#2093) (#2128)

  • Add $lib.range() Storm function to generate ranges of integers. (#2122)

  • Add an errok option to the $lib.time.parse() Storm function to allow the function to return $lib.null if the time string fails to parse. (#2126)

  • Don’t execute Cron jobs, Triggers, or StormDmons for locked users. (#2123) (#2129)

  • The git commit hash is now embedded into the synapse.lib.version module when building PyPi packages and Docker images. (#2119)

Improved Documentation

  • Update Axon wget API documentation to note that we always store the body of the HTTP response, regardless of status code. (#2125)

v2.30.0 - 2021-03-17

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $lib.trycast() to allow for Storm control flow based on type normalization. (#2113)


  • Resolve a bug related to pivoting to a secondary property that is an array value. (#2111)

  • Fix an issue with Aha and persisting the online state of services upon startup. (#2103)

  • Convert the type of inet:web:acct:singup:client:ipv6 from a inet:ipv4 to an inet:ipv6. (#2114)

  • Fix an idempotency issue when deleting a custom form. (#2112)

Improved Documentation

v2.29.0 - 2021-03-11

This release includes a Cortex storage Layer bugfix. It does an automatic upgrade upon startup to identify and correct invalid array index values. Depending on time needed to perform this automatic upgrade, the Cortex may appear unresponsive. Deployments with startup or liveliness probes should have those disabled while this upgrade is performed to prevent accidental termination of the Cortex process.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a reverse argument to $lib.sorted() to allow a Storm user to easily reverse an iterable item. (#2109)

  • Update minimum required versions of Tornado and PyYAML. (#2108)


  • Fix an issue with Array property type deletion not properly deleting values in the byarray index. This requires an automatic data migration done at Cortex startup to remove extra index values which may be present in the index. (#2104) (#2106)

  • Fix issues with using the Storm ?= operator with types which can generate multiple values from a given input string when making nodes. (#2105) (#2107)

Improved Documentation

  • Add Devops documentation explaining our Docker container offerings. (#2104) (#2110)

v2.28.1 - 2021-03-08


  • Fix $lib.model.prop() API when called with a universal property. It now returns $lib.null instead of raising an exception. (#2100)

  • Fix the streaming backup API when used with Telepath and SSL. (#2101)

Improved Documentation

  • Add API documentation for the Axon. (#2098)

  • Update the Storm pivot reference documentation. (#2101)

v2.28.0 - 2021-02-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Add String.reverse() Stormtypes API to reverse a string. (#2086)

  • Add Cell APIs for streaming compressed backups. (#2084) (#2091)

  • Refactor snap.addNodes() to reduce the transaction count. (#2087) (#2090)

  • Add $lib.axon.list() Stormtypes API to list hashes in an Axon. (#2088)

  • Add user permissions requirements for Aha CSR signing. (#2089)

  • Add aha:svcinfo configuration option for the base Cell. (#2089)

  • Add interfaces to the output of model.getModelDefs() and the getModelDict() APIs. (#2092)

  • Update pylmdb to v1.1.1. (#2076)


  • Fix incorrect permissions check in the merge --diff Storm command. (#2085)

  • Fix service teardown issue in Aha service on fini. (#2089)

  • Fix possible teardown issue when using Aha. (#2089)

  • Cast synapse_minversion from Storm Packages into a tuple to avoid packages added with HTTP endpoints from failing to validate. (#2095)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for the Aha discovery service. (#2089)

  • Add documentation for assigning secondary properties via subquery syntax. (#2097)

v2.27.0 - 2021-02-16

Features and Enhancements

  • Allow property assignment and array operations from subqueries. (#2072)

  • Add APIs to the Axon to allow the deletion of blobs via Telepath and HTTP APIs. (#2080)

  • Add a str.slice() stormtypes method to allow easy string slicing. (#2083)

  • Modularize the Storm HTTP API handlers. (#2082)


  • Fix Agenda events which were not being properly tracked via the Nexus. (#2078)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for the Cortex /api/v1/storm/export HTTP endpoint. This also included documentation for the scrub option in Storm. (#2079)

  • Add a Code of Conduct for Synapse. (#2081)

v2.26.0 - 2021-02-05

Features and Enhancements

  • Add Storm commands for easily adding, deleting, and listing layer push and pull configurations. (#2071)


  • Fix layer.getPropCount() API for universal properties. (#2073)

  • Add a missing async yield in Snap.addNodes(). (#2074)

  • Constrain lmdb version due to unexpected behavior in v1.1.0. (#2075)

Improved Documentation

  • Update user docs for Storm flow control and data model references. (#2066)

v2.25.0 - 2021-02-01

Features and Enhancements

  • Implement tag model based pruning behavior for controlling how individual tag trees are deleted from nodes. (#2067)

  • Add model interfaces for defining common sets of properties for forms, starting with some file mime metadata. (#2040)

  • Add file:mime:msdoc, file:mime:msxls, file:mime:msppt, and file:mime:rtf forms. (#2040)

  • Tweak the ival normalizer to auto-expand intervals with a single element. (#2070)

  • Removed the experimental spawn feature of the Storm runtime. (#2068)


  • Add a missing async yield statement in View.getEdgeVerbs(). (#2069)

Improved Documentation

  • Correct incorrect references to the documentation. (#2065)

v2.24.0 - 2021-01-29

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for storing model metadata for tags and support for enforcing tag trees using regular expressions. (#2056)

  • Add ou:contest:url secondary property. (#2059)

  • Add synapse.lib.autodoc to collect some Storm documentation helpers into a single library. (#2034)

  • Add tag.prune Storm command to remove parent tags when removing a leaf tag from a node. (#2062)

  • Update the msgpack Python dependency to version v1.0.2. (#1735)

  • Add logs to Cell backup routines. (#2060)

  • Export the Layer iterrows APIs to the CoreApi. (#2061)


  • Do not connect to Aha servers when they are not needed. (#2058)

  • Make the array property ou:org:industries a unique array property. (#2059)

  • Add permission checks to the Storm movetag command. (#2063)

  • Add permissions checks to the Storm edges.del command. (#2064)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for the utility, for loading Storm packages into a Cortex. (#2057)

  • Refactor the Stormtypes documentation generation to make it data driven. (#2034)

v2.23.0 - 2021-01-21

Features and Enhancements

  • Add support for ndef based light edge definitions in the syn.nodes feed API. (#2051) (#2053)

  • Add ISIC codes to the ou:industry form. (#2054) (#2055)

  • Add secondary properties :loc, :latlong, and :place to the inet:web:action and inet:web:logon forms. (#2052)

  • Add secondary property :enabled to the form it:app:yara:rule. (#2052)

  • Deprecate the file:string and ou:member forms, in favor of using light edges for storing those relationships. (#2052)

v2.22.0 - 2021-01-19

Features and Enhancements

  • Allow expression statements to be used in Storm filters. (#2041)

  • Add file:subfile:path secondary property to record the path a file was stored in a parent file. The corresponding file:subfile:name property is marked as deprecated. (#2043)

  • Make the Axon wget() timeout a configurable parameter. (#2047)

  • Add a Cortex.exportStorm() on the Cortex which allows for exporting nodes from a Storm query which can be directly ingested with the syn.nodes feed function. If the data is serialized using msgpack and stored in a Axon, it can be added to a Cortex with the new Cortex.feedFromAxon() API. A new HTTP API, /api/v1/storm/export, can be used to get a msgpacked file using this export interface. (#2045)


  • Fix issues in the Layer push and pull loop code. (#2044) (#2048)

  • Add missing toprim() and tostr() calls for the Stormtypes Whois guid generation helpers. (#2046)

  • Fix behavior in the Storm lookup mode which failed to lookup some expected results. (#2049)

  • Fix $lib.pkg.get() return value when the package is not present. (#2050)

v2.21.1 - 2021-01-04


  • Fix a variable scoping issue causing a race condition. (#2042)

v2.21.0 - 2020-12-31

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a Storm wget command which will download a file from a URL using the Cortex Axon and yield inet:urlfile nodes. (#2035)

  • Add a --diff option to the merge command to enumerate changes. (#2037)

  • Allow StormLib Layer API to dynamically update a Layer’s logedits setting. (#2038)

  • Add StormLib APIs for adding and deleting extended model properties, forms and tag properties. (#2039)


  • Fix an issue with the JsonStor not created nested entries properly. (#2036)

v2.20.0 - 2020-12-29

Features and Enhancements

  • Correct the StormType Queue.pop() API to properly pop and return only the item at the specified index or the next entry in the Queue. This simplifies the intent behind the .pop() operation; and removes the cull and wait parameters which were previously on the method. (#2032)


  • Use resp.iter_chunked in the Axon .wget() API to improve compatibility with some third party libraries. (#2030)

  • Require the use of a msgpack based deepcopy operation in handling storage nodes. (#2031)

  • Fix for ambiguous whitespace in Storm command argument parsing. (#2033)

v2.19.0 - 2020-12-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Add APIs to remove decommissioned services from AHA servers.

  • Add (optional) explicit network parameters to AHA APIs. (#2029)

  • Add cell.isCellActive() API to differentiate leaders/mirrors. (#2028)

  • Add pop() method to Storm list objects. (#2027)


  • Fix bug in dry-run output of new merge command. (#2026)

v2.18.1 - 2020-12-24


  • Make syncIndexEvents testing more resiliant

  • Make syncIndexEvents yield more often when filtering results (#2025)

  • Update push/pull tests to use new waittask() API

  • Raise clear errors in ambiguous use of node.tagglobs() API

  • Update model docs and examples for geo:latitude and geo:longitude

  • Support deref form names in storm node add expressions (#2024)

  • Update tests to normalize equality comparison values (#2023)

v2.18.0 - 2020-12-23

Features and Enhancements

  • Added axon.size() API and storm plumbing (#2020)


  • Fix active coro issue uncovered with cluster testing (#2021)

v2.17.1 - 2020-12-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Added (BETA) RST pre-processor to embed Storm output into RST docs. (#1988)

  • Added a merge command to allow per-node Layer merge operations to be done. (#2009)

  • Updated storm package format to include a semver version string. (#2016)

  • Added telepath proxy getPipeline API to minimize round-trip delay. (#1615)

  • Added Node properties iteration and setitem APIs to storm. (#2011)


  • Fixes for active coro API and internal layer API name fixes. (#2018)

  • Allow :prop -+> * join syntax. (#2015)

  • Make getFormCount() API return a primitive dictionary. (#2014)

  • Make StormVarListError messages more user friendly. (#2013)

v2.17.0 - 2020-12-22

2.17.0 was not published due to CI issues.

v2.16.1 - 2020-12-17

Features and Enhancements

  • Allow the matchdef used in the Layer.syncIndexEvents() API to match on tagprop data. (#2010)


  • Properly detect and raise a client side exception in Telepath generators when the underlying Link has been closed. (#2008)

  • Refactor the Layer push/push test to not reach through the Layer API boundary. (#2012)

Improved Documentation

  • Add documentation for Storm raw pivot syntax. (#2007)

  • Add documentation for recently added Storm commands. (#2007)

  • General cleanup and clarifications. (#2007)

v2.16.0 - 2020-12-15

Features and Enhancements

  • Replaced the View sync APIs introduced in v2.14.0 with Layer specific sync APIs. (#2003)

  • Add $lib.regex.matches() and $ Stormtypes APIs for performing regular expression operations against text in Storm. (#1999) (#2005)

  • Add for generating Storm packages and loading them into a Cortex. (#2004)

  • Refactored the StormDmon implementation to use a single async task and allow the Dmons to be restarted via $lib.dmon.bump(iden). This replaces the outer task / inner task paradigm that was previously present. Also add the ability to persistently disable and enable a StomDmon. (#1998)

  • Added aha:// support to the and tools. (#2006)


  • Properly handle whitespace in keyword arguments when calling functions in Storm. (#1997)

  • Fix some garbage collection issues causing periodic pauses in a Cortex due to failing to close some generators used in the Storm Command AST node. (#2001) (#2002)

  • Fix scope based permission checks in Storm. (#2000)

v2.15.0 - 2020-12-11

Features and Enhancements

  • Add two new Cortex APIs: syncIndexEvents and syncLayerEvents useful for external indexing. (#1948) (#1996)

  • LMDB Slab improvements: Allow dupfixed dbs, add firstkey method, inline _ispo2, add HotCount deletion. (#1948)

  • Add method to merge sort sorted async generators. (#1948)


  • Ensure parent FQDN exists even in out-of-order node edit playback. (#1995)

v2.14.2 - 2020-12-10


  • Fix an issue with the new layer push / pull code. (#1994)

  • Fix an issue with the url sanitization function when the path contains an @ character. (#1993)

v2.14.1 - 2020-12-09

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a /api/v1/active HTTP API to the Cell that can be used as an unauthenticated liveliness check. (#1987)

  • Add $lib.pip.gen() Stormtypes API for ephemeral queues and bulk data access in Storm. (#1986)

  • Add a $lib.model.tagprop() Stormtypes API for retrieving Tagprop definitions. (#1990)

  • Add efficient View and Layer push/pull configurations. (#1991) (#1992)

  • Add getAhaUrls() to the Aha service to prepare for additional service discovery. (#1989)

  • Add a /api/v1/auth/onepass/issue HTTP API for an admin to mint a one-time password for a Cell user. (#1982)


  • Make aha:// urls honor local paths. (#1985)

v2.14.0 - 2020-12-09

2.14.0 was not published due to CI issues.

v2.13.0 - 2020-12-04

Features and Enhancements

  • Add $lib.pkg.get() StormTypes function to get the Storm Package definition for a given package by name. (#1983)


  • The user account provisioned by the aha:admin could be locked out. Now, upon startup, if they have been locked out or had their admin status removed, they are unlocked and admin is reset. (#1984)

v2.12.3 - 2020-12-03


  • Prevent OverflowError exceptions which could have resulted from lift operations with integer storage types. (#1980)

  • Remove inet:ipv4 norm routine wrap-around behavior for integers which are outside the normal bounds of IPv4 addresses. (#1979)

  • Fix view.add and fork related permissions. (#1981)

  • Read telepath.yaml when using the tool. (#1981)

v2.12.2 - 2020-12-01

This release also includes the changes from v2.12.1, which was not released due to an issue with CI pipelines.


  • Add the missing API getPathObjs on the JsonStorCell. (#1976)

  • Fix the HasRelPropCond AST node support for Storm pivprop operations. (#1972)

  • Fix support for the aha:registry config parameter in a Cell to support an array of strings. (#1975)

  • Split the Cortex.addForm() Nexus handler into two parts to allow for safe event replay. (#1978)

  • Stop forking a large number of child layers in a View persistence test. (#1977)

v2.12.1 - 2020-12-01


  • Add the missing API getPathObjs on the JsonStorCell. (#1976)

  • Fix the HasRelPropCond AST node support for Storm pivprop operations. (#1972)

  • Fix support for the aha:registry config parameter in a Cell to support an array of strings. (#1975)

v2.12.0 - 2020-11-30

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a onload paramter to the stormpkg definition. This represents a Storm query which is executed every time the stormpkg is loaded in a Cortex. (#1971) (#1974)

  • Add the ability, in Storm, to unset variables, remove items from dictionaries, and remove items from lists. This is done via assigning $lib.undef to the value to be removed. (#1970)

  • Add support for SOCKS proxy support for outgoing connections from an Axon and Cortex, using the 'http:proxy configuration option. This configuration value must be a valid string for the aiohttp_socks.ProxyConnector.from_url() API. The SOCKS proxy is used by the Axon when downloading files; and by the Cortex when making HTTP connections inside of Storm. (#1968)

  • Add aha:admin to the Cell configuration to provide a common name that is used to create an admin user for remote access to the Cell via the Aha service. (#1969)

  • Add auth:ctor and auth:conf config to the Cell in order to allow hooking the construction of the HiveAuth object. (#1969)

v2.11.0 - 2020-11-25

Features and Enhancements

  • Optimize Storm lift and filter queries, so that more efficient lift operations may be performed in some cases. (#1966)

  • Add a Axon.wget() API to allow the Axon to retrieve files directly from a URL. (#1965)

  • Add a JsonStor Cell, which allows for hierarchical storage and retrieval of JSON documents. (#1954)

  • Add a Cortex HTTP API, /api/v1/storm/call. This behaves like the CoreApi.callStorm() API. (#1967)

  • Add :client:host and :server:host secondary properties to the inet:http:request form. (#1955)

  • Add :host and :acct secondary properties to the inet:search:query form. (#1955)

  • Add a Telepath service discovery implementation, the Aha cell. The Aha APIs are currently provisional and subject to change. (#1954)

v2.10.2 - 2020-11-20

Features and Enhancements

  • The Storm command now supports a --now flag to create a cron job which immediately executes. (#1963)


  • Fix a cleanup race that caused occasional test_lmdbslab_base failures. (#1962)

  • Fix an issue with EDIT_NODEDATA_SET nodeedits missing the oldv value. (#1961)

  • Fix an issue where cron.cleanup could have prematurely deleted some cron jobs. (#1963)

v2.10.1 - 2020-11-17


  • Fix a CI issue which prevented the Python sdist package from being uploaded to PyPi. (#1960)

v2.10.0 - 2020-11-17


The v2.10.0 Synapse release contains support for Python 3.8. Docker images are now built using a Python 3.8 image by default. There are also Python 3.7 images available as vertexproject/synapse:master-py37 and vertexproject/synapse:v2.x.x-py37.

Features and Enhancements

  • Python 3.8 release support for Docker and PyPi. (#1921) (#1956)

  • Add support for adding extended forms to the Cortex. This allows users to define their own forms using the existing types which are available in the Synapse data model. (#1944)

  • The Storm and and or statements now short-circuit and will return when their logical condition is first met. This means that subsequent clauses in those statements may not be executed. (#1952)

  • Add a mechanism for Storm Services to specify commands which may require privilege elevation to execute. An example of this may be to allow a command to create nodes; without managning individual permissions on what nodes a user may normally be allowed to create. Services using this mechanism wiill use the storm.asroot.cmd.<<cmd name>> hierarchy to grant this permission. (#1953) (#1958)

  • Add $lib.json Stormtypes Library to convert between string data and primitives. (#1949)

  • Add a parallel command to allow for executing a portion of a Storm query in parallel. Add a background command to execute a Storm query as a detached task from the current query, capturing variables in the process. (#1931) (#1957)

  • Add a $lib.exit() function to StormTypes to allow for quickly exiting a Storm query. (#1931)

  • Add $lib.bytes.upload() to Stormtypes for streaming bytes into the Axon that the Cortex is configured with. (#1945)

  • Add Storm commands to manage locking and unlocking deprecated model properties. (#1909)

  • Add cron.cleanup command to make it easy to clean up completed cron jobs. (#1942)

  • Add date of death properties and consistently named photo secondary properties. (#1929)

  • Add model additions for representing education and awards. (#1930)

  • Add additional account linkages to the inet model for users and groups. (#1946)

  • Add inet:web:hashtag as its own form, and add :hashtags to inet:web:post. (#1946)

  • Add lang:translation to capture language translations of texts in a more comprehensive way than older lang model forms did. The lang:idiom and lang:trans forms have been marked as deprecated. (#1946)

  • Update the ou model to add ou:attendee and ou:contest and ou:contest:result forms. Several secondary properties related to conference attendance have been marked deprecated. (#1946)

  • The ps:persona and ps:persona:has forms have been marked as deprecated. (#1946)

  • Add ps:contactlist to allow collecting multiple ps:contact nodes together. (#1935)

  • Allow the Storm Service cmdargs to accept any valid model type in the type value. (#1923) (#1936)

  • Add >, <, >= and <= comparators for inet:ipv4 type. (#1938)

  • Add configuration options to the Axon to limit the amount of data which can be stored in it. Add a configuration option the Cortex to limit the number of nodes which may be stored in a given Cortex. (#1950)


  • Fix a potential incorrect length for Spooled sets during fallback. (#1937)

  • Fix an issue with the Telepath Client object caching their Method and GenrMethod attributes across re-connections of the underlying Proxy objects. (#1939) (#1941)

  • Fix a bug where a temporary spool slab cleanup failed to remove all files from the filesystem that were created when the slab was made. (#1940)

  • Move exceptions which do not subclass SynErr out of synapse/ (#1947) (#1951)

v2.9.2 - 2020-10-27


  • Fix an issue where a Cortex migrated from a 01x release could overwrite entries in a Layer’s historical nodeedit log. (#1934)

  • Fix an issue with the layer definition schema. (#1927)

v2.9.1 - 2020-10-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Reuse existing an existing DateTime object when making time strings. This gives a slight performance boost for the synapse.lib.time.repr() function. (#1919)

  • Remove deprecated use of loop arguments when calling asyncio primitives. (#1920)

  • Allow Storm Services to define a minimum required Synapse version by the Cortex. If the Cortex is not running the minimum version, the Cortex will not load (#1900)

  • Only get the nxsindx in the Layer.storeNodeEdits() function if logging edits. (#1926)

  • Include the Node iden value in the CantDelNode exception when attempting to delete a Node failes due to existing references to the node. (#1926)

  • Take advantage of the LMDB append operation when possible. (#1912)


  • Fix an issues in the Telepath Client where an exception thrown by a onlink function could cause additional linkloop tasks to be spawned. (#1924)

v2.9.0 - 2020-10-19


The v2.9.0 Synapse release contains an automatic Cortex Layer data migration. The updated layer storage format reduces disk and memory requirements for a layer. It is recommended to test this process with a backup of a Cortex before updating a production Cortex.

In order to maximize the space savings from the new layer storage format, after the Cortex has been migrated to v2.9.0, one can take a cold backup of the Cortex and restore the Cortex from that backup. This compacts the LMDB databases which back the Layers and reclaims disk space as a result. This is an optional step; as LMDB will eventually re-use the existing space on disk.

If there are any questions about this, please reach out in the Synapse Slack channel so we can assist with any data migration questions.

Features and Enhancements

  • Optimize the layer storage format for memory size and performance. (#1877) (#1885) (#1899) (#1917)

  • Initial support Python 3.8 compatibility for the core Synapse library. Additional 3.8 support (such as wheels and Docker images) will be available in future releases. (#1907)

  • Add a read only Storm option to the Storm runtime. This option prevents executing commands or Stormtypes functions which may modify data in the Cortex. (#1869) (#1916)

  • Allow the Telepath Dmon to disconnect clients using a ready status. (#1881)

  • Ensure that there is only one online backup of a Cell occurring at a time. (#1883)

  • Added .lower(), .strip(), .lstrip() and .rstrip() methods to the Stormtypes Str object. These behave like the Python str methods. (#1886) (#1906)

  • When scraping text, defanged indicators are now refanged by default. (#1888)

  • Normalize read-only property declarations to use booleans in the data model. (#1887)

  • Add lift.byverb command to allow lifting nodes using a light edge verb. (#1890)

  • Add netblock and range lift helpers for inet:ipv6 type, similar to the helpers for inet:ipv4. (#1869)

  • Add a edges.del command to bulk remove light weight edges from nodes. (#1893)

  • The yield keyword in Storm now supports iterating over Stormtypes List and Set objects. (#1898)

  • Add ou:contract, ou:industry and it:reveng:function:strings forms to the data model. (#1894)

  • Add some display type-hinting to the data model for some string fields which may be multi-line fields. (#1892)

  • Add getFormCounts() API to the Stormtypes View and Layer objects. (#1903)

  • Allow Cortex layers to report their total size on disk. This is exposed in the Stormtypes Layer.pack() method for a layer. (#1910)

  • Expose the remote Storm Service name in the $lib.service.get() Stormtypes API. This allows getting a service object without knowing the name of the service as it was locally added to a Cortex. Also add a $lib.service.has() API which allows checking to see if a service is available on a Cortex. (#1908) (#1915)

  • Add regular expression (~=) and prefix matching (^=) expression comparators that can be used with logical expressions inside of Storm. (#1906)

  • Promote CoreApi.addFeedData() calls to tracked tasks which can be viewed and terminated. (#1918)


  • Fixed a Storm bug where attempting to access an undeclared variable silently fails. This will now raise a NoSuchVar exception. This is verified at runtime, not at syntax evaluation. (#1916)

  • Ensure that Storm HTTP APIs tear down the runtime task if the remote disconnects before consuming all of the messages. (#1889)

  • Fix an issue where the model.edge.list command could block the ioloop for large Cortex. (#1890)

  • Fix a regex based lifting bug. (#1899)

  • Fix a few possibly greedy points in the AST code which could have resulted in greedy CPU use. (#1902)

  • When pivoting across light edges, if the destination form was not a valid form, nothing happened. Now a StormRuntimeError is raised if the destination form is not valid. (#1905)

  • Fix an issue with spawn processes accessing lmdb databases after a slab resize event has occurred by the main process. (#1914)

  • Fix a slab teardown race seen in testing Python 3.8 on MacOS. (#1914)


  • The 0.1.x to 2.x.x Migration tool and associated Cortex sync service has been removed from Synapse in the 2.9.0 release.

Improved Documentation

  • Clarify user documentation for pivot out and pivot in operations. (#1891)

  • Add a deprecation policy for Synapse Data model elements. (#1895)

  • Pretty print large data structures that may occur in the data model documentation. (#1897)

  • Update Storm Lift documentation to add the ?= operator. (#1904)

v2.8.0 - 2020-09-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Module updates to support generic organization identifiers, generic advertising identifiers, asnet6 and a few other secondary property additions. (#1879)

  • Update the Cell backup APIs to perform a consistent backup across all slabs for a Cell. (#1873)

  • Add support for a environment variable, SYN_LOCKMEM_DISABLE which will disable any memory locking of LMDB slabs. (#1882)


  • The 0.1.x to 2.x.x Migration tool and and associated Cortex sync service will be removed from Synapse in the 2.9.0 release. In order to move forward to 2.9.0, please make sure that any Cortexes which still need to be migrated will first be migrated to 2.8.x prior to attempting to use 2.9.x.

Improved Documentation

v2.7.3 - 2020-09-16


  • The 0.1.x to 2.x.x Migration tool and and associated Cortex sync service will be removed from Synapse in the 2.9.0 release. In order to move forward to 2.9.0, please make sure that any Cortexes which still need to be migrated will first be migrated to 2.8.x prior to attempting to use 2.9.x. (#1880)


  • Remove duplicate words in a comment. This was a community contribution from enadjoe. (#1874)

  • Fix a nested Nexus log event in Storm Service deletion. The del event causing Storm code execution could lead to nested Nexus events, which is incongruent with how Nexus change handlers work. This now spins off the Storm code in a free-running coroutine. This does change the service del semantics since any support Storm packages a service had may be removed by the time the handler executes. (#1876)

  • Fix an issue where the cull parameter was not being passed to the multiqueue properly when calling .gets() on a Storm Types Queue object. (#1876)

  • Pin the nbconvert package to a known working version, as v6.0.0 of that package broke the Synapse document generation by changing how templates work. (#1876)

  • Correct min and max integer examples in tagprop documentation and tests. (#1878)

v2.7.2 - 2020-09-04

Features and Enhancements

  • Update tests for additional test code coverage. This was a community contribution from blackout. (#1867)

  • Add implicit links to documentation generated for Storm services, to allow for direct linking inside of documentation to specific Storm commands. (#1866)

  • Add future support for deprecating model elements in the Synapse data model. This support will produce client and server side warnings when deprecated model elements are used or loaded by custom model extensions or CoreModules. (#1863)


  • Update FixedCache.put() to avoid a cache miss. This was a community contribution from blackout. (#1868)

  • Fix the ioloop construction to be aware of SYN_GREEDY_CORO environment variable to put the ioloop into debug mode and log long-running coroutines. (#1870)

  • Fix how service permissions are checked in $lib.service.get() and $lib.service.wait() Storm library calls. These APIs now first check service.get.<service iden> before checking service.get.<service name> permissions. A successful service.get.<service name> check will result in a warning to the client and the server. (#1871)

v2.7.1 - 2020-08-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Refactor an Axon unit test to make it easier to test alternative Axon implementations. (#1862)


  • Fix an issue in where it did not ensure that the users Synapse directory was created before trying to open files in the directory. (#1860) (#1861)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix an incorrect statement in our documentation about the intrinsic Axon that a Cortex creates being remotely accessible. (#1862)

v2.7.0 - 2020-08-21

Features and Enhancements

  • Add Telepath and HTTP API support to set and remove global Storm variables. (#1846)

  • Add Cell level APIs for performing the backup of a Cell. These APIs are exposed inside of a Cortex via a Storm Library. (#1844)

  • Add support for Cron name and doc fields to be editable. (#1848)

  • Add support for Runtime-only (runt) nodes in the PivotOut operation (-> *). (#1851)

  • Add :nicks and :names secondary properties to ps:person and ps:persona types. (#1852)

  • Add a new ou:position form and a few associated secondary properties. (#1849)

  • Add a step to the CI build process to smoke test the sdist and wheel packages before publishing them to PyPI. (#1853)

  • Add support for representing nodedata in the command hinting for Storm command implementations and expose it on the syn:cmd runt nodes. (#1850)

  • Add package level configuration data to Storm Packages in the modconf value of a package definition. This is added to the runtime variables when a Storm package is imported, and includes the svciden for packages which come from Storm Services. (#1855)

  • Add support for passing HTTP params when using $lib.inet.http.* functions to make HTTP calls in Storm. (#1856)

  • Log Storm queries made via the callStorm() and count() APIs. (#1857)


  • Fix an issue were some Storm filter operations were not yielding CPU time appropriately. (#1845)

Improved Documentation

  • Remove a reference to deprecated eval() API from quickstart documentation. (#1858)

v2.6.0 - 2020-08-13

Features and Enhancements

  • Support +hh:mm and +hh:mm timezone offset parsing when normalizing time values. (#1833)

  • Enable making mirrors of Cortex mirrors work. (#1836)

  • Remove read-only properties from inet:flow and inet:http:request forms. (#1840)

  • Add support for setting nodedata and light edges in the syn.nodes ingest format. (#1839)

  • Sync the LMDB Slab replay log if it gets too large instead of waiting for a force commit operation. (#1838)

  • Make the Agenda unit tests an actual component test to reduce test complexity. (#1837)

  • Support glob patterns when specifying files to upload to an Axon with (#1837)

  • Use the node edit metadata to store and set the .created property on nodes, so that mirrors of Cortexes have consistent .created timestamps. (#1765)

  • Support parent runtime variables being accessed during the execution of a macro.exec command. (#1841)

  • Setting tags from variable values in Storm now calls s_stormtypes.tostr() on the variable value. (#1843)


  • The Storm tree command now catches the Synapse RecursionLimitHit error and raises a StormRuntimeError instead. The RecursionLimitHit being raised by that command was, in practice, confusing. (#1832)

  • Resolve memory leak issues related to callStorm and Base object teardowns with exceptions. (#1842)

v2.5.1 - 2020-08-05

Features and Enhancements

  • Add performance oriented counting APIs per layer, and expose them via Stormtypes. (#1813)

  • Add the ability to clone a layer, primarily for benchmarking and testing purposes. (#1819)

  • Update the benchmark script to run on remote Cortexes. (#1829)


  • Sanitize passwords from Telepath URLs during specific cases where the URL may be logged. (#1830)

Improved Documentation

  • Fix a few typos in docstrings. (#1831)

v2.5.0 - 2020-07-30

Features and Enhancements

  • Refactor the Nexus to remove leadership awareness. (#1785)

  • Add support for client-side certificates in Telepath for SSL connections. (#1785)

  • Add multi-dir support for CertDir. (#1785)

  • Add a --no-edges option to the Storm graph command. (#1805)

  • Add :doc:url to the syn:tag form to allow recording a URL which may document a tag. (#1805)

  • Add CoreApi.reqValidStorm() and a /api/v1/reqvalidstorm Cortex HTTP API endpoint to validate that a given Storm query is valid Storm syntax. (#1806)

  • Support Unicode white space in Storm. All Python s (Unicode white space + ASCII separators) is now treated as white space in Storm. (#1812)

  • Refactor how StormLib and StormPrim objects access their object locals, and add them to a global registry to support runtime introspection of those classes. (#1804)

  • Add smoke tests for the Docker containers built in CircleCI, as well as adding Docker healthchecks to the Cortex, Axon and Cryotank images. (#1815)

  • Initialize the names of the default view and layer in a fresh Cortex to default. (#1814)

  • Add HTTP API endpoints for the Axon to upload, download and check for the existend of files. (#1817) (#1822) (#1824) (#1825)

  • Add a $lib.bytes.has() API to check if the Axon a Cortex is configured with knows about a given sha256 value. (#1822)

  • Add initial model for prices, currences, securities and exchanges. (#1820)

  • Add a :author field to the it:app:yara:rule form. (#1821)

  • Add an experimental option to set the NexusLog as a map_async slab. (#1826)

  • Add an initial transportation model. (#1816)

  • Add the ability to dereference an item, from a list of items, in Storm via index. (#1827)

  • Add a generic $lib.inet.http.request() Stormlib function make HTTP requests with arbitrary verbs. (#1828)


  • Fix an issue with the Docker builds for Synapse where the package was not being installed properly. (#1815)

Improved Documentation

  • Update documentation for deploying Cortex mirrors. (#1811)

  • Add automatically generated documentation for all the Storm $lib... functions and Storm Primitive types. (#1804)

  • Add examples of creating a given Form to the automatically generated documentation for the automatically generated datamodel documentation. (#1818)

  • Add additional documentation for Cortex automation. (#1797)

  • Add Devops documentation for the list of user permissions relevant to a Cell, Cortex and Axon. (#1823)

v2.4.0 - 2020-07-15

Features and Enhancements

  • Update the Storm scrape command to make refs light edges, instead of edge:refs nodes. (#1801) (#1803)

  • Add :headers and :response:headers secondary properties to the inet:http:request form as Array types, so that requests can be directly linked to headers. (#1800)

  • Add :headers secondary property to the inet:email:messaage form as Array types, so that messages can be directly linked to headers. (#1800)

  • Add additional model elements to support recording additional data for binary reverse engineering. (#1802)

v2.3.1 - 2020-07-13


  • Prohibit invalid rules from being set on a User or Role object. (#1798)

v2.3.0 - 2020-07-09

Features and Enhancements

  • Add ps.list and ps.kill commands to Storm, to allow introspecting the runtime tasks during (#1782)

  • Add an autoadd mode to Storm, which will extract basic indicators and make nodes from them when executed. This is a superset of the behavior in the lookup mode. (#1795)

  • Support skipping directories in the tool. (#1792)

  • Add prefix based lifting to the Hex type. (#1796)


  • Fix an issue for prop pivot out syntax where the source data is an array type. (#1794)

Improved Documentation

  • Add Synapse data model background on light edges and update the Storm data modification and pivot references for light edges. (#1784)

  • Add additional terms to the Synapse glossary. (#1784)

  • Add documentation for additional Storm commands. (#1784)

  • Update documentation for Array types. (#1791)

v2.2.2 - 2020-07-03

Features and Enhancements

  • Add some small enhancements to the Cortex benchmarking script. (#1790)


  • Fix an error in the help for the macro.del command. (#1786)

  • Fix rule indexing for the tool to correctly print the rule offsets. (#1787)

  • Remove extraneous output from the Storm Parser output. (#1789)

  • Rewrite the language (and private APIs) for the Storm model.edge related commands to remove references to extended properties. That was confusing language which was unclear for users. (#1789)

  • During 2.0.0 migrations, ensure that Cortex and Layer idens are unique; and make minimum 0.1.6 version requirement for migration. (#1788)

v2.2.1 - 2020-06-30


  • The Axon test suite was missing a test for calling Axon.get() on a file it did not have. This is now included in the test suite. (#1783)

Improved Documentation

  • Improve Synapse devops documentation hierarchy. Add note about Cell directories being persistent. (#1781)

v2.2.0 - 2020-06-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Add a postAnit() callback to the synapse.lib.base.Base() object which is called after the __anit__() call chain is completed, but before Base.anit() returns the object instance to the caller. This is used by the Cell to defer certain Nexus actions until the Cell has completed initializing all of its instance attributes. (#1768)

  • Make synapse.lib.msgpack.en() raise a SynErr.NotMsgpackSafe exception instead of passing through the exception raised by msgpack. (#1768)


  • Add a missing toprim() call in $lib.globals.set(). (#1778)

  • Fix an issue in the quickstart documentation related to permissions. Thank you enadjoe for your contribution. (#1779)

  • Fix an Cell/Cortex startup issue which caused errors when starting up a Cortex when the last Nexus event was replayed. This has a secondary effect that Cell implementers cannot be making Nexus changes during the __anit__ methods. (#1768)

Improved Documentation

  • Add a minimal Storm Service example to the developer documentation. (#1776)

  • Reorganize the Synapse User Guide into a more hierarchical format. (#1777)

  • Fill out additional glossary items. (#1780)

v2.1.2 - 2020-06-18


  • Disallow command and bare string contensts from starting with // and /* in Storm syntax. (#1769)

v2.1.1 - 2020-06-16


  • Fix an issue in the autodoc tool which failed to account for Storm Service commands without cmdargs. (#1775)

v2.1.0 - 2020-06-16

Features and Enhancements

  • Add information about light edges to graph carving output. (#1762)

  • Add a geo:json type and geo:place:geojson property to the model. (#1759)

  • Add the ability to record documentation for light edges. (#1760)

  • Add the ability to delete and set items inside of a MultiQueue. (#1766)

Improved Documentation

  • Refactor v2.0.0 changelog documentation. (#1763)

  • Add Vertex branding to the Synapse documentation. (#1767)

  • Update Backups documentation in the Devops guide. (#1764)

  • Update the autodoc tool to generate documentation for Cell confdefs and StormService information. (#1772)

  • Update to separate the devops guides into distinct sections. (#1772)

  • Add documentation for how to do boot-time configuration for a Synapse Cell. (#1772)

  • Remove duplicate information about backups. (#1774)

v2.0.0 - 2020-06-08

Initial 2.0.0 release.

API Deprecation Notice - 2023-10-01

It’s time to shed some long standing deprecations to reduce technical debt and prepare for some new features and subsystems! The following deprecated APIs and commands will be removed on 2023-10-01:

Storm Commands

  • sudo

  • splice.list

  • splice.undo

Storm Options

  • editformat=splices

Cortex Telepath APIs

  • stat()

  • addCronJob()

  • delCronJob()

  • updateCronJob()

  • enableCronJob()

  • disableCronJob()

  • listCronJobs()

  • editCronJob()

  • setStormCmd()

  • delStormCmd()

  • addNodeTag()

  • delNodeTag()

  • setNodeProp()

  • delNodeProp()

  • eval()

  • watch()

  • splices()

  • splicesBack()

  • spliceHistory()

  • addFeedData(syn.splice, ...)

  • addFeedData(syn.nodeedits, ...)

Layer Telepath APIs

  • splices()

  • splicesBack()

  • truncate()

Cmdr Commands

  • at

  • cron

  • trigger