Source code for synapse.lib.ast

import types
import asyncio
import decimal
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import logging
import binascii
import itertools
import contextlib
import collections

import regex

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common

import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
import synapse.lib.node as s_node
import synapse.lib.cache as s_cache
import synapse.lib.scope as s_scope
import synapse.lib.types as s_types
import synapse.lib.scrape as s_scrape
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack
import synapse.lib.spooled as s_spooled
import synapse.lib.stormctrl as s_stormctrl
import synapse.lib.stormtypes as s_stormtypes

from synapse.lib.stormtypes import tobool, toint, toprim, tostr, tonumber, tocmprvalu, undef


    'always': SET_ALWAYS,
    'unset': SET_UNSET,
    'never': SET_NEVER,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def parseNumber(x): return s_stormtypes.Number(x) if '.' in x else s_stormtypes.intify(x)
[docs] class AstNode: ''' Base class for all nodes in the Storm abstract syntax tree. ''' # set to True if recursive runt-safety checks should *not* recurse # into children of this node. runtopaque = False def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=()): = [] self.astinfo = astinfo self.hasast = {} [self.addKid(k) for k in kids]
[docs] def getAstText(self): return self.astinfo.text[self.astinfo.soff:self.astinfo.eoff]
[docs] def getPosInfo(self): return { 'hash': s_common.queryhash(self.astinfo.text), 'lines': (self.astinfo.sline, self.astinfo.eline), 'columns': (self.astinfo.scol, self.astinfo.ecol), 'offsets': (self.astinfo.soff, self.astinfo.eoff), }
[docs] def addExcInfo(self, exc): if 'highlight' not in exc.errinfo: exc.set('highlight', self.getPosInfo()) return exc
[docs] def repr(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {}'
def __repr__(self): return self.repr()
[docs] def addKid(self, astn): indx = len( astn.parent = self astn.pindex = indx
[docs] def sibling(self, offs=1): ''' Return sibling node by relative offset from self. ''' indx = self.pindex + offs if indx < 0: return None if indx >= len( return None return[indx]
[docs] def iterright(self): ''' Yield "rightward" siblings until None. ''' offs = 1 while True: sibl = self.sibling(offs) if sibl is None: break yield sibl offs += 1
[docs] def format(self, depth=0): yield (depth, self.repr()) for kid in for item in kid.format(depth=depth + 1): yield item
[docs] def init(self, core): [k.init(core) for k in] self.prepare()
[docs] def validate(self, runt): [k.validate(runt) for k in]
[docs] def prepare(self): pass
[docs] def hasAstClass(self, clss): if (hasast := self.hasast.get(clss)) is not None: return hasast retn = self._hasAstClass(clss) self.hasast[clss] = retn return retn
def _hasAstClass(self, clss): for kid in if isinstance(kid, clss): return True if isinstance(kid, (Edit, Function, CmdOper, SetVarOper, SetItemOper, VarListSetOper, Value, N1Walk, LiftOper)): continue if kid.hasAstClass(clss): return True return False
[docs] def optimize(self): [k.optimize() for k in]
def __iter__(self): for kid in yield kid
[docs] def getRuntVars(self, runt): for kid in yield from kid.getRuntVars(runt)
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return all(k.isRuntSafe(runt) for k in
[docs] def isRuntSafeAtom(self, runt): return True
[docs] def reqRuntSafe(self, runt, mesg): todo = collections.deque([self]) # depth first search for an non-runtsafe atom. while todo: nkid = todo.popleft() if not nkid.isRuntSafeAtom(runt): raise nkid.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) if nkid.runtopaque: continue todo.extend(
[docs] def reqNotReadOnly(self, runt, mesg=None): if runt.readonly: if mesg is None: mesg = 'Storm runtime is in readonly mode, cannot create or edit nodes and other graph data.' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg))
[docs] def hasVarName(self, name): return any(k.hasVarName(name) for k in
[docs] class LookList(AstNode): pass
[docs] class Query(AstNode): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=()): AstNode.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) # for options parsed from the query itself self.opts = {} self.text = self.getAstText()
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): async with contextlib.AsyncExitStack() as stack: for oper in genr = await stack.enter_async_context(contextlib.aclosing(, genr))) async for node, path in genr: runt.tick() yield node, path
[docs] async def iterNodePaths(self, runt, genr=None): count = 0 self.optimize() self.validate(runt) # turtles all the way down... if genr is None: genr = runt.getInput() async with contextlib.aclosing(, genr)) as agen: async for node, path in agen: runt.tick() yield node, path count += 1 limit = runt.getOpt('limit') if limit is not None and count >= limit: break
[docs] class Lookup(Query): ''' When storm input mode is "lookup" ''' def __init__(self, astinfo, kids, autoadd=False): Query.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.autoadd = autoadd
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): if self.autoadd: self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) async def getnode(form, valu): try: if self.autoadd: runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'add', form)) return await runt.snap.addNode(form, valu) else: norm, info = runt.model.form(form).type.norm(valu) node = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef((form, norm)) if node is None: await'look:miss', ndef=(form, norm)) return node except s_exc.BadTypeValu: return None async def lookgenr(): async for item in genr: yield item tokns = [await kid.compute(runt, None) for kid in[0]] if not tokns: return for tokn in tokns: async for form, valu in s_scrape.scrapeAsync(tokn, first=True): node = await getnode(form, valu) if node is not None: yield node, runt.initPath(node) realgenr = lookgenr() if len( > 1: realgenr =[1].run(runt, realgenr) async for node, path in realgenr: yield node, path
[docs] class SubGraph: ''' An Oper like object which generates a subgraph. Notes: The rules format for the subgraph is shaped like the following:: rules = { 'degrees': 1, 'edges': True, 'edgelimit': 3000, 'filterinput': True, 'yieldfiltered': False, 'filters': [ '-(#foo or #bar)', '-(foo:bar or baz:faz)', ], 'pivots': [ '-> * | limit 100', '<- * | limit 100', ] 'forms': { 'inet:fqdn':{ 'filters': [], 'pivots': [], } '*': { 'filters': [], 'pivots': [], }, }, } Nodes which were original seeds have path.meta('graph:seed'). All nodes have path.meta('edges') which is a list of (iden, info) tuples. ''' def __init__(self, rules): self.omits = {} self.rules = rules self.rules.setdefault('forms', {}) self.rules.setdefault('pivots', ()) self.rules.setdefault('filters', ()) self.rules.setdefault('existing', ()) self.rules.setdefault('refs', False) self.rules.setdefault('edges', True) self.rules.setdefault('degrees', 1) self.rules.setdefault('maxsize', 100000) self.rules.setdefault('edgelimit', 3000) self.rules.setdefault('filterinput', True) self.rules.setdefault('yieldfiltered', False)
[docs] async def omit(self, runt, node): answ = self.omits.get(node.buid) if answ is not None: return answ for filt in self.rules.get('filters'): if await node.filter(runt, filt): self.omits[node.buid] = True return True rules = self.rules['forms'].get( if rules is None: rules = self.rules['forms'].get('*') if rules is None: self.omits[node.buid] = False return False for filt in rules.get('filters', ()): if await node.filter(runt, filt): self.omits[node.buid] = True return True self.omits[node.buid] = False return False
[docs] async def pivots(self, runt, node, path, existing): if self.rules.get('refs'): for propname, ndef in node.getNodeRefs(): pivonode = await node.snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if pivonode is None: # pragma: no cover await asyncio.sleep(0) continue link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': propname} yield (pivonode, path.fork(pivonode, link), link) for iden in existing: buid = s_common.uhex(iden) othr = await node.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) for propname, ndef in othr.getNodeRefs(): if ndef == node.ndef: yield (othr, path, {'type': 'prop', 'prop': propname, 'reverse': True}) for pivq in self.rules.get('pivots'): indx = 0 async for node, path in node.storm(runt, pivq): yield node, path, {'type': 'rules', 'scope': 'global', 'index': indx} indx += 1 scope = rules = self.rules['forms'].get(scope) if rules is None: scope = '*' rules = self.rules['forms'].get(scope) if rules is None: return for pivq in rules.get('pivots', ()): indx = 0 async for n, p in node.storm(runt, pivq): yield (n, p, {'type': 'rules', 'scope': scope, 'index': indx}) indx += 1
async def _edgefallback(self, runt, results, node): async for buid01 in results: await asyncio.sleep(0) iden01 = s_common.ehex(buid01) async for verb in node.iterEdgeVerbs(buid01): await asyncio.sleep(0) yield (iden01, {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verb}) # for existing nodes, we need to add n2 -> n1 edges in reverse async for verb in runt.snap.iterEdgeVerbs(buid01, node.buid): await asyncio.sleep(0) yield (iden01, {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verb, 'reverse': True})
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): # NOTE: this function must agressively yield the ioloop edgelimit = self.rules.get('edgelimit') doedges = self.rules.get('edges') degrees = self.rules.get('degrees') maxsize = self.rules.get('maxsize') existing = self.rules.get('existing') filterinput = self.rules.get('filterinput') yieldfiltered = self.rules.get('yieldfiltered') self.user = runt.user todo = collections.deque() async with contextlib.AsyncExitStack() as stack: core = runt.snap.core done = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Set.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) intodo = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Set.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) results = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Set.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) revpivs = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Dict.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) revedge = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Dict.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) edgecounts = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Dict.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) n1delayed = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Set.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) n2delayed = await stack.enter_async_context(await s_spooled.Set.anit(dirn=core.dirn, cell=core)) # load the existing graph as already done [await results.add(s_common.uhex(b)) for b in existing] if doedges: for b in existing: ecnt = 0 cache = collections.defaultdict(list) async for verb, n2iden in runt.snap.iterNodeEdgesN1(s_common.uhex(b)): await asyncio.sleep(0) if s_common.uhex(n2iden) in results: continue ecnt += 1 if ecnt > edgelimit: break cache[n2iden].append(verb) if ecnt > edgelimit: # don't let it into the cache. # We've hit a potential death star and need to deal with it specially await n1delayed.add(b) continue for n2iden, verbs in cache.items(): await asyncio.sleep(0) if n2delayed.has(n2iden): continue if not revedge.has(n2iden): await revedge.set(n2iden, {}) re = revedge.get(n2iden) if b not in re: re[b] = [] count = edgecounts.get(n2iden, defv=0) + len(verbs) if count > edgelimit: await n2delayed.add(n2iden) revedge.pop(n2iden) else: await edgecounts.set(n2iden, count) re[b] += verbs await revedge.set(n2iden, re) async def todogenr(): async for node, path in genr: path.meta('graph:seed', True) yield node, path, 0 while todo: yield todo.popleft() count = 0 async for node, path, dist in todogenr(): await asyncio.sleep(0) buid = node.buid if buid in done: continue count += 1 if count > maxsize: await runt.snap.warn(f'Graph projection hit max size {maxsize}. Truncating results.') break await done.add(buid) intodo.discard(buid) omitted = False if dist > 0 or filterinput: omitted = await self.omit(runt, node) if omitted and not yieldfiltered: continue # we must traverse the pivots for the node *regardless* of degrees # due to needing to tie any leaf nodes to nodes that were already yielded nodeiden = node.iden() edges = list(revpivs.get(buid, defv=())) async for pivn, pivp, pinfo in self.pivots(runt, node, path, existing): await asyncio.sleep(0) if results.has(pivn.buid): edges.append((pivn.iden(), pinfo)) else: pinfo['reverse'] = True pivedges = revpivs.get(pivn.buid, defv=()) await revpivs.set(pivn.buid, pivedges + ((nodeiden, pinfo),)) # we dont pivot from omitted nodes if omitted: continue # no need to pivot to nodes we already did if pivn.buid in done: continue # no need to queue up todos that are already in todo if pivn.buid in intodo: continue # no need to pivot to existing nodes if pivn.iden() in existing: continue # do we have room to go another degree out? if degrees is None or dist < degrees: todo.append((pivn, pivp, dist + 1)) await intodo.add(pivn.buid) if doedges: ecnt = 0 cache = collections.defaultdict(list) await results.add(buid) # Try to lift and cache the potential edges for a node so that if we end up # seeing n2 later, we won't have to go back and check for it async for verb, n2iden in runt.snap.iterNodeEdgesN1(buid): await asyncio.sleep(0) if ecnt > edgelimit: break ecnt += 1 cache[n2iden].append(verb) if ecnt > edgelimit: # The current node in the pipeline has too many edges from it, so it's # less prohibitive to just check against the graph await n1delayed.add(nodeiden) async for e in self._edgefallback(runt, results, node): edges.append(e) else: for n2iden, verbs in cache.items(): await asyncio.sleep(0) if n2delayed.has(n2iden): continue if not revedge.has(n2iden): await revedge.set(n2iden, {}) re = revedge.get(n2iden) if nodeiden not in re: re[nodeiden] = [] count = edgecounts.get(n2iden, defv=0) + len(verbs) if count > edgelimit: await n2delayed.add(n2iden) revedge.pop(n2iden) else: await edgecounts.set(n2iden, count) re[nodeiden] += verbs await revedge.set(n2iden, re) if revedge.has(nodeiden): for n2iden, verbs in revedge.get(nodeiden).items(): for verb in verbs: await asyncio.sleep(0) edges.append((n2iden, {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verb, 'reverse': True})) if n2delayed.has(nodeiden): async for buid01 in results: async for verb in runt.snap.iterEdgeVerbs(buid01, buid): await asyncio.sleep(0) edges.append((s_common.ehex(buid01), {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verb, 'reverse': True})) for n2iden, verbs in cache.items(): if s_common.uhex(n2iden) not in results: continue for v in verbs: await asyncio.sleep(0) edges.append((n2iden, {'type': 'edge', 'verb': v})) async for n1iden in n1delayed: n1buid = s_common.uhex(n1iden) async for verb in runt.snap.iterEdgeVerbs(n1buid, buid): await asyncio.sleep(0) edges.append((n1iden, {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verb, 'reverse': True})) path.metadata['edges'] = edges yield node, path
[docs] class Oper(AstNode):
[docs] async def yieldFromValu(self, runt, valu, vkid): viewiden = runt.snap.view.iden # there is nothing in None... ;) if valu is None: return # a little DWIM on what we get back... # ( most common case will be stormtypes libs agenr -> iden|buid ) # buid list -> nodes if isinstance(valu, bytes): node = await runt.snap.getNodeByBuid(valu) if node is not None: yield node return # iden list -> nodes if isinstance(valu, str): try: buid = s_common.uhex(valu) except binascii.Error: mesg = 'Yield string must be iden in hexdecimal. Got: %r' % (valu,) raise vkid.addExcInfo(s_exc.BadLiftValu(mesg=mesg)) node = await runt.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if node is not None: yield node return if isinstance(valu, types.AsyncGeneratorType): try: async for item in valu: async for node in self.yieldFromValu(runt, item, vkid): yield node finally: await valu.aclose() return if isinstance(valu, types.GeneratorType): try: for item in valu: async for node in self.yieldFromValu(runt, item, vkid): yield node finally: valu.close() return if isinstance(valu, (list, tuple, set)): for item in valu: async for node in self.yieldFromValu(runt, item, vkid): yield node return if isinstance(valu, s_stormtypes.Node): valu = valu.valu if valu.snap.view.iden != viewiden: mesg = f'Node is not from the current view. Node {valu.iden()} is from {valu.snap.view.iden} expected {viewiden}' raise vkid.addExcInfo(s_exc.BadLiftValu(mesg=mesg)) yield valu return if isinstance(valu, s_node.Node): if valu.snap.view.iden != viewiden: mesg = f'Node is not from the current view. Node {valu.iden()} is from {valu.snap.view.iden} expected {viewiden}' raise vkid.addExcInfo(s_exc.BadLiftValu(mesg=mesg)) yield valu return if isinstance(valu, (s_stormtypes.List, s_stormtypes.Set)): for item in valu.valu: async for node in self.yieldFromValu(runt, item, vkid): yield node return if isinstance(valu, s_stormtypes.Prim): async with contextlib.aclosing(valu.nodes()) as genr: async for node in genr: if node.snap.view.iden != viewiden: mesg = f'Node is not from the current view. Node {node.iden()} is from {node.snap.view.iden} expected {viewiden}' raise vkid.addExcInfo(s_exc.BadLiftValu(mesg=mesg)) yield node return
[docs] class SubQuery(Oper): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=()): Oper.__init__(self, astinfo, kids) self.hasyield = False self.hasretn = self.hasAstClass(Return) self.text = '' if len(kids): self.text = kids[0].getAstText()
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return True
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): subq =[0] async for item in genr: subp = None async for subp in, s_common.agen(item)): if self.hasyield: yield subp # dup any path variables from the last yielded if subp is not None: item[1].vars.update(subp[1].vars) yield item
[docs] async def inline(self, runt, genr): ''' Operate subquery as if it were inlined ''' async for item in[0].run(runt, genr): yield item
async def _compute(self, runt, path, limit): retn = [] async with runt.getSubRuntime([0]) as runt: async for valunode, valupath in runt.execute(): retn.append(valunode) if len(retn) > limit: query =[0].text mesg = f'Subquery used as a value yielded too many (>{limit}) nodes. {s_common.trimText(query)}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg, text=query)) return retn
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): ''' Use subquery as a value. It is error if the subquery used in this way doesn't yield exactly one node or has a return statement. Its value is the primary property of the node yielded, or the returned value. ''' try: retn = await self._compute(runt, path, 1) except s_stormctrl.StormReturn as e: # a subquery assignment with a return; just use the returned value return e.item if retn == []: return None return retn[0]
[docs] async def compute_array(self, runt, path): ''' Use subquery as an array. ''' try: return await self._compute(runt, path, 128) except s_stormctrl.StormReturn as e: # a subquery assignment with a return; just use the returned value return e.item
[docs] class InitBlock(AstNode): ''' An AST node that runs only once before yielding nodes. Example: Using a init block:: init { // stuff here runs *once* before the first node yield (even if there are no nodes) } '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): subq =[0] self.reqRuntSafe(runt, 'Init block query must be runtsafe') once = False async for item in genr: if not once: async for innr in, s_common.agen()): yield innr once = True yield item if not once: async for innr in, s_common.agen()): yield innr
[docs] class EmptyBlock(AstNode): ''' An AST node that only runs if there are not inbound nodes in the pipeline. It is capable of yielding nodes into the pipeline. Example: Using an empty block:: empty { // the pipeline is empty so this block will execute } [foo:bar=*] empty { // there is a node in the pipeline so this block will not run } '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): subq =[0] self.reqRuntSafe(runt, 'Empty block query must be runtsafe') empty = True async for item in genr: empty = False yield item if empty: async for subn in, s_common.agen()): yield subn
[docs] class FiniBlock(AstNode): ''' An AST node that runs only once after all nodes have been consumed. Example: Using a fini block:: fini { // stuff here runs *once* after the last node yield (even if there are no nodes) } Notes: A fini block must be runtsafe. '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): subq =[0] self.reqRuntSafe(runt, 'Fini block query must be runtsafe') async for item in genr: yield item async for innr in, s_common.agen()): yield innr
[docs] class TryCatch(AstNode):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): count = 0 async for item in genr: count += 1 try: agen = s_common.agen(item) async for subi in[0].run(runt, agen): yield subi except s_exc.SynErr as e: block = await self.getCatchBlock(e.errname, runt, path=item[1]) if block is None: raise await item[1].setVar(block.errvar(), await self.getErrValu(e)) agen = s_common.agen(item) async for subi in, agen): yield subi if count == 0: try: async for item in[0].run(runt, genr): yield item except s_exc.SynErr as e: block = await self.getCatchBlock(e.errname, runt) if block is None: raise await runt.setVar(block.errvar(), await self.getErrValu(e)) async for item in, s_common.agen()): yield item
[docs] async def getErrValu(self, e): mesg = e.errinfo.pop('mesg', 'No message given.') info = await s_stormtypes.toprim(e.errinfo) return {'name': e.errname, 'mesg': mesg, 'info': info}
[docs] async def getCatchBlock(self, name, runt, path=None): for catchblock in[1:]: if await catchblock.catches(name, runt, path=path): return catchblock
[docs] class CatchBlock(AstNode): def _hasAstClass(self, clss): return[1].hasAstClass(clss)
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): async for item in[2].run(runt, genr): yield item
[docs] def getRuntVars(self, runt): yield (self.errvar(), True) yield from[2].getRuntVars(runt)
[docs] def errvar(self): return[1].value()
[docs] async def catches(self, name, runt, path=None): catchvalu = await[0].compute(runt, path) catchvalu = await s_stormtypes.toprim(catchvalu) if isinstance(catchvalu, str): if catchvalu == '*': return True return catchvalu == name if isinstance(catchvalu, (list, tuple)): for catchname in catchvalu: if catchname == name: return True return False etyp = catchvalu.__class__.__name__ mesg = f'catch block must be a str or list object. {etyp} not allowed.' raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg, type=etyp))
[docs] class ForLoop(Oper): def _hasAstClass(self, clss): return[2].hasAstClass(clss)
[docs] def getRuntVars(self, runt): runtsafe =[1].isRuntSafe(runt) if isinstance([0], VarList): for name in[0].value(): yield name, runtsafe else: yield[0].value(), runtsafe yield from[2].getRuntVars(runt)
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): subq =[2] name =[0].value() node = None async for node, path in genr: # TODO: remove when storm is all objects valu = await[1].compute(runt, path) if isinstance(valu, s_stormtypes.Prim): # returns an async genr instance... valu = valu.iter() if isinstance(valu, dict): valu = list(valu.items()) if valu is None: valu = () async with contextlib.aclosing(s_coro.agen(valu)) as agen: try: agen, _ = await pullone(agen) except TypeError: styp = await s_stormtypes.totype(valu, basetypes=True) mesg = f"'{styp}' object is not iterable: {s_common.trimText(repr(valu))}" raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg, type=styp)) from None async for item in agen: if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)): try: numitems = len(item) except TypeError: mesg = f'Number of items to unpack does not match the number of variables: {s_common.trimText(repr(item))}' exc = s_exc.StormVarListError(mesg=mesg, names=name) raise[1].addExcInfo(exc) if len(name) != numitems: mesg = f'Number of items to unpack does not match the number of variables: {s_common.trimText(repr(item))}' exc = s_exc.StormVarListError(mesg=mesg, names=name, numitems=numitems) raise[1].addExcInfo(exc) if isinstance(item, s_stormtypes.Prim): item = await item.value() for x, y in itertools.zip_longest(name, item): await path.setVar(x, y) await runt.setVar(x, y) else: # set both so inner subqueries have it in their runtime await path.setVar(name, item) await runt.setVar(name, item) try: # since it's possible to "multiply" the (node, path) # we must make a clone of the path to prevent yield-then-use. newg = s_common.agen((node, path.clone())) async for item in subq.inline(runt, newg): yield item except s_stormctrl.StormBreak as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem break except s_stormctrl.StormContinue as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem continue finally: # for loops must yield per item they iterate over await asyncio.sleep(0) # no nodes and a runt safe value should execute once if node is None and[1].isRuntSafe(runt): valu = await[1].compute(runt, None) if isinstance(valu, s_stormtypes.Prim): # returns an async genr instance... valu = valu.iter() if isinstance(valu, dict): valu = list(valu.items()) if valu is None: valu = () async with contextlib.aclosing(s_coro.agen(valu)) as agen: try: agen, _ = await pullone(agen) except TypeError: styp = await s_stormtypes.totype(valu, basetypes=True) mesg = f"'{styp}' object is not iterable: {s_common.trimText(repr(valu))}" raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg, type=styp)) from None async for item in agen: if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)): try: numitems = len(item) except TypeError: mesg = f'Number of items to unpack does not match the number of variables: {s_common.trimText(repr(item))}' exc = s_exc.StormVarListError(mesg=mesg, names=name) raise[1].addExcInfo(exc) if len(name) != numitems: mesg = f'Number of items to unpack does not match the number of variables: {s_common.trimText(repr(item))}' exc = s_exc.StormVarListError(mesg=mesg, names=name, numitems=numitems) raise[1].addExcInfo(exc) if isinstance(item, s_stormtypes.Prim): item = await item.value() for x, y in itertools.zip_longest(name, item): await runt.setVar(x, y) else: await runt.setVar(name, item) try: async for jtem in subq.inline(runt, s_common.agen()): yield jtem except s_stormctrl.StormBreak as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem break except s_stormctrl.StormContinue as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem continue finally: # for loops must yield per item they iterate over await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class WhileLoop(Oper): def _hasAstClass(self, clss): return[1].hasAstClass(clss)
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): subq =[1] node = None async for node, path in genr: while await tobool(await[0].compute(runt, path)): try: newg = s_common.agen((node, path)) async for item in subq.inline(runt, newg): yield item await asyncio.sleep(0) except s_stormctrl.StormBreak as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem break except s_stormctrl.StormContinue as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem continue finally: # while loops must yield each time they loop await asyncio.sleep(0) # no nodes and a runt safe value should execute once if node is None and[0].isRuntSafe(runt): while await tobool(await[0].compute(runt, None)): try: async for jtem in subq.inline(runt, s_common.agen()): yield jtem await asyncio.sleep(0) except s_stormctrl.StormBreak as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem break except s_stormctrl.StormContinue as e: if (eitem := e.get('item')) is not None: yield eitem continue finally: # while loops must yield each time they loop await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] async def pullone(genr): empty = False try: gotone = await genr.__anext__() except StopAsyncIteration: empty = True async def pullgenr(): if empty: return yield gotone async for item in genr: yield item return pullgenr(), empty
[docs] class CmdOper(Oper):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): name =[0].value() ctor = runt.snap.core.getStormCmd(name) if ctor is None: mesg = f'Storm command ({name}) not found.' exc = s_exc.NoSuchName(name=name, mesg=mesg) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) runtsafe =[1].isRuntSafe(runt) scmd = ctor(runt, runtsafe) if runt.readonly and not scmd.isReadOnly(): mesg = f'Command ({name}) is not marked safe for readonly use.' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg)) async def genx(): async for node, path in genr: argv = await[1].compute(runt, path) if not await scmd.setArgv(argv): raise s_stormctrl.StormExit() yield node, path # must pull through the genr to get opts set # ( many commands expect self.opts is set at run() ) genr, empty = await pullone(genx()) try: if runtsafe: argv = await[1].compute(runt, None) if not await scmd.setArgv(argv): raise s_stormctrl.StormExit() if runtsafe or not empty: async with contextlib.aclosing(scmd.execStormCmd(runt, genr)) as agen: async for item in agen: yield item finally: await genr.aclose()
[docs] class SetVarOper(Oper):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): name =[0].value() vkid =[1] count = 0 async for node, path in genr: count += 1 valu = await vkid.compute(runt, path) if valu is undef: await runt.popVar(name) # TODO detect which to update here await path.popVar(name) else: await runt.setVar(name, valu) # TODO detect which to update here await path.setVar(name, valu) yield node, path if count == 0 and vkid.isRuntSafe(runt): valu = await vkid.compute(runt, None) if valu is undef: await runt.popVar(name) else: await runt.setVar(name, valu)
[docs] def getRuntVars(self, runt): name =[0].value() if runt.runtvars.get(name) is None and[1].hasVarName(name): exc = s_exc.NoSuchVar(mesg=f'Missing variable: {name}', name=name) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) yield name,[1].isRuntSafe(runt) for k in yield from k.getRuntVars(runt)
[docs] class SetItemOper(Oper): ''' $ = baz $foo."bar baz" = faz $foo.$bar = baz '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): count = 0 async for node, path in genr: count += 1 item = s_stormtypes.fromprim(await[0].compute(runt, path), basetypes=False) if runt.readonly and not getattr(item.setitem, '_storm_readonly', False):[0].reqNotReadOnly(runt) name = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = await[2].compute(runt, path) # TODO: ditch this when storm goes full heavy object with s_scope.enter({'runt': runt}): try: await item.setitem(name, valu) except s_exc.SynErr as e: raise[0].addExcInfo(e) yield node, path if count == 0 and self.isRuntSafe(runt): item = s_stormtypes.fromprim(await[0].compute(runt, None), basetypes=False) name = await[1].compute(runt, None) valu = await[2].compute(runt, None) if runt.readonly and not getattr(item.setitem, '_storm_readonly', False):[0].reqNotReadOnly(runt) # TODO: ditch this when storm goes full heavy object with s_scope.enter({'runt': runt}): try: await item.setitem(name, valu) except s_exc.SynErr as e: raise[0].addExcInfo(e)
[docs] class VarListSetOper(Oper):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): names =[0].value() vkid =[1] anynodes = False async for node, path in genr: anynodes = True item = await vkid.compute(runt, path) item = [i async for i in s_stormtypes.toiter(item)] if len(item) < len(names): mesg = f'Attempting to assign more items than we have variables to assign to: {s_common.trimText(repr(item))}' exc = s_exc.StormVarListError(mesg=mesg, names=names, numitems=len(item)) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) for name, valu in zip(names, item): await runt.setVar(name, valu) await path.setVar(name, valu) yield node, path if not anynodes and vkid.isRuntSafe(runt): item = await vkid.compute(runt, None) item = [i async for i in s_stormtypes.toiter(item)] if len(item) < len(names): mesg = f'Attempting to assign more items than we have variables to assign to: {s_common.trimText(repr(item))}' exc = s_exc.StormVarListError(mesg=mesg, names=names, numitems=len(item)) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) for name, valu in zip(names, item): await runt.setVar(name, valu) async for item in genr: yield item return
[docs] def getRuntVars(self, runt): runtsafe =[1].isRuntSafe(runt) for name in[0].value(): yield name, runtsafe
[docs] class VarEvalOper(Oper): ''' Facilitate a stand-alone operator that evaluates a var. $"baz") '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): anynodes = False async for node, path in genr: anynodes = True await[0].compute(runt, path) yield node, path if not anynodes and self.isRuntSafe(runt): valu = await[0].compute(runt, None) if isinstance(valu, types.AsyncGeneratorType): async for item in valu: await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class SwitchCase(Oper): def _hasAstClass(self, clss): for kid in[1:]: if kid.hasAstClass(clss): return True return False
[docs] def prepare(self): self.cases = {} self.defcase = None for cent in[1:]: *vals, subq = if cent.defcase: self.defcase = subq continue for valu in vals: self.cases[valu.value()] = subq
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): count = 0 async for node, path in genr: count += 1 varv = await[0].compute(runt, path) # TODO: when we have var type system, do type-aware comparison subq = self.cases.get(await s_stormtypes.tostr(varv)) if subq is None and self.defcase is not None: subq = self.defcase if subq is None: yield (node, path) else: async for item in subq.inline(runt, s_common.agen((node, path))): yield item if count == 0 and[0].isRuntSafe(runt): # no nodes and a runt safe value should execute varv = await[0].compute(runt, None) subq = self.cases.get(await s_stormtypes.tostr(varv)) if subq is None and self.defcase is not None: subq = self.defcase if subq is None: return async for item in subq.inline(runt, s_common.agen()): yield item
[docs] class CaseEntry(AstNode): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=(), defcase=False): AstNode.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.defcase = defcase
[docs] class LiftOper(Oper): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=()): Oper.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.reverse = False
[docs] def reverseLift(self, astinfo): self.astinfo = astinfo self.reverse = True
[docs] def getPivNames(self, runt, prop, pivs): pivnames = [] typename = for piv in pivs: pivprop = runt.model.reqProp(f'{typename}:{piv}',[0].addExcInfo) pivnames.append(pivprop.full) typename = return pivnames
[docs] async def pivlift(self, runt, props, pivnames, genr): async def pivvals(prop, pivgenr): async for node in pivgenr: async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop, '=', node.ndef[1], reverse=self.reverse): yield pivo for pivname in pivnames[-2::-1]: genr = pivvals(pivname, genr) async for node in genr: valu = node.ndef[1] for prop in props: async for node in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', valu, reverse=self.reverse): yield node
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): if self.isRuntSafe(runt): # runtime safe lift operation async for item in genr: yield item async for node in self.lift(runt, None): yield node, runt.initPath(node) return link = {'type': 'runtime'} async for node, path in genr: yield node, path async for subn in self.lift(runt, path): yield subn, path.fork(subn, link)
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError('Must define lift(runt, path)')
[docs] class YieldValu(Oper):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): node = None vkid =[0] async for node, path in genr: valu = await vkid.compute(runt, path) async with contextlib.aclosing(self.yieldFromValu(runt, valu, vkid)) as agen: async for subn in agen: yield subn, runt.initPath(subn) yield node, path if node is None and[0].isRuntSafe(runt): valu = await vkid.compute(runt, None) async with contextlib.aclosing(self.yieldFromValu(runt, valu, vkid)) as agen: async for subn in agen: yield subn, runt.initPath(subn)
[docs] class LiftTag(LiftOper):
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): tag = await[0].compute(runt, path) if len( == 3: cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = await toprim(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for node in runt.snap.nodesByTagValu(tag, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return async for node in runt.snap.nodesByTag(tag, reverse=self.reverse): yield node
[docs] class LiftByArray(LiftOper): ''' :prop*[range=(200, 400)] '''
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): name = await[0].compute(runt, path) cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(await[2].compute(runt, path)) pivs = None if name.find('::') != -1: parts = name.split('::') name, pivs = parts[0], parts[1:] if (prop := runt.model.props.get(name)) is not None: props = (prop,) else: proplist = runt.model.ifaceprops.get(name) if proplist is None: raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(name)) props = [] for propname in proplist: props.append(runt.model.props.get(propname)) try: if pivs is not None: pivnames = self.getPivNames(runt, props[0], pivs) genr = runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(pivnames[-1], cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse) async for node in self.pivlift(runt, props, pivnames, genr): yield node return if len(props) == 1: async for node in runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(name, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return relname = props[0].name def cmprkey(node): return node.props.get(relname) genrs = [] for prop in props: genrs.append(runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(prop.full, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse)) async for node in s_common.merggenr2(genrs, cmprkey, reverse=self.reverse): yield node except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: raise[2].addExcInfo(e) except s_exc.SynErr as e: raise self.addExcInfo(e)
[docs] class LiftTagProp(LiftOper): ''' [ = x ] '''
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): tag, prop = await[0].compute(runt, path) if len( == 3: cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for node in runt.snap.nodesByTagPropValu(None, tag, prop, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return async for node in runt.snap.nodesByTagProp(None, tag, prop, reverse=self.reverse): yield node
[docs] class LiftFormTagProp(LiftOper): ''' [ = x ] '''
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): formname, tag, prop = await[0].compute(runt, path) forms = runt.model.reqFormsByLook(formname,[0].addExcInfo) def cmprkey(node): return node.getTagProp(tag, prop) genrs = [] if len( == 3: cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(await[2].compute(runt, path)) for form in forms: genrs.append(runt.snap.nodesByTagPropValu(form, tag, prop, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse)) else: for form in forms: genrs.append(runt.snap.nodesByTagProp(form, tag, prop, reverse=self.reverse)) async for node in s_common.merggenr2(genrs, cmprkey, reverse=self.reverse): yield node
[docs] class LiftTagTag(LiftOper): ''' '''
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): tagname = await[0].compute(runt, path) node = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(('syn:tag', tagname)) if node is None: return # only apply the lift valu to the top level tag of tags, not to the sub tags if len( == 3: cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = await toprim(await[2].compute(runt, path)) genr = runt.snap.nodesByTagValu(tagname, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse) else: genr = runt.snap.nodesByTag(tagname, reverse=self.reverse) done = set([tagname]) todo = collections.deque([genr]) while todo: genr = todo.popleft() async for node in genr: if == 'syn:tag': tagname = node.ndef[1] if tagname not in done: done.add(tagname) todo.append(runt.snap.nodesByTag(tagname, reverse=self.reverse)) continue yield node
[docs] class LiftFormTag(LiftOper):
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): formname = await[0].compute(runt, path) forms = runt.model.reqFormsByLook(formname,[0].addExcInfo) tag = await[1].compute(runt, path) if len( == 4: cmpr = await[2].compute(runt, path) valu = await toprim(await[3].compute(runt, path)) for form in forms: async for node in runt.snap.nodesByTagValu(tag, cmpr, valu, form=form, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return for form in forms: async for node in runt.snap.nodesByTag(tag, form=form, reverse=self.reverse): yield node
[docs] class LiftProp(LiftOper):
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): assert len( == 1 name = await tostr(await[0].compute(runt, path)) prop = runt.model.props.get(name) if prop is not None: async for node in self.proplift(prop, runt, path): yield node return proplist = runt.model.reqPropsByLook(name,[0].addExcInfo) props = [] for propname in proplist: props.append(runt.model.props.get(propname)) if len(props) == 1 or props[0].isform: for prop in props: async for node in self.proplift(prop, runt, path): yield node return relname = props[0].name def cmprkey(node): return node.props.get(relname) genrs = [] for prop in props: genrs.append(self.proplift(prop, runt, path)) async for node in s_common.merggenr2(genrs, cmprkey, reverse=self.reverse): yield node
[docs] async def proplift(self, prop, runt, path): # check if we can optimize a form lift if prop.isform: async for hint in self.getRightHints(runt, path): if hint[0] == 'tag': tagname = hint[1].get('name') async for node in runt.snap.nodesByTag(tagname, form=prop.full, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return if hint[0] == 'relprop': relpropname = hint[1].get('name') isuniv = hint[1].get('univ') if isuniv: fullname = ''.join([prop.full, relpropname]) else: fullname = ':'.join([prop.full, relpropname]) prop = runt.model.prop(fullname) if prop is None: return cmpr = hint[1].get('cmpr') valu = hint[1].get('valu') if cmpr is not None and valu is not None: try: # try lifting by valu but no guarantee a cmpr is available async for node in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(fullname, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover raise except: pass async for node in runt.snap.nodesByProp(fullname, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return async for node in runt.snap.nodesByProp(prop.full, reverse=self.reverse): yield node
[docs] async def getRightHints(self, runt, path): for oper in self.iterright(): # we can skip other lifts but that's it... if isinstance(oper, LiftOper): continue if isinstance(oper, FiltOper): for hint in await oper.getLiftHints(runt, path): yield hint continue return
[docs] class LiftPropBy(LiftOper):
[docs] async def lift(self, runt, path): name = await[0].compute(runt, path) cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = await[2].compute(runt, path) if not isinstance(valu, s_node.Node): valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(valu) pivs = None if name.find('::') != -1: parts = name.split('::') name, pivs = parts[0], parts[1:] prop = runt.model.props.get(name) if prop is not None: props = (prop,) else: proplist = runt.model.ifaceprops.get(name) if proplist is None: raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(name)) props = [] for propname in proplist: props.append(runt.model.props.get(propname)) try: if pivs is not None: pivnames = self.getPivNames(runt, props[0], pivs) genr = runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(pivnames[-1], cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse) async for node in self.pivlift(runt, props, pivnames, genr): yield node return if len(props) == 1: prop = props[0] async for node in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse): yield node return relname = props[0].name def cmprkey(node): return node.props.get(relname) genrs = [] for prop in props: genrs.append(runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, cmpr, valu, reverse=self.reverse)) async for node in s_common.merggenr2(genrs, cmprkey, reverse=self.reverse): yield node except s_exc.BadTypeValu as e: raise[2].addExcInfo(e) except s_exc.SynErr as e: raise self.addExcInfo(e)
[docs] class PivotOper(Oper): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=(), isjoin=False): Oper.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.isjoin = isjoin
[docs] def repr(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {}, isjoin={self.isjoin}'
def __repr__(self): return self.repr()
[docs] class RawPivot(PivotOper): ''' -> { <varsfrompath> } '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): query =[0] async for node, path in genr: async with runt.getSubRuntime(query) as subr: async for node, path in subr.execute(): yield node, path
[docs] class PivotOut(PivotOper): ''' -> * '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path async for item in self.getPivsOut(runt, node, path): yield item
[docs] async def getPivsOut(self, runt, node, path): # <syn:tag> -> * is "from tags to nodes with tags" if == 'syn:tag': link = {'type': 'tag', 'tag': node.ndef[1], 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByTag(node.ndef[1]): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) return if isinstance(node.form.type, s_types.Edge): n2def = node.get('n2') pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(n2def) if pivo is None: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(f'Missing node corresponding to ndef {n2def} on edge') return yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, {'type': 'prop', 'prop': 'n2'}) return for name, prop in node.form.props.items(): valu = node.get(name) if valu is None: continue link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop':} # if the outbound prop is an ndef... if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef): pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(valu) if pivo is None: continue yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) continue if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array): if isinstance(prop.type.arraytype, s_types.Ndef): for item in valu: if (pivo := await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(item)) is not None: yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) continue typename = prop.type.opts.get('type') if runt.model.forms.get(typename) is not None: for item in valu: async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(typename, '=', item, norm=False): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) form = runt.model.forms.get( if form is None: continue if prop.isrunt: async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(, '=', valu): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) continue pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef((, valu)) if pivo is None: # pragma: no cover continue # avoid self references if pivo.buid == node.buid: continue yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link)
[docs] class N1WalkNPivo(PivotOut):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path async for item in self.getPivsOut(runt, node, path): yield item async for (verb, iden) in node.iterEdgesN1(): wnode = await runt.snap.getNodeByBuid(s_common.uhex(iden)) if wnode is not None: yield wnode, path.fork(wnode, {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verb})
[docs] class PivotToTags(PivotOper): ''' -> # pivot to all leaf tag nodes -> #* pivot to all tag nodes -> #cno.* pivot to all tag nodes which match cno.* -> pivot to the tag node if present '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): leaf = False assert len( == 1 kid =[0] assert isinstance(kid, TagMatch) if kid.isconst: mval = kid.constval if not mval: leaf = True async def filter(x, path): return True elif kid.hasglob(): # glob matcher... async def filter(x, path): return fnmatch.fnmatch(x, mval) else: async def filter(x, path): return x == mval else: # We have a $var as a segment if kid.hasglob(): async def filter(x, path): valu = await kid.compute(runt, path) return fnmatch.fnmatch(x, valu) else: async def filter(x, path): valu = await kid.compute(runt, path) return x == valu async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path for name, _ in node.getTags(leaf=leaf): if not await filter(name, path): await asyncio.sleep(0) continue pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(('syn:tag', name)) if pivo is None: continue yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, {'type': 'tag', 'tag': name})
[docs] class PivotIn(PivotOper): ''' <- * '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path async for item in self.getPivsIn(runt, node, path): yield item
[docs] async def getPivsIn(self, runt, node, path): # if it's a graph edge, use :n1 if isinstance(node.form.type, s_types.Edge): ndef = node.get('n1') pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) if pivo is not None: yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, {'type': 'prop', 'prop': 'n1', 'reverse': True}) return name, valu = node.ndef for prop in runt.model.getPropsByType(name): link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop':, 'reverse': True} norm = node.form.typehash is not prop.typehash async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', valu, norm=norm): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) for prop in runt.model.getArrayPropsByType(name): norm = node.form.typehash is not prop.arraytypehash link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop':, 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(prop.full, '=', valu, norm=norm): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) async for refsbuid, prop in runt.snap.getNdefRefs(node.buid, props=True): pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByBuid(refsbuid) yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, {'type': 'prop', 'prop': prop, 'reverse': True})
[docs] class N2WalkNPivo(PivotIn):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path async for item in self.getPivsIn(runt, node, path): yield item async for (verb, iden) in node.iterEdgesN2(): wnode = await runt.snap.getNodeByBuid(s_common.uhex(iden)) if wnode is not None: yield wnode, path.fork(wnode, {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verb, 'reverse': True})
[docs] class PivotInFrom(PivotOper): ''' <- foo:edge '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): name =[0].value() form = runt.model.forms.get(name) if form is None: raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchForm.init(name)) # <- edge if isinstance(form.type, s_types.Edge): full = + ':n2' link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': 'n2', 'reverse': True} async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(full, '=', node.ndef, norm=False): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) return # edge <- form link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': 'n1', 'reverse': True} async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path if not isinstance(node.form.type, s_types.Edge): mesg = f'Pivot in from a specific form cannot be used with nodes of type {}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg, # dont bother traversing edges to the wrong form if node.get('n1:form') != continue n1def = node.get('n1') pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(n1def) if pivo is None: continue yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link)
[docs] class FormPivot(PivotOper): ''' -> foo:bar '''
[docs] def pivogenr(self, runt, prop): # -> baz:ndef if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef): async def pgenr(node, strict=True): link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop':, 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', node.ndef, norm=False): yield pivo, link elif not prop.isform: isarray = isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array) # plain old pivot... async def pgenr(node, strict=True): if isarray: if isinstance(prop.type.arraytype, s_types.Ndef): ngenr = runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(prop.full, '=', node.ndef, norm=False) else: norm = prop.arraytypehash is not node.form.typehash ngenr = runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(prop.full, '=', node.ndef[1], norm=norm) else: norm = prop.typehash is not node.form.typehash ngenr = runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', node.ndef[1], norm=norm) link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop':, 'reverse': True} async for pivo in ngenr: yield pivo, link # if dest form is a subtype of a graph "edge", use N1 automatically elif isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Edge): full = + ':n1' async def pgenr(node, strict=True): link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': 'n1', 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(full, '=', node.ndef, norm=False): yield pivo, link else: # form -> form pivot is nonsensical. Lets help out... # form name and type name match destform = prop async def pgenr(node, strict=True): # <syn:tag> -> <form> is "from tags to nodes" pivot if == 'syn:tag' and prop.isform: link = {'type': 'tag', 'tag': node.ndef[1], 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByTag(node.ndef[1], yield pivo, link return # if the source node is a graph edge, use n2 if isinstance(node.form.type, s_types.Edge): n2def = node.get('n2') if n2def[0] != return pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(node.get('n2')) if pivo: yield pivo, {'type': 'prop', 'prop': 'n2'} return ######################################################################### # regular "-> form" pivot (ie inet:dns:a -> inet:fqdn) found = False # have we found a ref/pivot? refs = node.form.getRefsOut() for refsname, refsform in refs.get('prop'): if refsform != continue found = True refsvalu = node.get(refsname) if refsvalu is not None: link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(refsform, '=', refsvalu, norm=False): yield pivo, link for refsname, refsform in refs.get('array'): if refsform != continue found = True refsvalu = node.get(refsname) if refsvalu is not None: link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname} for refselem in refsvalu: async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(, '=', refselem, norm=False): yield pivo, link for refsname in refs.get('ndef'): found = True refsvalu = node.get(refsname) if refsvalu is not None and refsvalu[0] == pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(refsvalu) if pivo is not None: yield pivo, {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname} for refsname in refs.get('ndefarray'): found = True if (refsvalu := node.get(refsname)) is not None: link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname} for aval in refsvalu: if aval[0] == if (pivo := await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(aval)) is not None: yield pivo, link ######################################################################### # reverse "-> form" pivots (ie inet:fqdn -> inet:dns:a) refs = destform.getRefsOut() # "reverse" property references... for refsname, refsform in refs.get('prop'): if refsform != continue found = True refsprop = destform.props.get(refsname) link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname, 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(refsprop.full, '=', node.ndef[1], norm=False): yield pivo, link # "reverse" array references... for refsname, refsform in refs.get('array'): if refsform != continue found = True destprop = destform.props.get(refsname) link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname, 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(destprop.full, '=', node.ndef[1], norm=False): yield pivo, link # "reverse" ndef references... for refsname in refs.get('ndef'): found = True refsprop = destform.props.get(refsname) link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname, 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(refsprop.full, '=', node.ndef, norm=False): yield pivo, link for refsname in refs.get('ndefarray'): found = True refsprop = destform.props.get(refsname) link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop': refsname, 'reverse': True} async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(refsprop.full, '=', node.ndef, norm=False): yield pivo, link if strict and not found: mesg = f'No pivot found for {} -> {}.' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchPivot(,, mesg=mesg)) return pgenr
[docs] def buildgenr(self, runt, name): if isinstance(name, list) or (prop := runt.model.props.get(name)) is None: proplist = None if isinstance(name, list): proplist = name else: proplist = runt.model.reqPropsByLook(name,[0].addExcInfo) pgenrs = [] for propname in proplist: prop = runt.model.props.get(propname) if prop is None: raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(propname)) pgenrs.append(self.pivogenr(runt, prop)) async def listpivot(node): for pgenr in pgenrs: async for pivo, valu in pgenr(node, strict=False): yield pivo, valu return listpivot return self.pivogenr(runt, prop)
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): pgenr = None warned = False async for node, path in genr: if pgenr is None or not[0].isconst: name = await[0].compute(runt, None) pgenr = self.buildgenr(runt, name) if self.isjoin: yield node, path try: async for pivo, link in pgenr(node): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) except (s_exc.BadTypeValu, s_exc.BadLiftValu) as e: if not warned: logger.warning(f'Caught error during pivot: {e.items()}') warned = True items = e.items() mesg = items.pop('mesg', '') mesg = ': '.join((f'{e.__class__.__qualname__} [{repr(node.ndef[1])}] during pivot', mesg)) await runt.snap.warn(mesg, log=False, **items)
[docs] class PropPivotOut(PivotOper): ''' :prop -> * '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): warned = False async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path name = await[0].compute(runt, path) prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: # all filters must sleep await asyncio.sleep(0) continue valu = node.get(name) if valu is None: # all filters must sleep await asyncio.sleep(0) continue link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop':} if prop.type.isarray: if isinstance(prop.type.arraytype, s_types.Ndef): for item in valu: if (pivo := await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(item)) is not None: yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) continue fname = if runt.model.forms.get(fname) is None: if not warned: mesg = f'The source property "{name}" array type "{fname}" is not a form. Cannot pivot.' await runt.snap.warn(mesg, log=False) warned = True continue for item in valu: async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(fname, '=', item, norm=False): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) continue # ndef pivot out syntax... # :ndef -> * if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef): pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(valu) if pivo is None: logger.warning(f'Missing node corresponding to ndef {valu}') continue yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) continue # :prop -> * fname = if prop.modl.form(fname) is None: if warned is False: await runt.snap.warn(f'The source property "{name}" type "{fname}" is not a form. Cannot pivot.', log=False) warned = True continue ndef = (fname, valu) pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(ndef) # A node explicitly deleted in the graph or missing from a underlying layer # could cause this lift to return None. if pivo: yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link)
[docs] class PropPivot(PivotOper): ''' :foo -> bar:foo '''
[docs] def pivogenr(self, runt, prop): async def pgenr(node, srcprop, valu, strict=True): link = {'type': 'prop', 'prop':} if not prop.isform: link['dest'] = prop.full # pivoting from an array prop to a non-array prop needs an extra loop if srcprop.type.isarray and not prop.type.isarray: if isinstance(srcprop.type.arraytype, s_types.Ndef) and prop.isform: for aval in valu: if aval[0] != continue if (pivo := await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(aval)) is not None: yield pivo, link return norm = srcprop.arraytypehash is not prop.typehash for arrayval in valu: async for pivo in runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', arrayval, norm=norm): yield pivo, link return if isinstance(srcprop.type, s_types.Ndef) and prop.isform: if valu[0] != return pivo = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef(valu) if pivo is None: await runt.snap.warn(f'Missing node corresponding to ndef {valu}', log=False, ndef=valu) return yield pivo, link return if prop.type.isarray and not srcprop.type.isarray: norm = prop.arraytypehash is not srcprop.typehash genr = runt.snap.nodesByPropArray(prop.full, '=', valu, norm=norm) else: norm = prop.typehash is not srcprop.typehash genr = runt.snap.nodesByPropValu(prop.full, '=', valu, norm=norm) async for pivo in genr: yield pivo, link return pgenr
[docs] def buildgenr(self, runt, name): if isinstance(name, list) or (prop := runt.model.props.get(name)) is None: if isinstance(name, list): proplist = name else: proplist = runt.model.ifaceprops.get(name) if proplist is None: raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(name)) pgenrs = [] for propname in proplist: prop = runt.model.props.get(propname) if prop is None: raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(propname)) pgenrs.append(self.pivogenr(runt, prop)) async def listpivot(node, srcprop, valu): for pgenr in pgenrs: async for pivo in pgenr(node, srcprop, valu, strict=False): yield pivo return listpivot return self.pivogenr(runt, prop)
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): pgenr = None warned = False async for node, path in genr: if pgenr is None or not[1].isconst: name = await[1].compute(runt, None) pgenr = self.buildgenr(runt, name) if self.isjoin: yield node, path srcprop, valu = await[0].getPropAndValu(runt, path) if valu is None: # all filters must sleep await asyncio.sleep(0) continue try: async for pivo, link in pgenr(node, srcprop, valu): yield pivo, path.fork(pivo, link) except (s_exc.BadTypeValu, s_exc.BadLiftValu) as e: if not warned: logger.warning(f'Caught error during pivot: {e.items()}') warned = True items = e.items() mesg = items.pop('mesg', '') mesg = ': '.join((f'{e.__class__.__qualname__} [{repr(valu)}] during pivot', mesg)) await runt.snap.warn(mesg, log=False, **items)
[docs] class Value(AstNode): ''' The base class for all values and value expressions. ''' def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=()): AstNode.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) def __repr__(self): return self.repr()
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return all(k.isRuntSafe(runt) for k in
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): # pragma: no cover raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchImpl(name=f'{self.__class__.__name__}.compute()'))
[docs] async def getLiftHints(self, runt, path): return []
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): ''' Return a function that may be used to evaluate the boolean truth of the value expression using a runtime and optional node path. ''' async def cond(node, path): return await tobool(await self.compute(runt, path)) return cond
[docs] class Cond(Value): ''' A condition that is evaluated to filter nodes. '''
# Keeping the distinction of Cond as a subclass of Value # due to the fact that Cond instances may always presume # they are being evaluated per node.
[docs] class SubqCond(Cond): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=()): Cond.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.funcs = { '=': self._subqCondEq, '>': self._subqCondGt, '<': self._subqCondLt, '>=': self._subqCondGe, '<=': self._subqCondLe, '!=': self._subqCondNe, } async def _runSubQuery(self, runt, node, path): size = 1 genr = s_common.agen((node, path)) async for item in[0].run(runt, genr): yield size, item size += 1 def _subqCondEq(self, runt): async def cond(node, path): size = 0 item = None valu = s_stormtypes.intify(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for size, item in self._runSubQuery(runt, node, path): if size > valu: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return False if item: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return size == valu return cond def _subqCondGt(self, runt): async def cond(node, path): item = None valu = s_stormtypes.intify(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for size, item in self._runSubQuery(runt, node, path): if size > valu: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return True if item: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return False return cond def _subqCondLt(self, runt): async def cond(node, path): item = None valu = s_stormtypes.intify(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for size, item in self._runSubQuery(runt, node, path): if size >= valu: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return False if item: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return True return cond def _subqCondGe(self, runt): async def cond(node, path): item = None valu = s_stormtypes.intify(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for size, item in self._runSubQuery(runt, node, path): if size >= valu: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return True if item: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return False return cond def _subqCondLe(self, runt): async def cond(node, path): item = None valu = s_stormtypes.intify(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for size, item in self._runSubQuery(runt, node, path): if size > valu: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return False if item: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return True return cond def _subqCondNe(self, runt): async def cond(node, path): size = 0 item = None valu = s_stormtypes.intify(await[2].compute(runt, path)) async for size, item in self._runSubQuery(runt, node, path): if size > valu: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return True if item: path.vars.update(item[1].vars) return size != valu return cond
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): if len( == 3: cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, None) ctor = self.funcs.get(cmpr) if ctor is None: raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr(cmpr=cmpr, type='subquery')) return ctor(runt) subq =[0] async def cond(node, path): genr = s_common.agen((node, path)) async for _, subp in, genr): path.vars.update(subp.vars) return True return False return cond
[docs] class OrCond(Cond): ''' <cond> or <cond> '''
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): cond0 = await[0].getCondEval(runt) cond1 = await[1].getCondEval(runt) async def cond(node, path): if await cond0(node, path): return True return await cond1(node, path) return cond
[docs] class AndCond(Cond): ''' <cond> and <cond> '''
[docs] async def getLiftHints(self, runt, path): h0 = await[0].getLiftHints(runt, path) h1 = await[0].getLiftHints(runt, path) return h0 + h1
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): cond0 = await[0].getCondEval(runt) cond1 = await[1].getCondEval(runt) async def cond(node, path): if not await cond0(node, path): return False return await cond1(node, path) return cond
[docs] class NotCond(Cond): ''' not <cond> '''
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): kidcond = await[0].getCondEval(runt) async def cond(node, path): return not await kidcond(node, path) return cond
[docs] class TagCond(Cond): ''' '''
[docs] async def getLiftHints(self, runt, path): kid =[0] if not isinstance(kid, TagMatch): return [] if kid.hasglob(): return [] if kid.isconst: return ( ('tag', {'name': await kid.compute(None, None)}), ) if kid.isRuntSafe(runt): name = await kid.compute(runt, path) if name and '*' not in name: return ( ('tag', {'name': name}), ) return []
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): assert len( == 1 # kid is a non-runtsafe VarValue: dynamically evaluate value of variable for each node async def cond(node, path): name = await[0].compute(runt, path) if name == '*': return bool(node.tags) if '*' in name: reobj = s_cache.getTagGlobRegx(name) return any(reobj.fullmatch(p) for p in node.tags) return node.tags.get(name) is not None return cond
[docs] class HasRelPropCond(Cond):
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): relprop =[0] assert isinstance(relprop, RelProp) if relprop.isconst: name = await relprop.compute(runt, None) async def cond(node, path): return await self.hasProp(node, runt, name) return cond # relprop name itself is variable, so dynamically compute async def cond(node, path): name = await relprop.compute(runt, path) return await self.hasProp(node, runt, name) return cond
[docs] async def hasProp(self, node, runt, name): ispiv = name.find('::') != -1 if not ispiv: return node.has(name) # handle implicit pivot properties names = name.split('::') imax = len(names) - 1 for i, part in enumerate(names): valu = node.get(part) if valu is None: return False if i >= imax: return True prop = node.form.props.get(part) if prop is None: mesg = f'No property named {}:{part}' exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=part, raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) form = runt.model.forms.get( if form is None: mesg = f'No form {}' exc = s_exc.NoSuchForm.init( raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) node = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef((, valu)) if node is None: return False
[docs] async def getLiftHints(self, runt, path): relprop =[0] name = await relprop.compute(runt, path) ispiv = name.find('::') != -1 if ispiv: return ( ('relprop', {'name': name.split('::')[0]}), ) hint = { 'name': name, 'univ': isinstance(relprop, UnivProp), } return ( ('relprop', hint), )
[docs] class HasTagPropCond(Cond):
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): async def cond(node, path): tag = await[0].compute(runt, path) name = await[1].compute(runt, path) if tag == '*': return any(name in props for props in node.tagprops.values()) if '*' in tag: reobj = s_cache.getTagGlobRegx(tag) for tagname, props in node.tagprops.items(): if reobj.fullmatch(tagname) and name in props: return True return node.hasTagProp(tag, name) return cond
[docs] class HasAbsPropCond(Cond):
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): name = await[0].compute(runt, None) prop = runt.model.props.get(name) if prop is not None: if prop.isform: async def cond(node, path): return == return cond async def cond(node, path): if != return False return node.has( return cond if name.endswith('*'): formlist = runt.model.reqFormsByPrefix(name[:-1],[0].addExcInfo) async def cond(node, path): return in formlist return cond if (formlist := runt.model.formsbyiface.get(name)) is not None: async def cond(node, path): return in formlist return cond if (proplist := runt.model.ifaceprops.get(name)) is not None: formlist = [] for propname in proplist: prop = runt.model.props.get(propname) formlist.append( relname = async def cond(node, path): if not in formlist: return False return node.has(relname) return cond raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(name))
[docs] class ArrayCond(Cond):
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, None) async def cond(node, path): name = await[0].compute(runt, None) prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(name)) if not prop.type.isarray: mesg = f'Array filter syntax is invalid for non-array prop {name}.' raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.BadCmprType(mesg=mesg)) ctor = prop.type.arraytype.getCmprCtor(cmpr) items = node.get(name) if items is None: return False val2 = await[2].compute(runt, path) for item in items: if ctor(val2)(item): return True return False return cond
[docs] class AbsPropCond(Cond):
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): name = await[0].compute(runt, None) cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, None) prop = runt.model.props.get(name) if prop is not None: ctor = prop.type.getCmprCtor(cmpr) if ctor is None: raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr(cmpr=cmpr, if prop.isform: async def cond(node, path): if node.ndef[0] != name: return False val1 = node.ndef[1] val2 = await[2].compute(runt, path) return ctor(val2)(val1) return cond async def cond(node, path): if node.ndef[0] != return False val1 = node.get( if val1 is None: return False val2 = await[2].compute(runt, path) return ctor(val2)(val1) return cond proplist = runt.model.ifaceprops.get(name) if proplist is not None: prop = runt.model.props.get(proplist[0]) relname = ctor = prop.type.getCmprCtor(cmpr) if ctor is None: raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr(cmpr=cmpr, async def cond(node, path): val1 = node.get(relname) if val1 is None: return False val2 = await[2].compute(runt, path) return ctor(val2)(val1) return cond raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(name))
[docs] class TagValuCond(Cond):
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): lnode, cnode, rnode = ival = runt.model.type('ival') cmpr = await cnode.compute(runt, None) cmprctor = ival.getCmprCtor(cmpr) if cmprctor is None: raise cnode.addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr(cmpr=cmpr, if isinstance(lnode, VarValue) or not lnode.isconst: async def cond(node, path): name = await lnode.compute(runt, path) if '*' in name: mesg = f'Wildcard tag names may not be used in conjunction with tag value comparison: {name}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg, name=name)) valu = await rnode.compute(runt, path) return cmprctor(valu)(node.tags.get(name)) return cond name = await lnode.compute(runt, None) if isinstance(rnode, Const): valu = await rnode.compute(runt, None) cmpr = cmprctor(valu) async def cond(node, path): return cmpr(node.tags.get(name)) return cond # it's a runtime value... async def cond(node, path): valu = await[2].compute(runt, path) return cmprctor(valu)(node.tags.get(name)) return cond
[docs] class RelPropCond(Cond): ''' (:foo:bar or .univ) <cmpr> <value> '''
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): cmpr = await[1].compute(runt, None) valukid =[2] async def cond(node, path): prop, valu = await[0].getPropAndValu(runt, path) if valu is None: return False xval = await valukid.compute(runt, path) if not isinstance(xval, s_node.Node): xval = await s_stormtypes.tostor(xval) if xval is None: return False ctor = prop.type.getCmprCtor(cmpr) if ctor is None: raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr(cmpr=cmpr, func = ctor(xval) return func(valu) return cond
[docs] async def getLiftHints(self, runt, path): relprop =[0].kids[0] name = await relprop.compute(runt, path) ispiv = name.find('::') != -1 if ispiv: return ( ('relprop', {'name': name.split('::')[0]}), ) hint = { 'name': name, 'univ': isinstance(relprop, UnivProp), 'cmpr': await[1].compute(runt, path), 'valu': await[2].compute(runt, path), } return ( ('relprop', hint), )
[docs] class TagPropCond(Cond):
[docs] async def getCondEval(self, runt): cmpr = await[2].compute(runt, None) async def cond(node, path): tag = await[0].compute(runt, path) name = await[1].compute(runt, path) if '*' in tag: mesg = f'Wildcard tag names may not be used in conjunction with tagprop value comparison: {tag}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg, name=tag)) prop = runt.model.getTagProp(name) if prop is None: mesg = f'No such tag property: {name}' raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchTagProp(name=name, mesg=mesg)) # TODO cache on (cmpr, valu) for perf? valu = await[3].compute(runt, path) ctor = prop.type.getCmprCtor(cmpr) if ctor is None: raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr(cmpr=cmpr, curv = node.getTagProp(tag, name) if curv is None: return False return ctor(valu)(curv) return cond
[docs] class FiltOper(Oper):
[docs] async def getLiftHints(self, runt, path): if await[0].compute(None, None) != '+': return [] return await[1].getLiftHints(runt, path)
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): must = await[0].compute(None, None) == '+' cond = await[1].getCondEval(runt) async for node, path in genr: answ = await cond(node, path) if (must and answ) or (not must and not answ): yield node, path else: # all filters must sleep await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class FiltByArray(FiltOper): ''' +:foo*[^=visi] '''
[docs] class ArgvQuery(Value): runtopaque = True
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): # an argv query is really just a string, so it's runtsafe. return True
[docs] def validate(self, runt): # validation is done by the sub-runtime pass
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return[0].text
[docs] class PropValue(Value):
[docs] def prepare(self): self.isconst = isinstance([0], Const)
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return False
[docs] def isRuntSafeAtom(self, runt): return False
[docs] async def getPropAndValu(self, runt, path): if not path: return None, None propname = await[0].compute(runt, path) name = await tostr(propname) ispiv = name.find('::') != -1 if not ispiv: prop = path.node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: if (exc := await s_stormtypes.typeerr(propname, str)) is None: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name, raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) valu = path.node.get(name) if isinstance(valu, (dict, list, tuple)): # these get special cased because changing them affects the node # while it's in the pipeline but the modification doesn't get stored valu = s_msgpack.deepcopy(valu) return prop, valu # handle implicit pivot properties names = name.split('::') node = path.node imax = len(names) - 1 for i, name in enumerate(names): valu = node.get(name) if valu is None: return None, None prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: # pragma: no cover if (exc := await s_stormtypes.typeerr(propname, str)) is None: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name, raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) if i >= imax: if isinstance(valu, (dict, list, tuple)): # these get special cased because changing them affects the node # while it's in the pipeline but the modification doesn't get stored valu = s_msgpack.deepcopy(valu) return prop, valu form = runt.model.forms.get( if form is None: raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.NoSuchForm.init( node = await runt.snap.getNodeByNdef((, valu)) if node is None: return None, None
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): prop, valu = await self.getPropAndValu(runt, path) return valu
[docs] class RelPropValue(PropValue): pass
[docs] class UnivPropValue(PropValue): pass
[docs] class TagValue(Value):
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return False
[docs] def isRuntSafeAtom(self, runt): return False
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): valu = await[0].compute(runt, path) return path.node.getTag(valu)
[docs] class TagProp(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): tag = await[0].compute(runt, path) prop = await[1].compute(runt, path) return (tag, prop)
[docs] class FormTagProp(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): form = await[0].compute(runt, path) tag = await[1].compute(runt, path) prop = await[2].compute(runt, path) return (form, tag, prop)
[docs] class TagPropValue(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): tag, prop = await[0].compute(runt, path) return path.node.getTagProp(tag, prop)
[docs] class CallArgs(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return [await k.compute(runt, path) for k in]
[docs] class CallKwarg(CallArgs): pass
[docs] class CallKwargs(CallArgs): pass
[docs] class VarValue(Value):
[docs] def validate(self, runt): if runt.runtvars.get( is None: exc = s_exc.NoSuchVar(mesg=f'Missing variable: {}', raise self.addExcInfo(exc)
[docs] def prepare(self): assert isinstance([0], Const) =[0].value() self.isconst = False
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return runt.isRuntVar(
[docs] def isRuntSafeAtom(self, runt): return runt.isRuntVar(
[docs] def hasVarName(self, name): return[0].value() == name
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): if path is not None: valu = path.getVar(, defv=s_common.novalu) if valu is not s_common.novalu: return valu valu = runt.getVar(, defv=s_common.novalu) if valu is not s_common.novalu: return valu if runt.isRuntVar( exc = s_exc.NoSuchVar(mesg=f'Runtsafe variable used before assignment: {}',, runtsafe=True) else: exc = s_exc.NoSuchVar(mesg=f'Non-runtsafe variable used before assignment: {}',, runtsafe=False) raise self.addExcInfo(exc)
[docs] class VarDeref(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): base = await[0].compute(runt, path) # the deref of None is always None if base is None: return None name = await[1].compute(runt, path) valu = s_stormtypes.fromprim(base, path=path) with s_scope.enter({'runt': runt}): try: return await valu.deref(name) except s_exc.SynErr as e: raise[1].addExcInfo(e)
[docs] class FuncCall(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): func = await[0].compute(runt, path) if not callable(func): text = self.getAstText() styp = await s_stormtypes.totype(func, basetypes=True) mesg = f"'{styp}' object is not callable: {text}" raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) if runt.readonly and not getattr(func, '_storm_readonly', False): funcname = getattr(func, '_storm_funcpath', func.__name__) mesg = f'{funcname}() is not marked readonly safe.' raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg)) argv = await[1].compute(runt, path) kwargs = {k: v for (k, v) in await[2].compute(runt, path)} with s_scope.enter({'runt': runt}): try: retn = func(*argv, **kwargs) if s_coro.iscoro(retn): return await retn return retn except TypeError as e: mesg = str(e) if (funcpath := getattr(func, '_storm_funcpath', None)) is not None: mesg = f"{funcpath}(){mesg.split(')', 1)[1]}" raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) except s_exc.SynErr as e: if getattr(func, '_storm_runtime_lib_func', None) is not None: e.errinfo.pop('highlight', None) raise self.addExcInfo(e)
[docs] class DollarExpr(Value): ''' Top level node for $(...) expressions '''
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return await[0].compute(runt, path)
[docs] async def expr_add(x, y): return await tonumber(x) + await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_sub(x, y): return await tonumber(x) - await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_mod(x, y): return await tonumber(x) % await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_mul(x, y): return await tonumber(x) * await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_div(x, y): x = await tonumber(x) y = await tonumber(y) if isinstance(x, int) and isinstance(y, int): return x // y return x / y
[docs] async def expr_pow(x, y): return await tonumber(x) ** await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_eq(x, y): return await tocmprvalu(x) == await tocmprvalu(y)
[docs] async def expr_ne(x, y): return await tocmprvalu(x) != await tocmprvalu(y)
[docs] async def expr_gt(x, y): return await tonumber(x) > await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_lt(x, y): return await tonumber(x) < await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_ge(x, y): return await tonumber(x) >= await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_le(x, y): return await tonumber(x) <= await tonumber(y)
[docs] async def expr_prefix(x, y): x, y = await tostr(x), await tostr(y) return x.startswith(y)
[docs] async def expr_re(x, y): if tostr(y), await tostr(x), flags=regex.I): return True return False
_ExprFuncMap = { '+': expr_add, '-': expr_sub, '%': expr_mod, '*': expr_mul, '/': expr_div, '**': expr_pow, '=': expr_eq, '!=': expr_ne, '~=': expr_re, '>': expr_gt, '<': expr_lt, '>=': expr_ge, '<=': expr_le, '^=': expr_prefix, }
[docs] async def expr_not(x): return not await tobool(x)
[docs] async def expr_neg(x): return await tonumber(x) * -1
_UnaryExprFuncMap = { '-': expr_neg, 'not': expr_not, }
[docs] class UnaryExprNode(Value): ''' A unary (i.e. single-argument) expression node '''
[docs] def prepare(self): assert len( == 2 assert isinstance([0], Const) oper =[0].value() self._operfunc = _UnaryExprFuncMap[oper]
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return await self._operfunc(await[1].compute(runt, path))
[docs] class ExprNode(Value): ''' A binary (i.e. two argument) expression node '''
[docs] def prepare(self): assert len( == 3 assert isinstance([1], Const) oper =[1].value() self._operfunc = _ExprFuncMap[oper]
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): parm1 = await[0].compute(runt, path) parm2 = await[2].compute(runt, path) try: return await self._operfunc(parm1, parm2) except ZeroDivisionError: exc = s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg='Cannot divide by zero') raise[2].addExcInfo(exc) except decimal.InvalidOperation: exc = s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg='Invalid operation on a Number') raise self.addExcInfo(exc)
[docs] class ExprOrNode(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): parm1 = await[0].compute(runt, path) if await tobool(parm1): return True parm2 = await[2].compute(runt, path) return await tobool(parm2)
[docs] class ExprAndNode(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): parm1 = await[0].compute(runt, path) if not await tobool(parm1): return False parm2 = await[2].compute(runt, path) return await tobool(parm2)
[docs] class TagName(Value):
[docs] def prepare(self): self.isconst = not or all(isinstance(k, Const) for k in if self.isconst and self.constval = '.'.join([k.value() for k in]) else: self.constval = None
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): if self.isconst: return self.constval if not isinstance([0], Const): valu = await[0].compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.toprim(valu) if not isinstance(valu, str): mesg = 'Invalid value type for tag name, tag names must be strings.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg) normtupl = await runt.snap.getTagNorm(valu) return normtupl[0] vals = [] for kid in part = await kid.compute(runt, path) if part is None: mesg = f'Null value from var ${} is not allowed in tag names.' raise kid.addExcInfo(s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg)) part = await tostr(part) partnorm = await runt.snap.getTagNorm(part) vals.append(partnorm[0]) return '.'.join(vals)
[docs] async def computeTagArray(self, runt, path, excignore=()): if self.isconst: return (self.constval,) if not isinstance([0], Const): tags = [] vals = await[0].compute(runt, path) vals = await s_stormtypes.toprim(vals) if not isinstance(vals, (tuple, list, set)): vals = (vals,) for valu in vals: try: if not isinstance(valu, str): mesg = 'Invalid value type for tag name, tag names must be strings.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg) normtupl = await runt.snap.getTagNorm(valu) if normtupl is None: continue tags.append(normtupl[0]) except excignore: pass return tags vals = [] for kid in part = await kid.compute(runt, path) if part is None: mesg = f'Null value from var ${} is not allowed in tag names.' raise kid.addExcInfo(s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg)) part = await tostr(part) partnorm = await runt.snap.getTagNorm(part) vals.append(partnorm[0]) return ('.'.join(vals),)
[docs] class TagMatch(TagName): ''' Like TagName, but can have asterisks '''
[docs] def hasglob(self): assert # TODO support vars with asterisks? return any('*' in kid.valu for kid in if isinstance(kid, Const))
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): if self.isconst: return self.constval if not isinstance([0], Const): valu = await[0].compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.toprim(valu) if not isinstance(valu, str): mesg = 'Invalid value type for tag name, tag names must be strings.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg) return valu vals = [] for kid in part = await kid.compute(runt, path) if part is None: mesg = f'Null value from var ${} is not allowed in tag names.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg) vals.append(await tostr(part)) return '.'.join(vals)
[docs] class Const(Value): def __init__(self, astinfo, valu, kids=()): Value.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.isconst = True self.valu = valu
[docs] def repr(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.valu}'
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return True
[docs] def value(self): return self.valu
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return self.valu
[docs] class ExprDict(Value):
[docs] def prepare(self): self.const = None if all(isinstance(k, Const) and not isinstance(k, EmbedQuery) for k in valu = {} for i in range(0, len(, 2): valu[[i].value()] =[i + 1].value() self.const = s_msgpack.en(valu)
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): if self.const is not None: return s_stormtypes.Dict(s_msgpack.un(self.const)) valu = {} for i in range(0, len(, 2): key = await[i].compute(runt, path) if s_stormtypes.ismutable(key): key = await s_stormtypes.torepr(key) raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg='Mutable values are not allowed as dictionary keys', name=key) key = await toprim(key) valu[key] = await[i + 1].compute(runt, path) return s_stormtypes.Dict(valu)
[docs] class ExprList(Value):
[docs] def prepare(self): self.const = None if all(isinstance(k, Const) and not isinstance(k, EmbedQuery) for k in self.const = s_msgpack.en([k.value() for k in])
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): if self.const is not None: return s_stormtypes.List(list(s_msgpack.un(self.const))) return s_stormtypes.List([await v.compute(runt, path) for v in])
[docs] class FormatString(Value):
[docs] def prepare(self): self.isconst = not or (len( == 1 and isinstance([0], Const)) self.constval =[0].value() if self.isconst and else ''
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): if self.isconst: return self.constval reprs = [await s_stormtypes.torepr(await k.compute(runt, path), usestr=True) for k in] return ''.join(reprs)
[docs] class VarList(Const): pass
[docs] class Cmpr(Const): pass
[docs] class Bool(Const): pass
[docs] class EmbedQuery(Const): runtopaque = True
[docs] def validate(self, runt): # var scope validation occurs in the sub-runtime pass
[docs] def hasVarName(self, name): # similar to above, the sub-runtime handles var scoping return False
[docs] def getRuntVars(self, runt): if 0: yield
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): varz = {} varz.update(runt.getScopeVars()) if path is not None: varz.update(path.vars) return s_stormtypes.Query(self.valu, varz, runt, path=path)
[docs] class List(Value):
[docs] def prepare(self): self.isconst = all(isinstance(k, Const) for k in
[docs] def repr(self): return 'List: %s' %
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return [await k.compute(runt, path) for k in]
[docs] class PropName(Value):
[docs] def prepare(self): self.isconst = isinstance([0], Const)
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return await[0].compute(runt, path)
[docs] class FormName(Value):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): return await[0].compute(runt, path)
[docs] class RelProp(PropName): pass
[docs] class UnivProp(RelProp):
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): valu = await tostr(await[0].compute(runt, path)) if self.isconst: return valu return '.' + valu
[docs] class Edit(Oper): pass
[docs] class EditParens(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) nodeadd =[0] assert isinstance(nodeadd, EditNodeAdd) formname = await[0].compute(runt, None) runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'add', formname)) # create an isolated generator for the add vs edit if nodeadd.isRuntSafe(runt): # Luke, let the (node,path) tuples flow through you async for item in genr: yield item # isolated runtime stack... genr = s_common.agen() for oper in genr =, genr) async for item in genr: yield item else: # do a little genr-jig. async for node, path in genr: formname = await[0].compute(runt, path) form = runt.model.form(formname) yield node, path async def editgenr(): async for item in nodeadd.addFromPath(form, runt, path): yield item fullgenr = editgenr() for oper in[1:]: fullgenr =, fullgenr) async for item in fullgenr: yield item
[docs] class EditNodeAdd(Edit):
[docs] def prepare(self): assert isinstance([0], FormName) assert isinstance([1], Const) self.oper =[1].value() self.excignore = (s_exc.BadTypeValu, ) if self.oper == '?=' else ()
[docs] async def addFromPath(self, form, runt, path): ''' Add a node using the context from path. NOTE: CALLER MUST CHECK PERMS ''' vals = await[2].compute(runt, path) try: if isinstance(form.type, s_types.Guid): vals = await s_stormtypes.toprim(vals) for valu in form.type.getTypeVals(vals): try: newn = await runt.snap.addNode(, valu) except self.excignore: pass else: yield newn, runt.initPath(newn) except self.excignore: await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): # the behavior here is a bit complicated... # single value add (runtime computed per node ) # In the cases below, $hehe is input to the storm runtime vars. # case 1: [ foo:bar="lols" ] # case 2: [ foo:bar=$hehe ] # case 2: [ foo:bar=$lib.func(20, $hehe) ] # case 3: ($foo, $bar) = $hehe [ foo:bar=($foo, $bar) ] # iterative add ( node add is executed once per inbound node ) # case 1: <query> [ foo:bar=(:baz, 20) ] # case 2: <query> [ foo:bar=($node, 20) ] # case 2: <query> $blah=:baz [ foo:bar=($blah, 20) ] self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) runtsafe = self.isRuntSafe(runt) async def feedfunc(): if not runtsafe: async for node, path in genr: # must reach back first to trigger sudo / etc name = await[0].compute(runt, path) formname = await tostr(name) runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'add', formname)) form = runt.model.form(formname) if form is None: if (exc := await s_stormtypes.typeerr(name, str)) is None: exc = s_exc.NoSuchForm.init(formname) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) # must use/resolve all variables from path before yield async for item in self.addFromPath(form, runt, path): yield item yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0) else: name = await[0].compute(runt, None) formname = await tostr(name) runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'add', formname)) form = runt.model.form(formname) if form is None: if (exc := await s_stormtypes.typeerr(name, str)) is None: exc = s_exc.NoSuchForm.init(formname) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) valu = await[2].compute(runt, None) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(valu) try: for valu in form.type.getTypeVals(valu): try: node = await runt.snap.addNode(formname, valu) except self.excignore: continue yield node, runt.initPath(node) await asyncio.sleep(0) except self.excignore: await asyncio.sleep(0) if runtsafe: async for node, path in genr: yield node, path async with contextlib.aclosing(s_base.schedGenr(feedfunc())) as agen: async for item in agen: yield item
[docs] class CondSetOper(Oper): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids, errok=False): Value.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.errok = errok
[docs] def prepare(self): self.isconst = False if isinstance([0], Const): self.isconst = True self.valu = COND_EDIT_SET.get([0].value())
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): if self.isconst: return self.valu valu = await[0].compute(runt, path) if (retn := COND_EDIT_SET.get(valu)) is not None: return retn mesg = f'Invalid conditional set operator ({valu}).' exc = s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg) raise self.addExcInfo(exc)
[docs] class EditCondPropSet(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) excignore = (s_exc.BadTypeValu,) if[1].errok else () rval =[2] async for node, path in genr: propname = await[0].compute(runt, path) name = await tostr(propname) prop = node.form.reqProp(name,[0].addExcInfo) oper = await[1].compute(runt, path) if oper == SET_NEVER or (oper == SET_UNSET and (oldv := node.get(name)) is not None): yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0) continue if not node.form.isrunt: # runt node property permissions are enforced by the callback runt.confirmPropSet(prop) isndef = isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef) try: valu = await rval.compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(valu, isndef=isndef) if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ival) and oldv is not None: valu, _ = prop.type.norm(valu) valu = prop.type.merge(oldv, valu) await node.set(name, valu) except excignore: pass yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class EditPropSet(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) oper = await[1].compute(runt, None) excignore = (s_exc.BadTypeValu,) if oper in ('?=', '?+=', '?-=') else () isadd = oper in ('+=', '?+=') issub = oper in ('-=', '?-=') rval =[2] expand = True async for node, path in genr: propname = await[0].compute(runt, path) name = await tostr(propname) prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: if (exc := await s_stormtypes.typeerr(propname, str)) is None: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name, raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) if not node.form.isrunt: # runt node property permissions are enforced by the callback runt.confirmPropSet(prop) isndef = isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ndef) isarray = isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Array) try: if isarray and isinstance(rval, SubQuery): valu = await rval.compute_array(runt, path) expand = False else: valu = await rval.compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(valu, isndef=isndef) if isadd or issub: if not isarray: mesg = f'Property set using ({oper}) is only valid on arrays.' exc = s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) arry = node.get(name) if arry is None: arry = () # make arry mutable arry = list(arry) if expand: valu = (valu,) if isadd: arry.extend(valu) else: assert issub # we cant remove something we cant norm... # but that also means it can't be in the array so... for v in valu: norm, info = prop.type.arraytype.norm(v) try: arry.remove(norm) except ValueError: pass valu = arry if isinstance(prop.type, s_types.Ival): oldv = node.get(name) if oldv is not None: valu, _ = prop.type.norm(valu) valu = prop.type.merge(oldv, valu) await node.set(name, valu) except excignore: pass yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class EditPropSetMulti(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) rval =[2] oper = await[1].compute(runt, None) isadd = '+' in oper excignore = (s_exc.BadTypeValu,) if '?' in oper else () async for node, path in genr: propname = await[0].compute(runt, path) name = await tostr(propname) prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: if (exc := await s_stormtypes.typeerr(propname, str)) is None: exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp.init(f'{}:{name}') raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) runt.confirmPropSet(prop) if not prop.type.isarray: mesg = f'Property set using ({oper}) is only valid on arrays.' exc = s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) if isinstance(rval, SubQuery): valu = await rval.compute_array(runt, path) else: valu = await rval.compute(runt, path) if valu is None: yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0) continue atyp = prop.type.arraytype isndef = isinstance(atyp, s_types.Ndef) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(valu, isndef=isndef) if (arry := node.get(name)) is None: arry = () arry = list(arry) try: for item in valu: await asyncio.sleep(0) try: norm, info = atyp.norm(item) except excignore: continue if isadd: arry.append(norm) else: try: arry.remove(norm) except ValueError: pass except TypeError: styp = await s_stormtypes.totype(valu, basetypes=True) mesg = f"'{styp}' object is not iterable: {s_common.trimText(repr(valu))}" raise rval.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg, type=styp)) from None await node.set(name, arry) yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class EditPropDel(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) async for node, path in genr: propname = await[0].compute(runt, path) name = await tostr(propname) prop = node.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: if (exc := await s_stormtypes.typeerr(propname, str)) is None: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name, raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) runt.confirmPropDel(prop) await node.pop(name) yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class EditUnivDel(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) univprop =[0] assert isinstance(univprop, UnivProp) if univprop.isconst: name = await[0].compute(None, None) univ = runt.model.props.get(name) if univ is None: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) async for node, path in genr: if not univprop.isconst: name = await univprop.compute(runt, path) univ = runt.model.props.get(name) if univ is None: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' exc = s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name) raise[0].addExcInfo(exc) runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'prop', 'del', name)) await node.pop(name) yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class N1Walk(Oper): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=(), isjoin=False, reverse=False): Oper.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.isjoin = isjoin self.reverse = reverse
[docs] def repr(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}: {}, isjoin={self.isjoin}'
[docs] async def walkNodeEdges(self, runt, node, verb=None): async for verb, iden in node.iterEdgesN1(verb=verb): buid = s_common.uhex(iden) walknode = await runt.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if walknode is not None: yield verb, walknode
[docs] def buildfilter(self, runt, destforms, cmpr): if not isinstance(destforms, (tuple, list)): destforms = (destforms,) if '*' in destforms: if cmpr is not None: mesg = 'Wild card walk operations do not support comparison.' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) return False forms = set() formprops = collections.defaultdict(dict) for destform in destforms: prop = runt.model.prop(destform) if prop is not None: if prop.isform: forms.add(destform) else: formprops[][] = prop continue formlist = runt.model.reqFormsByLook(destform,[0].addExcInfo) forms.update(formlist) if cmpr is None: async def destfilt(node, path, cmprvalu): if node.form.full in forms: return True props = formprops.get(node.form.full) if props is not None: for prop in props: if node.get(prop) is not None: return True return False return destfilt async def destfilt(node, path, cmprvalu): if node.form.full in forms: return node.form.type.cmpr(node.ndef[1], cmpr, cmprvalu) props = formprops.get(node.form.full) if props is not None: for name, prop in props.items(): if (propvalu := node.get(name)) is not None: if prop.type.cmpr(propvalu, cmpr, cmprvalu): return True return False return destfilt
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): cmpr = None cmprvalu = None destfilt = None if len( == 4: cmpr = await[2].compute(runt, None) async for node, path in genr: if self.isjoin: yield node, path verbs = await[0].compute(runt, path) verbs = await s_stormtypes.toprim(verbs) if not isinstance(verbs, (str, list, tuple)): mesg = f'walk operation expected a string or list. got: {verbs!r}.' raise[0].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) if isinstance(verbs, str): verbs = (verbs,) if cmpr is not None: cmprvalu = await[3].compute(runt, path) if destfilt is None or not[1].isconst: dest = await[1].compute(runt, path) dest = await s_stormtypes.toprim(dest) destfilt = self.buildfilter(runt, dest, cmpr) for verb in verbs: verb = await s_stormtypes.tostr(verb) if verb == '*': verb = None async for verbname, walknode in self.walkNodeEdges(runt, node, verb=verb): if destfilt and not await destfilt(walknode, path, cmprvalu): continue link = {'type': 'edge', 'verb': verbname} if self.reverse: link['reverse'] = True yield walknode, path.fork(walknode, link)
[docs] class N2Walk(N1Walk): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=(), isjoin=False): N1Walk.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids, isjoin=isjoin, reverse=True)
[docs] async def walkNodeEdges(self, runt, node, verb=None): async for verb, iden in node.iterEdgesN2(verb=verb): buid = s_common.uhex(iden) walknode = await runt.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) if walknode is not None: yield verb, walknode
[docs] class EditEdgeAdd(Edit): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=(), n2=False): Edit.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.n2 = n2
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) constverb = False if[0].isconst: constverb = True verb = await tostr(await[0].compute(runt, None)) runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'edge', 'add', verb)) else: hits = set() def allowed(x): if x in hits: return runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'edge', 'add', x)) hits.add(x) isvar = False vkid =[1] if not isinstance(vkid, SubQuery): isvar = True else: query =[0] async for node, path in genr: if node.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {node.form.full}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=node.form.full)) if not constverb: verb = await tostr(await[0].compute(runt, path)) allowed(verb) if isvar: valu = await vkid.compute(runt, path) async with contextlib.aclosing(self.yieldFromValu(runt, valu, vkid)) as agen: if self.n2: iden = node.iden() async for subn in agen: await subn.addEdge(verb, iden, extra=self.addExcInfo) else: async with node.snap.getEditor() as editor: proto = editor.loadNode(node) async for subn in agen: if subn.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {subn.form.full}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=subn.form.full)) await proto.addEdge(verb, subn.iden()) await asyncio.sleep(0) else: async with runt.getSubRuntime(query) as subr: if self.n2: iden = node.iden() async for subn, subp in subr.execute(): await subn.addEdge(verb, iden, extra=self.addExcInfo) else: async with node.snap.getEditor() as editor: proto = editor.loadNode(node) async for subn, subp in subr.execute(): if subn.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {subn.form.full}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=subn.form.full)) await proto.addEdge(verb, subn.iden()) await asyncio.sleep(0) yield node, path
[docs] class EditEdgeDel(Edit): def __init__(self, astinfo, kids=(), n2=False): Edit.__init__(self, astinfo, kids=kids) self.n2 = n2
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) isvar = False vkid =[1] if not isinstance(vkid, SubQuery): isvar = True else: query =[0] constverb = False if[0].isconst: constverb = True verb = await tostr(await[0].compute(runt, None)) runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'edge', 'del', verb)) else: hits = set() def allowed(x): if x in hits: return runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'edge', 'del', x)) hits.add(x) async for node, path in genr: if node.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {node.form.full}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=node.form.full)) if not constverb: verb = await tostr(await[0].compute(runt, path)) allowed(verb) if isvar: valu = await vkid.compute(runt, path) async with contextlib.aclosing(self.yieldFromValu(runt, valu, vkid)) as agen: if self.n2: iden = node.iden() async for subn in agen: await subn.delEdge(verb, iden, extra=self.addExcInfo) else: async with node.snap.getEditor() as editor: proto = editor.loadNode(node) async for subn in agen: if subn.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {subn.form.full}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=subn.form.full)) await proto.delEdge(verb, subn.iden()) await asyncio.sleep(0) else: async with runt.getSubRuntime(query) as subr: if self.n2: iden = node.iden() async for subn, subp in subr.execute(): await subn.delEdge(verb, iden, extra=self.addExcInfo) else: async with node.snap.getEditor() as editor: proto = editor.loadNode(node) async for subn, subp in subr.execute(): if subn.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {subn.form.full}' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=subn.form.full)) await proto.delEdge(verb, subn.iden()) await asyncio.sleep(0) yield node, path
[docs] class EditTagAdd(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) if len( > 1 and isinstance([0], Const) and (await[0].compute(runt, None)) == '?': oper_offset = 1 else: oper_offset = 0 excignore = (s_exc.BadTypeValu,) if oper_offset == 1 else () hasval = len( > 2 + oper_offset valu = (None, None) async for node, path in genr: try: names = await[oper_offset].computeTagArray(runt, path, excignore=excignore) except excignore: yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0) continue for name in names: try: parts = name.split('.') runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'tag', 'add', *parts)) if hasval: valu = await[2 + oper_offset].compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.toprim(valu) await node.addTag(name, valu=valu) except excignore: pass yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class EditTagDel(Edit):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) async for node, path in genr: names = await[0].computeTagArray(runt, path, excignore=(s_exc.BadTypeValu,)) for name in names: parts = name.split('.') runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'tag', 'del', *parts)) await node.delTag(name) yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class EditTagPropSet(Edit): ''' [ ] '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) oper = await[1].compute(runt, None) excignore = s_exc.BadTypeValu if oper == '?=' else () async for node, path in genr: tag, prop = await[0].compute(runt, path) valu = await[2].compute(runt, path) valu = await s_stormtypes.tostor(valu) tagparts = tag.split('.') # for now, use the tag add perms runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'tag', 'add', *tagparts)) try: await node.setTagProp(tag, prop, valu) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover raise except excignore: pass yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class EditTagPropDel(Edit): ''' [ ] '''
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): self.reqNotReadOnly(runt) async for node, path in genr: tag, prop = await[0].compute(runt, path) tagparts = tag.split('.') # for now, use the tag add perms runt.layerConfirm(('node', 'tag', 'del', *tagparts)) await node.delTagProp(tag, prop) yield node, path await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] class BreakOper(AstNode):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): # we must be a genr... for _ in (): yield _ async for node, path in genr: raise self.addExcInfo(s_stormctrl.StormBreak(item=(node, path))) raise self.addExcInfo(s_stormctrl.StormBreak())
[docs] class ContinueOper(AstNode):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): # we must be a genr... for _ in (): yield _ async for node, path in genr: raise self.addExcInfo(s_stormctrl.StormContinue(item=(node, path))) raise self.addExcInfo(s_stormctrl.StormContinue())
[docs] class IfClause(AstNode): pass
[docs] class IfStmt(Oper): def _hasAstClass(self, clss): clauses = if not isinstance(clauses[-1], IfClause): if clauses[-1].hasAstClass(clss): return True clauses = clauses[:-1] for clause in clauses: if[1].hasAstClass(clss): return True return False
[docs] def prepare(self): if isinstance([-1], IfClause): self.elsequery = None self.clauses = else: self.elsequery =[-1] self.clauses =[:-1]
async def _runtsafe_calc(self, runt): ''' All conditions are runtsafe: figure out which clause wins ''' for clause in self.clauses: expr, subq = exprvalu = await expr.compute(runt, None) if await tobool(exprvalu): return subq else: return self.elsequery
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): count = 0 allcondsafe = all([0].isRuntSafe(runt) for clause in self.clauses) async for node, path in genr: count += 1 for clause in self.clauses: expr, subq = exprvalu = await expr.compute(runt, path) if await tobool(exprvalu): break else: subq = self.elsequery if subq: assert isinstance(subq, SubQuery) async for item in subq.inline(runt, s_common.agen((node, path))): yield item else: # If none of the if branches were executed and no else present, pass the stream through unaltered yield node, path if count != 0 or not allcondsafe: return # no nodes and a runt safe value should execute the winning clause once subq = await self._runtsafe_calc(runt) if subq: async for item in subq.inline(runt, s_common.agen()): yield item
[docs] class Return(Oper):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): # fake out a generator... for item in (): yield item # pragma: no cover valu = None async for node, path in genr: if valu = await[0].compute(runt, path) raise s_stormctrl.StormReturn(valu) # no items in pipeline... execute if self.isRuntSafe(runt): if valu = await[0].compute(runt, None) raise s_stormctrl.StormReturn(valu)
[docs] class Emit(Oper):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): count = 0 async for node, path in genr: count += 1 try: await runt.emit(await[0].compute(runt, path)) except s_exc.StormRuntimeError as e: raise self.addExcInfo(e) yield node, path # no items in pipeline and runtsafe. execute once. if count == 0 and self.isRuntSafe(runt): try: await runt.emit(await[0].compute(runt, None)) except s_exc.StormRuntimeError as e: raise self.addExcInfo(e)
[docs] class Stop(Oper):
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): for _ in (): yield _ async for node, path in genr: raise self.addExcInfo(s_stormctrl.StormStop()) raise self.addExcInfo(s_stormctrl.StormStop())
[docs] class FuncArgs(AstNode): ''' Represents the function arguments in a function definition '''
[docs] async def compute(self, runt, path): retn = [] for kid in valu = await kid.compute(runt, path) if isinstance(kid, CallKwarg): if s_stormtypes.ismutable(valu[1]): exc = s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg='Mutable default parameter value not allowed') raise kid.addExcInfo(exc) else: valu = (valu, s_common.novalu) retn.append(valu) return retn
[docs] class Function(AstNode): ''' ( name, args, body ) // use args/kwargs syntax function bar(x, v=$(30)) { } # we auto-detect the behavior of the target function # return a value function bar(x, y) { return ($(x + y)) } # a function that produces nodes function bar(x, y) { [ baz:faz=(x, y) ] } $foo = $bar(10, v=20) ''' runtopaque = True
[docs] def prepare(self): assert isinstance([0], Const) =[0].value() self.hasemit = self.hasAstClass(Emit) self.hasretn = self.hasAstClass(Return)
[docs] def isRuntSafe(self, runt): return True
[docs] async def run(self, runt, genr): argskid =[1] if not argskid.isRuntSafe(runt): exc = s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg='Non-runtsafe default parameter value not allowed') raise argskid.addExcInfo(exc) async def once(): argdefs = await argskid.compute(runt, None) @s_stormtypes.stormfunc(readonly=True) async def realfunc(*args, **kwargs): return await self.callfunc(runt, argdefs, args, kwargs, realfunc._storm_funcpath) realfunc._storm_funcpath = await runt.setVar(, realfunc) count = 0 async for node, path in genr: count += 1 if count == 1: await once() yield node, path if count == 0: await once()
[docs] def getRuntVars(self, runt): yield ([0].value(), True)
[docs] def validate(self, runt): # var scope validation occurs in the sub-runtime pass
[docs] async def callfunc(self, runt, argdefs, args, kwargs, funcpath): ''' Execute a function call using the given runtime. This function may return a value / generator / async generator ''' mergargs = {} posnames = set() # Positional argument names argcount = len(args) + len(kwargs) if argcount > len(argdefs): mesg = f'{funcpath}() takes {len(argdefs)} arguments but {argcount} were provided' raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) # Fill in the positional arguments for pos, argv in enumerate(args): name = argdefs[pos][0] mergargs[name] = argv posnames.add(name) # Merge in the rest from kwargs or the default values set at function definition for name, defv in argdefs[len(args):]: valu = kwargs.pop(name, s_common.novalu) if valu is s_common.novalu: if defv is s_common.novalu: mesg = f'{funcpath}() missing required argument {name}' raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) valu = defv mergargs[name] = valu if kwargs: # Repeated kwargs are caught at parse time, so query either repeated a positional parameter, or # used a kwarg not defined. kwkeys = list(kwargs.keys()) if kwkeys[0] in posnames: mesg = f'{funcpath}() got multiple values for parameter {kwkeys[0]}' raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) plural = 's' if len(kwargs) > 1 else '' mesg = f'{funcpath}() got unexpected keyword argument{plural}: {",".join(kwkeys)}' raise[1].addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)) assert len(mergargs) == len(argdefs) opts = {'vars': mergargs} if (self.hasretn and not self.hasemit): async with runt.getSubRuntime([2], opts=opts) as subr: # inform the sub runtime to use function scope rules subr.funcscope = True try: await asyncio.sleep(0) async for item in subr.execute(): await asyncio.sleep(0) return None except s_stormctrl.StormReturn as e: return e.item except s_stormctrl.StormLoopCtrl as e: mesg = f'function {} - Loop control statement "{e.statement}" used outside of a loop.' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg,, statement=e.statement)) from e except s_stormctrl.StormGenrCtrl as e: mesg = f'function {} - Generator control statement "{e.statement}" used outside of a generator function.' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg,, statement=e.statement)) from e async def genr(): async with runt.getSubRuntime([2], opts=opts) as subr: # inform the sub runtime to use function scope rules subr.funcscope = True try: if self.hasemit: await asyncio.sleep(0) async with contextlib.aclosing(await subr.emitter()) as agen: async for item in agen: yield item await asyncio.sleep(0) else: await asyncio.sleep(0) async with contextlib.aclosing(subr.execute()) as agen: async for node, path in agen: yield node, path except s_stormctrl.StormStop: return except s_stormctrl.StormLoopCtrl as e: mesg = f'function {} - Loop control statement "{e.statement}" used outside of a loop.' raise self.addExcInfo(s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg,, statement=e.statement)) from e return genr()