Source code for synapse.lib.autodoc

import logging

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common

import synapse.lib.config as s_config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

rstlvls = [
    ('#', {'over': True}),
    ('*', {'over': True}),
    ('=', {}),
    ('-', {}),
    ('^', {}),

stormtype_doc_schema = {
    'definitions': {

        'stormType': {
            'type': ['string', 'array', 'object'],
            'items': {'type': 'string'},
            'properties': {
                '_funcname': {'type': 'string',
                              'description': 'The name of the python function implementing the method.'},
                'name': {'type': 'string',
                         'description': 'For a function argument, the name of the argument.'},
                'desc': {'type': 'string',
                         'description': 'For a function argument or return value, the description of the value.'},
                'deprecated': {'$ref': '#/definitions/deprecatedItem'},
                'type': {'$ref': '#/definitions/stormType'},
                'args': {
                    'type': 'array',
                    'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/stormType'},
                    'description': 'Arguments to document.',
                'returns': {'$ref': '#/definitions/stormType',
                            'description': 'Function return types to document'},
                'default': {'type': ['boolean', 'integer', 'string', 'null'],
                            'description': 'For a function argument, the default value, if applicable.'},
            'required': ['type'],
            'description': 'A multi-purpose container for holding types information. If this '
                           'is a string or list of strings, it represents simple return types.'
                           ' If it is a object, it should represent a function to generate '
                           'documentation for.',
            'additionalProperties': False,
        'deprecatedItem': {
            'type': 'object',
            'properties': {
                'eolvers': {'type': 'string', 'minLength': 1,
                            'description': "The version which will not longer support the item."},
                'eoldate': {'type': 'string', 'minLength': 1,
                            'description': 'Optional string indicating Synapse releases after this date may no longer support the item.'},
                'mesg': {'type': ['string', 'null'], 'default': None,
                         'description': 'Optional message to include in the warning text.'}
            'oneOf': [
                    'required': ['eolvers'],
                    'not': {'required': ['eoldate']}
                    'required': ['eoldate'],
                    'not': {'required': ['eolvers']}
            'additionalProperties': False,
        'stormtypeDoc': {
            'type': 'object',
            'properties': {
                'name': {'type': 'string',
                         'description': 'The name of the object.'},
                'desc': {'type': 'string',
                         'description': 'The docstring of the object.'},
                'deprecated': {'$ref': '#/definitions/deprecatedItem'},
                'type': {'$ref': '#/definitions/stormType'}
            'additionalProperties': False,

    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
        'path': {
            'type': 'array',
            'items': {
                'type': 'string'
            'minItems': 1,
            'description': 'The path of the object.'
        'desc': {
            'type': 'string',
            'description': 'The doc for the object itself.'
        'locals': {
            'type': 'array',
            'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/stormtypeDoc'},
            'description': 'A list of attributes, functions, getters, and setters to document.',
        'additionalProperties': False,
reqValidStormTypeDoc = s_config.getJsValidator(stormtype_doc_schema)

[docs] class RstHelp: def __init__(self): self.lines = []
[docs] def addHead(self, name, lvl=0, link=None, addprefixline=True, addsuffixline=True): char, info = rstlvls[lvl] under = char * len(name) lines = [] if addprefixline: lines.append('') if link: lines.append('') lines.append(link) lines.append('') if info.get('over'): lines.append(under) lines.append(name) lines.append(under) if addsuffixline: lines.append('') self.addLines(*lines)
[docs] def addLines(self, *lines): self.lines.extend(lines)
[docs] def getRstText(self): return '\n'.join(self.lines)
[docs] def ljuster(ilines): '''Helper to lstrip lines of whitespace an appropriate amount.''' baseline = ilines[0] assert baseline != '' newbaseline = baseline.lstrip() assert newbaseline != '' diff = len(baseline) - len(newbaseline) assert diff >= 0 newlines = [line[diff:] for line in ilines] return newlines
[docs] def scrubLines(lines): '''Remove any empty lines until we encounter non-empty linee''' newlines = [] for line in lines: if line == '' and not newlines: continue newlines.append(line) return newlines
[docs] def prepareRstLines(doc): '''Prepare a desc string for RST lines.''' lines = doc.split('\n') lines = scrubLines(lines) lines = ljuster(lines) return lines
[docs] def getArgLines(rtype): lines = [] args = rtype.get('args', ()) assert args is not None if args == (): # Zero args return lines lines.append('\n') lines.append('Args:') for arg in args: name = arg.get('name') desc = arg.get('desc') atyp = arg.get('type') assert name is not None assert desc is not None assert atyp is not None name = name.replace('*', '\\*') if isinstance(atyp, str): line = f' {name} ({atyp}): {desc}' elif isinstance(atyp, (list, tuple)): assert len(atyp) > 1 for obj in atyp: assert isinstance(obj, str) tdata = ', '.join([f'``{obj}``' for obj in atyp]) rline = f'The input type may be one of the following: {tdata}.' line = f' {name}: {desc} {rline}' elif isinstance(atyp, dict): logger.warning('Fully declarative input types are not yet supported.') rline = f"The input type is derived from the declarative type ``{atyp}``." line = f' {name}: {desc} {rline}' else: raise AssertionError(f'unknown argtype: {atyp}') lines.extend((line, '\n')) return lines
[docs] def genDeprecationWarning(name, depr, runt=False): assert name is not None assert depr is not None lines = [] if runt: lines.append('.. warning::') else: lines.append('Warning:') mesg = depr.get('mesg') date = depr.get('eoldate') vers = depr.get('eolvers') ws = '' if runt: ws = ' ' if date: lines.append(f'{ws}``{name}`` has been deprecated and will be removed on or after {date}.') else: lines.append(f'{ws}``{name}`` has been deprecated and will be removed in version {vers}.') if mesg: lines.append(f'{ws}{mesg}') lines.append('\n') return lines
[docs] def runtimeGetArgLines(rtype): lines = [] args = rtype.get('args', ()) assert args is not None if args == (): # Zero args return lines lines.append('Args:') for arg in args: name = arg.get('name') desc = arg.get('desc') atyp = arg.get('type') assert name is not None assert desc is not None assert atyp is not None if isinstance(atyp, str): line = f' {name} ({atyp}): {desc}' elif isinstance(atyp, (list, tuple)): assert len(atyp) > 1 for obj in atyp: assert isinstance(obj, str) tdata = ', '.join(atyp) rline = f'The input type may one one of the following: {tdata}.' line = f' {name}: {desc} {rline}' elif isinstance(atyp, dict): logger.warning('Fully declarative input types are not yet supported.') rline = f"The input type is derived from the declarative type ``{atyp}``." line = f' {name}: {desc} {rline}' else: raise AssertionError(f'unknown argtype: {atyp}') lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def genCallsig(rtype): items = [] args = rtype.get('args', ()) assert args is not None for arg in args: name = arg.get('name') defv = arg.get('default', s_common.novalu) if defv is s_common.novalu: item = name elif defv is None: item = f'{name}=$lib.null' elif defv is True: item = f'{name}=$lib.true' elif defv is False: item = f'{name}=$lib.false' elif isinstance(defv, str): item = f'{name}={defv}' elif isinstance(defv, int): item = f'{name}=({defv})' else: # pragma: no cover raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=f'Failed to make call sig for {arg=}') items.append(item) ret = f"({', '.join(items)})" return ret
[docs] def getRtypeStr(rtype, known_types, types_prefix, suffix): if rtype in known_types: rtype = getLink(rtype, types_prefix, ref=True, suffix=suffix) else: rtype = f'``{rtype}``' return rtype
[docs] def getReturnLines(rtype, known_types=None, types_prefix=None, suffix=None, isstor=False): # Allow someone to plumb in name=Yields as a return type. lines = [''] whitespace = ' ' if known_types is None: known_types = set() if isinstance(rtype, str): lines.append('Returns:') lines.append(f' The type is {getRtypeStr(rtype, known_types, types_prefix, suffix)}.') elif isinstance(rtype, (list, tuple)): assert len(rtype) > 1 tdata = ', '.join([f'{getRtypeStr(obj, known_types, types_prefix, suffix)}' for obj in rtype]) lines.append('Returns:') lines.append(f' The type may be one of the following: {tdata}.') elif isinstance(rtype, dict): returns = rtype.get('returns') assert returns is not None, f'Invalid returns for {rtype}' name = returns.get('name', 'Returns').title() desc = returns.get('desc') rettype = returns.get('type') lines.append(f'{name}:') # Now switch on the type. parts = [whitespace] if desc: parts.append(desc) if isinstance(rettype, str): parts.append(f"The return type is {getRtypeStr(rettype, known_types, types_prefix, suffix)}.") elif isinstance(rettype, (list, tuple)): assert len(rettype) > 1 tdata = ', '.join([f'{getRtypeStr(obj, known_types, types_prefix, suffix)}' for obj in rettype]) rline = f'The return type may be one of the following: {tdata}.' parts.append(rline) elif isinstance(rettype, dict): logger.warning('Fully declarative input types are not yet supported.') rline = f"The return type is derived from the declarative type ``{rettype}``." parts.append(rline) else: raise AssertionError(f'unknown return type: {rettype}') line = ' '.join(parts) lines.append(line) if isstor: line = f'{whitespace} When this is used to set the value, it does not have a return type.' lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def runtimeGetReturnLines(rtype, isstor=False): # Allow someone to plumb in name=Yields as a return type. lines = [''] whitespace = ' ' if isinstance(rtype, str): lines.append('Returns:') lines.append(f' The type is {rtype}.') elif isinstance(rtype, (list, tuple)): assert len(rtype) > 1 tdata = ', '.join(rtype) lines.append('Returns:') lines.append(f' The type may be one of the following: {tdata}.') elif isinstance(rtype, dict): returns = rtype.get('returns') assert returns is not None, f'Invalid returns for {rtype}' name = returns.get('name', 'Returns') desc = returns.get('desc') rettype = returns.get('type') lines.append(f'{name}:') # Now switch on the type. parts = [whitespace] if desc: parts.append(desc) if isinstance(rettype, str): parts.append(f"The return type is {rettype}.") elif isinstance(rettype, (list, tuple)): assert len(rettype) > 1 tdata = ', '.join(rettype) rline = f'The return type may be one of the following: {tdata}.' parts.append(rline) elif isinstance(rettype, dict): logger.warning('Fully declarative return types are not yet supported.') rline = f"The return type is derived from the declarative type ``{rettype}``." parts.append(rline) else: raise AssertionError(f'unknown return type: {rettype}') line = ' '.join(parts) lines.append(line) if isstor: line = f'{whitespace} When this is used to set the value, it does not have a return type.' lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def docStormTypes(page, docinfo, linkprefix, islib=False, lvl=1, known_types=None, types_prefix=None, types_suffix=None, ): ''' Process a list of StormTypes doc information to add them to an RstHelp object. Notes This will create internal hyperlink link targets for each header item. The link prefix string must be given with the ``linkprefix`` argument. Args: page (RstHelp): The RST page to add . docinfo (dict): A Stormtypes Doc. linkprefix (str): The RST link prefix string to use. islib (bool): Treat the data as a library. This will preface the header and attribute values with ``$`` and use full paths for attributes. lvl (int): The base header level to use when adding headers to the page. Returns: None ''' if known_types is None: known_types = set() for info in docinfo: reqValidStormTypeDoc(info) path = info.get('path') sname = '.'.join(path) safesname = sname.replace(':', '\\:') if islib: link = getLink(sname, linkprefix) page.addHead(f"${safesname}", lvl=lvl, link=link) else: link = getLink(sname, linkprefix, suffix=types_suffix) page.addHead(safesname, lvl=lvl, link=link) typedoc = info.get('desc') lines = prepareRstLines(typedoc) page.addLines(*lines) locls = info.get('locals', ()) locls = sorted(locls, key=lambda x: x.get('name')) libdepr = info.get('deprecated') for locl in locls: name = locl.get('name') loclname = '.'.join((sname, name)) desc = locl.get('desc') rtype = locl.get('type') assert desc is not None assert rtype is not None link = f'.. _{linkprefix}-{loclname.replace(":", ".").replace(".", "-")}:' lines = [] if depr := locl.get('deprecated'): lines.extend(genDeprecationWarning(f'${loclname}', depr, True)) elif libdepr is not None: lines.extend(genDeprecationWarning(f'${loclname}', libdepr, True)) if isinstance(rtype, dict): rname = rtype.get('type') if isinstance(rname, dict): raise AssertionError(f'rname as dict not supported loclname={loclname} rname={rname}') isstor = False isfunc = False isgtor = False isctor = False if rname == 'ctor' or 'ctor' in rname: isctor = True if rname == 'function' or 'function' in rname: isfunc = True if rname == 'gtor' or 'gtor' in rname: isgtor = True if rname == 'stor' or 'stor' in rname: isstor = True lines.extend(prepareRstLines(desc)) arglines = getArgLines(rtype) lines.extend(arglines) retlines = getReturnLines(rtype, known_types=known_types, types_prefix=types_prefix, suffix=types_suffix, isstor=isstor) lines.extend(retlines) callsig = '' if isfunc: callsig = genCallsig(rtype) header = f'{name}{callsig}' header = header.replace('*', r'\*') else: header = name lines.extend(prepareRstLines(desc)) retlines = getReturnLines(rtype, known_types=known_types, types_prefix=types_prefix, suffix=types_suffix) lines.extend(retlines) if islib: header = '.'.join((safesname, header)) header = f'${header}' page.addHead(header, lvl=lvl + 1, link=link) page.addLines(*lines)
[docs] def runtimeDocStormTypes(page, docinfo, islib=False, lvl=1, oneline=False, addheader=True, preamble=None, ): ''' Process a list of StormTypes doc information to add them to a RstHelp object. Used for Storm runtime help generation. Args: page (RstHelp): The RST page to add . docinfo (dict): A Stormtypes Doc. linkprefix (str): The RST link prefix string to use. islib (bool): Treat the data as a library. This will preface the header and attribute values with ``$`` and use full paths for attributes. lvl (int): The base header level to use when adding headers to the page. oneline (bool): Only display the first line of description. Omits local headers. preamble (list): Lines added after the header; and before locls. Returns: None ''' if preamble is None: preamble = [] for info in docinfo: reqValidStormTypeDoc(info) path = info.get('path') sname = '.'.join(path) if addheader: if islib: page.addHead(f"${sname}", lvl=lvl, addprefixline=False, addsuffixline=False) else: page.addHead(sname, lvl=lvl, addprefixline=False, addsuffixline=False) typedoc = info.get('desc') lines = prepareRstLines(typedoc) page.addLines(*lines) page.addLines(*preamble) libdepr = info.get('deprecated') locls = info.get('locals', ()) locls = sorted(locls, key=lambda x: x.get('name')) funcs = [] nofuncs = [] for locl in locls: name = locl.get('name') loclname = '.'.join((sname, name)) rtype = locl.get('type') if isinstance(rtype, dict): rname = rtype.get('type') if isinstance(rname, dict): raise AssertionError(f'rname as dict not supported loclname={loclname} rname={rname}') isstor = False isfunc = False isgtor = False isctor = False if rname == 'ctor' or 'ctor' in rname: isctor = True if rname == 'function' or 'function' in rname: isfunc = True if rname == 'gtor' or 'gtor' in rname: isgtor = True if rname == 'stor' or 'stor' in rname: isstor = True if isfunc: funcs.append((locl, isstor, isfunc, isgtor, isctor)) else: nofuncs.append((locl, isstor, isfunc, isgtor, isctor)) continue nofuncs.append((locl, False, False, False, False)) def renderer(locl, isstor, isfunc, isgtor, isctor): name = locl.get('name') loclname = '.'.join((sname, name)) desc = locl.get('desc') rtype = locl.get('type') assert desc is not None assert rtype is not None lines = [] if not oneline: if (depr := locl.get('deprecated')): lines.extend(genDeprecationWarning(f'${loclname}', depr)) elif libdepr is not None: lines.extend(genDeprecationWarning(f'${loclname}', libdepr)) if isinstance(rtype, dict): rname = rtype.get('type') if isinstance(rname, dict): raise AssertionError(f'rname as dict not supported loclname={loclname} rname={rname}') lines.extend(prepareRstLines(desc)) arglines = runtimeGetArgLines(rtype) lines.extend(arglines) retlines = runtimeGetReturnLines(rtype, isstor=isstor) lines.extend(retlines) callsig = '' if isfunc: callsig = genCallsig(rtype) header = f'{name}{callsig}' else: header = name lines.extend(prepareRstLines(desc)) retlines = runtimeGetReturnLines(rtype) lines.extend(retlines) if islib: header = '.'.join((sname, header)) header = f'${header}' if oneline: page.addLines(header, lines[0], '') else: page.addHead(header, lvl=lvl + 1, addsuffixline=False) page.addLines(*lines) more_than_one_item = (len(funcs) + len(nofuncs)) > 1 if funcs: if more_than_one_item: page.addLines('The following functions are available:', '') for locl, isstor, isfunc, isgtor, isctor in funcs: renderer(locl, isstor, isfunc, isgtor, isctor) if nofuncs: if more_than_one_item: page.addLines('', 'The following references are available:', '') for locl, isstor, isfunc, isgtor, isctor in nofuncs: renderer(locl, isstor, isfunc, isgtor, isctor) return