Source code for synapse.lib.base

import gc
import os
import atexit
import signal
import asyncio
import inspect
import logging
import weakref
import contextlib
import collections

if __debug__:
    import traceback

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.glob as s_glob

import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
import synapse.lib.scope as s_scope

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def _fini_atexit():  # pragma: no cover

    for item in gc.get_objects():

        if not isinstance(item, Base):

        if not item.anitted:

        if item.isfini:

        if not item._fini_atexit and not OMIT_FINI_WARNS:
            if __debug__:
                logger.debug(f'At exit: Missing fini for {item}')
                for depth, call in enumerate(item.call_stack[:-2]):
                    logger.debug(f'{depth+1:3}: {call.strip()}')

            if __debug__:
                logger.debug('At exit: Calling fini for %r', item)
            rv = item.fini()
            if s_coro.iscoro(rv):
                # Try to run the fini on its loop
                loop = item.loop
                if not loop.is_running():

        except Exception:
            logger.exception('atexit fini fail: %r' % (item,))


[docs] class Base: ''' Base class for Synapse objects. Acts as an observable, enables async init and fini. Example: class Foo(Base): async def __anit__(self, x, y): await Base.__anit__(self) await stuff(x, y) foo = await Foo.anit(10) Note: One should not create instances directly via its initializer, i.e. Base(). One shall always use the class method anit. ''' def __init__(self): self.anitted = False assert inspect.stack()[1].function == 'anit', 'Objects from Base must be constructed solely via "anit"'
[docs] @classmethod async def anit(cls, *args, **kwargs): # sneak in a quick loop check here for convenience if s_glob._glob_loop is None: s_glob.initloop() self = cls() try: await self.__anit__(*args, **kwargs) except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception): if self.anitted: await self.fini() raise try: await self.postAnit() except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception): logger.exception('Error during postAnit callback.') await self.fini() raise return self
async def __anit__(self): self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() if __debug__: import synapse.lib.threads as s_threads # avoid import cycle self.tid = s_threads.iden() self.call_stack = traceback.format_stack() # For cleanup debugging if object.__getattribute__(self, 'anitted') is True: # The Base has already been anitted. This allows a class to treat # multiple Base objects as a mixin and __anit__ themselves without # smashing fini or event handlers from the others. return self.isfini = False self.anitted = True # For assertion purposes self.finievt = asyncio.Event() self.entered = False # hold a weak ref to other bases we should fini if they # are still around when we go down... self.tofini = weakref.WeakSet() self._syn_funcs = collections.defaultdict(list) self._syn_refs = 1 # one ref for the ctor self._syn_links = [] self._fini_funcs = [] self._fini_atexit = False self._active_tasks = None # the set of free running tasks associated with me self._context_managers = None # the set of context managers i must fini self._syn_signal_tasks = None # initialized as a Set when addSignalHandlers is called.
[docs] async def postAnit(self): ''' Method called after self.__anit__() has completed, but before anit() returns the object to the caller. ''' pass
[docs] async def enter_context(self, item): ''' Modeled on Python's contextlib.ExitStack.enter_context. Enters a new context manager and adds its __exit__() and __aexit__ method to its onfini handlers. Returns: The result of item’s own __aenter__ or __enter__() method. ''' if self.isfini: # pragma: no cover mesg = 'Cannot enter_context on a fini()d object.' raise s_exc.IsFini(mesg=mesg) if self._context_managers is None: self._context_managers = [] self._context_managers.append(item) entr = getattr(item, '__aenter__', None) if entr is not None: return await entr() entr = getattr(item, '__enter__', None) assert entr is not None return entr()
[docs] def onfini(self, func): ''' Add a function/coroutine/Base to be called on fini(). The rules around how to register function/coroutine/Base to be called: - Call this method with an instance of Base (this class) if holding a reference to a bound method of the instance (such as a fini() method) would cause the object to be leaked. This is appropriate for ephemeral objects that may be constructed/destroyed multiple times over the lifetime of a process. - Call this method with an instance method if you want the object to have a lifetime as long as the thing being fini'd. ''' if self.isfini: if isinstance(func, Base): s_coro.create_task(func.fini()) else: s_coro.create_task(s_coro.ornot(func)) return if isinstance(func, Base): self.tofini.add(func) return assert self.anitted self._fini_funcs.append(func)
async def __aenter__(self): assert asyncio.get_running_loop() == self.loop self.entered = True return self async def __aexit__(self, exc, cls, tb): # Either there should be no running loop or we shall be on the right one try: assert asyncio.get_running_loop() == self.loop except RuntimeError: pass await self.fini()
[docs] def incref(self): ''' Increment the reference count for this base. This API may be optionally used to control fini(). ''' self._syn_refs += 1 return self._syn_refs
[docs] def on(self, evnt, func, base=None): ''' Add an base function callback for a specific event with optional filtering. If the function returns a coroutine, it will be awaited. Args: evnt (str): An event name func (function): A callback function to receive event tufo Examples: Add a callback function and fire it: async def baz(event): x = event[1].get('x') y = event[1].get('y') return x + y d.on('foo', baz) # this fire triggers baz... await'foo', x=10, y=20) Returns: None: ''' funcs = self._syn_funcs[evnt] if func in funcs: return funcs.append(func) if base is not None: def fini():, func) base.onfini(fini)
[docs] def off(self, evnt, func): ''' Remove a previously registered event handler function. Example: 'foo', onFooFunc ) ''' funcs = self._syn_funcs.get(evnt) if funcs is None: return try: funcs.remove(func) except ValueError: pass
[docs] async def fire(self, evtname, **info): ''' Fire the given event name on the Base. Returns a list of the return values of each callback. Example: for ret in'woot',foo='asdf'): print('got: %r' % (ret,)) ''' event = (evtname, info) if self.isfini: return event await self.dist(event) return event
[docs] async def dist(self, mesg): ''' Distribute an existing event tuple. Args: mesg ((str,dict)): An event tuple. Example: await base.dist( ('foo',{'bar':'baz'}) ) ''' if self.isfini: return () ret = [] for func in self._syn_funcs.get(mesg[0], ()): try: ret.append(await s_coro.ornot(func, mesg)) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: logger.exception('base %s error with mesg %s', self, mesg) for func in self._syn_links: try: ret.append(await s_coro.ornot(func, mesg)) except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: logger.exception('base %s error with mesg %s', self, mesg) return ret
async def _kill_active_tasks(self): if not self._active_tasks: return for task in self._active_tasks.copy(): task.cancel() try: await task except (asyncio.CancelledError, Exception): # The taskDone callback will emit the exception. No need to repeat pass
[docs] async def fini(self): ''' Shut down the object and notify any onfini() coroutines. Returns: Remaining ref count ''' assert self.anitted, f'{self.__class__.__name__} initialized improperly. Must use Base.anit class method.' if self.isfini: return if __debug__: import synapse.lib.threads as s_threads # avoid import cycle assert s_threads.iden() == self.tid self._syn_refs -= 1 if self._syn_refs > 0: return self._syn_refs self.isfini = True for base in list(self.tofini): await base.fini() await self._kill_active_tasks() if self._context_managers is not None: for item in reversed(self._context_managers): exit = getattr(item, '__aexit__', None) if exit is not None: try: await exit(None, None, None) except Exception: logger.exception(f'{self} {item} - context aexit failed!') continue exit = getattr(item, '__exit__', None) if exit is not None: try: exit(None, None, None) except Exception: logger.exception(f'{self} {item} - context exit failed!') continue for fini in self._fini_funcs: try: await s_coro.ornot(fini) except Exception: logger.exception(f'{self} - fini function failed: {fini}') self._syn_funcs.clear() self._fini_funcs.clear() self.finievt.set() return 0
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def onWith(self, evnt, func): ''' A context manager which can be used to add a callback and remove it when using a ``with`` statement. Args: evnt (str): An event name func (function): A callback function to receive event tufo ''' self.on(evnt, func) # Allow exceptions to propagate during the context manager # but ensure we cleanup our temporary callback try: yield self finally:, func)
[docs] async def waitfini(self, timeout=None): ''' Wait for the base to fini() Returns: None if timed out, True if fini happened Example: base.waitfini(timeout=30) ''' return await s_coro.event_wait(self.finievt, timeout)
[docs] def schedCoro(self, coro): ''' Schedules a free-running coroutine to run on this base's event loop. Kills the coroutine if Base is fini'd. It does not pend on coroutine completion. Args: coro: The coroutine to schedule. Notes: This function is *not* threadsafe and must be run on the Base's event loop. Tasks created by this function do inherit the synapse.lib.scope Scope from the current task. Returns: asyncio.Task: An asyncio.Task object. ''' if __debug__: assert inspect.isawaitable(coro) import synapse.lib.threads as s_threads # avoid import cycle assert s_threads.iden() == self.tid if self._active_tasks is None: self._active_tasks = set() task = self.loop.create_task(coro) s_scope.clone(task) def taskDone(task): self._active_tasks.remove(task) try: task.result() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except Exception: logger.exception('Task %s scheduled through Base.schedCoro raised exception', task) self._active_tasks.add(task) task.add_done_callback(taskDone) return task
[docs] def schedCallSafe(self, func, *args, **kwargs): ''' Schedule a function to run as soon as possible on the same event loop that this Base is running on. This function does *not* pend on the function completion. Args: func: *args: **kwargs: Notes: This method may be called from outside of the event loop on a different thread. This function will break any task scoping done with synapse.lib.scope. Returns: concurrent.futures.Future: A Future representing the eventual function execution. ''' def real(): return func(*args, **kwargs) return self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(real)
[docs] def schedCoroSafe(self, coro): ''' Schedules a coroutine to run as soon as possible on the same event loop that this Base is running on. This function does *not* pend on coroutine completion. Notes: This method may be run outside the event loop on a different thread. This function will break any task scoping done with synapse.lib.scope. Returns: concurrent.futures.Future: A Future representing the eventual coroutine execution. ''' return self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.schedCoro, coro)
[docs] def schedCoroSafePend(self, coro): ''' Schedules a coroutine to run as soon as possible on the same event loop that this Base is running on Note: This method may *not* be run inside an event loop ''' if __debug__: import synapse.lib.threads as s_threads # avoid import cycle assert s_threads.iden() != self.tid task = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self.loop) return task.result()
[docs] async def addSignalHandlers(self): ''' Register SIGTERM/SIGINT signal handlers with the ioloop to fini this object. ''' if self._syn_signal_tasks is None: self._syn_signal_tasks = set() def sigterm(): logger.warning('Caught SIGTERM, shutting down.') task = asyncio.create_task(self.fini()) self._syn_signal_tasks.add(task) task.add_done_callback(self._syn_signal_tasks.discard) def sigint(): logger.warning('Caught SIGINT, shutting down.') task = asyncio.create_task(self.fini()) self._syn_signal_tasks.add(task) task.add_done_callback(self._syn_signal_tasks.discard) loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, sigint) loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm)
[docs] async def main(self): # pragma: no cover ''' Helper function to setup signal handlers for this base as the main object. ( use base.waitfini() to block ) Note: This API may only be used when the ioloop is *also* the main thread. ''' await self.addSignalHandlers() return await self.waitfini()
[docs] def waiter(self, count, *names, timeout=None): ''' Construct and return a new Waiter for events on this base. Example: # wait up to 3 seconds for 10 foo:bar events... waiter = base.waiter(10,'foo:bar') # .. fire task that will cause foo:bar events events = await waiter.wait(timeout=3) if events == None: # handle the timeout case... for event in events: # parse the events if you need... Note: Use this with caution. It's easy to accidentally construct race conditions with this mechanism ;) ''' return Waiter(self, count, *names, timeout=timeout)
[docs] class Waiter: ''' A helper to wait for a given number of events on a Base. ''' def __init__(self, base, count, *names, timeout=None): self.base = base self.names = names self.count = count self.timeout = timeout self.event = asyncio.Event() = [] for name in names: base.on(name, self._onWaitEvent) if not names: def _onWaitEvent(self, mesg): if len( >= self.count: self.event.set()
[docs] async def wait(self, timeout=None): ''' Wait for the required number of events and return them or None on timeout. Example: evnts = waiter.wait(timeout=30) if evnts == None: handleTimedOut() return for evnt in evnts: doStuff(evnt) ''' if timeout is None: timeout = self.timeout try: retn = await s_coro.event_wait(self.event, timeout) if not retn: return None return finally: self.fini()
[docs] def fini(self): for name in self.names:, self._onWaitEvent) if not self.names: self.base.unlink(self._onWaitEvent) del self.event
async def __aenter__(self): return self async def __aexit__(self, exc, cls, tb): if exc is None: if await self.wait() is None: # pragma: no cover # these lines are 100% covered by the tests but # the coverage plugin cannot seem to see them... events = ','.join(self.names) mesg = f'timeout waiting for {self.count} event(s): {events}' raise s_exc.TimeOut(mesg=mesg)
[docs] class BaseRef(Base): ''' An object for managing multiple Base instances by name. ''' async def __anit__(self, ctor=None): await Base.__anit__(self) self.ctor = ctor self.base_by_name = {} self.onfini(self._onBaseRefFini) async def _onBaseRefFini(self): await asyncio.gather(*[base.fini() for base in self.vals()])
[docs] def put(self, name, base): ''' Add a Base (or sub-class) to the BaseRef by name. Args: name (str): The name/iden of the Base base (Base): The Base instance Returns: (None) ''' async def fini(): if self.base_by_name.get(name) is base: self.base_by_name.pop(name, None) # Remove myself from BaseRef when I fini base.onfini(fini) self.base_by_name[name] = base
[docs] def pop(self, name): ''' Remove and return a Base from the BaseRef. Args: name (str): The name/iden of the Base instance Returns: (Base): The named base ( or None ) ''' return self.base_by_name.pop(name, None)
[docs] def get(self, name): ''' Retrieve a Base instance by name. Args: name (str): The name/iden of the Base Returns: (Base): The Base instance (or None) ''' return self.base_by_name.get(name)
[docs] async def gen(self, name): ''' Atomically get/gen a Base and incref. (requires ctor during BaseRef init) Args: name (str): The name/iden of the Base instance. ''' if self.ctor is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchCtor(name=name, mesg='BaseRef.gen() requires ctor') base = self.base_by_name.get(name) if base is None: base = await self.ctor(name) self.put(name, base) else: base.incref() return base
[docs] def vals(self): return list(self.base_by_name.values())
[docs] def items(self): return list(self.base_by_name.items())
def __iter__(self): # make a copy during iteration to prevent dict # change during iteration exceptions return iter(list(self.base_by_name.values()))
[docs] async def schedGenr(genr, maxsize=100): ''' Schedule a generator to run on a separate task and yield results to this task (pipelined generator). ''' q = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=maxsize) async def genrtask(base): try: async for item in genr: await q.put((True, item)) await q.put((False, None)) except Exception: if not base.isfini: await q.put((False, None)) raise async with await Base.anit() as base: task = base.schedCoro(genrtask(base)) while not base.isfini: ok, retn = await q.get() if ok: yield retn # since we are a pipeline, yield every time... await asyncio.sleep(0) continue await task return
[docs] async def main(coro): # pragma: no cover base = await coro if isinstance(base, Base): async with base: await base.main()