Source code for synapse.lib.certdir

import io
import os
import ssl
import time
import shutil
import socket
import logging
import datetime
import collections

from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from OpenSSL import crypto  # type: ignore

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.const as s_const
import synapse.lib.output as s_output
import synapse.lib.crypto.rsa as s_rsa

import cryptography.x509 as c_x509
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes as c_hashes
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa as c_rsa
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa as c_dsa
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.types as c_types
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization as c_serialization
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.pkcs12 as c_pkcs12

defdir_default = '~/.syn/certs'
defdir = os.getenv('SYN_CERT_DIR')
if defdir is None:
    defdir = defdir_default

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NSCERTTYPE_OID = '2.16.840.1.113730.1.1'
NSCERTTYPE_CLIENT = b'\x03\x02\x07\x80'   # client
NSCERTTYPE_SERVER = b'\x03\x02\x06@'      # server
NSCERTTYPE_OBJSIGN = b'\x03\x02\x04\x10'  # objsign

TEN_YEARS = 10 * s_const.year  # 10 years in milliseconds
TEN_YEARS_TD = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=TEN_YEARS)

StrOrNone = Union[str | None]
BytesOrNone = Union[bytes | None]
OutPutOrNone = Union[s_output.OutPut | None]
CertOrNone = Union[c_x509.Certificate | None]
PkeyOrNone = Union[c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey | c_dsa.DSAPrivateKey | None]
PkeyAndCert = Tuple[c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey, c_x509.Certificate]
PkeyAndBuilder = Tuple[c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey, c_x509.CertificateBuilder]
PrivKeyPubKeyBuilder = Tuple[Union[c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey | None], c_types.PublicKeyTypes, c_x509.CertificateBuilder]
Pkey = Union[c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey | c_dsa.DSAPrivateKey]
Pkcs12OrNone = Union[c_pkcs12.PKCS12KeyAndCertificates | None]
PkeyOrNoneAndCert = Tuple[Union[c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey | None], c_x509.Certificate]
# Used for handling CSRs
PubKeyOrNone = Union[c_types.PublicKeyTypes | None]

[docs] def iterFqdnUp(fqdn): levs = fqdn.split('.') for i in range(len(levs)): yield '.'.join(levs[i:])
def _initTLSServerCiphers(): ''' Create a cipher string that supports TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 ciphers which do not use RSA. Note: The results of this may be dynamic depending on the interpreter version and OpenSSL library in use. For Python 3.8 and below, the cipher list is a subset of the normal default ciphers which commonly available. For Python 3.10+, the changes should be negligible. The resulting string is cached in the module global TLS_SERVER_CIPHERS and called at import time. Returns: str: A OpenSSL Cipher string. ''' ctx = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) # type: ssl.SSLContext _ciphers = [] for cipher in ctx.get_ciphers(): # pragma: no cover if cipher.get('protocol') not in ('TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.3'): continue if cipher.get('kea') == 'kx-rsa': # pragma: no cover continue _ciphers.append(cipher) if len(_ciphers) == 0: # pragma: no cover raise s_exc.SynErr(mesg='No valid TLS ciphers are available for this Python installation.') ciphers = ':'.join([c.get('name') for c in _ciphers]) return ciphers TLS_SERVER_CIPHERS = _initTLSServerCiphers() def _unpackContextError(e: crypto.X509StoreContextError) -> str: # account for backward incompatible change in pyopenssl v22.1.0 if e.args: if isinstance(e.args[0], str): errstr = e.args[0] else: # pragma: no cover errstr = e.args[0][2] # pyopenssl < 22.1.0 mesg = f'{errstr}' else: # pragma: no cover mesg = 'Certficate failed to verify.' return mesg
[docs] class Crl: def __init__(self, cdir, name): = name self.certdir = cdir self.path = self.certdir.genCrlPath(name) self.crlbuilder = c_x509.CertificateRevocationListBuilder().issuer_name(c_x509.Name([ c_x509.NameAttribute(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, name), ])) if os.path.isfile(self.path): with, 'rb') as fd: crl = c_x509.load_pem_x509_crl( for revc in crl: self.crlbuilder = self.crlbuilder.add_revoked_certificate(revc)
[docs] def revoke(self, cert: c_x509.Certificate) -> None: ''' Revoke a certificate with the CRL. Args: cert: The certificate to revoke. Returns: None ''' try: self._verify(cert) except s_exc.BadCertVerify as e: raise s_exc.BadCertVerify(mesg=f'Failed to validate that certificate was signed by {}') from e now = builder = c_x509.RevokedCertificateBuilder() builder = builder.serial_number(cert.serial_number) builder = builder.revocation_date(now) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.CRLReason(c_x509.ReasonFlags.unspecified), critical=False) revoked_cert = self.crlbuilder = self.crlbuilder.add_revoked_certificate(revoked_cert) self._save(now)
def _verify(self, cert): # Verify the cert was signed by the CA in cacert = self.certdir.getCaCert( store = crypto.X509Store() store.add_cert(crypto.X509.from_cryptography(cacert)) store.set_flags(crypto.X509StoreFlags.PARTIAL_CHAIN) ctx = crypto.X509StoreContext(store, crypto.X509.from_cryptography(cert)) try: ctx.verify_certificate() except crypto.X509StoreContextError as e: raise s_exc.BadCertVerify(mesg=_unpackContextError(e)) from None def _save(self, timestamp: [datetime.datetime | None] = None) -> None: if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.crlbuilder = self.crlbuilder.last_update(timestamp) # We have to have a next updated time; but we set it to be >= the lifespan of our certificates in general. self.crlbuilder = self.crlbuilder.next_update(timestamp + TEN_YEARS_TD) prvkey = self.certdir.getCaKey( crl = self.crlbuilder.sign(private_key=prvkey, algorithm=c_hashes.SHA256()) with s_common.genfile(self.path) as fd: fd.truncate(0) fd.write(crl.public_bytes(c_serialization.Encoding.PEM))
[docs] def getServerSSLContext() -> ssl.SSLContext: ''' Get a server SSLContext object. This object has a minimum TLS version of 1.2, a subset of ciphers in use, and disabled client renegotiation. This object has no certificates loaded in it. Returns: ssl.SSLContext: The context object. ''' sslctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) sslctx.minimum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_2 sslctx.set_ciphers(TLS_SERVER_CIPHERS) # Disable client renegotiation if available. sslctx.options |= getattr(ssl, "OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION", 0) return sslctx
[docs] class CertDir: ''' Certificate loading/generation/signing utilities. Features: * Locates and load certificates, keys, and certificate signing requests (CSRs). * Generates keypairs for users, hosts, and certificate authorities (CAs), supports both signed and self-signed. * Generates certificate signing requests (CSRs) for users, hosts, and certificate authorities (CAs). * Signs certificate signing requests (CSRs). * Generates PKCS#12 archives for use in browser. Args: path (str): Optional path which can override the default path directory. Notes: * All certificates will be loaded from and written to ~/.syn/certs by default. Set the environment variable SYN_CERT_DIR to override. * All certificate generation methods create 4096 bit RSA keypairs. * All certificate signing methods use sha256 as the signature algorithm. * CertDir does not currently support signing CA CSRs. ''' def __init__(self, path: StrOrNone = None): self.crypto_numbits = 4096 self.signing_digest = c_hashes.SHA256 self.certdirs = [] self.pathrefs = collections.defaultdict(int) if path is None: path = (defdir,) if not isinstance(path, (list, tuple)): path = (path,) for p in path: self.addCertPath(p)
[docs] def addCertPath(self, *path: str): fullpath = s_common.genpath(*path) self.pathrefs[fullpath] += 1 if self.pathrefs[fullpath] == 1: self.certdirs.append(fullpath)
[docs] def delCertPath(self, *path: str): fullpath = s_common.genpath(*path) self.pathrefs[fullpath] -= 1 if self.pathrefs[fullpath] <= 0: self.certdirs.remove(fullpath) self.pathrefs.pop(fullpath, None)
[docs] def genCaCert(self, name: str, signas: StrOrNone = None, outp: OutPutOrNone = None, save: bool = True) -> PkeyAndCert: ''' Generates a CA keypair. Args: name: The name of the CA keypair. signas: The CA keypair to sign the new CA with. outp: The output buffer. save: Save the certificate and key to disk. Examples: Make a CA named "myca":: mycakey, mycacert = cdir.genCaCert('myca') Returns: Tuple containing the private key and certificate objects. ''' prvkey = self._genPrivKey() builder = self._genCertBuilder(name, prvkey.public_key()) builder = builder.add_extension( c_x509.BasicConstraints(ca=True, path_length=None), critical=False, ) if signas is not None: cert = self.signCertAs(builder, signas) else: cert = self.selfSignCert(builder, prvkey) if save: keypath = self._savePkeyTo(prvkey, 'cas', '%s.key' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('key saved: %s' % (keypath,)) crtpath = self._saveCertTo(cert, 'cas', '%s.crt' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('cert saved: %s' % (crtpath,)) return prvkey, cert
[docs] def genHostCert(self, name: str, signas: StrOrNone = None, outp: OutPutOrNone = None, csr: PubKeyOrNone = None, sans: StrOrNone = None, save: bool = True) -> PkeyOrNoneAndCert: ''' Generates a host keypair. Args: name: The name of the host keypair. signas: The CA keypair to sign the new host keypair with. outp: The output buffer. csr: The CSR public key when generating the keypair from a CSR. sans: String of comma separated alternative names. Examples: Make a host keypair named "myhost":: myhostkey, myhostcert = cdir.genHostCert('myhost') Returns: Tuple containing the private key and certificate objects. Private key may be None when signing a CSR. ''' if csr is None: prvkey = self._genPrivKey() pubkey = prvkey.public_key() else: prvkey = None pubkey = csr builder = self._genCertBuilder(name, pubkey) ext_sans = collections.defaultdict(set) ext_sans['dns'].add(name) sans_ctors = {'dns': c_x509.DNSName, 'email': c_x509.RFC822Name, 'uri': c_x509.UniformResourceIdentifier} if sans: sans = sans.split(',') for san in sans: if san.startswith('DNS:'): san = san[4:] ext_sans['dns'].add(san) elif san.startswith('email:'): san = san[6:] ext_sans['email'].add(san) elif san.startswith('URI:'): san = san[4:] ext_sans['uri'].add(san) else: raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=f'Unsupported san value: {san}') sans = [] for key, ctor in sans_ctors.items(): values = sorted(ext_sans[key]) for valu in values: sans.append(ctor(valu)) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.UnrecognizedExtension( oid=c_x509.ObjectIdentifier(NSCERTTYPE_OID), value=NSCERTTYPE_SERVER), critical=False, ) builder = builder.add_extension( c_x509.KeyUsage(digital_signature=True, key_encipherment=True, data_encipherment=False, key_agreement=False, key_cert_sign=False, crl_sign=False, encipher_only=False, decipher_only=False, content_commitment=False), critical=False, ) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([c_x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.SERVER_AUTH]), critical=False) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.BasicConstraints(ca=False, path_length=None), critical=False) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.SubjectAlternativeName(sans), critical=False) if signas is not None: cert = self.signCertAs(builder, signas) else: cert = self.selfSignCert(builder, prvkey) if save: if prvkey is not None: keypath = self._savePkeyTo(prvkey, 'hosts', '%s.key' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('key saved: %s' % (keypath,)) crtpath = self._saveCertTo(cert, 'hosts', '%s.crt' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('cert saved: %s' % (crtpath,)) return prvkey, cert
[docs] def genHostCsr(self, name: str, outp: OutPutOrNone = None) -> bytes: ''' Generates a host certificate signing request. Args: name: The name of the host CSR. outp: The output buffer. Examples: Generate a CSR for the host key named "myhost":: cdir.genHostCsr('myhost') Returns: The bytes of the CSR. ''' return self._genPkeyCsr(name, 'hosts', outp=outp)
[docs] def genUserCert(self, name: str, signas: StrOrNone = None, outp: OutPutOrNone = None, csr: PubKeyOrNone = None, save: bool = True) -> PkeyOrNoneAndCert: ''' Generates a user keypair. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. signas: The CA keypair to sign the new user keypair with. outp: The output buffer. csr: The CSR public key when generating the keypair from a CSR. Examples: Generate a user cert for the user "myuser":: myuserkey, myusercert = cdir.genUserCert('myuser') Returns: Tuple containing the key and certificate objects. ''' if csr is None: prvkey = self._genPrivKey() pubkey = prvkey.public_key() else: prvkey = None pubkey = csr builder = self._genCertBuilder(name, pubkey) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.UnrecognizedExtension( oid=c_x509.ObjectIdentifier(NSCERTTYPE_OID), value=NSCERTTYPE_CLIENT), critical=False, ) builder = builder.add_extension( c_x509.KeyUsage(digital_signature=True, key_encipherment=False, data_encipherment=False, key_agreement=False, key_cert_sign=False, crl_sign=False, encipher_only=False, decipher_only=False, content_commitment=False), critical=False, ) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([c_x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CLIENT_AUTH]), critical=False) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.BasicConstraints(ca=False, path_length=None), critical=False) if signas is not None: cert = self.signCertAs(builder, signas) else: cert = self.selfSignCert(builder, prvkey) if save: if prvkey is not None: keypath = self._savePkeyTo(prvkey, 'users', '%s.key' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('key saved: %s' % (keypath,)) crtpath = self._saveCertTo(cert, 'users', '%s.crt' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('cert saved: %s' % (crtpath,)) return prvkey, cert
[docs] def genCodeCert(self, name: str, signas: StrOrNone = None, outp: OutPutOrNone = None, save: bool = True) \ -> PkeyAndCert: ''' Generates a code signing keypair. Args: name: The name of the code signing cert. signas: The CA keypair to sign the new code keypair with. outp: The output buffer. Examples: Generate a code signing cert for the name "The Vertex Project":: myuserkey, myusercert = cdir.genCodeCert('The Vertex Project') Returns: Tuple containing the key and certificate objects. ''' prvkey = self._genPrivKey() pubkey = prvkey.public_key() builder = self._genCertBuilder(name, pubkey) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.UnrecognizedExtension( oid=c_x509.ObjectIdentifier(NSCERTTYPE_OID), value=NSCERTTYPE_OBJSIGN), critical=False, ) builder = builder.add_extension( c_x509.KeyUsage(digital_signature=True, key_encipherment=False, data_encipherment=False, key_agreement=False, key_cert_sign=False, crl_sign=False, encipher_only=False, decipher_only=False, content_commitment=False), critical=False, ) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([c_x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CODE_SIGNING]), critical=False) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.BasicConstraints(ca=False, path_length=None), critical=False) if signas is not None: cert = self.signCertAs(builder, signas) else: cert = self.selfSignCert(builder, prvkey) if save: keypath = self._savePkeyTo(prvkey, 'code', '%s.key' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('key saved: %s' % (keypath,)) crtpath = self._saveCertTo(cert, 'code', '%s.crt' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('cert saved: %s' % (crtpath,)) return prvkey, cert
[docs] def getCodeKeyPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'code', f'{name}.key') if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getCodeCertPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'code', f'{name}.crt') if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getCodeKey(self, name: str) -> Union[s_rsa.PriKey | None]: path = self.getCodeKeyPath(name) if path is None: return None pkey = self._loadKeyPath(path) return s_rsa.PriKey(pkey)
[docs] def getCodeCert(self, name: str) -> CertOrNone: path = self.getCodeCertPath(name) if path is None: # pragma: no cover return None return self._loadCertPath(path)
[docs] def valCodeCert(self, byts: bytes) -> c_x509.Certificate: ''' Verify a code cert is valid according to certdir's available CAs and CRLs. Args: byts: The certificate bytes. Raises: s_exc.BadCertVerify if we are unable to verify the certificate. Returns: The certificate. ''' reqext = c_x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([c_x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CODE_SIGNING]) cert = self.loadCertByts(byts) eku = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(c_x509.oid.ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE) if reqext != eku.value: mesg = 'Certificate is not for code signing.' raise s_exc.BadCertBytes(mesg=mesg) crls = self._getCaCrls() cacerts = self.getCaCerts() store = crypto.X509Store() [store.add_cert(crypto.X509.from_cryptography(cacert)) for cacert in cacerts] if crls: store.set_flags(crypto.X509StoreFlags.CRL_CHECK | crypto.X509StoreFlags.CRL_CHECK_ALL) [store.add_crl(crypto.CRL.from_cryptography(crl)) for crl in crls] ctx = crypto.X509StoreContext(store, crypto.X509.from_cryptography(cert)) try: ctx.verify_certificate() # raises X509StoreContextError if unable to verify except crypto.X509StoreContextError as e: mesg = _unpackContextError(e) raise s_exc.BadCertVerify(mesg=mesg) return cert
def _getCaCrls(self) -> List[c_x509.CertificateRevocationList]: crls = [] for cdir in self.certdirs: crlpath = os.path.join(cdir, 'crls') if not os.path.isdir(crlpath): continue for name in os.listdir(crlpath): if not name.endswith('.crl'): # pragma: no cover continue fullpath = os.path.join(crlpath, name) with, 'rb') as fd: crl = c_x509.load_pem_x509_crl( crls.append(crl) return crls
[docs] def genClientCert(self, name: str, outp: OutPutOrNone = None) -> None: ''' Generates a user PKCS #12 archive. Please note that the resulting file will contain private key material. Args: name (str): The name of the user keypair. outp (synapse.lib.output.Output): The output buffer. Examples: Make the PKC12 object for user "myuser":: myuserpkcs12 = cdir.genClientCert('myuser') Returns: None ''' ucert = self.getUserCert(name) if not ucert: raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='missing User cert', name=name) capath = self._getCaPath(ucert) cacert = self._loadCertPath(capath) if not cacert: raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='missing CA cert', path=capath) ukey = self.getUserKey(name) if not ukey: raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='missing User private key', name=name) byts = c_pkcs12.serialize_key_and_certificates(name=name.encode('utf-8'), key=ukey, cert=ucert, cas=[cacert], encryption_algorithm=c_serialization.NoEncryption()) crtpath = self._saveP12To(byts, 'users', '%s.p12' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('client cert saved: %s' % (crtpath,))
[docs] def valUserCert(self, byts: bytes, cacerts: Union[List[c_x509.Certificate] | None] = None) -> c_x509.Certificate: ''' Validate the PEM encoded x509 user certificate bytes and return it. Args: byts: The bytes for the User Certificate. cacerts: A tuple of CA Certificates to use for validating the user cert. Raises: BadCertVerify: If the certificate is not valid. Returns: The certificate, if it is valid. ''' reqext = c_x509.ExtendedKeyUsage([c_x509.oid.ExtendedKeyUsageOID.CLIENT_AUTH]) cert = self.loadCertByts(byts) eku = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(c_x509.oid.ExtensionOID.EXTENDED_KEY_USAGE) if reqext != eku.value: mesg = 'Certificate is not for client auth.' raise s_exc.BadCertBytes(mesg=mesg) cert = self.loadCertByts(byts) if cacerts is None: cacerts = self.getCaCerts() store = crypto.X509Store() [store.add_cert(crypto.X509.from_cryptography(cacert)) for cacert in cacerts] ctx = crypto.X509StoreContext(store, crypto.X509.from_cryptography(cert)) try: ctx.verify_certificate() except crypto.X509StoreContextError as e: raise s_exc.BadCertVerify(mesg=_unpackContextError(e)) return cert
[docs] def genUserCsr(self, name: str, outp: OutPutOrNone = None) -> bytes: ''' Generates a user certificate signing request. Args: name: The name of the user CSR. outp: The output buffer. Examples: Generate a CSR for the user "myuser":: cdir.genUserCsr('myuser') Returns: The bytes of the CSR. ''' return self._genPkeyCsr(name, 'users', outp=outp)
[docs] def getCaCert(self, name: str) -> CertOrNone: ''' Loads the X509 object for a given CA. Args: name: The name of the CA keypair. Examples: Get the certificate for the CA "myca":: mycacert = cdir.getCaCert('myca') Returns: The certificate, if exists. ''' return self._loadCertPath(self.getCaCertPath(name))
[docs] def getCaCertBytes(self, name: str) -> bytes: path = self.getCaCertPath(name) if os.path.exists(path): with open(path, 'rb') as fd: return
[docs] def getCaCerts(self) -> List[c_x509.Certificate]: ''' Return a list of CA certs from the CertDir. Returns: List of CA certificates. ''' retn = [] for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'cas') if not os.path.isdir(path): continue for name in os.listdir(path): if not name.endswith('.crt'): # pragma: no cover continue full = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'cas', name) retn.append(self._loadCertPath(full)) return retn
[docs] def getCaCertPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to a CA certificate. Args: name: The name of the CA keypair. Examples: Get the path to the CA certificate for the CA "myca":: mypath = cdir.getCACertPath('myca') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'cas', '%s.crt' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getCaKey(self, name) -> PkeyOrNone: ''' Loads the PKey object for a given CA keypair. Args: name: The name of the CA keypair. Examples: Get the private key for the CA "myca":: mycakey = cdir.getCaKey('myca') Returns: The private key, if exists. ''' return self._loadKeyPath(self.getCaKeyPath(name))
[docs] def getCaKeyPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to a CA key. Args: name: The name of the CA keypair. Examples: Get the path to the private key for the CA "myca":: mypath = cdir.getCAKeyPath('myca') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'cas', '%s.key' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getClientCert(self, name: str) -> Pkcs12OrNone: ''' Loads the PKCS12 archive object for a given user keypair. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. Examples: Get the PKCS12 object for the user "myuser":: mypkcs12 = cdir.getClientCert('myuser') Notes: The PKCS12 archive will contain private key material if it was created with CertDir or the easycert tool Returns: The PKCS12 archive, if exists. ''' return self._loadP12Path(self.getClientCertPath(name))
[docs] def getClientCertPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to a client certificate. Args: name: The name of the client keypair. Examples: Get the path to the client certificate for "myuser":: mypath = cdir.getClientCertPath('myuser') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'users', '%s.p12' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getHostCaPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to the CA certificate that issued a given host keypair. Args: name: The name of the host keypair. Examples: Get the path to the CA cert which issue the cert for "myhost":: mypath = cdir.getHostCaPath('myhost') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' cert = self.getHostCert(name) if cert is None: return None return self._getCaPath(cert)
[docs] def getHostCert(self, name: str) -> CertOrNone: ''' Loads the X509 object for a given host keypair. Args: name: The name of the host keypair. Examples: Get the certificate object for the host "myhost":: myhostcert = cdir.getHostCert('myhost') Returns: The certificate, if exists. ''' return self._loadCertPath(self.getHostCertPath(name))
[docs] def getHostCertHash(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: cert = self.getHostCert(name) if cert is None: return None return s_common.ehex(cert.fingerprint(c_hashes.SHA256()))
[docs] def getHostCertPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to a host certificate. Args: name: The name of the host keypair. Examples: Get the path to the host certificate for the host "myhost":: mypath = cdir.getHostCertPath('myhost') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'hosts', '%s.crt' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getHostKey(self, name: str) -> PkeyOrNone: ''' Loads the PKey object for a given host keypair. Args: name: The name of the host keypair. Examples: Get the private key object for the host "myhost":: myhostkey = cdir.getHostKey('myhost') Returns: The private key, if exists. ''' return self._loadKeyPath(self.getHostKeyPath(name))
[docs] def getHostKeyPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to a host key. Args: name: The name of the host keypair. Examples: Get the path to the host key for the host "myhost":: mypath = cdir.getHostKeyPath('myhost') Returns: str: The path if exists. ''' for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'hosts', '%s.key' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getUserCaPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to the CA certificate that issued a given user keypair. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. Examples: Get the path to the CA cert which issue the cert for "myuser":: mypath = cdir.getUserCaPath('myuser') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' cert = self.getUserCert(name) if cert is None: return None return self._getCaPath(cert)
[docs] def getUserCert(self, name: str) -> CertOrNone: ''' Loads the X509 object for a given user keypair. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. Examples: Get the certificate object for the user "myuser":: myusercert = cdir.getUserCert('myuser') Returns: The certificate, if exists. ''' return self._loadCertPath(self.getUserCertPath(name))
[docs] def getUserCertPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to a user certificate. Args: name (str): The name of the user keypair. Examples: Get the path for the user cert for "myuser":: mypath = cdir.getUserCertPath('myuser') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'users', '%s.crt' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getUserForHost(self, user: str, host: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the name of the first existing user cert for a given user and host. Args: user: The name of the user. host: The name of the host. Examples: Get the name for the "myuser" user cert at "":: usercertname = cdir.getUserForHost('myuser', '') Returns: str: The cert name, if exists. ''' for name in iterFqdnUp(host): usercert = '%s@%s' % (user, name) if self.isUserCert(usercert): return usercert
[docs] def getUserKey(self, name: str) -> PkeyOrNone: ''' Loads the PKey object for a given user keypair. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. Examples: Get the key object for the user key for "myuser":: myuserkey = cdir.getUserKey('myuser') Returns: The private key, if exists. ''' return self._loadKeyPath(self.getUserKeyPath(name))
[docs] def getUserKeyPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: ''' Gets the path to a user key. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. Examples: Get the path to the user key for "myuser":: mypath = cdir.getUserKeyPath('myuser') Returns: The path, if exists. ''' for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'users', '%s.key' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getUserCsrPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'users', '%s.csr' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def getHostCsrPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'hosts', '%s.csr' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def importFile(self, path: str, mode: str, outp: OutPutOrNone = None) -> None: ''' Imports certs and keys into the Synapse cert directory Args: path: The path of the file to be imported. mode: The certdir subdirectory to import the file into. Examples: Import CA certifciate 'mycoolca.crt' to the 'cas' directory:: certdir.importFile('mycoolca.crt', 'cas') Notes: importFile does not perform any validation on the files it imports. Returns: None ''' if not os.path.isfile(path): raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg=f'File {path} does not exist', path=path) fname = os.path.split(path)[1] parts = fname.rsplit('.', 1) ext = parts[1] if len(parts) == 2 else None if not ext or ext not in ('crt', 'key', 'p12'): mesg = 'importFile only supports .crt, .key, .p12 extensions' raise s_exc.BadFileExt(mesg=mesg, ext=ext) newpath = s_common.genpath(self.certdirs[0], mode, fname) if os.path.isfile(newpath): raise s_exc.FileExists(mesg=f'File {newpath} already exists', path=path) s_common.gendir(os.path.dirname(newpath)) shutil.copy(path, newpath) if outp is not None: outp.printf('copied %s to %s' % (path, newpath))
[docs] def isCaCert(self, name: str) -> bool: ''' Checks if a CA certificate exists. Args: name: The name of the CA keypair. Examples: Check if the CA certificate for "myca" exists:: exists = cdir.isCaCert('myca') Returns: True if the certificate is present, False otherwise. ''' return self.getCaCertPath(name) is not None
[docs] def isClientCert(self, name: str) -> bool: ''' Checks if a user client certificate (PKCS12) exists. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. Examples: Check if the client certificate "myuser" exists:: exists = cdir.isClientCert('myuser') Returns: True if the certificate is present, False otherwise. ''' crtpath = self._getPathJoin('users', '%s.p12' % name) return os.path.isfile(crtpath)
[docs] def isHostCert(self, name: str) -> bool: ''' Checks if a host certificate exists. Args: name: The name of the host keypair. Examples: Check if the host cert "myhost" exists:: exists = cdir.isUserCert('myhost') Returns: True if the certificate is present, False otherwise. ''' return self.getHostCertPath(name) is not None
[docs] def isUserCert(self, name: str) -> bool: ''' Checks if a user certificate exists. Args: name: The name of the user keypair. Examples: Check if the user cert "myuser" exists:: exists = cdir.isUserCert('myuser') Returns: True if the certificate is present, False otherwise. ''' return self.getUserCertPath(name) is not None
[docs] def isCodeCert(self, name: str) -> bool: ''' Checks if a code certificate exists. Args: name: The name of the code keypair. Examples: Check if the code cert "mypipeline" exists:: exists = cdir.isCodeCert('mypipeline') Returns: True if the certificate is present, False otherwise. ''' return self.getCodeCert(name) is not None
[docs] def signCertAs(self, builder: c_x509.CertificateBuilder, signas: str) -> c_x509.Certificate: ''' Signs a certificate with a CA keypair. Args: cert: The certificate to sign. signas: The CA keypair name to sign the new keypair with. Examples: Sign a certificate with the CA "myca":: cdir.signCertAs(mycert, 'myca') Returns: None ''' cakey = self.getCaKey(signas) if cakey is None: raise s_exc.NoCertKey(mesg=f'Missing .key for {signas}') cacert = self.getCaCert(signas) if cacert is None: raise s_exc.NoCertKey(mesg=f'Missing .crt for {signas}') attr = cacert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = attr.value builder = builder.issuer_name(c_x509.Name([ c_x509.NameAttribute(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, name), ])) certificate = builder.sign( private_key=cakey, algorithm=self.signing_digest(), ) return certificate
[docs] def signHostCsr(self, xcsr: c_x509.CertificateSigningRequest, signas: str, outp: OutPutOrNone = None, sans: StrOrNone = None, save: bool = True) -> PkeyOrNoneAndCert: ''' Signs a host CSR with a CA keypair. Args: xcsr: The certificate signing request. signas: The CA keypair name to sign the CSR with. outp: The output buffer. sans: List of subject alternative names. Examples: Sign a host key with the CA "myca":: cdir.signHostCsr(mycsr, 'myca') Returns: Tuple containing the public key and certificate objects. ''' pkey = xcsr.public_key() attr = xcsr.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = attr.value return self.genHostCert(name, csr=pkey, signas=signas, outp=outp, sans=sans, save=save)
[docs] def selfSignCert(self, builder: c_x509.CertificateBuilder, pkey: Pkey) -> c_x509.Certificate: ''' Self-sign a certificate. Args: cert: The certificate to sign. pkey: The PKey with which to sign the certificate. Examples: Sign a given certificate with a given private key:: cdir.selfSignCert(mycert, myotherprivatekey) Returns: None ''' attr = builder._subject_name.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = attr.value builder = builder.issuer_name(c_x509.Name([ c_x509.NameAttribute(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, name), ])) certificate = builder.sign( private_key=pkey, algorithm=self.signing_digest(), ) return certificate
[docs] def signUserCsr(self, xcsr: c_x509.CertificateSigningRequest, signas: str, outp: OutPutOrNone = None, save: bool = True) -> PkeyOrNoneAndCert: ''' Signs a user CSR with a CA keypair. Args: xcsr: The certificate signing request. signas: The CA keypair name to sign the CSR with. outp: The output buffer. Examples: Sign a user CSR with "myca":: cdir.signUserCsr(mycsr, 'myca') Returns: ((OpenSSL.crypto.PKey, OpenSSL.crypto.X509)): Tuple containing the public key and certificate objects. ''' pkey = xcsr.public_key() name = xcsr.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = name.value return self.genUserCert(name, csr=pkey, signas=signas, outp=outp, save=save)
def _loadCasIntoSSLContext(self, ctx): for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'cas') if not os.path.isdir(path): continue for name in os.listdir(path): if name.endswith('.crt'): ctx.load_verify_locations(os.path.join(path, name))
[docs] def getClientSSLContext(self, certname: StrOrNone = None) -> ssl.SSLContext: ''' Returns an ssl.SSLContext appropriate for initiating a TLS session Args: certname: If specified, use the user certificate with the matching name to authenticate to the remote service. Returns: A SSLContext object. ''' sslctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) sslctx.minimum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_2 self._loadCasIntoSSLContext(sslctx) if certname is not None: username = certname if username.find('@') != -1: user, host = username.split('@', 1) username = self.getUserForHost(user, host) if username is None: mesg = f'User certificate not found: {certname}' raise s_exc.NoSuchCert(mesg=mesg) certpath = self.getUserCertPath(username) if certpath is None: mesg = f'User certificate not found: {certname}' raise s_exc.NoSuchCert(mesg=mesg) keypath = self.getUserKeyPath(username) if keypath is None: mesg = f'User private key not found: {certname}' raise s_exc.NoCertKey(mesg=mesg) sslctx.load_cert_chain(certpath, keypath) return sslctx
[docs] def getServerSSLContext(self, hostname: StrOrNone = None, caname: StrOrNone = None) -> ssl.SSLContext: ''' Returns an ssl.SSLContext appropriate to listen on a socket Args: hostname: If None, the value from socket.gethostname is used to find the key in the servers directory. This name should match the not-suffixed part of two files ending in .key and .crt in the hosts subdirectory. caname: If not None, the given name is used to locate a CA certificate used to validate client SSL certs. Returns: A SSLContext object. ''' if hostname is not None and hostname.find(',') != -1: # multi-hostname SNI routing has been requested ctxs = {} names = hostname.split(',') for name in names: ctxs[name] = self._getServerSSLContext(name, caname=caname) def snifunc(sslsock, sslname, origctx): sslsock.context = ctxs.get(sslname, origctx) return None sslctx = ctxs.get(names[0]) sslctx.sni_callback = snifunc return sslctx return self._getServerSSLContext(hostname=hostname, caname=caname)
[docs] def getCrlPath(self, name: str) -> StrOrNone: for cdir in self.certdirs: path = s_common.genpath(cdir, 'crls', '%s.crl' % name) if os.path.isfile(path): return path
[docs] def genCrlPath(self, name: str) -> str: path = self.getCrlPath(name) if path is None: s_common.gendir(self.certdirs[0], 'crls') path = os.path.join(self.certdirs[0], 'crls', f'{name}.crl') return path
[docs] def genCaCrl(self, name: str) -> Crl: ''' Get the CRL for a given CA. Args: name: The CA name. Returns: The CRL object. ''' return Crl(self, name)
def _getServerSSLContext(self, hostname=None, caname=None) -> ssl.SSLContext: sslctx = getServerSSLContext() if hostname is None: hostname = socket.gethostname() certfile = self.getHostCertPath(hostname) if certfile is None: mesg = f'Missing TLS certificate file for host: {hostname}' raise s_exc.NoCertKey(mesg=mesg) keyfile = self.getHostKeyPath(hostname) if keyfile is None: mesg = f'Missing TLS key file for host: {hostname}' raise s_exc.NoCertKey(mesg=mesg) sslctx.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile) if caname is not None: cafile = self.getCaCertPath(caname) if cafile is None: mesg = f'Missing CA Certificate for {caname}' raise s_exc.NoSuchCert(mesg=mesg) sslctx.verify_mode = ssl.VerifyMode.CERT_REQUIRED sslctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile) return sslctx
[docs] def saveCertPem(self, cert: c_x509.Certificate, path: str) -> None: ''' Save a certificate in PEM format to a file outside the certdir. ''' with s_common.genfile(path) as fd: fd.truncate(0) fd.write(cert.public_bytes(c_serialization.Encoding.PEM))
[docs] def savePkeyPem(self, pkey: c_types.PrivateKeyTypes, path: str) -> None: ''' Save a private key in PEM format to a file outside the certdir. ''' byts = pkey.private_bytes(encoding=c_serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=c_serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=c_serialization.NoEncryption(), ) with s_common.genfile(path) as fd: fd.truncate(0) fd.write(byts)
[docs] def saveCaCertByts(self, byts: bytes) -> str: cert = self._loadCertByts(byts) attr = cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = attr.value return self._saveCertTo(cert, 'cas', f'{name}.crt')
[docs] def saveHostCertByts(self, byts: bytes) -> str: cert = self._loadCertByts(byts) attr = cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = attr.value return self._saveCertTo(cert, 'hosts', f'{name}.crt')
[docs] def saveUserCertByts(self, byts: bytes) -> str: cert = self._loadCertByts(byts) attr = cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = attr.value return self._saveCertTo(cert, 'users', f'{name}.crt')
[docs] def saveCodeCertBytes(self, byts: bytes) -> str: cert = self._loadCertByts(byts) attr = cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] name = attr.value return self._saveCertTo(cert, 'code', f'{name}.crt')
def _checkDupFile(self, path) -> None: if os.path.isfile(path): raise s_exc.DupFileName(mesg=f'Duplicate file {path}', path=path) def _genPrivKey(self) -> c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey: return c_rsa.generate_private_key(65537, self.crypto_numbits) def _genCertBuilder(self, name: str, pubkey: c_types.PublicKeyTypes) -> c_x509.CertificateBuilder: if not 1 <= len(name.encode('utf-8')) <= 64: mesg = f'Certificate name values must be between 1-64 bytes when utf8-encoded. got name={name}, len={len(name.encode("utf-8"))}' raise s_exc.CryptoErr(mesg=mesg) builder = c_x509.CertificateBuilder() builder = builder.subject_name(c_x509.Name([ c_x509.NameAttribute(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, name), ])) now = builder = builder.not_valid_before(now) builder = builder.not_valid_after(now + TEN_YEARS_TD) # certificates are good for 10 years builder = builder.serial_number(int(s_common.guid(), 16)) builder = builder.public_key(pubkey) return builder def _genPkeyCsr(self, name: str, mode: str, outp: OutPutOrNone = None) -> bytes: if not 1 <= len(name.encode('utf-8')) <= 64: mesg = f'CSR name values must be between 1-64 bytes when utf8-encoded. got name={name}, len={len(name.encode("utf-8"))}' raise s_exc.CryptoErr(mesg=mesg) pkey = self._genPrivKey() builder = c_x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder() builder = builder.subject_name(c_x509.Name([c_x509.NameAttribute(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, name), ])) builder = builder.add_extension(c_x509.BasicConstraints(ca=False, path_length=None), critical=True) request = builder.sign(pkey, c_hashes.SHA256()) keypath = self._savePkeyTo(pkey, mode, '%s.key' % name) if outp is not None: outp.printf('key saved: %s' % (keypath,)) csrpath = self._getPathJoin(mode, '%s.csr' % name) self._checkDupFile(csrpath) byts = request.public_bytes(c_serialization.Encoding.PEM) with s_common.genfile(csrpath) as fd: fd.truncate(0) fd.write(byts) if outp is not None: outp.printf('csr saved: %s' % (csrpath,)) return byts def _getCaPath(self, cert: c_x509.Certificate) -> StrOrNone: issuer = cert.issuer.get_attributes_for_oid(c_x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0] return self.getCaCertPath(issuer.value) def _getPathBytes(self, path: str) -> BytesOrNone: if path is None: return None return s_common.getbytes(path) # def _getPathJoin(self, *paths: str) -> str: '''Get the base certdir path + paths''' return s_common.genpath(self.certdirs[0], *paths) def _loadCertPath(self, path: str) -> CertOrNone: byts = self._getPathBytes(path) if byts: return self._loadCertByts(byts)
[docs] def loadCertByts(self, byts: bytes) -> c_x509.Certificate: ''' Load a X509 certificate from its PEM encoded bytes. Args: byts: The PEM encoded bytes of the certificate. Returns: The X509 certificate. Raises: BadCertBytes: If the certificate bytes are invalid. ''' return self._loadCertByts(byts)
def _loadCertByts(self, byts: bytes) -> c_x509.Certificate: try: return c_x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(byts) except Exception as e: raise s_exc.BadCertBytes(mesg=f'Failed to load bytes: {e}') from None def _loadCsrPath(self, path: str) -> Union[c_x509.CertificateSigningRequest | None]: byts = self._getPathBytes(path) if byts: return self._loadCsrByts(byts) def _loadCsrByts(self, byts: bytes) -> c_x509.CertificateSigningRequest: return c_x509.load_pem_x509_csr(byts) def _loadKeyPath(self, path: str) -> PkeyOrNone: byts = self._getPathBytes(path) if byts: pkey = c_serialization.load_pem_private_key(byts, password=None) if isinstance(pkey, (c_rsa.RSAPrivateKey, c_dsa.DSAPrivateKey)): return pkey raise s_exc.BadCertBytes(mesg=f'Key is {pkey.__class__.__name__}, expected a DSA or RSA key, {path=}', path=path) def _loadP12Path(self, path: str) -> Pkcs12OrNone: byts = self._getPathBytes(path) if byts: p12 = c_pkcs12.load_pkcs12(byts, password=None) return p12 def _saveCertTo(self, cert: c_x509.Certificate, *paths: str) -> str: path = self._getPathJoin(*paths) self._checkDupFile(path) with s_common.genfile(path) as fd: fd.truncate(0) fd.write(self._certToByts(cert)) return path def _certToByts(self, cert: c_x509.Certificate): return cert.public_bytes(encoding=c_serialization.Encoding.PEM) def _pkeyToByts(self, pkey: Pkey) -> bytes: return pkey.private_bytes(encoding=c_serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=c_serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=c_serialization.NoEncryption(), ) def _savePkeyTo(self, pkey: Pkey, *paths: str): path = self._getPathJoin(*paths) self._checkDupFile(path) with s_common.genfile(path) as fd: fd.truncate(0) fd.write(self._pkeyToByts(pkey)) return path def _saveP12To(self, byts: bytes, *paths: str): path = self._getPathJoin(*paths) self._checkDupFile(path) with s_common.genfile(path) as fd: fd.truncate(0) fd.write(byts) return path
certdir = CertDir()
[docs] def getCertDir() -> CertDir: ''' Get the singleton CertDir instance. Returns: CertDir: A certdir object. ''' return certdir
[docs] def addCertPath(path): return certdir.addCertPath(path)
[docs] def delCertPath(path): return certdir.delCertPath(path)
[docs] def getCertDirn() -> str: ''' Get the expanded default path used by the singleton CertDir instance. Returns: str: The path string. ''' return s_common.genpath(defdir)