Source code for synapse.lib.cli

import os
import json
import signal
import asyncio
import logging
import traceback
import collections

import regex

from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession, print_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import FormattedText
from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory
from prompt_toolkit.patch_stdout import patch_stdout

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.telepath as s_telepath

import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.output as s_output
import synapse.lib.parser as s_parser
import synapse.lib.grammar as s_grammar
import synapse.lib.version as s_version

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Cmd: ''' Base class for modular commands in the synapse CLI. ''' _cmd_name = 'fixme' _cmd_syntax = () def __init__(self, cli, **opts): self._cmd_cli = cli self._cmd_opts = opts
[docs] async def runCmdLine(self, line): ''' Run a line of command input for this command. Args: line (str): Line to execute Examples: Run the foo command with some arguments: await foo.runCmdLine('foo --opt baz') ''' opts = self.getCmdOpts(line) return await self.runCmdOpts(opts)
[docs] def getCmdItem(self): ''' Get a reference to the object we are commanding. ''' return self._cmd_cli.item
[docs] def getCmdOpts(self, text): ''' Use the _cmd_syntax def to split/parse/normalize the cmd line. Args: text (str): Command to process. Notes: This is implemented independent of argparse (et al) due to the need for syntax aware argument splitting. Also, allows different split per command type Returns: dict: An opts dictionary. ''' off = 0 _, off = s_grammar.nom(text, off, s_grammar.whites) name, off = s_grammar.meh(text, off, s_grammar.whites) _, off = s_grammar.nom(text, off, s_grammar.whites) opts = {} args = collections.deque([synt for synt in self._cmd_syntax if not synt[0].startswith('-')]) switches = {synt[0]: synt for synt in self._cmd_syntax if synt[0].startswith('-')} # populate defaults and lists for synt in self._cmd_syntax: snam = synt[0].strip('-') defval = synt[1].get('defval') if defval is not None: opts[snam] = defval if synt[1].get('type') == 'list': opts[snam] = [] def atswitch(t, o): # check if we are at a recognized switch. if not # assume the data is part of regular arguments. if not text.startswith('-', o): return None, o name, x = s_grammar.meh(t, o, s_grammar.whites) swit = switches.get(name) if swit is None: return None, o return swit, x while off < len(text): _, off = s_grammar.nom(text, off, s_grammar.whites) swit, off = atswitch(text, off) if swit is not None: styp = swit[1].get('type', 'flag') snam = swit[0].strip('-') if styp == 'valu': valu, off = s_parser.parse_cmd_string(text, off) opts[snam] = valu elif styp == 'list': valu, off = s_parser.parse_cmd_string(text, off) if not isinstance(valu, list): valu = valu.split(',') opts[snam].extend(valu) elif styp == 'enum': vals = swit[1].get('enum:vals') valu, off = s_parser.parse_cmd_string(text, off) if valu not in vals: raise s_exc.BadSyntax(mesg='%s (%s)' % (swit[0], '|'.join(vals)), text=text) opts[snam] = valu else: opts[snam] = True continue if not args: raise s_exc.BadSyntax(mesg='trailing text: [%s]' % (text[off:],), text=text) synt = args.popleft() styp = synt[1].get('type', 'valu') # a glob type eats the remainder of the string if styp == 'glob': opts[synt[0]] = text[off:] break # eat the remainder of the string as separate vals if styp == 'list': valu = [] while off < len(text): item, off = s_parser.parse_cmd_string(text, off) valu.append(item) opts[synt[0]] = valu break valu, off = s_parser.parse_cmd_string(text, off) opts[synt[0]] = valu return opts
[docs] def getCmdBrief(self): ''' Return the single-line description for this command. ''' return self.getCmdDoc().strip().split('\n', 1)[0].strip()
[docs] def getCmdName(self): return self._cmd_name
[docs] def getCmdDoc(self): ''' Return the help/doc output for this command. ''' if not self.__doc__: # pragma: no cover return '' return self.__doc__
[docs] def printf(self, mesg, addnl=True, color=None): return self._cmd_cli.printf(mesg, addnl=addnl, color=color)
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): ''' Perform the command actions. Must be implemented by Cmd implementers. Args: opts (dict): Options dictionary. ''' raise s_exc.NoSuchImpl(mesg='runCmdOpts must be implemented by subclasses.', name='runCmdOpts')
_setre = regex.compile(r'\s*set\s+editing-mode\s+vi\s*') def _inputrc_enables_vi_mode(): ''' Emulate a small bit of readline behavior. Returns: (bool) True if current user enabled vi mode ("set editing-mode vi") in .inputrc ''' for filepath in (os.path.expanduser('~/.inputrc'), '/etc/inputrc'): try: with open(filepath) as f: for line in f: if _setre.fullmatch(line): return True except IOError: continue return False
[docs]class Cli(s_base.Base): ''' A modular / event-driven CLI base object. ''' histfile = 'cmdr_history' async def __anit__(self, item, outp=None, **locs): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) if outp is None: outp = s_output.OutPut() self.outp = outp self.locs = locs self.cmdtask = None # type: asyncio.Task self.sess = None self.vi_mode = _inputrc_enables_vi_mode() self.item = item # whatever object we are commanding self.echoline = False self.colorsenabled = False self.completer = None if isinstance(self.item, s_base.Base): self.item.onfini(self._onItemFini) self.locs['syn:local:version'] = s_version.verstring if isinstance(self.item, s_telepath.Proxy): version = self.item._getSynVers() if version is None: # pragma: no cover self.locs['syn:remote:version'] = 'Remote Synapse version unavailable' else: self.locs['syn:remote:version'] = '.'.join([str(v) for v in version]) self.cmds = {} self.cmdprompt = 'cli> ' self.initCmdClasses()
[docs] def initCmdClasses(self): self.addCmdClass(CmdHelp) self.addCmdClass(CmdQuit) self.addCmdClass(CmdLocals)
async def _onItemFini(self): if self.isfini: return self.printf('connection closed...') await self.fini()
[docs] async def addSignalHandlers(self): ''' Register SIGINT signal handler with the ioloop to cancel the currently running cmdloop task. ''' def sigint(): self.printf('<ctrl-c>') if self.cmdtask is not None: self.cmdtask.cancel() self.loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, sigint)
[docs] def get(self, name, defval=None): return self.locs.get(name, defval)
[docs] def set(self, name, valu): self.locs[name] = valu
[docs] async def prompt(self, text=None): ''' Prompt for user input from stdin. ''' if self.sess is None: history = None histfp = s_common.getSynPath(self.histfile) # Ensure the file is read/writeable try: with s_common.genfile(histfp): pass history = FileHistory(histfp) except OSError: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(f'Unable to create file at {histfp}, cli history will not be stored.') self.sess = PromptSession( history=history, completer=self.completer, complete_while_typing=False, reserve_space_for_menu=5, ) if text is None: text = self.cmdprompt with patch_stdout(): retn = await self.sess.prompt_async(text, vi_mode=self.vi_mode, enable_open_in_editor=True) return retn
[docs] def printf(self, mesg, addnl=True, color=None): if not self.colorsenabled: return self.outp.printf(mesg, addnl=addnl) # print_formatted_text can't handle \r mesg = mesg.replace('\r', '') if color is not None: mesg = FormattedText([(color, mesg)]) return print_formatted_text(mesg, end='\n' if addnl else '')
[docs] def addCmdClass(self, ctor, **opts): ''' Add a Cmd subclass to this cli. ''' item = ctor(self, **opts) name = item.getCmdName() self.cmds[name] = item
[docs] def getCmdNames(self): ''' Return a list of all the known command names for the CLI. ''' return list(self.cmds.keys())
[docs] def getCmdByName(self, name): ''' Return a Cmd instance by name. ''' return self.cmds.get(name)
[docs] def getCmdPrompt(self): ''' Get the command prompt. Returns: str: Configured command prompt ''' return self.cmdprompt
[docs] async def runCmdLoop(self): ''' Run commands from a user in an interactive fashion until fini() or EOFError is raised. ''' while not self.isfini: self.cmdtask = None try: line = await self.prompt() if not line: continue line = line.strip() if not line: continue coro = self.runCmdLine(line) self.cmdtask = self.schedCoro(coro) await self.cmdtask except KeyboardInterrupt: if self.isfini: return self.printf('<ctrl-c>') except (s_exc.CliFini, EOFError): await self.fini() except Exception: s = traceback.format_exc() self.printf(s) finally: if self.cmdtask is not None: self.cmdtask.cancel() try: self.cmdtask.result() except asyncio.CancelledError: # Wait a beat to let any remaining nodes to print out before we print the prompt await asyncio.sleep(1) except Exception: pass
[docs] async def runCmdLine(self, line): ''' Run a single command line. Args: line (str): Line to execute. Examples: Execute the 'woot' command with the 'help' switch: await cli.runCmdLine('woot --help') Returns: object: Arbitrary data from the cmd class. ''' if self.echoline: self.outp.printf(f'{self.cmdprompt}{line}') ret = None name = line.split(None, 1)[0] cmdo = self.getCmdByName(name) if cmdo is None: self.printf('cmd not found: %s' % (name,)) return try: ret = await cmdo.runCmdLine(line) except s_exc.CliFini: await self.fini() except asyncio.CancelledError: self.printf('Cmd cancelled') except s_exc.ParserExit as e: pass # avoid duplicate print except Exception as e: exctxt = traceback.format_exc() self.printf(exctxt) self.printf('error: %s' % e) return ret
[docs]class CmdQuit(Cmd): ''' Quit the current command line interpreter. Example: quit ''' _cmd_name = 'quit'
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): self.printf('o/') raise s_exc.CliFini()
[docs]class CmdHelp(Cmd): ''' List commands and display help output. Example: help foocmd ''' _cmd_name = 'help' _cmd_syntax = ( ('cmds', {'type': 'list'}), # type: ignore )
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): cmds = opts.get('cmds') # if they didn't specify one, just show the list if not cmds: cmds = sorted(self._cmd_cli.getCmdNames()) padsize = max([len(n) for n in cmds]) for name in cmds: padname = name.ljust(padsize) cmdo = self._cmd_cli.getCmdByName(name) brief = cmdo.getCmdBrief() self.printf('%s - %s' % (padname, brief)) return for name in cmds: cmdo = self._cmd_cli.getCmdByName(name) if cmdo is None: self.printf('=== NOT FOUND: %s' % (name,)) continue self.printf('=== %s' % (name,)) self.printf(cmdo.getCmdDoc()) return
[docs]class CmdLocals(Cmd): ''' List the current locals for a given CLI object. ''' _cmd_name = 'locs'
[docs] async def runCmdOpts(self, opts): ret = {} for k, v in self._cmd_cli.locs.items(): if isinstance(v, (int, str)): ret[k] = v else: ret[k] = repr(v) mesg = json.dumps(ret, indent=2, sort_keys=True) self.printf(mesg)