import os
import copy
import urllib
import logging
import argparse
import as c_abc
import fastjsonschema
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import as s_data
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.json as s_json
import synapse.lib.hashitem as s_hashitem
from fastjsonschema.exceptions import JsonSchemaValueException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
re_iden = '^[0-9a-f]{32}$'
# Cache of validator functions
_JsValidators = {} # type: ignore
def localSchemaRefHandler(uri):
This function parses the given URI to get the path component and then tries
to resolve the referenced schema from the 'jsonschemas' directory of
parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
except ValueError:
raise s_exc.BadUrl(mesg=f'Malformed URI: {uri}.') from None
filename = s_data.path('jsonschemas', parts.hostname, *parts.path.split('/'))
# Check for path traversal. Unlikely, but still check
if not filename.startswith(s_data.path('jsonschemas', parts.hostname)):
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=f'Path traversal in schema URL: {uri}.')
if not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg=f'Local JSON schema not found for {uri}.')
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
return s_json.load(fp)
# This handlers dictionary is used by the jsonschema validator to attempt to
# resolve schema '$ref' values locally from disk and will raise an exception
# if the schema isn't found locally
local_ref_handlers = {
'http': localSchemaRefHandler,
'https': localSchemaRefHandler,
def getJsSchema(confbase, confdefs):
Generate a Synapse JSON Schema for a Cell using a pair of confbase and confdef values.
confbase (dict): A JSON Schema dictionary of properties for the object. This content has
precedence over the confdefs argument.
confdefs (dict): A JSON Schema dictionary of properties for the object.
This generated a JSON Schema draft 7 schema for a single object, which does not allow for
additional properties to be set on it. The data in confdefs is implementer controlled and
is welcome to specify
dict: A complete JSON schema.
props = {}
schema = {
'$schema': '',
'additionalProperties': False,
'properties': props,
'type': 'object'
return schema
def getJsValidator(schema, use_default=True, handlers=local_ref_handlers):
Get a fastjsonschema callable.
schema (dict): A JSON Schema object.
use_default (bool): Whether to insert "default" key arguments into the validated data structure.
callable: A callable function that can be used to validate data against the json schema.
if schema.get('$schema') is None:
schema['$schema'] = ''
if handlers is None:
handlers = {}
# It is faster to hash and cache the functions here than it is to
# generate new functions each time we have the same schema.
key = s_hashitem.hashitem((schema, {k: v.__name__ for k, v in handlers.items()}, use_default))
func = _JsValidators.get(key)
if func:
return func
func = fastjsonschema.compile(schema, handlers=handlers, use_default=use_default)
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except JsonSchemaValueException as e:
raise s_exc.SchemaViolation(mesg=e.message, from e
_JsValidators[key] = wrap
return wrap
jsonschematype2argparse = {
'integer': int,
'string': str,
'boolean': bool,
'number': float,
def make_envar_name(key, prefix=None):
Convert a colon delimited string into an uppercase, underscore delimited string.
key (str): Config key to convert.
prefix (str): Optional string prefix to prepend the the config key.
str: The string to lookup against a envar.
nk = f'{key.replace(":", "_")}'
if prefix:
nk = f'{prefix}_{nk}'
return nk.upper()
class Config(c_abc.MutableMapping):
Synapse configuration helper based on JSON Schema.
schema (dict): The JSON Schema (draft v7) which to validate
configuration data against.
conf (dict): Optional, a set of configuration data to preload.
envar_prefixes (list): Optional, a list of prefix strings used when collecting
configuration data from environment variables.
This class implements the class, so it
may be used where a dictionary would otherwise be used.
The default values provided in the schema must be able to be recreated
from the repr() of their Python value.
Default values are not loaded into the configuration data until
the ``reqConfValid()`` method is called.
def __init__(self,
self.json_schema = schema
if conf is None:
conf = {}
if envar_prefixes is None:
envar_prefixes = ('', )
self.conf = {}
self._argparse_conf_names = {}
self._argparse_conf_parsed_names = {}
self.envar_prefixes = envar_prefixes
self._opts_data = argparse.Namespace()
self.validator = getJsValidator(self.json_schema)
self._prop_schemas = {}
self._prop_validators = {}
for k, v in self.json_schema.get('properties').items():
prop_schema = {
'$schema': '',
self._prop_schemas[k] = prop_schema
self._prop_validators[k] = getJsValidator(prop_schema)
# Copy the data in so that it is validated.
for k, v in conf.items():
self[k] = v
# Ensure we're able to parse opts data for our schema -
# this populates the opts mapping data.
_ = self.getArgParseArgs()
def getConfFromCell(cls, cell, conf=None, envar_prefixes=None):
Get a Config object from a Cell directly (either the ctor or the instance thereof).
Config: A Config object.
schema = getJsSchema(cell.confbase, cell.confdefs)
if envar_prefixes is None:
envar_prefixes = cell.getEnvPrefix()
return cls(schema, conf=conf, envar_prefixes=envar_prefixes)
def getArgParseArgs(self):
argdata = []
for (name, conf) in self.json_schema.get('properties').items():
if conf.get('hideconf'):
if conf.get('hidecmdl'):
typename = conf.get('type')
# only allow single-typed values to have command line arguments
if not isinstance(typename, str):
atyp = jsonschematype2argparse.get(conf.get('type'))
if atyp is None:
akwargs = {
'help': conf.get('description', ''),
'action': 'store',
'type': atyp,
if atyp is bool:
default = conf.get('default')
if default is None:
logger.debug(f'Boolean type is missing default information. Will not form argparse for [{name}]')
default = bool(default)
akwargs['type'] = s_common.yamlloads
akwargs['choices'] = [True, False]
akwargs['help'] = akwargs['help'] + f' This option defaults to {default}.'
parsed_name = name.replace(':', '-')
replace_name = name.replace(':', '_')
self._argparse_conf_names[replace_name] = name
self._argparse_conf_parsed_names[name] = parsed_name
argname = '--' + parsed_name
argdata.append((argname, akwargs))
return argdata
def getCmdlineMapping(self):
if not self._argparse_conf_parsed_names:
# Giv a shot at populating the data
_ = self.getArgParseArgs()
return {k: v for k, v in self._argparse_conf_parsed_names.items()}
def setConfFromOpts(self, opts=None):
Set the opts for a conf object from a namespace object.
opts (argparse.Namespace): A Namespace object made from parsing args with an ArgumentParser
made with getArgumentParser.
None: Returns None.
if opts is None:
opts = self._opts_data
opts_data = vars(opts)
for k, v in opts_data.items():
if v is None:
nname = self._argparse_conf_names.get(k)
if nname is None:
self.setdefault(nname, v)
self._opts_data = opts
def setConfFromFile(self, path, force=False):
Set the opts for a conf object from YAML file path.
path (str): Path to the yaml load. If it exists, it must represent a dictionary.
force (bool): Force the update instead of using setdefault() behavior.
item = s_common.yamlload(path)
if item is None:
for name, valu in item.items():
if force:
oldv = self.get(name, s_common.novalu)
self[name] = valu
if oldv is s_common.novalu:
continue'Set configuration override for [{name}] from [{path}]')
self.setdefault(name, valu)
# Envar support methods
def setConfFromEnvs(self):
Set configuration options from environment variables.
Environment variables are resolved from configuration options after doing the following transform:
- Replace ``:`` characters with ``_``.
- Add a config provided prefix, if set.
- Uppercase the string.
- Resolve the environment variable
- If the environment variable is set, set the config value to the results of ``yaml.yaml_safeload()``
on the value.
Configuration values which have the ``hideconf`` value set to True are not resolved from environment
For the configuration value ``auth:passwd``, the environment variable is resolved as ``AUTH_PASSWD``.
With the prefix ``cortex``, the the environment variable is resolved as ``CORTEX_AUTH_PASSWD``.
dict: Returns a dictionary of values which were set from enviroment variables.
updates = {}
for prefix in self.envar_prefixes:
name2envar = self.getEnvarMapping(prefix=prefix)
for name, envar in name2envar.items():
envv = os.getenv(envar)
if envv is not None:
envv = s_common.yamlloads(envv)
curv = self.get(name, s_common.novalu)
if curv is not s_common.novalu:
if curv != envv:
logger.warning(f'Config from envar [{envar}] skipped due to already being set!')
self.setdefault(name, envv)
logger.debug(f'Set config valu from envar: [{envar}]')
updates[name] = envv
return updates
def getEnvarMapping(self, prefix=None):
Get a mapping of config values to envars.
Configuration values which have the ``hideconf`` value set to True are not resolved from environment
if prefix is None:
prefix = self.envar_prefixes[0]
ret = {}
for name, conf in self.json_schema.get('properties', {}).items():
if conf.get('hideconf'):
envar = make_envar_name(name, prefix=prefix)
ret[name] = envar
return ret
# General methods
def reqConfValid(self):
Validate that the loaded configuration data is valid according to the schema.
The validation set does set any default values which are not currently
set for configuration options.
None: This returns nothing.
except s_exc.SchemaViolation as e:
logger.exception('Configuration is invalid.')
raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=f'Invalid configuration found: [{str(e)}]') from None
def reqConfValu(self, key): # pragma: no cover
Deprecated. Use ``req(key)`` API instead.
s_common.deprecated('Config.reqConfValu(), use req() instead.')
return self.req(key)
def req(self, key):
Get a configuration value. If that value is not present in the schema or is not set, then raise an exception.
key (str): The key to require.
The requested value.
if key not in self.json_schema.get('properties', {}):
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=f'The {key} configuration option is not present in the configuration schema.',
valu = self.conf.get(key, s_common.novalu)
if valu is not s_common.novalu:
return valu
raise s_exc.NeedConfValu(mesg=f'The {key} configuration option is required.', name=key)
def reqKeyValid(self, key, value):
Test if a key is valid for the provided schema it is associated with.
key (str): Key to check.
value: Value to check.
BadArg: If the key has no associated schema.
BadConfValu: If the data is not schema valid.
None when valid.
validator = self._prop_validators.get(key)
if validator is None:
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=f'Key {key} is not a valid config', )
except s_exc.SchemaViolation as e:
raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg=f'Invalid config for {key}, {e.get("mesg")}', name=key, value=value) from None
def asDict(self):
Get a copy of configuration data.
dict: A copy of the configuration data.
return copy.deepcopy(self.conf)
# be nice...
def __repr__(self):
info = [self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__]
info.append(f'at {hex(id(self))}')
return '<{}>'.format(' '.join(info))
# ABC methods
def __len__(self):
return len(self.conf)
def __iter__(self):
return self.conf.__iter__()
def __delitem__(self, key):
return self.conf.__delitem__(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.reqKeyValid(key, value)
return self.conf.__setitem__(key, value)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.conf.__getitem__(item)