Source code for synapse.lib.crypto.ecc

import hashlib
import logging

import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes as c_hashes
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf as c_hkdf
import as c_ec
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization as c_ser
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils as c_utils
from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend

import synapse.exc as s_exc

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PriKey: ''' A helper class for using ECC private keys. ''' def __init__(self, priv): self.priv = priv # type: c_ec.EllipticCurvePrivateKey self.publ = PubKey(self.priv.public_key())
[docs] def iden(self): ''' Return a SHA256 hash for the public key (to be used as a GUID). Returns: str: The SHA256 hash of the public key bytes. ''' return self.publ.iden()
[docs] def sign(self, byts): ''' Compute the ECC signature for the given bytestream. Args: byts (bytes): The bytes to sign. Returns: bytes: The RSA Signature bytes. ''' chosen_hash = c_hashes.SHA256() hasher = c_hashes.Hash(chosen_hash, default_backend()) hasher.update(byts) digest = hasher.finalize() return self.priv.sign(digest, c_ec.ECDSA(c_utils.Prehashed(chosen_hash)) )
[docs] def exchange(self, pubkey): ''' Perform a ECDH key exchange with a public key. Args: pubkey (PubKey): A PubKey to perform the ECDH with. Returns: bytes: The ECDH bytes. This is deterministic for a given pubkey and private key. ''' try: return, pubkey.publ) except ValueError as e: raise s_exc.BadEccExchange(mesg=str(e))
[docs] def public(self): ''' Get the PubKey which corresponds to the ECC PriKey. Returns: PubKey: A new PubKey object whose key corresponds to the private key. ''' return PubKey(self.priv.public_key())
[docs] @staticmethod def generate(): ''' Generate a new ECC PriKey instance. Returns: PriKey: A new PriKey instance. ''' return PriKey(c_ec.generate_private_key( c_ec.SECP384R1(), default_backend() ))
[docs] def dump(self): ''' Get the private key bytes in DER/PKCS8 format. Returns: bytes: The DER/PKCS8 encoded private key. ''' return self.priv.private_bytes( encoding=c_ser.Encoding.DER, format=c_ser.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=c_ser.NoEncryption())
[docs] @staticmethod def load(byts): ''' Create a PriKey instance from DER/PKCS8 encoded bytes. Args: byts (bytes): Bytes to load Returns: PriKey: A new PubKey instance. ''' return PriKey(c_ser.load_der_private_key( byts, password=None, backend=default_backend()))
[docs]class PubKey: ''' A helper class for using ECC public keys. ''' def __init__(self, publ): self.publ = publ # type: c_ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey
[docs] def dump(self): ''' Get the public key bytes in DER/SubjectPublicKeyInfo format. Returns: bytes: The DER/SubjectPublicKeyInfo encoded public key. ''' return self.publ.public_bytes( encoding=c_ser.Encoding.DER, format=c_ser.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo)
[docs] def verify(self, byts, sign): ''' Verify the signature for the given bytes using the ECC public key. Args: byts (bytes): The data bytes. sign (bytes): The signature bytes. Returns: bool: True if the data was verified, False otherwise. ''' try: chosen_hash = c_hashes.SHA256() hasher = c_hashes.Hash(chosen_hash, default_backend()) hasher.update(byts) digest = hasher.finalize() self.publ.verify(sign, digest, c_ec.ECDSA(c_utils.Prehashed(chosen_hash)) ) return True except InvalidSignature: logger.exception('Error in publ.verify') return False
[docs] def iden(self): ''' Return a SHA256 hash for the public key (to be used as a GUID). Returns: str: The SHA256 hash of the public key bytes. ''' return hashlib.sha256(self.dump()).hexdigest()
[docs] @staticmethod def load(byts): ''' Create a PubKey instance from DER/PKCS8 encoded bytes. Args: byts (bytes): Bytes to load Returns: PubKey: A new PubKey instance. ''' return PubKey(c_ser.load_der_public_key( byts, backend=default_backend()))
[docs]def doECDHE(statprv_u, statpub_v, ephmprv_u, ephmpub_v, length=64, salt=None, info=None): ''' Perform one side of an Ecliptic Curve Diffie Hellman Ephemeral key exchange. Args: statprv_u (PriKey): Static Private Key for U statpub_v (PubKey: Static Public Key for V ephmprv_u (PriKey): Ephemeral Private Key for U ephmpub_v (PubKey): Ephemeral Public Key for V length (int): Number of bytes to return salt (bytes): Salt to use when computing the key. info (bytes): Additional information to use when computing the key. Notes: This makes no assumption about the reuse of the Ephemeral keys passed to the function. It is the caller's responsibility to destroy the keys after they are used for doing key generation. This implementation is the dhHybrid1 scheme described in NIST 800-56A Revision 2. Returns: bytes: The derived key. ''' zs = ze = z = ze + zs kdf = c_hkdf.HKDF(c_hashes.SHA256(), length=length, salt=salt, info=info, backend=default_backend()) k = kdf.derive(z) return k