Source code for synapse.lib.encoding

import csv
import regex
import base64
import codecs
import xml.etree.ElementTree as x_etree

import synapse.exc as s_exc

import synapse.lib.json as s_json
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack

def _de_base64(item, **opts):

    # transparently handle the strings/bytes issue...
    wasstr = isinstance(item, str)
    if wasstr:
        item = item.encode('utf8')

    item = base64.b64decode(item)

    if wasstr:
        item = item.decode('utf8')

    return item

def _en_base64(byts, **opts):
    return base64.b64encode(byts)

def _en_utf8(text, **opts):
    return text.encode('utf8')

def _de_utf8(byts, **opts):
    return byts.decode('utf8')

decoders = {
    'utf8': _de_utf8,  # type: ignore
    'base64': _de_base64,  # type: ignore

encoders = {
    'utf8': _en_utf8,  # type: ignore
    'base64': _en_base64,  # type: ignore

[docs] def decode(name, byts, **opts): ''' Decode the given byts with the named decoder. If name is a comma separated list of decoders, loop through and do them all. Example: byts = s_encoding.decode('base64',byts) Note: Decoder names may also be prefixed with + to *encode* for that name/layer. ''' for name in name.split(','): if name.startswith('+'): byts = encode(name[1:], byts, **opts) continue func = decoders.get(name) if func is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchDecoder(name=name) byts = func(byts, **opts) return byts
[docs] def encode(name, item, **opts): for name in name.split(','): if name.startswith('-'): item = decode(name[1:], item, **opts) continue func = encoders.get(name) if func is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchEncoder(name=name) item = func(item, **opts) return item
def _xml_stripns(e): # believe it or not, this is the recommended # way to strip XML namespaces... if e.tag.find('}') != -1: e.tag = e.tag.split('}')[1] for name, valu in e.attrib.items(): if name.find('}') != -1: e.attrib[name.split('{')[1]] = valu for x in e: _xml_stripns(x) def _fmt_xml(fd, gest): # TODO stream XML for huge files elem = x_etree.fromstring( _xml_stripns(elem) yield {elem.tag: elem} def _fmt_csv(fd, gest): opts = {} quot = gest.get('format:csv:quote') cmnt = gest.get('format:csv:comment') dial = gest.get('format:csv:dialect') delm = gest.get('format:csv:delimiter') if dial is not None: opts['dialect'] = dial if delm is not None: opts['delimiter'] = delm if quot is not None: opts['quotechar'] = quot # do we need to strip a comment char? if cmnt is not None: # use this if we need to strip comments # (but avoid it otherwise for perf ) def lineiter(): for line in fd: if not line.startswith(cmnt): yield line return csv.reader(lineiter(), **opts) return csv.reader(fd, **opts) def _fmt_lines(fd, gest): skipre = None mustre = None lowr = gest.get('format:lines:lower') cmnt = gest.get('format:lines:comment', '#') skipstr = gest.get('format:lines:skipre') if skipstr is not None: skipre = regex.compile(skipstr) muststr = gest.get('format:lines:mustre') if muststr is not None: mustre = regex.compile(muststr) for line in fd: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith(cmnt): continue if lowr: line = line.lower() if skipre is not None and skipre.match(line) is not None: continue if mustre is not None and mustre.match(line) is None: continue yield line def _fmt_json(fd, info): yield s_json.load(fd) def _fmt_jsonl(fd, info): for line in fd: yield s_json.loads(line) def _fmt_mpk(fd, info): yield from s_msgpack.iterfd(fd) fmtyielders = { 'csv': _fmt_csv, 'mpk': _fmt_mpk, 'xml': _fmt_xml, 'json': _fmt_json, 'jsonl': _fmt_jsonl, 'lines': _fmt_lines, } fmtopts = { 'mpk': {}, 'xml': {'mode': 'r', 'encoding': 'utf8'}, 'csv': {'mode': 'r', 'encoding': 'utf8'}, 'json': {'mode': 'r', 'encoding': 'utf8'}, 'jsonl': {'mode': 'r', 'encoding': 'utf8'}, 'lines': {'mode': 'r', 'encoding': 'utf8'}, }
[docs] def addFormat(name, fn, opts): ''' Add an additional ingest file format ''' fmtyielders[name] = fn fmtopts[name] = opts
[docs] def iterdata(fd, close_fd=True, **opts): ''' Iterate through the data provided by a file like object. Optional parameters may be used to control how the data is deserialized. Examples: The following example show use of the iterdata function.:: with open('foo.csv','rb') as fd: for row in iterdata(fd, format='csv', encoding='utf8'): dostuff(row) Args: fd (file) : File like object to iterate over. close_fd (bool) : Default behavior is to close the fd object. If this is not true, the fd will not be closed. **opts (dict): Ingest open directive. Causes the data in the fd to be parsed according to the 'format' key and any additional arguments. Yields: An item to process. The type of the item is dependent on the format parameters. ''' fmt = opts.get('format', 'lines') fopts = fmtopts.get(fmt, {}) # set default options for format for opt, val in fopts.items(): opts.setdefault(opt, val) ncod = opts.get('encoding') if ncod is not None: fd = codecs.getreader(ncod)(fd) fmtr = fmtyielders.get(fmt) if fmtr is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchImpl(name=fmt, knowns=fmtyielders.keys()) for item in fmtr(fd, opts): yield item if close_fd: fd.close()