import os
import asyncio
import logging
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.cell as s_cell
import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import as s_nexus
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack
import synapse.lib.lmdbslab as s_lmdbslab
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class JsonStor(s_base.Base):
A filesystem like storage mechanism that allows hirarchical lookup of
reference counted "objects" that have individually editable properties.
#TODO json validation by path glob matches? (persists?)
#TODO GUID ACCESS with index generation by type
#TODO registered types jsonschema with optional write-back validation
async def __anit__(self, slab, pref):
await s_base.Base.__anit__(self)
self.slab = slab
self.pref = pref
self.dirty = {}
self.pathdb = self.slab.initdb(f'{pref}:paths')
self.itemdb = self.slab.initdb(f'{pref}:items')
self.metadb = self.slab.initdb(f'{pref}:meta')
self.fsinfo = self.slab.initdb(f'{pref}:fsinfo')
self.slab.on('commit', self._syncDirtyItems)
async def _syncDirtyItems(self, mesg):
todo = list(self.dirty.items())
for buid, item in todo:
self.slab.put(buid, s_msgpack.en(item), db=self.itemdb)
self.dirty.pop(buid, None)
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def _incRefObj(self, buid, valu=1):
refs = 0
refsbyts = self.slab.get(buid + b'refs', db=self.metadb)
if refsbyts:
refs = s_msgpack.un(refsbyts)
refs += valu
if refs > 0:
self.slab.put(buid + b'refs', s_msgpack.en(refs), db=self.metadb)
return refs
# remove the meta entries
for lkey, byts in self.slab.scanByPref(buid, db=self.metadb):
self.slab.pop(lkey, db=self.metadb)
await asyncio.sleep(0)
# remove the item data
self.slab.pop(buid, db=self.itemdb)
self.dirty.pop(buid, None)
async def copyPathObj(self, oldp, newp):
item = await self.getPathObj(oldp)
await self.setPathObj(newp, item)
async def copyPathObjs(self, paths):
for oldp, newp in paths:
await self.copyPathObj(oldp, newp)
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def setPathObj(self, path, item):
Set (and/or reinitialize) the object at the given path.
NOTE: This will break any links by creating a new object.
buid = os.urandom(16)
pkey = self._pathToPkey(path)
oldb = self.slab.replace(pkey, buid, db=self.pathdb)
if oldb is not None:
await self._incRefObj(oldb, -1)
self.slab.put(buid + b'refs', s_msgpack.en(1), db=self.metadb)
self.dirty[buid] = item
async def getPathObj(self, path):
buid = self._pathToBuid(path)
if buid is None:
return None
return self._getBuidItem(buid)
def _getBuidItem(self, buid):
item = self.dirty.get(buid)
if item is not None:
return item
byts = self.slab.get(buid, db=self.itemdb)
if byts is not None:
return s_msgpack.un(byts)
def _pathToBuid(self, path):
pkey = self._pathToPkey(path)
return self.slab.get(pkey, db=self.pathdb)
async def hasPathObj(self, path):
pkey = self._pathToPkey(path)
return self.slab.has(pkey, db=self.pathdb)
async def delPathObj(self, path):
Remove a path and decref the object it references.
pkey = self._pathToPkey(path)
buid = self.slab.pop(pkey, db=self.pathdb)
if buid is not None:
await self._incRefObj(buid, valu=-1)
async def setPathLink(self, srcpath, dstpath):
Add a link from the given srcpath to the dstpath.
NOTE: This causes the item at dstpath to be incref'd
srcpkey = self._pathToPkey(srcpath)
dstpkey = self._pathToPkey(dstpath)
buid = self.slab.get(dstpkey, db=self.pathdb)
if buid is None:
raise s_exc.NoSuchPath(path=dstpath)
oldb = self.slab.pop(srcpkey, db=self.pathdb)
if oldb is not None:
await self._incRefObj(oldb, valu=-1)
await self._incRefObj(buid, valu=1)
self.slab.put(srcpkey, buid, db=self.pathdb)
async def getPathObjProp(self, path, prop):
item = await self.getPathObj(path)
if item is None:
return None
for name in self._pathToTupl(prop):
item = item.get(name, s_common.novalu)
if item is s_common.novalu:
return None
return item
def _pathToPkey(self, path):
path = self._pathToTupl(path)
return ('\x00'.join(path)).encode()
def _pathToTupl(self, path):
if isinstance(path, str):
path = tuple(path.split('/'))
return path
def _tuplToPath(self, path):
return '/'.join(path)
def _pkeyToTupl(self, pkey):
return tuple(pkey.decode().split('\x00'))
async def getPathList(self, path):
path = self._pathToTupl(path)
plen = len(path)
pkey = self._pathToPkey(path)
for lkey, buid in self.slab.scanByPref(pkey, db=self.pathdb):
yield self._tuplToPath(self._pkeyToTupl(lkey)[plen:])
async def getPathObjs(self, path):
path = self._pathToTupl(path)
plen = len(path)
pkey = self._pathToPkey(path)
for lkey, buid in self.slab.scanByPref(pkey, db=self.pathdb):
yield self._pkeyToTupl(lkey)[plen:], self._getBuidItem(buid)
async def setPathObjProp(self, path, prop, valu):
buid = self._pathToBuid(path)
if buid is None:
return False
item = self._getBuidItem(buid)
if item is None:
return False
step = item
names = self._pathToTupl(prop)
for name in names[:-1]:
down = step.get(name)
if down is None:
down = step[name] = {}
step = down
name = names[-1]
if step.get(name, s_common.novalu) == valu:
return True
step[name] = valu
self.dirty[buid] = item
return True
async def delPathObjProp(self, path, prop):
buid = self._pathToBuid(path)
if buid is None:
return False
item = self._getBuidItem(buid)
if item is None:
return False
step = item
names = self._pathToTupl(prop)
for name in names[:-1]:
if (step := step.get(name)) is None:
return False
step.pop(names[-1], None)
self.dirty[buid] = item
return True
async def cmpDelPathObjProp(self, path, prop, valu):
buid = self._pathToBuid(path)
if buid is None:
return False
item = self._getBuidItem(buid)
if item is None:
return False
step = item
names = self._pathToTupl(prop)
for name in names[:-1]:
step = step[name]
name = names[-1]
if step.get(name) != valu:
return False
step.pop(name, None)
self.dirty[buid] = item
return True
async def popPathObjProp(self, path, prop, defv=None):
buid = self._pathToBuid(path)
if buid is None:
return defv
item = self._getBuidItem(buid)
if item is None:
return defv
step = item
names = self._pathToTupl(prop)
for name in names[:-1]:
step = step.get(name, s_common.novalu)
if step is s_common.novalu:
return defv
retn = step.pop(names[-1], defv)
self.dirty[buid] = item
return retn
class JsonStorApi(s_cell.CellApi):
async def popPathObjProp(self, path, prop):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *path))
return await self.cell.popPathObjProp(path, prop)
async def hasPathObj(self, path):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'get', *path))
return await self.cell.hasPathObj(path)
async def copyPathObj(self, oldp, newp):
oldp = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(oldp)
newp = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(newp)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'get', *oldp))
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *newp))
return await self.cell.copyPathObj(oldp, newp)
async def copyPathObjs(self, paths):
pathnorms = []
for oldp, newp in paths:
oldp = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(oldp)
newp = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(newp)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'get', *oldp))
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *newp))
pathnorms.append((oldp, newp))
return await self.cell.copyPathObjs(pathnorms)
async def getPathList(self, path):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'list', *path))
async for item in self.cell.getPathList(path):
yield item
async def getPathObj(self, path):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'get', *path))
return await self.cell.getPathObj(path)
async def getPathObjs(self, path):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'get', *path))
async for item in self.cell.getPathObjs(path):
yield item
async def setPathObj(self, path, item):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *path))
return await self.cell.setPathObj(path, item)
async def delPathObj(self, path):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'del', *path))
return await self.cell.delPathObj(path)
async def delPathObjProp(self, path, name):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *path))
return await self.cell.delPathObjProp(path, name)
async def cmpDelPathObjProp(self, path, name, valu):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *path))
return await self.cell.cmpDelPathObjProp(path, name, valu)
async def getPathObjProp(self, path, prop):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'get', *path))
return await self.cell.getPathObjProp(path, prop)
async def setPathObjProp(self, path, prop, valu):
path = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(path)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *path))
return await self.cell.setPathObjProp(path, prop, valu)
async def setPathLink(self, srcpath, dstpath):
srcpath = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(srcpath)
dstpath = self.cell.jsonstor._pathToTupl(dstpath)
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'get', *dstpath))
await self._reqUserAllowed(('json', 'set', *srcpath))
return await self.cell.setPathLink(srcpath, dstpath)
async def addQueue(self, name, info):
await self._reqUserAllowed(('queue', 'add', name))
info['owner'] = self.user.iden
info['created'] =
return await self.cell.addQueue(name, info)
async def delQueue(self, name):
await self._reqUserAllowed(('queue', 'del', name))
return await self.cell.delQueue(name)
async def cullQueue(self, name, offs):
await self._reqUserAllowed(('queue', 'gets', name))
return await self.cell.cullQueue(name, offs)
async def putsQueue(self, name, items):
await self._reqUserAllowed(('queue', 'puts', name))
return await self.cell.putsQueue(name, items)
async def getsQueue(self, name, offs, size=None, cull=True, wait=True):
await self._reqUserAllowed(('queue', 'gets', name))
async for item in self.cell.getsQueue(name, offs, size=size, cull=cull, wait=wait):
yield item
async def addUserNotif(self, useriden, mesgtype, mesgdata=None):
return await self.cell.addUserNotif(useriden, mesgtype, mesgdata=mesgdata)
async def getUserNotif(self, indx):
return await self.cell.getUserNotif(indx)
async def delUserNotif(self, indx):
return await self.cell.delUserNotif(indx)
async def iterUserNotifs(self, useriden, size=None):
async for item in self.cell.iterUserNotifs(useriden, size=size):
yield item
async def watchAllUserNotifs(self, offs=None):
async for item in self.cell.watchAllUserNotifs(offs=offs):
yield item
class JsonStorCell(s_cell.Cell):
cellapi = JsonStorApi
async def initServiceStorage(self):
self.jsonstor = await JsonStor.anit(self.slab, 'jsonstor')
self.multique = await s_lmdbslab.MultiQueue.anit(self.slab, 'multique')
self.notif_abrv_user = self.slab.getNameAbrv('users')
self.notif_abrv_type = self.slab.getNameAbrv('types')
self.notifseqn = self.slab.getSeqn('notifs')
self.notif_indx_usertime = self.slab.initdb('indx:user:time', dupsort=True)
self.notif_indx_usertype = self.slab.initdb('indx:user:type', dupsort=True)
def getEnvPrefix(cls):
return (f'SYN_JSONSTOR', f'SYN_{cls.__name__.upper()}', )
async def getPathList(self, path):
async for item in self.jsonstor.getPathList(path):
yield item
async def popPathObjProp(self, path, prop):
return await self.jsonstor.popPathObjProp(path, prop)
async def hasPathObj(self, path):
return await self.jsonstor.hasPathObj(path)
async def copyPathObj(self, oldp, newp):
return await self.jsonstor.copyPathObj(oldp, newp)
async def copyPathObjs(self, paths):
return await self.jsonstor.copyPathObjs(paths)
async def getPathObj(self, path):
return await self.jsonstor.getPathObj(path)
async def getPathObjs(self, path):
async for item in self.jsonstor.getPathObjs(path):
yield item
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async def getPathObjProp(self, path, prop):
return await self.jsonstor.getPathObjProp(path, prop)
async def setPathObj(self, path, item):
return await self.jsonstor.setPathObj(path, item)
async def delPathObj(self, path):
return await self.jsonstor.delPathObj(path)
async def delPathObjProp(self, path, name):
return await self.jsonstor.delPathObjProp(path, name)
async def cmpDelPathObjProp(self, path, name, valu):
return await self.jsonstor.cmpDelPathObjProp(path, name, valu)
async def setPathObjProp(self, path, prop, valu):
return await self.jsonstor.setPathObjProp(path, prop, valu)
async def setPathLink(self, srcpath, dstpath):
return await self.jsonstor.setPathLink(srcpath, dstpath)
async def addQueue(self, name, info):
if not self.multique.exists(name):
await self.multique.add(name, info)
return True
return False
async def delQueue(self, name):
if not self.multique.exists(name):
return False
await self.multique.rem(name)
return True
async def putsQueue(self, name, items):
return await self._push('q:puts', name, items)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('q:puts', passitem=True)
async def _putsQueue(self, name, items, nexsitem):
nexsoff, nexsmesg = nexsitem
return await self.multique.puts(name, items, reqid=nexsoff)
async def cullQueue(self, name, offs):
return await self.multique.cull(name, offs)
async def getsQueue(self, name, offs, size=None, cull=True, wait=True):
if cull and offs > 0:
await self.cullQueue(name, offs - 1)
async for item in self.multique.gets(name, offs, size=size, wait=wait):
yield item
async def addUserNotif(self, useriden, mesgtype, mesgdata=None):
mesg = (useriden,, mesgtype, mesgdata)
return await self._push('notif:add', mesg)
async def getUserNotif(self, indx):
return self.notifseqn.get(indx)
@s_nexus.Pusher.onPush('notif:add', passitem=True)
async def _addUserNotif(self, mesg, nexsitem):
indx = self.notifseqn.add(mesg, indx=nexsitem[0])
indxbyts = s_common.int64en(indx)
useriden, mesgtime, mesgtype, mesgdata = mesg
userbyts = s_common.uhex(useriden)
timebyts = s_common.int64en(mesgtime)
typeabrv = self.notif_abrv_type.setBytsToAbrv(mesgtype.encode())
self.slab.put(userbyts + timebyts, indxbyts, db=self.notif_indx_usertime, dupdata=True)
self.slab.put(userbyts + typeabrv + timebyts, indxbyts, db=self.notif_indx_usertype, dupdata=True)
return indx
async def delUserNotif(self, indx):
envl = self.notifseqn.pop(indx)
if envl is None:
mesg = envl[1]
useriden, mesgtime, mesgtype, mesgdata = mesg
indxbyts = s_common.int64en(indx)
userbyts = s_common.uhex(useriden)
timebyts = s_common.int64en(mesgtime)
typeabrv = self.notif_abrv_type.setBytsToAbrv(mesgtype.encode())
self.slab.delete(userbyts + timebyts, indxbyts, db=self.notif_indx_usertime)
self.slab.delete(userbyts + typeabrv + timebyts, indxbyts, db=self.notif_indx_usertype)
async def iterUserNotifs(self, useriden, size=None):
# iterate user notifications backward
userbyts = s_common.uhex(useriden)
count = 0
for _, indxbyts in self.slab.scanByPrefBack(userbyts, db=self.notif_indx_usertype):
indx = s_common.int64un(indxbyts)
mesg = self.notifseqn.getraw(indxbyts)
yield (indx, mesg)
count += 1
if size is not None and count >= size:
async def watchAllUserNotifs(self, offs=None):
# yield only new notifications as they arrive
if offs is None:
offs = self.notifseqn.index()
async for item in self.notifseqn.aiter(offs=offs, wait=True, timeout=120):
yield item
# async def iterUserNotifsByTime(self, useriden, ival):
# async def iterUserNotifsByType(self, useriden, mesgtype, ival=None):