Source code for synapse.lib.lmdbslab

import os
import shutil
import asyncio
import threading
import collections

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import lmdb

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.glob as s_glob
import synapse.common as s_common

import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.coro as s_coro
import synapse.lib.cache as s_cache
import synapse.lib.const as s_const
import as s_nexus
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack
import synapse.lib.thishost as s_thishost
import synapse.lib.thisplat as s_thisplat
import synapse.lib.slabseqn as s_slabseqn


# By default, double the map size each time we run out of space, until this amount, and then we only increase by that
MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE = 100 * s_const.gibibyte

int64min = s_common.int64en(0)
int64max = s_common.int64en(0xffffffffffffffff)

[docs]class LmdbBackup(s_base.Base): async def __anit__(self, path): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.path = s_common.genpath(path) self.datafile = os.path.join(self.path, 'data.mdb') stat = os.stat(self.datafile) self.lenv = await self.enter_context(, map_size=stat.st_size, max_dbs=16384, create=False, readonly=True) ) self.ltxn = await self.enter_context(self.lenv.begin())
[docs] async def saveto(self, dstdir): self.lenv.copy(dstdir, compact=True, txn=self.ltxn)
[docs]class Hist: ''' A class for storing items in a slab by time. Each added item is inserted into the specified db within the slab using the current epoch-millis time stamp as the key. ''' def __init__(self, slab, name): self.slab = slab self.db = slab.initdb(name, dupsort=True)
[docs] def add(self, item, tick=None): if tick is None: tick = lkey = tick.to_bytes(8, 'big') self.slab.put(lkey, s_msgpack.en(item), dupdata=True, db=self.db)
[docs] def carve(self, tick, tock=None): lmax = None lmin = tick.to_bytes(8, 'big') if tock is not None: lmax = tock.to_bytes(8, 'big') for lkey, byts in self.slab.scanByRange(lmin, lmax=lmax, db=self.db): tick = int.from_bytes(lkey, 'big') yield tick, s_msgpack.un(byts)
[docs]class SlabDict: ''' A dictionary-like object which stores its props in a slab via a prefix. It is assumed that only one SlabDict with a given prefix exists at any given time, but it is up to the caller to cache them. ''' def __init__(self, slab, db=None, pref=b''): self.db = db self.slab = slab self.pref = pref = self._getPrefProps(pref) def _getPrefProps(self, bidn): size = len(bidn) props = {} for lkey, lval in self.slab.scanByPref(bidn, db=self.db): name = lkey[size:].decode('utf8') props[name] = s_msgpack.un(lval) return props
[docs] def keys(self): return
[docs] def items(self): ''' Return a tuple of (prop, valu) tuples from the SlabDict. Returns: (((str, object), ...)): Tuple of (name, valu) tuples. ''' return tuple(
[docs] def get(self, name, defval=None): ''' Get a name from the SlabDict. Args: name (str): The key name. defval (obj): The default value to return. Returns: (obj): The return value, or None. ''' return, defval)
[docs] def set(self, name, valu): ''' Set a name in the SlabDict. Args: name (str): The key name. valu (obj): A msgpack compatible value. Returns: None ''' byts = s_msgpack.en(valu) lkey = self.pref + name.encode('utf8') self.slab.put(lkey, byts, db=self.db)[name] = valu return valu
[docs] def pop(self, name, defval=None): ''' Pop a name from the SlabDict. Args: name (str): The name to remove. defval (obj): The default value to return if the name is not present. Returns: object: The object stored in the SlabDict, or defval if the object was not present. ''' valu =, defval) lkey = self.pref + name.encode('utf8') self.slab.pop(lkey, db=self.db) return valu
[docs] def inc(self, name, valu=1): curv =, 0) curv += valu self.set(name, curv) return curv
[docs]class SlabAbrv: ''' A utility for translating arbitrary bytes into fixed with id bytes ''' def __init__(self, slab, name): self.slab = slab self.name2abrv = slab.initdb(f'{name}:byts2abrv') self.abrv2name = slab.initdb(f'{name}:abrv2byts') self.offs = 0 item = self.slab.last(db=self.abrv2name) if item is not None: self.offs = s_common.int64un(item[0]) + 1
[docs] @s_cache.memoizemethod() def abrvToByts(self, abrv): byts = self.slab.get(abrv, db=self.abrv2name) if byts is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchAbrv return byts
[docs] @s_cache.memoizemethod() def bytsToAbrv(self, byts): abrv = self.slab.get(byts, db=self.name2abrv) if abrv is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchAbrv return abrv
[docs] def setBytsToAbrv(self, byts): try: return self.bytsToAbrv(byts) except s_exc.NoSuchAbrv: pass abrv = s_common.int64en(self.offs) self.offs += 1 self.slab.put(byts, abrv, db=self.name2abrv) self.slab.put(abrv, byts, db=self.abrv2name) return abrv
[docs] def names(self): for byts in self.slab.scanKeys(db=self.name2abrv): yield byts.decode()
[docs] def keys(self): for byts in self.slab.scanKeys(db=self.name2abrv): yield byts
[docs] def nameToAbrv(self, name): return self.bytsToAbrv(name.encode())
[docs] def abrvToName(self, byts): return self.abrvToByts(byts).decode()
[docs]class HotKeyVal(s_base.Base): ''' A hot-loop capable keyval that only syncs on commit. ''' EncFunc = staticmethod(s_msgpack.en) DecFunc = staticmethod(s_msgpack.un) async def __anit__(self, slab, name): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.slab = slab self.cache = collections.defaultdict(int) self.dirty = set() self.db = self.slab.initdb(name) for lkey, lval in self.slab.scanByFull(db=self.db): self.cache[lkey] = self.DecFunc(lval) slab.on('commit', self._onSlabCommit) self.onfini(self.sync) async def _onSlabCommit(self, mesg): if self.dirty: self.sync()
[docs] def get(self, name: str, defv=None): return self.cache.get(name.encode(), defv)
[docs] def set(self, name: str, valu): byts = name.encode() self.cache[byts] = valu self.dirty.add(byts) self.slab.dirty = True return valu
[docs] def delete(self, name: str): byts = name.encode() self.cache.pop(byts, None) self.dirty.discard(byts) self.slab.delete(byts, db=self.db)
[docs] def sync(self): tups = [(p, self.EncFunc(self.cache[p])) for p in self.dirty] if not tups: return self.slab.putmulti(tups, db=self.db) self.dirty.clear()
[docs] def pack(self): return {n.decode(): v for (n, v) in self.cache.items()}
[docs]class HotCount(HotKeyVal): ''' Like HotKeyVal, but optimized for integer/count vals ''' EncFunc = staticmethod(s_common.signedint64en) DecFunc = staticmethod(s_common.signedint64un)
[docs] def inc(self, name: str, valu=1): byts = name.encode() self.cache[byts] += valu self.dirty.add(byts)
[docs] def set(self, name: str, valu): byts = name.encode() self.cache[byts] = valu self.dirty.add(byts) self.slab.dirty = True
[docs] def get(self, name: str, defv=0): return self.cache.get(name.encode(), defv)
[docs]class MultiQueue(s_base.Base): ''' Allows creation/consumption of multiple durable queues in a slab. ''' async def __anit__(self, slab, name, nexsroot: s_nexus.NexsRoot = None, auth=None): # type: ignore await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) self.slab = slab self.auth = auth self.abrv = slab.getNameAbrv(f'{name}:abrv') self.qdata = self.slab.initdb(f'{name}:qdata') self.sizes = SlabDict(self.slab, db=self.slab.initdb(f'{name}:sizes')) self.queues = SlabDict(self.slab, db=self.slab.initdb(f'{name}:meta')) self.offsets = SlabDict(self.slab, db=self.slab.initdb(f'{name}:offs')) self.lastreqid = await HotKeyVal.anit(self.slab, 'reqid') self.onfini(self.lastreqid) self.waiters = collections.defaultdict(asyncio.Event) # type: ignore
[docs] def list(self): return [self.status(n) for n in self.queues.keys()]
[docs] def status(self, name): meta = self.queues.get(name) if meta is None: mesg = f'No queue named {name}' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg, name=name) return { 'name': name, 'meta': meta, 'size': self.sizes.get(name), 'offs': self.offsets.get(name), }
[docs] def exists(self, name): return self.queues.get(name) is not None
[docs] def size(self, name): return self.sizes.get(name)
[docs] def offset(self, name): return self.offsets.get(name)
[docs] async def add(self, name, info): if self.queues.get(name) is not None: mesg = f'A queue already exists with the name {name}.' raise s_exc.DupName(mesg=mesg, name=name) self.abrv.setBytsToAbrv(name.encode()) self.queues.set(name, info) self.sizes.set(name, 0) self.offsets.set(name, 0)
[docs] async def rem(self, name): if self.queues.get(name) is None: mesg = f'No queue named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg, name=name) await self.cull(name, 0xffffffffffffffff) self.queues.pop(name) self.offsets.pop(name) evnt = self.waiters.pop(name, None) if evnt is not None: evnt.set()
[docs] async def get(self, name, offs, wait=False, cull=True): ''' Return (nextoffs, item) tuple or (-1, None) for the given offset. ''' async for itemoffs, item in self.gets(name, offs, wait=wait, cull=cull): return itemoffs, item return -1, None
[docs] async def pop(self, name, offs): ''' Pop a single entry from the named queue by offset. ''' abrv = self.abrv.nameToAbrv(name) byts = self.slab.pop(abrv + s_common.int64en(offs), db=self.qdata) if byts is not None: self.sizes.set(name, self.sizes.get(name) - 1) return (offs, s_msgpack.un(byts))
[docs] async def put(self, name, item, reqid=None): return await self.puts(name, (item,), reqid=reqid)
[docs] async def puts(self, name, items, reqid=None): if self.queues.get(name) is None: mesg = f'No queue named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg, name=name) abrv = self.abrv.nameToAbrv(name) offs = retn = self.offsets.get(name, 0) if reqid is not None: if reqid == self.lastreqid.get(name): return retn self.lastreqid.set(name, reqid) for item in items: putv = self.slab.put(abrv + s_common.int64en(offs), s_msgpack.en(item), db=self.qdata) assert putv, 'Put failed', 1) offs =, 1) # wake the sleepers evnt = self.waiters.get(name) if evnt is not None: evnt.set() return retn
[docs] async def gets(self, name, offs, size=None, cull=False, wait=False): ''' Yield (offs, item) tuples from the message queue. ''' if self.queues.get(name) is None: mesg = f'No queue named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg, name=name) if cull and offs > 0: await self.cull(name, offs - 1) abrv = self.abrv.nameToAbrv(name) count = 0 while not self.slab.isfini: indx = s_common.int64en(offs) for lkey, lval in self.slab.scanByRange(abrv + indx, abrv + int64max, db=self.qdata): offs = s_common.int64un(lkey[8:]) yield offs, s_msgpack.un(lval) offs += 1 # in case of wait, we're at next offset count += 1 if size is not None and count >= size: return if not wait: return evnt = self.waiters[name] evnt.clear() await evnt.wait()
[docs] async def cull(self, name, offs): ''' Remove up-to (and including) the queue entry at offs. ''' if self.queues.get(name) is None: mesg = f'No queue named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg, name=name) if offs < 0: return indx = s_common.int64en(offs) abrv = self.abrv.nameToAbrv(name) for lkey, _ in self.slab.scanByRange(abrv + int64min, abrv + indx, db=self.qdata): self.slab.delete(lkey, db=self.qdata) self.sizes.set(name, self.sizes.get(name) - 1) await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] async def dele(self, name, minoffs, maxoffs): ''' Remove queue entries from minoffs, up-to (and including) the queue entry at maxoffs. ''' if self.queues.get(name) is None: mesg = f'No queue named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg, name=name) if minoffs < 0 or maxoffs < 0 or maxoffs < minoffs: return minindx = s_common.int64en(minoffs) maxindx = s_common.int64en(maxoffs) abrv = self.abrv.nameToAbrv(name) for lkey, _ in self.slab.scanByRange(abrv + minindx, abrv + maxindx, db=self.qdata): self.slab.delete(lkey, db=self.qdata) self.sizes.set(name, self.sizes.get(name) - 1) await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] async def sets(self, name, offs, items): ''' Overwrite queue entries with the values in items, starting at offs. ''' if self.queues.get(name) is None: mesg = f'No queue named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg, name=name) if offs < 0: return abrv = self.abrv.nameToAbrv(name) wake = False for item in items: indx = s_common.int64en(offs) if offs >= self.offsets.get(name, 0): self.slab.put(abrv + indx, s_msgpack.en(item), db=self.qdata) offs = self.offsets.set(name, offs + 1), 1) wake = True else: byts = self.slab.get(abrv + indx, db=self.qdata) self.slab.put(abrv + indx, s_msgpack.en(item), db=self.qdata) if byts is None:, 1) offs += 1 await asyncio.sleep(0) if wake: evnt = self.waiters.get(name) if evnt is not None: evnt.set()
[docs]class GuidStor: def __init__(self, slab, name): self.slab = slab = name self.db = self.slab.initdb(name)
[docs] def gen(self, iden): bidn = s_common.uhex(iden) return SlabDict(self.slab, db=self.db, pref=bidn)
[docs] async def del_(self, iden): bidn = s_common.uhex(iden) for lkey, lval in self.slab.scanByPref(bidn, db=self.db): self.slab.pop(lkey, db=self.db) await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] def has(self, iden): bidn = s_common.uhex(iden) for _ in self.slab.scanKeysByPref(bidn, db=self.db): return True return False
[docs] def set(self, iden, name, valu): bidn = s_common.uhex(iden) byts = s_msgpack.en(valu) self.slab.put(bidn + name.encode(), byts, db=self.db)
[docs] async def dict(self, iden): bidn = s_common.uhex(iden) retn = {} for lkey, lval in self.slab.scanByPref(bidn, db=self.db): await asyncio.sleep(0) name = lkey[len(bidn):].decode() retn[name] = s_msgpack.un(lval) return retn
def _florpo2(i): ''' Return largest power of 2 equal to or less than i ''' if not (i & (i - 1)): return i return 1 << (i.bit_length() - 1) def _ceilpo2(i): ''' Return smallest power of 2 equal to or greater than i ''' if not (i & (i - 1)): return i return 1 << i.bit_length() def _roundup(i, multiple): return ((i + multiple - 1) // multiple) * multiple def _mapsizeround(size): cutoff = _florpo2(MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE) if size < cutoff: return _ceilpo2(size) if size == cutoff: # We're already the largest power of 2 return size return _roundup(size, MAX_DOUBLE_SIZE)
[docs]class Slab(s_base.Base): ''' A "monolithic" LMDB instance for use in a asyncio loop thread. ''' # The paths of all open slabs, to prevent accidental opening of the same slab in two places allslabs = {} # type: ignore synctask = None syncevnt = None # set this event to trigger a sync # time between commits COMMIT_PERIOD = float(os.environ.get('SYN_SLAB_COMMIT_PERIOD', '0.2')) # warn if commit takes too long WARN_COMMIT_TIME_MS = int(float(os.environ.get('SYN_SLAB_COMMIT_WARN', '1.0')) * 1000) DEFAULT_MAPSIZE = s_const.gibibyte DEFAULT_GROWSIZE = None
[docs] @classmethod def getSlabsInDir(clas, dirn): ''' Returns all open slabs under a directory ''' toppath = s_common.genpath(dirn) return [slab for slab in clas.allslabs.values() if toppath == slab.path or slab.path.startswith(toppath + os.sep)]
[docs] @classmethod async def initSyncLoop(clas, inst): if clas.synctask is not None: return clas.syncevnt = asyncio.Event() coro = clas.syncLoopTask() loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() clas.synctask = loop.create_task(coro)
[docs] @classmethod async def syncLoopTask(clas): while True: try: await s_coro.event_wait(clas.syncevnt, timeout=clas.COMMIT_PERIOD) clas.syncevnt.clear() await clas.syncLoopOnce() except asyncio.CancelledError: # pragma: no cover TODO: remove once >= py 3.8 only raise except Exception: # pragma: no cover logger.exception('Slab.syncLoopTask')
[docs] @classmethod async def syncLoopOnce(clas): for slab in list(clas.allslabs.values()): if slab.dirty: await slab.sync() await asyncio.sleep(0)
[docs] @classmethod async def getSlabStats(clas): retn = [] for slab in clas.allslabs.values(): retn.append({ 'path': str(slab.path), 'xactops': len(slab.xactops), 'mapsize': slab.mapsize, 'readonly': slab.readonly, 'lockmemory': slab.lockmemory, 'recovering': slab.recovering, 'maxsize': slab.maxsize, 'growsize': slab.growsize, 'mapasync': slab.mapasync, }) return retn
async def __anit__(self, path, **kwargs): await s_base.Base.__anit__(self) kwargs.setdefault('map_size', self.DEFAULT_MAPSIZE) kwargs.setdefault('lockmemory', False) kwargs.setdefault('map_async', True) opts = kwargs self.path = path self.optspath = s_common.switchext(path, ext='.opts.yaml') # Make sure we don't have this lmdb DB open already. (This can lead to seg faults) if path in self.allslabs: raise s_exc.SlabAlreadyOpen(mesg=path) if os.path.isfile(self.optspath): _opts = s_common.yamlload(self.optspath) if isinstance(_opts, dict): opts.update(_opts) initial_mapsize = opts.get('map_size') if initial_mapsize is None: raise s_exc.BadArg('Slab requires map_size') mdbpath = s_common.genpath(path, 'data.mdb') if os.path.isfile(mdbpath): mapsize = max(initial_mapsize, os.path.getsize(mdbpath)) else: mapsize = initial_mapsize # save the transaction deltas in case of error... self.xactops = [] self.max_xactops_len = opts.pop('max_replay_log', 10000) self.recovering = False opts.setdefault('max_dbs', 128) opts.setdefault('writemap', True) self.maxsize = opts.pop('maxsize', None) self.growsize = opts.pop('growsize', self.DEFAULT_GROWSIZE) self.readonly = opts.get('readonly', False) self.lockmemory = opts.pop('lockmemory', False) if self.lockmemory: lockmem_override = s_common.envbool('SYN_LOCKMEM_DISABLE') if lockmem_override:'SYN_LOCKMEM_DISABLE envar set, skipping lockmem for {self.path}') self.lockmemory = False self.mapasync = opts.setdefault('map_async', True) self.mapsize = _mapsizeround(mapsize) if self.maxsize is not None: self.mapsize = min(self.mapsize, self.maxsize) self._saveOptsFile() try: self.lenv =, **opts) except lmdb.LockError as e: # pragma: no cover # This is difficult to test since it requires two processes to open the slab with # the same pid. In practice this typically occurs when there are two docker # containers running from different process namespaces, whose process pids are # the same, opening the same lmdb database. That isn't a supported configuration # and we just need to catch that error. mesg = f'Unable to obtain lock on {path}. Another process may have this file locked. {e}' raise s_exc.LmdbLock(mesg=mesg, path=path) from None self.allslabs[path] = self self.scans = set() self.dirty = False if self.readonly: self.xact = None self.txnrefcount = 0 else: self._initCoXact() self.resizecallbacks = [] self.resizeevent = threading.Event() # triggered when a resize event occurred self.lockdoneevent = asyncio.Event() # triggered when a memory locking finished # LMDB layer uses these for status reporting self.locking_memory = False self.prefaulting = False self.memlocktask = None self.max_could_lock = 0 self.lock_progress = 0 self.lock_goal = 0 if self.lockmemory: async def memlockfini(): self.resizeevent.set() await self.memlocktask self.memlocktask = s_coro.executor(self._memorylockloop) self.onfini(memlockfini) else: self.lockdoneevent.set() self.dbnames = {None: (None, False)} # prepopulate the default DB for speed self.onfini(self._onSlabFini) self.commitstats = collections.deque(maxlen=1000) # stores Tuple[time, replayloglen, commit time delta] if not self.readonly: await Slab.initSyncLoop(self) def __repr__(self): return 'Slab: %r' % (self.path,)
[docs] async def trash(self): ''' Deletes underlying storage ''' await self.fini() try: os.unlink(self.optspath) except FileNotFoundError: # pragma: no cover pass shutil.rmtree(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] async def getHotCount(self, name): item = await HotCount.anit(self, name) self.onfini(item) return item
[docs] def getSeqn(self, name): return s_slabseqn.SlabSeqn(self, name)
[docs] def getNameAbrv(self, name): return SlabAbrv(self, name)
[docs] async def getMultiQueue(self, name, nexsroot=None): mq = await MultiQueue.anit(self, name, nexsroot=None) self.onfini(mq) return mq
[docs] def statinfo(self): return { 'locking_memory': self.locking_memory, # whether the memory lock loop was started and hasn't ended 'max_could_lock': self.max_could_lock, # the maximum this system could lock 'lock_progress': self.lock_progress, # how much we've locked so far 'lock_goal': self.lock_goal, # how much we want to lock 'prefaulting': self.prefaulting, # whether we are right meow prefaulting 'commitstats': list(self.commitstats), # last X tuple(time,replaylogsize,commit time) }
def _acqXactForReading(self): if self.isfini: # pragma: no cover raise s_exc.IsFini() if not self.readonly: return self.xact if not self.txnrefcount: self._initCoXact() self.txnrefcount += 1 return self.xact def _relXactForReading(self): if not self.readonly: return self.txnrefcount -= 1 if not self.txnrefcount: self._finiCoXact() def _saveOptsFile(self): if self.readonly: return opts = {} if self.growsize is not None: opts['growsize'] = self.growsize if self.maxsize is not None: opts['maxsize'] = self.maxsize s_common.yamlmod(opts, self.optspath)
[docs] async def sync(self): try: # do this from the loop thread only to avoid recursion await'commit') self.forcecommit() except lmdb.MapFullError: self._handle_mapfull()
# There's no need to re-try self.forcecommit as _growMapSize does it
[docs] async def fini(self): await'commit') return await s_base.Base.fini(self)
async def _onSlabFini(self): assert s_glob.iAmLoop() while True: try: self._finiCoXact() except lmdb.MapFullError: self._handle_mapfull() continue break self.dirty = False self.lenv.close() self.allslabs.pop(self.path, None) del self.lenv if not self.allslabs: if self.synctask: self.synctask.cancel() self.__class__.synctask = None self.__class__.syncevnt = None def _finiCoXact(self): ''' Note: This method may raise a MapFullError ''' assert s_glob.iAmLoop() [scan.bump() for scan in self.scans] # Readonly or self.xact has already been closed if self.xact is None: return self.xact.commit() self.xactops.clear() del self.xact self.xact = None
[docs] def addResizeCallback(self, callback): self.resizecallbacks.append(callback)
def _growMapSize(self, size=None): mapsize = self.mapsize if size is not None: mapsize += size elif self.growsize is not None: mapsize += self.growsize else: mapsize = _mapsizeround(mapsize + 1) if self.maxsize is not None: mapsize = min(mapsize, self.maxsize) if mapsize == self.mapsize: raise s_exc.DbOutOfSpace( mesg=f'DB at {self.path} is at specified max capacity of {self.maxsize} and is out of space')'lmdbslab %s growing map size to: %d MiB', self.path, mapsize // s_const.mebibyte) self.lenv.set_mapsize(mapsize) self.mapsize = mapsize self.resizeevent.set() for callback in self.resizecallbacks: try: callback() except Exception as e: logger.exception(f'Error during slab resize callback - {str(e)}') return self.mapsize def _memorylockloop(self): ''' Separate thread loop that manages the prefaulting and locking of the memory backing the data file ''' if not s_thishost.get('hasmemlocking'): # pragma: no cover return MAX_TOTAL_PERCENT = .90 # how much of all the RAM to take MAX_LOCK_AT_ONCE = s_const.gibibyte # Calculate a reasonable maximum amount of memory to lock s_thisplat.maximizeMaxLockedMemory() locked_ulimit = s_thisplat.getMaxLockedMemory() if locked_ulimit < s_const.gibibyte // 2: logger.warning( 'Operating system limit of maximum amount of locked memory (currently %d) is \n' 'too low for optimal performance.', locked_ulimit) logger.debug('memory locking thread started') # Note: available might be larger than max_total in a container max_total = s_thisplat.getTotalMemory() available = s_thisplat.getAvailableMemory() PAGESIZE = 4096 max_to_lock = (min(locked_ulimit, int(max_total * MAX_TOTAL_PERCENT), int(available * MAX_TOTAL_PERCENT)) // PAGESIZE) * PAGESIZE self.max_could_lock = max_to_lock path = s_common.genpath(self.path, 'data.mdb') # Path to the file that gets mapped fh = open(path, 'r+b') fileno = fh.fileno() prev_memend = 0 # The last end of the file mapping, so we can start from there # Avoid spamming messages first_end = True limit_warned = False self.locking_memory = True self.resizeevent.set() while not self.isfini: self.resizeevent.wait() if self.isfini: break self.schedCallSafe(self.lockdoneevent.clear) self.resizeevent.clear() try: memstart, memlen = s_thisplat.getFileMappedRegion(path) except s_exc.NoSuchFile: # pragma: no cover logger.warning('map not found for %s', path) if not self.resizeevent.is_set(): self.schedCallSafe(self.lockdoneevent.set) continue if memlen > max_to_lock: memlen = max_to_lock if not limit_warned: logger.warning('memory locking limit reached') limit_warned = True # Even in the event that we've hit our limit we still have to loop because further mmaps may cause # the base address to change, necessitating relocking what we can # The file might be a little bit smaller than the map because rounding (and mmap fails if you give it a # too-long length) filesize = os.fstat(fileno).st_size goal_end = memstart + min(memlen, filesize) self.lock_goal = goal_end - memstart self.lock_progress = 0 prev_memend = memstart # Actually do the prefaulting and locking. Only do it a chunk at a time to maintain responsiveness. while prev_memend < goal_end: new_memend = min(prev_memend + MAX_LOCK_AT_ONCE, goal_end) memlen = new_memend - prev_memend PROT = 1 # PROT_READ FLAGS = 0x8001 # MAP_POPULATE | MAP_SHARED (Linux only) (for fast prefaulting) try: self.prefaulting = True with s_thisplat.mmap(0, length=new_memend - prev_memend, prot=PROT, flags=FLAGS, fd=fileno, offset=prev_memend - memstart): s_thisplat.mlock(prev_memend, memlen) except OSError as e: logger.warning('error while attempting to lock memory of %s: %s', path, e) break finally: self.prefaulting = False prev_memend = new_memend self.lock_progress = prev_memend - memstart if first_end: first_end = False'completed prefaulting and locking slab') if not self.resizeevent.is_set(): self.schedCallSafe(self.lockdoneevent.set) self.locking_memory = False logger.debug('memory locking thread ended')
[docs] def initdb(self, name, dupsort=False, integerkey=False, dupfixed=False): if name in self.dbnames: return name while True: try: if self.readonly: # In a readonly environment, we can't make our own write transaction, but we # can have the lmdb module create one for us by not specifying the transaction db = self.lenv.open_db(name.encode('utf8'), create=False, dupsort=dupsort, integerkey=integerkey, dupfixed=dupfixed) else: db = self.lenv.open_db(name.encode('utf8'), txn=self.xact, dupsort=dupsort, integerkey=integerkey, dupfixed=dupfixed) self.dirty = True self.forcecommit() self.dbnames[name] = (db, dupsort) return name except lmdb.MapFullError: self._handle_mapfull() except lmdb.MapResizedError: # This can only happen if readonly and another process added data (e.g. cortex spawn) # _initCoXact knows the magic to resolve this self._initCoXact()
[docs] def dropdb(self, name): ''' Deletes an **entire database** (i.e. a table), losing all data. ''' if self.readonly: raise s_exc.IsReadOnly() while True: try: if not self.dbexists(name): return self.initdb(name) db, dupsort = self.dbnames.pop(name) self.dirty = True self.xact.drop(db, delete=True) self.forcecommit() return except lmdb.MapFullError: self._handle_mapfull()
[docs] def dbexists(self, name): ''' The DB exists already if there's a key in the default DB with the name of the database ''' valu = self.get(name.encode()) return valu is not None
[docs] def get(self, lkey, db=None): self._acqXactForReading() realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] try: return self.xact.get(lkey, db=realdb) finally: self._relXactForReading()
[docs] def last(self, db=None): ''' Return the last key/value pair from the given db. ''' self._acqXactForReading() realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] try: with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: if not curs.last(): return None return curs.key(), curs.value() finally: self._relXactForReading()
[docs] def lastkey(self, db=None): ''' Return the last key or None from the given db. ''' self._acqXactForReading() realdb, _ = self.dbnames[db] try: with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: if not curs.last(): return None return curs.key() finally: self._relXactForReading()
[docs] def firstkey(self, db=None): ''' Return the first key or None from the given db. ''' self._acqXactForReading() realdb, _ = self.dbnames[db] try: with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: if not curs.first(): return None return curs.key() finally: self._relXactForReading()
[docs] def has(self, lkey, db=None): realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: return curs.set_key(lkey)
[docs] def hasdup(self, lkey, lval, db=None): realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: return curs.set_key_dup(lkey, lval)
[docs] def count(self, lkey, db=None): realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: if not curs.set_key(lkey): return 0 if not dupsort: return 1 return curs.count()
[docs] def prefexists(self, byts, db=None): ''' Returns True if a prefix exists in the db. ''' realdb, _ = self.dbnames[db] with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: if not curs.set_range(byts): return False lkey = curs.key() if lkey[:len(byts)] == byts: return True return False
[docs] def rangeexists(self, lmin, lmax=None, db=None): ''' Returns True if at least one key exists in the range. ''' realdb, _ = self.dbnames[db] with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: if not curs.set_range(lmin): return False lkey = curs.key() if lkey[:len(lmin)] >= lmin and (lmax is None or lkey[:len(lmax)] <= lmax): return True return False
[docs] def stat(self, db=None): self._acqXactForReading() realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] try: return self.xact.stat(db=realdb) finally: self._relXactForReading()
[docs] def scanKeys(self, db=None): with ScanKeys(self, db) as scan: if not scan.first(): return yield from scan.iternext()
[docs] def scanKeysByPref(self, byts, db=None): with ScanKeys(self, db) as scan: if not scan.set_range(byts): return size = len(byts) for lkey in scan.iternext(): if lkey[:size] != byts: return yield lkey
[docs] async def countByPref(self, byts, db=None, maxsize=None): ''' Return the number of rows in the given db with the matching prefix bytes. ''' count = 0 size = len(byts) with ScanKeys(self, db) as scan: if not scan.set_range(byts): return 0 for lkey in scan.iternext(): if lkey[:size] != byts: return count count += 1 if maxsize is not None and maxsize == count: return count await asyncio.sleep(0) return count
[docs] def scanByDups(self, lkey, db=None): with Scan(self, db) as scan: if not scan.set_key(lkey): return for item in scan.iternext(): if item[0] != lkey: break yield item
[docs] def scanByDupsBack(self, lkey, db=None): with ScanBack(self, db) as scan: if not scan.set_key(lkey): return for item in scan.iternext(): if item[0] != lkey: break yield item
[docs] def scanByPref(self, byts, startkey=None, startvalu=None, db=None): ''' Args: byts(bytes): prefix to match on startkey(Optional[bytes]): if present, will start scanning at key=byts+startkey startvalu(Optional[bytes]): if present, will start scanning at (key+startkey, startvalu) Notes: startvalu only makes sense if byts+startkey matches an entire key. startvalu is only value for dupsort=True dbs ''' if startkey is None: startkey = b'' with Scan(self, db) as scan: if not scan.set_range(byts + startkey, valu=startvalu): return size = len(byts) for lkey, lval in scan.iternext(): if lkey[:size] != byts: return yield lkey, lval
[docs] def scanByPrefBack(self, byts, db=None): with ScanBack(self, db) as scan: intoff = int.from_bytes(byts, "big") intoff += 1 try: nextbyts = intoff.to_bytes(len(byts), "big") if not scan.set_range(nextbyts): return except OverflowError: if not scan.first(): return size = len(byts) for lkey, lval in scan.iternext(): if lkey[:size] != byts: return yield lkey, lval
[docs] def scanByRange(self, lmin, lmax=None, db=None): with Scan(self, db) as scan: if not scan.set_range(lmin): return size = len(lmax) if lmax is not None else None for lkey, lval in scan.iternext(): if lmax is not None and lkey[:size] > lmax: return yield lkey, lval
[docs] def scanByRangeBack(self, lmax, lmin=None, db=None): with ScanBack(self, db) as scan: if not scan.set_range(lmax): return for lkey, lval in scan.iternext(): if lmin is not None and lkey < lmin: return yield lkey, lval
[docs] def scanByFull(self, db=None): with Scan(self, db) as scan: if not scan.first(): return yield from scan.iternext()
[docs] def scanByFullBack(self, db=None): with ScanBack(self, db) as scan: if not scan.first(): return yield from scan.iternext()
def _initCoXact(self): try: self.xact = self.lenv.begin(write=not self.readonly) except lmdb.MapResizedError: # This is what happens when some *other* process increased the mapsize. setting mapsize to 0 should # set my mapsize to whatever the other process raised it to self.lenv.set_mapsize(0) self.mapsize =['map_size'] self.xact = self.lenv.begin(write=not self.readonly) self.dirty = False def _logXactOper(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.xactops.append((func, args, kwargs)) if len(self.xactops) == self.max_xactops_len: self.syncevnt.set() def _runXactOpers(self): # re-run transaction operations in the event of an abort. Return the last operation's return value. retn = None for (f, a, k) in self.xactops: retn = f(*a, **k) return retn def _handle_mapfull(self): [scan.bump() for scan in self.scans] while True: try: self.xact.abort() del self.xact self.xact = None # Note: it is possible for us to be fini'd in _growMapSize self._growMapSize() self.xact = self.lenv.begin(write=not self.readonly) self.recovering = True self.last_retn = self._runXactOpers() self.recovering = False self.forcecommit() except lmdb.MapFullError: continue break retn, self.last_retn = self.last_retn, None return retn def _xact_action(self, calling_func, xact_func, lkey, *args, db=None, **kwargs): if self.readonly: raise s_exc.IsReadOnly() realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] try: self.dirty = True if not self.recovering: self._logXactOper(calling_func, lkey, *args, db=db, **kwargs) return xact_func(self.xact, lkey, *args, db=realdb, **kwargs) except lmdb.MapFullError: return self._handle_mapfull()
[docs] def putmulti(self, kvpairs, dupdata=False, append=False, db=None): ''' Returns: Tuple of number of items consumed, number of items added ''' if self.readonly: raise s_exc.IsReadOnly() # Log playback isn't compatible with generators if not isinstance(kvpairs, list): kvpairs = list(kvpairs) realdb, dupsort = self.dbnames[db] try: self.dirty = True if not self.recovering: self._logXactOper(self.putmulti, kvpairs, dupdata=dupdata, append=append, db=db) with self.xact.cursor(db=realdb) as curs: return curs.putmulti(kvpairs, dupdata=dupdata, append=append) except lmdb.MapFullError: return self._handle_mapfull()
[docs] def copydb(self, sourcedbname, destslab, destdbname=None, progresscb=None): ''' Copy an entire database in this slab to a new database in potentially another slab. Args: sourcedbname (str): name of the db in the source environment destslab (LmdbSlab): which slab to copy rows to destdbname (str): the name of the database to copy rows to in destslab progresscb (Callable[int]): if not None, this function will be periodically called with the number of rows completed Returns: (int): the number of rows copied Note: If any rows already exist in the target database, this method returns an error. This means that one cannot use destdbname=None unless there are no explicit databases in the destination slab. ''' sourcedb, dupsort = self.dbnames[sourcedbname] destslab.initdb(destdbname, dupsort) destdb, _ = destslab.dbnames[destdbname] statdict = destslab.stat(db=destdbname) if statdict['entries'] > 0: raise s_exc.DataAlreadyExists() rowcount = 0 for chunk in s_common.chunks(self.scanByFull(db=sourcedbname), COPY_CHUNKSIZE): ccount, acount = destslab.putmulti(chunk, dupdata=True, append=True, db=destdbname) if ccount != len(chunk) or acount != len(chunk): raise s_exc.BadCoreStore(mesg='Unexpected number of values written') # pragma: no cover rowcount += len(chunk) if progresscb is not None and 0 == (rowcount % PROGRESS_PERIOD): progresscb(rowcount) return rowcount
[docs] async def copyslab(self, dstpath, compact=True): dstpath = s_common.genpath(dstpath) if os.path.isdir(dstpath): raise s_exc.DataAlreadyExists() s_common.gendir(dstpath) dstoptspath = s_common.switchext(dstpath, ext='.opts.yaml') await self.sync() self.lenv.copy(str(dstpath), compact=compact) try: shutil.copy(self.optspath, dstoptspath) except FileNotFoundError: # pragma: no cover pass return True
[docs] def pop(self, lkey, db=None): return self._xact_action(self.pop, lmdb.Transaction.pop, lkey, db=db)
[docs] def delete(self, lkey, val=None, db=None): return self._xact_action(self.delete, lmdb.Transaction.delete, lkey, val, db=db)
[docs] def put(self, lkey, lval, dupdata=False, overwrite=True, append=False, db=None): return self._xact_action(self.put, lmdb.Transaction.put, lkey, lval, dupdata=dupdata, overwrite=overwrite, append=append, db=db)
[docs] def replace(self, lkey, lval, db=None): ''' Like put, but returns the previous value if existed ''' return self._xact_action(self.replace, lmdb.Transaction.replace, lkey, lval, db=db)
[docs] def forcecommit(self): ''' Note: This method may raise a MapFullError ''' if not self.dirty: return False xactopslen = len(self.xactops) # ok... lets commit and re-open starttime = self._finiCoXact() donetime = delta = donetime - starttime self.commitstats.append((starttime, xactopslen, delta)) if self.WARN_COMMIT_TIME_MS and delta > self.WARN_COMMIT_TIME_MS: logger.warning(f'Commit with {xactopslen} items in {self!r} took {delta} ms.') self._initCoXact() return True
[docs]class Scan: ''' A state-object used by Slab. Not to be instantiated directly. Args: slab (Slab): which slab the scan is over db (str): name of open database on the slab ''' def __init__(self, slab, db): self.slab = slab self.db, self.dupsort = slab.dbnames[db] self.atitem = None self.bumped = False self.curs = None def __enter__(self): self.slab._acqXactForReading() self.curs = self.slab.xact.cursor(db=self.db) self.slab.scans.add(self) return self def __exit__(self, exc, cls, tb): self.bump() self.slab.scans.discard(self) self.slab._relXactForReading() self.curs = None
[docs] def first(self): if not self.curs.first(): return False self.genr = self.iterfunc() self.atitem = next(self.genr) return True
[docs] def set_key(self, lkey): if not self.curs.set_key(lkey): return False self.genr = self.iterfunc() self.atitem = next(self.genr) return True
[docs] def set_range(self, lkey, valu=None): if valu is None: if not self.curs.set_range(lkey): return False else: if not self.curs.set_range_dup(lkey, valu): return False self.genr = self.iterfunc() self.atitem = next(self.genr) return True
[docs] def iternext(self): try: while True: yield self.atitem if self.bumped: if self.slab.isfini: raise s_exc.IsFini() self.bumped = False self.curs = self.slab.xact.cursor(db=self.db) if not self.resume(): raise StopIteration self.genr = self.iterfunc() if self.isatitem(): next(self.genr) self.atitem = next(self.genr) except StopIteration: return
[docs] def bump(self): if not self.bumped: self.curs.close() self.bumped = True
[docs] def iterfunc(self): return self.curs.iternext()
[docs] def resume(self): item = self.atitem if not self.dupsort: return self.curs.set_range(item[0]) if self.curs.set_range_dup(*item): return True if not self.curs.set_range(item[0]): return False # if the key is the same, we're at a previous # entry and need to skip dups to the next key if self.curs.key() == item[0]: return self.curs.next_nodup() return True
[docs] def isatitem(self): ''' Returns if the cursor is at the value in atitem ''' return self.atitem == self.curs.item()
[docs]class ScanKeys(Scan): ''' An iterator over the keys of the database. If the database is dupsort, a key with multiple values with be yielded once for each value. '''
[docs] def iterfunc(self): if self.dupsort: return Scan.iterfunc(self) return self.curs.iternext(keys=True, values=False)
[docs] def resume(self): if self.dupsort: return Scan.resume(self) return self.curs.set_range(self.atitem)
[docs] def isatitem(self): ''' Returns if the cursor is at the value in atitem ''' if self.dupsort: return Scan.isatitem(self) return self.atitem == self.curs.key()
[docs] def iternext(self): if self.dupsort: yield from (item[0] for item in Scan.iternext(self)) return yield from Scan.iternext(self)
[docs]class ScanBack(Scan): ''' A state-object used by Slab. Not to be instantiated directly. Scans backwards. '''
[docs] def iterfunc(self): return self.curs.iterprev()
[docs] def first(self): if not self.curs.last(): return False self.genr = self.iterfunc() self.atitem = next(self.genr) return True
[docs] def set_key(self, lkey): if not self.curs.set_key(lkey): return False if self.dupsort: self.curs.last_dup() self.genr = self.iterfunc() self.atitem = next(self.genr) return True
[docs] def set_range(self, lkey): if not self.curs.set_range(lkey): if not self.curs.last(): return False else: if self.curs.key() != lkey: if not self.curs.prev(): return False if self.dupsort: self.curs.last_dup() self.genr = self.iterfunc() self.atitem = next(self.genr) return True
[docs] def resume(self): item = self.atitem if not self.dupsort: if self.curs.set_range(item[0]): return self.curs.prev() if not self.curs.last(): return False return True # dupsort resume... # see if we get lucky and land on it if self.curs.set_range_dup(*item): return self.curs.prev() # if we fail to set the range, try for the last if not self.curs.set_range(item[0]): return self.curs.last() # if we're on the next key, step back if not self.curs.key() == item[0]: if not self.curs.prev(): return False self.curs.last_dup() return True