Source code for synapse.lib.module

import os

import synapse.common as s_common

[docs] class CoreModule: confdefs = () mod_name = None def __init__(self, core, conf=None): self.core = core self.model = core.model if self.mod_name is None: self.mod_name = self.getModName() # Avoid getModPath / getConfPath during __init__ since these APIs # will create directories. We do not need that behavior by default. self._modpath = os.path.join(self.core.dirn, 'mods', self.getModName()) self._confpath = os.path.join(self._modpath, 'conf.yaml') if conf is None: conf = {} if os.path.isfile(self._confpath): conf = s_common.yamlload(self._confpath) self.conf = s_common.config(conf, self.confdefs)
[docs] def getStormCmds(self): # pragma: no cover ''' Module implementers may override this to provide a list of Storm commands which will be loaded into the Cortex. Returns: list: A list of Storm Command classes (not instances). ''' return ()
[docs] def getModelDefs(self): return ()
[docs] def getConfPath(self): ''' Get the path to the module specific config file (conf.yaml). Notes: This creates the parent directory for the conf.yaml file if it does not exist. This API exists to allow a implementor to get the conf path during initCoreModule and drop a example config if needed. One use case of that is for missing configuration values, an example config can be written to the file and a exception raised. Returns: str: Path to where the conf file is located at. ''' self.getModDir() return self._confpath
[docs] def getModDir(self): ''' Get the path to the module specific directory. Notes: This creates the directory if it did not previously exist. Returns: str: The filepath to the module specific directory. ''' return s_common.gendir(self._modpath)
[docs] def getModName(self): ''' Return the lowercased name of this module. Notes: This pulls the ``mod_name`` attribute on the class. This allows an implementer to set a arbitrary name for the module. If this attribute is not set, it defaults to ``self.__class__.__name__.lower()`` and sets ``mod_name`` to that value. Returns: (str): The module name. ''' ret = self.mod_name if ret is None: ret = self.__class__.__name__ return ret.lower()
[docs] def getModPath(self, *paths): ''' Construct a path relative to this module's working directory. Args: *paths: A list of path strings Notes: This creates the module specific directory if it does not exist. Returns: (str): The full path (or None if no cortex dir is configured). ''' dirn = self.getModDir() return s_common.genpath(dirn, *paths)
[docs] async def preCoreModule(self): ''' Module implementers may override this method to execute code immediately after a module has been loaded. Notes: The ``initCoreModule`` function is preferred for overriding instead of ``preCoreModule()``. No Cortex layer/storage operations will function in preCoreModule. Any exception raised within this method will halt additional loading of the module. Returns: None '''
[docs] async def initCoreModule(self): ''' Module implementers may override this method to initialize the module after the Cortex has completed and is accessible to perform storage operations. Notes: This is the preferred function to override for implementing custom code that needs to be executed during Cortex startup. Any exception raised within this method will remove the module from the list of currently loaded modules. This is called for modules after getModelDefs() and getStormCmds() has been called, in order to allow for model loading and storm command loading prior to code execution offered by initCoreModule. A failure during initCoreModule will not unload data model or storm commands registered by the module. Returns: None '''