Source code for synapse.lib.msgpack

import io
import logging
import msgpack
import msgpack.fallback as m_fallback

import synapse.exc as s_exc

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _ext_un(code, byts):
    if code == 0:
        return int.from_bytes(byts, 'big')
    elif code == 1:
        return int.from_bytes(byts, 'big', signed=True)
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        mesg = f'Invalid msgpack ext code: {code} ({repr(byts)[:20]})'
        raise s_exc.SynErr(mesg=mesg)

def _ext_en(item):
    if isinstance(item, int):
        if item > 0xffffffffffffffff:
            size = (item.bit_length() + 7) // 8
            return msgpack.ExtType(0, item.to_bytes(size, 'big'))
        if item < -0x8000000000000000:
            size = (item.bit_length() // 8) + 1
            return msgpack.ExtType(1, item.to_bytes(size, 'big', signed=True))
    return item

_packer_kwargs = {
    'use_bin_type': True,
    'unicode_errors': 'surrogatepass',
    'default': _ext_en,
if msgpack.version >= (1, 1, 0):
    _packer_kwargs['buf_size'] = 1024 * 1024

# Single Packer object which is reused for performance
pakr = msgpack.Packer(**_packer_kwargs)
if isinstance(pakr, m_fallback.Packer):  # pragma: no cover
    logger.warning('* msgpack is using the pure python fallback implementation. This will impact performance negatively. *')
    logger.warning('* Check for troubleshooting msgpack on your platform.      *')
    pakr = None

# synapse.lib.msgpack.un uses a hardcoded subset of these arguments for speed
unpacker_kwargs = {
    'raw': False,
    'use_list': False,
    'strict_map_key': False,
    'ext_hook': _ext_un,
    'max_buffer_size': 2**32 - 1,
    'unicode_errors': 'surrogatepass'

[docs] def en(item): ''' Use msgpack to serialize a compatible python object. Args: item (obj): The object to serialize Notes: String objects are encoded using utf8 encoding. In order to handle potentially malformed input, ``unicode_errors='surrogatepass'`` is set to allow encoding bad input strings. Returns: bytes: The serialized bytes in msgpack format. ''' try: return pakr.pack(item) except TypeError as e: pakr.reset() mesg = f'{e.args[0]}: {repr(item)[:20]}' raise s_exc.NotMsgpackSafe(mesg=mesg) from e except Exception as e: pakr.reset() mesg = f'Cannot serialize: {repr(e)}: {repr(item)[:20]}' raise s_exc.NotMsgpackSafe(mesg=mesg) from e
def _fallback_en(item): ''' Use msgpack to serialize a compatible python object. Args: item (obj): The object to serialize Notes: String objects are encoded using utf8 encoding. In order to handle potentially malformed input, ``unicode_errors='surrogatepass'`` is set to allow encoding bad input strings. Returns: bytes: The serialized bytes in msgpack format. ''' try: return msgpack.packb(item, **_packer_kwargs) except TypeError as e: mesg = f'{e.args[0]}: {repr(item)[:20]}' raise s_exc.NotMsgpackSafe(mesg=mesg) from e except Exception as e: mesg = f'Cannot serialize: {repr(e)}: {repr(item)[:20]}' raise s_exc.NotMsgpackSafe(mesg=mesg) from e # Redefine the en() function if we're in fallback mode. if pakr is None: # pragma: no cover en = _fallback_en
[docs] def un(byts, use_list=False): ''' Use msgpack to de-serialize a python object. Args: byts (bytes): The bytes to de-serialize Notes: String objects are decoded using utf8 encoding. In order to handle potentially malformed input, ``unicode_errors='surrogatepass'`` is set to allow decoding bad input strings. Returns: obj: The de-serialized object ''' # This uses a subset of unpacker_kwargs return msgpack.loads(byts, use_list=use_list, raw=False, strict_map_key=False, unicode_errors='surrogatepass', ext_hook=_ext_un)
[docs] def isok(item): ''' Returns True if the item can be msgpacked (by testing packing). ''' try: en(item) return True except Exception: return False
[docs] def iterfd(fd): ''' Generator which unpacks a file object of msgpacked content. Args: fd: File object to consume data from. Notes: String objects are decoded using utf8 encoding. In order to handle potentially malformed input, ``unicode_errors='surrogatepass'`` is set to allow decoding bad input strings. Yields: Objects from a msgpack stream. ''' unpk = msgpack.Unpacker(fd, **unpacker_kwargs) for mesg in unpk: yield mesg
[docs] def iterfile(path, since=-1): ''' Generator which yields msgpack objects from a file path. Args: path: File path to open and consume data from. Notes: String objects are decoded using utf8 encoding. In order to handle potentially malformed input, ``unicode_errors='surrogatepass'`` is set to allow decoding bad input strings. Yields: Objects from a msgpack stream. ''' with, 'rb') as fd: unpk = msgpack.Unpacker(fd, **unpacker_kwargs) for i, mesg in enumerate(unpk): if i <= since: continue yield mesg
[docs] class Unpk: ''' An extension of the msgpack streaming Unpacker which reports sizes. Notes: String objects are decoded using utf8 encoding. In order to handle potentially malformed input, ``unicode_errors='surrogatepass'`` is set to allow decoding bad input strings. ''' def __init__(self): self.size = 0 self.unpk = msgpack.Unpacker(**unpacker_kwargs)
[docs] def feed(self, byts): ''' Feed bytes to the unpacker and return completed objects. Args: byts (bytes): Bytes to unpack. Notes: It is intended that this function is called multiple times with bytes from some sort of a stream, as it will unpack and return objects as they are available. Returns: list: List of tuples containing the item size and the unpacked item. ''' self.unpk.feed(byts) retn = [] while True: try: item = self.unpk.unpack() tell = self.unpk.tell() retn.append((tell - self.size, item)) self.size = tell except msgpack.exceptions.OutOfData: break return retn
[docs] def loadfile(path): ''' Load and upack the msgpack bytes from a file by path. Args: path (str): The file path to a message pack file. Raises: msgpack.exceptions.ExtraData: If the file contains multiple objects. Returns: (obj): The decoded python object. ''' with, 'rb') as fd: return un(
[docs] def dumpfile(item, path): ''' Dump an object to a file by path. Args: item (object): The object to serialize. path (str): The file path to save. Returns: None ''' with, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(en(item))
[docs] def deepcopy(item, use_list=False): ''' Copy a msgpack serializable by packing then unpacking it. For complex primitives, this runs in about 1/3 the time of copy.deepcopy() ''' return un(en(item), use_list=use_list)
[docs] def getvars(varz): items = [] for item in varz.items(): if not isok(item): continue items.append(item) return dict(items)