Source code for synapse.lib.node

import copy
import logging
import collections

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common

import synapse.lib.chop as s_chop
import synapse.lib.time as s_time
import synapse.lib.layer as s_layer
import synapse.lib.msgpack as s_msgpack
import synapse.lib.stormtypes as s_stormtypes

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Node: ''' A Cortex hypergraph node. NOTE: This object is for local Cortex use during a single Xact. ''' def __init__(self, snap, sode, bylayer=None): self.snap = snap self.sode = sode self.buid = sode[0] # Tracks which property is retrieved from which layer self.bylayer = bylayer # if set, the node is complete. self.ndef = sode[1].get('ndef') self.form = snap.core.model.form(self.ndef[0]) self.props = sode[1].get('props') if self.props is None: self.props = {} self.tags = sode[1].get('tags') if self.tags is None: self.tags = {} self.tagprops = sode[1].get('tagprops') if self.tagprops is None: self.tagprops = {} self.nodedata = sode[1].get('nodedata') if self.nodedata is None: self.nodedata = {}
[docs] async def getStorNodes(self): ''' Return a list of the raw storage nodes for each layer. ''' return await self.snap.view.getStorNodes(self.buid)
[docs] def getByLayer(self): ''' Return a dictionary that translates the node's bylayer dict to a primitive. ''' return s_msgpack.deepcopy(self.bylayer)
def __repr__(self): return f'Node{{{self.pack()}}}'
[docs] async def addEdge(self, verb, n2iden, extra=None): if self.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {self.form.full}' exc = s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=self.form.full) if extra is not None: exc = extra(exc) raise exc async with self.snap.getNodeEditor(self) as editor: return await editor.addEdge(verb, n2iden)
[docs] async def delEdge(self, verb, n2iden, extra=None): if self.form.isrunt: mesg = f'Edges cannot be used with runt nodes: {self.form.full}' exc = s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=self.form.full) if extra is not None: exc = extra(exc) raise exc async with self.snap.getNodeEditor(self) as editor: return await editor.delEdge(verb, n2iden)
[docs] async def iterEdgesN1(self, verb=None): async for edge in self.snap.iterNodeEdgesN1(self.buid, verb=verb): yield edge
[docs] async def iterEdgesN2(self, verb=None): async for edge in self.snap.iterNodeEdgesN2(self.buid, verb=verb): yield edge
[docs] async def iterEdgeVerbs(self, n2buid): async for verb in self.snap.iterEdgeVerbs(self.buid, n2buid): yield verb
[docs] async def storm(self, runt, text, opts=None, path=None): ''' Args: path (Path): If set, then vars from path are copied into the new runtime, and vars are copied back out into path at the end Note: If opts is not None and opts['vars'] is set and path is not None, then values of path vars take precedent ''' query = await self.snap.core.getStormQuery(text) if opts is None: opts = {} opts.setdefault('vars', {}) if path is not None: opts['vars'].update(path.vars) async with runt.getSubRuntime(query, opts=opts) as subr: subr.addInput(self) async for subn, subp in subr.execute(): yield subn, subp if path is not None: path.vars.update(subr.vars)
[docs] async def filter(self, runt, text, opts=None, path=None): async for item in self.storm(runt, text, opts=opts, path=path): return False return True
[docs] def iden(self): return s_common.ehex(self.buid)
[docs] def pack(self, dorepr=False): ''' Return the serializable/packed version of the node. Args: dorepr (bool): Include repr information for human readable versions of properties. Returns: (tuple): An (ndef, info) node tuple. ''' node = (self.ndef, { 'iden': self.iden(), 'tags': self.tags, 'props': self.props, 'tagprops': self.tagprops, 'nodedata': self.nodedata, }) if dorepr: rval = self.repr() if rval is not None and rval != self.ndef[1]: node[1]['repr'] = self.repr() node[1]['reprs'] = self.reprs() node[1]['tagpropreprs'] = self.tagpropreprs() return node
[docs] async def getEmbeds(self, embeds): ''' Return a dictionary of property embeddings. ''' retn = {} cache = {} async def walk(n, p): valu = n.props.get(p) if valu is None: return None prop = n.form.prop(p) if prop is None: return None if prop.modl.form( is not None: buid = s_common.buid((, valu)) elif == 'ndef': buid = s_common.buid(valu) else: return None step = cache.get(buid, s_common.novalu) if step is s_common.novalu: step = cache[buid] = await node.snap.getNodeByBuid(buid) return step for nodepath, relprops in embeds.items(): steps = nodepath.split('::') node = self for propname in steps: node = await walk(node, propname) if node is None: break if node is None: continue embdnode = retn.get(nodepath) if embdnode is None: embdnode = retn[nodepath] = {} embdnode['*'] = s_common.ehex(node.buid) for relp in relprops: embdnode[relp] = node.props.get(relp) return retn
[docs] def getNodeRefs(self): ''' Return a list of (prop, (form, valu)) refs out for the node. ''' retn = [] refs = self.form.getRefsOut() for name, dest in refs.get('prop', ()): valu = self.props.get(name) if valu is None: continue retn.append((name, (dest, valu))) for name in refs.get('ndef', ()): valu = self.props.get(name) if valu is None: continue retn.append((name, valu)) for name, dest in refs.get('array', ()): valu = self.props.get(name) if valu is None: continue for item in valu: retn.append((name, (dest, item))) for name in refs.get('ndefarray', ()): if (valu := self.props.get(name)) is None: continue for item in valu: retn.append((name, item)) return retn
[docs] async def set(self, name, valu, init=False): ''' Set a property on the node. Args: name (str): The name of the property. valu (obj): The value of the property. init (bool): Set to True to disable read-only enforcement Returns: (bool): True if the property was changed. ''' if self.snap.readonly: mesg = 'Cannot set property in read-only mode.' raise s_exc.IsReadOnly(mesg=mesg) prop = self.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: mesg = f'No property named {name} on form {}.' await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.NoSuchProp, mesg) return False if self.form.isrunt: if'ro'): mesg = f'Cannot set read-only props on runt nodes: {s_common.trimText(repr(valu))}' raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg=mesg, form=self.form.full, prop=name) await self.snap.core.runRuntPropSet(self, prop, valu) return True async with self.snap.getNodeEditor(self) as editor: return await editor.set(name, valu)
[docs] def has(self, name): return name in self.props
[docs] def get(self, name): ''' Return a secondary property value from the Node. Args: name (str): The name of a secondary property. Returns: (obj): The secondary property value or None. ''' if name.startswith('#'): return self.tags.get(name[1:]) return self.props.get(name)
async def _getPropDelEdits(self, name, init=False): prop = self.form.prop(name) if prop is None: if self.snap.strict: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg, name=name, await self.snap.warn(f'No Such Property: {name}') return () if not init: if'ro'): if self.snap.strict: raise s_exc.ReadOnlyProp(name=name) await self.snap.warn(f'Property is read-only: {name}') return () curv = self.props.get(name, s_common.novalu) if curv is s_common.novalu: return () edits = ( (s_layer.EDIT_PROP_DEL, (, None, prop.type.stortype), ()), ) return edits
[docs] async def pop(self, name, init=False): ''' Remove a property from a node and return the value ''' if self.form.isrunt: prop = self.form.prop(name) if'ro'): raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot delete read-only props on runt nodes', form=self.form.full, prop=name) return await self.snap.core.runRuntPropDel(self, prop) edits = await self._getPropDelEdits(name, init=init) if not edits: return False await self.snap.applyNodeEdit((self.buid,, edits), nodecache={self.buid: self}) return True
[docs] def repr(self, name=None, defv=None): if name is None: return self.form.type.repr(self.ndef[1]) prop = self.form.props.get(name) if prop is None: mesg = f'No property named {name}.' raise s_exc.NoSuchProp(mesg=mesg,, prop=name) valu = self.props.get(name) if valu is None: return defv return prop.type.repr(valu)
[docs] def reprs(self): ''' Return a dictionary of repr values for props whose repr is different than the system mode value. ''' reps = {} for name, valu in self.props.items(): prop = self.form.prop(name) if prop is None: continue rval = prop.type.repr(valu) if rval is None or rval == valu: continue reps[name] = rval return reps
[docs] def tagpropreprs(self): ''' Return a dictionary of repr values for tagprops whose repr is different than the system mode value. ''' reps = collections.defaultdict(dict) for tag, propdict in self.tagprops.items(): for name, valu in propdict.items(): prop = self.form.modl.tagprop(name) if prop is None: continue rval = prop.type.repr(valu) if rval is None or rval == valu: continue reps[tag][name] = rval return dict(reps)
[docs] def hasTag(self, name): name = s_chop.tag(name) return name in self.tags
[docs] def getTag(self, name, defval=None): name = s_chop.tag(name) return self.tags.get(name, defval)
[docs] def getTags(self, leaf=False): if not leaf: return list(self.tags.items()) # longest first retn = [] # brute force rather than build a tree. faster in small sets. for _, tag, valu in sorted([(len(t), t, v) for (t, v) in self.tags.items()], reverse=True): look = tag + '.' if any([r.startswith(look) for (r, rv) in retn]): continue retn.append((tag, valu)) return retn
[docs] async def addTag(self, tag, valu=(None, None)): ''' Add a tag to a node. Args: tag (str): The tag to add to the node. valu: The optional tag value. If specified, this must be a value that norms as a valid time interval as an ival. Returns: None: This returns None. ''' if self.form.isrunt: raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot add tags to runt nodes.', form=self.form.full, tag=tag) async with self.snap.getNodeEditor(self) as protonode: await protonode.addTag(tag, valu=valu)
def _getTagTree(self): root = (None, {}) for tag in self.tags.keys(): node = root for part in tag.split('.'): kidn = node[1].get(part) if kidn is None: full = part if node[0] is not None: full = f'{node[0]}.{full}' kidn = node[1][part] = (full, {}) node = kidn return root async def _getTagDelEdits(self, tag, init=False): path = s_chop.tagpath(tag) name = '.'.join(path) if self.form.isrunt: raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot delete tags from runt nodes.', form=self.form.full, tag=tag) pref = name + '.' exists = self.tags.get(name, s_common.novalu) is not s_common.novalu todel = [(len(t), t) for t in self.tags.keys() if t.startswith(pref)] # only prune when we're actually deleting a tag if len(path) > 1 and exists: parent = '.'.join(path[:-1]) # retrieve a list of prunable tags prune = await self.snap.core.getTagPrune(parent) if prune: tree = self._getTagTree() for prunetag in reversed(prune): node = tree for step in prunetag.split('.'): node = node[1].get(step) if node is None: break if node is not None and len(node[1]) == 1: todel.append((len(node[0]), node[0])) continue break todel.sort(reverse=True) # order matters... edits = [] for _, subtag in todel: edits.extend(self._getTagPropDel(subtag)) edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_TAG_DEL, (subtag, None), ())) edits.extend(self._getTagPropDel(name)) if exists: edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_TAG_DEL, (name, None), ())) return edits
[docs] async def delTag(self, tag, init=False): ''' Delete a tag from the node. ''' edits = await self._getTagDelEdits(tag, init=init) if edits: nodeedit = (self.buid,, edits) await self.snap.applyNodeEdit(nodeedit, nodecache={self.buid: self})
def _getTagPropDel(self, tag): edits = [] for tagprop in self.getTagProps(tag): prop = self.snap.core.model.getTagProp(tagprop) if prop is None: # pragma: no cover logger.warn(f'Cant delete tag prop ({tagprop}) without model prop!') continue edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_TAGPROP_DEL, (tag, tagprop, None, prop.type.stortype), ())) return edits
[docs] def getTagProps(self, tag): propdict = self.tagprops.get(tag) if not propdict: return [] return list(propdict.keys())
[docs] def hasTagProp(self, tag, prop): ''' Check if a tag property exists on the node. ''' return tag in self.tagprops and prop in self.tagprops[tag]
[docs] def getTagProp(self, tag, prop, defval=None): ''' Return the value (or defval) of the given tag property. ''' propdict = self.tagprops.get(tag) if propdict: return propdict.get(prop, defval) return defval
[docs] async def setTagProp(self, tag, name, valu): ''' Set the value of the given tag property. ''' async with self.snap.getNodeEditor(self) as editor: await editor.setTagProp(tag, name, valu)
[docs] async def delTagProp(self, tag, name): prop = self.snap.core.model.getTagProp(name) if prop is None: raise s_exc.NoSuchTagProp(name=name) propdict = self.tagprops.get(tag) if not propdict: return False curv = propdict.get(name, s_common.novalu) if curv is s_common.novalu: return False edits = ( (s_layer.EDIT_TAGPROP_DEL, (tag, name, None, prop.type.stortype), ()), ) await self.snap.applyNodeEdit((self.buid,, edits), nodecache={self.buid: self})
[docs] async def delete(self, force=False): ''' Delete a node from the cortex. The following tear-down operations occur in order: * validate that you have permissions to delete the node * validate that you have permissions to delete all tags * validate that there are no remaining references to the node. * delete all the tags (bottom up) * fire onDelTag() handlers * delete tag properties from storage * delete all secondary properties * fire onDelProp handler * delete secondary property from storage * delete the primary property * fire onDel handlers for the node * delete primary property from storage ''' formname, formvalu = self.ndef if self.form.isrunt: raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot delete runt nodes', form=formname, valu=formvalu) # top level tags will cause delete cascades tags = [t for t in self.tags.keys() if len(t.split('.')) == 1] # check for any nodes which reference us... if not force: # refuse to delete tag nodes with existing tags if == 'syn:tag': async for _ in self.snap.nodesByTag(self.ndef[1]): # NOQA mesg = 'Nodes still have this tag.' return await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.CantDelNode, mesg, form=formname, iden=self.iden()) async for refr in self.snap.nodesByPropTypeValu(formname, formvalu): if refr.buid == self.buid: continue mesg = 'Other nodes still refer to this node.' return await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.CantDelNode, mesg, form=formname, iden=self.iden()) async for edge in self.iterEdgesN2(): if self.iden() == edge[1]: continue mesg = 'Other nodes still have light edges to this node.' return await self.snap._raiseOnStrict(s_exc.CantDelNode, mesg, form=formname, iden=self.iden()) edits = [] for tag in tags: edits.extend(await self._getTagDelEdits(tag, init=True)) for name in self.props.keys(): edits.extend(await self._getPropDelEdits(name, init=True)) # Only remove nodedata if we're in a layer that doesn't have the full node if self.snap.wlyr.iden != self.bylayer['ndef']: async for name in self.iterDataKeys(): edits.append((s_layer.EDIT_NODEDATA_DEL, (name, None), ())) edits.append( (s_layer.EDIT_NODE_DEL, (formvalu, self.form.type.stortype), ()), ) await self.snap.applyNodeEdit((self.buid, formname, edits)) self.snap.livenodes.pop(self.buid, None)
[docs] async def hasData(self, name): if name in self.nodedata: return True return await self.snap.hasNodeData(self.buid, name)
[docs] async def getData(self, name, defv=None): valu = self.nodedata.get(name, s_common.novalu) if valu is not s_common.novalu: return valu return await self.snap.getNodeData(self.buid, name, defv=defv)
[docs] async def setData(self, name, valu): async with self.snap.getNodeEditor(self) as protonode: await protonode.setData(name, valu)
[docs] async def popData(self, name): retn = await self.snap.getNodeData(self.buid, name) edits = ( (s_layer.EDIT_NODEDATA_DEL, (name, None), ()), ) await self.snap.applyNodeEdits(((self.buid,, edits),)) return retn
[docs] async def iterData(self): async for item in self.snap.iterNodeData(self.buid): yield item
[docs] async def iterDataKeys(self): async for name in self.snap.iterNodeDataKeys(self.buid): yield name
[docs] class Path: ''' A path context tracked through the storm runtime. ''' def __init__(self, vars, nodes, links=None): self.node = None self.nodes = nodes if links is not None: self.links = links else: self.links = [] if len(nodes): self.node = nodes[-1] self.vars = vars self.frames = [] self.ctors = {} # "builtins" which are *not* vars # ( this allows copying variable context ) self.builtins = { 'path': self, 'node': self.node, } self.metadata = {}
[docs] def getVar(self, name, defv=s_common.novalu): # check if the name is in our variables valu = self.vars.get(name, s_common.novalu) if valu is not s_common.novalu: return valu # check if it's in builtins valu = self.builtins.get(name, s_common.novalu) if valu is not s_common.novalu: return valu ctor = self.ctors.get(name) if ctor is not None: valu = ctor(self) self.vars[name] = valu return valu return s_common.novalu
[docs] async def setVar(self, name, valu): self.vars[name] = valu
[docs] async def popVar(self, name): return self.vars.pop(name, s_common.novalu)
[docs] def meta(self, name, valu): ''' Add node specific metadata to be returned with the node. ''' self.metadata[name] = valu
[docs] async def pack(self, path=False): info = await s_stormtypes.toprim(dict(self.metadata)) if path: info['nodes'] = [node.iden() for node in self.nodes] return info
[docs] def fork(self, node, link): links = list(self.links) if self.node is not None and link is not None: links.append((self.node.iden(), link)) nodes = list(self.nodes) nodes.append(node) path = Path(self.vars.copy(), nodes, links=links) return path
[docs] def clone(self): path = Path(copy.copy(self.vars), copy.copy(self.nodes), copy.copy(self.links)) path.frames = [v.copy() for v in self.frames] return path
[docs] def initframe(self, initvars=None): framevars = {} if initvars is not None: framevars.update(initvars) self.frames.append(self.vars) self.vars = framevars
[docs] def finiframe(self): ''' Pop a scope frame from the path, restoring runt if at the top Args: runt (Runtime): A storm runtime to restore if we're at the top merge (bool): Set to true to merge vars back up into the next frame ''' if not self.frames: self.vars.clear() return self.vars = self.frames.pop()
[docs] def props(pode): ''' Get the props from the node. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. Notes: This will include any universal props present on the node. Returns: dict: A dictionary of properties. ''' return pode[1]['props'].copy()
[docs] def prop(pode, prop): ''' Return the valu of a given property on the node. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. prop (str): Property to retrieve. Notes: The prop argument may be the full property name (foo:bar:baz), relative property name (:baz) , or the unadorned property name (baz). Returns: ''' form = pode[0][0] if prop.startswith(form): prop = prop[len(form):] if prop[0] == ':': prop = prop[1:] return pode[1]['props'].get(prop)
[docs] def tags(pode, leaf=False): ''' Get all the tags for a given node. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. leaf (bool): If True, only return leaf tags Returns: list: A list of tag strings. ''' if not leaf: return list(pode[1]['tags'].keys()) return _tagscommon(pode, True)
[docs] def tagsnice(pode): ''' Get all the leaf tags and the tags that have values or tagprops. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. Returns: list: A list of tag strings. ''' ret = _tagscommon(pode, False) for tag in pode[1].get('tagprops', {}): if tag not in ret: ret.append(tag) return ret
def _tagscommon(pode, leafonly): ''' Return either all the leaf tags or all the leaf tags and all the internal tags with values ''' retn = [] # brute force rather than build a tree. faster in small sets. for tag, val in sorted((t for t in pode[1]['tags'].items()), reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(x[0])): look = tag + '.' val = tuple(val) if (leafonly or val == (None, None)) and any([r.startswith(look) for r in retn]): continue retn.append(tag) return retn
[docs] def tagged(pode, tag): ''' Check if a packed node has a given tag. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. tag (str): The tag to check. Examples: Check if a node is tagged with "woot" and dostuff if it is. if s_node.tagged(node,'woot'): dostuff() Notes: If the tag starts with `#`, this is removed prior to checking. Returns: bool: True if the tag is present. False otherwise. ''' if tag.startswith('#'): tag = tag[1:] return pode[1]['tags'].get(tag) is not None
[docs] def ndef(pode): ''' Return a node definition (<form>,<valu>) tuple from the node. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. Returns: ((str,obj)): The (<form>,<valu>) tuple for the node ''' return pode[0]
[docs] def iden(pode): ''' Return the iden (buid) of the packed node. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. Returns: str: The node iden. ''' return pode[1].get('iden')
[docs] def reprNdef(pode): ''' Get the ndef of the pode with a human readable value. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. Notes: The human readable value is only available if the node came from a storm query execution where the ``repr`` key was passed into the ``opts`` argument with a True value. Returns: (str, str): A tuple of form and the human readable value. ''' ((form, valu), info) = pode formvalu = info.get('repr') if formvalu is None: formvalu = str(valu) return form, formvalu
[docs] def reprProp(pode, prop): ''' Get the human readable value for a secondary property from the pode. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. prop: Notes: The human readable value is only available if the node came from a storm query execution where the ``repr`` key was passed into the ``opts`` argument with a True value. The prop argument may be the full property name (foo:bar:baz), relative property name (:baz) , or the unadorned property name (baz). Returns: str: The human readable property value. If the property is not present, returns None. ''' form = pode[0][0] if prop.startswith(form): prop = prop[len(form):] if prop[0] == ':': prop = prop[1:] opropvalu = pode[1].get('props').get(prop) if opropvalu is None: return None propvalu = pode[1].get('reprs', {}).get(prop) if propvalu is None: return str(opropvalu) return propvalu
[docs] def reprTag(pode, tag): ''' Get the human readable value for the tag timestamp from the pode. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. tag (str): The tag to get the value for. Notes: The human readable value is only available if the node came from a storm query execution where the ``repr`` key was passed into the ``opts`` argument with a True value. If the tag does not have a timestamp, this returns a empty string. Returns: str: The human readable value for the tag. If the tag is not present, returns None. ''' tag = tag.lstrip('#') valu = pode[1]['tags'].get(tag) if valu is None: return None valu = tuple(valu) if valu == (None, None): return '' mint = s_time.repr(valu[0]) maxt = s_time.repr(valu[1]) valu = f'({mint}, {maxt})' return valu
[docs] def reprTagProps(pode, tag): ''' Get the human readable values for any tagprops on a tag for a given node. Args: pode (tuple): A packed node. tag (str): The tag to get the tagprops reprs for. Notes: The human readable value is only available if the node came from a storm query execution where the ``repr`` key was passed into the ``opts`` argument with a True value. If the tag does not have any tagprops associated with it, this returns an empty list. Returns: list: A list of tuples, containing the name of the tagprop and the repr value. ''' ret = [] exists = pode[1]['tags'].get(tag) if exists is None: return ret tagprops = pode[1].get('tagprops', {}).get(tag) if tagprops is None: return ret for prop, valu in tagprops.items(): rval = pode[1].get('tagpropreprs', {}).get(tag, {}).get(prop) if rval is not None: ret.append((prop, rval)) else: ret.append((prop, str(valu))) return sorted(ret, key=lambda x: x[0])