import os
import copy
import json
import pprint
import logging
import contextlib
import collections
import vcr
import regex
from unittest import mock
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.base as s_base
import synapse.lib.output as s_output
import synapse.lib.dyndeps as s_dyndeps
import synapse.lib.stormhttp as s_stormhttp
import synapse.cmds.cortex as s_cmds_cortex
import as s_storm
import as s_genpkg
re_directive = regex.compile(r'^\.\.\s(storm.*|[^:])::(?:\s(.*)$|$)')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ONLOAD_TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv('SYNDEV_PKG_LOAD_TIMEOUT', 30)) # seconds
class OutPutRst(s_output.OutPutStr):
Rst specific helper for output intended to be indented
in RST text as a literal block.
prefix = ' '
def printf(self, mesg, addnl=True):
if '\n' in mesg:
logger.debug(f'Newline found in [{mesg}]')
parts = mesg.split('\n')
mesg0 = '\n'.join([self.prefix + part for part in parts[1:]])
mesg = '\n'.join((parts[0], mesg0))
return s_output.OutPutStr.printf(self, mesg, addnl)
class StormOutput(s_cmds_cortex.StormCmd):
Produce standard output from a stream of storm runtime messages.
Must be instantiated for a single query with a rstorm context.
_cmd_syntax = (
('--hide-query', {}),
) + s_cmds_cortex.StormCmd._cmd_syntax
def __init__(self, core, ctx, stormopts=None, opts=None):
if opts is None:
opts = {}
s_cmds_cortex.StormCmd.__init__(self, None, **opts)
self.stormopts = stormopts or {}
# hide a few mesg types by default
for mtype in ('init', 'fini', 'node:edits', 'node:edits:count', ):
self.cmdmeths[mtype] = self._silence
self.core = core
self.ctx = ctx
self.lines = []
self.prefix = ' '
async def runCmdLine(self, line):
opts = self.getCmdOpts(f'storm {line}')
return await self.runCmdOpts(opts)
def _printNodeProp(self, name, valu):
base = f' {name} = '
if '\n' in valu:
parts = collections.deque(valu.split('\n'))
ws = ' ' * len(base)
while parts:
part = parts.popleft()
async def _mockHttp(self, *args, **kwargs):
info = {
'code': 200,
'body': '{}',
resp = self.ctx.get('mock-http')
if resp:
body = resp.get('body')
if isinstance(body, (dict, list)):
body = json.dumps(body)
info = {
'code': resp.get('code', 200),
'body': body.encode(),
return s_stormhttp.HttpResp(info)
def _shimHttpCalls(self, vcr_kwargs):
path = self.ctx.get('mock-http-path')
if not vcr_kwargs:
vcr_kwargs = {}
if path:
path = os.path.abspath(path)
# try it as json first (since yaml can load json...). if it parses, we're old school
# if it doesn't, either it doesn't exist/we can't read it/we can't parse it.
# in any of those cases, default to using vcr
with open(path, 'r') as fd:
byts = json.load(fd)
except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
byts = None
if not byts:
recorder = vcr.VCR(**vcr_kwargs)
vcrcb = self.ctx.get('storm-vcr-callback', None)
if vcrcb:
with recorder.use_cassette(os.path.abspath(path)) as cass:
yield cass
self.ctx.pop('mock-http-path', None)
else: # backwards compat
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='Storm HTTP mock filepath does not exist', path=path)
self.ctx['mock-http'] = byts
with mock.patch('synapse.lib.stormhttp.LibHttp._httpRequest', new=self._mockHttp):
def printf(self, mesg, addnl=True, color=None):
line = f'{self.prefix}{mesg}'
if '\n' in line:
logger.debug(f'Newline found in [{mesg}]')
parts = line.split('\n')
mesg0 = '\n'.join([self.prefix + part for part in parts[1:]])
line = '\n'.join((parts[0], mesg0))
return line
def _silence(self, mesg, opts):
def _onErr(self, mesg, opts):
# raise on err for rst
if self.ctx.pop('storm-fail', None):
s_cmds_cortex.StormCmd._onErr(self, mesg, opts)
raise s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)
async def runCmdOpts(self, opts):
text = opts.get('query')
if not opts.get('hide-query'):
self.printf(f'> {text}')
stormopts = copy.deepcopy(self.stormopts)
stormopts.setdefault('repr', True)
stormopts.setdefault('path', opts.get('path', False))
hide_unknown = True
# Let this raise on any errors
with self._shimHttpCalls(self.ctx.get('storm-vcr-opts')):
async for mesg in self.core.storm(text, opts=stormopts):
if opts.get('debug'):
func = self.cmdmeths[mesg[0]]
except KeyError: # pragma: no cover
if hide_unknown:
self.printf(repr(mesg), color=s_cmds_cortex.UNKNOWN_COLOR)
func(mesg, opts)
return '\n'.join(self.lines)
class StormCliOutput(s_storm.StormCli):
async def __anit__(self, item, outp=s_output.stdout, opts=None):
await s_storm.StormCli.__anit__(self, item, outp, opts)
self.ctx = {}
self._print_skips.append('prov:new') # TODO: Remove in v3.0.0
def printf(self, mesg, addnl=True, color=None):
mesg = f' {mesg}'
s_storm.StormCli.printf(self, mesg, addnl, color)
async def handleErr(self, mesg):
# raise on err for rst
if self.ctx.pop('storm-fail', None):
await s_storm.StormCli.handleErr(self, mesg)
raise s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg=mesg)
def _printNodeProp(self, name, valu):
base = f' {name} = '
if '\n' in valu:
parts = collections.deque(valu.split('\n'))
ws = ' ' * len(base)
while parts:
part = parts.popleft()
async def _mockHttp(self, *args, **kwargs):
info = {
'code': 200,
'body': '{}',
resp = self.ctx.get('mock-http')
if resp:
body = resp.get('body')
if isinstance(body, (dict, list)):
body = json.dumps(body)
info = {
'code': resp.get('code', 200),
'body': body.encode(),
return s_stormhttp.HttpResp(info)
def _shimHttpCalls(self, vcr_kwargs):
path = self.ctx.get('mock-http-path')
if not vcr_kwargs:
vcr_kwargs = {}
if path:
path = os.path.abspath(path)
# try it as json first (since yaml can load json...). if it parses, we're old school
# if it doesn't, either it doesn't exist/we can't read it/we can't parse it.
# in any of those cases, default to using vcr
with open(path, 'r') as fd:
byts = json.load(fd)
except (FileNotFoundError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
byts = None
if not byts:
with vcr.use_cassette(os.path.abspath(path), **vcr_kwargs) as cass:
yield cass
self.ctx.pop('mock-http-path', None)
else: # backwards compat
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='Storm HTTP mock filepath does not exist', path=path)
self.ctx['mock-http'] = byts
with mock.patch('synapse.lib.stormhttp.LibHttp._httpRequest', new=self._mockHttp):
async def runRstCmdLine(self, text, ctx, stormopts=None):
self.ctx = ctx
self.printf(self.cmdprompt + text)
with self._shimHttpCalls(self.ctx.get('storm-vcr-opts')):
await self.runCmdLine(text, opts=stormopts)
return str(self.outp)
async def getCell(ctor, conf):
loc = s_dyndeps.getDynLocal(ctor)
if loc is None:
raise s_exc.NoSuchCtor(mesg=f'Unable to resolve ctor [{ctor}]', ctor=ctor)
with s_common.getTempDir() as dirn:
async with await loc.anit(dirn, conf=conf) as cell:
yield cell
class StormRst(s_base.Base):
async def __anit__(self, rstfile):
await s_base.Base.__anit__(self)
self.rstfile = s_common.genpath(rstfile)
if not os.path.isfile(rstfile):
raise s_exc.BadConfValu(mesg='A valid rstfile must be specified', rstfile=self.rstfile)
self.linesout = []
self.context = {}
self.stormvars = {}
self.core = None
self.handlers = {
'storm': self._handleStorm,
'storm-cli': self._handleStormCli,
'storm-pkg': self._handleStormPkg,
'storm-pre': self._handleStormPre,
'storm-svc': self._handleStormSvc,
'storm-fail': self._handleStormFail,
'storm-opts': self._handleStormOpts,
'storm-cortex': self._handleStormCortex,
'storm-envvar': self._handleStormEnvVar,
'storm-expect': self._handleStormExpect,
'storm-multiline': self._handleStormMultiline,
'storm-mock-http': self._handleStormMockHttp,
'storm-vcr-opts': self._handleStormVcrOpts,
'storm-clear-http': self._handleStormClearHttp,
'storm-vcr-callback': self._handleStormVcrCallback,
async def _getCell(self, ctor, conf=None):
if conf is None:
conf = {}
cell = await self.enter_context(getCell(ctor, conf))
return cell
def _printf(self, line):
def _reqCore(self):
if self.core is None:
mesg = 'No cortex set. Use .. storm-cortex::'
raise s_exc.NoSuchVar(mesg=mesg)
return self.core
def _getHandler(self, directive):
handler = self.handlers.get(directive)
if handler is None:
raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=f'The {directive} directive is not supported', directive=directive)
return handler
async def _handleStorm(self, text):
Run a Storm command and generate text from the output.
text (str): A valid Storm query.
core = self._reqCore()
text = self._getStormMultiline(text)
soutp = StormOutput(core, self.context, stormopts=self.context.get('storm-opts'))
self._printf(await soutp.runCmdLine(text))
if self.context.pop('storm-fail', None):
raise s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg='Expected a failure, but none occurred.')
async def _handleStormCli(self, text):
core = self._reqCore()
outp = OutPutRst()
text = self._getStormMultiline(text)
cli = await StormCliOutput.anit(item=core, outp=outp)
self._printf(await cli.runRstCmdLine(text, self.context, stormopts=self.context.get('storm-opts')))
if self.context.pop('storm-fail', None):
raise s_exc.StormRuntimeError(mesg='Expected a failure, but none occurred.')
async def _handleStormPkg(self, text):
Load a Storm package into the Cortex by path.
text (str): The path to a Storm package YAML file.
if not os.path.isfile(text):
raise s_exc.NoSuchFile(mesg='Storm Package filepath does not exist', path=text)
core = self._reqCore()
pkg = s_genpkg.loadPkgProto(text)
if pkg.get('onload') is not None:
waiter = core.waiter(1, 'core:pkg:onload:complete')
waiter = None
await core.addStormPkg(pkg)
if waiter is not None and not await waiter.wait(timeout=ONLOAD_TIMEOUT):
raise s_exc.SynErr(mesg=f'Package onload failed to run for {pkg.get("name")}')
async def _handleStormPre(self, text):
Run a Storm query to prepare the Cortex without output.
text (str): A valid Storm query
core = self._reqCore()
self.context.setdefault('storm-opts', {})
stormopts = self.context.get('storm-opts')
stormopts.setdefault('vars', {})
# only map env vars in for storm-pre
stormopts = copy.deepcopy(stormopts)
soutp = StormOutput(core, self.context, stormopts=stormopts)
await soutp.runCmdLine(text)
self.context.pop('storm-fail', None)
async def _handleStormSvc(self, text):
Load a Storm service by ctor and add to the Cortex.
text (str): <ctor> <svcname> <optional JSON string to use as svcconf>
core = self._reqCore()
splts = text.split(' ', 2)
ctor, svcname = splts[:2]
svcconf = json.loads(splts[2].strip()) if len(splts) == 3 else {}
svc = await self._getCell(ctor, conf=svcconf)
onloadcnt = len([p for p in svc.cellapi._storm_svc_pkgs if p.get('onload') is not None])
waiter = core.waiter(onloadcnt, 'core:pkg:onload:complete') if onloadcnt else None
svc.dmon.share('svc', svc)
root = await svc.auth.getUserByName('root')
await root.setPasswd('root')
info = await svc.dmon.listen('tcp://')
svc.dmon.test_addr = info
host, port = info
surl = f'tcp://root:[email protected]:{port}/svc'
await core.nodes(f'service.add {svcname} {surl}')
await core.nodes(f'$lib.service.wait({svcname})')
if waiter is not None and not await waiter.wait(timeout=ONLOAD_TIMEOUT):
raise s_exc.SynErr(mesg=f'Package onload failed to run for service {svcname}')
async def _handleStormFail(self, text):
valu = json.loads(text)
assert valu in (True, False), f'storm-fail must be a boolean: {text}'
self.context['storm-fail'] = valu
def _getStormMultiline(self, text):
if '=' in text:
sentinel, key = text.split('=', 1)
if sentinel != 'MULTILINE':
return text
ret = self.context.get('multiline', {}).get(key)
assert ret is not None, f'Invalid multiline text: {text}'
return ret
return text
async def _handleStormMultiline(self, text):
key, valu = text.split('=', 1)
assert key.isupper()
valu = json.loads(valu)
assert isinstance(valu, str)
multi = self.context.get('multiline', {})
multi[key] = valu
self.context['multiline'] = multi
async def _handleStormOpts(self, text):
Opts to use in subsequent Storm queries.
text (str): JSON string, e.g. {"vars": {"foo": "bar"}}
item = json.loads(text)
self.context['storm-opts'] = item
async def _handleStormClearHttp(self, text):
Reset the storm http context and any associated opts with it.
text (str): true if you also want to clear any storm/vcr opts as well
if text == 'true':
self.context.pop('storm-opts', None)
self.context.pop('storm-vcr-opts', None)
self.context.pop('storm-vcr-callback', None)
self.context.pop('mock-http-path', None)
self.context.pop('mock-http', None)
async def _handleStormCortex(self, text):
Spin up a default Cortex if ctor=default, else load the defined ctor.
TODO: Handle providing conf in text
text (str): "default" or a ctor (e.g. synapse.cortex.Cortex)
if self.core is not None:
await self.core.fini()
self.core = None
ctor = 'synapse.cortex.Cortex' if text == 'default' else text
self.core = await self._getCell(ctor)
async def _handleStormEnvVar(self, text):
name, valu = text.split('=', 1)
name = name.strip()
valu = valu.strip()
self.stormvars[name] = os.getenv(name, valu)
async def _handleStormExpect(self, text):
# TODO handle some light weight output confirmation.
async def _handleStormMockHttp(self, text):
Setup an HTTP mock file to be used with a later Storm command.
Response file format:
"code": int,
"body": {
"data": json or a json str
text (str): Path to a json file with the response.
self.context['mock-http-path'] = text
async def _handleStormVcrOpts(self, text):
Opts to pass to VCRPY for use in generating docs
text (str): JSON string, e.g. {"filter_query_args": true}
item = json.loads(text)
self.context['storm-vcr-opts'] = item
async def _handleStormVcrCallback(self, text):
Get a callback function as a dynlocal
cb = s_dyndeps.getDynLocal(text)
if cb is None:
raise s_exc.NoSuchCtor(mesg=f'Failed to get callback "{text}"', ctor=text)
self.context['storm-vcr-callback'] = cb
async def _readline(self, line):
match = re_directive.match(line)
if match is not None:
directive, text = match.groups()
text = text.strip()
handler = self._getHandler(directive)
logger.debug(f'Executing {directive} -> {text}')
await handler(text)
async def run(self):
Parses the specified RST file with Storm directive handling.
list: List of line strings for the RST output
with open(self.rstfile, 'r') as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
for line in lines:
await self._readline(line)
return self.linesout