import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.cell as s_cell
import synapse.lib.stormtypes as s_stormtypes
class LibEasyPerm(s_stormtypes.Lib):
A Storm Library for interacting with easy perm dictionaries.
_storm_locals = (
{'name': 'init', 'desc': '''
Add the easy perm structure to a new or existing dictionary.
The current user will be given admin permission in the new
easy perm structure.
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_initEasyPerm',
'args': (
{'name': 'edef', 'type': 'dict', 'default': None,
'desc': 'A dictionary to add easy perms to.'},
{'name': 'default', 'type': 'int', 'default': s_cell.PERM_READ,
'desc': 'Specify the default permission level for this item.'},
'returns': {'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'Dictionary with the easy perm structure.'}}},
{'name': 'set', 'desc': 'Set the permission level for a user or role in an easy perm dictionary.',
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_setEasyPerm',
'args': (
{'name': 'edef', 'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The easy perm dictionary to modify.'},
{'name': 'scope', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The scope, either "users" or "roles".'},
{'name': 'iden', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The user/role iden depending on scope.'},
{'name': 'level', 'type': 'int', 'desc': 'The permission level number, or None to remove the permission.'},
'returns': {'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'Dictionary with the updated easy perm structure.'}}},
{'name': 'allowed', 'desc': 'Check if the current user has a permission level in an easy perm dictionary.',
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_allowedEasyPerm',
'args': (
{'name': 'edef', 'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The easy perm dictionary to check.'},
{'name': 'level', 'type': 'int', 'desc': 'The required permission level number.'},
'returns': {'type': 'boolean',
'desc': 'True if the user meets the requirement, false otherwise.', }}},
{'name': 'confirm', 'desc': 'Require that the current user has a permission level in an easy perm dictionary.',
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_confirmEasyPerm',
'args': (
{'name': 'edef', 'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The easy perm dictionary to check.'},
{'name': 'level', 'type': 'int', 'desc': 'The required permission level number.'},
{'name': 'mesg', 'type': 'str', 'default': None,
'desc': 'Optional error message to present if user does not have required permission level.'},
'returns': {'type': 'null'}}},
{'name': 'level.admin', 'desc': 'Constant for admin permission.',
'type': 'int', },
{'name': 'level.deny', 'desc': 'Constant for deny permission.',
'type': 'int', },
{'name': 'level.edit', 'desc': 'Constant for edit permission.',
'type': 'int', },
{'name': '', 'desc': 'Constant for read permission.',
'type': 'int', },
_storm_lib_path = ('auth', 'easyperm')
def getObjLocals(self):
return {
'set': self._setEasyPerm,
'init': self._initEasyPerm,
'allowed': self._allowedEasyPerm,
'confirm': self._confirmEasyPerm,
'level': {
'deny': s_cell.PERM_DENY,
'read': s_cell.PERM_READ,
'edit': s_cell.PERM_EDIT,
'admin': s_cell.PERM_ADMIN,
async def _setEasyPerm(self, edef, scope, iden, level):
edef = await s_stormtypes.toprim(edef)
scope = await s_stormtypes.tostr(scope)
iden = await s_stormtypes.tostr(iden)
level = await s_stormtypes.toint(level, noneok=True)
if not isinstance(edef, dict):
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg='Object to set easy perms on must be a dictionary.')
await self.runt.snap.core._setEasyPerm(edef, scope, iden, level)
return edef
async def _initEasyPerm(self, edef=None, default=s_cell.PERM_READ):
edef = await s_stormtypes.toprim(edef)
if edef is None:
edef = {}
default = await s_stormtypes.toint(default)
if not isinstance(edef, dict):
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg='Object to add easy perms to must be a dictionary.')
self.runt.snap.core._initEasyPerm(edef, default=default)
await self.runt.snap.core._setEasyPerm(edef, 'users', self.runt.user.iden, s_cell.PERM_ADMIN)
return edef
async def _allowedEasyPerm(self, edef, level):
edef = await s_stormtypes.toprim(edef)
level = await s_stormtypes.toint(level)
if not isinstance(edef, dict):
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg='Object to check easy perms on must be a dictionary.')
return self.runt.snap.core._hasEasyPerm(edef, self.runt.user, level)
async def _confirmEasyPerm(self, edef, level, mesg=None):
edef = await s_stormtypes.toprim(edef)
level = await s_stormtypes.toint(level)
mesg = await s_stormtypes.tostr(mesg, noneok=True)
if not isinstance(edef, dict):
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg='Object to check easy perms on must be a dictionary.')
self.runt.snap.core._reqEasyPerm(edef, self.runt.user, level, mesg=mesg)