Source code for synapse.lib.stormlib.gen

import synapse.lib.stormtypes as s_stormtypes

[docs]@s_stormtypes.registry.registerLib class LibGen(s_stormtypes.Lib): ''' A Storm Library for secondary property based deconfliction. ''' _storm_locals = ( {'name': 'orgByName', 'desc': 'Returns an ou:org by name, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the org.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'An ou:org node with the given name.'}}}, {'name': 'orgHqByName', 'desc': 'Returns a ps:contact node for the ou:org, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the org.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A ps:contact node for the ou:org with the given name.'}}}, {'name': 'orgByFqdn', 'desc': 'Returns an ou:org node by FQDN, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'fqdn', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The FQDN of the org.'}, {'name': 'try', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'desc': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'An ou:org node with the given FQDN.'}}}, {'name': 'industryByName', 'desc': 'Returns an ou:industry by name, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the industry.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'An ou:industry node with the given name.'}}}, {'name': 'newsByUrl', 'desc': 'Returns a media:news node by URL, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'url', 'type': 'inet:url', 'desc': 'The URL where the news is published.'}, {'name': 'try', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'desc': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A media:news node with the given URL.'}}}, {'name': 'softByName', 'desc': 'Returns it:prod:soft node by name, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the software.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'An it:prod:soft node with the given name.'}}}, {'name': 'vulnByCve', 'desc': 'Returns risk:vuln node by CVE and reporter, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'cve', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The CVE id.'}, {'name': 'try', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'desc': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.'}, {'name': 'reporter', 'type': 'str', 'default': None, 'desc': 'The name of the organization which reported the vulnerability.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A risk:vuln node with the given CVE.'}}}, {'name': 'riskThreat', 'desc': 'Returns a risk:threat node based on the threat and reporter names, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The reported name of the threat cluster.'}, {'name': 'reporter', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the organization which reported the threat cluster.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A risk:threat node.'}}}, {'name': 'riskToolSoftware', 'desc': 'Returns a risk:tool:software node based on the tool and reporter names, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The reported name of the tool.'}, {'name': 'reporter', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the organization which reported the tool.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A risk:tool:software node.'}}}, {'name': 'psContactByEmail', 'desc': 'Returns a ps:contact by deconflicting the type and email address.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'type', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The ps:contact:type property.'}, {'name': 'email', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The ps:contact:email property.'}, {'name': 'try', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'desc': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A ps:contact node.'}}}, {'name': 'polCountryByIso2', 'desc': 'Returns a pol:country node by deconflicting the :iso2 property.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'iso2', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The pol:country:iso2 property.'}, {'name': 'try', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'desc': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A pol:country node.'}}}, {'name': 'langByName', 'desc': 'Returns a lang:language node by name, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the language.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A lang:language node with the given name.'}}}, {'name': 'langByCode', 'desc': 'Returns a lang:language node by language code, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The language code for the language.'}, {'name': 'try', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'desc': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A lang:language node with the given code.'}}}, {'name': 'campaign', 'desc': 'Returns an ou:campaign node based on the campaign and reporter names, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The reported name of the campaign.'}, {'name': 'reporter', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the organization which reported the campaign.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'An ou:campaign node.'}}}, {'name': 'itAvScanResultByTarget', 'desc': 'Returns an it:av:scan:result node by deconflicting with a target and signature name, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'form', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The target form.'}, {'name': 'value', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The target value.'}, {'name': 'signame', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The signature name.'}, {'name': 'scanner', 'type': 'str', 'default': None, 'desc': 'An optional scanner software name to include in deconfliction.'}, {'name': 'time', 'type': 'time', 'default': None, 'desc': 'An optional time when the scan was run to include in the deconfliction.'}, {'name': 'try', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'desc': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'An it:av:scan:result node.'}}}, {'name': 'geoPlaceByName', 'desc': 'Returns a geo:place node by name, adding the node if it does not exist.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the place.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'node', 'desc': 'A geo:place node with the given name.'}}}, ) _storm_lib_path = ('gen',) _storm_query = ''' function __maybeCast(try, type, valu) { if $try { return($lib.trycast($type, $valu)) } return(($lib.true, $lib.cast($type, $valu))) } function orgIdType(name) { ou:id:type:name=$name return($node) [ ou:id:type=(gen, name, $name) :name=$name ] return($node) } function orgIdNumber(type, value) { $idtype = $orgIdType($type) ou:id:number=($idtype, $value) return($node) [ ou:id:number=($idtype, $value) ] return($node) } function orgByName(name, try=$lib.false) { ($ok, $name) = $__maybeCast($try, ou:name, $name) if (not $ok) { return() } ou:name=$name -> ou:org return($node) [ ou:org=(gen, name, $name) :name=$name ] return($node) } function orgByFqdn(fqdn, try=$lib.false) { ($ok, $fqdn) = $__maybeCast($try, inet:fqdn, $fqdn) if (not $ok) { return() } inet:fqdn=$fqdn -> ou:org return($node) [ ou:org=(gen, fqdn, $fqdn) :dns:mx+=$fqdn ] return($node) } function orgHqByName(name) { yield $lib.gen.orgByName($name) $org=$node $name = :name { -:hq [ :hq = {[ ps:contact=(gen, hq, name, $name) :orgname=$name ]} ] } :hq -> ps:contact { -:org [ :org=$org ] } return($node) } function industryByName(name) { ou:industryname=$name -> ou:industry return($node) $name = $lib.cast(ou:industryname, $name) [ ou:industry=(gen, name, $name) :name=$name ] return($node) } function newsByUrl(url, try=$lib.false) { ($ok, $url) = $__maybeCast($try, inet:url, $url) if (not $ok) { return() } media:news:url=$url return($node) [ media:news=(gen, url, $url) :url=$url ] return($node) } function softByName(name) { it:prod:softname=$name -> it:prod:soft return($node) $name = $lib.cast(it:prod:softname, $name) [ it:prod:soft=(gen, name, $name) :name=$name ] return($node) } function vulnByCve(cve, try=$lib.false, reporter=$lib.null) { ($ok, $cve) = $__maybeCast($try, it:sec:cve, $cve) if (not $ok) { return() } risk:vuln:cve=$cve if $reporter { +:reporter:name=$reporter { -:reporter [ :reporter=$orgByName($reporter) ] } } return($node) $guid = (gen, cve, $cve) if $reporter { $reporter = $lib.cast(ou:name, $reporter) $guid.append($reporter) } [ risk:vuln=$guid :cve=$cve ] if $reporter { [ :reporter:name=$reporter :reporter=$orgByName($reporter) ] } return($node) } function riskThreat(name, reporter) { ou:name=$name tee { -> risk:threat:org:name } { -> risk:threat:org:names } | +:reporter:name=$reporter { -:reporter [ :reporter=$orgByName($reporter) ] } return($node) $name = $lib.cast(ou:name, $name) $reporter = $lib.cast(ou:name, $reporter) [ risk:threat=(gen, name, reporter, $name, $reporter) :org:name=$name :reporter = { yield $orgByName($reporter) } :reporter:name = $reporter ] return($node) } function riskToolSoftware(name, reporter) { it:prod:softname = $name -> risk:tool:software +:reporter:name = $reporter { -:reporter [ :reporter=$orgByName($reporter) ] } return($node) $name = $lib.cast(it:prod:softname, $name) $reporter = $lib.cast(ou:name, $reporter) [ risk:tool:software=(gen, $name, $reporter) :soft:name = $name :reporter:name = $reporter :reporter = { yield $orgByName($reporter) } ] return($node) } function psContactByEmail(type, email, try=$lib.false) { ($ok, $email) = $__maybeCast($try, inet:email, $email) if (not $ok) { return() } ($ok, $type) = $__maybeCast($try, ps:contact:type:taxonomy, $type) if (not $ok) { return() } ps:contact:email = $email +:type = $type return($node) [ ps:contact=(gen, type, email, $type, $email) :email = $email :type = $type ] return($node) } function polCountryByIso2(iso2, try=$lib.false) { ($ok, $iso2) = $__maybeCast($try, pol:iso2, $iso2) if (not $ok) { return() } pol:country:iso2=$iso2 return($node) [ pol:country=(gen, iso2, $iso2) :iso2=$iso2 ] return($node) } function polCountryOrgByIso2(iso2, try=$lib.false) { yield $lib.gen.polCountryByIso2($iso2, try=$try) { -:government [ :government = $lib.gen.orgByName(`{:iso2} government`) ] } :government -> ou:org return($node) } function langByName(name) { lang:name=$name -> lang:language return($node) $name = $lib.cast(lang:name, $name) [ lang:language=(gen, name, $name) :name=$name ] return($node) } function langByCode(code, try=$lib.false) { ($ok, $code) = $__maybeCast($try, lang:code, $code) if (not $ok) { return() } lang:language:code=$code return($node) [ lang:language=(bycode, $code) :code=$code ] return($node) } function campaign(name, reporter) { ou:campname = $name -> ou:campaign +:reporter:name=$reporter { -:reporter [ :reporter=$orgByName($reporter) ] } return($node) $name = $lib.cast(ou:campname, $name) $reporter = $lib.cast(ou:name, $reporter) [ ou:campaign=(gen, name, reporter, $name, $reporter) :name=$name :reporter:name=$reporter :reporter=$orgByName($reporter) ] return($node) } function itAvScanResultByTarget(form, value, signame, scanner=$lib.null, time=$lib.null, try=$lib.false) { ($ok, $value) = $__maybeCast($try, $form, $value) if (not $ok) { return() } switch $form { "file:bytes": { $tprop = target:file } "inet:fqdn": { $tprop = target:fqdn } "inet:ipv4": { $tprop = target:ipv4 } "inet:ipv6": { $tprop = target:ipv6 } "inet:url": { $tprop = target:url } "it:exec:proc": { $tprop = target:proc } "it:host": { $tprop = target:host } *: { $lib.raise(BadArg, `Unsupported target form {$form}`) } } ($ok, $signame) = $__maybeCast($try, it:av:signame, $signame) if (not $ok) { return() } if ($scanner != $lib.null) { ($ok, $scanner) = $__maybeCast($try, it:prod:softname, $scanner) if (not $ok) { return() } } if ($time != $lib.null) { ($ok, $time) = $__maybeCast($try, time, $time) if (not $ok) { return() } } $tlift = `it:av:scan:result:{$tprop}` *$tlift=$value +:signame=$signame if ($time != $lib.null) { +:time=$time } if ($scanner != $lib.null) { +:scanner:name=$scanner } return($node) [ it:av:scan:result=(gen, target, $form, $value, $signame, $scanner, $time) :signame=$signame :$tprop=$value :scanner:name?=$scanner :time?=$time ] return($node) } function geoPlaceByName(name) { $geoname = $lib.cast(geo:name, $name) geo:name=$geoname -> geo:place return($node) [ geo:place=(gen, name, $geoname) :name=$geoname ] return($node) } '''
stormcmds = ( { 'name': '', 'descr': 'Lift (or create) an ou:id:number node based on the organization ID type and value.', 'cmdargs': ( ('type', {'help': 'The type of the organization ID.'}), ('value', {'help': 'The value of the organization ID.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.orgIdNumber($cmdopts.type, $cmdopts.value)', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': 'Lift (or create) an ou:id:type node based on the name of the type.', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The friendly name of the organization ID type.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.orgIdType($', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': 'Lift (or create) an ou:org node based on the organization name.', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The name of the organization.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.orgByName($', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': 'Lift (or create) the primary ps:contact node for the ou:org based on the organization name.', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The name of the organization.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.orgHqByName($', }, { 'name': 'gen.ou.campaign', 'descr': 'Lift (or create) an ou:campaign based on the name and reporting organization.', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The name of the campaign.'}), ('reporter', {'help': 'The name of the reporting organization.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.campaign($, $cmdopts.reporter)', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': 'Lift (or create) an it:prod:soft node based on the software name.', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The name of the software.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.softByName($', }, { 'name': 'gen.risk.threat', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) a risk:threat node based on the threat name and reporter name. Examples: // Yield a risk:threat node for the threat cluster "APT1" reported by "Mandiant". gen.risk.threat apt1 mandiant ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The name of the threat cluster. For example: APT1'}), ('reporter', {'help': 'The name of the reporting organization. For example: Mandiant'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.riskThreat($, $cmdopts.reporter)', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) a risk:tool:software node based on the tool name and reporter name. Examples: // Yield a risk:tool:software node for the "redtree" tool reported by "vertex". redtree vertex ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The tool name.'}), ('reporter', {'help': 'The name of the reporting organization. For example: "recorded future"'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.riskToolSoftware($, $cmdopts.reporter)', }, { 'name': 'gen.risk.vuln', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) a risk:vuln node based on the CVE and reporter name. Examples: // Yield a risk:vuln node for CVE-2012-0157 reported by Mandiant. gen.risk.vuln CVE-2012-0157 Mandiant ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('cve', {'help': 'The CVE identifier.'}), ('reporter', {'help': 'The name of the reporting organization.', 'nargs': '?'}), ('--try', {'help': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.', 'action': 'store_true'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.vulnByCve($cmdopts.cve, try=$cmdopts.try, reporter=$cmdopts.reporter)', }, { 'name': 'gen.ou.industry', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) an ou:industry node based on the industry name. ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The industry name.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.industryByName($', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) a pol:country node based on the 2 letter ISO-3166 country code. Examples: // Yield the pol:country node which represents the country of Ukraine. ua ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('iso2', {'help': 'The 2 letter ISO-3166 country code.'}), ('--try', {'help': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.', 'action': 'store_true'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.polCountryByIso2($cmdopts.iso2, try=$cmdopts.try)', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) the ou:org node representing a country's government based on the 2 letter ISO-3166 country code. Examples: // Yield the ou:org node which represents the Government of Ukraine. ua ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('iso2', {'help': 'The 2 letter ISO-3166 country code.'}), ('--try', {'help': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.', 'action': 'store_true'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.polCountryOrgByIso2($cmdopts.iso2, try=$cmdopts.try)', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) the ps:contact node by deconflicting the email and type. Examples: // Yield the ps:contact node for the type and email vertex.employee [email protected] ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('type', {'help': 'The contact type.'}), ('email', {'help': 'The contact email address.'}), ('--try', {'help': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.', 'action': 'store_true'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.psContactByEmail($cmdopts.type, $, try=$cmdopts.try)', }, { 'name': 'gen.lang.language', 'descr': 'Lift (or create) a lang:language node based on the name.', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The name of the language.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.langByName($', }, # todo: remove it:av:filehit example in 3.x.x { 'name': '', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) the it:av:scan:result node by deconflicting the target and signature time. The scan time and scanner name may also optionally be provided for deconfliction. Examples: // Yield the it:av:scan:result node for an FQDN and signature name inet:fqdn foosig // Also deconflict by scanner name and scan time inet:fqdn fqdn foosig --scanner-name barscanner --time 2022-11-03 // Generate an it:av:scan:result node from an it:av:filehit node it:av:filehit#foo | file:bytes :file :sig:name ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('form', {'help': 'The target form.'}), ('value', {'help': 'The target value.'}), ('signame', {'help': 'The signature name.'}), ('--scanner-name', {'help': 'An optional scanner software name to include in deconfliction.'}), ('--time', {'help': 'An optional time when the scan was run to include in the deconfliction.'}), ('--try', {'help': 'Type normalization will fail silently instead of raising an exception.', 'action': 'store_true'}), ), 'storm': ''' yield $lib.gen.itAvScanResultByTarget($cmdopts.form, $cmdopts.value, $cmdopts.signame, scanner=$cmdopts.scanner_name, time=$cmdopts.time, try=$cmdopts.try) ''', }, { 'name': '', 'descr': ''' Lift (or create) a geo:place node based on the name. ''', 'cmdargs': ( ('name', {'help': 'The name of the place.'}), ), 'storm': 'yield $lib.gen.geoPlaceByName($', }, )