import copy
import textwrap
import itertools
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.lib.schemas as s_schemas
import synapse.lib.stormtypes as s_stormtypes
justers = {
'left': str.ljust,
'right': str.rjust,
class LibTabular(s_stormtypes.Lib):
A Storm Library for creating printable tables.
_storm_locals = (
{'name': 'printer', 'desc': '''
Construct a new printer.
Create a simple table using the default separators::
$conf = ({
"columns": [
{"name": "Year", "width": 4},
{"name": "Author", "width": 20},
{"name": "Title", "width": 12},
$printer = $lib.tabular.printer($conf)
for ($year, $author, $title, $publisher) in $data {
$lib.print($printer.row(($year, $author, $title))
Create a configuration with custom separators and column options::
$conf = ({
"separators": {
"row:outline": true,
"column:outline": true,
"header:row": "#",
"data:row": "*",
"column": "+",
"columns": [
{"name": "Year", "width": 4, "justify": "right"},
{"name": "Author", "width": 20, "justify": "center"},
{"name": "Title", "width": 12, "overflow": "wrap"},
$printer = $lib.tabular.printer($conf)
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_methPrinter',
'args': (
{'name': 'conf', 'type': 'dict',
'desc': 'The table configuration dictionary.'},
'returns': {'type': 'tabular:printer',
'desc': 'The newly constructed tabular:printer.'}}},
{'name': 'schema', 'desc': '''
Get a copy of the table configuration schema.
Print a human-readable version of the schema::
$schema = $lib.tabular.schema()
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_methSchema',
'returns': {'type': 'dict',
'desc': 'The table configuration schema.'}}},
_storm_lib_path = ('tabular',)
def getObjLocals(self):
return {
'printer': self._methPrinter,
'schema': self._methSchema,
async def _methSchema(self):
return copy.deepcopy(s_schemas.tabularConfSchema)
async def _methPrinter(self, conf):
conf = await s_stormtypes.toprim(conf)
conf.setdefault('separators', {})
conf = s_schemas.reqValidTabularConf(conf)
return TabularPrinter(self.runt, conf)
class TabularPrinter(s_stormtypes.StormType):
A Storm object for printing tabular data using a defined configuration.
_storm_typename = 'tabular:printer'
_storm_locals = (
{'name': 'row', 'desc': 'Create a new row string from a data list.',
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': 'row',
'args': (
{'name': 'data', 'type': 'list',
'desc': 'The data to create the row from; length must match the number of configured columns.'},
'returns': {'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The row string.'}}},
{'name': 'header',
'desc': 'Create a header row string.',
'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': 'header',
'returns': {'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The header row string.'}}},
def __init__(self, runt, conf):
s_stormtypes.StormType.__init__(self, None)
self.runt = runt
self.conf = conf
self.firstrow = True
self.seprconf = conf['separators']
self.colconf = conf['columns']
self.colcnt = len(self.colconf)
self.colwidths = [coldef.get('width') or len(coldef['name']) for coldef in self.colconf]
'row': self.row,
'header': self.header,
def _formatRowLine(self, lineitems, pad=' '):
sepr = self.seprconf['column']
endstr = sepr if self.seprconf['column:outline'] else ''
return f'{endstr}{pad}{f"{pad}{sepr}{pad}".join(lineitems)}{pad}{endstr}'
def _makeSeparatorRowStr(self, rowsepr):
if rowsepr:
lineitems = (width * rowsepr for width in self.colwidths)
return self._formatRowLine(lineitems, pad=rowsepr)
return None
def _makeDataRowStrs(self, values):
items = []
for coldef, valu in zip(self.colconf, values):
width = coldef.get('width')
valu = str(valu) if valu is not None else ''
if width is None:
if coldef['newlines'] == 'split':
items.append([valu.replace('\n', ' ')])
valu = valu.replace('\n', ' ')
if len(valu) <= width:
items.append([justers[coldef['justify']](valu, width)])
if coldef['overflow'] == 'trim':
items.append([s_common.trimText(valu, n=width)])
items.append([justers[coldef['justify']](item, width) for item in textwrap.wrap(valu, width)])
rowstrs = []
for lineitems in itertools.zip_longest(*items, fillvalue=None):
lineitems = ([item or self.colwidths[i] * ' ' for i, item in enumerate(lineitems)])
return rowstrs
async def row(self, data):
data = await s_stormtypes.toprim(data)
if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg='tabular:printer row() requires a list argument')
if len(data) != self.colcnt:
mesg = 'tabular:printer row() requires data length to equal column count'
raise s_exc.BadArg(mesg=mesg, length=len(data), column_length=self.colcnt)
rowstrs = self._makeDataRowStrs(data)
if seprstr := self._makeSeparatorRowStr(self.seprconf['data:row']):
if self.seprconf['row:outline']:
elif self.firstrow:
self.firstrow = False
rowstrs.insert(0, seprstr)
return '\n'.join(rowstrs)