Source code for synapse.lib.stormlib.vault

import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common

import synapse.lib.cell as s_cell
import synapse.lib.stormtypes as s_stormtypes

stormcmds = (
        'name': 'vault.add',
        'descr': '''
            Add a vault.


                // Add a global vault with type `synapse-test`
                vault.add "shared-global-vault" synapse-test ({'apikey': 'foobar'}) ({}) --global

                // Add a user vault with type `synapse-test`
                vault.add "visi-user-vault" synapse-test ({'apikey': 'barbaz'}) ({}) --user visi

                // Add a role vault with type `synapse-test`
                vault.add "contributor-role-vault" synapse-test ({'apikey': 'bazquux'}) ({}) --role contributor

                // Add an unscoped vault with type `synapse-test`
                vault.add "unscoped-vault" synapse-test ({'apikey': 'quuxquo'}) ({'server': ''}) --unscoped visi
        'cmdargs': (
            ('name', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The vault name.'}),
            ('type', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The vault type.'}),
            ('secrets', {'help': 'The secrets to store in the new vault.'}),
            ('configs', {'help': 'The configs to store in the new vault.'}),
            ('--user', {'type': 'str',
                        'help': 'This vault is a user-scoped vault, for the specified user name.'}),
            ('--role', {'type': 'str',
                        'help': 'This vault is a role-scoped vault, for the specified role name.'}),
            ('--unscoped', {'type': 'str',
                            'help': 'This vault is an unscoped vault, for the specified user name.'}),
            ('--global', {'type': 'bool', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False,
                          'help': 'This vault is a global-scoped vault.'}),
        'storm': '''
            $owner = $lib.null
            $scope = $lib.null

            $exclusive_args = (0)
            if $cmdopts.user { $exclusive_args = ($exclusive_args + 1) }
            if $cmdopts.role { $exclusive_args = ($exclusive_args + 1) }
            if $cmdopts.unscoped { $exclusive_args = ($exclusive_args + 1) }
            if $ { $exclusive_args = ($exclusive_args + 1) }

            if ($exclusive_args != 1) {
                $lib.exit('Must specify one of --user <username>, --role <rolename>, --unscoped <username>, --global.')

            if $cmdopts.user {
                $scope = user
                $owner = $lib.auth.users.byname($cmdopts.user).iden

            if $cmdopts.role {
                $scope = role
                $owner = $lib.auth.roles.byname($cmdopts.role).iden

            if $cmdopts.unscoped {
                $owner = $lib.auth.users.byname($cmdopts.unscoped).iden

            if $ {
                $scope = global

            $iden = $lib.vault.add($, $cmdopts.type, $scope, $owner, $cmdopts.secrets, $cmdopts.configs)
            $lib.print(`Vault created with iden: {$iden}.`)
            $vault = $lib.vault.get($iden)
        'name': 'vault.set.secrets',
        'descr': '''
            Set vault secret data.


                // Set data to visi's user vault secrets
                vault.set.secrets "visi-user-vault" apikey --value foobar

                // Set data to contributor's role vault secrets
                vault.set.secrets "contributor-role-vault" apikey --value barbaz

                // Remove apikey from a global vault secrets
                vault.set.secrets "some-global-vault" apikey --delete
        'cmdargs': (
            ('name', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The vault name or iden.'}),
            ('key', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The key for the secret value.'}),
            ('--value', {'help': 'The secret value to store in the vault.'}),
            ('--delete', {'type': 'bool', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False,
                          'help': 'Specify this flag to remove the secret from the vault.'}),
        'storm': '''
            if ((not $cmdopts.value and not $cmdopts.delete) or ($cmdopts.value and $cmdopts.delete)) {
                $lib.exit('One of `--value <value>` or `--delete` is required.')

            // Try iden first then name
            try {
                $vault = $lib.vault.get($
            } catch (BadArg, NoSuchIden) as exc {
                $vault = $lib.vault.byname($

            if $cmdopts.value {
                $vault.secrets.($cmdopts.key) = $cmdopts.value
                $lib.print(`Set {$cmdopts.key}={$cmdopts.value} into vault secrets: {$}.`)
            } else {
                $vault.secrets.($cmdopts.key) = $lib.undef
                $lib.print(`Removed {$cmdopts.key} from vault secrets: {$}.`)
        'name': 'vault.set.configs',
        'descr': '''
            Set vault config data.


                // Set data to visi's user vault configs
                vault.set.configs "visi-user-vault" color --value orange

                // Set data to contributor's role vault configs
                vault.set.configs "contributor-role-vault" color --value blue

                // Remove apikey from a global vault configs
                vault.set.configs "some-global-vault" color --delete
        'cmdargs': (
            ('name', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The vault name or iden.'}),
            ('key', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The key for the config value.'}),
            ('--value', {'help': 'The config value to store in the vault.'}),
            ('--delete', {'type': 'bool', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False,
                          'help': 'Specify this flag to remove the config from the vault.'}),
        'storm': '''
            if ((not $cmdopts.value and not $cmdopts.delete) or ($cmdopts.value and $cmdopts.delete)) {
                $lib.exit('One of `--value <value>` or `--delete` is required.')

            // Try iden first then name
            try {
                $vault = $lib.vault.get($
            } catch (BadArg, NoSuchIden) as exc {
                $vault = $lib.vault.byname($

            if $cmdopts.value {
                $vault.configs.($cmdopts.key) = $cmdopts.value
                $lib.print(`Set {$cmdopts.key}={$cmdopts.value} into vault configs: {$}.`)
            } else {
                $vault.configs.($cmdopts.key) = $lib.undef
                $lib.print(`Removed {$cmdopts.key} from vault configs: {$}.`)
        'name': 'vault.del',
        'descr': '''
            Delete a vault.


                // Delete visi's user vault
                vault.del "visi-user-vault"

                // Delete contributor's role vault
                vault.del "contributor-role-vault"
        'cmdargs': (
            ('name', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The vault name or iden.'}),
        'storm': '''
            // Try iden first then name
            try {
                $vault = $lib.vault.get($
            } catch (BadArg, NoSuchIden) as exc {
                $vault = $lib.vault.byname($

            $lib.print(`Successfully deleted vault {$}.`)
        'name': 'vault.list',
        'descr': '''
            List available vaults.
        'cmdargs': (
            ('--name', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'Only list vaults with the specified name or iden.'}),
            ('--type', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'Only list vaults with the specified type.'}),
            ('--showsecrets', {'type': 'bool', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'help': 'Print vault secrets.'}),
        'storm': '''
            $lib.print("Available Vaults")

            for $vault in $lib.vault.list() {
                if $ {
                    if ($ != $ and $vault.iden != $ {

                if $cmdopts.type {
                    if ($vault.type != $cmdopts.type) {

                $lib.vault.print($vault, $cmdopts.showsecrets)
        'name': 'vault.set.perm',
        'descr': '''
            Set permissions on a vault.


                // Give blackout read permissions to visi's user vault
                vault.set.perm "my-user-vault" blackout --level read

                // Give the contributor role read permissions to visi's user vault
                vault.set.perm "my-user-vault" --role contributor --level read

                // Revoke blackout's permissions from visi's user vault
                vault.set.perm "my-user-vault" blackout --revoke

                // Give visi read permissions to the contributor role vault. (Assume
                // visi is not a member of the contributor role).
                vault.set.perm "contributor-role-vault" visi read
        'cmdargs': (
            ('name', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The vault name or iden to set permissions on.'}),
            ('--user', {'type': 'str',
                        'help': 'The user name or role name to update in the vault.'}),
            ('--role', {'type': 'str',
                        'help': 'Specified when `user` is a role name.'}),
            ('--level', {'type': 'str', 'help': 'The permission level to grant.'}),
            ('--revoke', {'type': 'bool', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False,
                          'help': 'Specify this flag when revoking an existing permission.'}),
        'storm': '''
            if ((not $cmdopts.level and not $cmdopts.revoke) or ($cmdopts.level and $cmdopts.revoke)) {
                $lib.exit('One of `--level <level>` or `--revoke` is required.')

            if ((not $cmdopts.user and not $cmdopts.role) or ($cmdopts.user and $cmdopts.role)) {
                $lib.exit('One of `--user <username>` or `--role <rolename>` is required.')

            $level = $lib.null
            if $cmdopts.level {
                $level = $lib.auth.easyperm.level.($cmdopts.level)
                if (not $level) {
                    $levels = ([])
                    for ($key, $val) in $lib.auth.easyperm.level {

                    $levels = $lib.str.join(", ", $levels)

                    $lib.exit(`Invalid level specified: {$cmdopts.level}. Level must be one of: {$levels}.`)

            if $cmdopts.role {
                $iden = $lib.auth.roles.byname($cmdopts.role).iden
                $type = "Role"
            } else {
                $iden = $lib.auth.users.byname($cmdopts.user).iden
                $type = "User"

            if (not $iden) {
                $lib.exit(`{$type} with value {$cmdopts.user} not found.`)

            // Try iden first then name
            try {
                $vault = $lib.vault.get($
            } catch (BadArg, NoSuchIden) as exc {
                $vault = $lib.vault.byname($

            $ok = $vault.setPerm($iden, $level)
            if $ok {
                $lib.print(`Successfully set permissions on vault {$}.`)
            } else {
                $lib.warn(`Error setting permissions on vault {$}.`)

[docs] @s_stormtypes.registry.registerLib class LibVault(s_stormtypes.Lib): ''' A Storm Library for interacting with vaults. ''' _storm_locals = ( {'name': 'add', 'desc': 'Create a new vault.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_addVault', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The name of the new vault.'}, {'name': 'vtype', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The type of this vault.'}, {'name': 'scope', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'Scope for this vault. One of "user", "role", "global", or $lib.null for unscoped vaults.'}, {'name': 'owner', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'User/role iden for this vault if scope is "user" or "role". None for "global" scope vaults.'}, {'name': 'secrets', 'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The initial secret data to store in this vault.'}, {'name': 'configs', 'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The initial config data to store in this vault.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'str', 'desc': 'Iden of the newly created vault.'}}}, {'name': 'byname', 'desc': 'Get a vault by name.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_getByName', 'args': ( {'name': 'name', 'type': 'str', 'desc': ''' The name of the vault to retrieve. If user only has PERM_READ, the secrets data will not be returned. If the user has PERM_EDIT or higher, secrets data will be included in the vault. '''}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The requested vault.'}}}, {'name': 'get', 'desc': 'Get a vault by iden.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_getByIden', 'args': ( {'name': 'iden', 'type': 'str', 'desc': ''' The iden of the vault to retrieve. If user only has PERM_READ, the secrets data will not be returned. If the user has PERM_EDIT or higher, secrets data will be included in the vault. '''}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The requested vault.'}}}, {'name': 'bytype', 'desc': 'Get a vault for a specified vault type.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_getByType', 'args': ( {'name': 'vtype', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The vault type to retrieved.'}, {'name': 'scope', 'type': 'str', 'default': None, 'desc': 'The scope for the specified type. If $lib.null, then getByType will search.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'vault', 'desc': 'Vault or $lib.null if the vault could not be retrieved.'}}}, {'name': 'list', 'desc': 'List vaults accessible to the current user.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_listVaults', 'args': (), 'returns': {'type': 'list', 'desc': 'Yields vaults.'}}}, {'name': 'print', 'desc': 'Print the details of the specified vault.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_storm_query', 'args': ( {'name': 'vault', 'type': 'dict', 'desc': 'The vault to print.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'null'}}}, ) _storm_lib_path = ('vault',) _storm_query = ''' function print(vault, showsecrets=$lib.false) { $lvlnames = ({}) for ($name, $level) in $lib.auth.easyperm.level { $level = $lib.cast(str, $level) $lvlnames.$level = $name } $lib.print(`Vault: {$vault.iden}`) $lib.print(` Name: {$}`) $lib.print(` Type: {$vault.type}`) $lib.print(` Scope: {$vault.scope}`) $lib.print(' Permissions:') if $vault.permissions.users { $lib.print(' Users:') for ($iden, $level) in $vault.permissions.users { $user = $lib.auth.users.get($iden) $level = $lib.cast(str, $level) $lib.print(` {$}: {$lvlnames.$level}`) } } else { $lib.print(' Users: None') } if $vault.permissions.roles { $lib.print(' Roles:') for ($iden, $level) in $vault.permissions.roles { $user = $lib.auth.roles.get($iden) $level = $lib.cast(str, $level) $lib.print(` {$}: {$lvlnames.$level}`) } } else { $lib.print(' Roles: None') } if $vault.configs { $lib.print(' Configs:') for ($key, $valu) in $vault.configs { $lib.print(` {$key}: {$valu}`) } } else { $lib.print(' Configs: None') } if $showsecrets { if ($vault.secrets = $lib.null) { $lib.print(' Secrets: Cannot display secrets - no edit permission to vault.') } elif ($lib.len($vault.secrets) != (0)) { $lib.print(' Secrets:') for ($key, $valu) in $vault.secrets { $lib.print(` {$key}: {$valu}`) } } else { $lib.print(' Secrets: None') } } } '''
[docs] def getObjLocals(self): return { 'add': self._addVault, 'get': self._getByIden, 'byname': self._getByName, 'bytype': self._getByType, 'list': self._listVaults, }
async def _addVault(self, name, vtype, scope, owner, secrets, configs): name = await s_stormtypes.tostr(name) vtype = await s_stormtypes.tostr(vtype) scope = await s_stormtypes.tostr(scope, noneok=True) owner = await s_stormtypes.tostr(owner, noneok=True) secrets = await s_stormtypes.toprim(secrets) configs = await s_stormtypes.toprim(configs) if not self.runt.isAdmin(): user = self.runt.user if scope in ('global', 'role'): mesg = f'User {} cannot create {scope} vaults.' raise s_exc.AuthDeny(mesg=mesg, if scope == 'user' and user.iden != owner: mesg = f'User {} cannot create vaults for user {owner}.' raise s_exc.AuthDeny(mesg=mesg) vault = { 'name': name, 'type': vtype, 'scope': scope, 'owner': owner, 'secrets': secrets, 'configs': configs, } return await self.runt.snap.core.addVault(vault) async def _getByName(self, name): name = await s_stormtypes.tostr(name) vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVaultByName(name) mesg = f'User requires read permission on vault: {name}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_READ, mesg=mesg) return Vault(self.runt, vault.get('iden')) async def _getByIden(self, iden): iden = await s_stormtypes.tostr(iden) vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(iden) mesg = f'User requires read permission on vault: {iden}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_READ, mesg=mesg) return Vault(self.runt, iden) async def _getByType(self, vtype, scope=None): vtype = await s_stormtypes.tostr(vtype) scope = await s_stormtypes.tostr(scope, noneok=True) vault = self.runt.snap.core.getVaultByType(vtype, self.runt.user.iden, scope) if not vault: return None iden = vault.get('iden') mesg = f'User requires read permission on vault: {iden}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_READ, mesg=mesg) return Vault(self.runt, vault.get('iden')) async def _listVaults(self): for vault in self.runt.snap.core.listVaults(): if not self.runt.allowedEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_READ): continue yield Vault(self.runt, vault.get('iden'))
[docs] @s_stormtypes.registry.registerType class VaultConfigs(s_stormtypes.Prim): ''' Implements the Storm API for Vault data. This is used for both vault configs and vault secrets. ''' _storm_typename = 'vault:data' _ismutable = False _vault_field_name = 'configs' _vault_perm = s_cell.PERM_READ def __init__(self, runt, valu, path=None): s_stormtypes.Prim.__init__(self, valu, path=path) self.runt = runt vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(valu) mesg = f'User requires {s_cell.permnames.get(self._vault_perm)} permission on vault: {valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, self._vault_perm, mesg=mesg)
[docs] @s_stormtypes.stormfunc(readonly=False) async def setitem(self, name, valu): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires edit permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_EDIT, mesg=mesg) name = await s_stormtypes.tostr(name) if valu is s_stormtypes.undef: valu = s_common.novalu else: valu = await s_stormtypes.toprim(valu) return await self.runt.snap.core.setVaultConfigs(self.valu, name, valu)
[docs] async def deref(self, name): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires {s_cell.permnames.get(self._vault_perm)} permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, self._vault_perm, mesg=mesg) name = await s_stormtypes.tostr(name) data = vault.get(self._vault_field_name) return data.get(name, None)
[docs] async def iter(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires {s_cell.permnames.get(self._vault_perm)} permission on vault: {self.valu}.' self.runt.confirmEasyPerm(vault, self._vault_perm, mesg=mesg) data = vault.get(self._vault_field_name) for item in data.items(): yield item
def __len__(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) data = vault.get(self._vault_field_name) return len(data)
[docs] async def stormrepr(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires {s_cell.permnames.get(self._vault_perm)} permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, self._vault_perm, mesg=mesg) data = vault.get(self._vault_field_name) return repr(data)
[docs] def value(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires {s_cell.permnames.get(self._vault_perm)} permission on vault: {self.valu}.' self.runt.confirmEasyPerm(vault, self._vault_perm, mesg=mesg) return vault.get(self._vault_field_name)
[docs] class VaultSecrets(VaultConfigs): _vault_field_name = 'secrets' _vault_perm = s_cell.PERM_EDIT
[docs] @s_stormtypes.stormfunc(readonly=False) async def setitem(self, name, valu): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires edit permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_EDIT, mesg=mesg) name = await s_stormtypes.tostr(name) if valu is s_stormtypes.undef: valu = s_common.novalu else: valu = await s_stormtypes.toprim(valu) return await self.runt.snap.core.setVaultSecrets(self.valu, name, valu)
[docs] @s_stormtypes.registry.registerType class Vault(s_stormtypes.Prim): ''' Implements the Storm API for a Vault. Callers (instantiation) of this class must have already checked that the user has at least PERM_READ to the vault. ''' _storm_locals = ( {'name': 'iden', 'desc': 'The Vault iden.', 'type': 'str', }, {'name': 'type', 'desc': 'The Vault type.', 'type': 'str', }, {'name': 'scope', 'desc': 'The Vault scope.', 'type': 'str', }, {'name': 'owner', 'desc': 'The Vault owner (user or role iden).', 'type': 'str', }, {'name': 'permissions', 'desc': 'The Vault permissions.', 'type': { 'type': ['gtor'], '_gtorfunc': '_gtorPermissions', 'returns': {'type': 'dict'}}}, {'name': 'configs', 'desc': 'The Vault configs data.', 'type': { 'type': ['gtor', 'stor'], '_gtorfunc': '_gtorConfigs', '_storfunc': '_storConfigs', 'returns': {'type': 'vault:data'}}}, {'name': 'secrets', 'desc': 'The Vault secrets data.', 'type': { 'type': ['gtor', 'stor'], '_gtorfunc': '_gtorSecrets', '_storfunc': '_storSecrets', 'returns': {'type': 'vault:data'}}}, {'name': 'name', 'desc': 'The Vault name.', 'type': { 'type': ['gtor', 'stor'], '_storfunc': '_storName', '_gtorfunc': '_gtorName', 'returns': {'type': 'str'}}}, {'name': 'setPerm', 'desc': 'Set easy permissions on the Vault.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_methSetPerm', 'args': ( {'name': 'iden', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The user or role to modify.'}, {'name': 'level', 'type': 'str', 'desc': 'The easyperm level for the iden. $lib.null to remove an existing permission.'}, ), 'returns': {'type': 'boolean', 'desc': '$lib.true if the permission was set, $lib.false otherwise.', }}}, {'name': 'delete', 'desc': 'Delete the Vault.', 'type': {'type': 'function', '_funcname': '_methDelete', 'args': (), 'returns': {'type': 'boolean', 'desc': '$lib.true if the vault was deleted, $lib.false otherwise.', }}}, ) _storm_typename = 'vault' _ismutable = False def __init__(self, runt, valu, path=None): s_stormtypes.Prim.__init__(self, valu, path=path) self.runt = runt vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) self.locls.update(self.getObjLocals()) self.locls['iden'] = self.valu self.locls['type'] = vault.get('type') self.locls['scope'] = vault.get('scope') self.locls['owner'] = vault.get('owner') self.stors.update({ 'name': self._storName, 'configs': self._storConfigs, 'secrets': self._storSecrets, }) self.gtors.update({ 'name': self._gtorName, 'configs': self._gtorConfigs, 'secrets': self._gtorSecrets, 'permissions': self._gtorPermissions, })
[docs] def getObjLocals(self): return { 'setPerm': self._methSetPerm, 'delete': self._methDelete, }
def __hash__(self): # pragma: no cover return hash((self._storm_typename, self.valu)) async def _storName(self, name): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires edit permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_EDIT, mesg=mesg) name = await s_stormtypes.tostr(name) await self.runt.snap.core.renameVault(self.valu, name) async def _gtorName(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) return vault.get('name') async def _gtorConfigs(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) return VaultConfigs(self.runt, self.valu) async def _storConfigs(self, configs): configs = await s_stormtypes.toprim(configs) vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires edit permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_EDIT, mesg=mesg) return await self.runt.snap.core.replaceVaultConfigs(self.valu, configs) async def _gtorSecrets(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) if not s_stormtypes.allowedEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_EDIT): return None return VaultSecrets(self.runt, self.valu) async def _storSecrets(self, secrets): secrets = await s_stormtypes.toprim(secrets) vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires edit permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_EDIT, mesg=mesg) return await self.runt.snap.core.replaceVaultSecrets(self.valu, secrets) async def _gtorPermissions(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) return vault.get('permissions') async def _methSetPerm(self, iden, level): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires admin permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_ADMIN, mesg=mesg) iden = await s_stormtypes.tostr(iden) level = await s_stormtypes.toint(level, noneok=True) return await self.runt.snap.core.setVaultPerm(self.valu, iden, level) async def _methDelete(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) mesg = f'User requires admin permission on vault: {self.valu}.' s_stormtypes.confirmEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_ADMIN, mesg=mesg) return await self.runt.snap.core.delVault(self.valu)
[docs] async def stormrepr(self): return f'vault: {self.valu}'
[docs] def value(self): vault = self.runt.snap.core.reqVault(self.valu) if not self.runt.allowedEasyPerm(vault, s_cell.PERM_EDIT): vault.pop('secrets') return vault