Source code for synapse.lookup.macho

# Mach-O Load Command Types
loadcmd_types = (
    (1, 'segment'),
    (2, 'symbol table'),
    (3, 'gdb symbol table'),
    (4, 'thread'),
    (5, 'unix thread'),
    (6, 'fixed VM shared library'),
    (7, 'fixed VM shared library identification'),
    (8, 'object identification'),
    (9, 'fixed VM file inclusion'),
    (10, 'prepage'),
    (11, 'dynamic link-edit symbol table'),
    (12, 'load dynamically linked shared library'),
    (13, 'dynamically linked shared library identifier'),
    (14, 'load dynamic linker'),
    (15, 'dynamic linker identification'),
    (16, 'prebound dynamically linked shared library'),
    (17, 'image routines'),
    (18, 'sub framework'),
    (19, 'sub umbrella'),
    (20, 'sub client'),
    (21, 'sub library'),
    (22, 'two level namespace lookup hints'),
    (23, 'prebind checksum'),
    (24, 'weak import dynamically linked shared library'),
    (25, '64bit segment'),
    (26, '64bit image routines'),
    (27, 'uuid'),
    (28, 'runpath additions'),
    (29, 'code signature'),
    (30, 'split segment info'),
    (31, 'load and re-export dynamic library'),
    (32, 'delay load of dynamic library'),
    (33, 'encrypted segment information'),
    (34, 'compressed dynamic library information'),
    (35, 'load upward dylib'),
    (36, 'minimum osx version'),
    (37, 'minimum ios version'),
    (38, 'compressed table of function start addresses'),
    (39, 'environment variable string for dynamic library'),
    (40, 'unix thread replacement'),
    (41, 'table of non-instructions in __text'),
    (42, 'source version used to build binary'),
    (43, 'Code signing DRs copied from linked dynamic libraries'),

[docs]def getLoadCmdTypes(): return loadcmd_types
# Mach-0 section types section_types = ( (0, 'regular'), (1, 'zero fill on demand'), (2, 'only literal C strings'), (3, 'only 4 byte literals'), (4, 'only 8 byte literals'), (5, 'only pointers to literals'), (6, 'only non-lazy symbol pointers'), (7, 'only lazy symbol pointers'), (8, 'only symbol stubs'), (9, 'only function pointers for init'), (10, 'only function pointers for fini'), (11, 'contains symbols to be coalesced'), (12, 'zero fill on deman (greater than 4gb)'), (13, 'only pairs of function pointers for interposing'), (14, 'only 16 byte literals'), (15, 'dtrace object format'), (16, 'only lazy symbols pointers to lazy dynamic libraries'), )
[docs]def getSectionTypes(): return section_types