Source code for synapse.models.crypto

import logging

import synapse.lib.module as s_module

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ex_md5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
ex_sha1 = 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709'
ex_sha256 = 'ad9f4fe922b61e674a09530831759843b1880381de686a43460a76864ca0340c'
ex_sha384 = 'd425f1394e418ce01ed1579069a8bfaa1da8f32cf823982113ccbef531fa36bda9987f389c5af05b5e28035242efab6c'
ex_sha512 = 'ca74fe2ff2d03b29339ad7d08ba21d192077fece1715291c7b43c20c9136cd132788239189f3441a87eb23ce2660aa243f334295902c904b5520f6e80ab91f11'

x509vers = (
    (0, 'v1'),
    (2, 'v3'),

[docs] class CryptoModule(s_module.CoreModule):
[docs] def getModelDefs(self): modl = { 'types': ( ('crypto:currency:transaction', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'An individual crypto currency transaction recorded on the blockchain.', }), ('crypto:currency:block', ('comp', {'fields': ( ('coin', 'crypto:currency:coin'), ('offset', 'int'), ), 'sepr': '/'}), { 'doc': 'An individual crypto currency block record on the blockchain.', }), ('crypto:smart:contract', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract.', }), ('crypto:smart:effect:transfertoken', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which transfers ownership of a non-fungible token.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), ('crypto:smart:effect:transfertokens', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which transfers fungible tokens.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), ('crypto:smart:effect:edittokensupply', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which increases or decreases the supply of a fungible token.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), ('crypto:smart:effect:minttoken', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which creates a new non-fungible token.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), ('crypto:smart:effect:burntoken', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which destroys a non-fungible token.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), ('crypto:smart:effect:proxytoken', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which grants a non-owner address the ability to manipulate a specific non-fungible token.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), ('crypto:smart:effect:proxytokenall', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which grants a non-owner address the ability to manipulate all non-fungible tokens of the owner.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), ('crypto:smart:effect:proxytokens', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A smart contract effect which grants a non-owner address the ability to manipulate fungible tokens.', 'interfaces': ('crypto:smart:effect',), }), # TODO crypto:smart:effect:call - call another smart contract # TODO crypto:smart:effect:giveproxy - grant your proxy for a token based vote ('crypto:payment:input', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A payment made into a transaction.', }), ('crypto:payment:output', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A payment received from a transaction.', }), ('crypto:smart:token', ('comp', {'fields': (('contract', 'crypto:smart:contract'), ('tokenid', 'hugenum'))}), { 'doc': 'A token managed by a smart contract.', }), ('crypto:currency:coin', ('str', {'lower': True}), { 'doc': 'An individual crypto currency type.', 'ex': 'btc', }), ('crypto:currency:address', ('comp', {'fields': (('coin', 'crypto:currency:coin'), ('iden', 'str')), 'sepr': '/'}), { 'interfaces': ('econ:pay:instrument',), 'template': { 'instrument': 'crypto currency address'}, 'doc': 'An individual crypto currency address.', 'ex': 'btc/1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2', }), ('crypto:currency:client', ('comp', {'fields': ( ('inetaddr', 'inet:client'), ('coinaddr', 'crypto:currency:address') )}), { 'doc': 'A fused node representing a crypto currency address used by an Internet client.', 'ex': '(, (btc, 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2))', }), ('hash:md5', ('hex', {'size': 32}), { 'doc': 'A hex encoded MD5 hash.', 'ex': ex_md5 }), ('hash:sha1', ('hex', {'size': 40}), { 'doc': 'A hex encoded SHA1 hash.', 'ex': ex_sha1 }), ('hash:sha256', ('hex', {'size': 64}), { 'doc': 'A hex encoded SHA256 hash.', 'ex': ex_sha256 }), ('hash:sha384', ('hex', {'size': 96}), { 'doc': 'A hex encoded SHA384 hash.', 'ex': ex_sha384 }), ('hash:sha512', ('hex', {'size': 128}), { 'doc': 'A hex encoded SHA512 hash.', 'ex': ex_sha512 }), ('hash:lm', ('hex', {'size': 32}), { 'doc': 'A hex encoded Microsoft Windows LM password hash.', 'ex': ex_md5 }), ('hash:ntlm', ('hex', {'size': 32}), { 'doc': 'A hex encoded Microsoft Windows NTLM password hash.', 'ex': ex_md5 }), ('rsa:key', ('comp', {'fields': (('mod', 'hex'), ('pub:exp', 'int')), }), { 'doc': 'An RSA keypair modulus and public exponent.' }), ('crypto:key', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A cryptographic key and algorithm.', }), ('crypto:algorithm', ('str', {'lower': True, 'onespace': True}), { 'ex': 'aes256', 'doc': 'A cryptographic algorithm name.' }), ('crypto:x509:cert', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A unique X.509 certificate.', }), ('crypto:x509:san', ('comp', {'fields': (('type', 'str'), ('value', 'str'))}), { 'doc': 'An X.509 Subject Alternative Name (SAN).', }), ('crypto:x509:crl', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A unique X.509 Certificate Revocation List.', }), ('crypto:x509:revoked', ('comp', {'fields': (('crl', 'crypto:x509:crl'), ('cert', 'crypto:x509:cert'))}), { 'doc': 'A revocation relationship between a CRL and an X.509 certificate.', }), ('crypto:x509:signedfile', ('comp', {'fields': (('cert', 'crypto:x509:cert'), ('file', 'file:bytes'))}), { 'doc': 'A digital signature relationship between an X.509 certificate and a file.', }), ), 'interfaces': ( ('crypto:smart:effect', { 'doc': 'Properties common to the effects of a crypto smart contract transaction.', 'props': ( ('index', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'The order of the effect within the effects of one transaction.'}), ('transaction', ('crypto:currency:transaction', {}), { 'doc': 'The transaction where the smart contract was called.'}), ), }), ), 'forms': ( ('crypto:payment:input', {}, ( ('transaction', ('crypto:currency:transaction', {}), { 'doc': 'The transaction the payment was input to.'}), ('address', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address which paid into the transaction.'}), ('value', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The value of the currency paid into the transaction.'}), )), ('crypto:payment:output', {}, ( ('transaction', ('crypto:currency:transaction', {}), { 'doc': 'The transaction the payment was output from.'}), ('address', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address which received payment from the transaction.'}), ('value', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The value of the currency received from the transaction.'}), )), ('crypto:currency:transaction', {}, ( ('hash', ('hex', {}), { 'doc': 'The unique transaction hash for the transaction.'}), ('desc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'An analyst specified description of the transaction.'}), ('block', ('crypto:currency:block', {}), { 'doc': 'The block which records the transaction.'}), ('block:coin', ('crypto:currency:coin', {}), { 'doc': 'The coin/blockchain of the block which records this transaction.'}), ('block:offset', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'The offset of the block which records this transaction.'}), ('success', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'Set to true if the transaction was successfully executed and recorded.'}), ('status:code', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'A coin specific status code which may represent an error reason.'}), ('status:message', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A coin specific status message which may contain an error reason.'}), ('to', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The destination address of the transaction.'}), ('from', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The source address of the transaction.'}), ('inputs', ('array', {'type': 'crypto:payment:input', 'sorted': True, 'uniq': True}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Please use crypto:payment:input:transaction.'}), ('outputs', ('array', {'type': 'crypto:payment:output', 'sorted': True, 'uniq': True}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Please use crypto:payment:output:transaction.'}), ('fee', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The total fee paid to execute the transaction.'}), ('value', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The total value of the transaction.'}), ('time', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The time this transaction was initiated.'}), ('eth:gasused', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'The amount of gas used to execute this transaction.'}), ('eth:gaslimit', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'The ETH gas limit specified for this transaction.'}), ('eth:gasprice', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The gas price (in ETH) specified for this transaction.'}), ('contract:input', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'Input value to a smart contract call.'}), ('contract:output', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'Output value of a smart contract call.'}), # TODO break out args/retvals and maybe make humon repr? )), ('crypto:currency:block', {}, ( ('coin', ('crypto:currency:coin', {}), { 'doc': 'The coin/blockchain this block resides on.', 'ro': True, }), ('offset', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'The index of this block.', 'ro': True, }), ('hash', ('hex', {}), { 'doc': 'The unique hash for the block.'}), ('minedby', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address which mined the block.'}), ('time', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'Time timestamp embedded in the block by the miner.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:contract', {}, ( ('transaction', ('crypto:currency:transaction', {}), { 'doc': 'The transaction which created the contract.'}), ('address', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address of the contract.'}), ('bytecode', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The bytecode which implements the contract.'}), ('token:name', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The ERC-20 token name.'}), ('token:symbol', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The ERC-20 token symbol.'}), ('token:totalsupply', ('hugenum', {}), { 'doc': 'The ERC-20 totalSupply value.'}), # TODO methods, ABI conventions, source/disassembly )), ('crypto:smart:token', {}, ( ('contract', ('crypto:smart:contract', {}), { 'doc': 'The smart contract which defines and manages the token.', 'ro': True, }), ('tokenid', ('hugenum', {}), { 'doc': 'The token ID.', 'ro': True, }), ('owner', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address which currently owns the token.'}), ('nft:url', ('inet:url', {}), { 'doc': 'The URL which hosts the NFT metadata.'}), ('nft:meta', ('data', {}), { 'doc': 'The raw NFT metadata.'}), ('nft:meta:name', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The name field from the NFT metadata.'}), ('nft:meta:description', ('str', {}), { 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, 'doc': 'The description field from the NFT metadata.'}), ('nft:meta:image', ('inet:url', {}), { 'doc': 'The image URL from the NFT metadata.'}), )), ('crypto:currency:coin', {}, ( ('name', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The full name of the crypto coin.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:transfertoken', {}, ( ('token', ('crypto:smart:token', {}), { 'doc': 'The non-fungible token that was transferred.'}), ('from', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address the NFT was transferred from.'}), ('to', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address the NFT was transferred to.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:transfertokens', {}, ( ('contract', ('crypto:smart:contract', {}), { 'doc': 'The contract which defines the tokens.'}), ('from', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address the tokens were transferred from.'}), ('to', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address the tokens were transferred to.'}), ('amount', ('hugenum', {}), { 'doc': 'The number of tokens transferred.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:edittokensupply', {}, ( ('contract', ('crypto:smart:contract', {}), { 'doc': 'The contract which defines the tokens.'}), ('amount', ('hugenum', {}), { 'doc': 'The number of tokens added or removed if negative.'}), ('totalsupply', ('hugenum', {}), { 'doc': 'The total supply of tokens after this modification.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:minttoken', {}, ( ('token', ('crypto:smart:token', {}), { 'doc': 'The non-fungible token that was created.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:burntoken', {}, ( ('token', ('crypto:smart:token', {}), { 'doc': 'The non-fungible token that was destroyed.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:proxytoken', {}, ( ('owner', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address granting proxy authority to manipulate non-fungible tokens.'}), ('proxy', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address granted proxy authority to manipulate non-fungible tokens.'}), ('token', ('crypto:smart:token', {}), { 'doc': 'The specific token being granted access to.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:proxytokenall', {}, ( ('contract', ('crypto:smart:contract', {}), { 'doc': 'The contract which defines the tokens.'}), ('owner', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address granting/denying proxy authority to manipulate all non-fungible tokens of the owner.'}), ('proxy', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address granted/denied proxy authority to manipulate all non-fungible tokens of the owner.'}), ('approval', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'The approval status.'}), )), ('crypto:smart:effect:proxytokens', {}, ( ('contract', ('crypto:smart:contract', {}), { 'doc': 'The contract which defines the tokens.'}), ('owner', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address granting proxy authority to manipulate fungible tokens.'}), ('proxy', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The address granted proxy authority to manipulate fungible tokens.'}), ('amount', ('hex', {}), { 'doc': 'The hex encoded amount of tokens the proxy is allowed to manipulate.'}), )), ('crypto:currency:address', {}, ( ('coin', ('crypto:currency:coin', {}), { 'doc': 'The crypto coin to which the address belongs.', 'ro': True, }), ('seed', ('crypto:key', {}), { 'doc': 'The cryptographic key and or password used to generate the address.'}), ('iden', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The coin specific address identifier.', 'ro': True, }), ('desc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A free-form description of the address.'}), )), ('crypto:algorithm', {}, ()), ('crypto:key', {}, ( ('algorithm', ('crypto:algorithm', {}), { 'ex': 'aes256', 'doc': 'The cryptographic algorithm which uses the key material.'}), ('mode', ('str', {'lower': True, 'onespace': True}), { 'doc': 'The algorithm specific mode in use.'}), ('iv', ('hex', {}), { 'doc': 'The hex encoded initialization vector.'}), ('iv:text', ('it:dev:str', {}), { 'doc': 'Set only if the :iv property decodes to ASCII.'}), ('public', ('hex', {}), { 'doc': 'The hex encoded public key material if the algorithm has a public/private key pair.'}), ('public:text', ('it:dev:str', {}), { 'doc': 'Set only if the :public property decodes to ASCII.'}), ('public:md5', ('hash:md5', {}), { 'doc': 'The MD5 hash of the public key in raw binary form.'}), ('public:sha1', ('hash:sha1', {}), { 'doc': 'The SHA1 hash of the public key in raw binary form.'}), ('public:sha256', ('hash:sha256', {}), { 'doc': 'The SHA256 hash of the public key in raw binary form.'}), ('private', ('hex', {}), { 'doc': 'The hex encoded private key material. All symmetric keys are private.'}), ('private:text', ('it:dev:str', {}), { 'doc': 'Set only if the :private property decodes to ASCII.'}), ('private:md5', ('hash:md5', {}), { 'doc': 'The MD5 hash of the private key in raw binary form.'}), ('private:sha1', ('hash:sha1', {}), { 'doc': 'The SHA1 hash of the private key in raw binary form.'}), ('private:sha256', ('hash:sha256', {}), { 'doc': 'The SHA256 hash of the private key in raw binary form.'}), ('seed:passwd', ('inet:passwd', {}), { 'doc': 'The seed password used to generate the key material.'}), ('seed:algorithm', ('crypto:algorithm', {}), { 'ex': 'pbkdf2', 'doc': 'The algorithm used to generate the key from the seed password.'}) )), ('crypto:currency:client', {}, ( ('inetaddr', ('inet:client', {}), { 'doc': 'The Internet client address observed using the crypto currency address.', 'ro': True, }), ('coinaddr', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The crypto currency address observed in use by the Internet client.', 'ro': True, }), )), ('hash:md5', {}, ()), ('hash:sha1', {}, ()), ('hash:sha256', {}, ()), ('hash:sha384', {}, ()), ('hash:sha512', {}, ()), # TODO deprecate rsa:key and add fields to crypto:key ('rsa:key', {}, ( ('mod', ('hex', {}), {'ro': True, 'doc': 'The RSA key modulus.'}), ('pub:exp', ('int', {}), {'ro': True, 'doc': 'The public exponent of the key.'}), ('bits', ('int', {}), {'doc': 'The length of the modulus in bits.'}), ('priv:exp', ('hex', {}), {'doc': 'The private exponent of the key.'}), ('priv:p', ('hex', {}), {'doc': 'One of the two private primes.'}), ('priv:q', ('hex', {}), {'doc': 'One of the two private primes.'}), )), ('crypto:x509:signedfile', {}, ( ('cert', ('crypto:x509:cert', {}), { 'doc': 'The certificate for the key which signed the file.', 'ro': True, }), ('file', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The file which was signed by the certificates key.', 'ro': True, }), )), ('crypto:x509:crl', {}, ( ('file', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The file containing the CRL.'}), ('url', ('inet:url', {}), { 'doc': 'The URL where the CRL was published.'}), )), ('crypto:x509:revoked', {}, ( ('crl', ('crypto:x509:crl', {}), { 'doc': 'The CRL which revoked the certificate.', 'ro': True, }), ('cert', ('crypto:x509:cert', {}), { 'doc': 'The certificate revoked by the CRL.', 'ro': True, }), )), ('crypto:x509:cert', {}, ( ('file', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The file that the certificate metadata was parsed from.', }), ('subject', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The subject identifier, commonly in X.500/LDAP format, to which the certificate was issued.', }), ('issuer', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The Distinguished Name (DN) of the Certificate Authority (CA) which issued the certificate.', }), ('issuer:cert', ('crypto:x509:cert', {}), { 'doc': 'The certificate used by the issuer to sign this certificate.', }), ('serial', ('hex', {'zeropad': 40}), { 'doc': 'The certificate serial number as a big endian hex value.', }), ('version', ('int', {'enums': x509vers}), { 'doc': 'The version integer in the certificate. (ex. 2 == v3 ).', }), ('validity:notbefore', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The timestamp for the beginning of the certificate validity period.', }), ('validity:notafter', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The timestamp for the end of the certificate validity period.', }), ('md5', ('hash:md5', {}), { 'doc': 'The MD5 fingerprint for the certificate.', }), ('sha1', ('hash:sha1', {}), { 'doc': 'The SHA1 fingerprint for the certificate.', }), ('sha256', ('hash:sha256', {}), { 'doc': 'The SHA256 fingerprint for the certificate.', }), ('rsa:key', ('rsa:key', {}), { 'doc': 'The optional RSA public key associated with the certificate.', }), ('algo', ('iso:oid', {}), { 'doc': 'The X.509 signature algorithm OID.', }), ('signature', ('hex', {}), { 'doc': 'The hexadecimal representation of the digital signature.', }), ('ext:sans', ('array', {'type': 'crypto:x509:san', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The Subject Alternate Names (SANs) listed in the certificate.', }), ('ext:crls', ('array', {'type': 'crypto:x509:san', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'A list of Subject Alternate Names (SANs) for Distribution Points.', }), ('identities:fqdns', ('array', {'type': 'inet:fqdn', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The fused list of FQDNs identified by the cert CN and SANs.', }), ('identities:emails', ('array', {'type': 'inet:email', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The fused list of e-mail addresses identified by the cert CN and SANs.', }), ('identities:ipv4s', ('array', {'type': 'inet:ipv4', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The fused list of IPv4 addresses identified by the cert CN and SANs.', }), ('identities:ipv6s', ('array', {'type': 'inet:ipv6', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The fused list of IPv6 addresses identified by the cert CN and SANs.', }), ('identities:urls', ('array', {'type': 'inet:url', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The fused list of URLs identified by the cert CN and SANs.', }), ('crl:urls', ('array', {'type': 'inet:url', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The extracted URL values from the CRLs extension.', }), ('selfsigned', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'Whether this is a self-signed certificate.', }), )), ) } name = 'crypto' return ((name, modl),)