Source code for synapse.models.person

import synapse.lib.module as s_module

[docs] class PsModule(s_module.CoreModule):
[docs] def getModelDefs(self): modl = { 'types': ( ('edu:course', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A course of study taught by an org.', }), ('edu:class', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'An instance of an edu:course taught at a given time.', }), ('ps:education', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A period of education for an individual.', }), ('ps:achievement', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'An instance of an individual receiving an award.', }), ('ps:tokn', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'A single name element (potentially given or sur).', 'ex': 'robert' }), ('ps:name', ('str', {'lower': True, 'onespace': True}), { 'doc': 'An arbitrary, lower spaced string with normalized whitespace.', 'ex': 'robert grey'}), ('ps:person', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A GUID for a person.'}), ('ps:persona', ('guid', {}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Please use ps:contact.'}), ('ps:person:has', ('comp', {'fields': (('person', 'ps:person'), ('node', 'ndef'))}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Please use ps:person -(has)>.'}), ('ps:persona:has', ('comp', {'fields': (('persona', 'ps:persona'), ('node', 'ndef'))}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Please use ps:contact -(has)>.'}), ('ps:contact', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A GUID for a contact info record.', 'display': { 'columns': ( {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'name'}}, {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'type'}}, {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'orgname'}}, {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'email'}}, ), }}), ('ps:contact:type:taxonomy', ('taxonomy', {}), { 'interfaces': ('meta:taxonomy',), 'doc': 'A taxonomy of contact types.', }), ('ps:contactlist', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A GUID for a list of associated contacts.', }), ('ps:workhist', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': "An entry in a contact's work history."}), ('ps:vitals', ('guid', {}), { 'interfaces': ('phys:object',), 'template': {'phys:object': 'person'}, 'doc': 'Statistics and demographic data about a person or contact.'}), ('ps:skill', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A specific skill which a person or organization may have.', 'display': { 'columns': ( {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'name'}}, {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'type'}}, ), }}), ('ps:skill:type:taxonomy', ('taxonomy', {}), { 'interfaces': ('meta:taxonomy',), 'doc': 'A taxonomy of skill types.'}), ('ps:proficiency', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'The assessment that a given contact possesses a specific skill.', 'display': { 'columns': ( {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'contact::name'}}, {'type': 'prop', 'opts': {'name': 'skill::name'}}, ), }}), ), 'edges': ( (('ps:contact', 'has', None), { 'doc': 'The contact is or was in possession of the target node.'}), (('ps:person', 'has', None), { 'doc': 'The person is or was in possession of the target node.'}), (('ps:contact', 'owns', None), { 'doc': 'The contact owns or owned the target node.'}), (('ps:person', 'owns', None), { 'doc': 'The person owns or owned the target node.'}), ), 'forms': ( ('ps:workhist', {}, ( ('contact', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The contact which has the work history.', }), ('org', ('ou:org', {}), { 'doc': 'The org that this work history orgname refers to.', }), ('orgname', ('ou:name', {}), { 'doc': 'The reported name of the org the contact worked for.', }), ('orgfqdn', ('inet:fqdn', {}), { 'doc': 'The reported fqdn of the org the contact worked for.', }), ('jobtype', ('ou:jobtype', {}), { 'doc': 'The type of job.', }), ('employment', ('ou:employment', {}), { 'doc': 'The type of employment.', }), ('jobtitle', ('ou:jobtitle', {}), { 'doc': 'The job title.', }), ('started', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date that the contact began working.', }), ('ended', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date that the contact stopped working.', }), ('duration', ('duration', {}), { 'doc': 'The duration of the period of work.', }), ('pay', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The estimated/average yearly pay for the work.', }), ('currency', ('econ:currency', {}), { 'doc': 'The currency that the yearly pay was delivered in.', }), )), ('edu:course', {}, ( ('name', ('str', {'lower': True, 'onespace': True}), { 'ex': 'organic chemistry for beginners', 'doc': 'The name of the course.', }), ('desc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A brief course description.', }), ('code', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'ex': 'chem101', 'doc': 'The course catalog number or designator.', }), ('institution', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The org or department which teaches the course.', }), ('prereqs', ('array', {'type': 'edu:course', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The pre-requisite courses for taking this course.', }), )), ('edu:class', {}, ( ('course', ('edu:course', {}), { 'doc': 'The course being taught in the class.', }), ('instructor', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The primary instructor for the class.', }), ('assistants', ('array', {'type': 'ps:contact', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'An array of assistant/co-instructor contacts.', }), ('date:first', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date of the first day of class.' }), ('date:last', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date of the last day of class.' }), ('isvirtual', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'Set if the class is known to be virtual.', }), ('virtual:url', ('inet:url', {}), { 'doc': 'The URL a student would use to attend the virtual class.', }), ('virtual:provider', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'Contact info for the virtual infrastructure provider.', }), ('place', ('geo:place', {}), { 'doc': 'The place that the class is held.', }), )), ('ps:education', {}, ( ('student', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The contact of the person being educated.', }), ('institution', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The contact info for the org providing educational services.', }), ('attended:first', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The first date the student attended a class.', }), ('attended:last', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The last date the student attended a class.', }), ('classes', ('array', {'type': 'edu:class', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The classes attended by the student.', }), ('achievement', ('ps:achievement', {}), { 'doc': 'The achievement awarded to the individual.', }), )), ('ps:achievement', {}, ( ('awardee', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The recipient of the award.', }), ('award', ('ou:award', {}), { 'doc': 'The award bestowed on the awardee.', }), ('awarded', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date the award was granted to the awardee.', }), ('expires', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date the award or certification expires.', }), ('revoked', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date the award was revoked by the org.', }), )), ('ps:tokn', {}, ()), ('ps:name', {}, ( ('sur', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The surname part of the name.' }), ('middle', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The middle name part of the name.' }), ('given', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The given name part of the name.' }), )), ('ps:person', {}, ( ('dob', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date on which the person was born.', }), ('dod', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date on which the person died.', }), ('img', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated: use ps:person:photo.' }), ('photo', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The primary image of a person.' }), ('nick', ('inet:user', {}), { 'doc': 'A username commonly used by the person.', }), ('vitals', ('ps:vitals', {}), { 'doc': 'The most recent known vitals for the person.', }), ('name', ('ps:name', {}), { 'alts': ('names',), 'doc': 'The localized name for the person.', }), ('name:sur', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The surname of the person.' }), ('name:middle', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The middle name of the person.' }), ('name:given', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The given name of the person.' }), ('names', ('array', {'type': 'ps:name', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'Variations of the name for the person.' }), ('nicks', ('array', {'type': 'inet:user', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'Usernames used by the person.' }), )), ('ps:persona', {}, ( ('person', ('ps:person', {}), { 'doc': 'The real person behind the persona.', }), ('dob', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The Date of Birth (DOB) if known.', }), ('img', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The primary image of a suspected person.' }), ('nick', ('inet:user', {}), { 'doc': 'A username commonly used by the suspected person.', }), ('name', ('ps:name', {}), { 'doc': 'The localized name for the suspected person.', }), ('name:sur', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The surname of the suspected person.' }), ('name:middle', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The middle name of the suspected person.' }), ('name:given', ('ps:tokn', {}), { 'doc': 'The given name of the suspected person.' }), ('names', ('array', {'type': 'ps:name', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'Variations of the name for a persona.' }), ('nicks', ('array', {'type': 'inet:user', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'Usernames used by the persona.' }), )), ('ps:person:has', {}, ( ('person', ('ps:person', {}), { 'ro': True, 'doc': 'The person who owns or controls the object or resource.', }), ('node', ('ndef', {}), { 'ro': True, 'doc': 'The object or resource that is owned or controlled by the person.', }), ('node:form', ('str', {}), { 'ro': True, 'doc': 'The form of the object or resource that is owned or controlled by the person.', }), )), ('ps:persona:has', {}, ( ('persona', ('ps:persona', {}), { 'ro': True, 'doc': 'The persona who owns or controls the object or resource.', }), ('node', ('ndef', {}), { 'ro': True, 'doc': 'The object or resource that is owned or controlled by the persona.', }), ('node:form', ('str', {}), { 'ro': True, 'doc': 'The form of the object or resource that is owned or controlled by the persona.', }), )), ('ps:contact:type:taxonomy', {}, ()), ('ps:contact', {}, ( ('org', ('ou:org', {}), { 'doc': 'The org which this contact represents.', }), ('type', ('ps:contact:type:taxonomy', {}), { 'doc': 'The type of contact which may be used for entity resolution.', }), ('asof', ('time', {}), { 'date': 'The time this contact was created or modified.', }), ('person', ('ps:person', {}), { 'doc': 'The ps:person GUID which owns this contact.', }), ('vitals', ('ps:vitals', {}), { 'doc': 'The most recent known vitals for the contact.', }), ('name', ('ps:name', {}), { 'alts': ('names',), 'doc': 'The person name listed for the contact.'}), ('bio', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A brief bio provided for the contact.'}), ('desc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A description of this contact.'}), ('title', ('ou:jobtitle', {}), { 'alts': ('titles',), 'doc': 'The job/org title listed for this contact.'}), ('titles', ('array', {'type': 'ou:jobtitle', 'sorted': True, 'uniq': True}), { 'doc': 'An array of alternate titles for the contact.'}), ('photo', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The photo listed for this contact.', }), ('orgname', ('ou:name', {}), { 'alts': ('orgnames',), 'doc': 'The listed org/company name for this contact.', }), ('orgfqdn', ('inet:fqdn', {}), { 'doc': 'The listed org/company FQDN for this contact.', }), ('user', ('inet:user', {}), { 'alts': ('users',), 'doc': 'The username or handle for this contact.'}), ('service:accounts', ('array', {'type': 'inet:service:account', 'sorted': True, 'uniq': True}), { 'doc': 'The service accounts associated with this contact.'}), ('web:acct', ('inet:web:acct', {}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Use :service:accounts.', }), ('web:group', ('inet:web:group', {}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Use inet:service:group:profile to link to a group.', }), ('birth:place', ('geo:place', {}), { 'doc': 'A fully resolved place of birth for this contact.', }), ('birth:place:loc', ('loc', {}), { 'doc': 'The loc of the place of birth of this contact.', }), ('birth:place:name', ('geo:name', {}), { 'doc': 'The name of the place of birth of this contact.', }), ('death:place', ('geo:place', {}), { 'doc': 'A fully resolved place of death for this contact.', }), ('death:place:loc', ('loc', {}), { 'doc': 'The loc of the place of death of this contact.', }), ('death:place:name', ('geo:name', {}), { 'doc': 'The name of the place of death of this contact.', }), ('dob', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date of birth for this contact.', }), ('dod', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date of death for this contact.', }), ('url', ('inet:url', {}), { 'doc': 'The home or main site for this contact.', }), ('email', ('inet:email', {}), { 'alts': ('emails',), 'doc': 'The main email address for this contact.', }), ('email:work', ('inet:email', {}), { 'doc': 'The work email address for this contact.' }), ('loc', ('loc', {}), { 'doc': 'Best known contact geopolitical location.' }), ('address', ('geo:address', {}), { 'doc': 'The street address listed for the contact.', 'disp': {'hint': 'text'} }), ('place', ('geo:place', {}), { 'doc': 'The place associated with this contact.', }), ('place:name', ('geo:name', {}), { 'doc': 'The reported name of the place associated with this contact.', }), ('phone', ('tel:phone', {}), { 'doc': 'The main phone number for this contact.', }), ('phone:fax', ('tel:phone', {}), { 'doc': 'The fax number for this contact.', }), ('phone:work', ('tel:phone', {}), { 'doc': 'The work phone number for this contact.', }), ('id:number', ('ou:id:number', {}), { 'alts': ('id:numbers',), 'doc': 'An ID number issued by an org and associated with this contact.', }), ('adid', ('it:adid', {}), { 'doc': 'A Advertising ID associated with this contact.', }), ('imid', ('tel:mob:imid', {}), { 'doc': 'An IMID associated with the contact.', }), ('imid:imei', ('tel:mob:imei', {}), { 'doc': 'An IMEI associated with the contact.', }), ('imid:imsi', ('tel:mob:imsi', {}), { 'doc': 'An IMSI associated with the contact.', }), # A few probable multi-fields for entity resolution ('names', ('array', {'type': 'ps:name', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'An array of associated names/aliases for the person.', }), ('orgnames', ('array', {'type': 'ou:name', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'An array of associated names/aliases for the organization.', }), ('emails', ('array', {'type': 'inet:email', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'An array of secondary/associated email addresses.', }), ('web:accts', ('array', {'type': 'inet:web:acct', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Use :service:accounts.', }), ('id:numbers', ('array', {'type': 'ou:id:number', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'An array of secondary/associated IDs.', }), ('users', ('array', {'type': 'inet:user', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'An array of secondary/associated user names.', }), ('crypto:address', ('crypto:currency:address', {}), { 'doc': 'A crypto currency address associated with the contact.' }), ('lang', ('lang:language', {}), { 'alts': ('langs',), 'doc': 'The language specified for the contact.'}), ('langs', ('array', {'type': 'lang:language'}), { 'doc': 'An array of alternative languages specified for the contact.'}), )), ('ps:vitals', {}, ( ('asof', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The time the vitals were gathered or computed.'}), ('contact', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The contact that the vitals are about.'}), ('person', ('ps:person', {}), { 'doc': 'The person that the vitals are about.'}), ('height', ('geo:dist', {}), { 'doc': 'The height of the person or contact.'}), ('weight', ('mass', {}), { 'doc': 'The weight of the person or contact.'}), ('econ:currency', ('econ:currency', {}), { 'doc': 'The currency that the price values are recorded using.'}), ('econ:net:worth', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The net worth of the contact.'}), ('econ:annual:income', ('econ:price', {}), { 'doc': 'The yearly income of the contact.'}), # TODO: eye color etc. color names / rgb values? )), ('ps:contactlist', {}, ( ('contacts', ('array', {'type': 'ps:contact', 'uniq': True, 'split': ',', 'sorted': True}), { 'doc': 'The array of contacts contained in the list.' }), ('source:host', ('it:host', {}), { 'doc': 'The host from which the contact list was extracted.', }), ('source:file', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The file from which the contact list was extracted.', }), ('source:acct', ('inet:web:acct', {}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'Deprecated. Use :source:account.', }), ('source:account', ('inet:service:account', {}), { 'doc': 'The service account from which the contact list was extracted.', }), )), ('ps:skill:type:taxonomy', {}, ()), ('ps:skill', {}, ( ('name', ('str', {'lower': True, 'onespace': True}), { 'doc': 'The name of the skill.'}), ('type', ('ps:skill:type:taxonomy', {}), { 'doc': 'The type of skill as a taxonomy.'}) )), ('ps:proficiency', {}, ( ('skill', ('ps:skill', {}), { 'doc': 'The skill in which the contact is proficient.'}), ('contact', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'The contact which is proficient in the skill.'}), )), ) } name = 'ps' return ((name, modl), )