Source code for synapse.models.proj

import synapse.lib.module as s_module

prioenums = (
    (0, 'none'),
    (10, 'lowest'),
    (20, 'low'),
    (30, 'medium'),
    (40, 'high'),
    (50, 'highest'),

statusenums = (
    (0, 'new'),
    (10, 'in validation'),
    (20, 'in backlog'),
    (30, 'in sprint'),
    (40, 'in progress'),
    (50, 'in review'),
    (60, 'completed'),
    (70, 'done'),
    (80, 'blocked'),

[docs]class ProjectModule(s_module.CoreModule):
[docs] async def initCoreModule(self): self.model.form('proj:project').onAdd(self._onAddProj) self.model.form('proj:project').onDel(self._onDelProj)
async def _onAddProj(self, node): # ref counts on authgates? gateiden = node.ndef[1] await self.core.auth.addAuthGate(node.ndef[1], 'storm:project') useriden = node.snap.user.iden rule = (True, ('project', 'admin')) await node.snap.user.addRule(rule, gateiden=gateiden) async def _onDelProj(self, node): gateiden = node.ndef[1] await self.core.auth.delAuthGate(gateiden)
[docs] def getModelDefs(self): return ( ('proj', { 'types': ( ('proj:epic', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A collection of tickets related to a topic.', }), ('proj:ticket', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A ticket in a ticketing system.'}), ('proj:project:type:taxonomy', ('taxonomy', {}), { 'doc': 'A type taxonomy for projects.'}), ('proj:sprint', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A timeboxed period to complete a set amount of work.', }), ('proj:comment', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A user comment on a ticket.', }), ('proj:project', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A project in a ticketing system.', }), ('proj:attachment', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A file attachment added to a ticket or comment.', }), ), 'forms': ( ('proj:project:type:taxonomy', {}, {}), ('proj:project', {}, ( ('name', ('str', {'lower': True, 'onespace': True}), { 'doc': 'The project name.'}), ('type', ('proj:project:type:taxonomy', {}), { 'doc': 'The project type.'}), ('desc', ('str', {}), { 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, 'doc': 'The project description.'}), ('creator', ('syn:user', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse user who created the project.'}), ('created', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The time the project was created.'}), )), ('proj:sprint', {}, ( ('name', ('str', {'lower': True, 'onespace': True}), { 'doc': 'The name of the sprint.'}), ('status', ('str', {'enums': 'planned,current,completed'}), { 'doc': 'The sprint status.'}), ('project', ('proj:project', {}), { 'doc': 'The project containing the sprint.'}), ('creator', ('syn:user', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse user who created the sprint.'}), ('created', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The date the sprint was created.'}), ('period', ('ival', {}), { 'doc': 'The interval for the sprint.'}), ('desc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A description of the sprint.'}), )), # TODO this will require a special layer storage mechanism # ('proj:backlog', {}, ( ('proj:comment', {}, ( ('creator', ('syn:user', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse user who added the comment.'}), ('created', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The time the comment was added.'}), ('updated', ('time', {'ismax': True}), { 'doc': 'The last time the comment was updated.'}), ('ticket', ('proj:ticket', {}), { 'doc': 'The ticket the comment was added to.'}), ('text', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The text of the comment'}), # -(refs)> thing comment is about )), ('proj:epic', {}, ( ('name', ('str', {'onespace': True}), { 'doc': 'The name of the epic.'}), ('project', ('proj:project', {}), { 'doc': 'The project containing the epic.'}), ('creator', ('syn:user', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse user who created the epic.'}), ('created', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The time the epic was created.'}), ('updated', ('time', {'ismax': True}), { 'doc': 'The last time the epic was updated.'}), )), ('proj:attachment', {}, ( ('name', ('file:base', {}), { 'doc': 'The name of the file that was attached.'}), ('file', ('file:bytes', {}), { 'doc': 'The file that was attached.'}), ('creator', ('syn:user', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse user who added the attachment.'}), ('created', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The time the attachment was added.'}), ('ticket', ('proj:ticket', {}), { 'doc': 'The ticket the attachment was added to.'}), ('comment', ('proj:comment', {}), { 'doc': 'The comment the attachment was added to.'}), )), ('proj:ticket', {}, ( ('project', ('proj:project', {}), { 'doc': 'The project containing the ticket.'}), ('ext:id', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'A ticket ID from an external system.'}), ('ext:url', ('inet:url', {}), { 'doc': 'A URL to the ticket in an external system.'}), ('ext:creator', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'Ticket creator contact information from an external system.'}), ('ext:assignee', ('ps:contact', {}), { 'doc': 'Ticket assignee contact information from an external system.'}), ('epic', ('proj:epic', {}), { 'doc': 'The epic that includes the ticket.'}), ('created', ('time', {}), { 'doc': 'The time the ticket was created.'}), ('updated', ('time', {'ismax': True}), { 'doc': 'The last time the ticket was updated.'}), ('name', ('str', {'onespace': True}), { 'doc': 'The name of the ticket.'}), ('desc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A description of the ticket.'}), ('points', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'Optional SCRUM style story points value.'}), ('status', ('int', {'enums': statusenums}), { 'doc': 'The ticket completion status.'}), ('sprint', ('proj:sprint', {}), { 'doc': 'The sprint that contains the ticket.'}), ('priority', ('int', {'enums': prioenums}), { 'doc': 'The priority of the ticket.'}), ('type', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'The type of ticket. (eg story / bug)'}), ('creator', ('syn:user', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse user who created the ticket.'}), ('assignee', ('syn:user', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse user who the ticket is assigned to.'}), )), ), }), )