Source code for synapse.models.syn

import logging

import synapse.exc as s_exc

import synapse.lib.types as s_types
import synapse.lib.module as s_module

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SynUser(s_types.Guid): def _normPyStr(self, text): core = self.modl.core if core is not None: # direct use of an iden takes precedence... user = core.auth.user(text) if user is not None: return user.iden, {} user = core.auth._getUserByName(text) if user is not None: return user.iden, {} if text == '*': mesg = f'{} values must be a valid username or a guid.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg,, valu=text) try: return s_types.Guid._normPyStr(self, text) except s_exc.BadTypeValu: mesg = f'No user named {text} and value is not a guid.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg,, valu=text) from None
[docs] def repr(self, iden): core = self.modl.core if core is not None: user = core.auth.user(iden) if user is not None: return return iden
[docs] class SynRole(s_types.Guid): def _normPyStr(self, text): core = self.modl.core if core is not None: # direct use of an iden takes precedence... role = core.auth.role(text) if role is not None: return role.iden, {} role = core.auth._getRoleByName(text) if role is not None: return role.iden, {} if text == '*': mesg = f'{} values must be a valid rolename or a guid.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg,, valu=text) try: return s_types.Guid._normPyStr(self, text) except s_exc.BadTypeValu: mesg = f'No role named {text} and value is not a guid.' raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(mesg=mesg,, valu=text) from None
[docs] def repr(self, iden): core = self.modl.core if core is not None: role = core.auth.role(iden) if role is not None: return return iden
[docs] class SynModule(s_module.CoreModule):
[docs] def initCoreModule(self): for form, lifter in (('syn:cmd', self._liftRuntSynCmd), ('syn:cron', self._liftRuntSynCron), ('syn:form', self._liftRuntSynForm), ('syn:prop', self._liftRuntSynProp), ('syn:type', self._liftRuntSynType), ('syn:tagprop', self._liftRuntSynTagProp), ('syn:trigger', self._liftRuntSynTrigger), ): form = self.model.form(form) self.core.addRuntLift(form.full, lifter) for _, prop in form.props.items(): pfull = prop.full self.core.addRuntLift(pfull, lifter)
async def _liftRuntSynCmd(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): def iterStormCmds(): for item in self.core.getStormCmds(): yield item[1] async for node in self._doRuntLift(iterStormCmds, full, valu, cmpr): yield node async def _liftRuntSynCron(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): def iterAppts(): for item in self.core.agenda.list(): yield item[1] async for node in self._doRuntLift(iterAppts, full, valu, cmpr): yield node async def _liftRuntSynForm(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): def getForms(): return list(self.model.forms.values()) async for node in self._doRuntLift(getForms, full, valu, cmpr): yield node async def _liftRuntSynProp(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): genr = self.model.getProps async for node in self._doRuntLift(genr, full, valu, cmpr): yield node async def _liftRuntSynType(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): def getTypes(): return list(self.model.types.values()) async for node in self._doRuntLift(getTypes, full, valu, cmpr): yield node async def _liftRuntSynTagProp(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): def getTagProps(): return list(self.model.tagprops.values()) async for node in self._doRuntLift(getTagProps, full, valu, cmpr): yield node async def _liftRuntSynTrigger(self, full, valu=None, cmpr=None, view=None): view = self.core.getView(iden=view) def iterTriggers(): for item in view.triggers.list(): yield item[1] async for node in self._doRuntLift(iterTriggers, full, valu, cmpr): yield node async def _doRuntLift(self, genr, full, valu=None, cmpr=None): if cmpr is not None: filt = self.model.prop(full).type.getCmprCtor(cmpr)(valu) if filt is None: raise s_exc.BadCmprValu(cmpr=cmpr) fullprop = self.model.prop(full) if fullprop.isform: if cmpr is None: for obj in genr(): yield obj.getStorNode(fullprop) return for obj in genr(): sode = obj.getStorNode(fullprop) if filt(sode[1]['ndef'][1]): yield sode else: for obj in genr(): sode = obj.getStorNode(fullprop.form) propval = sode[1]['props'].get( if propval is not None and (cmpr is None or filt(propval)): yield sode
[docs] def getModelDefs(self): return (('syn', { 'ctors': ( ('syn:user', 'synapse.models.syn.SynUser', {}, { 'doc': 'A Synapse user.'}), ('syn:role', 'synapse.models.syn.SynRole', {}, { 'doc': 'A Synapse role.'}), ), 'types': ( ('syn:type', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'A Synapse type used for normalizing nodes and properties.', }), ('syn:form', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'A Synapse form used for representing nodes in the graph.', }), ('syn:prop', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'A Synapse property.' }), ('syn:tagprop', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'A user defined tag property.' }), ('syn:cron', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A Cortex cron job.', }), ('syn:trigger', ('guid', {}), { 'doc': 'A Cortex trigger.' }), ('syn:cmd', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'A Synapse storm command.' }), ('syn:nodedata', ('comp', {'fields': (('key', 'str'), ('form', 'syn:form'))}), { 'doc': 'A nodedata key and the form it may be present on.', }), ), 'forms': ( ('syn:tag', {}, ( ('up', ('syn:tag', {}), {'ro': True, 'doc': 'The parent tag for the tag.'}), ('isnow', ('syn:tag', {}), { 'doc': 'Set to an updated tag if the tag has been renamed.'}), ('doc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A short definition for the tag.', 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, }), ('doc:url', ('inet:url', {}), { 'doc': 'A URL link to additional documentation about the tag.'}), ('depth', ('int', {}), {'ro': True, 'doc': 'How deep the tag is in the hierarchy.'}), ('title', ('str', {}), {'doc': 'A display title for the tag.'}), ('base', ('str', {}), {'ro': True, 'doc': 'The tag base name. Eg baz for .'}), )), ('syn:type', {'runt': True}, ( ('doc', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'The docstring for the type.', 'ro': True}), ('ctor', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'The python ctor path for the type object.', 'ro': True}), ('subof', ('syn:type', {}), { 'doc': 'Type which this inherits from.', 'ro': True}), ('opts', ('data', {}), { 'doc': 'Arbitrary type options.', 'ro': True}) )), ('syn:form', {'runt': True}, ( ('doc', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'The docstring for the form.', 'ro': True}), ('type', ('syn:type', {}), { 'doc': 'Synapse type for this form.', 'ro': True}), ('runt', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'Whether or not the form is runtime only.', 'ro': True}) )), ('syn:prop', {'runt': True}, ( ('doc', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Description of the property definition.'}), ('form', ('syn:form', {}), { 'doc': 'The form of the property.', 'ro': True}), ('type', ('syn:type', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse type for this property.', 'ro': True}), ('relname', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Relative property name.', 'ro': True}), ('univ', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'Specifies if a prop is universal.', 'ro': True}), ('base', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Base name of the property.', 'ro': True}), ('ro', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'If the property is read-only after being set.', 'ro': True}), ('extmodel', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'If the property is an extended model property or not.', 'ro': True}), )), ('syn:tagprop', {'runt': True}, ( ('doc', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Description of the tagprop definition.'}), ('type', ('syn:type', {}), { 'doc': 'The synapse type for this tagprop.', 'ro': True}), )), ('syn:trigger', {'runt': True}, ( ('vers', ('int', {}), { 'doc': 'Trigger version.', 'ro': True, }), ('doc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A documentation string describing the trigger.', 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, }), ('name', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A user friendly name/alias for the trigger.', }), ('cond', ('str', {'strip': True, 'lower': True}), { 'doc': 'The trigger condition.', 'ro': True, }), ('user', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'User who owns the trigger.', 'ro': True, }), ('storm', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'The Storm query for the trigger.', 'ro': True, 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, }), ('enabled', ('bool', {}), { 'doc': 'Trigger enabled status.', 'ro': True, }), ('form', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Form the trigger is watching for.' }), ('verb', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Edge verb the trigger is watching for.' }), ('n2form', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'N2 form the trigger is watching for.' }), ('prop', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Property the trigger is watching for.' }), ('tag', ('str', {'lower': True, 'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Tag the trigger is watching for.' }), )), ('syn:cron', {'runt': True}, ( ('doc', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A description of the cron job.', 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, }), ('name', ('str', {}), { 'doc': 'A user friendly name/alias for the cron job.'}), ('storm', ('str', {}), { 'ro': True, 'doc': 'The storm query executed by the cron job.', 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, }), )), ('syn:cmd', {'runt': True}, ( ('doc', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Description of the command.', 'disp': {'hint': 'text'}, }), ('package', ('str', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Storm package which provided the command.'}), ('svciden', ('guid', {'strip': True}), { 'doc': 'Storm service iden which provided the package.'}), ('input', ('array', {'type': 'syn:form'}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'The list of forms accepted by the command as input.', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True, 'ro': True}), ('output', ('array', {'type': 'syn:form'}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'The list of forms produced by the command as output.', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True, 'ro': True}), ('nodedata', ('array', {'type': 'syn:nodedata'}), { 'deprecated': True, 'doc': 'The list of nodedata that may be added by the command.', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True, 'ro': True}), )), ), }),)