import logging
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.lib.types as s_types
import synapse.lib.module as s_module
import synapse.lookup.phonenum as s_l_phone
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def digits(text):
return ''.join([c for c in text if c.isdigit()])
def chop_imei(imei):
valu = int(imei)
tac = int(imei[0:8])
snr = int(imei[8:14])
cd = int(imei[14:15])
return valu, {'subs': {'tac': tac, 'serial': snr, 'cd': cd}}
class Phone(s_types.Str):
def postTypeInit(self):
self.opts['globsuffix'] = True
self.setNormFunc(str, self._normPyStr)
self.setNormFunc(int, self._normPyInt)
def _normPyStr(self, valu):
digs = digits(valu)
if not digs:
raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,,
mesg='requires a digit string')
subs = {}
info = s_l_phone.getPhoneInfo(int(digs))
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,,
mesg='Failed to get phone info') from None
cc = info.get('cc')
if cc is not None:
subs['loc'] = cc
# TODO prefix based validation?
return digs, {'subs': subs}
def _normPyInt(self, valu):
if valu < 1:
raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,,
mesg='phone int must be greater than 0')
return self._normPyStr(str(valu))
def repr(self, valu):
# XXX geo-aware reprs are practically a function of cc which
# XXX the raw value may only have after doing a s_l_phone lookup
if valu[0] == '1' and len(valu) == 11:
area = valu[1:4]
pref = valu[4:7]
numb = valu[7:11]
return '+1 (%s) %s-%s' % (area, pref, numb)
return '+' + valu
def imeicsum(text):
Calculate the imei check byte.
digs = []
for i in range(14):
v = int(text[i])
if i % 2:
v *= 2
[digs.append(int(x)) for x in str(v)]
chek = 0
valu = sum(digs)
remd = valu % 10
if remd != 0:
chek = 10 - remd
return str(chek)
class Imsi(s_types.Int):
def postTypeInit(self):
self.opts['size'] = 8
self.opts['signed'] = False
return s_types.Int.postTypeInit(self)
def _normPyInt(self, valu):
imsi = str(valu)
ilen = len(imsi)
if ilen > 15:
raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,,
mesg='invalid imsi len: %d' % (ilen,))
mcc = imsi[0:3]
# TODO full imsi analysis tree
return valu, {'subs': {'mcc': mcc}}
# TODO: support pre 2004 "old" imei format
class Imei(s_types.Int):
def postTypeInit(self):
self.opts['size'] = 8
self.opts['signed'] = False
return s_types.Int.postTypeInit(self)
def _normPyInt(self, valu):
imei = str(valu)
ilen = len(imei)
# we are missing our optional check digit
# lets add it for consistency...
if ilen == 14:
imei += imeicsum(imei)
return chop_imei(imei)
# if we *have* our check digit, lets check it
elif ilen == 15:
if imeicsum(imei) != imei[-1]:
raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,,
mesg='invalid imei checksum byte')
return chop_imei(imei)
raise s_exc.BadTypeValu(valu=valu,,
mesg='Failed to norm IMEI')
class TelcoModule(s_module.CoreModule):
def getModelDefs(self):
modl = {
'ctors': (
('tel:mob:imei', 'synapse.models.telco.Imei', {}, {
'ex': '490154203237518',
'doc': 'An International Mobile Equipment Id.'}),
('tel:mob:imsi', 'synapse.models.telco.Imsi', {}, {
'ex': '310150123456789',
'doc': 'An International Mobile Subscriber Id.'}),
('tel:phone', 'synapse.models.telco.Phone', {}, {
'ex': '+15558675309',
'doc': 'A phone number.'}),
'types': (
('tel:call', ('guid', {}), {
'doc': 'A guid for a telephone call record.'}),
('tel:txtmesg', ('guid', {}), {
'doc': 'A guid for an individual text message.'}),
('tel:mob:tac', ('int', {}), {
'ex': '49015420',
'doc': 'A mobile Type Allocation Code.'}),
('tel:mob:imid', ('comp', {'fields': (('imei', 'tel:mob:imei'), ('imsi', 'tel:mob:imsi'))}), {
'ex': '(490154203237518, 310150123456789)',
'doc': 'Fused knowledge of an IMEI/IMSI used together.'}),
('tel:mob:imsiphone', ('comp', {'fields': (('imsi', 'tel:mob:imsi'), ('phone', 'tel:phone'))}), {
'ex': '(310150123456789, "+7(495) 124-59-83")',
'doc': 'Fused knowledge of an IMSI assigned phone number.'}),
('tel:mob:telem', ('guid', {}), {
'doc': 'A single mobile telemetry measurement.'}),
('tel:mob:mcc', ('str', {'regex': '^[0-9]{3}$', 'strip': 1}), {
'doc': 'ITU Mobile Country Code.',
('tel:mob:mnc', ('str', {'regex': '^[0-9]{2,3}$', 'strip': 1}), {
'doc': 'ITU Mobile Network Code.',
('tel:mob:carrier', ('comp', {'fields': (('mcc', 'tel:mob:mcc'), ('mnc', 'tel:mob:mnc'))}), {
'doc': 'The fusion of a MCC/MNC.'
('tel:mob:cell', ('comp', {'fields': (('carrier', 'tel:mob:carrier'),
('lac', ('int', {})),
('cid', ('int', {})))}), {
'doc': 'A mobile cell site which a phone may connect to.'
'forms': (
('tel:phone', {}, (
('loc', ('loc', {}), {
'doc': 'The location associated with the number.',
('tel:call', {}, (
('src', ('tel:phone', {}), {
'doc': 'The source phone number for a call.'
('dst', ('tel:phone', {}), {
'doc': 'The destination phone number for a call.'
('time', ('time', {}), {
'doc': 'The time the call was initiated.'
('duration', ('int', {}), {
'doc': 'The duration of the call in seconds.'
('connected', ('bool', {}), {
'doc': 'Indicator of whether the call was connected.',
('text', ('str', {}), {
'doc': 'The text transcription of the call.',
'disp': {'hint': 'text'},
('file', ('file:bytes', {}), {
'doc': 'A file containing related media.',
('tel:txtmesg', {}, (
('from', ('tel:phone', {}), {
'doc': 'The phone number assigned to the sender.'
('to', ('tel:phone', {}), {
'doc': 'The phone number assigned to the primary recipient.'
('recipients', ('array', {'type': 'tel:phone', 'uniq': True, 'sorted': True}), {
'doc': 'An array of phone numbers for additional recipients of the message.',
('svctype', ('str', {'enums': 'sms,mms,rcs', 'strip': 1, 'lower': 1}), {
'doc': 'The message service type (sms, mms, rcs).',
('time', ('time', {}), {
'doc': 'The time the message was sent.'
('text', ('str', {}), {
'doc': 'The text of the message.',
'disp': {'hint': 'text'},
('file', ('file:bytes', {}), {
'doc': 'A file containing related media.',
('tel:mob:tac', {}, (
('org', ('ou:org', {}), {
'doc': 'The org guid for the manufacturer.',
('manu', ('str', {'lower': 1}), {
'doc': 'The TAC manufacturer name.',
('model', ('str', {'lower': 1}), {
'doc': 'The TAC model name.',
('internal', ('str', {'lower': 1}), {
'doc': 'The TAC internal model name.',
('tel:mob:imei', {}, (
('tac', ('tel:mob:tac', {}), {
'ro': True,
'doc': 'The Type Allocate Code within the IMEI.'
('serial', ('int', {}), {
'ro': True,
'doc': 'The serial number within the IMEI.',
('tel:mob:imsi', {}, (
('mcc', ('tel:mob:mcc', {}), {
'ro': True,
'doc': 'The Mobile Country Code.',
('tel:mob:imid', {}, (
('imei', ('tel:mob:imei', {}), {
'ro': True,
'doc': 'The IMEI for the phone hardware.'
('imsi', ('tel:mob:imsi', {}), {
'ro': True,
'doc': 'The IMSI for the phone subscriber.'
('tel:mob:imsiphone', {}, (
('phone', ('tel:phone', {}), {
'ro': True,
'doc': 'The phone number assigned to the IMSI.'
('imsi', ('tel:mob:imsi', {}), {
'ro': True,
'doc': 'The IMSI with the assigned phone number.'
('tel:mob:mcc', {}, (
('loc', ('loc', {}), {'doc': 'Location assigned to the MCC.'}),
('tel:mob:carrier', {}, (
('mcc', ('tel:mob:mcc', {}), {
'ro': True,
('mnc', ('tel:mob:mnc', {}), {
'ro': True,
('org', ('ou:org', {}), {
'doc': 'Organization operating the carrier.'
('loc', ('loc', {}), {
'doc': 'Location the carrier operates from.'
('tel:mob:cell', {}, (
('carrier', ('tel:mob:carrier', {}), {'doc': 'Mobile carrier.', 'ro': True, }),
('carrier:mcc', ('tel:mob:mcc', {}), {'doc': 'Mobile Country Code.', 'ro': True, }),
('carrier:mnc', ('tel:mob:mnc', {}), {'doc': 'Mobile Network Code.', 'ro': True, }),
('lac', ('int', {}), {'doc': 'Location Area Code. LTE networks may call this a TAC.',
'ro': True, }),
('cid', ('int', {}), {'doc': 'The Cell ID.', 'ro': True, }),
('radio', ('str', {'lower': 1, 'onespace': 1}), {'doc': 'Cell radio type.'}),
('latlong', ('geo:latlong', {}), {'doc': 'Last known location of the cell site.'}),
('loc', ('loc', {}), {
'doc': 'Location at which the cell is operated.'}),
('place', ('geo:place', {}), {
'doc': 'The place associated with the latlong property.'}),
('tel:mob:telem', {}, (
('time', ('time', {}), {}),
('latlong', ('geo:latlong', {}), {}),
('http:request', ('inet:http:request', {}), {
'doc': 'The HTTP request that the telemetry was extracted from.',
('host', ('it:host', {}), {
'doc': 'The host that generated the mobile telemetry data.'}),
('place', ('geo:place', {}), {
'doc': 'The place representing the location of the mobile telemetry sample.'}),
('loc', ('loc', {}), {
'doc': 'The geo-political location of the mobile telemetry sample.',
('accuracy', ('geo:dist', {}), {
'doc': 'The reported accuracy of the latlong telemetry reading.',
# telco specific data
('cell', ('tel:mob:cell', {}), {}),
('cell:carrier', ('tel:mob:carrier', {}), {}),
('imsi', ('tel:mob:imsi', {}), {}),
('imei', ('tel:mob:imei', {}), {}),
('phone', ('tel:phone', {}), {}),
# inet protocol addresses
('mac', ('inet:mac', {}), {}),
('ipv4', ('inet:ipv4', {}), {}),
('ipv6', ('inet:ipv6', {}), {}),
('wifi', ('inet:wifi:ap', {}), {}),
('wifi:ssid', ('inet:wifi:ssid', {}), {}),
('wifi:bssid', ('inet:mac', {}), {}),
# host specific data
('adid', ('it:adid', {}), {
'doc': 'The advertising ID of the mobile telemetry sample.'}),
('aaid', ('it:os:android:aaid', {}), {
'deprecated': True,
'doc': 'Deprecated. Please use :adid.'}),
('idfa', ('it:os:ios:idfa', {}), {
'deprecated': True,
'doc': 'Deprecated. Please use :adid.'}),
# User related data
('name', ('ps:name', {}), {}),
('email', ('inet:email', {}), {}),
('acct', ('inet:web:acct', {}), {
'doc': 'Deprecated, use :account.',
'deprecated': True}),
('account', ('inet:service:account', {}), {
'doc': 'The service account which is associated with the tracked device.'}),
# reporting related data
('app', ('it:prod:softver', {}), {}),
('data', ('data', {}), {}),
# any other fields may be refs...
name = 'tel'
return ((name, modl),)