import sys
import asyncio
import argparse
import synapse.exc as s_exc
import synapse.common as s_common
import synapse.telepath as s_telepath
import synapse.lib.output as s_output
descr = '''
A tool to prepare provisioning entries in the AHA server.
# provision a new serivce named 00.axon from within the AHA container.
python -m 00.axon
# provision a new serivce named 01.cortex as a mirror from within the AHA container.
python -m 01.cortex --mirror 00.cortex
async def main(argv, outp=s_output.stdout):
pars = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', description=descr,
pars.add_argument('--url', default='cell:///vertex/storage', help='The telepath URL to connect to the AHA service.')
pars.add_argument('--user', help='Provision the new service with the username.')
pars.add_argument('--cellyaml', help='Specify the path to a YAML file containing config options for the service.')
pars.add_argument('--mirror', help='Provision the new service as a mirror of the existing AHA service.')
pars.add_argument('--dmon-port', help='Provision the services SSL listener on a given port.', type=int)
pars.add_argument('--https-port', help='Provision the services HTTPS listener on a given port.', type=int)
pars.add_argument('--only-url', help='Only output the URL upon successful execution',
action='store_true', default=False)
pars.add_argument('svcname', help='The name of the service relative to the AHA network.')
opts = pars.parse_args(argv)
async with s_telepath.withTeleEnv():
async with await s_telepath.openurl(opts.url) as aha:
provinfo = {}
if opts.cellyaml:
provinfo['conf'] = s_common.yamlload(opts.cellyaml)
provinfo.setdefault('conf', {})
provinfo['mirror'] = opts.mirror
if opts.user is not None:
provinfo['conf']['aha:user'] = opts.user
if opts.dmon_port is not None:
if not 0 <= opts.dmon_port < 65535:
outp.printf(f'ERROR: Invalid dmon port: {opts.dmon_port}')
return 1
provinfo['dmon:port'] = opts.dmon_port
if opts.https_port is not None:
if not 0 <= opts.https_port < 65535:
outp.printf(f'ERROR: Invalid HTTPS port: {opts.https_port}')
return 1
provinfo['https:port'] = opts.https_port
provurl = await aha.addAhaSvcProv(opts.svcname, provinfo=provinfo)
if opts.only_url:
outp.printf(f'one-time use URL: {provurl}')
return 0
except s_exc.SynErr as e:
mesg = e.errinfo.get('mesg', repr(e))
outp.printf(f'ERROR: {mesg}')
return 1
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover