synapse.utils.stormcov package

synapse.utils.stormcov.coverage_init(reg, options)[source]


synapse.utils.stormcov.plugin module

class synapse.utils.stormcov.plugin.PivotTracer(parent)[source]

Bases: FileTracer

PARSE_METHODS = {'getNodeByNdef', 'nodesByPropArray', 'nodesByPropValu', 'nodesByTag'}
dynamic_source_filename(filename, frame)[source]

Get a dynamically computed source file name.

Some plug-ins need to compute the source file name dynamically for each frame.

This function will not be invoked if has_dynamic_source_filename() returns False.

Returns the source file name for this frame, or None if this frame shouldn’t be measured.


Does this FileTracer have dynamic source file names?

FileTracers can provide dynamically determined file names by implementing dynamic_source_filename(). Invoking that function is expensive. To determine whether to invoke it, uses the result of this function to know if it needs to bother invoking dynamic_source_filename().

See CoveragePlugin.file_tracer() for details about static and dynamic file names.

Returns True if dynamic_source_filename() should be called to get dynamic source file names.


Get the range of source line numbers for a given a call frame.

The call frame is examined, and the source line number in the original file is returned. The return value is a pair of numbers, the starting line number and the ending line number, both inclusive. For example, returning (5, 7) means that lines 5, 6, and 7 should be considered executed.

This function might decide that the frame doesn’t indicate any lines from the source file were executed. Return (-1, -1) in this case to tell that no lines should be recorded for this frame.

class synapse.utils.stormcov.plugin.StormCtrlTracer(parent)[source]

Bases: FileTracer

dynamic_source_filename(filename, frame)[source]

Get a dynamically computed source file name.

Some plug-ins need to compute the source file name dynamically for each frame.

This function will not be invoked if has_dynamic_source_filename() returns False.

Returns the source file name for this frame, or None if this frame shouldn’t be measured.


Does this FileTracer have dynamic source file names?

FileTracers can provide dynamically determined file names by implementing dynamic_source_filename(). Invoking that function is expensive. To determine whether to invoke it, uses the result of this function to know if it needs to bother invoking dynamic_source_filename().

See CoveragePlugin.file_tracer() for details about static and dynamic file names.

Returns True if dynamic_source_filename() should be called to get dynamic source file names.


Get the range of source line numbers for a given a call frame.

The call frame is examined, and the source line number in the original file is returned. The return value is a pair of numbers, the starting line number and the ending line number, both inclusive. For example, returning (5, 7) means that lines 5, 6, and 7 should be considered executed.

This function might decide that the frame doesn’t indicate any lines from the source file were executed. Return (-1, -1) in this case to tell that no lines should be recorded for this frame.

class synapse.utils.stormcov.plugin.StormPlugin(options)[source]

Bases: CoveragePlugin, FileTracer

PARSE_METHODS = {'compute', 'getPivsIn', 'getPivsOut', 'lift', 'once'}
dynamic_source_filename(filename, frame, force=False)[source]

Get a dynamically computed source file name.

Some plug-ins need to compute the source file name dynamically for each frame.

This function will not be invoked if has_dynamic_source_filename() returns False.

Returns the source file name for this frame, or None if this frame shouldn’t be measured.


Get the FileReporter class to use for a file.

Plug-in type: file tracer.

This will only be invoked if filename returns non-None from file_tracer(). It’s an error to return None from this method.

Returns a FileReporter object to use to report on filename, or the string “python” to have treat the file as Python.


Get a FileTracer object for a file.

Plug-in type: file tracer.

Every Python source file is offered to your plug-in to give it a chance to take responsibility for tracing the file. If your plug-in can handle the file, it should return a FileTracer object. Otherwise return None.

There is no way to register your plug-in for particular files. Instead, this method is invoked for all files as they are executed, and the plug-in decides whether it can trace the file or not. Be prepared for filename to refer to all kinds of files that have nothing to do with your plug-in.

The file name will be a Python file being executed. There are two broad categories of behavior for a plug-in, depending on the kind of files your plug-in supports:

  • Static file names: each of your original source files has been converted into a distinct Python file. Your plug-in is invoked with the Python file name, and it maps it back to its original source file.

  • Dynamic file names: all of your source files are executed by the same Python file. In this case, your plug-in implements FileTracer.dynamic_source_filename() to provide the actual source file for each execution frame.

filename is a string, the path to the file being considered. This is the absolute real path to the file. If you are comparing to other paths, be sure to take this into account.

Returns a FileTracer object to use to trace filename, or None if this plug-in cannot trace this file.


Yield all of the executable files in src_dir, recursively.

Plug-in type: file tracer.

Executability is a plug-in-specific property, but generally means files which would have been considered for coverage analysis, had they been included automatically.

Returns or yields a sequence of strings, the paths to files that could have been executed, including files that had been executed.

find_subqueries(tree, path)[source]

Does this FileTracer have dynamic source file names?

FileTracers can provide dynamically determined file names by implementing dynamic_source_filename(). Invoking that function is expensive. To determine whether to invoke it, uses the result of this function to know if it needs to bother invoking dynamic_source_filename().

See CoveragePlugin.file_tracer() for details about static and dynamic file names.

Returns True if dynamic_source_filename() should be called to get dynamic source file names.


Get the range of source line numbers for a given a call frame.

The call frame is examined, and the source line number in the original file is returned. The return value is a pair of numbers, the starting line number and the ending line number, both inclusive. For example, returning (5, 7) means that lines 5, 6, and 7 should be considered executed.

This function might decide that the frame doesn’t indicate any lines from the source file were executed. Return (-1, -1) in this case to tell that no lines should be recorded for this frame.

class synapse.utils.stormcov.plugin.StormReporter(filename, parser)[source]

Bases: FileReporter


Get the executable lines in this file.

Your plug-in must determine which lines in the file were possibly executable. This method returns a set of those line numbers.

Returns a set of line numbers.


Get the source for the file.

Returns a Unicode string.

The base implementation simply reads the self.filename file and decodes it as UTF-8. Override this method if your file isn’t readable as a text file, or if you need other encoding support.