Package Documentation
Storm Package: synapse-github
The following Commands are available from this package. This documentation is generated for version 1.0.0 of the package.
Storm Commands
This package implements the following Storm Commands.
Retrieve all the comments for a single GitHub issue.
// Ingest 10 of the comments for the first issue with an ID of "583"
it:dev:repo:issue:id=538 | limit 1 | github.issues.comments --yield --debug --size 10
Usage: github.issues.comments [options]
--help : Display the command usage.
--debug : Show verbose debug output.
--size <size> : Limit the number of results ingested to the given size (per-node).
--yield : Yield the newly created nodes.
Retrieve the list of issues associated with a particular GitHub repository.
// Yield the list of every issue associated with the "vertexproject/synapse" GitHub repo.
it:dev:repo:name=vertexproject/synapse | github.issues.pull --yield
// Yield up to 10 of the open issues associated with a particular GitHub repo.
github.issues.pull --repo vertexproject/synapse --yield --state open --size 10
Usage: github.issues.pull [options]
--help : Display the command usage.
--repo <repo> : The name of a specific repo to retrieve.
--state <state> : Filter the returned issues to only issues in the specified state. Valid values are
"all", "closed", and "open". (default: all)
--debug : Show verbose debug output.
--size <size> : Limit the number of results ingested to the given size.
--yield : Yield the newly created nodes.
Retrieve information about all the repos that an account owns and create it:dev:repo nodes for them.
// Yield up to 5 repos owned by the "vertexproject" GitHub account
github.repos.pull "vertexproject" --size 5 --yield --debug
Usage: github.repos.pull [options] <owner>
--help : Display the command usage.
--debug : Show verbose debug output.
--size <size> : Limit the number of results ingested to the given size (per-node).
--yield : Yield the newly created nodes.
<owner> : The username to pull repos for.
Manage the GitHub API key.
// Set a global GitHub API key
github.setup.apikey abcd1234
// Set a GitHub API key for the current user
github.setup.apikey --self abcd1234
// Display the API key scope of the current key
github.setup.apikey --show-scope
// Display the current API key.
github.setup.apikey --show-apikey
// Remove the current global API key.
github.setup.apikey --remove
// Remove the per-user API key for the current user.
github.setup.apikey --self --remove
Usage: github.setup.apikey [options] <apikey>
--help : Display the command usage.
--self : Set or remove the key as a user variable. If not used, the key is set globally.
--show-scope : Display the API key scope in use (global vs self).
--show-apikey : Display the API key value (requires admin perms or a "self" scope key).
--remove : Remove the configured API key. May be used with --self.
[apikey] : The API key string.
Storm Modules
This package does not export any Storm APIs.