Package Documentation

Storm Package: synapse-nominatim

The following Commands are available from this package. This documentation is generated for version 3.0.0 of the package.

Storm Commands

This package implements the following Storm Commands.


Add a Synapse-Nominatim configuration.


  // Add a global configuration
  nominatim.config.add myglobal

  // Add a configuration for the current user
  nominatim.config.add myconfig --scope self

Usage: nominatim.config.add [options] <name> <url>


  --help                      : Display the command usage.
  --ssl-noverify              : Do not perform SSL/TLS verification.
  --proxy <proxy>             : Set whether to use a configured proxy. Default uses cortex proxy if defined. (default: None)
  --scope <scope>             : Set the scope on the configuration. (default: global, choices: global, self, unscoped)


  <name>                      : A unique name for the Nominatim configuration.
  <url>                       : The Nominatim API URL string.


Delete a Synapse-Nominatim configuration.


  // Delete the "myconfig" configuration
  nominatim.config.del myconfig

Usage: nominatim.config.del [options] <name>


  --help                      : Display the command usage.


  <name>                      : The name of the Nominatim configuration.


Display the list of Nominatim configurations you have access to.

Usage: nominatim.config.list [options]


  --help                      : Display the command usage.

Show the details of a Synapse-Nominatim configuration.


  // Show the in-use configuration for the current user

  // Show a configuration by name myconfig

Usage: [options] <name>


  --help                      : Display the command usage.


  [name]                      : The name for the Nominatim configuration.


Update the configuration of an existing Synapse-Nominatim configuration.


  // Set the permission level for user "myuser" to "admin" on the "myconfig"
  // configuration
  nominatim.config.update myconfig --perm user myuser admin

  // Set the permission level for the "all" role to "deny" on the
  // "myconfig" configuration
  nominatim.config.update myconfig --perm role all deny

  // Do not verify the SSL certificate when connecting to "myconfig"
  nominatim.config.update myconfig --ssl-verify $lib.false

  // Change the name of the "myconfig" configuration to "otherconfig"
  nominatim.config.update myconfig --name otherconfig

Usage: nominatim.config.update [options] <config>


  --help                      : Display the command usage.
  --url <url>                 : The Nominatim API URL string. (default: None)
  --perm <perm>               : Set the permission level for a user or role on this Nominatim configuration.
                                Arguments to this option are ``scope``, ``name``, ``level``:
                                      <scope>: The scope for the permission, either "user" or "role".
                                      <name> : The user/role name depending on scope.
                                      <level>: The $lib.auth.easyperm.level, or $lib.null to remove the permission.

  --ssl-verify <ssl_verify>   : Set whether to verify the SSL certificate of the Nominatim endpoint. (default: None)
  --proxy <proxy>             : Set whether to use a configured proxy. Default uses cortex proxy if defined. (default: None)
  --name <name>               : New name for the Nominatim configuration. (default: None)


  <config>                    : The name for the Nominatim configuration to modify.


Enrich nodes with location data from Nominatim.

This command uses the :latlong property of inbound nodes to perform a reverse
geocoding query with Nominatim.

Results from the query are used to create geo:place nodes.

For inbound geo:place nodes where the guid generated from the result of the query
matches the inbound node, the :loc and :address properties are updated on the inbound
node and no new nodes are created. If the guid does not match, a new geo:place node
is created, and a -(contains)> edge of the inbound node is set to the newly created

For all other inbound node types, a geo:place node is created for the result, the
:place property of the inbound node is set to the value of the newly created
geo:place node, and the :loc property of the inbound node is updated.

The --language argument sets the preferred language order for showing results.
The value may either be a simple comma-separated list of language codes or have the same
values as the browser Accept-Language HTTP header. The Nominatim API will use the value(s)
to determine the correct language. Basic language values are typically represented by two
characters. Location-specific values are expressed in a two part format, indicating
the language and the country where this version of the language is used.


    // Create an example inet:ipv4 node with a :latlong property and enrich it.
    [ inet:ipv4= :latlong=(43.740070,7.426644) ]
    inet:ipv4= | nominatim.enrich

    // Lift 5 geo place nodes and enrich them
    geo:place | limit 5 | nominatim.enrich

Usage: nominatim.enrich [options]


  --help                      : Display the command usage.
  --debug                     : Show verbose debug output.
  --yield                     : Yield the newly created nodes.
  --language <language>       : The default accept-language for the endpoint (see description for more info).
  --config <config>           : Override the default config with the provided name.

Storm Modules

This package does not export any Storm APIs.