Admin Guide

Synapse-PolySwarm Admin Guide


Synapse-PolySwarm requires a PolySwarm API key. For information on how to sign up, please visit the PolySwarm website.

Setting API key for global use

To set-up a global API key:

> polyswarm.setup.apikey myapikey
Setting PolySwarm API key for all users.

Using per-user API keys

A user may set-up their own API key:

> polyswarm.setup.apikey --self myapikey
Setting PolySwarm API key for the current user.


Package (synapse-polyswarm) defines the following permissions:
power-ups.polyswarm.user         : Controls user access to Synapse-PolySwarm. ( default: false )

You may add rules to users/roles directly from storm:

> auth.user.addrule visi power-ups.polyswarm.user
Added rule power-ups.polyswarm.user to user visi.


> auth.role.addrule ninjas power-ups.polyswarm.user
Added rule power-ups.polyswarm.user to role ninjas.


Synapse-PolySwarm provides the following workflows in Optic:

Title: Configuration

On-demand Migrations

AV Hit Migration

To run the migration across all views, use the query yield $lib.import(polyswarm).migrateAvHit(). Views are migrated in dependency order, and no nodes will be yielded.

Alternatively, yield $lib.import(polyswarm).migrateAvHit(global=$lib.false) will run the migration in the current view. The migrated nodes will be yielded from the query.

This function will migrate it:av:filehit nodes created from search results to it:av:scan:result, which includes copying edges and tags. Note that the migrated it:av:scan:result nodes will not deconflict with those created from subsequent command runs.