Package Documentation

Storm Package: synapse-rss

The following Commands are available from this package. This documentation is generated for version 3.3.1 of the package.

Storm Commands

This package implements the following Storm Commands.

Retrieve an RSS feed and ingest the items.

The following RSS specifications are currently supported:
  RSS v1.0, RSS v2.0, Atom v1.0

By default, Synapse-FileParser will be used to download and parse the URL
in each created media:news node that does not already have a :file property.
This behavior can be disabled by using the --skip-follow option.


  // Ingest RSS feeds from inet:url nodes
  // and yield the media:news nodes
  inet:url#myrss | --yield --pdf

  // Pivot to references created by Synapse-FileParser
  inet:url#myrss | --yield --pdf | -(refs)> *

  // Skip downloading and parsing the linked URL
  inet:url#myrss | --skip-follow --pdf

Usage: [options]


  --help                      : Display the command usage.
  --debug                     : Show verbose debug output.
  --size <size>               : Limit the number of results ingested to the given size (per-node).
  --yield                     : Yield the newly created nodes.
  --skip-follow               : Skip downloading and parsing the URL for each feed item.
  --pdf                       : Save articles as PDF instead of HTML.
  --static-html               : Download HTML as static files instead of using Synapse-Playwright.
  --no-ssl-verify             : Ignore SSL certificate validation errors.

Storm Modules

This package does not export any Storm APIs.