Package Documentation

Storm Package: synapse-utils

The following Commands are available from this package. This documentation is generated for version 1.1.1 of the package.

Storm Commands

This package implements the following Storm Commands.


Add a predefined role type to the Cortex.

By default, the name of the added role will be the same as the role type.
To specify a different name for the role, the a --name argument can be provided
with the desired role name. The utils.roles.list command can be used to display
a list of the predefined roles available and their associated rules.


  // Add the "power-user" role
  utils.roles.add power-user

  // Add the "power-user" role, with the name "useradmin"
  utils.roles.add power-user --name useradmin

Usage: utils.roles.add [options] <roletype>


  --help                      : Display the command usage.
  --name <name>               : Specify the name of the added role.


  <roletype>                  : Type of predefined role to add to the cortex.


List predefined role types available and their associated rules.


  // List all available roles and their rules

  // List rules added by the "power-user" role
  utils.roles.list --role power-user

Usage: utils.roles.list [options]


  --help                      : Display the command usage.
  --role <role>               : Predefined role to display associated rules for.

Storm Modules

This package does not export any Storm APIs.