Package Documentation
Storm Package: synapse-wigle
The following Commands are available from this package. This documentation is generated for version 4.0.0 of the package.
Storm Commands
This package implements the following Storm Commands.
Ingest network details from WiGLE.
This command uses the /api/v2/network/deatil endpoint to ingest observations
for a given BSSID. A BSSID can be specified by inbound inet:wifi:ap or inet:mac nodes,
or by using the --netid argument to specify a full MAC address.
The latitude/longitude from an observation will be used as the last known
location on the inet:wifi:ap if the timestamp is greater than the seen time
on the node.
The results of the query are used to create geo:telem nodes,
which are linked to inet:wifi:ap nodes via a geo:telem:node property.
// Ingest details using the BSSID from an inet:wifi:ap node
inet:wifi:ap=('cool-wifi', 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff') |
// Ingest details using the netid argument and yield geo:telem nodes --netid "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" --yield
Usage: [options]
--help : Display the command usage.
--debug : Show verbose debug output.
--size <size> : Limit the number of results ingested to the given size.
--yield : Yield the newly created nodes.
--netid <netid> : Search for networks using the network BSSID.
Search the WiGLE wifi database.
This command uses the /api/v2/network/search endpoint to search for wifi
networks by BSSID or within a specific latitude/longitude bounding box.
A BSSID can be specified by using inbound inet:wifi:ap nodes, or by using
the --netid argument to specify at least three octets, for example '0A:2C:EF'.
A latitude/longitude bounding box can can be specified by using inbound
geo:place nodes, or by using the--latlong and --radius arguments. The --radius
argument may also be specified when inbound geo:place nodes are used to
override their :radius property value when calculating a bounding box.
The results of the query are used to create or enrich existing
inet:wifi:ap nodes.
// Search for networks within the :bbox property of geo:place nodes |
// Search for the location of an inet:wifi:ap node
inet:wifi:ap=('cool-wifi', 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff') |
// Search and yield results using --latlong and --radius args --latlong (39.851, -104.675) --radius 1km --size 100
// Search by latlong and netid --latlong (39.851, -104.675) --radius 1km --netid "aa:bb:cc"
// Search for 300 results using a BSSID prefix and yield created nodes --netid "aa:bb:cc" --yield --size 300
// Search by an exact SSID --ssid foobar
// Search by SSID with a wildcard --netid "aa:bb:cc" --ssid-like foo%
Usage: [options]
--help : Display the command usage.
--debug : Show verbose debug output.
--size <size> : Limit the number of results ingested to the given size.
--yield : Yield the newly created nodes.
--latlong <latlong> : A tuple of (latitude, longitude) to use for searching instead of an inbound node.
--radius <radius> : Radius to use for bbox calculation, will be used instead of :radius if present on
inbound geo:place nodes.
--netid <netid> : Search for networks using the network BSSID. requires a minimum of the first 3 octets.
--ssid <ssid> : Search by an exact SSID string (case-insensitive).
--ssid-like <ssid_like> : Search by SSID, allowing wildcards '%' (any string) and '_' (any character).
--min-firsttime <min_firsttime>: Filter results by the minimum time of when they were first created.
--min-lasttime <min_lasttime>: Filter results by the minimum time of how recently they have had data submitted.
Manage the WiGLE API user and key.
// Set global WiGLE API credentials.
wigle.setup.apikey testname abcd1234
// Set WiGLE API credentials for the current user.
wigle.setup.apikey --self testname abcd1234
// Display the scope of the current credentials.
wigle.setup.apikey --show-scope
// Display the current API credentials.
wigle.setup.apikey --show-apikey
// Remove the current global API credentials.
wigle.setup.apikey --remove
// Remove the per-user API credentials for the current user.
wigle.setup.apikey --self --remove
Usage: wigle.setup.apikey [options] <apiname> <apitoken>
--help : Display the command usage.
--self : Set or remove the credentials as a user variable. If not used, set them globally.
--show-scope : Display the API credentials scope in use (global vs self).
--show-apikey : Display the API credentials (requires admin perms or a "self" scope key).
--remove : Remove the configured API credentials. May be used with --self.
[apiname] : The API name string.
[apitoken] : The API token string.
Storm Modules
This package does not export any Storm APIs.