User Guide

Synapse-Workflow-Examples User Guide

Synapse-Workflow-Examples provides examples and documentation to assist in building Optic Workflows.

To try out the example Workflows, ensure the Synapse-Workflow-Examples Power-Up is installed and navigate to the Workflows tool in Optic. From there, expand the synapse-workflow-examples package to view the Workflows.

To view the YAML for each example, use the Workflow Example Code Workflow. It contains a datatable Element listing the examples and will display the example Workflow YAML in a textarea Element.

It is highly recommended to validate Workflow YAML with the provided JSON Schemas in both development (in editor) and CI/CD test suites.

Optic Workflows

Workflows can be used to build dynamic UX from provided Elements and Storm, and are defined using a declarative API that is native to Optic. The defined UX is then integrated directly into Optic via Storm packages with one or more Workflows being defined in the package definition.

A Workflow primarily consists of a set of Elements that display and allow interaction with data in a variety of ways. The Elements defined in a Workflow will specify a type that will dictate its display and capabilities. Some Element types include a configurable form, two types of tables, a node viewer, and a dynamic syntax highlighting textarea. Most types of Elements can execute Actions in response to user input to propagate and display dynamic data, allowing Elements to share data in a reactive way. Other types of Actions include updating internal variables, opening other Workflows, and running Storm queries to modify and pull in additional data.

Elements typically execute Actions in response to Events or user input. An Element can subscribe to Events from other Elements in the Workflow. Once a subscription has been established, the Element can define a set of Actions that will be executed in response to a particular Event from the source Element. There are several types of Events, with more likely to be added. Some Events carry data that can be accessed while executing Actions (onvars and onnodes).

Elements additionally maintain a set of variables (vars) that can be manipulated using Actions and passed to and from Storm queries. These vars are kept in the Browser and are accessible by the Element for the duration of the Workflow session. This allows for dynamic behavior based on the vars that may come from user input, other Elements, Storm queries, or any combination of the three. Elements can reference these vars for get and set operations in their opts and Actions they execute. They can be referenced simply by name myvar, or using a $ for clarity: $myvar. Nested dict and array values can be referenced using dotted syntax e.g. $mydict.somekey and $myarray.0.

Events and Actions together a flexible framework to allow Elements to react to user input and changes in other Elements, all the way through to running Storm with user provided input.

Workflows can also be built to work together to allow opening other Workflows in a modal, navigating to other Workflows, and allow opening a Workflow in the Research tool via special Node actions.

When designing a Workflow one should consider the following:

  • Elements - What to display and how to display it.

  • Layout - How will the Elements be visually laid out in the grid.

  • Events - Which Events are suitable for distributing the necessary data between the selected Elements.

  • Actions - What types of Actions will executed by each element when receiving a particular Event or User input.

  • Coordination - What other Workflows may be opened as a modal or navigated to. What other Workflows may want to be able to open or navigate to this one.

Workflow Events

A Workflow Event is a message that will be broadcast through the Workflow, and sometimes into other Workflows. Elements can Subscribe to Events from other Elements to receive them and then define their Actions to be executed based on (new) data contained in the Event(s).

There are currently two types of Events each with a specific use.


This Event can be fired by other Elements or External Workflows. Its purpose is to propagate the source Elements vars to any other subscribed Elements. Any Element that has a subscription to onvars Events from a particular source Element will automatically get the inbound vars set on itself. When reacting to an onvars Event, Elements will often rerender themselves with new data, either directly from the Events vars or after making additional Storm queries to gather more data or Nodes to be rendered.


This Event can fired by other Elements to pass one or more Nodes between Elements. When executing Actions in response to this Event, the nodes will be available for both updatevars and nodes operations and in Storm queries as inbound nodes via the idens query opt.

Workflow Actions

An Action is an operation executed by an Element in response to either an Event or user input. There are many types of Actions that can have a wide variety of effects on the UX of the Workflow.


Fire an Event into the Workflow, allowing other subscribed Elements to react to the provided data.


Fire an onnodes Event into the Workflow. Typically using the selected Nodes in an Element that supports Node selection e.g stormtable using the selected opt or the Nodes in an onnodes Event being handled nodes using propagate.


Open another Workflow in a modal. There are additional opts to provide data to the target Workflow, and to make temporary subscriptions to its Events so that the source Element can update as desired.


Close a specific modal. Mostly useful in the Actions defined in a temporary subscription so that the source Workflow has control over when the modal will be closed.


Provide a query or a var to get a query from, and navigate the user to the Research tool to execute it.


Run a Storm query and render the yielded Nodes according to the Element type. The executing Element’s vars will be passed in for the query to use. This Action has a variety of opts that can change its behavior.

One of either query or queryvar must be set to provide the query to execute. All other opts are optional.


The Storm query that should be executed. Nodes yielded from the query will be consumed by the executing Element to be rendered according to the Element type.


Resolve the Storm query to execute from a var on the Element.


Allows supplying inbound nodes to the query from a var when not handling an onnodes Event. This is useful when it is necessary to inbound nodes to a query that is not in direct reaction to an onnodes event. Nodes are inbounded to the query in the same way as handling an onnodes Event via the Storm query opt idens.

Note that this opt will be ignored when the Action is handling an onnodes Event.


# handle an onnodes event and stash the nodes in the $stashednodes var.
    - type: updatevars
          - type: nodes
            name: $stashednodes
            path: $nodes

... the rest of your Workflow ...

# later (e.g. user button click or other interaction) run a Storm query with the nodes from $stashednodes inbound.
type: storm
  # pivot from the inbound nodes to inet:ipv4 nodes
  query: -> inet:ipv4
  inboundnodes: $stashednodes


Can be set to false to cause a storm Action rendering Element to not render the results of the Storm query.


Configure any spinners that should reflect the running status of the query.

Can be set to true to bind to the spinner on the executing Element.

Can be set to the iden of another Element to bind to the spinner on that Element.

Can be set to a dict with element and button values to spin a button on a particular Element (the Element can be itself as well).

button requires idx which is the index of the button in the Element. Element titlebar buttons are first, followed by buttons created by the Element type. Can also provide temporary spinningtext to update the text of the button while the spinner is active.


  element: <elementiden>,
    idx: 0
    spinningtext: 'Updating...'


Configure other Elements to feed messages coming out of the Storm query. Messages fed to other Elements can optionally be limited by type. This allows other Elements to be in control of the storm Action, while still feeding relevant messages to other Elements in the Workflow. e.g. a querybar executing a query that yields nodes would want to feed those nodes into a stormtable or some other Element, while additionally feeding messages to other suitable elements.


  ex-stormtable: [node]
  ex-other-selective: [node, warn, err]
  ex-other-all: true


Optionally configure Storm messages to be output to either a stormconsole Element in the Workflow or the ‘global’ Console tool Console.

Workflow Element Example:

  iden: ex-stormconsole

  clear: true

  # optionally output only specified message types
  # mesgs: [print, warn, err]

Global Console Example:

  global: true

  # optionally output only specified message types
  # mesgs: [print, warn, err]


Extra query opts to be used when executing the Storm query. These opts are documented in the Synapse Storm Opts documentation. Note: view, idens, and vars opts are not allowed.


Run a query using callStorm and handle the return value according to the Element type. The executing Element’s vars will be passed in for the query to use.


Required Storm query that will be executed. The query must return(<something>). The value the query should return is dependent on the executing Element.


Allows supplying inbound nodes to the query from a var when not handling an onnodes Event. This is useful when it is necessary to inbound nodes to a query that is not in direct reaction to an onnodes event. Nodes are inbounded to the query in the same way as handling an onnodes Event via the Storm query opt idens.

Note that this opt will be ignored when the Action is handling an onnodes Event.


# handle an onnodes event and stash the nodes in the $stashednodes var.
    - type: updatevars
          - type: nodes
            name: $stashednodes
            path: $nodes

... the rest of your Workflow ...

# later (e.g. user button click or other interaction) run a callStorm query with the nodes from $stashednodes inbound.
type: callstorm
  inboundnodes: $stashednodes

  # do some operation on the nodes
  query: |
    [ :someprop=$newvalue ]


Render the Nodes present in an onnodes Event payload according to the Element type.


Select Nodes that have already been rendered in the Element. Note this is only useful in Elements that support Node selection, e.g. tables.


Run a query using callStorm that returns a $lib.dict of vars that will be set onto the Element.


Update vars on the Element with a series of operations of different types. Each operation has type to specify the type of operation and name to specify the var to update.


Set a var to a static value.


type: updatevars
    - type: set
      name: $myvar
      value: 'My Static Value'


Set a var based on another var. Useful for plucking out nested vars to the top level as needed.


type: updatevars
    - type: var
      name: $myvar
      var: $


Set a var to a string using a format string syntax. Existing vars can be referenced, along with nodes in a onnodes Event currently being handled.

Var Example:

type: updatevars
    # using the $somevar var
    - type: fmtstr
      name: $mystr
      fmtstr: 'Hello {$somevar}!'

Nodes Example:

# handling on onnodes Event
    - type: updatevars
          # using the first node from the onnodes Event we are currently handling
          - type: fmtstr
            name: $mystr
            fmtstr: 'Hello {$}!'


Toggle the boolean value of a var. If the var is not set, the first toggle will set the value to true. If the var exists and is a boolean, it will be toggled. If the var exists and is not boolean a warning will be logged.


type: updatevars
    - type: toggle
      name: $mytoggle


Delete a var, resetting it to be undefined.


type: updatevars
    - type: del
      name: $bye


Set a var to the return value of a Storm query executed with callStorm.


type: updatevars
    - type: callstorm
      name: $mystormreturn
      query: return(([1, 2, 3]))


Set a var from the nodes in the onnodes Event currently being handled.


# handling on onnodes Event
    - type: updatevars
          # store the :name prop of the first node
          - type: nodes
            name: $nodename
            path: $

          # store the entire node(s) for use with storm / callstorm Action inboundnodes opt.
          - type: nodes
            name: $stashednodes
            path: $nodes


Update opts on the Element with a series of operations of different types.


Refresh the Element from potentially updated opts and vars.


Hide all Nodes or the Nodes in the onnodes Event if reacting to an onnodes event.


Display a toast popup message to let the user know about success, warnings or errors.


Stop the current chain of Actions. Typically used with a filter to bail out of an Action chain after a warn/error toast.


Display or hide a modal loading spinner during the wait for other operations to complete.


Send focus to a field in a stormform, querybar, queryeditor, or tabs Element. For a stormform the field opt is required and for tabs Element the tabname opt is required.


Elements are the primary unit of composition in a Workflow. Each Element can have one or more responsibilities in the Workflow, including displaying data/nodes, accepting user input, running Storm queries that CRUD nodes. Every Element has a set of common top-level properties:

  • type - The Element Type for the Element.

  • title - The title for the Element.

  • doc - Can provide a tooltip and/or markdown content to be displayed with the Element.

  • layout - The position and dimensions of the Element in the grid.

  • disabled - If the Element should be disabled. This can be a var to make it dynamic when the var is updated, e.g. disabled: $foodisabled

  • hidden - If the Element should be hidden. This can be a var to make it dynamic when the var is updated, e.g. hidden: $foohidden

  • oninit - A set of Actions to execute before the Element is rendered.

  • onload - A set of Actions to execute immediately after creation of the Element.

  • subs - Defines subscriptions to other Elements Events.

  • events - Defines Actions to be taken when receiving Events.

Element Lifecycle

An Element can optionally define oninit and/or onload to execute Actions at specific points in its lifecycle. The oninit hook allows executing Actions before the Element is rendered, and the onload hook allows executing Actions just after all Elements in the Workflow have been rendered.

Element Types

Buttons: buttons

A simple element that can display buttons that define Actions to be executed when they are clicked.

The state of the buttons can be dynamically updated using the updateopts Action, followed by a refresh Action.

TextArea: textarea

An Element that provides a textarea powered by CodeMirror.

It can be populated statically, from a var, from a Node prop, or from a callStorm query.

There are additionally options to control display, including syntax highlighting modes and line wrapping.

Actions to be executed when the TextArea value is edited can be defined in onchange.

DataTable: datatable

An Element that can can display arbitrary data in a record format as a list of Storm $lib.dict() objects. This is achieved using the $ API and a type of optic:datatable:row.

Columns are defined in the columns opt, and should specify a key that will grab the appropriate property from each record for the column.

The Element can additionally configure its opts dynamically using either an updateopts Action, or when streaming messages in a storm Action if appropriate. If a storm Action fires a optic:datatable:init message then it can contain an opts dictionary that will be used to update opts and refresh, before continuing to process optic:datatable:row messages.

See the Datatable and Datatable - Dynamic Workflows for example usage.

NodeEditor: nodeeditor

An Element that can present fields for creating/editing Nodes.

Fields can be automatically generated based on a node form, or custom defined fields.

The values are gathered into the $fields var and will be handed into the provided query.

NodeViewer: nodeviewer

An Element that can display primary values, props, embeds, tags and tagprops of a particular Node.

StormForm: stormform

An Element that can display a defined set of fields in a form. Fields can be of different types, including input, dropdown and synforminput.

Each field is mapped to a var by name and will be updated anytime the field’s value changes. Actions can optionally be executed whenever a field’s value is changed using onchange, which allows propagating vars to other Elements, and causing an internal refresh to update other fields in the form Element. All fields are additionally bundled into a $fields dict containing populated values by each field’s name for convenience.

A set of buttons can also be provided using the buttons opt. Buttons are defined in the same way as the buttons Element.

In addition to the normal callstorm behavior where the query can return a dict that will be used to update the Elements vars. It is also possible to provide a fielderrs key in the returned dict. If provided, the Element will expect the value to be a dict of field name to an error message to be displayed just below the field to provide user feedback in validation / error situations.

StormTable: stormtable

An Element that displays Nodes of a particular form. The table behaves similarly to the Tabular display mode. Columns can be defined, to replicate any configuration achievable in the Tabular display mode. Actions can additionally be defined for onselect and menu options, to execute Actions with the target Node(s).

QueryBar: querybar

A single line <input> based query bar with a query running spinner. <Enter> will cause the Actions defined in onrun to be executed.

QueryEditor: queryeditor

A multiline syntax highlighting query editor with a query running spinner. <Shift+Enter> will cause the Actions defined in onrun to be executed.

Tabs: tabs

A tabs layout Element that allows defining tabs with Elements to be displayed in them when the tab is selected. The tab Elements will be displayed in their own Grid so all layout is relative to the parent.

JSON Schemas

JSON Schemas that document and validate Workflows and Packages containing Workflows are available to download from your Optic instance:

Schema for a standalone Workflow yaml file


Schema for a package yaml file



Workflows are defined under the top-level optic key in a Storm package definition. Individual workflow definitions can be included in-line, or as a separate file in workflows/<workiden>.yaml. Files from the workflows/ directory are automatically embedded when the Synapse genpkg tool is used.

Workflow and Element iden values (keys in definition) must be unique, and can only include alphanumeric, _, or - characters. To avoid URL path collisions, workflow idens should be namespaced, e.g. <pkgname>-<workflow name>.

name: foopkg
version: 1.0.0

  - ...

  - ...

    - title: Workflow title for Optic sidebar
      workiden: foopkg-inline
    - title: Another title
      workiden: foopkg-fromdir

        desc: An inline complete workflow definition

    # Additional workflows from ``workflows/`` directory would be included here by the Synapse genpkg tool

Packages can be generated (and pushed) using the Synapse genpkg tool.