User Guide

Vertex User Guide

The Vertex Power-Up adds new Storm commands to allow you to interact with the Storm package repository.

Getting Started

Check with your Global Admin to enable permissions.


List Storm packages available

List all packages available in the repository:

> vertex.pkg.list
Name                    | Authorized | Version    | Description
synapse-alienvault      | N          | 1.0.1      | Synapse-AlienVault adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the AlienVault API using your existing API key.
synapse-apollo          | N          | 1.0.0      |
synapse-datadog         | N          | 1.0.0      | Synapse-Datadog adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the Datadog API using your existing API key.
synapse-flashpoint      | N          | 1.1.0      | Synapse-Flashpoint adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the Flashpoint API using your existing API key.
synapse-google-search   | N          | 1.0.0      |
synapse-hybridanalysis  | N          | 1.0.0      | Synapse-HybridAnalysis adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the Hybrid Analysis API using your existing API key.
synapse-jira            | N          | 1.0.0      | Synapse-Jira adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the Jira API using your existing API key.
synapse-misp            | Y          | 1.0.2      | Synapse-MISP adds new Storm commands to allow you to ingest data from a MISP feed.
synapse-mitre-attack    | Y          | 1.0.1      | Synapse-Mitre ATT&CK adds Storm commands to automatically populate Mitre ATT&CK definitions and allow users to match and link references to Mitre ATT&CK forms.
synapse-mitre-cve       | N          | 1.0.0      | Synapse-MITRE-CVE adds Storm commands to ingest CVE records from MITRE.
synapse-passivetotal    | N          | 3.1.0      | Synapse-PassiveTotal adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the PassiveTotal API using your existing API key.
synapse-shodan          | N          | 3.0.0      | Synapse-Shodan adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the Shodan API using your existing API key.
synapse-spycloud        | N          | 1.0.0      | Synapse-SpyCloud adds additional Storm commands for querying the Spycloud API using your existing API key.
synapse-tor             | Y          | 3.0.1      | Synapse-Tor adds new Storm commands to automatically tag TOR exit nodes.
synapse-urlscan         | N          | 1.0.0      | Synapse-URLScan adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the URLScan API using your existing API key.
synapse-vxintel         | N          | 1.0.0      | Integration with VXIntel API.
synapse-whoxy           | N          | 1.0.0      | Synapse-Whoxy adds new Storm commands to allow you to query the Whoxy API using your existing API key.
synapse-zetalytics      | N          | 1.0.0      |
vertex                  | Y          | 0.0.1      |

Display version history for a specific package:

> vertex.pkg.list --pkg synapse-tor
Version    | Released   | Synapse Req      | Description
3.0.1      | 2021-08-20 | >=2.54.0,<3.0.0  | Synapse-Tor adds new Storm commands to automatically tag TOR exit nodes.
3.0.0      | 2021-08-13 | >=2.54.0,<3.0.0  |

List Storm repositories available

List the package repositories available and whether you have access to them:

> vertex.repo.list
Name                | Authorized | Description
Public              | Y          | Public Storm packages
Synapse Teams       | N          | Commercial Power-Ups bundled with Synapse Teams
Synapse Enterprise  | N          | Commercial Power-Ups bundled with Synapse Enterprise

Install a Storm Package

Install the most recent version of a Storm package:

> vertex.pkg.install synapse-tor
Loaded Package: synapse-tor @[3, 0, 1]

Specify a version constraint when installing a Storm package:

> vertex.pkg.install synapse-tor --version '>=3.0.0,<4.0.0'
Loaded Package: synapse-tor @[3, 0, 1]

Upgrade Storm Packages

Upgrade all installed packages to the most recent compatible version:

> vertex.pkg.upgrade
Package synapse-tor is up to date.
No compatible updates for package vertex available.

Upgrade a specific package:

> vertex.pkg.upgrade --pkg synapse-tor
Package synapse-tor is up to date.