v2.194.0 Model Updates

The following model updates were made during the v2.194.0 Synapse release.

New Properties


The form had the following property added to it:


The original message reposted by this message.


The form had the following property added to it:


An ID for the software.


The form had the following property added to it:


A brief bio provided for the contact.

Updated Properties


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following properties updated:

The property goal had the alternative property names added to its definition.

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following properties updated:

The property email had the alternative property names added to its definition.

The property id:number had the alternative property names added to its definition.

The property lang had the alternative property names added to its definition.

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.

The property orgname had the alternative property names added to its definition.

The property title had the alternative property names added to its definition.

The property user had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property org:name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property soft:name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property name had the alternative property names added to its definition.


The form had the following property updated:

The property adid had the following docstring added:

The advertising ID of the mobile telemetry sample.

Deprecated Types

The following forms have been marked as deprecated:

  • it:os:android:aaid

  • it:os:ios:idfa

Deprecated Properties


The form had the following properties deprecated:


Deprecated. Please use :adid.


Deprecated. Please use :adid.