Admin Guide

Synapse-Censys Admin Guide


Synapse-Censys requires a Censys API key. For information on how to sign up, please visit the Censys API documentation.

Setting API key for global use

To set-up a global API key:

> censys.setup.apikey myapiid myapisecret
Setting Synapse-Censys API key for all users.

Using per-user API keys

A user may set-up their own API key:

> censys.setup.apikey --self myapiid myapisecret
Setting Synapse-Censys API key for the current user.


Synapse-Censys requires the following Power-Ups to be installed:

Name   : synapse-fileparser
Version: >=4.9.0,<=5.0.0
Desc   : Synapse-FileParser is used to parse raw certificates. If not installed the fields from the JSON response will be used.

Synapse-Censys will conflict with the following Power-Ups:

Name   : censys
Version: any
Desc   : Synapse-Censys conflicts with a deprecated Power-Up named "censys".


Package (synapse-censys) defines the following permissions:
power-ups.censys.user            : Controls user access to Synapse-Censys. ( default: false )

You may add rules to users/roles directly from storm:

> auth.user.addrule visi power-ups.censys.user
Added rule power-ups.censys.user to user visi.


> auth.role.addrule ninjas power-ups.censys.user
Added rule power-ups.censys.user to role ninjas.

Exported APIs

Synapse-Censys does not currently export any APIs.

Node Actions

Synapse-Censys provides the following node actions in Optic:

Name : hosts.enrich
Desc : Enrich IP nodes with host data
Forms: inet:ipv4, inet:ipv6

Name : hosts.domain
Desc : Search for hosts by domain
Forms: inet:fqdn

Name : certs.enrich
Desc : Enrich nodes that resolve to a SHA-256
Forms: hash:md5, hash:sha1, file:bytes, hash:sha256, inet:ssl:cert, inet:tls:clientcert, inet:tls:servercert, crypto:x509:cert

Name : certs.subdomains
Desc : Discover subdomains
Forms: inet:fqdn

Onload Events

Synapse-Censys uses the onload event to run required data migrations.

Ingesting CPE strings

The Censys API may sometimes return invalid CPE strings. Invalid CPE strings will be rejected by Synapse when attempting to ingest the API data. As a workaround, the Synapse-Censys Power-Up peforms the following transformations on CPE strings before attempting to ingest them:

  • Replace \- with -. Dashes (hyphens) should not be escaped according to the CPE 2.3 specification.

Synapse v2.187.0 migration

Synapse v2.187.0 added a model migration (v0.2.31) that removed all invalid it:sec:cpe nodes from the Cortex. The Synapse-Censys onload migration uses the above transformations to attempt to automatically repair and restore invalid it:sec:cpe nodes that originated from the Synapse-Censys Power-Up.