
Synapse-Censys Changelog


Features and Enhancements

  • Added censys.setup.tagprefix command to configure tag prefixes.

  • Updated ingest logic to apply labels as tags to hosts (inet:ipv4/inet:ipv6), services (inet:server), and certificates (crypto:x509:cert).

  • Updated to populate the it:exec:query:opts property.

  • Updated and to populate the it:exec:query:synuser property.

v6.0.0 - 2025-01-28

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrated geo:telem:latlong properties to geo:telem:place:latlong for all geo:telem nodes created by Synapse-Censys.

Features and Enhancements

  • Updated Synapse-Censys ingestion logic to use new geo:telem:place:latlong property instead of the now deprecated geo:telem:latlong property.

v5.2.0 - 2025-01-17

Features and Enhancements

  • Updated deprecated $lib.list() usage to JSON style syntax.

v5.1.1 - 2025-01-06


  • Fixed empty rDNS record BadTypeValue error for the censys.hosts.history command.

v5.1.0 - 2024-11-01

Automatic Migrations

  • Attempt to automatically repair any invalid it:sec:cpe nodes that were removed and queued as part of the Synapse v2.187.0 model migration. This migration will attempt to automatically repair any queued nodes that have a source of Synapse-Censys (via the Synapse-Censys meta:source -(seen)> edge). Note that some it:sec:cpe nodes that were removed may not be able to be automatically repaired/restored, in which case they will remain in the migration queue.

v5.0.1 - 2024-10-29

Automatic Migrations

  • If Synapse-Censys has been previously upgraded to v5.0.0, this migration will remove all migrated inet:ssl:cert nodes created by Synapse-Censys. If updating from a version prior to v5.0.0, there is no effect.


  • Fix the v5.0.0 migration to remove all migrated inet:ssl:cert created by Synapse-Censys. Add another migration to perform the removal of these nodes if the v5.0.0 migration has already been performed.

v5.0.0 - 2024-09-04

Automatic Migrations

  • Migrate all inet:ssl:cert created by Synapse-Censys to inet:tls:servercert nodes. The migrated inet:ssl:cert nodes are removed by this migration.

Features and Enhancements

  • Update Power-Up to make inet:tls:servercert nodes instead of deprecated inet:ssl:cert nodes.

  • Update commands that accept inet:ssl:cert nodes as inputs to also accept inet:tls:clientcert and inet:tls:servercert nodes.

v4.7.0 - 2024-07-26

Features and Enhancements

  • Update certificate ingest to fallback to Censys provided values when FileParser fails to parse certificates with errors.

  • Populate additional crypto:x509:cert properties when using Censys provided data.

v4.6.0 - 2024-06-28

Features and Enhancements

  • Populate crypto:x509:cert:file property if there’s an associated file:bytes node.

  • Update ingest code to be more diligent about creating the -(seen)> light edge from the meta:source node.

  • Update ingest code to attempt replacing escaped dashes (\-) with dashes (-) in CPE strings to improve success rate.

v4.5.0 - 2024-06-19

Features and Enhancements

  • Add censys.hosts.names command to query DNS names for a given IP address.

  • Add --virtual option to in support of querying virtual hosts. Valid options are “include” and “only”.

  • Add warnings that log invalid CPE strings returned by the Censys API

v4.4.0 - 2024-05-20

Feature and Enhancements

  • Handle service_pending_removal events returned from Censys hosts history API. These event types are silently handled so a warning is not emitted.

v4.3.0 - 2024-04-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Update $lib.bytes usage with $lib.axon APIs.

  • Record raw data used to build inet:flow nodes in the :raw property.

v4.2.1 - 2024-02-20

Features and Enhancements

  • Update deprecated $lib.dict() usage to JSON style syntax.

v4.2.0 - 2023-11-27

Features and Enhancements

  • Added censys.hosts.history command to query Censys for historical host events.


  • Caching has been removed from the, censys.hosts.domain, censys.hosts.enrich,, censys.certs.enrich, and censys.certs.subdomains commands, so the --asof argument has been deprecated and will no longer have any effect.

This release contains an automatic cache cleanup that will run when the package is first upgraded. This will remove cached API response data from the jsonstor for commands which no longer perform caching.

v4.1.0 - 2023-10-11

Feature and Enhancements

  • Update censys.hosts.enrich to create crypto:key nodes for SSH key algorithm and SHA-256 fingerprint if available.

v4.0.0 - 2023-06-14

NOTE: This release will remove any cached Certificates 1.0 response data when installed.

Features and Enhancements

  • Update censys.certs.enrich and to use the Certificates 2.0 API.

  • Populate the rsa:key:bits property for RSA public keys associated with certificates.


  • Fix an issue where results for hosts did not populate crypto:x509:cert:rsa:key values.

v3.6.0 - 2023-04-18

Features and Enhancements

  • Mark the Synapse-FileParser dependency as optional.

  • Add --servers option to and censys.hosts.domain, which will yield created inet:server nodes instead of created IP nodes.

v3.5.0 - 2023-03-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Update Power-Up to build with code signing.

v3.4.0 - 2023-01-05

Features and Enhancements

  • Update hosts commands to create inet:ssl:jarmhash nodes if JARM data is available in the response.

v3.3.0 - 2022-09-28

Features and Enhancements

  • Update and to create it:exec:query nodes with -(found)> edges.

  • Add dependency requirements to package definition.

v3.2.1 - 2022-06-20


  • Fix broken link in User Guide.

v3.2.0 - 2022-05-12

Features and Enhancements

  • Cached API responses are now stored in the JsonStor instead of in nodedata.

v3.1.0 - 2022-03-02

Features and Enhancements

  • Add --time argument to censys.hosts.enrich command for querying historical host data.

  • Set inet:ipv4:asn property from censys.hosts.enrich command.

  • Add additional debug output to display raw JSON responses.

v3.0.0 - 2021-11-15

Features and Enhancements

  • Initial release of Synapse-Censys v3.0.0