
Vertex-Threat-Intel Changelog

v0.10.0 - 2024-05-22

Features and Enhancements

  • When linking to a country, filter geo:name nodes to only those that are set on a pol:country node.

v0.9.0 - 2024-04-01

Features and Enhancements

  • Display the risk:alert:engine name in the details panel.

v0.8.0 - 2024-02-20

Features and Enhancements

  • Add properties to alerts details: priority, severity, verdict.

  • Add properties to attacks details: detected, severity.

  • Add properties to compromises details: severity.

  • Add properties to industries details: names, type.

  • Add properties to software details: type.

  • Add properties to techniques details: type, sophistication.

  • Add properties to threat clusters details: active, country, sophistication, type.

  • Add properties to threat groups details: country.

  • Add properties to tools details: availability, sophistication, used.

  • Add properties to vulnerabilities details: exploited, mitigated, type.

  • Update deprecated $lib.dict() usage to JSON style syntax.


  • Fix an issue where autocomplete values could contain duplicates.

v0.7.0 - 2024-02-09

Features and Enhancements

  • Add risk:tool:software:type to the tool details panel.

v0.6.0 - 2023-11-22

Features and Enhancements

  • Display ou:goal:type and add alternate names.

  • Add goals tab for compromises.

  • Add risk:alert:type and the vulnerability CVE to alert details.


  • Update ou:goal search to use a pivot from ou:goalname.

v0.5.0 - 2023-10-19

NOTE: This release is considered Beta and may be subject to change.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add n-gram search results into autocomplete dialog boxes.


  • Update risk:vuln search to use a pivot from risk:vulnname.

v0.4.0 - 2023-07-05

NOTE: This release is considered Beta and may be subject to change.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add refresh button to search query bar.

  • Maintain search selection when switching back to a tab.

v0.3.0 - 2023-05-03

NOTE: This release is considered Beta and may be subject to change.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add the following props to attack details: type, success, targeted, sophistication.

  • Add the following props to campaign details: org:name, success, sophistication.

  • Add the following props to compromise details: type, lasttime. Also remove duration.

  • Add CVE property to vulnerability creation dialog, and deconflict by CVE and/or name.

  • When adding a relationship to a threat cluster add an option to also add the relationship to the threat group.

  • Add reporter prop to attacks, campaigns, compromises, and vulnerabilities.

  • Add impact tab to compromises.

  • Add primary tab for countries.

  • Add targeting sub-tabs for campaigns.

  • No longer automatically set campaign type to threat when created within the workflow.

  • Update boolean fields in details tabs to use a toggle.

  • Change the limit for the number of results in the main panel from 10,000 to 1,000.

  • Update search to use ou:campname instead of ou:campaign:name.

  • Mark the Synapse-Search dependency as optional.


  • Add link to external User Guide documentation.


  • Fix permissions example in the Admin Guide.

  • Remove embedded property fields from details that require multiple property deconfliction.

v0.2.0 - 2023-04-05

NOTE: This release is considered Beta and may be subject to change.

Features and Enhancements

  • Add tools secondary tab for software.

  • Add secondary tabs for countries targeted by threat groups and threat clusters.

  • Add “In the News” primary tab to attacks, campaigns, compromises, organizations, software, and threat groups.

  • Display type in campaign profile panel and automatically set to “threat” when new campaigns are created.

  • Add profile panel button to lift associated nodes for threat clusters and tools.

  • Run consistency checks in profile panel on-demand instead of repeated checking for “warnings”.


  • Use $lib.gen.orgHqByName to avoid creating duplicate ps:contact nodes.

v0.1.0 - 2023-02-06

NOTE: This release is considered Beta and may be subject to change.

Features and Enhancements

  • Initial release of the Vertex-Threat-Intel Power-Up